Just the Usual

Story by Sqorrel on SoFurry

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Typical day in a very open and sexual tribe of otters with few taboos.

This was my first attempt at writing over a decade ago :)

"Just the Usual"

Connor awoke in his wooden hutch, the sun streaming down through the small cracks in his roof. He blinked his deep crystalline emerald eyes while giving a stretch and yawn before standing to work a kink out of his tail, sleeping on it wrong during the night. His body is about four and a half feet tall, which is tall for his race, and covered in brown fur, except it lightened around his midsection down to his thighs. He ate the fish that smoked on a spit over a small fire, using his claws to cut a piece at a time till his belly became full, giving a deep churr of satisfaction and lick across his muzzle. He rose, still wearing leather bands at his biceps and at his knees, some carrying precious stones, and some feather for the various exotic birds in the area. Both males and females adorn themselves with necklaces and others things on their wrists, tails, ankles, arms and legs which they often use to trade.

Stepping out into the open, the warm air swirled around him as the rest of the tired feelings seemed to drift away as it ruffled his fur. The village was going about its regular activities while he walked down the dirt path toward the marketplace. He saw his friends along the way sharing some time with a few of the village females. Mating in public is a common thing for Connor's tribe, being the playful and open race that they are.

Though the otters are timid about the public knowledge of their village, they are very outgoing, and yes, playful. They are also very open to others, seemingly oblivious to other customs. They wear no clothing, except maybe a loincloth in some situations other than with each other. They greet people with body contact, which is a big part of relations. They show friendship with touches, rubs, even gropes. They are nonviolent and have an overall cheery personality, though if threatened, they are capable of vicious attacks. There is no currency used, only trade of different goods among them. The otters are very sexually oriented and mating can take place just about anywhere in the village. It is also can be very public; mating can be in the open of the marketplace or at the hot springs.

Connor soon found himself standing before a rough wooden table featuring gems and small charms, looking over what was offered before selecting a small emerald stone on a leather chord.

"This will be perfect!" He smiled, dropping a sapphire onto the table in trade. He bid the female at the stand goodbye and began walking toward the lake.

It was a hot summer day; the sky was a clear blue with the warm smell of wood and pine in the air. He loved the summer, though the heat could easily be avoided by a nice long swim. He stopped for a moment to smooth out the brown fur covering his well toned body, a few others walked past him, on their way back from the hot springs. Hmm... The springs would feel great later, after he was done repairing the damage done to his hutch from the recent storm that is. There are two areas of hot springs, divided by dense forest and underbrush. They also separate the sexes at the springs, the males go to one and the females go to the other for relaxation and socialization, away from the opposite sex.

He was looking forward to meeting Chislah, but stopped in his tracks, hearing a soft cry ahead, it was definitely Chis. He took a few steps closer to the sounds and peeks his head around a thick trunked tree, the heavy scent of female arousal meeting his black nose, enticing a churr from him. His eyes landed on Chis and his friend, Lanna... Chislah sat with her head rolled back, a look of pleasure spread over her face while Lanna knelt between her open legs, her pink tongue slithering over the wet mound. The sight made Connor grin, walking toward the oblivious pair, noticing Chis' moans becoming more frequent. Lanna's tail was raised into air as she delved into Chis' quivering flesh, offering a nice view to what was below, the pink, glistening mound of an aroused female.

Connor walked to the pair unnoticed and knelt behind Lanna, slipping his hard, fleshy member into the near heat of her body. A delighted gasp rose from between Chis' spread legs, who gave a smile and slow wink over Lanna's sprawled body. He started with slow, even movements, but quickly gained pace with the growing heat between the three of them. Chis' hips were arching from the ground to Lanna's muzzle, whose tongue was stroking and playing along the inner walls, the cold nose pressed against Chis' swollen clit. This only caused to stimulate her further. Connor held tightly to lanna's hips while he bucked his thick member deep into her shuddering body, giving small grunts with each wonderful entrance.

The pressure built in Connor's loins, like a dam ready to burst... until he simply could not hold back anymore, his climax sending him into waves of pleasure, giving one or two powerful thrusts while he spills his hot seed into Lanna's small body. Her prickled senses are soon pushed over the edge as the heat fills her innermost parts, causing her mou1nd to quiver and clench tightly around the thick flesh implanted in her body, crying out into Chis' steaming mound, who soon began to writhe in her own orgasmic bliss....

They managed to regain their senses some time later, their breath heavy and raspy, letting the breeze cool their bodies. Connor finally sat up, rubbing his furred brow. "wow" was just about all he could say. Sure he had done this with other girls previous times before, but this time it was different, Lanna had a way to manipulate her inner muscles that just made him feel... "wow"

"I couldn't agree more." Chislah breathed as she dropped her head in his lap, reaching to absently toy with a lock of hair that hung over his eyes. Lanna was content to curl into a black furry ball and sleep in the shade of the large willow. A light churr soon arose minutes later.

Connor let out a chuckle, dropping a padded paw to stroke and caress the firm furred mounds on Chis' chest. His kind always had some sort of body contact when talking with close friends, it was a way to 'get to know' each other a little better. "It's getting a little warm for me, why don't we head over to the lake and clean up?"

She gave a sharp churp of agreement and hopped up to her feet, raising her arms above her head in a stretch of a being twice her size even though she was barely over four feet and all. "Good idea! the fur around my thighs is beginning to pull" She giggled.

With that they charged out into the lake, taking a dive into the cool water, it seeming to give them the energy they lost during their activities. They swam about in the murky water, teasing and swirling around one another and others that were out on the lake that day. The two surfaced, laughing and generally being the playful otters that they were.

"Oh! I completely forgot about your gift!" Connor suddenly realized he left the emerald back beside the tree.

Chislah giggled, letting her fingers leave small trails in the wet fur at his chest. "You got me a gift?"

Connor gave a wink and scrambled from the water, while his feet kicked the sand up behind him. He passed the still sleeping Lanna as he took up the leather chord, giving her a light, playful swat with his thick tail, leaving her chittering with annoyance at her rude awakening. Connor managed to avoid the pebbles and clumps of dirt hurled at him, laughing all the way back to the lake's shore where chis stood, waiting with eager eyes.

"Here you are, Chis!" He held the emerald in his palms, his muzzle spread in an odd grin.

"Oh, Connor..." She took the large stone, her wide liquid blue eyes, studying every edge. "I love it!" She giggled and pounced at Connor, tumbling with him to the ground, hugging his body tightly and smooching his face. "Thank you so much!"

"You're welcome, I thought it would be perfect for you." Connor smiled, fighting off the affections of the happy female. "Here, let me put it on for you..." He sat up, laying the emerald at the top of the valley between her silky furred breasts, tying it behind her neck while she held her hair aside. "There... you see? Perfect!"

Chis turned to look at her reflection in the water, giving a giggle. He was right, it did look good on her... it stood out from the other things she wore on various parts of her body. "Thanks again, you were always a sweetie." She flashed a smile, a playful glint in her crystalline eyes. With a quick kiss, she began to travel her way down his body, lips kissing the muscles under the downy fur at his chest as she lowered still, kissing his navel, teasing it with her tongue on her way down his strong belly.

Her muzzle dropped to his groin, nose bumping against the heavy male sheath, causing shivers to course through his tensed furred body, followed by a deep rumbling churrrr. Chis giggled as her eyes focused on the pink flesh peeked from its hiding place, flicking her silky tongue over it, enticing another gasp from Connor. More and more of the growing flesh rose from its sheath, only to be enveloped into the warmth of Chis' mouth, using her nimble tongue to slither over the throbbing shaft. Connor moaned softly, working his furry digits through her head fur.

She began a slow, almost teasing motion and pulled back to suckle the bulbous tip, then engulfed his entire member, right down to the base. Her sharp little teeth just barely grazed his sensitive flesh, enough to make him tremble, the exquisite sensations screaming through his body. Connor's breath came in short, sputtered gasps with soft growls of pleasure escaped his lips as the increasing speed of her movements sent him towards that peak of pleasure. Her tongue is ever-present against his member, circling slowly over the moist tip. Connor couldn't keep the urge to buck his hips down any longer and drove his shaft into the warm muzzle of the talented female kneeling before him.

Chislah continued the assault on Connor's throbbing erection until he gave a sharp and rather loud gasp, causing his body to arch one last time as the orgasmic spasms coursed through his body. She held him fast while the hard flesh throbbed and spilt its thick fluid into her waiting muzzle. As the sensations quieted, Connor stepped back, his member leaving the warm enclosure with an audible pop, his legs a bit weak.

"I guess you really do like your gift!" Connor chuckled while smoothing out his fur near his nether regions.

Chis gave a giggle and stood to face him, licking her lips clean. "Well I have to let you know how much I appreciate it." They both laughed and hugged each other firmly before saying their goodbyes and going their separate ways.

It was sometime later that day and Connor was on the roof of his hutch, just finishing patching the holes that needed it and such. He wiped his hands clean and hopped down onto the soft turf, his fur damp in some areas with perspiration. He walked into his hutch and knelt at his basin, splashing water over his face and muzzle, wiping down his chest, belly, underarms, and just about everything else. He looked over himself and smiled, feeling all clean...and the need for a nap. He flopped down onto his pile of furs and quickly began to snooze, though not much later he felt something warm on the sole of his foot. He was to tired to do much else than wiggle his toes to fend off whatever it was. But it didn't stop and soon the warm thing enveloped one of his toes. Connor finally was conscious enough to sit up and investigate, only to find his friend Nik sucking on his toes and a huge grin on his ruddy colored face.

Connor laughed and allowed him to continue, knowing Nik loved feet, and he didn't mind the attention either. Nik murred softly, nuzzling between Connor's feet and inhaled deeply, savoring their clean scent. He lapped his tongue over the leathery pads, moving from heel to toe several times, it was obvious he was rather good at it. Connor sighed softly and closed his eyes as Nik's attentions relaxed his whole body. This wasn't the first time he the dark red otter had done this, having been friends for quite some time; Nik has always liked doing this for him, and Connor always willing.

At the moment he was suckling on Connor's toes, murring deeply all the while, another soon joining in above him, letting him know he was doing wonderfully. Nik continued, tongue swirling over and between the large toes while his muzzle warmed them. He smiled when each wiggling digit was taken care of and crawled up Connor's body, settling upon him.

"Like that?" Nik grinned and nuzzled into his friends neck, offering up a soft churrr.

Connor opened his eyes and smiled up at the dark red colored otter and stroked behind his ears "Like always, Nik, that felt amazing!"

Nik beamed proudly, though seeming a bit anxious about something, causing Connor to cock his head in curiosity. He soon figured out why, and was unsurprised to feel the exposed member poking at his creamy toned belly.

"hmm, I'd almost think you liked that as much as me, if not more so." Connor chuckled and caressed the pink flesh with the backs of his fingers, Nik shuddering in response above him.

"Well..." He smirked, the soft fur feeling nice against him "I was planning on finding me a female, but since I'm here..." He let it hang a moment, but Connor knew what he wanted and was all too eager to accept.

He lifted his hip a few inches and slid his tail aside with a grin, letting Nikal take the invitation almost instantly, the tip of his engorged member soon finding its mark and slipping inside Connor's inner most depths in one fluid motion. The sensations both experience are incredible, sending shivers through the both of them as they remain still to savor them. Soon though, Nikal becomes too eager to remain still and begins to withdraw from the warm body below him. Much to Connor's enjoyment, his inner muscles squeezing the thick intruder tightly, which offered even more pleasurable resistance for the moaning otters.

Connor groaned deeply at the fullness he felt within him, wrapping his legs about Nikal's waist to aid him in his movements, toes clenched tightly with the pleasure pulsing through him. He began to yelp each time as the slippery member pressed against the lump along his inner walls of the flexing canal. Nik was loving every moment as well, the sensations that were coming from between his legs were indescribable, the effect of Connor's clenching muscles, the extreme tightness and the very scent of his friend below him, all adding to the building excitement welling up in him as he sped his body along.

Connor lifted his hips to meet every thrust, panting rapidly in effort to maintain the increasingly grueling pace with his eyes closed tightly in focus, legs now arching high into the air with the inevitable climax which was approaching fast for the two of them.

Nikal was hit first, crying out with a loud whimper and a violent shudder, causing his thrusts to become jerky and sporadic as he erupted with nearly two pints of the sticky seed into Connor's furry behind, followed by one long moan. All of which sets a chain reaction into Connor, feeling the warmth fill his lower body sending him over the edge as his pink cock began to twitch and empty the contents of his tightened sack into a pool on his tensed belly in thick, long spurts while his body arched and writhed along with the otter above him. Then, they came crashing back to earth...

The afterglow wrapped around them a few seconds later, followed by soft satisfied murrs which filled the small hutch. Nik was already asleep, collapsed on top of his friend with his now flaccid member sliding into his sheath. Connor glanced upward, seeing it was now evening and yawned as he felt the seed trickle out of him, a bit sleepy himself.

"I guess I'll clean up later." He thought to himself, giving a lick to his friend's muzzle as his eyelids became heavy, drifting off into sleep, finally getting the nap he was after. It was a typical day for Connor, although a very good one, typical nonetheless.