To Catch a Tiger

Story by FakeMan on SoFurry

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Warning: This is a work of erotic fiction. The eroticism within is bizarre, twisted, and not meant for anyone who can be offended by anything. Please do not read this if it would be illegal for you to do so, or if you are under the age of 18; otherwise you may find yourself mentally scarred for life.

To Catch a Tiger

It wasn't a bad job necessarily. His employer was one of those wealthy aestheticists, a "collector of that worth collecting" as he put it so succinctly. However; it was below a man of his wealth and stature to actually verify the validity of his own potential acquisitions. . .

That was where Gil came in. Go meet people, take pictures of their supposed marvels, inspect the veracity of their claim, and return with a full report. It was a bizarre job what with taking a transatlantic to see a three headed tortoise in Zanzibar, to documenting the desiccated remains of what was supposedly the asp that Cleopatra used to end her life.

But this week's assignment made Gil particularly uneasy. He'd been to many a freak-show, but apparently his mark today could think, reason, and talk all of its own accord. That, and his Chinese was awful, which made getting around in this neck of the world very difficult. He had various notes in his camera-bag, and he knew which lines to point at to get him where he wanted to go.

About an hour away from the city by rickshaw (what a way to travel), he got to the place he was looking for. A huge wooden pleasure house that seemed to mix the best of eastern an western architecture; hip and gable roof, carved pillars, and ostentatious red and gold paint, all surrounded by a very Victorian cast iron fence.

As he dismounted and tried to tell his cab-boy to wait (unsuccessfully), he pulled his camera bag over his shoulders, straightened his suspenders, and adjusted his pork-pie hat. He strode across a stone pathway surrounded by orchids and well groomed pines before reaching the door and rapping against it smartly with his knuckles, note at the ready. A panel in the door slid back with the noise of wood against wood, revealing a pair of dark almond eyes. He shrugged and pushed the note nonchalantly through.

The door opened revealing a Chinese woman in a tight but well fashioned dress. Her thin eyebrow raised as she looked over his no nonsense attire. Then she led him up a dim flight of wooden stairs, oil lamps burning dimly at regular intervals. They passed a myriad of doors carved carefully with all manner of stylized animals, each painted a different vivid color.

She opened the off-green door of the tiger silently, inviting him in to the dim atrium, a small room with a box for shoes, with a yellow trimmed wooden door in front of him. He looked at her questioningly, but all she did was motion for him to take off his shoes. Watching him with appraising eyes, she looked on as he carefully unlaced and slid off his impeccably shined shoes, marred only by the dust of a day's travel. His sock covered feet creaked against the wood floor as he stepped up to the door, and the silent woman closed the room behind him.

Taking a deep breath he turned the knob and the door slid forward on well oiled hinges. The room's interior was well lit, windows open to a magnificent view. Heavy silk tapestries adorned the wall and a magnificent bronze censor fill the air with the cloying scent of Jasmine. The back half of the room was blocked off by a magnificent folding screen adorned with one of those curiously flat Chinese landscapes that had become so popular. His eyes were scanning over the magnificent work when a voice interrupted his thoughts.

"May I help you, Mr. . . ?" a husky voice drifted out from behind the screen.

"Ahh, you speak English, good." he said relieved. "Call me Gil, please."

"Surely, Mr. Gil," the voice rose from behind the marvelous screen. "And what is your business here?" the sultry voice hung in the scented air.

"My employer has gotten wind that you keep some kind of strange beast here, and he sent me to ascertain the validity of these claims." He replied matter-of-factly.

"Oh," the voice chuckled. "And what kind of beast is it?"

"A Tiger Lady of sort."

"Well, then allow me to show you this strange beast."

"If you would be so kin . . ." Gil paused as the voice's owner stepped out from behind the screen. At first the orange and black made him think of a fur coat, but his jaw dropped as the the figure revealed itself. Powerful paw-like feet splayed over the floor, silken stripes of fur, orange black and white covered her from head to toe. Blunt paw-like hands had black leathery pads, bared breasts with a tuft of fur between them, a lashing tail, and a tiger's head smiling at him coyly. She wore only a dress like garment, in the Chinese green-gold hue, fastened around her waist, slitted on the sides and in the back, letting her tail twitch mischievously. Her fur was a golden orange with jet stripes that faded to a downy white on her belly. Great tufts of fur rested on either side of her head and her feline muzzle ended in a soft pink nose.

"I err. . . uhh . . ." Gil stammered before composing himself. He had seen all kinds of weird beasts in his travels: Lizards with twelve legs, and goats with massive golden horns. But anything this perfect was always a sham of some sort. He raised his brow skeptically as the tiger seemed to enjoy his discomfort.

The latch on his bag clicked as he drew out his camera. "So, you're it eh?"

"You learn so quickly," she replied sardonically, whiskers stretching forward, furry arms crossing.

"I'll need to take some pictures please," Gil said officiously, squinting through his camera, and adjusting the lens methodically.

"Oh please, you don't believe I'm real?" She queried, gesturing at her silken body melodramatically.

"In my line of work it helps to be a skeptic ma'am," He replied curtly. "And in all my travels anything that looks this perfect can't possibly be real."

"And you think taking pictures will help?" she replied stepping towards him, shoulders shrugged.

"No Ma'am. Taking pictures will get me payed." He sad backing up and trying to focus as she moved towards him.

"Does this feel fake?" she asked in mock indignation, resting a broad paw against his chest.

"Prosthetics or just a costume?" he replied tersely, looking down and winding his camera.

"Ohh, dear Mr. Gil, you wound me," she shot back, paws entwining themselves in his red suspenders.

"Ma'am, let's keep this professional. I'm on a schedule." He nonchalantly replied. Her paws were warm though, he'd give them that. He'd seen better jobs though.

She pulled back, hands tensing as sharp claws made short work of his suspenders. "Your words cut me to the quick Mr Gil. Allow me to return the favor." her blacked lipped mouth was inches from his head. "Cameras can only tell you so much." she reveled in his shocked expression, mouth agape. "Perhaps you need a more tactile inspection." she quipped, hand shooting up to his mouth, two padded, furred fingers slipping inside with inhuman swiftness before he could even react.

"Mrmmmpf!"He felt the soft suede of the paws against his tongue, and the rougher fur that tasted of wet sand. He shook his head and began to bite down angrily.

He felt two razor sharp talons press into his pallet, twin lances of pain causing him to wince. "Tut tut Mr. Gil. Surely you know that kitties have claws?" She grinned, black lips revealing very convincing fangs. Her free hand-paw tugged down causing his pants and drawers both to pool down to the ground around his feet.

"Convinced yet Mr. Gil?" she posited mockingly, fingers sliding,sodden, from his mouth.

"Pfft," he spat. "An aggressive charlatan just has more to hide," he said crossly, stepping back, only to find himself cornered.

"Then you must need a closer look" the Tiger said, pressing her muzzle forward, pink tongue pushing forcefully into his mouth, and running across his clenched teeth.

He could feel the rough tongue run over his gums convincingly as he winced.

She could tell the stoic skeptic was not going to open up and so she embraced the man, paws clasped against the thin white shirt on his back. One slid down, tearing the fabric slowly before it rested on the man's exposed ass cheek, leaving a trail of Gil's own spit. Her middle digit ran down between the cheeks, until it rested against the clenched hole it found there.

Gil's brow furrowed angrily as the padded finger started to rub small gentle circles against his anus, smearing it with his own spittle. He wanted to yell, but didn't dare unclench his jaw due to the prowling prickly tongue.

He failed.

The furry finger circled teasingly one last time and then slid inside of him sensuously, passage eased by his own fluids. His mouth opened in a yelp of pain that was quickly subsumed by the beast's long tongue pushing past his teeth. He felt the smooth salty underside of the tiger's tongue as the roof of his mouth was rasped by the rough part. How did one change their tongue to be so rough and long and . . . dexterous . . .

The finger inside of him twisted uncomfortably deeper. He could feel her other fingers splayed out on his ass, claws gripping his flesh as the center digit wriggled further. His ass clenched trying to expel the sudden intrusion, but to no avail. The sandpapery tongue pushed further past his gums tickling the back of his throat as the tiger began to purr into him. He brought up his hands and pushed against her shoulders, but her free hand grabbed the back of his head, claws combing through his hair as she pulled his head against her muzzle, whiskers tickling his cheeks, warm ample breasts pressed against his chest.

Her finger finally found the place it was searching for, she felt his tight walls squeezing desperately at her wayward digit, and wriggled it teasingly. Rumbling, she lashed his mouth one last time with her rasping tongue, drawing her head back and fixing his wide eyes with her cool amber stare.

"What In God's Name!?" Gil demanded, "do you think you are . . . Nnnnnnngh!"

She pushed into that perfect spot inside of him, grinning. Electric jolts of pleasure flashed through his body and he was hard in half a heartbeat. His hands clenched involuntarily into her thick, soft fur.

"Look lady," he said desperately, "I'm just Ohhggggggh."

He was cut off as she began to pulse her finger inside of him, causing his cock to bob sympathetically, pre beginning to leak down his rock hard length. "What was that sweetie?" she teased.

"I gotta . . ." He trailed off hands clenching as he was dragged dangerously close to a climax by the pulsing paw. His body tensed. He needed release.

"You gotta?" she inquired, licking a bead of sweat off his brow.

"God, just lemme Aggggh."

"Oh, is that what you want? You naughty little boy," she teased. "You want that? Already?" she smiled, pausing before shoving hard with her finger embedded within his twisting walls.

"Yessssss" He hissed as his balls clenched and a bead of pre dribbled out of his cock. He began bucking his hips violently, feeling the warm paw-pad shove within him, sweet release finally here.

"Buuuut," She smirked as he moaned, running her hand down his chest, popping off his buttons with her sharp claws. Her paw wrapped around his pulsing member, and then grasped the throbbing head between thumb and forefinger. "Not yet," she said, squeezing; cutting off his sweet release before it truly began. "If you want me to scratch your back, you'll have to scratch mine first."

His entire body clenched "Please!" He shouted. "I'll do anything!" but his pulsing orgasm died, leaving only a burning desire in its wake. "Just tell me . . .I need to." He fumbled for words, professionalism long forgotten.

"I just want to help you out honey," she said as she removed her hand from his member, letting a bead of pre escape to roll down his shaft. "Let's get you some personal experience so that you can 'verify' how real I am." The hand behind him tensed and pulled it's padded finger out of his ass with a burning pop that left him feeling strangely empty.

His desperate face looked up to her pleadingly. She grabbed his cheeks, pulling his cute face between her breasts. "Suck," She commanded coyly. He Rubbed his head between the soft white fur of her bosom, and took her left nipple into his unsure mouth. "Harder," she suggested, pulling his face roughly against her.

One of his hands subconsciously drifted towards his bobbing member as he suckled at her lush soft pink teat. Before it ever reached its destination her massive paws left the sides of his head and scooped up his arms.

"Tut tut," she said with mock disapproval. "Do you really think you can help yourself?" she murred as he nipped her nipple in his teeth, running her tongue through his rough brown hair. "You'd be disappointed," she stated grabbing his white shirt and tugging down with enough force to rip the torn garment in two, using one half to wipe the sweat and spittle off of her fingers.

"Now let's get started," she purred. Her pawed hands slid up his ribs to rest on his defined pectorals. Her claws slid out and prickled lightly over his skin, pricking, sliding, and pricking again, never spilling a drop of blood.

Then she grabbed the taut skin and began squeezing it in her strong hands, leather pads dragging sensuously across his skin as she massaged him roughly. The myriad pin pricks that she had left caught fire, he moaned against her hard nipple in his mouth. Soft white fur sprouted up from around his nipples and pooled outwards as it gained fluffy density.

Her hands paused and grabbed his head firmly, pulling it from her left breast to her right. He licked at the new nipple and began to suckle with fervor, his penis still pulsing, demanding that unfelt climax that it never had. He needed her to get that sweet gushing release. He needed her to be happy with him.

Her kneading hands returned to their work, pawing over his chest like a cat scratching at a blanket before it curled up and took a nap. With each cute shove and prod his chest swelled, nipples expanding as they plumped up. She grabbed the forming mounds and pushed, rolling them against his chest as they became pert and tender. He stopped sucking to moan as she tweaked his nipples and the silken white fur ran up to a plume below his neck, and down to just above his navel.

He moaned as she finished, sharp claws raking through his soft fur as she slowly pulled back. Eyes wide his hands moved up to cover his chest.

"What!?" He whined. "Oh god it feels so real," his tongue licked across his chops as he squeezed, hands running through his own downy fur.

"So you would say that these are genuine?" she queried, hands cupping her own breasts teasingly.

He nodded, blushing as he grasped his own breasts gently.

"Then let's move on," the tiger finished brusquely, grabbing one of his hands and dragging him along to behind the screen, her tail twitching behind her eagerly. A magnificent canopied bed rested there, its plush sheets bright shades of red and yellow silk.

Gil tried to collect his wits. "Are you, Am I . . . a tigress?" he asked, trying to think past the cloud of passion in his head, and between his legs.

"Of course not silly." She replied snippily. "I'm just a tiger." She patted the bed and motioned for him to sit. "You're nothing yet," she waggled a finger as he sat with a muffled thud. "You may want to stroke my ears . . ." she guided his hands to her soft downy head, and knelt before him.

"Like . . . this?" he asked meekly rubbing the velveteen ears in soft circles. She only purred in reply, rubbing a soft finger up the side of his pulsing cock, causing a shiver to run down his spine, before sliding her hands downwards. Strong paws grabbed his feet and spread his legs. She wriggled her fingers, pushing them between his toes and flexing passionately.

"These things have always seemed so silly," she began as his toes started bulging. "So soft, not at all attractive," she continued as orange fur began to creep up between his growing digits. "Let's give you something nicer, more suitable." her hands squeezed as soft leather pads bulged into existence against her own. "attractive and . . . practical" She finished as his nails sharpened and pulled sinuously back into their fur obscured sheaths.

He gasped as his new tiger's toes wriggled in new sensations, and she waited for him to continue rubbing her flicking ears before grabbing one of his legs and running both of her paws up and down it, sharp claws scraping gently, smooth pads pressing firmly, and silken fur sliding like a whisper across his flesh. She pulled at his feet, they crackled as they lengthened, paws splaying out below the new length as his ankles softened and pulled into taut strong joints.

The fur grew in layer after layer. Orange, black, orange, black, as she stroked his legs coaxing it upwards. She rubbed his calves as they condensed slightly, and pawed at his thighs as they bulged with feline muscles. His skin hung more loosely as its beautiful feline color grew in; inner thighs fading to a creamy white as his new paw toes wriggled and he pulled back his head in pleasure, making a murr of appreciation. The fur climbed down to his backside, fluffy black and orange adding a layer of sensitivity between him and the silk bed below him.

She released his legs and he stretched them, toes splayed, claws grasping at the air before lowering them to the floor. He could feel the rough grain of the wood on his sensitive pads, and his hands sifted through the soft fur of his thighs while the skin underneath rippled with the new sensation.

"But this isn't 'real' yet is it?" she asked rhetorically. "Be a dear and turn over now," her hands helped him up, and let his elbows rest on the bed, furry backside presented.

"Like this?" he began uncertainly, his thoughts muddled .

"Oh yes, very nice." she began, making him blush. "But we are missing something very important here." He felt her hand rest just above his still human anus. Her tail brushed around and batted him in the face toyingly. "You like this?" she teased, brushing it's fluffy length past his new breasts.

"Ahhhhh, a. . . .a tail?" He stammered. "But that's, that's not human . . ."

"Honey," she said with tender reproach "what are you?"

"I'm a . . ." He looked down at his white furred breasts, "Tigress?" his mind was racing to keep up, it made sense, that's what he had to be.

"No, no, no." She purred out, "Your a tiger, just like me."

"A tiger?"

"That's right sweetie. And do tigers have tails?" she asked leadingly.

"Yes, they do; but I don't know where . . ." he was panicked, had he lost his tail?

"Don't worry, let me help you find it" She rumbled as her finger began once again circling his tight anus, still slick from his own saliva.

The man's mind was forming more questions, but they shattered as the finger entered him again. The first time had been painful, this time it was sensuous, and she only pressed just past his quivering opening. The finger inside of him was pulling up, and the paw of the thick thumb outside was squeezing down against it. Together they caught the flesh just below his tailbone, from inside and out, and pinched it together, rubbing firmly, sensuously.

His eyes widened in surprise as there was a cracking noise, and her fingers pulled back, out of his clenching passage, but still somehow clenched a wriggling part of his body. He yelled in pained pleasure as she gave the protrusion a sharp tug. Her finger returned to rest on his anus and rubbed the opening roughly, it quivered as the tail lengthened. He shivered as fur blossomed up his twitching length, and dared to glance back, seeing the Tiger pulling a short twitching tail banded in brazen orange and jet jerking longer with each yank.

He could feel every snap and pop as his spine lengthened, and sinewy muscles bulged at the base, causing his anus to stretch horizontally and twitch against the thumb rubbing small circles against it. Soon she grinned gave one last mischievously hard tug, and he yipped as she let his tail go and watched his scrumptious ass sway as the banded length coiled and whipped about, free for the first time. He was hypnotized by the serpentine motions that he controlled, like an arm with no joints, covered in beautiful fluff. He almost forgot about his feline companion until a sultry throat clearing brought him back from his sensuous revelry.

"Well, are these legs authentic? Is this tail made of cardboard and strings?" She asked, her tail brushing against his cock, still hard, stoking the fires of lust that had been dimmed by wonder. Her eyes traced up his sexy legs.

"Fine! They're real." He spat out, almost angry again. "What do you want!?"

"Me?" she replied almost feigning innocence. "What you you want dearie?" She posed with black lips curled up in a smile. "You wanted these," she grabbed her breasts, running her long tongue against one as she never looked away from his eyes. "And this" she continued, stroking her soft paws along her long tail suggestively. An inadvertent moan escaped the man's lips as he watched the perfect body before him.

"I know you wanted these," she stretched her legs, claws scraping small divots into the wood floor. "Now do you want this?" Her hands stroked over her head, rubbing the soft fur under her chin, brushing past her long whiskers fondling her ears and sucking on one of her own clawed fingers. She moved her head inches from his stunned face "Do you?"

"Yes," he whispered.

In an instant she was on him, strong arms wrapping around him, drawing him in, pressing their breasts together. Her tongue slipped into his slightly open mouth, long and rough, it began to lick past the ridges of his teeth. Behind him her claws scratched lovingly up his back, he could feel fur rising to meet their caresses, she grabbed handfuls of it and pulled gently as his skin settled loosely. His tongue sought hers as it lapped over his teeth over and over. He was surprised to find points in his mouth where there had been none previously, growing longer with each rasping, loving lap.

Her hands spread the thick fur up to his shoulders, rubbing them in a tight massage as they grew stronger, less bulky, but more sinuous. The clawed paws then grasped his head and pulled it against her own. His eyes closed as the tongue pushed, so far, even past the back of his throat, writhing and scraping as she purred. He felt himself pushing back against her, her pink nose puffing against his cheek, further and further away, as his muzzle lengthened, jaws cracking.

One hand rubbed under his fleshy chin, and white fur began to spread over the bulging skin as his tongue entwined with her own. He felt his clumsy tongue become longer, wider, flatter; an infinitely more finessed organ. When the top side became rough, their tongues would almost stick to each-other, sliding apart with rough passionate slowness as her tongue slid past his lengthening fangs, out from his blackening lips.

The snowy fur dribbled down his neck to reach and mingle with the brilliant white between his pert breasts. Her pink rasp now lapped against his nose as it pushed to the front of the growing feline muzzle. Orange velvet grew along the top, and the front became a puffing wet pink leathery nose. He could smell everything. The deep sandy smell of her fur, the smooth yet acrid arousal of her feminine sex, and something else, something musky that made his mouth water.

Grasping the man's ears, the Tiger rubbed and pulled as they expanded, migrating to the top of his head, as half of his slick black hair lightened into orange stripes, and all of it became plush and silken. His ears twitched as tufts of protective hair burst from the inside, tickling maddeningly as sounds came into sharp directional relief.

Her tongue combed through the short fur on the sides of his catty muzzle, dragging out long white whiskers that twitched inquisitively, feeling her in a new way. She ran her hands loving all over his thickly furred head, and let her tongue slip one last time into his thin black lipped mouth, past his fearsome teeth, before pulling back and smiling, watching the man open his tiger's eyes of blazing amber with pupils as black as pitch.

"Can you see me?" She asked. "Am I real?"

The man's tongue licked over his pink nose instinctively. "I can see you . . . I hope you're real." His new mouth made his words husky. Seductive even to his own ears.

"If you don't want to trust your eyes then feel me" she took up his small human hands in her massive paws and brought them to her fluffy cheeks. She guided his hands along her face, past her prickly whiskers, over her soft moist nose, through the soft fur of her head to her flickering ears. His fingers bulged as the sensations came into sharper focus.

He moved his hands with his own volition, down past the silky tuft of her chest, across her squeezablely soft breasts with pink hardening nipples. Around to the thick fur of her back, and all the way down the lashing length of her tail. Suede soft pads sprouted on his fingers and palms as his hands pulsed larger, orange and black fur growing from between his now blunt fingers and spreading upwards.

His new paws ran down her legs, claws lovingly raking her flesh as the fur wound it's way up to his elbows in alternating stripes. Down to her large foot-paws he slid, feeling between every toe as the soft fur enveloped his biceps. He stroked up her legs, passing the smooth white fur of her inner thighs as his shoulders were completely subsumed in orange and black fluff.

Drunk with sensation, his hands continued upwards, between her legs. He felt her quivering femininity, and smelled it. As he brushed past her sensitive clitoris she purred a throaty rumble. But he brushed against something else. Something soft and warm, dangling, suspended . . .

"You're a naughty boy," she purred as he drew his hand back in shock. "I told you I'm not a Tigress," she said, unbuttoning her dress and drawing it off with a sweeping motion. "Just a tiger."

His eyes widened, mouth agape in feline shock. Two large orange furry orbs hung between her legs, with a white furred feline sheath above it. A sharp pink prick poked out the top of it, looking completely inhuman, ridges of hairlike spines around its moistly glistening tip.

"You're . . . a man!?" he began incredulously.

"I told you, I'm just a tiger," she said turning around, lifting her lashing tail and giving him a view if her wet pink feminine lips. Her anus stretched as her tail moved provocatively, The man was confused. His cock still throbbed below him, completely human, but this . . . thing, was so alluring, he didn't know how to react. His hand reached down to grab his throbbing member, his mere touch eliciting a spurt of pre.

"Now what did I tell you about doing that?" she said pushing him back on to the bed with a firm shove. His hands flew down to catch himself as he landed on the silk sheets with a cute growl. Grasping his furry armpits, she pushed him all the way on to the bed, pulling herself on to him, brushing herself over his drooling member. She sat on his chest with her tight warm balls just under his ample breasts, tail lashing between his thighs behind her.

"Follow me," she said as she turned over, powerful legs spreading to either side of his chest. Her tail waggled against his face as her large testicles were inches from his panting nose, the scent was an enticing sandy musk. He tried to think straight, but his concentration was demolished as she bent down between his spread legs, leaned over past his dripping member, and rasped her wet warm tongue across his testes.

He released a roar of pleasure, and his tongue shot out nearly of its own accord brushing against her taut sack which quivered in pleasure at the contact. Below, she scraped her tongue across the sensitive loose skin of his scrotum over and over again, the sagging flesh tightened, growing more and more taut with each stroke.

Burying his nose into her testicles he inhaled her musk, and than began to match her stroke for stroke, mussing the short soft orange fur with his feline spittle. His own balls began to swell, pulsing with each stroke, growing more spherical and infinitely more sensitive as a thin layer of orange fuzz grew under her careful lapping.

He yowled as she took his balls into her mouth, sensitive flesh next to pearly sharp fangs. Her lips pursed and she sucked, with maddening intensity. The man's hands raked the silk sheets under him to ribbons as he drew them back, hissing in pleasure as his testes seethed and boiled larger, the pressure unbearable. Her soft mouth pressed closer as his balls filled it, swelling spherically as she sucked sensuously.

With a smack of her lips, she let the orbs tumble out of her muzzle. They jostled, bulging in their sack, tight, taut, throbbing, frosted with orange fuzz, and undeniably feline; just like her own. She purred as she dragged her tongue past them, looking at the patch of pink that was left in the sea of white fur behind his changed balls.

She shifted her hindquarters, pushing her glistening pussy directly into his nearly overloaded nose, which twitched at the sharp scent. His mouth watered, as he felt her shift her focus below him. Raising up a paw, she rubbed at the thin strip of pink flesh with a smooth paw pad. Rumbling, she let her claw slide out from its sheath, letting the tip of the claw rest at the bottom of the hairless cleft. Then, tenderly, she sank it into his flesh.

He snarled in pain, but there was no blood. The skilled tiger slid her claw upwards, tugging, unzipping the flesh as it went, sides pulling into wet pink lips, that quivered around her claw. As she reached the top she grasped the wildly sensitive pliable skin and rolled it between her fingers, the man gasped as sensations exploded below him. She purred and fingered his new clit, smiling mischievously.

The brush of whiskers and a puff of hot breath were his only warnings before her rough tongue pushed into him. His fresh femininity clenched as he groaned, and his virgin passage was pushed wider and deeper by the rough pink rasp. The spines of her tongue seemed to set his senses on fire, instead of bringing the pain he expected they caused his seeping cleft to jolt spasmodically, causing his tiger's toes to curl up in pleasure.

Returning the favor he sank his rough tongue into the dripping snatch in front of him, the walls were silky smooth and the taste was a fiery blend of feline musk and liquid fire. Her insides grasped and clenched around his broad flat tongue, and almost shivered as he rasped along it's walls. Scraping his tongue up he nibbled at her clitoris, smiling as she too let out a yowl of pleasure. Purring he let his tongue explore her clenching depths, tasting her passion.

They lapped into each other, trading purrs and mewls of pleasure, tasting the rich feminine tang of feline lust before she finally climbed off of him and sat on the edge of the bed.

"You've made a very thorough inspection," she said suggestively. "Did I pass?" she pouted with the a soft edge of humor in her seductive voice.

He shook himself, sliding off the edge of the bed and trying to clear his mind. "That was beautiful . . . You are beautiful, but I . . ." he trailed off, looking over her perfect body as she lounged on the edge of the bed, his eyes scanned over her deep stripes and snow white chest, and landed on the pink spike that rose from her feline sheath.

He looked down at himself. Past his pleasing muzzle, with twitching whiskers. Beyond his soft and supple breasts. His eyes fixed on his throbbing penis, still human, still unsatiated, leaking above a taut orange sack, in front of his own throbbing vagina. It wasn't right, everything about him, about her, was perfect, except for that one thing, his eyes stared down blankly, lost in thought.

"Cat got your tongue?" she purred up at him, "Would you like it to get something else?" she smiled at him, mischief in her eyes, stretching her arms back across the tattered sheets.

"I'm, not finished," he replied lamely. Looking down at his member;throbbing as it disappointed him. He looked up to her, pointed prick peeking out of a plump furry sheath, promising much, much more. He rubbed his furry thighs together and moaned just thinking about it.

"But you're ready," she bared her fangs in a tiger's grin. "Have a seat," her tongue ran across her smooth black lips hungrily, "on me." she patted her lap suggestively.

The fur on his cheeks fluffed up in what could only be construed as a blush, looking down and rubbing his paw against the floor as he suddenly realized what she wanted.

"Oh, don't be shy. We both know you'll like it." His hand drifted between his legs, rubbing against his slickened feminine cleft, betraying just how potent his lust was. He approached her, hands held over his crotch, bizarrely nervous.

"How cute." she reveled in his awkwardness. "Now turn around," she spun her clawed finger, as he slowly about-faced. Revealing his twitching tail, tugging his feline anus with its energetic anticipation. Below that, nestled behind his bulging feline sack dripped his moist vagina, lips swollen and pulsing needfully.

"Down we go," she said soothingly as she pulled at his hips. He felt the strong paws guide him downwards, and exhaled in anticipation eyes closed as if expecting an execution. She steadily pulled him lower, lining him up, a bead of pre forming on the tip of her yet unveiled prick. Then he sat, rounded ass landing on her thighs, as the tip of the penile spear impaled him.

It slid in smooth, deliciously, he moaned in pleasure as it pushed in, just barely passing his weeping lips as it began to throb longer. Then she pulled back and he screamed. Screamed in utter sensational overload as hundreds of feline spines scraped, dragging back against his clenching walls. If pain were pleasure this is what it felt like, something so mind-shatteringly intense that your body reacts by itself.

The tiger under him yowled as her barbs caught for the first time, her hands wrapped around his chest and squeezed his breasts harshly before pulling back just enough so she could slide further into him, next thrust pressing smoothly deeper, before sliding back in a growl of feline lust. They could feel each other's taut testicles start to writhe and churn as they were smashed together.

He clasped his hands over the backs of hers as they mashed his breasts around, squeezing them with every gut-wrenchingly wonderful scraping pull backwards, and relaxing slightly with every smooth tight push further inside of him. He could feel the spined member go deeper and press further with every thrust, rocking his hips, eyes closed as he licked at his pink nose. He felt his tail pressed against his back, running up, between the breasts which bumped into him.

Then he opened his eyes and looked downwards. His member was bobbing erratically with their wild thrusts, smearing pre against his silken belly. And yet it seemed to be throbbing with more intensity as it swelled . . . smaller?

They both roared as she drug her barb back for another thrust.

A roll of white furred flesh formed at the bottom as his penis shrank, losing width as every sensation distilled, concentrating as the human fleshed turned a deep red-pink. The tip dwindled into a sharp point, from which beads of pre welled up and rolled down to mat the hairs of his new fuzzy sheath.

Her thrusts reached deeper, barbs pulling at soft new flesh with each screeching retreat.

His wide eyes looked down past their hands grasped over his sensitive chest. His mouth shut and he groaned as row after row of feline barbs formed near the head of his bobbing cock. Each spine was a needle of pleasure that set the new organ alight in rapid succession, as it slowly, tortuously reached perfection; a thinner, smaller member that was blindingly sensitive, and perfect in every way.

Her thrusts finally reached home inside of him, lighting up his insides as each thrust quickened. He felt her balls go tight under his own as she leaned forward and pulled his head around into a passionately savage kiss, their teeth rattling together as, they rocked into one another.

Knowing that this was the time, she lowered one of her hands, past the soft breasts and smooth belly. She felt his new cock, a pulsing barbed spear of pleasure, her mere touch causing him to moan lustily into their kiss. She stroked a finger up, past the delicate spines, sensuously unsheathing a claw, and carefully sliding it into the tip of the feline prick.

His member was on fire as the claw entered him while the cock slammed into him from below. His inner walls began to pulse wildly clutching with savage strength at the barbed beast within him as her blessed paw wrapped around his member, and he thrust wildly into it, sensitive barbs scraping across smooth, rapidly slicked up pads.

His walls clamped down around her and she yowled as her testes shuttered and began to shoot jerking torrents of feline essence up into him. He felt the warm waves of fluid crash into him like a landslide as he broke their kiss, threw his head back and gasped, eyes dilated in pleasure, his body tensed all over as something glorious approached.

His own balls spasmed and he roared as she pumped one last time with her smooth paws, and he began to come, clenching wildly, shooting sticky ropes of seed past her pumping paw, voice yowling out of its own accord. Cum showered down on his white chest and showed clearly against the black stripes of her arm. They rocked together, clutching each other tightly, bodies straining with each bust of seed, feline howls testament to their ecstasy, as they rocked together in a moment of eternity.

* * *

He rolled off of her, barbs rubbing one last time as he moaned, exhausted. She laid next to him on the bed, tired, but still smiling, licking his seed off of her arm. "What now?" Gil said breathily, snuggling up to her.

"No doubt you'll have to return to your employer," her lips pulled back in a sly grin. "We would like you to share the 'proof of my validity' with him . . . personally."

He grinned as well, as they drifted into a soft sleep, secure in each other's arms, tails twitching to a tiger's dreams.