Fates of the Unicorns 42 - Places

Story by DragonTalon on SoFurry

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#42 of Fates of the Unicorns

Fates of the Unicorns - Chapter 42 - Places

_ SPOILER WARNING : If you are new to the story, this chapter contains plot and character development spoilers for the over all story. This is an onging story, and this chapter assumes you know the story and characters._

Slavery has been the best thing to happen to me, thought Rickie. The thought came to him as he caught sight of himself in a large mirror in the Slavers Guild offices he 'worked' in. He paused and turned to look at his reflection. He was shorter than most unicorns, but not by a lot. His major flaw was being so skinny. He had no muscles to speak of, and the short white unicorn hair covering his body did little to hide the bony awkwardness of his form and movement. There was only a hint of a chin beard, and even his golden mane and hair were short. A stubby horn finished the look, even less impressive now with the tip of the horn having been ground down to a dull point. Small balls, an unimpressive sheath, a scrawny tail. He was not much to look at and had been relentlessly picked on by the bigger stallions in his former life, but none of that mattered now. He lifted his muzzle, turning his head to the side to get a look at the collar around his neck. It was polished to a silver gleam, and large green gems decorated it. It marked him as not just a mere slave to be bought and sold, but a favored slave. One with power, real power over other slaves. He grinned evilly at himself, remembering the look on Brant's face when Rickie had told him where he would be sent.

He could just imagine how he suffered now... food for hungry dragons. Being eaten alive, but not killed. Brant wouldn't escape so easily. His unicorn powers of healing would be used against him, forced to recover so he can be torn apart again and again. He thought of Sabeth, Brant's girlfriend. Rickie had raped her many times before she was sold into slavery to be some dragons sex toy. Faith, who he had a crush on... she turned him away. But she paid for that too, she too had been sold and was now most likely being raped daily by hew new dragon owner. Did they think about him? Did they regret being mean to him? None of them would be hear if they had been NICE to him. They would have escaped the raids, but they had driven him off... into the arms of a dragon patrol and in his anger and humiliation, he had given them up. Caused them all to be chained and taken to the dragon's territory to be striped and put up for sale. But not Rickie. He had been rewarded for his service... and shown that he could be useful to the dragons. Being a unicorn he knew how to match up unicorn slaves with potential Masters. He was like a matchmaker... picking couples that would be a good fit. But in this case, the pairing was not mutual. Only the dragon's needs and happiness mattered. He loved his work. He loved the power he had over others of his own kind, how they all feared him now. They no longer pitied him, but hated him. When they were not bust fearing him! It felt good. Very good.

Rickie shook his head and looked at the stack of papers he was carrying. He had better get back to work. His Mistress wanted these files and standing here wasn't helping. She wasn't really his Mistress. She didn't own him, but she was his superior. His boss. It would not do to keep her waiting. The day was nearly over and she would not be pleased if he caused her to have to stay later than she wanted. She was the reason he had his position, his power... and he would do anything to keep her happy. He entered the main office, holding up the files, "Mistress, I have..."

Leshyet was bent over, turned away from the door. At the sound of Rickie's voice she gasped loudly, spinning around as she stood up, clutching her hands to her chest, eyes wide. "Oh no!"

Rickie stopped in his tracks, confused and alarmed. "Whaaaa?"

Leshyet gulped visibly as she looked down at her hands, slowly opening to reveal... nothing. She said, "Please... don't tell anyone I was stealing gold. It was just this one time... I needed it." She mimed dropping the handful of gold and said, "I'll be stripped of my post and ranks. I'll be ruined!"

Rickie nearly snorted in laughed, but turned it into a cough. He looked around the office, seeing it empty. His Mistress clearly had one of her fantasies in mind. Rickie had learned early on that dragons took dominance and submission very seriously. Dragons loved to dominate anyone they saw as too far below them, and accepted if not enjoyed submitting to those of a much higher status. Mistress Leshyet however had a deviant kink. She enjoyed submitting to those lower than her. This was a problem, as other dragons looked down on such things, and certainly wouldn't go along with her games. But a slave, such as Rickie was the perfect partner for her. Nothing was lower than a slave, and not being a dragon, he had no problem playing the part she wanted of him. This scene was a new one, but he understood what she wanted. "I won't tell... but... only if you do what I say."

Leshyet hissed softly, "Are you daring to blackmail me? A mere slave?"

Rickie was the one to gulp now. "I... uhhhh..."

Leshyet slowly dropped to her knees, her hands moving to stroke along Rickie's hips, "No! Wait! I'll do it... anything you want... just don't tell anyone! I'll... I'll be your slave... your slut..."

Rickie mmmed. Sometimes Leshyet liked to play a strong dragoness restrained and helpless, other times she enjoyed being humiliated and degraded. Rickie liked those. He liked those a LOT. He loved to degrade and humiliate others, even more than the rape most times. Payback for all the times he had been picked on and excluded. It felt so GOOD to be the one on top. The one with the power. He slapped the dragoness on her muzzle, enjoying the sound but wincing a bit at the pain in his hand. Hitting a dragon was like striking a rock sometimes.

Leshyet whined at the hit, falling into the role she had chosen. She usually arranged to be tied up or otherwise restrained... fuming and snarling as she was 'raped' by Rickie. This time she wanted to be forced to perform. Blackmailed into all kinds of degrading things. She slid her tongue out to lick at Rickie's fuzzy balls, nuzzling them.

Rickie groaned at the teasing licks, his cock quickly erecting to it's hard, but unimpressive size. He grabbed the red dragons horns in his hands and pulled her head up, then shoved her mouth over his cock. "Ahhh... suck it... bitch..." he said. He felt her tongue gliding along the underside of his cock, her lips pressed tight around the base. He panted as he watched her... she was several times his weight, and normally towered over him. Strong, dominant, beautiful and extremely deadly. He began to fuck her mouth, turned on by this strong creature under his power. Even if it was just play... for the moment she was his!

Leshyet moaned around the small cock in her mouth. It was small for his kind, and compared to a dragon it was a tiny, soft thing. It made the humiliation of having to service it even more intense. This was not a powerful dragon, but a mere slave... a little runt of a unicorn and there were so many terrible things he could make her do. She thought of one of them and groaned in erotic pleasure. She pulled her head back off his cock and looked up at him.

Rickie nearly fell forward on top of the dragoness as she pulled her head off his cock. He yanked as hard as he could but couldn't even budge her head, his cock throbbing in the cool air, slick with the dragons saliva.

"You terrible, dirty unicorn!" said Leshyet, sliding one hand between her legs to finger her clit, moaning in excitement. She licked her lips and murmered softly in an erotic, but commanding whisper, "Make me drink your piss." She then dropped her eyes and whined, "What... what do you want me to do now, you awful bastard?"

Rickie's eyes widened at the command, not expecting THAT. She wanted him to do what? He never much thought about that sort of thing, but now that he did, the idea thrilled him. He sneered down at her, hands on his hips and said, "Open up and drink my pee, bitch!"

Leshyet shook her head, "Drink from YOU? No... no I won't... I won't submit to you THAT far... I won't do it! Your just a slave... and I'm a dragon!"

Rickie paused for a moment. He was always a little nervous playing these games with his Mistress. It was always VERY clear when she was mock protesting and when she was giving a REAL order, but he was always worried he might make a mistake. He said, "Do it... or I turn you in!"

Leshyet trembled, sliding a finger into her sex to thrust roughly and eagerly into her wet, aroused cunt. "Nooo... no... not that! Anything but that!" She bit her lip and slowly opened her mouth.

Rickie oooohed at the sight of her on her knees before him. He was turned on beyond belief. He took his rock hard cock in his hand, grunting as he pushed it down to aim at her open maw. He groaned aloud as he suddenly realized he had a problem. His erection was preventing him from pissing. Shit! He swallowed and tried to relax, but his cock was still throbbing from the sucking, and the sight of the red dragoness kneeling like that was just too much. He closed his eyes, trying to think of something, anything else... but all he saw in his mind was his Mistress, and in his imagination she wasn't even wearing any clothes! He opened his eyes and coughed, "Errrm... I need to... uhh... get limp first..."

Leshyet gave a little snort. Furries were such pathetic creatures. A male dragon can control their cock completely. Getting or loosing an erection, extending or withdrawing their spines and barbs, even cumming at will. She waited impatiently but nothing happened.

Rickie shifted from hoof to hoof, trying desperately to loose his erection. He yelped as teeth closed down over his balls and he looked down to see stern eyes glaring up at him, and a deep growl rumbling from the dragon's throat. He let out a whine, his knees going weak at the sight of his balls being held not so gently between pointed dragon teeth. She wouldn't bit him... would she? He trembled. He didn't want to loose his balls! He gasped in surprise as the teeth slid off and he looked down to see his cock hanging limply. Oh.

Leshyet opened her mouth wide once more and waited, letting out a whimpering noise through her nose as she knelt before the diminutive unicorn.

Rickie tried not to look at or think much about the kneeling dragoness, not wanting to get another erection. He tried to pee, but nothing happened! He groaned aloud again. He always had trouble peeing when others were watching, or even around. He had been teased about it back home... always being the last one to finish, often waiting for everyone else to leave. Dammit! He strained, trying hard but his bladder just would not relax.

Leshyet quivered in anticipation, waiting for the humiliating stream. Waited, and waited some more. She finally snorted and said, "What NOW?"

Rickie let out a whimper at the sharp tone. "I... uh... I'm trying..."

Leshyet's tail thrashed behind her in frustration. She had been waiting all DAY for this. Now he couldn't perform? She gave a snort and stood up, hands folded across her chest just under her ample breasts.

Rickie felt his cock retract right back into his sheath, leaving his hand holding nothing but air as the dragoness once more loomed over him. He took a step back. "Uhhh... I'm sorry?"

Leshyet humphed, her mood spoiled. "Pathetic." She considered the unicorn, thinking of other things she could have him do, but was too frustrated for any of it to appeal to her. She said, "We are done." She turned her back on him and strode to the front door of the office, slamming it open.

Rickie blinked and followed quickly, scared at what she meant. Done? He burst out of the door at her heels and dropped to all fours, crawling rapidly beside her and trying to lick at her feet as she walked. "I'm so sorry Mistress!"

Leshyet paused just long enough to plant a foot on the side of the unicorn's face and shove him away from her, sending him to thud onto his side. "Leave me, slave. Your useless to me."

Rickie gaped silently at the retreating dragoness, lying on his side in the dirt. "No..." he whispered softly. He felt crushed at the rejection, and scared at what it meant. What if she found someone else? Dragons did NOT like failure, especially not in a slave. Would she give him another chance? What if she didn't?

"Finally disappointed her, did you boy?" said a voice behind Rickie.

Rickie scrambled to his feet, trying to dust himself off as he looked at the massive ball of fur smirking down at him. He backed up a step from the black bear. The bear wasn't as big or as dangerous as a dragon, but was still a frightful sight to a unicorn, let alone a small one like Rickie was.

Doysar continued to smirk at the little unicorn. The bear was full of muscle and bulk, and also wore a green-studded collar just like Rickie's. He was the property of the dragon Nijusata who oversaw the neighboring slave camp. "Can't say I blame her. I never understood what she saw in you in the first place. Guess she can't afford to buy a choice unicorn, so had to settle for a reject like you. Until she finds someone better."

Rickie flushed in anger and humiliation. He knew that Leshyet wasn't a wealthy dragon, which was why she didn't own him or any other unicorns. He glared back at Doysar, having never liked the bear. He remembered Leshyet saying the bear's Master was annoying and greedy. That he was upset that Leshyet got to handle the new unicorns in this camp while he was stuck with dealing with normal furries. He almost said as much, but stopped himself. Repeating things like that could get him in serious trouble, and he was in enough as it was.

"Ha! Nothing to say to that, eh runt?" said Doysar.

Rickie put his hands on his hips and said, "Nothing to say to you, asshole." He turned his back on the bear, wanting nothing but to ho back to his room but a heavy paw landed on his shoulder and spun him around. "Hey!"

"What did you call me, runt?" said the bear as he leaned over the unicorn.

Rickie pushed at the hand but it wouldn't budge, "Let go of me you dumb oaf." He pointed at his collar, "You can't mess with me. I'm protected."

Doysar squeezed the unicorn's shoulder in a painful grip as he snarled, "Protected by who... Leshyet? She didn't seem too happy with you just now... you sure she would even bother? You're not even her slave... just a worker under her."

Rickie winced at the painful grip, a cold feeling washing over him. Could that be true? She favored him of course... because of their 'play' but he wasn't actually her slave. Now that she was angry with him, would she bother to protect him?

Doysar smiled in triumph at the look in the unicorn's eyes. "No... as long as you can do your job, she doesn't give a crap about you anymore." He pushed Rickie back as he spoke, "You have been strutting around like you own the place ever since you showed up. I think you need to learn your not as big a deal as you think you are."

Rickie backed up as he was pushed, and found himself in an alley between two buildings before he could do anything about it. "Wha... let me go!"

Doysar slammed Rickie against the side of a stone wall. "Shut up, colt!" When Rickie tried to move away the bear cuffed his muzzle hard.

Rickie ooowed as his face was hit, then coughed as a hand closed around his neck. He struggled, lifting a hoof to kick out at the bear, but before he could strike the bear hit him hard in the stomach. "Ooooofffhh!" he gasped out, then choked as the hand at his neck tightened. He tried to curl up but his legs wouldn't work and with his stomach in knots and the hand at his neck he couldn't get a breath in.

Doysar spit in Rickie's face, "What a wimp. Even a girl could fight better than you." He let go of Rickie's neck and planted his hands on his shoulders, shoving him roughly to his knees. Time to give this bitch what he deserves.

Rickie coughed, one hand over his belly, the other at his neck. He gasped in a breath and then ngggged as a hand grabbed his horn and slammed the back of his head against the wall. He saw stars for several seconds, then moaned at the sight of a big bear cock jutting in front of him. "Whaa... no... NO!" he said in alarm, trying to turn his head, but the grip on his horn held him pinned. He lifted a hand, trying to shove the cock away.

Doysar smacked Rickie's hand away and then punched him in the top of his muzzle.

Rickie nnnnghed again at the hard blow, his face feeling like it had been hit with a brick. A hand cupped his chin and fingers pressed at the side of his jaw, forcing it open. "Aaaaaaaa-mmmmmmph!" he said as the bears thick, smelly cock forced itself into his mouth. He squirmed, trying to get away but the stone wall prevented him from pulling away and lifting his hands just got them hit or a finger painfully twisted. He choked at the cock as it rammed deep into his muzzle, beginning to cry from the pain and abuse. He was being raped... he couldn't belive it! No! He struggled and managed to turn his head just as the bear was pulling back and spit the cock out of his mouth.

Doysar growled, "Take it, bitch!" He gave the unicorn a brutal kick to his stomach, then once more grabbed his chin and shoved his hard cock into the little runt's mouth. He fucked his face hard, slamming his head back into the stone with each thrust.

Rickie cried and choked on the cock, in too much pain to fight back now... too afraid of being hit and hurt again. He mmmpph-mmmmphed as he was abused, just wanting it to be over. Then the cock was suddenly gone and he spit, hating the taste... his tongue and mouth hurting. Before he could even protest he was hauled to his feet, spun around and slammed against one of the large storage barrels. He grunted, bent over, a strong hand holding the base of his horn, pinning him in place. He whimpered as his hooves were kicked, forcing him to spread his legs. He cried out as the realization of what was going to happen suddenly hit him. "Noooo!!!!!" he screamed and struggled to escape. His cries turned into a high pitched squeaking as a hand reached around and grabbed him by the balls to squeeze crushingly. Pain flowed into him like fire, burning deep into his belly as his testicles were clamped down. One of his balls slipped out from between the hard fingers and they groped around before recapturing it and resuming the terrible crushing grip. He felt all the strength draining from him as the pain filled his entire being.

Doysar laughed, "Damn you got small ones... almost couldn't find them, bitch." He pressed up behind the unicorn and gave his balls a final twisting squeeze before letting go, his hand moving to his own cock, grabbing it to guide as he pressed his hips forward.

Rickie cried in nearly silent sobs, his legs having given out completely from the pain. Then he felt an unpleasant hotness pressing up to his ass. He tried to move, tried to struggle but was so weak... and every time he moved it just made the bear hurt him more. He clenched his teeth as the bear thrusted, shoving his ass open and ramming a hard cock into him. He ahhhhhed out in pain... it felt so HUGE... like he was being torn apart! He whimpered at the horrible sensation... sure that he had just been torn in two. But then the bear pushed again and he released he hadn't even gotten all the way in... THIS time he felt the massive member shoving deep into his ass and he screamed.

Doysar hurfed as he slammed against the tight unicorn ass, pounding his cock deep. He clamped a hand over the unicorn's mouth to muffle his screams, having his way with the little bitch. He knew that Rickie was a bastard who turned on his own kind, but even so... there was still a sense of purity to the unicorn, and violating it felt GOOD.

Rickie cried into the hand, the fingers rough against his nose and lips. He grunted into the hand as he was raped, his balls still aching with a terrible pain, but his ass was on fire. He cried, his equine face wet with tears as the rape went on and on, his hands clutching at the barrel for support.

Doysar gritted his teeth as he felt his climax coming, and slammed hard into the skinny unicorn ass before him. He bent over, covering the unicorns back with his broad chest, pinning him down as he came hard. "Arrrrrrgh! Uhhhnnnn!"

Rickie neighed as he felt the bear cumming... the extra hard thrust hurting even more... the cock buried to the hilt and stretching him out agonizingly tight. He whimpered at the weight on his back, and then let out a yell as the cock was yanked out of him and he slid down to curl up at the feet of his rapist, whimpering.

Doysar kicked at the crying, young stallion and snorted. "Get used to it, bitch... I won't be the only other slave to notice your new lack of status. Fuck me good and maybe I'll keep the others off you."

Rickie didn't respond, one hand cupping his abused balls, the other over his eyes, just trying to hide. Eventually he sniffed and peeked out to find he was alone in the storage alley. He got to his knees, groaning... his ass hurt like hell, his face still stung, and his balls throbbed their dull ache. None of it was as bad as the feeling of humiliation and helplessness he felt. Even back home when he had been picked on... they never did more than push him around and call him names. Nothing like THAT. He slowly pulled himself to his hooves and stumbled out, keeping his tail down as he made his way back to his room. Still sniffing he went straight to his bed and climbed in, pulling the covered over his head and crying himself to sleep.


Rickie shifted in his chair, uncomfortable from last nights ordeal. Sitting hurt, but he didn't dare ask for a favor from his Mistress. Not his Mistress he reminded himself. Just a dragoness who took an interest in him, and who knows what she thought of him now. He had seen her a few times, but she had ignored him. That wasn't unusual. Unless they were alone she never paid him much attention. The daytime was for working, and no slave, no matter how special he was to a dragon was allowed to slack off. He busied himself in his work, putting off doing his rounds for another day. He didn't want to risk running into that bear again. He shivered in fear, and then in anger. He wanted to send that bastard to the Farm to be eaten alive, just like he did to Brant. He wanted to WATCH him beg for his life as the dragons tore him apart. He never hated anyone as much in his life. Just thinking about him made his fists clench in anger... and... his ass clench in fear.

Rickie usually waited for Leshyet to leave, wanting to impress her and show he was a loyal servant. But today he wanted to make sure he got home safely before the bear found him. Making sure he had all his work done, he got up and left with a small group of other slaves. He nervously looked around, but didn't see that big black bastard anywhere. He relaxed a bit and made his way to past the pens and facilities until he got to the rows of small rooms that favored slaves were allowed to use. Would his be taken away from him? Would he loose his job? Be sent back to the pens? He couldn't go there... he had to make it up to his Mistress somehow. He pushed open the door to his room and slipped inside gratefully, closing the door. He let out a short lived yell of alarm as the bear was revealed, standing behind the door, then was on him, a fist to his stomach, another to the side of his head, then he was falling onto the bed, gasping for air that wouldn't come.

Doysar laughed. "Oh... the look on your face when you came in... all happy you were safe. You didn't think I knew where you lived, bitch?"

Rickie pushed himself up against the wall, trying to get away from the bear. He gasped out, "Get... away... from... me..." as he held his aching stomach. He whinnied as the bear grabbed his horn and pulled him forward to face a familiar cock.

"Suck me, bitch..." said Doysar.

Rickie scrunched up his face, shaking his head no as much as he could with his horn held. He had plenty of time to see the hand coming at him, but had no way to avoid it and soon was seeing stars as he was smacked and punched. He whimpered and cried as the blows rained down on him, then suddenly stopped.

Doysar shoved the unicorns head at his cock again, "SUCK. IT. NOW. BITCH."

Rickie flinched at a raised hand and reluctantly opened his mouth. He mmmmphed as it was soon filled with bear cock, the taste not any better than the last time. He could see the bears claws near his eyes as his muzzle and face was held. Nowhere near as impressive as a dragons... but big enough to rip his face off.

Doysar let out a warning rumble, "I said SUCK!"

Rickie whimpered, flushing in humiliation and impotent rage... but did as he was told... sucking and working his tongue as best he could. It wasn't right! It wasn't fair! He choked as the bear slammed the top of his cock into the back of Rickie's throat and he hacked and coughed on it. He felt drool running down his chin and wished he could just bite the awful dick off in his mouth, but knew the bear would kill him, green collar or not. So he suffered and did as he was told, crying his shame.

Doysar used the unicorn's horn to pump his mouth up and down on his cock. The little bitch was terrible at giving head... but he could be trained. In a week he would be sucking like a pro. He groaned, wobbling on his feet as he felt his balls tighten, and then he was cumming... cock throbbing for several seconds as he let out hot, harsh breaths.

Rickie mmmmphed in disgust as he felt the hot cum spurt onto his tongue. He screwed his eyes shot, wanting it all to go away, trying to ignore the slimy stuff in his mouth. Finally the cock was pulled out, but before he could spit a hand clamped down over his mouth, tilting his head back and he was face to face with the bears face.

"Swallow it like a good bitch!" threatened Doysar.

Rickie wanted nothing more than to spit into that smug bear face... but he was too scared. So with an effort he swallowed, making an audible gulping noises and shuddering at the feel and taste of it.

Doysar patted the unicorns nose. "Thats a good horsie."

Rickie stiffened, "I'm not a... ahhhhhh!"

Doysar had reached down, shoving two thick fingers into Rickie's sheath to pull out his limp cock.

Rickie cried out as clawed fingers pinched the tip of his cock and pulled it into view. "Ahhhh! Oowwwww!"

Doysar said, "Unless there is a cock waiting, keep your mouth SHUT, bitch!" He twisted the cockhead in his fingers, claws scratching and digging their tips into the sensitive flesh.

Rickie nodded and whined, hands scrabbling at the sheets as he writhed in torment.

Doysar gave the cock a good yank before letting go. "Maybe you need something else to keep your muzzle occupied." He grabbed the unicorn and shoved him down onto the bed, face up, then climbed to kneel over the unicorns chest.

Rickie tried to push the bear away, the bed creaking under the weight. He looked up in horror at the bears large ass looming over him, and then the bear sat down, right on his muzzle! He mmmmphed as his head was shoved down against the bed, his nose crammed up under the short tail. He gasped for breath, hardly able to breathe and then heard the bear's terrible commands.

"Go on... lick my ass, bitch..." said the bear as he let more weight press down on the unicorns snout.

Rickie tried to protest, legs thrashing. His arms were pinned at his side and he couldn't do anything. He squirmed and then froze as a familiar hand curled around his balls. "Noooommpph!" he cried out as his balls were given a hard, brutal squeeze again. He felt claws digging into his sheath for his already bruised cock and gave up, sticking his tongue out and licking, gasping for air, the smell and taste overwhelming.

Doysar ahhhed and let go of the unicorns sack, giving it a slap for good measure. "Thats a good girl... lick like the filly you are, bitch."

Rickie whined and whimpered as he licked, the taste foul and repellent. He would have vomited if his kind could have, he was so sick and disgusted. he gasped for breath, feeling like he was suffocating, but licked with his broad unicorn tongue, tears once more running down his cheeks.

How long he was force to serve he couldn't say. Eventually the bear had had enough and had gotten off him. he wasn't sure what else happened, he had been dizzy from the lack of air and the horrible smell. He coughed and spit, trying to get the taste out of his mouth, but no matter how hard he tried, the taste of humiliation wouldn't go away. He looked down at his cock and winced... it was an angry purple and red color, bruised and bleeding from where the claws scratched it. It would heal... but it HURT so! At least his balls hadn't taken the beating they did before, but they still hurt. He pounded the bed with a fist. He wanted that bear DEAD. Slowly and painfully. But there was nothing he could do. Dragons respected strength, and even if he had been on good terms with Leshyet she still might see it as a sign of weakness and do nothing. Or worse... send him away. He shuddered and buried his head in a pillow.


Rickie absently rubbed at his crotch as he trained to concentrate. His cockhead was healing with unicorn speed, but it ached and itched and hurt as his horn accelerated the healing process. At least his ass was feeling better. But for how long. That bear was only going to visit him again, he knew it. He couldn't even sleep. He had a terrible nightmare last night, waking up and nearly screaming.

He was going to have to kill him... and it had been made VERY clear that any slaves committing murder would suffer an equal, or even worse fate. He shuddered, but what could be worse than having that fucking gay bear using him like that every day. If it had been a girl... well... maybe he could deal with that. But the things that bear made him to... the things that had been done to him. He couldn't go through that day after day. He wouldn't! He also couldn't sit still anymore. He got up to head to one of the back rooms, muttering something about needing to look up files. Once there he slumped down against a wall and broke into quiet tears.


Leshyet frowned as she looked at the empty desk where her unicorn should be working. He had been acting odd the past day or two. Ever since he had performed so badly for her. She wondered if she had been too hard on the boy. It was hard to tell with furries. They took things so PERSONALLY. Well, he would have to learn to deal with such things. He was a slave, here to serve dragons, not the other way around. Not at least, unless they were playing. She smiled... maybe tonight she could try again. If he was a smart slave he would have been practicing all this time so he could perform for her. Yes... maybe that was what he was doing. "Where is Rickie?" she asked. One of the other office slaves pointed to the back rooms. Leshyet nodded and made her way to the archives, and stopped as she saw Rickie slumped and clearly crying.

Rickie started as the door opened, looking up to see Leshyet! He scrabbled to his hooves, wiping at his face, "I... uhhhh... I was..."

Leshyet was a dragon, and had the dragons vision. They saw much more than the furry races did, and the facial bruises radiated like a glow through his white fur. His nose burned too from being stuffed up, and she could see other angry marks on his body. She narrowed her eyes, angry that one of HER slaves had been fighting. She pointed a taloned finger at him, "What is going on, slave?"

Rickie whimpered. She knew... somehow just looking at him she knew. She would never want to be with him again once she found out how easily the bear had used him. How weak he truly was. He sniffed and trembled, "Doysar. He..." Rickie looked away and swallowed, he couldn't say it.

Leshyet stiffened, "It was a slave of ANOTHER dragon? Not one of mine you fought with?"

Rickie looked up, "Fought? He... he made me..." Rickie clenched his fists and whispered, "He hurt me..."

Leshyet looked closer at Rickie, seeing the bruising of his balls, the scratches at his sheath. Doysar was a bear, and a big brute. One of Nijusata's slaves. He ran the other slave pen in this camp, and had been upset about not being chosen to handle the influx of unicorns. That bear should know better than to mess with another dragon's favorite! Leshyet hissed, "Tell me everything he did to you..."

Rickie gulped, but there was no getting around it. He didn't dare disobey a direct order, so he told her of his first rape... and the visit in his room. All of it. Every humiliating detail.

Leshyet growled and said, "He knew you were mine, and still he did these things? Why didn't you tell me, slave?"

Rickie said, "He thought... I thought... you were not interested in me anymore. Because I failed you. I... I'm not your slave... he said if you wanted me you would have bought me..."

Leshyet sighed and shook her head. Furries. They were like children, needing to have every little thing explained to them. Sometimes she wondered if she ever REALLY understood what went on in their heads, even a little. But strange or not... she could tell he was miserable and hurt. He wasn't one of those dull, animal-like furries. He knew his place. He was part of dragon society. A very, very, VERY low part... but a part nonetheless. She reached out to him, stroking the side of his cheek.

Rickie did his best not to flinch back at the touch, eyes daring to look up at her expression. It was hard to read... she looked upset... mad... but... maybe sad too?

Leshyet said, "I was only mad at having my plans ruined by your inability to perform. You are still my favorite, Rickie. You still have my affection, and my protection."

Rickie swallowed and slowly uncurled his tail, realizing he had tucked it between his legs from nervousness. "You are not... disappointed with me for being... being... attacked? Mistress?"

Leshyet said, "I am upset with Nijusata and his slave, why would I be upset with you?"

Rickie said, "Not upset, but... dissapointed... that I couldn't fight him. I tried, Mistress... I tried so hard..."

Leshyet put her hands on her hips, "You think I am SURPRISED that you couldn't fight off a bear? I was attracted to you BECAUSE you are a scrawny runt. It fits with my twisted fantasies."

Rickie nodded, relief flooding through him. "M...Mistress? May I ask a... a personal question?"

Leshyet said, "You may, slave."

Rickie bit his lip before stammering, "Am I not good enough to be yours? To buy me?"

Leshyet sighed and said, "The bear told you I didn't care about you because I didn't buy you?"

Rickie nodded, "Yeah..."

The red dragoness said, "You have seen how much you unicorns sell for! Don't you realize how expensive you would be? Even a little runt is still a unicorn, and very expensive."

Rickie never thought of himself as vaulable... he wasn't sure how he felt about that. Good on one hand, but talking about his worth like he was an object... that was still disturbing, no matter how used to the idea of being a slave he got. He said, "I... I see numbers... but I don't know how wealthy you, or other dragons are."

Leshyet nodded, of course. She forgot how little of dragon society most slaves were aware of. He couldn't possibly know how much her horde was worth, or how much gold and influence her position brought her. She said, "Rickie. You cost more than what I am worth. If I had the wealth I would have bought you... but I don't. Maybe someday when I rise high enough... but you are the property of the slave guild. I have put you to work, and can use you sometimes for my personal needs... but I can't afford to own you."

Rickie said, "Oh. I... I guess that makes sense, Mistress." He looked down, still confused about his feelings on the subject. He would like to be owned by her... it would make his position secure, he would know where he stood. But being BOUGHT would be humiliating in itself. At least now he could treat this all like some sort of strange job. The important thing was she wanted him. She really did... she just couldn't afford it. It made him happy to know that. Even with the past few days of torture and pain, he managed a smile. "Thanks Mistress, for putting up with this slave's ignorance," he said, dropping down to all fours to lick at her toes. He was quite used to this sort of thing. He liked submitting to her, and even other dragons. You knew where you stood with dragons.

Leshyet murrred at the licking, and let him service her foot for a time. "Get up, slave. It's time to visit Nijusata and explain why his slave may NOT fuck with any of my slave-workers, especially not my favorite!"


Nijusata held his arm out straight as one his his female slaves licked at a troublesome spot. He loved his pure black hide, so dark you could hardly see the scale pattern unless you looked close. But every speck of dust or dirt showed up and it was a constant effort to keep himself presentable. Most of the effort was on his grooming slave who licked and rubbed with her fur until he was spotless and shined. He shook his arm away and inspected it, "Good enough, cunt. Back under the desk where you belong." He didn't wait for a response, as none was needed other than obedience, and the furry thing was back to warming his feet where she belonged. Everything else in his grand office was as well. He liked things neat and in their place even more than most dragons. Which was why he was immediately annoyed when he heard voices from the outer offices and his door opened without his permission. He stood, ready to backhand whatever slave was impertinent to barge in without permission, but stopped as he saw the red scales filling his doorway. "Leshyet... what a surprise. What brings you to my side of the camp? Running out of unicorns?" he said.

Leshyet stepped into the large office, with Rickie behind her. "This is about the behavior of one of your slaves, Nijusata. I am greatly displeased."

Nijusata eyed the unicorn as he knelt down respectfully at the side of the red dragoness. It was that scrawny runt she had terrorizing the herds of unicorn slaves. Seeing him submit there to her made him resent her even more. He had been working the slave camp longer than her, it wasn't right that she was given one of the unicorn groups while he had to make do with leftover furries that nobody cared about anymore. He had wanted to dominate her and take control of her, and her unicorn slaves. The more he had watched her, the more he was convinced she was secretly submissive. He had been waiting for just the right time to seduce and force her to submit to his will... and perhaps now was the time. She came to confront him, so their superiors couldn't blame him for finishing what she started. "Really. Tell me all about it, Leshyet... has one of my workers failed in their duties somehow?" he said as he walked around the desk to face her.

Leshyet said, "Not a worker, a personal slave of yours. Doysar. he has beaten and raped my unicorn here, despite it being very clear he works for ME and has my protection."

Nijusata was not surprised his bear was behind this. He was always a domineering sort, getting away with what he could with anyone he considered lower than him. It's why he liked the big hulking brute. Good... he could use that to his advantage. "Get Doysar in here now!" he shouted at the still open doorway. He looked down at the trembling unicorn, "I'm surprised he can still walk if my bear raped him. He is not known for being gentle."

Rickie shied back away from the black dragon. He didn't like the sound of him and had been around dragons enough to realize there was some sort of power play going on here. He did not want to be anywhere near two fighting dragons, even if it was just words. Slaves tended to get stomped on just for being too close to such things. Then he herd footsteps and the heavy breathing he had been forced to endure against the back of his neck. He turned his head enough to see the bear standing in the doorway and he cringed.

Doysar kept his expression calm as he saw the dragoness and her pet in his Master's office. Was she here to demand payback after all? He was sure she had grown tired of the little runt, but it looked like she was still interested enough to bring him here. He glanced down, looking for a spot to kneel beside his Master, wanting to keep him in a good mood. But a sharp look from the dragon stopped him. He stood in place, standing next to the unicorn and waited for his Master to indicate what he should do next.

Nijusata said, "Is it true you have been raping that scrawny little thing, slave? Have you taken advantage of the weak little thing?"

Doysar followed his Masters lead and looked down at Rickie and said, "Yes Sir... I did rape his ass as he cried and begged."

Leshyet growled, wanting to smack the bear right back out through the door he came in from, but that would just give Nijusata the right to abuse HER unicorn, so she restrained herself and let things take their natural course. "I demand satisfaction, Nijusata. Retribution."

Nijusata was a bit taller than Leshyet and he looked down his nose at her. "I don't see anything wrong here. The strong dominate the weak. My bear simply used, abused and made that weak little thing serve him." He took a step closer, until his muscular chest nearly touched the full red breasts of the dragoness he was speaking to. "Your little unicorn needs to learn his place... look at him... doesn't it look RIGHT for him to kneel at the feet of my boy?"

Rickie gritted his teeth and did not think it was right at ALL. He wanted to jump to his feet, but didn't dare move without permission from Leshyet. No matter how much he hated kneeling while that bear stood over him. He dared enough to glance up with one eye and nearly whimpered seeing the black dragon looming over Leshyet. He knew she loved to be dominated and enslaved and tied up... and that black dragon was SO strong looking. What if she couldn't resist the temptation? It's what she wanted, wasn't it?

Leshyet eyed her slave and the bear and had to agree, it did look right for him to kneel there. Rickie was a weak thing, and it was only the natural order for the weak to submit to the strong. But there was more to it than that. Rickie was HERS, and she would not permit him to be abused by another dragon, and especially not another dragon's slave! She looked back to the black, seeking he had moved closer yet. She looked into his eyes, seeing the desire to control and dominate in their harsh gaze. He was bigger than she was, and as a male naturally stronger. Deep, dragon instincts said it was only natural to bend to his will.

Nijusata rumbled a low growl before reaching up to run a talon along the side of Leshyet's muzzle, "Why don't we let these two slaves sort out their differences... a private ritual fight right here, let the winner take all. My bear will put that scrawny thing in his place... where he belongs."

Leshyet looked back at the pair and shivered a bit at the thought. She did like it of course. Seeing her toy humiliated, forced to bend to the bears will, raped and beaten. Brought down so low... and then later... in private. She shook her head. If she let that happen she wouldn't be free to play her games. Not after submitting to the black dragon, putting him in charge of her fun. No. As much as her instincts told her to submit, she wasn't aroused by the thought of the black taking her. He was at best her equal, at worst, her superior... and she felt no sexual attraction to that. Her twisted kink made her desire only to be dominated by the low and weak. Her Rickie. She hissed softly, "Why let them have all the fun when we could settle this ourselves." She leaned in, pressing her breasts to the big chest of the black dragon and hissed in a quieter tone, "Let THEM watch US."

Nijusata hissed back, not expecting the dragoness to want to get so physical this quickly. He could feel her nipples pressing through her top, obviously aroused. He groaned as she pressed against him, her hips griding against his. He reached around to grab her ass in a hard grip and pushed back, his erection shoving up against his kilt.

Leshyet moaned at the squeeze and reached down to pull the male's kilt off him, popping the buttons as she yanked hard to free it, doing the same to her own clothing until the two of them were naked. Her hand found the males cock and caressed it, her head tilting to the side to bear her neck.

Nijusata took advantage of the offered neck and took the dragoness by her throat, growling in dominance as she stroked his hard cock. He had wanted to fuck this bitch hard ever since she was chosen over him... and now she was offering herself to him. His claws ran over her backside, scratching and gripping.

Rickie watched with alarm as the black seduced his Mistress. he wanted to scream at her to fight back... but would she even care? He jumped as a hand curled around his horn possessively and he whined up at the bear.

Doysar whispered down to the unicorn, "After my Master finishes with her... then it will be my turn."

Nijusata tasted blood as he held the dragoness by her neck, his cock throbbing with need in her hand.

"You want to fuck me, dragon?" said Leshyet as she caressed his cock with her fingers, growling softly in her throat.

Nijusata murmered his assent, bucking his hips, thrusting his cock in her hand, shivering in pleasure from her expert fingering. He wanted to bend her over and slam into her. Make her scream. Make her his bitch.

Leshyet growled again, "I want to ride you... now!" She pressed against him, pushing him back against his desk. The male dragon's knees bent back and he fell with an oofh onto the desk, Leshyet quickly climbing onto it to kneel over his hips. She pressed her crotch down against the underside of the big dragon dick and sat on it, pinning it between her pussy and his belly. Her hips began to move, her nether lips rubbing up and down the ridged underside. "Oooooh..." she said, her hands on Nijusata's shoulders as she leaned down to hang her breasts within easy reach.

Nijusata groaned at the feel of hot dragon sex stroking up and down his cock, squeezing it tight to his belly. He nuzzled at her firm breasts, jaws opening to bite down on one, leaving a row of red marks as his tongue curled about the nipple. He errrfed as he felt the base of her tail pressing down, trapping his balls between his tail and hers, rolling them as she thrust her hips forward and back. The pressure was firm, but not quite painful... it felt amazing and he huffed out his breath as his cock and balls were stroked and rubbed, his hands clawing at the surface of the desk, his shoulders pinned by the weight of the dragoness leaning over him.

Leshyet slid her pussy up to the very tip of the dragons cock, then back down to the base before he could angle it upward, not letting him penetrate her, but gliding her wet sex up and down the underside. She hissed as he licked and bit at her breasts and nipples, shuddering in pleasure. She moved her hips forward again, and when the dragon tried to thrust, she kept going, lifting up off her knees, feeling the dragons teeth slide off her breast, and then straddled his chest, pressing her crotch against his nose.

Nijusata grunted as his hips thrust into empty air, frustrated at first, then shivering in pleasure at the powerful scent of the dragoness pussy. He licked, loving the taste and nuzzled into her cunny, tongue sliding in to tease and taste and explore. His cock throbbed as the dragonesses' tail began to stroke and rub at it, his hips making thrusting, gyrating moves. He suckled and licked at her clit, slowly losing himself in the pleasures of mating, not caring who was doing what to who, only wanting to bury his cock in something warm and soft, and fuck the hell out of it.

Leshyet groaned at the tongue on, and in her sex. The desire and need for a good fuck was upon her as well, but she had spent most of her life catering to her own twisted fantasies. Always needing to be in control. Even tied up she was never helpless... she was always the one in charge. She had to be. Her games could be dangerous... letting a slave tie her up. She knew how to control them from a position of weakness. Make it seem like they were in charge, but she never gave up control. Ever. She looked down at the male eating her out and slowly eased back, her hands now stroking his head, holding it as she sat back down on his hips, her pussy pressing once more to the underside of his cock, grinding against the thick base of it. The position made it almost look like it was her cock jutting up from between her legs.

Nijusata licked his lips, huffing in desire as he felt the dragoness grind against the base of his member. He looked up her and hissed in desire, her firm tits above, her pussy below... the taste of both on his lips. He could smell the scent of his cock too, it was right in front of him.

Leshyet pulled at the dragons head, inching his nose down bit by bit as she said in a sultry, slutty voice, "Suck my cock..."

Nijusata's eyes widened at the command. He knew damn well that wasn't HER cock... but a shiver ran through him from nose to tailtip. He was quite bisexual, liking males and females equally... but had never thought about one being both at the same time. He saw the dragoness from a new perspective... tits... pussy... and a cock. The very idea was so hot. He had never been a particularly kinky dragon, liking his sex simple, it a bit rough. He knew the red dragoness was a kinky bitch and was not surprised at her revealing one of her dirty desire, but was very surprised to find that he liked it too! He was even more surprised when he somehow forgot to resist as she pulled his muzzle down and felt his own cock slide into his mouth.

Leshyet groaned and murmered, "You want it all, don't you? To fuck me... to be fucked BY me..." She ground her pussy against the base of her cock, pressed and rubbed his balls with the underside of her tail, and guided his head up and down on his cock. Other than meetings over the running of their respective slave pens she had not spent much time with the black dragon. She certainly had not been social with him. But that didn't mean she didn't KNOW him. She made sure to study up on any rivals she might have. She didn't have huge ambitions, but she liked where she was and had no intention of being pushed aside by anyone. She learned everything she could about this dragon when she had first been assigned to the slave pen next to his. She knew his desire for neatness and order and a few bribes told her everything she needed to know about his sex life. She knew his strengths, and his weaknesses. Knew he loved to have threesomes with a male and female slave, knew just what kind of kinky games would make his head spin.

Nijusata shivered at the feel of the cock in his mouth, and the feel of a mouth around his cock. He shuddered as the dragoness moved her hips in time with his head, her pussy against his nose. As his mouth slid down over his cock he could taste her trail of juices her wet cunt made. He moaned, his thoughts dissolving as he let the dragoness ride his cock... his eyes seeing cock, pussy and tits... loving them all... wanting them all. He sucked hard.

Doysar said, "No... no what the fuck is he doing?" He let go of the unicorns horn, taking a step forward in alarm, seeing his Master in trouble... under the spell from some trick by that dragoness bitch! He had to stop her!

Rickie watches in complete surprise as one moment his Mistress looked like she was going to let the black dragon fuck her and claim her, and the next he was... sucking his own cock? He bared his teeth as Doysar started to move. Oh no you don't you fuck! He surged to his feet beside the bear.

Doysar stick out an arm to block Rickie if he tried to punch him. Not that it would do any good, the unicorn could hit him all day and he would hardly notice. He had completely forgotten the unicorns namesake until Rickie snapped his head to the side and swung his horn into the side of the bears head. Everyone knew the unicorn slaves had the tips of their horns dulled. An undamaged unicorn horn could stab through anything, even solid metal,even if it might be hard to pul out afterwards. Dulled they were less dangerous, but were still unbreakable and harder than steel, and when they hit, it was with much more force than they should have. Doysar dropped to his hands and knees with a grunt, his vision a blinding white that only slowly cleared. He was just starting to shake his head clear when the another shining gold bit of unicorn weaponry made itself known. A unicorn hoof wasn't indestructible like their horn, but if it was not as hard as steel, damn close. Doysar nggggghed as a hoof slammed into his ponderous balls and he wheezed as he collapsed onto his side, hands clutching himself. He stared up at the 'U' shaped golden hoof lifting over his head, but had no breath to cry out, nor strength to move.

Rickie stared down full of fury and hate, his knee bent as he lifted his hoof high over the bear's head, ready to stomp with all his might. Even in his state, the softly spoken "No" smashed right through his anger and rage, making him look up at his Mistress giving him a shake of her head. He gulped. Not even his overwhelming need for revenge could make him disobey a direct order. He lowered his foot, and then his knees and kneel submissively beside the moaning bear.

Leshyet shifted her right leg enough to reveal the scene to Nijusata, showing him her unicorn kneeling submissively next to the groaning and winded bear. She blocked the view again, pushing his head deep down onto his cock as she hissed, "The strong DO dominate the weak, don't they..."

Nijusata shuddered at the sight, his slave beaten and defeated... and he suddenly wasn't playing with a hot red dragoness any more, she was playing with HIM! He should be alarmed... but couldn't quite concentrate enough with all the sensations he was feeling. The cock in his mouth felt like it was hers... he imagined HIS cock was inside her, fucking her as he sucked on her cock and nosed her pussy and watched those delicious tits sway above him. He curled his long dragon toes in pleasure and moved his head willingly and eagerly to the guiding touch of the fingers gripping him. Then it was all too much and she came... or he came... he didn't care anymore but felt the hot cum spurting into his muzzle as he arrrrrghed in a powerful climax.

Leshyet held the black head between her thighs as he came, she could smell the scent of it, feel the base of his cock pulsing against her wet pussy. She caressed his head, waiting it out... then let go.

Nijusata slumped back onto the desk, his back aching from being bent forward. He swallowed... tasting the strong flavor of cum in his mouth, and looked up into the stern eyes of the dragoness sitting on him. He couldn't meet her gaze for long, and dropped his eyes in submission. For long moments he just sat there, cock twitching... his mind slowly clearing from the lust induced haze. He had meant to fuck the bitch... but somehow she had turned out to be anything but submissive. He wasn't sure WHAT he had seen, but it wasn't weakness. He felt ashamed for misjudging her so completely. But at the same time... that had been some amazing sex.

"I trust your slave will behave himself?" said Leshyet, still slowly grinding on the male dragons pulsing cock. She lifted a foot and planted it on the dragons chest, a bit more of her weight bearing down on his hips, and his balls.

Nijusata nodded weakly, "Yes, Ma'am." He erked at the increased pressure on his balls, and only hesitated for a moment before licking at the toes of the offered foot.

She said, "Good!" She pushed her foot forward, deep into the dragons mouth, her big toe sticking out one side of it, her little toe on the other, the ones in between resting against the back of his tongue.

Nijusata suppressed a small gag as the middle toes slid along his tongue and to the back of his throat. He mmmmphed on the foot, tongue caressing the underside. He could have thrown her off him, he was strong enough... but she had shown her dominance in other ways and he knew his place with her now.

Leshyet let the male service her foot for a time, then pulled back, getting to her hands and knees before sliding off the desk. She bent over to pick up her one piece dress and shrugged back into it, giving the black a good show as she dressed herself. "I'll expect your bear to submit to a punishment session. Inform him that when Rickie calls, he is to go with him and submit to whatever my unicorn deems appopriate. Is that clear, boy?"

Nijusata gave a nod, the taste of his own cum and the red dragon's foot still on his tongue. He shuddered in pleasure at the aftereffects of the forced orgasam, still unsure how he wound up on his back and submitting to the dragon he had planned to dominate.

"Come slave, we have to close up the office for the day. There is nothing here worth any more of our time."

Rickie nodded as he got to his feet, considering giving the bear a few parting kicks but thinking better of it. His Mistress said he would get his revenge, and he wanted to think long and hard about that. He already had a few ideas on how to make that bear regret doing those... things to him. He clenched his teeth in anger, then smiled a terrible grin at the bear before crawling after the red dragoness.

Doysar breathed in slow, shallow breaths on his side, still clutching himself. He couldn't belive his Master had just let her do those things to him. He didn't understand dragons at all! He was bigger and stronger, why didn't he rape her? He could have given his Master a GREAT show with that little unicorn at his mercy. Now he was promised a 'session' with the unicorn? He groaned and knew it was going to be bad. Why did his Master have to submit? He was CLEARLY the stronger dragon. It wasn't right!

Nijusata sat up on his desk and let out a deep sign. He liked that red dragoness even less now. Besting him, and then just leaving like that! He had hoped she would have at least stuck around long enough for a few proper fucks! He would have to be more careful around her in the future. She COULD have done much worse to him. He had been deep under her control there... she could have forced him to formally state her domination over him. Could have tied him up and had her way with him for the rest of the night. He had to admit a LITTLE interest in that idea... but knew he would regret it the next day. He of course had planned to do that to HER... but that was when he thought she was a secret submissive. Now that he knew better he dropped any plans of trying to bend her to his will. He slowly sat up and shrugged. Like it or not, she won this time and he had no choice but to send his bear off for punishment. He had been pleased at first, when he thought Leshyet was going to be easy prey, but now he found himself staring with displeasure at his slave. "You and I are going to have WORDS bout your behavour..."

Doysar shivered, his worries about what Rickie was going to do to him replaced by a much more immediate, and terrifying fear about what his Master would do instead. Rickie would only have one chance to hurt him. His Master had the rest of his life. He stammered, "Of course master... anything you want... anything at all..." as he forced himself into a kneel. He had to get back into his Masters good graces, and fast. He tried not to flinch as his Master approached, and he awated his fate.


Leshyet curled the end of her tail around Rickie's neck like a second collar as he crawled along behind her. She pulled with her tail, moving him up until he was beside her. Not quite at her side, she kept him behind her, but clearly in a favored position. She said, "Just to make sure nobody else gets the wrong idea, I'll walk you back to your room today, slave. It will send a clear message."

Rickie nodded, knowing she could feel the bobbing of his head through the tight grip of her tail around his neck. It was a comforting feeling, having that powerful tail holding, guiding and protecting him. He was used to the difficult position of crawling now, his hands toughened and hardly feeling the paving stones under them. Even so, he was pushed to his limits by the long walk to his quarters, and was happy when he was led to the door, and surprised as she took him right into his home, the tail finally sliding from his neck. He settled to his knees beside her.

Leshyet looked around, not having been inside Rickie's room before. She nodded in satisfaction at the collection of restraints and bondage he had collected. They were old and worn out, clearly salvaged from throwaways from the slave pens. But still serviceable for the occasional slave she allowed Rickie to take back for a night of domination and service.

Rickie wanted to say how grateful he was for what Leshyet had done for him today. But he wasn't sure how he could thank her, or if he even should. She was protecting her property, but she also cared for him. He knew a lot about dragons... but still had much more to learn. They were so very different than what he was used to. He was trying to find the words when an idea suddenly struck him and he said, "Mistress... may I excuse myself for just a moment?" He gestured to the small bathroom, the only other room in his small dwelling.

Leshyet cocked her head at the odd request, "You may, slave." She watched the runt close the door behind him and inspected his various belongings with curiosity. She wondered what his home had been like before he had been enslaved. She read his file of course, and had a good idea. It had been something much like this, small, modest, nothing special. She smiled toothily at the thought of being in his former home, tied to his bed... perhaps captured during a raid, held captive by the runt in secret to torment and rape. She liked the idea, and decided that she should play out that fantasy at some point. She turned her head back to the bathroom door as it opened.

Rickie stepped out of the door, not crawling as he was holding one of the large dragon-sized mugs he kept for drinking. He set it down on the table beside his bed, then looked up at his mistress meekly. "I... uh... thought that maybe... if you wanted to of course."

Leshyet peered at the mug and let out a sharp, single laugh of delight. The little runt had pissed into it, nearly filling it halfway too. Since he had been unable to perform in her presence, he had figured a way around his issues. Clever. She would have to train him out of his performance anxiety of course, but for now... well... this would do.

Rickie smiled back at the laugh, not sure to take it as a good sign or not. Even in the privacy of the bathroom it has still taken a lot of concentration to go, knowing his Mistress was just on the other side of the door, bit he had managed.

Leshyet licked her lips, and slowly moved her hands to her head, "Oh... you saw me borrowing gold... I'll be ruined if you tell! Whatever am I to do?"

Rickie breathed a bit faster in excitement. He hadn't been sure she would still be interested, especially after her play with that bigger dragon. He strutted back and forth, "I should turn you in... but maybe... if you do as I say... I'll keep your secret!"

Leshyet moaned, "Do as you say? But I'm a dragon and you are a lowly, pitiful slave! I could never!"

Rickie shrugged with an exaggerated motion, "Unless you get on your knees and submit, I guess I'll have to tell."

Leshyet said, "No! Wait... I'll do it. I'll do whatever you want. Oh the shame... blackmailed by a slave!" She slowly dropped to her knees, a hand once more sliding under her dress to finger her wet sex. She was SO horny, especially after her session with Nijusata. She wasn't turned on by dominating him, but he was still a handsome dragon and riding his cock was a pleasure regardless of who was on top.

Rickie smiled cruelly, moving to sit on the bed. He picked up the large mug and set it down between his legs, using his thighs to hold it. He took Leshyet's head by her horns and pulled until her nose was poised over the cup. "Drink it, you thieving bitch..."

Leshyet groaned at the smell. "No... please... don't make me do that! Anything but that!"

Rickie shoved until her nose pressed into the rim of the cup, wetting it with his still warm and steaming urine. "Drink it or I'll tell!" he threatened.

Leshyet shuddered at the humiliation of it. The smell was terrible, not even being proper dragon piss but a mere horse, even if it WAS a unicorn. She shuddered and surrendered, slurping up a mouthful and nearly choking on the awful taste. She forced herself to swallow, and fell into her role... swooning with embarrassment and shame. She drank, using her tongue to lap it up like a dog, splashing a bit on her face and the unicorn's thighs. She stared at his erect cock as it pressed against her nose and face, her fingers moving faster and deeper inside.

Rickie watched her drink and felt like he was going to explode from desire and need. Watching her was so HOT... knowing what she was drinking. As soon as she finished and lifted her head for a breath he forced her head back down, this time over his cock. "Suck it, cunt! Suck my slave cock you bitch!"

Leshyet sucked hard and obediently, and did all the other terrible things her slave forced her to do. She was a bitch all right, a really REALLY horny bitch. It took all night to sate her desires and when she was finally exhausted and drained, she curled up with the unicorn right there in his bed and dreamed of taboos and fantasies and while she was still too much of a dragon to be able to want such things for real, she could fantasize and dream about them all she liked.

Rickie was even more exhausted than his Mistress. Dragon stamina was about the only thing that could give unicorn stamina a run for it's money, and Rickie was too inexperienced to have built up much reserves. he lay curled up with the much larger dragoness, his head buried her in her soft but firm breasts and found himself silently crying as he let the pain and humiliation of his rape at the hands of that bear out. He fell into a deep sleep soon after, his dreams filled once more with a black bear... but this time IT was doing the begging.

Rickie and Leshyet smiled together in their sleep.