The Last Human: Part three

Story by eragon13666 on SoFurry

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#4 of human

My son is away right now, he will be back soon, very soon.

Tundra nearly never left Brandon side, the only time she did leave was when she and he needed food, or the call of nature forced them apart. Norm called on the third day he was called, telling Tundra that his training was going good, and also, a woman he was seeing. He spoke highly of her, and even said that she wouldn't mind meeting Tundra, but his daughter on the other hand, was a little upset, but didn't tell him. She did though tell Brandon, who swore not to tell anyone.

"He does deserve to be happy too you know," he told her. His wounds nearly healing even as the days turned into a week, he would be able to leave the very next day, which he was glad. "I mean, you are dating me now, and seeing you like that could make him feel a little lonely."

"So now it's my fault?" she huffed as he brought his hands up.

"No, no, no," he quickly. "It's just...let it play out alright?" his girlfriend sighed and nodded as she leaned down to kiss him, when someone cleared their throat from the door way. Looking up, the two saw the orange cat again, who she told them her name was Tabby. Beside her stood a fully white female wolf, her head down slightly and tail drooping, Brandon eyes narrowed a bit, he could feel like he knew the wolf before, but he couldn't put his finger on it.

"You have a visitor," Tabby said lightly as the wolf walked in still looking down, she was many time older then Brandon, maybe in her late forties as she looked up, one eye red, the other blue.

"Hello there Brandon," she said softly. " meet you."

"Like wise," he answered moving to the edge of the bed and standing up, holding his hand out; but she didn't take it. Tabby went to leave, but before doing so motion Tundra to follow. The Pokémon gave a weird confused look, but followed all the same, once the door was closed, the wolf looked down more.

"I...I'm sorry for what happened to you Brandon," she spoek lightly as Brandon only shook his head.

"Don't worry yourself over me," he answered. "It wasn't your fault."

"Yes it was," now it was Brandon turned to be confused as she looked up once more. "Because Fang is my son,"

Brandon whole body froze the moment she said who she truly was, the mother of the one who put him here in the first place. Again she looked down toward the floor as her fur started to get matted with tears; her body shook lightly as she held herself close. Brandon went over to her and led her to a chair, sitting her down then went over to get another chair and sat before her. Grunting lightly from the slight pain he still felt.

"I'm...I'm so sorry!" she blurted out crying openly. "I...I didn't know he would go that far...after his father died and then..."

"Hey, hey..." Brandon shushed her as she looked up. "I forgive him."

"What?" she gasped looking at him. He sighed and looked away for a moment then back to him.

"I forgive him, I do not feel rage for what he had done to me, he is just letting off steam of his dead father; I know because I've seen what he was like when he was no doubt alive." This was true, years ago, Brandon and Fang in fact use to be the best of friends, and then one day, he just snapped. Beating everyone and making fun of many, he never went after Brandon, no doubt for the friendship they once held, but when the human stopped his rape; that was when it ended the 'truce'. Brandon never really did meet his mother, since he never spoke to her before when they were friends, to the two, they were school friends. "What's going to happen to him?"

"He's going to be in jail to close to a year," she answered sighing softly. "I want to see him...but..."

"Mind if I come as well?" she looked back up at him as he only smiled. "I just wish to tell him myself I do not feel anger to him and forgive him." She thought for a moment about the safety of this human, but nodded after a while as she stood up.

"I'll be going to see him next week, around three o'clock at the jailhouse near the town hall."

"I'll be there then," he answered, taking out his hand as the two shook lightly with smiles.

A few days later, Brandon was back in school showing everyone the scars he got, some even asked to touch them. The scar over his heart was the worse to his standers, it looked like a clean cut, more white then the rest of his body, and no hair grew anymore from it. he had to go slow on the sports and games he would play in gym class, if he felt even the slightest pain, he would sit out, watching as the others went on with their running and climbing. When he did have time to see his website, he was drowned with worry like messaged asking if he was alright, having hearing it from the news no doubt, he made sure to tell everyone he was fine, and not to worry. Some even wanted to fly down to where he lived to knock Fang out; but he made sure to clam them down, it wouldn't be worth it in the end anyway. The third day since coming out and back to doing what he did best, Jenny and Rick was about to take Ember out to see a movie which was too much of a kid viewing for the two teens.

"We'll be back later," Jenny told the two. "We plan on taking her out for some ice-cream because we're going to an early show and maybe lunch; so around six is when we'll be back."

"Alright mom," Brandon said holding Tundra with one arm around her waist as she giggled kissing his cheek. "You have fun now Ember."

"I will!" she cried pulling on her mother and father hand as they laughed and left, the sound of the car driving off was heard as Brandon shook his head.

"Thank god," he answered lightly. "I really thought I was going to be stuck watching that damn movie!" Tundra only rolled her eyes looking at her boyfriend as he went to sit down on the sofa, her following after him as she sat on his lap, hands on his shoulders looking down at him.

"Well, I can't fully agree with you there," she answered smiling a bit. "But, at least we have the house to ourselves for a few eight hours!"

"Yeah I guess so huh?" he smiled up at her, his hands going to her hips. She wore a plain white shirt today, blue jeans like always, while he wore a full black shirt, pants, and even socks. She smiled down at him, leaning down and brought her head under his chin, hugging him slightly as he too hugged back. She seemed to be in deep thought, as if talking to herself, when she pulled away and got off of him, she smiled and started to walk away.

"Hey Brandon," she called over her shoulder looking at him. "Mind coming with me?"

"Sure I guess," he answered standing and following after her. As he followed her up the stairs to his room, she closed the door after him as he gave a puzzle look. Again she kissed him, but this time, he felt that it was different. Her mouth opened a bit, her tongue slowly licking his lips, begging for a way in, when he did open his mouth; at once it shot in to lick at his own tongue. He moaned slightly at the new feeling, as she started to rub up on him, her chest crushed between the two bodies, already a hard on being formed in the humans' pants. She let go of the kiss, before kissing his lips once more, but a quick one, and then another, before she started to kiss down his neck like the first time they made out. She pushed him lightly toward the bed, making him sit as she straddle him again, kissing his neck more as she then nipped and sucked on his earlobe. "T...Tundra...?" she smiled moving from his ear to look at him.

"I want you Brandon..." she whispered so low even she almost didn't hear. "I want you right now..."

"But...I...I don't have a condom..." he stuttered as she laughed lightly.

"We Pokémons aren't like many Brandon," she leaned down kissing his jaw line. "We can only be with child when we are in heat, and trust me, if I was truly in heat; I would've been all over you hours ago!" Brandon gulped slightly looking up at her as she smiled leaning down until she laid on him. "I want you to be the one to claim me take me into the path of adulthood...please do this for me, I know you want this too." It was true, he really did want to have sex with her, more then anything, but was he truly ready? Again she kissed him, and he kissed her back all the stronger, his mind now going on it's own as his tongue this time went inside of her mouth. As the two moaned, her hands went under his shirt, rubbing up his chest as she felt the scars on his body. Leaning the hands down until they were at the bottom of his shirt, she started to lift it up, and over his head with ease.

His chest was somewhat full of hair, save for where the scars were, but that didn't stop her from leaning down to lick and kiss at his chest causing him to shiver slightly as her teeth grazed his skin; his own hands going toward her shirt as he nearly ripped it off, the lust already getting to him as her breast giggled slightly in her black bra. With her leaning down, he brought his hand behind her to untie her, throwing both their shirts and her bra away, he leaned up and took one of her breast into his mouth and started to nurse on her. Her head leaning back as she gave a soft moan, one hand on his head rubbing him and cooing softly as he licked and sucked her softly. His other hand going to rub the boob he was not at the moment licking. When the need to breath more came to past, he moved at once to the other one, licking and sucking with more force. Her back arched as she moaned his name looking down to see his eyes closed, as one hand went to his pants to wiggle out of them. She helped him with that, taking her hands down and pulled them off, only his boxers and socks on now, but even then those socks were quickly thrown off to the growing pile.

A large tent seen in his boxers caused her to shiver, knowing she was so close to see the love of her life dick for the first time ever, this caused her to become wet. His hands went to her pants then, reaching inside until he also grabbed her panties and pulled both down in one move. Her wet slit being seen at once, parted slightly from lust as she was openly panting. Brandon looked down at her opened legs as they both sat up. He had seen vaginas before, but only on videos of porn, this was the first 'real' one he ever saw, and he couldn't think of a better one then from the women that was his.

"I think it's your turn to even the playing field," Tundra gave a sly grin as Brandon smiled, moving back a bit to the headboard of his bed, he slipped the boxers off, hanging them on his finger, before throwing it to the pile. As she looked down, her eyes were wide. She had never seen a human body before, only in pictures she found of furs and scales who could draw, he even had hair around his groin. True it was trim slightly, and like many males; mostly furs, his balls were seen hanging below his cock. He was blushing madly, as well as her by now, both completely naked before the other, about to have sex for the first time.

"So uh..." Brandon rubbed his head, as Tundra looked down at his member still. From just looking at it, it looked to be maybe seen to eight inches long, the head clearly seen without the extra skin that she read some humans held. "You wanna go right to the point...or other stuff first?"

"I say," she answered pushing him on his back once more. "I suck you off, and then you eat me out and then..." she leaned closer to his ear licking it once more. "You fuck my brains out!" again this caused him to shudder lightly, never seeing this kind of Tundra before. It made his penis jump, and she saw it making her laugh slightly as she slowly moved her body downward, her mouth opening as she let her tongue slowly drag its' way down his chest, to his belly, until it was near his manhood.

Taking the meat in hand, she slowly started to rub him, his eyes closed as she leaned back letting out a soft sigh. Many times before meeting Tundra he would do this to himself, but with someone else doing the rubbing, it felt somewhat better. She smiled as she started to move a bit faster, a small bid of pre was already seen as she looked up at him, then down; licking the head of his penis taking the salty pre with her. He gasped loudly from that, looking down at her as she only smiled and winked, going to lick him again on the head ever so slowly. Again he fell to the pillow of the bed, his hand clutching the bed as he moaned and gasped as she started to lick at his underbelly of the penis. Having had enough with the licking, she hovered her now open jaws over his head, as he watched; his air caught deep in his throat as she smiled, winking one more as she took the shaft into her mouth.

The first thing he noticed was the wetness of her mouth and the slight heat coming from it, he couldn't understand the last part, but it didn't matter as he led his head back and groaned as she took more of him into her jaws; licking him loud enough for him to even hear her. As she slowly sucked, he hand went to her head, rubbing the leaf as he moaned out how much he was enjoying himself; which caused her to smile lightly over the dick in her mouth. Bobbing her head now, she increased her speed as Brandon started to moan louder and louder, he was already close to cumming and he couldn't stop.

"I...Tundra I..." she smiled inwardly, knowing what he was trying to say, but even that didn't make her let up on her sucking, until he was pushed over the edge. Crying out, his hips jerked upward into her mouth almost to the hilt as he started to ejaculate into her waiting mouth. The first wave made her drink it by mistake, but when she liked the taste she started to drink it down even more, almost like a straw in a bottle of soda. When the last of his cum slowly stopped, she pulled away, licking her lips as she laid over him, hugging his chest tightly as he panted for breath. It was true she wanted nothing more then to allow him to eat her out, but her sucking his cock; she just wanted him in her all the more now.

When he could catch his breath, he looked down at her laying on his chest, her legs on ether side of him and his limp cock starting to stir back to life. She looked up, her gold eyes capturing his green one, and without words needed to be told, he knew what she wanted next.

"How do you wanna do this?" question Brandon as Tundra already had his answer as she sat on his chest.

"This was something I always wanted to try," she answered turning her body fully around and crawling to the foot of the bed. On her hands and knees, her 'tail' up and moved to the right side as she looked back, a sly grin on her face. "I want you to take me like this Brandon...please..." just from looking at her like that, made something in him click. He couldn't understand it, but the way she was giving herself to him, it just felt so...right. Moving up behind her on his knees, he gentle held onto her hips, her tail draping over his shoulder as she took on of his hand into her own as he lay over her back. He knew that it was going to hurt, from a young age, his mother and father told him about sex and what to know and to expect when he did have it with someone he cared for. He knew it was going to hurt her if this was her first time, and the way she clung to his hand tightly to the point that blood almost stopped flowing into it; he would've guess right.

"We don't have to do 'this' part right now you know?" he told her rubbing her back softly. "We can wait, you know I don't care."

"But I do," she answered looking back at him. "I love you Brandon, and I want us to become more bonded then by just names...just take it slow...alright?" he gave her a small nod, leaning down to kiss her slightly, and while she was busy kissing him, he slowly started to push his hips toward her. At first, her lower lips made sure not to allow him entry, but after a few more hard pushes, the head slipped in causing both to moan out softly. The human stopping for a moment until slowly starting to ease himself into her as she gasped at the feeling of being filled, and once he hit the barrier that still marked her as a child; he stopped. Looking back at him again, her grip tightened as he hugged her with his free arm, leaning down to kiss her again to muffle her screams he would know would come, as he pulled out only a inch; and thrust back in.

She screamed in their kiss, her lips and body shivering and quaking in pain as his whole member was now inside of her, he held her close the whole time, still kissing her until her cries of pain soften to pain gasped. But then she did something he wouldn't have guessed, pushing her hips back, he was pulled out of her hot tunnel and onto his ass. At once she pounced him, straddling his lap and engulfed his member into her pussy. How she did it he had no idea, and when he was about to say something, he noticed something. Her eyes were somewhat small, a small smile on her face as she licked her lips before lifting and lowering herself onto him slowly time and time again. Both moaning loudly, not caring who heard them, her breathing then becoming rasp and heavy as she hung her head low, watching as his penis was seen leaving and entering her body, which only caused her to speed up more. His hands gripping her ass lightly, kneading and rubbing the cheeks as she gasped at the feeling. She was so into it as well, that like most of her kind, she moved her jaws to Brandon neck, and bite down, the taste of his blood fueling her lust as she humped him faster.

He cried out in the slight pain he felt, but somehow he enjoyed the bite she gave him, in turn fueled him as well as his hips started to jackhammer up into her love hole, which was now quivering, a sigh that she was close to her edge.

"F...fuck..." she cursed as she started to lean back a bit, only her arms she had wrapped around his neck kept her from falling onto her back, but even so, that's what he wanted. Moving forward, he fell forward with her on her back, arms still wrapped around him, and at once legs around his waist, locking behind him with her ankles as his thrust went from fast, to slow and powerful; each time he hilted her, caused her to gasp out. "More...fuck... me more human!" she nearly was screaming now as he gave into his lust and started to pound her harder. The bed below them bouncing along with them, making squeaky from year of use.

" gonna cum Tundra?" panted Brandon, he wanted her to cum first before him, since he already did cum before.

"Yes...yes...don't stop!" she started to trash her hips with his as her back arched, mouth opened wide and agar as she made a silence scream into the air, her pussy milking his member for whatever spunk it could get, and get it, it did. Screaming his lover name, he thrust a few more time before his ball went up close to his body and started to cum, her walls milking his man juice as his eyes nearly rolled to the back of his head. Hips jerking slightly as once more Tundra were pushed into another cum session as she screamed this time with Brandon. When all was done, he fell backwards on the bed holding her with him as she fell on his chest, somehow still inside of her as they panted in their afterglow.

Rubbing her head and leaf, he heard her snore slightly, having fallen asleep from the time they spent together as he smiled lightly, he couldn't move out of her because of her holding him as for dear life, but he could still spoon her while inside her as he slipped her to her side, with him behind her; hugging her to his chest as she cooed and moved, her chest hitting his own as she hugged him in her sleep. Draping the blankets over them, Brandon kissed her softly as he hugged her back, closing his eyes as he started to sleep as well.

What the two didn't know, was that they were being watched, not the kind that a pervert would, but watching as if seeing how the two were doing. The unknown person wore all black to hide themselves from the dark, a small ring was heard as they brought their glove hand to their ear to listen and speak.

"Yes master?" the voice being male as the mask person started to walk away. "No, he just mated with the Pokémon girl...yes I can understand that might cause some...computation, but maybe now that he has more people he cares about it will be easier to control they did not see me, they were too busy having their runt time." Once in the shadow of the backyard and fence area, the mask person removed the mask to allow himself to breath. Deep green eyes, long black hair and pale white skin, their person; was a human. "I do not understand why we just don't bring him in right now," the human spoke crossing his arms. "Our plan is almost ready, and he needs to know what our Creed is about! It's bad enough that we spent the last eighteen years looking for this brat!" there was a slight pause as the human sighed. "Yes, yes, his father was your friend, but that's all in the past, you of all people should know this, it was you who killed his mother and father...or should I say, our mother and father." Again another pause as the human brought the mask on again and started to walk away still speaking. "He may be a my little brother by blood, but if does not join us, I will kill him; and you know this." And with that, he shut off his earpiece, looking back at the house one last time before chuckling lightly. "Very soon little brother," he spoke as if Brandon could hear him. "Very'll have to make a choice, and for your better be one we all like."