My Journey Through High School: Chapter 20: Nightmare

Story by Ryan-masterpaladin-Lewis on SoFurry

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#22 of My Journey Through High School

Despite the fact that we got away, Morrell continued to drive like a maniac for a few minutes. I can't blame him for panicking, but it was certainly not the opportunity to get comfortable. I looked over at the orca, after settling down some myself, and saw a look of terror upon his face. The poor guy seemed out of it, so I decided to do my best to calm him down.

"Morrell," I began, "I think you can slow down a tad."

"Are you sure?" He asked nearly hyperventilating, "I mean think about what happened. We ran all the way around the school, jumped out of a three story window, and now we're trying to escape certain death in a stolen truck. What if the police pulls us over, we could get in a lot of trouble one way or another."

"All the more reason to slow down," I interjected, "neither of us really knows how to drive much anyway. And I don't see them behind us either." I looked out the rear view mirror and confirmed my theory, none of them were anywhere in sight. He took a few deep breaths and soon slowed down to a reasonable speed. "That's better."

"How can you be calm at a time like this?" Morrell asked me glancing at me for a second as he kept both hands on the wheel.

"To be honest I'm not," I replied wiping some sweat off my brow, "but we need to think carefully of what we're going to do next."

"You're right," he said after a few minutes, "the best we can do is find a place to hide and lay low, somewhere where we can keep an eye out for them in case they do find us."

"Morrell?" I looked at him with a worried look, "you don't think they'll hurt our friends do you?" His face grew grim and he turned back to the road, looking at the wheel a bit. He had a feeling he knew the answer but didn't seem sure how to answer it to me. In the end though, he answered anyway.

"I want to believe not," he replied, "but it seems very likely." I looked down at myself. He was right, if they didn't come after us after we took off, it very likely means they've gone back to the school to finish the job. I was close to sobbing, Jeremy was going to make good on his promise, he was going to kill my friends, and I was powerless to stop them. I shouldn't have gone back, and because I did, they sought to get revenge for being a squealer, a nark. That's the only explanation to why they even came to the school in the first place.

"It's my fault," I said sniffing a bit. The orca looked over at me.

"What are you talking about?" He asked me.

"He made a threat when I escaped them," I replied, "that if I went back to anyone they'd kill everyone I cared about."

"I don't see why-"

"I didn't listen," I said clenching my eyes shut as I fought the tears, "I went back to you guys and they found out somehow. Now because of that they're going after our friends. It's MY fault they're getting hurt."

"Ryan!" Morrell shouted for my attention.

"I got us all in danger," I sobbed, "and once they finish them off, they'll come after us too, and I can't stand the site of any of you getting hurt, especially not you."

"Ryan, listen-"

"I'm sorry everyone," I sobbed a bit and the orca growled. Before I knew it I felt a hard hand backhand me across my right cheek. I gasped a bit at the pain and looked over at the orca, wondering why he was hitting me.

"Snap out of it Ryan." He began with an angry, "don't you even think about going down that road, especially not now dammit. Listen to me carefully. It is NOT your fault, it was never your fault. Think about it, would it even really matter if you were in the equation or not? Those guys are completely insane fucks, who crusade to kill anyone who is gay. It wouldn't have taken them much longer to do something like that in the first place, so don't even think of blaming yourself for this."

"How do you think they feel about this?" I rebuttalled, "you really don't think they'll hold a grudge after they see the business end of a gun at their face?"

"Of course we know it's not your fault," he stated, "you're just as much a victim as the rest of us. Most if not all of us knew the danger we'd be facing the moment they came into the spotlight. But we stuck by you. When we kept you from going back out into harm's way earlier when you were wounded did you doubt for one second that we blamed you for what happened? Trust me hon, they'll understand." I held my face where he slapped me, looking down at my feet. He was right. No matter how bad it got, they didn't once leave my side, they stuck by through the nitty gritty. They kept up their spirits, and kept moving forward. Now that they're in trouble, I need to do the same for them. I looked back up to Morrell.

"Well what can we do?" I asked him, "we can't just leave them there."

"The police should be there by now," Morrell said, making a turn onto a main road leading to the freeway. "I know it's not much, but it's best to leave it up to them, and pray that our friends make it out alright. Have a little faith Ryan." I looked down a bit, pondering the possibilities, and then nodded.

"You're right," I said, "it wouldn't be much help if we got killed after escaping. The best we can do is hope the police will do their job, and we'd get in the way anyway."

"Right," the orca agreed, "so where do we head then? Do we go back home?"

"Probably not a good idea," I suggested, "if they did get away afterwards, they'd probably check there first."

"Then we should find someplace else to lay low for a while," he stated. I thought for a moment and came up with an answer.

"Let's head to the backroads then," I looked at the orca.

"Branching off the freeway?" the orca asked, "there's not a lot there to be honest, it would be hard to hide."

"It would be hard to find too," I stated, "the road is pretty windy. If we hide the truck within the parking lot, we can hide at that lodge in the area."

"The Crazy 8 Motel?"

"Yeah," I replied, "I don't have a lot of money, but I can afford a small room to hide in, and we can keep tabs on the news until we decide what long term plan to take." The orca thought about it as he turned onto the freeway.

"Very well," He stated and continued onward.


Terror spread amongst the entire school. The three shooters spread out through different hallways causing chaos as they went, well except for Rodney. The lion wandered the hall, keeping the gun in his hand, but he hasn't pulled the trigger on anyone yet.

'This isn't how I pictured my life of crime being at all,' Rodney thought to himself and bypassed a wounded human clutching his side. He didn't even stop to get a look at the one in question.

Dustin gave a quick stunted sigh of relief as the gunman passed him by. He was already wounded once, his side was clutched in a desperate effort to not lose too much blood. This was bad, he desperately needed to get to another hiding place. Fortunately he heard a low call aimed at him and looked to see who it was.

"Pssst." Dustin heard again, and peeked out into the hall. It was Nokemy, hiding from deep in the math hall. The monkey motioned him over quietly but desperately. This seemed well for Dustin, the math hall lead directly to an exit outside. He checked down both hallways to make sure no one was there, and hurried over to Nokemy when the coast was in fact clear. The monkey and human quickly huddled down into hiding again.

"Are you alright?" Nokemy asked.

"Not really," Dustin said, "I got shot by a bull on a rampage. I was lucky, I literally had to play dead. How about yourself?"

"I got a stray one," Nokemy said. The monkey pulled up his left pant leg, revealing a single bullet wound near the ankle. The fur around the leg was caked in dry red blood, bunching up the fur it came into contact with.

"We really need to get out of here soon," Dustin whispered, and Nokemy held a paw on his shoulder.

"The rest of us have it figured out," Nokemy replied, "all of us are either in the main hall, the language hall, or the math hall here. At the back of the math hall is a back door leading right outside, so we're working on sneaking out one at a time."

"Did anyone make it out?"

"Only two have so far," he replied, "Adair and Altoryu, who are most likely flagging down the police by now."

"Are they here yet?"

"I can't say for sure," Nokemy said, "god why is it taking them so long? The police in this town are really fucked up, can't take anything seriously." It was then when they heard a shout of pain coming from further down the hall, near a sophomore math classroom. The two looked at each other with worry, the shout had come from another friend.

"Was that..." Dustin asked, "Lucian Blaze?"

"Come on," Nokemy said and stood up best he could on his right leg, and helped Dustin up. Both of them quickly and hurriedly snuck to the classroom where the shout had come from. Their fear was realized with what they saw next. One of the perpetrators, a hyena bearing a knife was attacking three of the Lucian brothers in a classroom. Lucian Canad was unconscious, a couple of wounds were embedded in his left shoulder, and Lucian Blaze gripped his knee tightly, which had fresh blood trickling out of it. Another student lay to the side of Snow, that student was unfortunately dead, from being shot in the head. The gun that did the deed was laying on the ground near the door, the trigger was broken and jammed.

"That was an expensive toy," Bones stated licking his crooked knife a little, "you'll pay for that."

"Likewise for hurting my brothers," Snow stated squaring off in a fighting pose. He was the only of the three brothers present that wasn't wounded.

"I might enjoy this a little more then," The hyena gave a shrill laugh and charged with his knife. Snow, ducked and rolled out of the way, and ran back at him, throwing a few quickly placed punches. Bones dodged too, and slashed and stabbed at Snow's neck. Snow backed up just in time to dodge the blows. The two were in quite the standoff. The teacher was frantically calling 911 asking for help, the rest of the students were huddled in fear, either shivering or crying, or both. Snow soon saw his window of opportunity though. When the hyena rushed in again Snow followed suit. The snow leopard ducked just in time to dodge a large swipe and body slammed the hyena in the wall. While Bones was stunned, the snow leopard gripped his wrist and wrest the knife free of it, and then using the palm of his hand hit the crooked beast in the neck. The hyena collapsed, completely knocked out. Nokemy looked up at the snow leopard nervously.

"Are you guys alright?" Dustin asked.

"Yeah," said Snow, "well except for my brothers, and it seems my hand got slashed in the last part of the scuffle." He held his paw up to see a small line of red coating the padding on his paw. Nokemy nodded and ran over to the others.

"Well I don't know about you guys," he began, "but I'm not going to wait here to get shot down, let's hurry over to the exit." The others agreed and got up. Snow ran over to his brother's aid, and picked up Canad gently. Nokemy supported Blaze up and with Dustin in tow, hurried out the exit doorway in the nearby hall. Once the group was out in the parking lot they finally saw squad cars with their sirens hurrying out.

"About damn time," Nokemy said to himself.


Rodney spotted the cruiser lights approaching the school, and ran over to his boss as he approached the main foyer.

"Hey boss," the lion said, "the police are here, they've got all the exits surrounded." The bull in question snorted annoyingly. His rage just never seemed to stop growing.

"Where the hell is Bones?" he asked.

"He was knocked unconscious in an abandoned classroom," Rodney replied, "whoever was in there must have overpowered him."

"You've got to be kidding me," Jeremy growled, "fine, get your guns ready." The lion looked at him confused.

"What for?" he asked, "you aren't seriously..."

"Damn right I'm serious," Jeremy retorted, "if they're blocking our path, then we'll blast them to high heaven, plus they won't charge so easily, we have several chances of taking hostages too."

"But what if they do charge quickly?" he asked, "we'll be overpowered very quickly."

"I don't care," Jeremy replied, "I'm the boss and I'm saying you're doing this, now." Right about that time, Bones had just barely come back to meet up with the other two. He was yawning and stretching a bit, completely unarmed. The bull snarled.

"Is the toast ready yet?" Bones asked.

"What the hell happened to you?" Jeremy growled.

"No need to get upset boss," he said, "I was only asking."

"I meant why did you get knocked out you blundering idiot," the bull said, "where's your weapon?"

"Oh that?" The hyena replied, "it's gone. The trigger jammed so badly it's useless now." The bull growled louder from this.

"What the hell did you do that for?" Jeremy asked.

"Hey it was an accident," Bones replied, "besides, there's more in the trunk."

"Not anymore," Rodney replied, "the police have the perimeter secure, that means no access to our ride."

"Both of you are useless," the bull stated and faced them, "if you can't fight now, you have no more use for me." Jeremy then turned his gun to Bones and pulled the trigger. The resulting shot blew right through the hyena's head, and he was dead before he even touched the ground. Rodney was caught in a sudden surprise. He knew Jeremy was unstable, but he never thought he would actually kill one of his own. Was he that much of a monster?

"What the fuck did you do that for?" Rodney asked, "he was one of us, we were brothers in arms."

"Don't tell me you believe in that sissy bullshit now do you?" Jeremy asked with a glare that would scare anyone.

"This wasn't what I signed up for," Rodney exclaimed, "any of it. All I wanted to be part of some naughty bad fun, and instead I find myself some pawn for some freaky psycho maniac. Do you not have a soul? Do you enjoy throwing us away like pawns."

"That's exactly what you are," Jeremy said, "all of you are expendable, and I can always find more foot soldiers to use and throw away. The only one with rights to anything is me. I decide what happens and what doesn't. I decide who lives and who dies. I rightly act, and therefore should be god."

"You're one really fucked up bull," Rodney said walking down near the turn of another hall, "why don't you go roll around in your own shit." The lion then threw his gun down and started walking down the other hall. "Go fight your own bloody coup with the cops, I quit." Jeremy took major offense when he saw his last pawn throw his gun down in front of him and defy his word.

"Don't you fucking walk away from me," Jeremy snorted and cocked his weapon, following Rodney down the hall. When Rodney was in range, the bull fired his gun, several times. The poor lion didn't see it coming, the king of his own destiny was robbed of his right to life by a man who didn't deem him fit to live anymore.


After roughly twenty minutes of hard driving, Morrell and I made it to the motel in the backroads area. Morrell pulled into the parking lot, just in time as we saw smoke escape the vents in the front. It seemed Morrell's driving inexperience finally caught up with him just when we arrived.

"I don't understand what went wrong with it," Morrell wondered.

"It may be because you left the stick in first gear too long," I made a guess, "it was a while since you last switched."

"I guess," the orca replied, "I'll have to apologize to the guy we nicked this from."

"We can worry about that later," I said. We went to the main building and bought the key to a small room. They guy seemed a little curious how two tired out teenagers were renting a room for a day, but didn't question it much though when he saw the cash. We walked across the parking lot back to our room and quickly closed the door behind us.

"So we stay here tonight then," he said, "do either of us have our phones?"

"I have mine," I replied, "but it's low on battery so I'm shutting it off now for a little bit."

"That's fine by me," Morrell said, "I'm gonna freshen up in the bathroom a bit."

"Ok," I replied and saw the small TV on the table opposite of the bed and I looked around for the remote. When I found it, I sat down on the hard cushion and turned it on to the local news. As I feared, it was featuring a breaking news bulletin on the school shooting. When it got to the on sight news coverage, I saw a welcoming sight hiding behind some police cruisers.

"Thank you George," the badger with the mic said, "chaos is running rampant here, only a small handful of students have managed to escape the carnage so far. Some students behind me are staying hidden as directed behind the police, but have not moved hoping to see their friends walk out alive." I saw Nokemy and Altoryu hiding behind the cruisers right next to the badger.

"Morrell!" I shouted, "Nokemy and Altoryu made it out." The orca hurried back into the room to check out the TV. He gave a small sigh of relief.

"At least they're ok," he stated and looked a bit serious, "hey, doesn't Nokemy seem wounded?" I looked and saw where he pointed out, I frowned a bit.

"Yeah," I stated, "he's limping, they must have got him in the leg. I hope the others are alright." The orca sat down next to me and hugged me.

"I'm sure they will Ryan," he said as I hugged him back, "just hold onto that hope." I nodded, that was all I could at the moment, was hold onto hope.


Gloria was slowly walking down the road, shivering and holding herself as if to cover her breasts from someone. But no one else was around, and still she tried to cover her naked body best she could. She was done crying, but was still muttering her thoughts to herself.

"Why did this happen to me?" she asked to herself, knowing that no one else was around and that hardly anyone traversed the backroads. "What did I do to deserve this?" She pondered everything on that walk down the road. She knew that Morrell was gone from her life forever. Her fantasy and reputation as a cheerleader would never be lived down, and she could no longer face them. Her virginity was gone, destroyed in a flash by a complete monster who filled her heart completely with fear as he destroyed her vagina over and over again. And last of all her thoughts dwelled on Mariella, whom she also felt she could no longer face.

"What can I say Mariella," she began, "I've even pushed you aside for all this. And yet until now you've stuck by me... What can I say other than sorry?" She stopped as she approached a parking lot next to a small casual motel.

"The Crazy 8 Motel?" Gloria asked to herself curiously. She beamed a bit, thinking about how she could use that as her way out. But she stopped. She was completely naked under her arms, and knew that she would probably be denied help. Even worse, most people who stayed at the crazy 8 were rapacious truckers that are so sex deprived that they may take it out on her. Despite that she continued walking, until she found something else caught her eye and she hid. When she looked, she saw a human and orca teenager climb out of an old truck that was smoking a bit on the front.

"I don't understand what went wrong with it," the orca wondered.

"It may be because you left the stick in first gear too long," the human seemed to guess, "it was a while since you last switched."

"I guess," the orca replied, "I'll have to apologize to the guy we nicked this from."

"We can worry about that later," the human said. They went to the main building shortly after. She had her suspicions on who they were, but didn't confirm them until they came back to the building near their car, and entered the nearby room. It was Ryan and Morrell, the two people that had essentially ruined her life. Her old feeling of blame for them came back in a flash. She knew she couldn't get Morrell anymore, but felt that at least it was time to pay them back, to get back at them for what they did to her. She ran and hid behind their truck, thinking up a plan.

The bunny also knew that they wouldn't help her either, or at least she thought that way. But that didn't matter to her anymore. She lost a friend, she lost the love of her life, she lost her treasured virginity. The only thing that she felt she could lose anymore was her life, and at the moment, even that didn't matter to her. The only thing that mattered to the bunny now was getting her revenge. The idea of her revenge came to her though when she turned around and saw what was sitting in the back of the van. Sitting in the cargo bay of the truck was a barrel with the words gasoline on it, and a lighter laying just next to it, and she smiled as she gazed upon those items.


Meanwhile, Alduin and Mariella were searching the backroads for Gloria just as Mariella had requested earlier. They had just finished searching the entire Dixie downs area, and found next to nothing there. Alduin grew a little frustrated, while Mariella grew more worried, but it wasn't Gloria that Alduin was frustrated about.

"I better call Mr. Candland," he stated, "the performing arts festival is going to start soon."

"I'm sorry about all this," the wolf replied as Alduin dialed the cell phone. It rang a few times in his ear before the music teacher picked up.

"Hello?" The receiver spoke with the teacher's voice.

"Mr. Candland it's Alduin," the cat replied, "are you at the festival yet?"

"There's been a major change of plans," he said, "I'm in the emergency room at the moment."

"What?!" Alduin shouted in surprise, "what happened?"

"I got shot that's what," Mr. Candland said, "The shooters are now at the school now, whatever you and that girl do, stay away from the school, far away. It's way too dangerous."

"I understand," Alduin said slowly filled with worry, "is anyone else hurt or there."

"I can't say for sure," The teacher replied and hung up. Alduin did the same massaging his brow a bit.

"What happened?" The wolf asked.

"There's a school shooting going on right now."

"What?" she yelled, "why?"

"I don't know," Alduin said, "all I can say is that we're to stay away from there. So I guess all we can do now is keep searching for your friend."

"Yeah," Mariella sighed, "I'm sorry about all this really."

"It's quite alright," Alduin replied, "I know how it is, everyone is worried right now I'm sure."

"I know," the wolf said, "but I think Gloria might be part of what caused all this to happen. She wanted to get rid of Ryan so she could get access to Morrell."

"We all knew that," he replied, "but that doesn't mean I'm going to hold a grudge. Yes we're mad at her, but I'm not one to go seeking retribution, no matter how justified I may think it is."

"I just wish I could tell her that chasing him was a mistake," she stated.

"You love her, don't you?" The cat asked smirking. The wolf shot her head up and looked at him.

"W-what?" She asked, "what are you talking about?"

"Why else would you be doing all this just to find her?" The cat asked.

"That doesn't mean I love her," she replied, "friends are supposed to do that for each other. I mean, yeah I really care for her, but not in that way."

"Sure it isn't," the cat joked and let it drop, "I was merely teasing. I know how it is. And I'm sure she'll be fine and you can talk to her when you get the chance."

"Thank you," she said and held her head down a bit thinking, 'but I do hope you're alright Gloria...'

"But in all seriousness," Alduin said, "you probably shouldn't let her off light. I mean you are her friend, if she really thinks that she may be more prone to listen to you if you're aggressive about it. You should let it all out and let her know exactly how you feel." The wolf looked up a bit at him pondering his advice and jumped a bit when she looked out her window, and saw something.

"Wait," she said, "I see someone, in that parking lot. Pull over now."


Jeremy grew more furious by the second. The bull continued shooting at the cops who slowly advanced. The remaining students were vigilantly hidden from him, which only added to his anger. The bull was cornered, he was running out of ammo, down to his last gun, and both of his former comrades are dead.

"I won't let it end like this," he stated, pulling out his magnum and unlocking the safety on it. He knew he didn't have enough ammo to stand up against them. He needed a way to get to his truck, to get to his weapons. He needed a hostage. That was when another evil idea popped up into his head. He bolted and dived straight across the hall into a nearby classroom, breaking the glass door that blocked them. The classroom was a computer room, the perimeter completely outlined in Macintosh computers. All the students in the room were completely terrified, huddled near the back corner of the room. The bull saw a male fox near the front, hugging a dolphin closely and and sneered.

"You," he said pointing the gun at the fox as he yanked him up on his feet. Jason yelped in pain as he did.

"Jason!" The dolphin shouted as he stood up, but the bull quickly pointed the gun at the fox's head.

"Don't move," he said, "any of you, especially you foxy. Fail to do so, and he dies."

"Jake," the fox said silently as he was yanked out of the room. The police approached as the bull walked out, but froze when they saw his new hostage.

"Don't make any sudden moves," Jeremy repeated to the cops, "one wrong move, and he's a dead fox." The cops stayed where they were, but held their weapons down while they messaged for a negotiator to come to the scene.

"Drop your weapons, now," the bull ordered, cocking his magnum again, the fox in his tight grip shivering, fearing for his life. This didn't last long, as the bull suddenly found himself tackled against the wall and he collapsed a bit, letting go the fox, but keeping a hold on his weapon.

"Jason come on," Jake yelled as he grabbed the fox and took off running down the foyer.

"I'm so SICK of you FAGS TOUCHING ME!!!" The bull shouted and fired at the running couple. The bullet managed to hit Jake just before he dived out of the way. The fox looked on in horror at Jake as he grimaced in pain.

"Jake your hurt," he stated.

"That was worth it," the dolphin replied, "I didn't know what I'd do without you." The dolphin then leaned up and kissed the fox on the lips, which made the fox blush a bit. "Even if it meant taking one right in the ass." They then heard several shots of gunfire go off at once down and hall and they hastily took cover.

Jeremy was out of places to cover, nearly out of ammo, and out of time. The bull desperately fought for a way out, firing his remaining rounds at the officers taking cover. One stray shot however from the officer farthest from him hit his hand, knocking the gun out of firing range. Before the bull could bring the gun back out, a hail of gun fire reach at him and he was hit dead on. He collapsed, spasming from the several bullets that entered his body, until he died slowly and painfully.


Morrell and I were laying naked together after a quick shower we shared together. We didn't do much besides lay there, holding each other's hands as we watched the TV desperately. We were looking for any sign of hope that the rest of our friends made it out ok, the channel three news was recording the scene live without any commercial breaks, and the longer this dragged on, the longer I was kept on my toes.

"I'm scared Morrell," I kept telling him, and he looked at me, squeezing my hand lightly as he did.

"I know," he replied each time, "I am too, I'm scared too. But we'll get out of this alright." He kissed my cheek and held me close. A few hours passed by when news of the shooting finally ended. When the anchorman brought it up we were quickly livened up, our adrenaline rushing once again.

"This just in," the anchorman said, "we have received news from Pine View High School. The last remaining gunman has been subdued, the shooting is over. We now go live onto the scene." The TV then switched to the badger from before.

"Yes that is right George," the badger began, "the day of terror is over as the gunmen have now been subdued, and the terrified students and faculty are slowly escorted out of the building."

"Whew," I sighed a bit in relief, and Morrell rubbed my tummy a bit in assurance as the coverage continued.

"The outcome of this story though is less than what anyone would want though," The newsman continued, "investigators have confirmed that there have been a few casualties here during the exchange of gunfire, and several more are wounded. We'll have more details of this investigation coming up on live at five. George back to you." Then the TV switched back to the studio featuring the anchorman once again.

"Thank you George for sticking through that harrowing situation. We'll be right back after these commercial breaks..." Morrell and I turned to each other as the news finally broke off to its first commercial.

"It's over finally," Morrell said.

"Yeah, what a relief," I replied, "I can only hope everyone made it out ok. I'm still worried about them."

"We'll give them a call in a little bit," the orca replied and started kissing me. I did nothing but simply kiss back lovingly. At least for now, those guys won't come looking for us again, and was eager to celebrate that with my loving boyfriend. But our kissing celebration came to a quick and abrupt end when we heard a loud banging against the door.

"What on Earth?!" I shouted in surprise as the door banged louder and louder.

"Stay close to me Ryan," Morrell said in alarm, pulling me close to him. My adrenaline pumped back up. Who could be trying to break into the room now? I was given my answer shortly after when the locks and hinges gave way, knocking the door clean off. Morrell and I gasped as we recognized the figure storming in, holding a barrel in her hands.

It was Gloria.

"Gloria?" We both asked simultaneously. It took us a second to process what we were seeing. It was undeniably the bunny we knew but she seemed changed. She was completely naked, not a single article of clothing or jewelry was on her. Her fur was deeply matted, and her face was tangled in a mixture of what looked like tears, bruises, and running mascara. It was a sight that I won't ever soon forget.

She let out a shout and a growl as she held the barrel back and shot forward. A torrent of liquid splashed out of the open hatch, coating both me and Morrell in it. I shouted as the stuff made contact on my skin and started burning greatly.


"Ow," Morrell shouted, "What are you doing?" Gloria said nothing as she started continuously splashing us with that stuff. Both the orca and I held up our hands in defense as she did so.

"My skin," I shouted, "it's burning."

"This is..." Morrell started, recognizing what it is, "It's gasoline. Gloria please stop." She didn't comply and kept splashing the gasoline all over us and parts of the room itself. The begging continued, and we were too shocked and too slippery to react in time.

"I don't give a fuck anymore!" Gloria screamed, and the bunny held the barrel up, dumping whatever gasoline was on herself before tossing it aside. As I opened my eyes I saw her holding up another item. I gasped as I recognized what she held up. It was a lighter, and she flicked it up, exposing the light.

"Gloria please wait," Morrell shouted and we both plead with her as she held the lit lighter up.

"To late for begging now," she said and tossed the lighter directly at us. We both shouted and Morrell grasped me tight, turning me away and keeping his soaked body to mine, as if a feeble attempt to shield me. The next minutes passed like slow motion, while I closed my eyes, expecting the end to come. This was it, I was going to die.

But nothing happened.

When we noticed this we slowly opened our eyes and looked a bit. At the foot of our bed lay the lighter, touching the gas soaked sheets, but had been closed. I looked at the bed knob nearby and saw the wood scratched from where the lighter had collided against. I didn't breathe a sigh of relief, but both Morrell and I were glad to be alive. If the bed didn't have that bed knob, we would surely have died in a horrible hellfire.

Gloria was not so pleased, she smiled, blew a kiss at us and collapsed on her knees. She broke down into complete tears, a naked broken fragment of the person she once was. Despite the fact she nearly killed me mere seconds ago, I could only feel bad and sorry for her. Both Morrell and I watched silently, holding each other closely as she continued crying for several minutes. It wasn't until we looked up at the open door and saw two figures rushing in. One of them was Mariella, who walked and kneeled down slowly next to her friend and wrapped an arm around her as she sobbed profusely. Alduin was the other, who rushed over to us, and upon seeing the closed lighter and the liquid we were covered in, took the lighter and tossed it far outside, before calling 911.