TteotMBD Part 10: Hero or Villain?

Story by DarkstartheDragon on SoFurry

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#10 of Through the eyes of the Midnight Blue Dragon

Through the eyes of the Midnight Blue Dragon - Part 10: Hero Or villain?

I awoke to the sound of a scream. My eyes flew open and stared into Rasani's horrified face. She was staring at me and instantly, I realised something was wrong. I glanced down at my body and groaned. Once again, it was completely covered in blood. Although this time, I did not feel any pain, there was just... blood... everywhere.

I leapt off of the bed, focused on the floor in front of me and created a large bath of hot water.

As soon as I leapt into the water, it instantly turned red. At that moment, Bertain and Cynda ran into the room. They saw me, covered in blood, sitting in a hot bath, with Rasani hovering protectively next to me, trying to clean most of the blood off me.

'What happened, Darkstar? Did you get attacked again?' Cynda asked worriedly.

'No, I do not think so. I just awoke when Rasani screamed and saw that I was covered in blood.' I replied.

Rasani gasped and we all turned around to see what she was staring at. There were bloody footprints that led from the window to the bed itself. Lying on the bed, in a puddle of dry blood, was the small box that I was given in my dream last night. Rasani picked up the box and stared at it intently.

'Rasani, no! Do not open that box! It will kill you if you do!' I warned her.

'A box like this one cannot harm a large dragon.' She said and tried to open the box. Her eyes widened in surprise and the box fell to the ground.

'It refuses to open, then zaps me!' She yelled at no one in particular.

'I am just glad that you did not manage to open it.' I sighed with relief.

'What is it? How did you get it?' She asked me.

'It is a box. I have no idea what it contains and I shall not find out until the time is right. It was given to me last night by some entity that floats out among the stars.' I replied.

They all just stared at me and I shrugged.

'I have no idea what it is! But more importantly, why am I covered in blood that is not my own?' I growled.

'What do you remember from last night?' Cynda inquired.

'The dream where I received the box and floating among the stars. Apart from that, there is nothing. Even my powers refuse to reveal what happened.' I said.

Bertain nodded. 'There has been a rumour of a murder in the market district last night. I hope, for your sake Darkstar, that you were not involved at all. The Guard has many ways of dealing with murderers and thieves these days.'

I paled and glanced around the room. What was going on? Was I sleep-murdering people? No, I can't have been!

They all stared at me for a while and I considered teleporting myself out of the room and running away. But I knew that I could not run away from all my problems and that this was one of those that needed to be sorted out immediately. I jumped out of the tub, focused my powers and released them. My body was suddenly cleaned of all traces of blood.

'No one shall know about what happened here for now. Until I can decipher this and work out what the hell happened, I would like you all to keep quiet, please' I told them.

They all just nodded their heads. Rasani was still staring intently at me and I sighed, knowing that it would take a while to regain her trust. I knew that she thought that I had killed someone and I also knew that it was possible that I did indeed kill someone.

I sighed and left the building to get some fresh air. Everywhere I went, I heard talk about someone killing one of the High Councillors. I shuddered and hoped that it was not me who was not the murderer. For hours I walked up and down the streets, never really paying attention to where I was going. I ended up standing out the front of the southern gates, staring in the direction of Akarum. I sighed again, thinking that Bloodshadow must be so pissed off with the fact that I ran away and married a lovely dragoness. One of the gate guards noticed me staring at nothing and walked over.

'Hey, I know you! You are Prince Darkstar Sarum, aren't you? I was one of those hired to help with the wedding. I wish you good luck with Rasani, she is a beautiful dragoness. What are you looking at though? There is nothing out there but a wasteland.' The guard said.

'Oh, I am staring at nothing really. Just trying to imagine what is happening back in Akarum. I know that Bloodshadow would have heard about me by now, but I wonder what he is going to do about it.' I replied.

The guard's face darkened and he spread his wings slightly. 'You do not have to fear Bloodshadow, friend, the entire city and its residents will stand behind you if he comes here. He will not get you without a fight. You are now an honorary Kermani and that makes you a Councillor's heir. There is no way that Bloodshadow can walk up to these gates and just demand you back now.' He said, trying to cheer me up.

I smiled wanly at him, turned my back to the gates and walked slowly away. Even though everyone was telling me not to worry and that Bloodshadow would never get me, I had a feeling that he would find someway or somehow to snatch me from this city and drag me back to Akarum to punish me for running away.

I was walking down the street that led away from the gates when suddenly it hit me, I had been spending the last number of days subconsciously worrying about Bloodshadow, when I knew that I was more powerful and a better weapons master than him. There was no way he could beat me in a one-on-one contest. If I did not want to go with him, then there was no way he could force me.

Along with this realisation came a sense of happiness and of relief. Now that the Bloodshadow problem was behind me, it felt as if a great weight had been lifted off my shoulders and I was ready to face the world with a new, brighter outlook on life. I turned my thoughts to the Rasani-Avyn problem and decided to go somewhere to sit and think about it.

I spread my wings, glanced around to make sure that I was not being followed and took off into the clean, mid-morning air. I flew around the edge of the city, before heading towards the vast forest to the west. I scouted the terrain from the air and used my powers to penetrate the canopies of the trees and find what I was looking for; a small clearing with a cave and a lake close by. I sighed happily, tilted to the left, slowly descended through the trees and landed next to the lake.

I placed one clawed foot in the water and quickly jumped back; the water felt colder than ice! It was strange; I felt like I should know this place, it felt familiar somehow. I shivered, feeling cold. It was something that I could not quite put my claw on. I was affected by this place in an unusual way, and that slightly frightened me. I decided to lie on the grass and collect my thoughts.

I know not how long I was lying on the grass before my mind wandered off and I closed my eyes.

When I opened them, I noticed that I was lying in the middle of a large, dark tunnel. I quickly leapt to my feet and looked around. I took a deep breath, glanced over my shoulder and began walking down this long tunnel, hoping to find an exit.

The tunnel down which I walked was dark and it seemed like shadows jumped out from everywhere. My wings were brushing against the walls as I despaired. There was no way out, I was trapped. Trapped for all eternity. Then, as the last of my hope died and I accepted my eventual death with open arms, I saw a light, a light at the end of the tunnel.

I rushed off towards the light, but slowed in surprise as I noticed the walls becoming closer and closer together. I yelped in anger and frustration and increased my pace towards the light. I went from a fast walk, to a jog, to a run and finally started sprinting, tucking my wings close against my back, lest they get ripped by the crude walls.

I emerged from the tunnel in a large mountain range. This was unfamiliar territory and I wondered where I was. A sudden helplessness enveloped my body as I realised that Rasani may be in danger and that I was not there to protect her. Fear ran rampant through my body and my legs quivered. I decided to look for a way out of here quickly, before my family was murdered by the Black Guardians.

I heard a slight ringing sound behind me. The noise was quickly followed by a faint rush of air and a thud on the ground. I ducked at the right second and felt the air rush as the sword passed over my head. I spun around and came face to face with the evil silver dragon that was always plaguing my dreams. I snarled at him and rolled away. That gave me the few precious seconds I needed to prepare myself for the battle ahead. I quickly drew my sword and raised it to chest height, faced the dragon, bowed my head quickly, and leapt in to an attack. I sidestepped to the left as he swung his sword and made a quick thrust at his unprotected side. The dragon grunted in pain as he felt the large sword pierce his side. I grinned as he made a clumsy attempt to slice open my stomach. I rolled under the sword and gasped in pain and surprise as I felt his clawed foot kick my chest. I leapt back onto my feet, anger and hatred burning in my eyes. I feinted to the right, stabbed at his left arm, ducked and sliced at his ankles and made a thrust at his head. He managed to block all the attacks, but by now, he was grasping his bleeding side and breathing heavily.

He looked me in the eyes. 'This is not over, Darkstar. I shall come back and kill you one day!'

And with that said, the dragon spread his large silver wings and took off. I was left alone again, with nothing but my fear, frustration, anger and hatred for company. The sky overhead blackened and I knew that there was no point in my life if Rasani died.

A sudden feel of despair and pain shot through my body, driving me to my knees. I wept, knowing that my link with Rasani had shattered, meaning she was dead. I picked my Dragonblade up off the ground and looked at it. I stared at it for a while, thinking deeply about my life. I realised that Rasani was the one I truly loved, the one who I could not live without. Rasani was the dragoness that I had sworn to love and protect, not Avyn. With this realisation came the dawning of an option. I grasped the blade in both hands, reversed it, and buried it into my heart with a sickening crunch. It hurt, briefly, as the Dragonblade pierced the scales and my heart, but I walked willingly into the cold grip of death.

I awoke in a cold sweat. The dream already fading rapidly from my mind.

I stood up on the damp grass and looked around. I was still next to the lake, and I noticed that I was no longer alone; there was someone or something standing behind me.

I turned so quickly that my wings got caught up in my feet and I almost tripped. Standing behind me was a pair of lovely dragonesses; one of them I instantly recognised as Avyn, the other was unknown to me.

'A... Avyn... what are you doing here?' I stuttered.

She looked at me mischievously and that worried me a little. 'Oh nothing really. My friend Zathari and I were just walking through our favourite spot and saw you lying there, so we decided to wait and see what you are doing here.'

'I was just having a short sleep because I have been out flying for a while' I lied.

'Well, now that you are here and everything, do you think you could do us a favour?' Avyn asked as she stepped over to me, shaking her ass seductively.

Oh god! It's just non stop sex with her isn't it? I thought to myself as she neared.

Sure enough, she pushed me to the ground and reached hungrily for my cock. I groaned inwardly and allowed myself to be pleasured once again by her. Avyn grasped my growing member with both hands and wrapped her tongue around its head. I gasped as her flicked her tongue over the head and thrust upwards, trying to get her to stop teasing. I ran my hands over her body, loving the feel of her scales and when I reached her head, I pushed it down over my cock, forcing her to take it all in her mouth. I thrust upwards at the same time, forcing it down her throat. Avyn choked and drew back, but I would not allow her to remove my cock from her mouth. I felt an anger growing within me and I just wanted to fuck her till she screamed for me to stop. I moved one clawed hand from her head and down her body towards her pussy. I began to lightly rub one claw over her and I felt her moan around my cock and I grinned. She began sucking on me harder and harder, wanting me to cum into her mouth so she could once again taste my seed. I heard a moan to the side and looked over. I saw Avyn's friend, Zathari, lying on the grass, legs spread wide apart, rubbing her wet, dripping pussy while watching me and Avyn. I waved her over with one hand and instructed her to start licking Avyn's pussy. Zathari got underneath Avyn and flicked her tongue deep into Avyn's pussy. Avyn moaned with pleasure and I moved my tail and thrust it into Zathari's wet pussy.

God, she is so tight! I wonder whether she is a virgin.

Zathari gasped as my tail entered her. So there we were; Avyn sucking my cock, Zathari licking Avyn's pussy and me tail-fucking Zathari. Avyn gasped and sucked harder on my cock as she orgasmed, her juices shooting all over Zathari's face. I felt the walls of Zathari's pussy tighten around my cock and I knew that she was also about to. I shoved my tail up as far as it would go and was rewarded with a scream as Zathari orgasmed. I drew my tail out of her and up to my face. I licked the juices off of it, tasting them. That pushed me over the edge and u shoved up hard into Avyn's mouth as my cum spurted out and down her throat. I quickly drew my cock out of her mouth and shoved it into Zathari's. Zathari gulped down the last of my seed and licked her lips.

'Oh my god! You taste so nice Darkstar!' She said and looked over at Avyn, who was sitting there with a smile on her face.

'You know, Darkstar, that Zathari is still a virgin? How would you like to deflower her in the same way that you did me?' Avyn said.

I just grinned at the two dragonesses and moved over to where Zathari lay panting. I hopped on top of her and positioned myself above her pussy. I thrust downwards and Zathari squealed with the pleasure and the pain as my cock stole away her virginity. I felt like this pleasure would go on forever. But I was still angry at myself for cheating on Rasani with these two.

Rasani! What I would give to have you beneath me instead of Zathari! At least I can openly admit my love for you and not only use you for pleasure every now and then!

Avyn felt a little left out, so she moved herself over towards us and shoved her pussy in my face. I hungrily began to eat her out, lapping up as much of her juices as I could. Zathari screamed and orgasmed, covering my cock, balls and thighs with her warm juices. I began to move deeper and deeper within her, thrusting harder and faster. Zathari was gasping and moaning with pleasure as my large cock filled her up. Avyn squirmed and moaned, she loved the way my tongue always knew the right spot to lick in her pussy. She squealed and thrust herself onto my muzzle, so that it was half buried in her pussy, as she reached the peak of her pleasure and orgasmed. My mouth was quickly filled with her sweet juices and I quickly swallowed them before going back in for more. Zathari began thrusting her body back against my cock, as if to increase the pleasure for the both of us. I grunted and gasped, nearing my own orgasm. I drew my face out of Avyn's pussy and kissed Zathari deeply. I looked into her eyes and saw that they were full of love.

Damn it Darkstar! What do you keep getting yourself into! Sooner or later Rasani is going to find out about these Dragonesses that you continually decide to pleasure!

I groaned and arched my back as my cum erupted deep into Zathari's pussy, filling her up completely. Zathari gasped and orgasmed again. I slumped down on top of her, panting hard, and she attempted to kiss me again. I sighed to myself, half out of pleasure and half out of guilt. I slowly rolled off of her and felt Avyn lie on my other side. I put my arms around both of them and held them close. I knew that I would have to really do something about these dragonesses soon, so that Rasani did not ever find out. I was not sure how she would react to me sleeping with others, but I had a feeling that she would not like it at all.

Avyn turned her head and looked at Zathari.

'So, how was your first time with a male?' She asked.

Zathari smiled with love and affection. 'Better than I ever could have imagined. It was truly worth the wait, just like you said.'

My final thought before I drifted off to sleep was; have these two pleasured each other before? From the way Avyn said it, it certainly seems that way to me.