The Last Human: Part Six

Story by eragon13666 on SoFurry

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#1 of human

I'm staying off the site blogging for a while, for reasons I'm going to keep for myself, please do not worry, I will be back; I just need to think.

Brandon entered send for what would be the last time in who knew how long. With everything going on, he didn't trust himself with the blogging he use to do that would stretch long, so long it would take a reader a hour in one sitting to get it done. But with his stabbings he got, the new scar over his eye and now finding out about his family; he just didn't want to say anything by mistake, or type it by mistake. Brandon had yet to meet Norm girlfriend, but from what Tundra said, Nina was a nice women, didn't treat her like dirt as she once thought, in face the two got along just fine. The woman was a Pokémon much like the two, but that was the only information Brandon got from Tundra. As he got ready for school, placing a white shirt over his head, he saw the now almost faded wounds around his rips, but the one on his heart, still could be see very clearly. And his eyes was the last thing he saw as his newly color eye reflected off the mirror in his room as he sighed. Putting the shirt on fully and his blue shorts, going downstairs.

Tundra once more stayed the night, Ember would joke saying she should just move in since she was always over, even Jenny and Rick didn't mind that. But she would answer no; she and Brandon were in fact saving any extra money from their work, she helping out seniors at the client, and him stocking shelves at a food store. As he made his way into the kitchen he found himself watching as Jenny and Tundra made the pancakes and Ember squeezing the juice from the oranges that she always loved to do. Rick was no doubt already gone to work, having going early so he can be back by dinner time to spend with his family.

"Morning all," called out Brandon as they all looked up at him.

"Morning Brandon," Jenny nodded to him with a smile. "Sleep well?"

"A bit," he answered as he sat down. He had a weird dream last night, someone calling out his name over and over again. He shook the voice from his head as he yawned, Tundra passing him a plate with a smile, which he gave back as Ember passed him a glass. He looked around; they didn't have food of their own, so why was he only having the meal? " guys eating?" all three females smiled as he started to cut up his food as he took a bite.

"No, not yet," his mother answered as he chewed. "Today it's all about you,"

"And why is that?"

"You really forgot?" his sister giggled as well as Tundra as Brandon looked over with a blank face.

"Huh?" he asked as she laughed hugging him.

"Big brother today is your birthday!"

Brandon eyes grew wide, he had indeed completely forgot that today was indeed his birthday, and weeks before the big day he was all excited. Everyone laughed at his confused look as Brandon was then slapped from behind, to show his father standing behind him, one arms holding a small pile of wrapped gifts.

"I got the next days off because how we're going to see your grandmother and old friends." he told the now nineteen year old human. "And since you're of age, we're going to get you your ID card and you me and your uncles are going drinking!"

"W...what?!" Brandon hated the smell and taste of beer, but it was a rule in the family that once a family member reaches nineteen they had to be drunk. He dreaded that only part as he sighed. "Dad...really?"

"Yes really!" he laughed placing the gifts on the table. "Now, eat up then open these, we're going to leave soon, and Tundra, I called your father, he said you're welcome to come with us for the days we're there if you want." Tundra thought for a moment then shook her head.

"No," he answered. "It's quite alright, I think I'm going to stay here with dad and Nina to get to know her a bit more you know, but before you go can I borrow Brandon for a moment?" he nodded as she took Brandon out of his seat and took him to the backyard, closing the door so none could hear as she laughed a bit. "We got you good huh?" she asked as Brandon laughed slightly.

"Yeah I guess you did," he answered looking at her, then seeing her face. "What's wrong?"

"Well..." she answered sighing. "You see I didn't get you a gift..."

"That's alright Tundra..."

"Let me finish," she spoke with her hand up. "I heard there was this girl over there that had this huge crush on you." Brandon groaned, Beat a purple color horse with blood red main ad purple eyes had always bugged Brandon about becoming mates or doing a one night thing. He would always refuse, but as the years went on, her bugging and asking got more and more...tempting. "If you want, you can have some fun with her." Brandon shot her a look with wide eyes. "You see...I promised that girl, the new girl as I said a threesome with you as I told you a few nights ago. It doesn't seem fair that you would do something without your say in it..."

"Hey I told you I wouldn't mind doing it,"

"I understand that," she answered plainly. "But still, when I agreed to that, I was...uh...somewhat horny, we were talking about things I will not tell you right now and answered yes before my brain could respond. So Brandon please...just have fun with her if you want, but let me tell you this." She moved Brandon to a beam and glared right up into his eyes as he gulped, he faced Fang in a near death kinda thing...but the way Tundra was looking at him right now, scared him ten times more then what Fang could ever have done. "This doesn't give you the right to screw every female you see, you belong to me, and only if I join or allow it can they bang you, understand?"

"Y...Yes ma'am,"

"Good," she smiled wildly kissing him briefly.

Ember had given him a metal necklace that had three colors on it, pink, gold and black. She said it met the color of the family, and she was going to add a color for himself, but he didn't have a scale so she left it with three. He thanked her and brought it around his neck at once, looking down on it. his mother gave him new clothing to wear, nice black jean with gold markings on the side that looked almost like a snake curling up his legs, and a black shirt with the marking of the Triforce in the middle, the design behind and around the symbol reminded Brandon of a eagle wings. Last but not lease, his father who gave him a check with over seven hundred dollars! He thanked each of them fully, and when it was time to go, Tundra gave Brandon a goodbye kiss before they all piled in the car, driving off.

"Bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored..." Ember went on to chanting close to ten minuets before going into the city. They been on the road mostly half the day, leaving Brandon how had to sit by her to listen to her complain. So many times he wanted to tell her to shut the fuck up, but knew he would get smacked in the head by his mother tail; which hurt much worst then a whip ever could.

"We're almost there Ember," her mother spoke. "And please stop saying 'bored' over and over again."

"Fine..." she answered looking at Brandon as he read a old human book that his father picked up for him on one on his travels. "What's that word Brandon?" she asked pointing to the spine of the book as Brandon looked over at it for a moment then back to his reading.

"Brisingr," he answered simply as she nodded.

"What's it mean?" she asked.



"Cause it's the Ancient Language,"

"What's the Ancient Language?"

"Something the elves use."

"What's an elf?"

"A human with pointed ears."


"I don't know,"


"Ember, don't start with that..."

"...Why?" Brandon looked over slowly with dagger like eyes as she held on one of her big grins.

"Oh my god look Ember!" he pointed outside as she looked out; as she did he flicked one of her ears causing her to yelp, as she turned to face him, but he was busy reading his book.

"Hey!" she yelled as Jenny looked back sighing as the two went on with what they were doing. Rick only chuckled as he drove into the city where Jenny mother would be waiting for yet another surprised for Brandon.

"Brandon, Ember wake up," Jenny nudged the two lightly, even though they were close to the city, they were still a long way off toward the stop where they were off to. And the hours of driving at last got the two in the back seat, Ember leaning her head on his lap as se slept slightly, and Brandon with his head on the window. Ember was the first to wake, yawning loudly as she rubbed her eyes seeing where they were. Looking to Brandon, knowing he was a heavy sleeper and it would no doubt be a while until they could wake him; she thought of something to wake him, remembering before they left their old town of a certain horse that had a crush on him. Seeing if their parents thought the idea was good, they allowed her to go off, finding her with ease, since she picked up that someone was coming.

As he slept, he felt something brush on his cheek slowly causing him to stir and mutter in his sleep softly, a smile on his face as he thought it was Tundra doing this, but the smiled faded away when he realized something. Tundra was back with her father, not with him. When he was about to open his eyes to see who it was touching him, he was caught off guard as someone pressed their lips to his own hard. His eyes shot wide as he heard laugher, seeing a large horse female, her fur purple and mane blood red, and he knew who it was; Beat. She changed over the years, since being larger then Tundra, her chest were much larger, a red shrike like a red lightening blot on both sides of her sides, easily seen because she wore a shirt that didn't cover the lower half of her chest up. Her black tight jeans hugging her legs as her tail pushed though the hole that was made for a Fur like her. When breaking the kiss, Brandon just sat in the car, still looking wide eyes at her.

"Hey Brandy," she sing song at him. "It's been a while hasn't it?" everyone who was outside was laughing, but none as hard as Ember who was almost rolling on the ground.

"I told you not to call me that Beat," he told her looking away blushing harshly. "Makes me sound like a girl!" she only giggled as she brought her hand out to allow him a hand to walk out, glaring slightly; he took the hand and stood out. Looking out at small group before him, he saw a few old friends; in the background was his grandmother, an old dragoness in her mid sixties. Her scales losing their shine of green now dull, and he bore no hair like many dragonesses did, but horns, which were rare for the dragonesses. She wore clothing that seem old to the nineteen year old human, as her own green eyes looked into his. She gave him a small smile, as he too smiled back at her, as he walked up toward her, the elderly dragoness smiled up at her grandson, seeing how he was much larger then her now.

"Hello Brandon," she nodded slightly to him with a smile.

"Hey Nanny," still using the same name he always used when he was still a child. "How are you?"

"Oh fine, fine, can't complain much, no one will listen anyway." The two laughed as she held her arms open, Brandon having to bend a bit to hug her. "Jenny told me that you found out," she whispered so only he could hear. "I didn't have time to get you a gift like all those other years, but if you'll allow me, I'll give you a gift of telling you how I met your mother and father." Brandon backed away to look at her with mix faces that she could clearly see, she only nodded and looked to the small group behind him. "Everyone, the Barbeque is out back, help yourselves as I speak to the birthday boy alright?" everyone made the way to the backyard, Beat as she pasted, wink and gave a sly smile as Brandon gulped slightly making his grandmother laugh. "She still has a thing for you after all these years," she rolled her eyes looking up at Brandon, for the first time really seeing his face as she traced her hand over his scar eye. "My god...what did that evil vile wolf do to you?"

"It's nothing Nanny," he reassured her. "Just a scratch."

"My tail end it is," she frowned at him bopping his head. "Listen to me, your mother and father told me what the Creed is able to do, I know for I have seen it first hand myself." She shook her head lightly. "But that is a story for another time, come, I have things to tell you." As they made their way in, old photos of his late grandfather and other such past thoughts hung around the walls of her home, stopping a moment to look at them, he then followed the dragoness into the living room, where they sat on one end to the other, looking at each other as she started to speak.

"We all met you mother and father when Jenny was about your age right now," she started with a sigh. "We don't know how they got the way they were, but they were, it was something like this..."

Thirty Eight years Ago

The much younger green scale dragoness walked beside her mate, a large white scale dragon with deep yellow eyes and muscles showing easily. The couple in their late thirties walked down the street holding hands as they laughed about the party they were at, when a whiff of wind blew toward their noises; blood, and lots of it.

"Do you think someone is hurt James?" asked the green dragoness as the white dragon nodded.

"No doubt Zel," he answered looking to her then toward the source of the smell, when he made his way over, keeping his mate away to be safe, her hearing him gasp made her run over to see what was he looking at. Humans, two humans close to the age of their own children's! One of them, the male, laid over the one under him, a female. The male skin was as pale as one could get, full of cuts and bruises from what the dragons could not understand where he could get them from. His hair was long down to the shoulder, spiked around as if shocked by lightening. Each wore a long black robe, but they were torn in some places, luckily not anywhere reveling. The one under him was female, skin tan as if being in the sun, her long brown hair going abit past her shoulders. She held a few cuts, but not to much as the male over her. As the white dragon lent down to look closer at them, the male moaned slightly in pain causing James to move back a bit.

"We can't just leave them here can we?" asked Zel as James shook his head.

"No we can't," he answered looking at her then to the humans. "Call Drake, see if he can come down to help me carry them back to our house."

Early the next morning, both humans laid in two beds in the same room, the blinds to the room they were laying in closed to not allow any light though, but one ray of light were brought though, bringing it over to the male one, hitting his eye making him groaned in announces. Opening his green eyes, he looked around in complete confusion as he looked around the room. His wounds wrapped up in wet clean cloth as he looked over at his teammate and lover lying beside him. He sat up groaning softly in slight pain as he sat up moving his legs over the bed and hopped off, causing him to cry out lightly. Looking around, he couldn't find his own clothing that the order he and his lover were a part of, which worried him lightly, he was taught that without these clothing they were truly not a part of the Creed. But that soon pass though his mind when he looked over at the women before him, pushing the hair from her eyes, watching her sleep. The sound of the door clicking and opening caused the man to turn quickly, wincing in pain as he caught who was walking in. a gold dragoness with long white hair and deep blue eyes walked in on them. She wore navy blue shorts and a white shirt with words written around, no doubt a band shirt. The human took one look at her and tried to attack, but fail horribly when his body ached with pain causing him to fall.

"Hey take it easy!" the dragoness ran up to him to help him up, the human saw his chance and threw her to the ground, causing her to scream loudly as he knelt over her with his arm on her throat almost chocking her.

"Where have you taken me and her?!" he roared as the dragoness under him whizzed, the air barely making it to her lungs until he was thrown off by another dragon, this one larger and red as blood. He wore old cargo pants and no shirt, allowing his muscles to be shown with ease, his scales rustling as he growled slighting, his forward curved horns looking ready to taste blood.

"Hands of my sister stranger!" he roared as the female human started to wake. "We save both of yours lives and you repay us by chocking my sister?!"

"Your kind should die!" he roared back. "You took our world and we will take it back!"

"What's going on...?" the other human, groaned as she sat up on her bed, seeing the two dragons and her lover as he went over to her.

"Come," he told her. "We must leave,"

"Who are you?" she asked looking up at him making him stop dead in his tracks. He cursed, not knowing how bad she was truly hit by their unknown attackers; but he knew now, hard enough for her to forget who she and he was.

"Bonnie," he answered softly. "It's me, Chuck, don't you remember?" the women only shook her head slightly as the gold dragoness walked up, much to her brother no wanting her to. When Chuck saw her coming, he got ready again, but brought a hand up.

"Wait," she answered. "Please, allow me to a least look over her, make sure that she is fine and nothing is wrong with her besides her losing her memory; you may watch, and if I do anything you don't like, and tell me alright?"

"You touching her are enough to make me not like it," he muttered but moved aside. "But fine."

After that, the day went slowly for everyone, Bonnie couldn't remember anything about her past, but it soon started to come back. She grew to like the family of dragons, and even Chuck did once he learned who they truly were like. The Phoenix's grew to accept them as their own family, and when it was time to go, they told them if they needed anything, to tell them; this was after they found out who and what they were, and Bonnie and Chuck swore to keep them safe. Many years pasted, and on the day where Jenny and Rick came to visit her mother and father, did Bonnie return, holding Brandon in her arms. She begged them to care for her child to the point she was crying heavily. Rick was confused at first but once told of why she was taking the babe to care for; he knew that they had to. This being the last time they ever saw a human, until the next day when a man half covered in cloth, the other face looking burnt; came to them with the tape, and left.

Present Day

Brandon had his hands folded under his chin as he looked down, still sitting in the same spot as his grandmother told him everything about how his birth mother and father were found and how Brandon was brought into the family. He brought a finger over his scar eye, a habit he picked up on doing when he was thinking, he didn't know why he did it, it just felt like it suited him.

"All these years," he spoke lightly. "I thought my mother and father, my human ones I mean, gave me away because they couldn't or wouldn't care for me. But...after hearing this...they did it to keep me safe..." Zel stood up and went over to his side, placing a hand on his shoulder, rubbing it softly.

"When your mother knew she was with you, she came to us with Chuck to ask us to care for you ether way, they said they would visit, but they just didn't want the Creed to find you. They told us that they gave up killing who the Creed wanted dead." Brandon only sighed softly as Zel sighed as well. "Well, these matter can wait, you have a party to enjoy young man!" she brought him up and patted his back with a laugh, as he groaned and went outside, to enjoy the party.

True to his word, Rick went out to get Brandon his ID card so that he, himself his uncle could go out to drink, at first Brandon was a little worried, even more when Beat offered to come since she was already of age. Brandon lost count to how many he had, but by the time they left he was not able to form words or walk right, making his father and uncle laugh at him. Before they could leave, Brandon was sent to the bathroom, emptying his gut of the beer he drank and even the food he had before. Rick and his uncle already got a cab and left the two there, Beat saying she would take Brandon to her place to spend the night to be on the safe side. Too out of it, nether Brandon or Rick cared, and soon he was at her family home; both her mother and father being gone for the weekend. Groaning, Beat brought the drunk human to her bedroom and placed him on the overly large bed as he covered his eyes with his arms.

"Kill me..." he groaned as she only laughed, she didn't drink anything, didn't really feel like it.

"Don't be like that Brandy," she giggled as he groaned rolling to his side. "You'll feel better in the morning."

"No I won't..." he groaned. "I'll feel...worse..." every time he would stop to speak, a slight hic was heard in each pause.

"Well then," she grinned slightly climbing into the bed after him. "I'll just have to make sure you'll feel better then huh?"

"What do you..." she cut him off but softly pressing her lips to his, her eyes closed. She thought he would push back from her, but gave a happy sigh when he was even kissing back! Brandon was so gone from it he couldn't even remember that he even had a girlfriend, and right now; he felt horny as shit!

Taking his shirt over his head with ease, she pushed him onto his back kissing him with more passion, her lips moving over his own, as her tongue licked the outside of his lips until he parted them slightly, allowing her tongue inside. As she laid over him, he brought his hands down to the waist of her pants, pulling them down as well as the panties in one movement, making her rear clear for any to see as he brought one hand over to slowly rub at each flesh of cheek. She moaned softly, as she couldn't believe she was about to have sex with someone she wanted to for a long time, granted she did have sex before; but now with Brandon, she wanted to know something and tonight she would get that answer. After kicking her pants off she straddle his hips and pulled her shirt off along with her bra, and at once his hands went out to rub at each orb, causing her to arch her back and moan softly, her hips grinding on his crotch; making his member slight hurt with need. He rolled her onto her back as she somewhat yelped in surprised, but she started to murr as she saw him fumble with pants. When she was about to help him, he at last got the button off and nearly tore it and his boxers off, showing his hard penis for the mare.

With hands beside her head, he leaned down and kissed her on the muzzle, groaning softly at the touch, yet still he did not think of Tundra as his hands traced down the side of her body, before spreading her legs out, his tip grazing her pussy lips causing her to shiver and moan.

"Do it," she gasped slightly closing her eyes and leaning her head back as Brandon only groaned with lust and started to push in. unlike Tundra, she was not fully tight. Her walls did hug him a bit, but at the same time he could easily hilt her in one go. Both let out a breath of air at the feeling of being inside and being filled, the human only staying still for only a moment before working up a steady pace, slowly moving his hips backward and forward as his eyes closed shut, Beat bringing one of her hands up to the back of his neck, pushing him down to crush her lips to his once more. As the two kissed, Beat brought her legs and crossed them over his body, locking them over heels as his thrust started to go harder but slower, causing her to gasp at each thrust. Her head leaning back again as she moaned for him to go harder and faster. Brandon would pant back at her, whispering words to her which made her shiver, causing her hips to thrust back to his own. Sweat pouring down the side of his face, but Beat paid no heed, even when she lent up and licked the salty water from his face, leaning her head down to kiss his chest and neck, as he leant down and brought her right breast into his mouth, sucking on the nipple as she thrilled into the air.

The bed rocking slowly and then squeaking loudly as his slow powerful thrust started to change into speed and light pounds; both moaning so loudly that it didn't matter to them if anyone could hear them as Beat arms tightened around his neck as he nursed on her breast. His breathing becoming more heavy and labor as his mouth detached itself from her breast, him moaning loudly as he looked down, coming closer and closer until he couldn't hold back.

Thrusting hard into her, he cried out softly as his cum started to flow from his tip into her waiting hole, this causing Beat own orgasms to come froth, almost drenching his lower body as she called out his name into the air.

Both tired and spent, Brandon fell to the side; Beat cuddling onto his back, her arms wrapped tightly around his neck as sleep took them both in.