The Chilly Night

Story by Kaiionth on SoFurry

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The Chilly Night

by Kaiionth

The night was cold. The fringes of winter had taken hold on the land and the wind whistled through the dark, stirring through the dead leaves of autumn as the stars twinkled frostily overhead. As the wind went nipping through the forest a shadow moved across the stars. It was a green dragon, a young adult traveling to a destination known only by him. As he glided through the starlight air it seemed at a distance as though he was smoothly gliding along, when in fact the harsh and bitter winds of the upper altitude was really buffeting him back and forth, tossing him from one current to another as its icy tendrils drew out his body heat until the young dragon felt as though his whole body had gone numb.

Scanning the ground hastily, he spotted a dim flickering light down in the forest, emanating from a small rock cave. Deciding to take his chances with the tenant of the cave rather than risk freezing in the air, he dove down to the entrance, perhaps too quickly, he realized when he hit the ground with a thud and the snapping of the brittle branches underfoot. Drawn by the noise, a fully grown blue dragon appeared at the entrance to the cave. The blue glanced over the green, who stood just outside the mouth of the cave, shivering and hunkered down slightly, his mature but yet small body huddled against itself in an attempt to conserve what body heat it had left. Finally the blue nodded and turned, walking back into the cave.

Taking that as permission to enter, the green followed close on the blue's tail, still shivering and feeling small in the presence of the larger dragon. Finally they reached a big open area in the cave, far enough back to be completely cut off from the icy wind. There was a fire blazing in the corner, filling the room with a warm heat that slowly began to soak its way into the green's body. In the center of the room there was a pile of skins that served the purpose of a nest, the skins having been made soft by age and use.

The larger blue nodded to the pile of skins, before curling up on the floor between the floor and the fire, indicating that the green would have the nest. The green laid down in the skins, grateful for the hospitality of the larger dragon, and almost immediately fell asleep.

The blue, however, did not sleep. He gazed at the smaller male for a few minutes, then stood up. Shuffling over to the green he laid down beside him in the nest. The green didn't wake up. The blue slowly curled his body around the smaller dragon's, sliding his arms around the green's waist and pulling him to his soft chest scales. It was this that caused the greens eyes to flutter open, and he looked up into the face of the larger dragon that was holding him. The blue slowly bent his neck and ever so gently licked the cheek of the smaller dragon. The smaller dragon closed his eyes and licked back, his tongue caressing the blues cheek. The green slowly wrapped his arms around the thick chest of the blue, pressing into the soft scales, their lips brushing in the softest of kisses.

When the blue drew his head back he found that the green had fallen asleep. He hugged the smaller male to his soft underbelly and curled protectively around him before falling asleep himself, the fire slowly banking to embers as the two slept in each other's embrace.