Tales From Apartment 232 - Part 14

Story by Damionstjames on SoFurry

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#13 of Tales From Apartment 232


This is an original work of furry fiction by me David Bennett. The characters of Micah, Khris, Neil, Lindsay, Hillary, Geoff, and Trevor are used at the request and permission of Micah Fennec AKA Kitsune 25. The character of James is used at the request and permission of Catnyp. Those characters are copyright to their owners and are not to be used without their permission. All other characters mentioned in the story are mine and are my property and are subject to copyright as well.

This story is a work of Gay furry fiction, and contains adult themes along with sexual content and violence. If you are offended by any of the above, then please read elsewhere. If you are under the age of 18 or 21 in your given area, then please look away, though I am not responsible for what you do. If you enjoy reading these stories and enjoy my work then by all means read on.

If you like what you read, contact me at my email address of [email protected] . All flames will be gleefully deleted and ignored.


"Shameful Deeds"

The coffee in my cup had gone stale already. I wasn't drinking it that much. I wasn't much of a coffee drinker in the first place, but today I had insisted on a fine Irish coffee to take my mind off of what was going on. As some know, I have an alcohol problem when it comes to dealing with a crisis; I grab a bottle and try to drown my troubles away. Unfortunately for me, I wasn't getting that drunk, and my problems were still there. I wished there was a more magical solution to everything, like I could snap my fingers and have everything I didn't like go away, but sadly I had no such luck.

I was in a pub, not but four blocks from the Churchill Estates. It was some regular run-of-the-mill pub with lots of chairs, and tables, and pleanty of booze on tap to wet your whistle. On the ceiling, lining it from wall to wall, were baseball caps that the bar had collected over the years; each donated by a bar patron. I saw all kinds of hats there: Hats from industrial companies, A Portland Trail Blazers hat, A hat with a weed leaf on the front, and a political hat for Ross Perot were among the ones that I sat under.

The table was square, and sized perfectly for two. In the middle was an ashtray that was half full, a candle, and the menu for the pub. The table had scratches all over it from wear and tare, and had the occasional graffiti tag from some bar patron that thought it would be a good idea to leave their names behind. My chair was a simple wooden chair with a high back, and low armrests; a terrible design if you ask my opinion. The chair wasn't overly uncomfortable, but it really wasn't an A on my grade level. I suppose that the situation also made that chair all the more uncomfortable as well.

I looked down at my drink. It was a mess, but not quite as big of a mess as I was. The whip cream had dissolved and had given the brown liquid a lighter brown color, and the ice had melted, giving it a more watery consistency. I stared at the drink more intently, trying to avoid thinking at that moment. Condensation had formed on the side of my drink glass and was beginning to drip ever so slowly onto the table. The water was forming a little puddle around the base of my cylindrical shaped drinking glass, letting me know that plenty of time had passed.

And I looked up. Sitting across from me was my husband of a couple weeks, Neil. Neil the brown rat didn't look to happy, and for good reason. He didn't look mad mind you, he simply looked not happy. His eyes were staring into me; calculating and questioning. I stared at him now, looking at him. His pretty eyes, his white curly hair, his wire-rimmed glasses, and his red silk shirt were all things of beauty. Sadly I couldn't do much more than stare at him and wish for better emotions to come.

Neil had a screwdriver in his hand. The drink, not the tool. The mixture of orange juice and vodka was doing nothing really for Neil except to make him appear more uneasy. His rat ears were back, and his nose was all scrunched up. He looked as if he had smelled something he didn't like. I wondered if that smell wasn't my odor of defeat.

Neil then looked directly at me, and took a sip of his screwdriver, and set the drink down. He had been thinking, and now he wanted to speak. This red fox wasn't too pleased about what was coming.

"So you're sure he's yours?" Neil asked in his thick British accent, his voice deeper than mine. Mine was masculine, yet high pitched. Neil's was a little deeper and defiantly masculine as well.

I looked at my husband and nodded my head. "The tests I took yesterday proved it. He is beyond a shadow of a doubt my son." I said as I shifted uneasily in my chair.

Neil, made a face of bafflement, and continued to stare at me. "How?"

I gulped. "Years ago I was doing a ritual, and part of that ritual was having sex with a woman...unprotected sex..."

Neil shook his head and rotated his drink cup in his hand. "No, you see I don't understand. You're not bisexual, at least I don't think you are, so how could you have sex with a woman if you're homosexual?"

I shrugged and pushed my drink away. "I didn't really think much of it at the time. It was a ritual that I was doing, and I had to do it Neil. I never said I liked it, I just did it."

Neil's look went from bafflement to frustration in a hurry. "But it was a bloody woman! Surely you had morals against sexing her, I mean didn't you? You always struck me as someone that was also repulsed by the female gender, and here you go contradicting my line of thinking. I don't know what to think right now." Neil said as he took a bigger drink off of his glass.

I sighed and wagged my bushy tail. "Neil, this was one night 10 years ago. I was 17, I was just a kid. Sex was sex to me then, male or female. I didn't particularly enjoy females, and I don't at all now - but Neil you have to keep in mind that this happened years ago, not yesterday. I didn't cheat on you or anything."

Neil nodded. "Sure, you didn't cheat on me really, but I still feel as if I've been betrayed somehow. I mean, your Willy is meant for a Billy...so why give it to a damn Jane?"

I rolled my eyes. "Neil darling, I am trying to convince you that things weren't as clear cut to me back then. I knew I was homosexual, but who was to say that I still couldn't have sex with women too? Now does that make me Bisexual? Maybie I was at one point, but I am not anymore. I don't even really talk to women, that's how into men only that I am. Neil, what is it going to take to prove that I love you and not some woman from 10 years ago?"

"I don't know, but all I know is that I still feel used. I mean couldn't you have at least worn a rubber?" Neil asked, taking another long sip off his drink.

I shook my head. "Part of the ritual is to cast away the fears of risk. I had to go into that situation without fear of impregnating her or of catching a disease. Now disease isn't really a problem anymore, but pregnancy sure is. Neil, I honestly didn't know what I was doing. I was young and impressionable, and wanted to make a name for myself in the satanic community. My coven was of all gay men Neil, and I had sex with all of them before I had sex with her. It was just a one time thing with her Neil, it wasn't anything special." I said with a long sigh at the end.

"Well maybe now you will see that sex isn't just something you do, it's an event of great importance. Imagine Renee if you were able to get pregnant like a hermaphrodite, then where would you be? With all the sex that you have, you would be up to your ears in children. And my question is with your life, how could you possibly show all those kids the same love and the same affection that you show to the others? You're not Rose Kennedy Renee, you are Renee Morningstar-Simonsen..." He said with a half smile.

"Well, I'll tell you one thing, if I did have all those kids I would try my damnedest to take care of them." I said in affirmation.

Neil laughed once. "Yeah? That maybe so, but the good thing is you don't have 10 or 20 kids to look after. The unfortunate thing is you have one, when you should have none." Neil said with his own sigh.

"You mean, you don't like Cyric?"

Neil held out his hands and shook them. "I haven't met the kid, but the thing is Renee, a kid is just going to get in the way of our relationship at this point. How can we at this point in our marriage expect to be ready to tend to the needs of a child, when we have barely begun to meet our own needs?"

I shook my head. "I don't know."

"You don't know? Well I do know one thing for sure Renee, we are not going to be able to have all the 'fun' that we were intending to have if you plan on taking care of this child." He said sadly.

"That's a sacrifice that I'm willing to make for my son." I said as I lowered my eyes and looked back at the table once more.

"A sacrifice that you're willing to make perhaps, but what about me? For the first time in my life I am being satisfied on levels that I have never been before, and I have become addicted to that satisfaction to say the least. I don't think that I am really ready to give up some of my freedoms at this point yet, but it looks like I am going to have to." He said as he drummed his fingers against the table.

I looked up at him. "What are you saying?" I asked.

He looked straight into my eyes, and licked his lips. "What I am saying, Renee sweetheart, is that I want you to make this work. If you want to take in Cyric and be his father, I am willing to be a father right alongside of you. However, it is going to be your responsibility to make sure that you find the time to scratch when I itch, and be able to have time for just me."

I smiled a little. "I think I could live with that."

He held up a finger and pointed at me. "You should know that I am a very horny individual, and that I am very horny for you. Don't think that just because you are going to be taking care of Cyric that you've gotten off the sexual hook. You owe me..." He said a little slyly as he narrowed his eyes in a playful look. "Part of being parents is loving one another, so I want you to prove to me that you love me."

"I think I can do that." I said as my smile broadened.

"Well good, because I expect you to deliver." He said as he finished his drink. He leaned down and scratched his knee and then looked at me. His face had gone now to a look of someone that had finished worrying, yet still had lingering thoughts despite his happiness.

"I will. Now you should really meet Cyric, he's a lot like me." I said as I scooted my chair back from the table, indicating that I wanted to leave. Neil followed suit and stood up, grabbing his wallet and slapping a 20 down next to the candle. I shook my tail a little, and looked down at myself. I was wearing a black skirt, black boots, and my fishnet shirt that I had borrowed from Adam and Steve studios. I looked so gay. Neil was dressed conservative as always, in his dark Khakis and his red shirt with his business shoes.

I flattened my skirt as I stood, and walked to Neil. He welcomed me with a hug and wrapped his arm around me as we left the bar.

"When you say he is a lot like you, is he..." Neil began to ask.

"Is he what?" I returned, walking with him out of the bar and into the street where Neil's Porsche was parked. Neil had a nice white 1988 Porsche convertible that he drove to work and back. Today he was driving me around with him. We walked to the car and I slipped in the passenger seat as he slipped into the driver's seat. He closed the doors and rolled up the windows and turned on the motor.

"I mean, was he brought up the same?" Neil asked.



"I believe so. He seemed to exhibit a lot of the signs that he was."

Neil shook his head. "You and Jicentia I understand, but the boy?" Neil asked as he pulled out into traffic.

"Yeah. His mother must of insisted on the upbringing."

Neil muttered. "Of all the religions, couldn't he have been Christian?" He wondered aloud.

"I don't know, I guess Darla didn't want him to come out that way."

Neil shuddered. "Never mention that woman's name around me again."

I sighed. "Alright."

We rode in silence the rest of the way, only letting the sounds of the radio fill in the gap between us as we drove. The 1980's rock music wasn't exactly helpful, but it wasn't that bad either. It got the job done of being 1980's music in a time when we needed it.

As he drove, I noticed him being a little tense behind the wheel. I supposed that he still had a lot on his mind. Perhaps he was nervous that we were going to meet my son, and perhaps he still wasn't sure about what to do. I didn't really know, because I was still nervous myself. I had only just met my son a matter of days ago, and now I had him in my life. It was a lot to digest, Neil and I both.

The others didn't know. Asher, Rowdy, Sparky...none of them knew about Cyric yet. I hadn't had the heart to let them know yet. I guessed that they would react with surprise to the news, and each would probably take it differently. Hopefully the boys would take it well, because I wanted Cyric to be welcomed into my home, not shunned.

A question that weighed heavily on my mind as we drove towards the shelter that was currently housing Cyric was the question of how I was going to afford to take care of Cyric. Sometimes doing the responsible thing is not always the most inexpensive thing. I was already strapped for cash as it was, and I was indebted to that rich red fox Colin for the honeymoon. What was I going to do?

* * *

We arrived at the shelter later in the day, having to go across town to get there. The shelter was a shelter for kids 10 to 20, who had suddenly been cast out onto the streets or weren't able to live at home for whatever reasons. The shelter was a two story building built out of an old warehouse on the south side of the city, the old brick building looking very uncomfortable from the outside. The windows of the place had bars on them, and were broken in several places. There was a basketball court next to the building where some teenage German Shepherds were playing a rather violent looking game. Neil and I stopped to watch.

On the court, there were two shepherd boys that were playing one on one. One was dressed in some sports shorts and basketball shoes, while the other one was in denim shorts and a T-shirt. They both had short hair, and looked pretty malnourished. The shirtless one had the ball, and was bouncing the ball back and fourth between his legs, trying to feign his way to the hoop. The other shepherd wasn't falling for it, and moved forward with something that looked like a shoulder tackle. The first boy moved out of the way just in time, and gave a shoulder tackle of his own to the shirted boy, knocking him down to the pavement. With the road clear, the shirtless boy leaped into the air and gave the ball a slam dunk into the hoop.

"Kid's got some moves." Neil said as he pressed his hands against the chain-link fence that was keeping us out of the court. I nodded.


The shirted boy shook himself off and stood up on his own, looking a little frustrated, but none the worse for the ware. He looked at his opponent, and then looked across the court towards us, and made a weird smile. The boy gestured for his opponent to look out way, and the shirtless one did, giving us the same weird smile.

"We've been spotted." I said through my teeth.

"Oh behave, their only kids." Neil said between his teeth back.

The teens picked up the ball, and began walking over towards us, walking with a little bit of a strut as they did so. It caught me off guard, as if they knew something that we didn't. It was unnerving. I wasn't afraid of them in the least, more afraid of what they were coming over to us for, when their game had seemed so important mere moments before.

The teens walked to the distance of about 2 feet away from us behind the fence, each with the smiles on their faces. The shirtless one tucked the basketball under his right arm, and stood with his left hip out a little. The teen's tails wagged a little as they stood there staring at us, as if we were on display.

"Nice game you were playing eh what?" Neil asked.

The boys chuckled and raised their eyebrows. "Eh what? You going all British on us now? We don't understand British man, we only understand American." The shirtless one said in a slightly deep voice. "But if you liked the game, then you obviously have recognized the talent, rat man."

Neil shifted in place. "I see. You are really quite good."

The boy rubbed his left hand against his chest and made a modest gesture. "I know, I know! I'm just got so much talent it's pouring out my sweat glands and washing me to China."

I would have scoffed if I wasn't too busy trying to keep from laughing. The arrogance of the shirtless male was off the page for someone as young as he was. "You ever loose?" I asked casually.

The shirtless one looked to the shirted one, and the other looked to him. They both laughed. The shirted one looked at me, and shook his head. "Woman, you are looking at the only undefeated street baller on the south side baby. And might I say you are looking damn good with your fine self girl." He said as he stepped forward. "No titties, but I could live with that." He said as he eyeballed me.

This time I laughed. "Oh Satan please..." I said as I stepped back and tossed my hair a bit. "I'll have you know that I'm a man." I said.

The boys looked at one another and their faces went to disbeleif. "No way." The shirtless one said. "You just a flat chested chick, least you look like one."

Neil shook his head. "I think that you've been playing a little too much basketball. I assure you that this is a man, and he is with me."

The boys made nervous chuckles. "They why this Fox look like some of the girls we have here in the shelter then?" The shirted one asked. "Cause this fox is damn fine, and I like chicks that ain't afraid to bare their titties."

I shook my head and had to really keep from laughing too hard. Kids. "You honestly think I'm a girl?" I asked.

They nodded. "Yeah, that's why I fell over when I was playing ball, I was distracted by you." He said as he gave me another look over.

Neil then looked at me and whispered into my ear. "Are you going commando under your skirt?"

I whispered back. "Yes."

Neil then said. "Then if Renee here is a woman, what would he be doing with a set of these?" He asked as he reached forward and lifted the front of my skirt. I don't know what hit the ground first, their jaws or the ball being dropped from the hands of the shirtless one from having to cover his eyes. They both made the funniest faces as if they were being blinded by the sight of my naked crotch.

"Ok! Damn man!" One of them pleaded.

Neil put my skirt down. "Now do you believe me?"

They nodded and their faces fell to one of extreme discomfort. "That wasn't right rat man." The shirted one said as he shook his head a little bit, reeling from the shock.

"Perhaps that will cool your jets a little bit boys." I said as I moved closer to the fence. "Or did the baddest baller on the south side just drop the ball?" I asked, gesturing with my face to the ball that was rolling away towards center court. They turned and looked at the ball and then looked back to me, their egos bruised but still intact.

"Whatever." The shirted one said.

"Yeah, I'd like to see you get on this court and ball; but then again you not used that that kind of ball now are you Mr. Fairy godmother?" He said as he moved a step back from the fence.

"Call me what you want, I assure you I didn't step up to the fence to start a trash talking competition." I began. "Now if you boys want to ball, I just might ball with you later, but now I'm here to pick up my son."

The boys looked at one another, looked as if they were trying to figure that one out, and then shrugged. "Who's your boy?" The shirted one. "We'll go get him for you if you promise not to flash your junk at us again."

Neil nodded and smiled, running a hand over his beautiful hair and stepping towards the fence. "Sure boys. We're looking for a red fox by the name of Cyric."

The teens looked at one another again and made faces of disgust. "Devil boy? Yeah we know him."

"Devil boy?" I asked.

"Yeah, he's like this devil worshiper or something." The shirtless one said. "He's always praying and stuff, drawing pentagrams and that devilry shit. I can see where he gets it from." He said, turning away from me.

"Enough. Would you get him?" I asked as politely as I could.

The shirted one nodded, wiping his sweat onto his white t-shirt. "Yeah, we'll go get him. Wait here."

And the pair of Shepherds turned and left us, muttering towards one another as they walked in to the shelter. Neil gave a sigh of relief and turned towards me, looking quite thankful for the teens being gone.

"God, I would have thought that we'd be toast."

I made a disbelieving face and put my hands on my hips. "Neil, they may have mistaken me for a woman, and they may have been dumb to insult me, but they are not stupid enough to get in a fight and risk getting kicked out of their shelter. If they would have attacked us, they would have been on the streets faster than you can eat cheese."

Neil made a face. "Or while we are making speciest comments, how about as fast as a fox can get himself laid?" He said as he folded his arms across his chest and wagged his tail a little.


"Um, I didn't mean it that way."

Neil shook his head. "You implied that I eat a lot of cheese and I eat it fast with that comment that you made. I don't eat a lot of cheese as you know, so that kind of hurt my feelings."

I sighed and took my hands off my hips and made a "what" gesture. "I am sorry, I didn't know that it would hurt."

"Well you need to think next time." Neil said as he turned and looked at the basketball court. He looked as if he had a lot on his mind. "Is he going to like me?"


"Your son." Neil asked, staring at the ball sitting in the middle of the court.

"I doubt very much that he'll not like you. All you have to do is treat him with the respect that he deserves and he'll like you."

Neil gulped. "I'll try to keep that in mind."

I turned around just as I saw Cyric run out the door of the shelter and onto the basketball court. He looked happy, and skinnier than I had remembered at this distance. He ran up as fast as it seemed he could towards the fence, a bright smile on his face.

The boy happened to be wearing an Ozzy Ozbourne t-shirt that clung really tight to his juvenile frame, revealing a little bit of his developing muscles. He had on some loose black jean shorts and some black briefs underneath. You could see about an inch of his belly and the top of his briefs with how the front of his pants sagged. He had a very nice belly for one so young, his hipbones nicely pronounced just like his father's and having the lines going all the way in it looked like. His legs were skinny, but seemed to be the thickest muscles on his body with the way they filled out a little. He had toned calves and thigh muscles from what I could see. His feet were covered by some black converse all stars with red flames on the bottom, and no socks. The shoes were done a little lose, and that's how I could tell there were no socks on.

Neil was staring at my son, not quite sure what to think it looked like. It looked like this he was glad to see Cyric in person, but scared of something unknown. I wished there was something I could have said in that moment to make him feel better, but nothing came to mind.

"Wow! I thought Omar and Aldo were pulling my tail when they said that you were out here, but I guess they told me the truth for once!" Cyric said as he caught his breath a little. It didn't take him long to catch his breath, which lead me to believe that the boy was in shape. At least that was a plus.

"Omar and Aldo?" I asked.

Cyric nodded. "The Sheps? Yeah, they tell me lies all the time. I don't like being lied to." He said under his breath.

"What do they say, if I can ask?"

Cyric shrugged. "They tell me that people are always here to see me when they aren't. They tell me that they keep finding Satanic reading material in the library and then I never find it. They keep telling me that they are going to let me play basketball with them and then they push me away. Omar and Aldo are dildos." He said in a grim tone.

"That's mean." Neil said.

"Yeah, and then they prank me all the time. This morning they took my clothes from my locker when I was taking a shower so I had to walk around the shelter naked to try to find my clothes. I got in trouble, and wasn't allowed to go to the library today. I've been stuck on my bed reading my books until you got here." He said as his face brightened up a little. "Say, you're dressed kinda funny dad." He said as he looked me over.

I blushed a little and turned away. "Oh really? Um do you not like it?" I asked as I turned an looked at him seriously.

He shook his head. "It's nice. I wish I could dress like that." He said. "But I'm not allowed to here at the shelter."

Neil raised an eyebrow. "You wear skirts?"

Cyric nodded. "I wear a leather one that mom gave me. She couldn't fit into it anymore because of how fat she's gotten so she gave it to me."

It figured, a girl with a 10 year old boy's frame would naturally give her child with the same frame a garment to wear that was once hers. "Well, we'll see about that. That's what we're here for today."

His looked brightened up a little. "They told me at the doctors that you are really my daddy. Does that mean that we get to be togther, like me and mom were?" He asked.

I sighed and went onto my knees on the pavement to put myself at eye level with him. "I'd like to try Cyric, if you'd let me." I said, becoming slightly teary eyed.

He looked around, as if scanning to see if anyone was watching, and he then looked back at me, nodding. "I want a dad. I want to live with you."

I smiled a little and took Neil's hand into mine as he stood next to me. "I was hoping you'd say that. I want to introduce you to someone and I want to tell you something ok?" I said, looking at him for approval.


"This is Neil Simonsen-Morningstar. He is someone very special to me Cyric, very special indeed," I began. I then turned and looked at him seriously for a moment. "Neil and I are a coupple. We both like each other like boys like girls, but only instead with eachother. I like other men, and so does he." I said as I pointed towards Neil. "We got married like a man and a woman, only with us otherwise."

Cyric scrunched his face up and raised an eyebrow. "You don't have to treat me like I'm dumb. Your just gay and he's your husband. That's all you had to say." Cyric said as he folded his arms across his stomach.

I licked my lips and rolled my eyes. At least he was educated. "Well we weren't sure you knew about that kind of thing."

Cyric scoffed. "Dad I'm 10 years old, and satanic. You have any clue what kind of men that mom had walking through the house at all hours of the night? Believe me, I've seen stranger." He said as he suddered.

Neil looked angry all of a sudden as he squeezed my hand a little tight. He had heard something he didn't want to hear. "These men, Cyric, did they ever do anything to you?" Neil asked.

Cyric looked at Neil and then looked at me. His face fell as he suddenly took a step back. "Mom told me never to tell. I don't want to talk about it." He said quietly.

Neil looked at me and helped me to stand. "Did they ever touch you? Did they ever do anything like kiss you or hurt you."

Cyric's tail went inbetween his legs and he seemed to tremble a little. "Um I don't want to talk about it." He said.

I put a hand on Neils shoulder and looked at him. "Neil', we've only just met the boy. Lets take time for this later. Now is the time for us to bond with him." I turned around and looked back at Cyric. "Do you like Neil? He's really quite nice."

Neil nodded nervously.

Cyric stood, tail between his legs and looked about again, and then looked at me. I only noticed then that he had the most handsome yellow brown eyes that I had ever seen on a fox, a color that was different than my normal brown ones. I wondered where he had got them from. Darla had green eyes, and I had brown...does that make yellow?

"Yeah, Neil's nice."

Neil moved forward and went onto his knees this time, forgetting that he happened to be wearing a nice pair of Khakis. "You know, I'd like to try being your father too, if you wouldn't mind." He said as he put his hand to the fence, and put as many fingers as he could through a hole. Cyric looked at the hand and then looked to me. I gestured that it was ok for him to proceed, and went back onto my knees.

Cyric leaned forward and shook the fingers of Neil, as his tail came out from between his legs and wagged again. I smiled it was a heart felt moment.

"CYRIC! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Shouted a female voice from behind Cyric. All three of us jumped as Neil and I stood up to see a female in a pink dress walking up, holding a clipboard under her arm. As she approached, I noticed that she was rather heavy set, and had the kind of boobs that were so big that they went under her arms. Aunt Betty boobs I called them. She was a Labrador type of female, the sun shining off her black fur in a fine sheen. It would have created the image of greasy hair, if her hair wasn't so obvously clean with how light and bouncy it was. Her long hair was pulled back in a tail that went to the small of her back (a little longer than mine), giving her a laid back yet business like look to her. She was wearing matching pink sneakers, and seemed to be not to happy.

She walked over to Cyric and took him by the hand. "Cyric! I thought I warned you not to talk to strangers! Look at you now, talking to these child molesters! You go run inside and get into your bed right now!" She bellowed in a voice that was strong, but defiantly a woman's. Cyric looked at me for support, but then turned and ran towards the building, obviously not wanting to get in further trouble than he was already in.

Wait did she say child molesters?

She turned and looked at us with a face of scorn as she pointed the clipboard towards us. "And you two ought to be sick. I have never seen someone so bold as to approach a child on the shelter's grounds before, but I guess your kind gets more desperate with each passing day. How could you think about doing something like that to a child that's already been through enough?"

"Madam I-" I began to say but was cut off by her speaking again.

"And another thing, you should be ashamed of yourself, dressing like that in view of impressionable youth. I have two boys upstairs that won't quite be the same because they've seen you today. How am I going to explain to them what they saw today and how wrong you two were for doing it. Why I have half a mind to call the police right now."

I grumbled and dusted the dirt off my kneecaps as I stood up. "Miss, I am that boy's father for one, and second those boys are no more traumatized than I am a walrus." I said, putting my hands on my hips.

The woman moved her head about on her neck in a swivel. "Mm hmm and I'm Arethra Franklin." She said as she looked at me disbelievingly, giving me a real stink eye.

Neil stepped in and frowned. "I assure you miss, we are legit. Renee here is the legal guardian of Cyric, and that he was only speaking with him. That's all." Neil said calmly and politely.

"That has yet to be proved mister. Now I suggest you get both yall asses out of here before I have you in jail faster than you can say Vaseline." She said as she turned around and stormed back towards the door that Cyric had ran from. She had trouble fitting through the frame, she was so fat. I was amusing to watch, her trying to squeeze through the door to get back inside.

"I'll give her some Vaseline, then maybe she'll fit in the ruddy door." Neil grumbled between his teeth.

I laughed. "Later. Lets go get Cyric and take him home."

The two of us walked along the sidewalk towards the main doors of the shelter. The doors were big and thick, like a warehouse's normally were. I suppose that at one point a great many things were stored in this place, but not it was a place to store people. Pity.

The inside of the shelter had the look of a recreation center at first glance. There were computer terminals on one side, a kitchen and eating area on another, a pool table, and a library area where there were bean bag chairs and plenty of books. There were also a series of offices off to the right with glass windows and desks behind the glass, as if those areas were meant for privacy. Neil and I shrugged as we walked to the front desk. There I was surprised to see a creature that I had never seen before in person working the desk. A human! A human male was sitting at the reception area, wearing a nice white shirt and blue tie, and was filing some papers. He had whitish skin, and short brown hair. I gulped, I had never seen a human before, and obviously neither had Neil. We stepped forward to the desk, where the human looked up at us politely.

"Yes? Can I help you?" He asked in a complaisant manner. I smiled nervously and shifted in place.

"Neil and I are here to pick up my son Cyric." I said.

The human looked impressed. "Ah, good! Cyric has been waiting a few days for you to come. I just need you to fill out some paperwork and provide papers proving you are the boys father.

Neil produced the papers. I had given them to him to hold onto because of the outfit I was wearing not having any pockets. He handed them to the human who took them right away and began looking at them. After scanning over the papers and fliping though them, he pulled out a file and slipped the papers into them. He then handed me the file and gestured to some seats near one of the little offices.

"Just fill those out and one of our councliers will be free to speak to you about collecting your son. It should only take about an hour." The human said with a smile as he went to his work. I looked at the file and it had a large stack of papers. I didn't doubt that the process would take an hour.

I had Neil help me out with the paperwork, and I rifled through the papers in about 30 minutes, which is faster than most I was told. The hard part was waiting for the councilor to come to speak to me. That took about another 10 minutes before I was approached by a kind looking Stag in a suit.

"Renee and Neil?" He asked.



The Stag smiled and pointed to his office. "This way please."

We walked into his office with no problem, and took our seats in some rather comfy low backed chairs. They were more comfortable than the chairs that the shelter had in the waiting rooms.

The Stag with the suit took the familiar looking file and began to read it over, his eyes darting back and forth across the page as he read.

"You two are legally married?" He asked.

"Yes, we can show you the marriage certificate if you need it." Neil said.

The stag shook his head and kept reading.

"I see that you are an actor Mr Renee. What kind of an actor?"

I gulped. "I currently work for Universal, I am doing the lead in their latest movie, Fury From Frisco."

He shook his head. "Not what I mean, I mean what kind of movies have you done in the past?"

I sighed. "I was an adult film star." I said.

The Stag nodded, and went back to his papers. He looked at Neil then after reading and asked him about his job. Neil told him he was working, and told him he felt he had a damn good job. The stag shrugged and continued to read.

"You two live in an apartment?" He asked.

I crossed my legs. "Yes."

"Your own or his?" He asked, pointing to Neil

"Well we each have our own apartment actually, I live in 232, and he lives in 177." I said, gesturing to Neil. Neil smacked his lips and gave his head an affirmative shake before the stag continued asking questions.

"So you're both employed, you've both got adequate living arrangements, and you are both legally married. Are you going to share parenting duties?" He asked.

We told him yes.

The Stag then slid some more papers our way, papers that we had to sign. After reading them and being thankful that we weren't signing out souls away, found out that the papers were just for who was to be responsible. We filled out the papers and handed them to him as he slipped them into the file. He then turned and looked at us as he asked us more questions. He asked us about the people we were living with, he asked us about criminal records, he asked us about our education. All were decent questions.

When he was finally finished, he shook our hands and smiled. "Well you two are parents. You can pick him up now."

The stag lead us out of the office and towards some stairs. Looking at how wide and expansive the place was, it was not hard to tell that this place was indeed a warehouse at one point.

We walked up the stairs which lead us to the second level. There when you got there you could see one large room with three rows of beds. The room was huge, at least 100 feet long and 50 feet wide. There were so many beds there, it looked as if the place was housing a small army instead of a group of kids. There on two of the beds were Omar and Aldo, reading sports mags with their feet kicked up on the foot rail of the bed. On another bed a rather unique dragon child sat, staring off into space. Down the line we saw a pair of rather boyish looking vulpine females, braiding one another's hair. I twas obvious to tell what Omar was talking about when he said that I looked like a girl compared to these two. And finally at the end in the corner, next to the shower room was my son Cyric. He was sitting on his bed, waiting for us with a slight smile on his face.

The stag walked over towards Cyric and he bowed down to him to speak. "Cyric, do you want to go with these two?" He asked.

Cyric nodded. "Yes. I packed my bag and everything!" He said, pointing to the duffel bag that lay on the bed beside him.

"Good. Your father here is going to take you to your new home. They live downtown, isn't that nice?" He asked.

Cyric shrugged. "Nice, but I don't really care. I just want to get home, wherever that is." Cyric said as he stood up and grabbed his duffel bag.

The Stag clapped his hands and faced us. "Well he's all yours."

"Come along Cyric." I said as I offered him my hand. He took it. His hand was so soft and gentle inside of mine, it was as if he wasn't even there. I gave it a squeeze, and he gave me one back. It was kind of a tender moment. Neil then extended his hand to offer it to Cyric. He took it as well, and sighed.

"Well dads, lets go home." He said.

"Yes, lets go home." I said.

The three of us went outside, giving Omar and Aldo dirty looks along the way as we walked to the car. When Cyric saw the car he just about had a fit. He couldn't believe that we actually owned the car. He had even asked if we had stolen it, because he was not sure how we could have a car that nice. I was a little taken back by that, and I told Cyric that while we weren't rich, we were fully capable of affording the car. I didn't know but perhaps it was something his mother had told him about me that gave him the impression.

Cyric sat in the back seat, all aglow with emotion. He seemed overjoyed, yet saddened at the same time over being where he was. I didn't blame him. I knew what it was like to not really have any parents, but to suddenly know you have one and he is sitting in the seat in front of you can be a little much to handle.

"This is nice though guys, I like it." Cyric said as he buckled his seatbelt.

Neil hopped into the drivers seat and buckled his seatbelt. "Glad you do. This car was a steal alright at the price I payed for it."

I chuckled and slipped into the passenger side seat. "But perhaps you paid too much? Why pay thousands on a luxury sports car like this when you can get something practical, like the LTD?" I said as I buckled my belt and flattened my skirt.

Cyric snorted back a laugh in the back seat. "An LTD?"

I nodded. "Yes, that's the car we use."

Cyric laughed a tiny bit and shook his head. "I'm sorry, it's just that I find that funny."

Neil started the engine and slowly pulled into the streets. "What's so funny?"

Cyric sighed and crossed his legs. "Well, Mom and I used to live in an LTD back when I was five, and now here you guys are that actually drive one. I just find it funny."

I didn't laugh.. "You lived out of your Mom's car?"

He nodded. "Yeah. It didn't run or anything. It was just there. We lived in a lot somewhere in San Diego for about a year, living out of Mom's run down LTD. I slept in the back and Mom and whoever she was with at the time would sleep in the front seats."

Neil swallowed. "That's horrible." He said.

Cyric shrugged. "I didn't care. So long as they weren't 'nice' as mom called them, I didn't mind the men there. I got food every day from the school I went to...when I was actually in school..." Cyric said, trailing off.

"And your mother didn't get you any food otherwise?"

Cyric sat forward and nodded his head, his foxy tail wagging a little faster. "Oh yes, mom still brought me food when she could. She would bring home food from her jobs and we'd sit on the hood of the car and eat, just me and her. She had a job at Wiener schnitzel once...and she used to sneak me home food just about every night until she got caught. She lost her job and we didn't eat for a week. I think that's why I'm so skinny." He said as he lifted up his shirt a little bit to show his muscled but definitely thin juvenile stomach. I nodded and sat forward again.

"Cyric you know that if I had known about you...none of that would have ever happened right?" I asked.

Cyric slouched backward and laid his head against the window. "I don't know. I've only just met you. You're really nice and all, but I want to get used to you."

Neil patted me on the thigh, as if to tell me not to worry. I was worried.

"Tell me more about your life Cyric? Anything good?"

Cyric shrugged a big shrug, and moved his feet about a little in circles. "Well, after we lived in the car we got to stay for a month at the Church of Satan. Mom had talked to someone who had decided to take pity on her and give us some room. Mom gave up the bed of course to me and she slept in a chair. She worked all day of course and only saw me at night. I got to play with several of the people there, and I watched a lot of TV. It was the first time really that I had a roof over my head for longer than a week. I liked it."

Neil, who was familiar with the church of Satan from our wedding, shuddered. "How could you actually enjoy living there?" He asked. "No disrespect meant to you two, but that place creped me out."

The legendary San Fransisco building was a former house, and a big one at that. It had plenty of rooms, and looked after it's followers. The "Church" was like the black Vatican, and followers came from all over the world to visit it. The rooms were able to be rented out for travelers that had come a particular long distance, for a slight fee. Slight being pretty steep sometimes. But if you were a woman like Darla, there is no doubt in anyone's mind how she was able to afford the room.

"I just lived there was all." Cyric said as he yawned.

"So, after that month when you were five, what happened next?"

Cyric yawned again and stretched, he had to have been tired. Perhaps he didn't sleep much at the center, or maybe the calming motion of the car was taxing the kid's ability to stay awake. "This man named Loki came and met mom. They became good friends. He took us to live in his house here in LA, and I lived there for about 2 years before mom and him had a fight. She did something that will never leave my mind for as long as I live."

I didn't know if I wanted to open Pandora's box on this one, but, Neil beat me to it. "What did she do?"

"I don't remember all of it, but all I remember is that they were going to do that thing where they get naked and roll around in bed for a while. Mr. Loki stood there naked in front of mom and said something, and Mom said something back. The next thing I knew, Mom had pulled out a knife and cut off the man's woody."

I gulped. Neil choked. "Merciful heavens." He said as he choked.

Cyric shuddered this time and shook his head. "Yeah, he was a stallion, so he was really big, I mean bigger than my forearm. Anyway after that, we were back on the streets and back to living in the LTD. We stayed there for about a month until mom met this 'nice' Doberman named Xander. He took us in, and I was living with him until about 2 weeks ago. He was the best of them all, and I liked him, even if he was 'nice' to me." He said with a sigh. "But Mom got mad at him being 'nice' and she left with me to go to live with this one woman. They said that my troubles were about to be over forever. Were they going to kill me?"

How do you go about answering this question to a 10 year old. I hadn't the slightest clue. Neil on the other hand didn't miss a beat. "Yes, they wanted to kill you. It's called a sacrifice, and they were going to kill you for whatever reason."

Cyric cringed, "Why would Mom do that to me?"

I shook my head. "I haven't a clue Cyric, but what I do know is your mother is in a lot of trouble, and now you are safe. Don't you worry."

Cyric sighed and leaned forward into his seat as far as his seatbelt would let him.

"So I am going to live with you two?"

I nodded. "Yes, but there's something you should know Cyric..."

Cyric gulped. "What?"

I turned around in my chair and smiled to him. "I have roomates, a lot of them. I even have a dog named Bob, so the apartment is going to be kind of crowded."

Cyric gulped again. "R-roomates? Are any of them 'nice'?"

I stopped to think on that one, I didn't know what he meant by 'nice', but I assumed it meant something not good. "No, they are all kind and polite and will love you I have no doubt."

Cyric shifted in his seat and wrapped his tail around his waist. "Are you sure?"

I leaned out and patted his knee. "I assure you of it. They will all try to help and protect you, and not a single one will try to hurt you, I promise."

At the the boy seemed to cheer up a little. "Promises can't be broken. Mom told me that." He said with a smile.

"And I intend to keep it. Now would you like to hear about your roommates?"

He nodded.

"Now I warn you, they are all gay like me, but does that bother you?" I asked. He shook his head.


"Good. Alright where to begin? Ah I know, Asher. Asher is a border collie that I've known for a few years. He's a little shy, but he is one of the best men that I know. He and I have been through a lot together, and he is my best friend. He has two jobs now, one working as a night manager at a pizza joint across the street from our apartment, and the other as a pro wrestler."

Cyric smiled. "A wrestler? Like The Rock?"

I smiled. "Like Hulk Hogan too. Anyway, the next guy is Asher's boyfriend, a White Wolf by the name of Rowdy McDowell. He plays Blackball for the LA Hoods, and is another good friend of the family. He is the muscles of the family, and the backbone of us all."

"Rowdy McDowell? Really? I heard Aldo and Omar talking about him, they are like worshipers of him."

I raised my eyebrows and waved my hand in a "whatever" gesture and continued. "Well Rowdy lives with us alright. Next is a guy that is really cool, he is a race car driver for Nascar and a really deep thinker. He is a Cheetahling by the name of Sparky Deberaugx. He has been there for me a lot lately, and he is living with us until some heat dies down with something that's going on with him and another driver. The last one living with us is Sparky's husband, an Otter by the name of Jicentia. He is a priest in our religion. Last there is a young Alley cat by the name of James staying with us, but he is older than you."

"Wow is all I can say." Cyric said as he tilted his head to the side and smiled. "And you're all gay?"

Neil nodded. "All of us. There are others that come by to visit, like Micah and Khris, but you'll meet them later."

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, later. Isn't Micah too busy with his new Liquid Latex fetish?"

Neil shushed me and nearly swerved the car off the road. "Not in front of your son."

I coughed and smiled uneasily. "Oh sorry."

Cyric giggled. "You two are funny."

"Thanks." We said at the same time.

"Anyone else?"

I smiled. "Just Chong."

"Chong? What's he like?"

I smiled wider. "You'll just have to see him for yourself. Some people are just that way."

And with another yawn from, Cyric, we rode on in silence, just letting one another's presences fill the void. My son...wow was just the word for it.

* * *

Neil had dropped me off in front of the house about half an hour later. He had to run into work and see if he couldn't get some kind of benefits package now that he was the legal guardian of a child. He wanted to see if maybe he could get Cyric on his medical insurance or something.

But there we stood, in front of the 30 story apartment building that was the Churchill Estates. Cyric stood and craned his neck to look at the top stories, looking rather funny as he did so. He was almost about to fall backwards with how far he was leaning. I moved in behind him as his head bumped my pelvis, and he gave a nervous chuckle and looked about.

"Like it?" I asked.

Cyric shifted his weight in his shoes and looked up at me. "It's big."

I smiled down at him. "Well it's just one part of the building that's ours, not the whole thing. We live close to the top, way up there." I said as I pointed.

He looked up to where I pointed as an elderly vampire bat moved past us with her walker. He followed my finger and looked up to where our window was and his mouth went agape a little as he started to fall backwards again. I lunged outward with my hand and caught him this time by his shirt and held him up as he looked.

"Cool." He said as he lowered his gaze and looked puzzled at something.

I wasn't sure what he was looking at until I turned my head. It was at that moment that I saw a familiar looking bunny waking my way, ears perfectly erect and shoulders forward. He looked like someone who was cross-country skiing with how he was walking. He adjusted his vintage glasses, not the nice wire rimmed ones that I was used to seeing him wearing recently.

"Morningstar!" He shouted as he pushed the old lady over on her side with a one handed side shove. She muttered something along the lines of "I've fallen and I can't get up" and flipped off Fletcher as he walked over towards me.

"God damnit." I muttered under my breath as I shifted in my place and looked down at Cyric. "I forgot to mention someone when I told you about this place. The owner of the Apartments, a man by the name of Fletcher."

Cyric made a face as if he already had Fletcher figured out as someone not nice and he clutched onto my arm a little bit. I liked the feeling that someone was actually clinging onto me for support, and not the other way around.

"Morningstar - Tell me don't you think that fox is a tad to young for you, or are you into that kind of thing?" Fletcher asked as he stood in front of me, wearing a nasty blueberry colored suit and a tie.

"This happens to be my son, Felcher..." I said in a low tone.

Fletcher not missing a beat looked down at Cyric and then back to me. "Well now you know what they say about incest: it's alright so long as you keep it within the family."

I began to grind my teeth together and clenched a fist, never in my life had I wanted to lose my patience with him like I did then. "Shut up. I am not into that, and I am not that way with my son."

Perhaps it was only just then that Fletcher actually realized that I was saying the words "my son" over and over again. Fletcher took a step back and pointed to Cyric and then pointed to me and seemed to be sizing us up. Then he made a satisfied noise and chuckled once.

"I had to figure you to be related, you both look like faggots."

I began to opens my legs up a little bit as I was about ready to send a thrust kick right into Fletcher's throat.

"What did you call me?"

"You heard me."

"You've never called me that before..."

"Well you've never really given me reason too until now."

I stepped closer and kept my fist balled. "What..."

Fletcher took a step forward, looking up into my eyes from his belittled hight. We were almost nose to nose, and he had an evil twisted smile on his face.

"That faggot friend of yours Asher owes me his half of the rent. If he doesn't pay it tonight, I'll be forced to take some desperate measures." He said as he lowered his voice and puffed out his chest a little.

"Asher? I thought he's paid up."

Fletcher shook his head in a slow motion and smiled wider. "I suppose that if you all weren't too busy sucking one another off, maybe he'd have time to pay his bills. Oh and by the way, I wonder how many diseases you guys have anyway...with how promiscuous you all are. You must be the poster child for every medicine add in the world. You make me sick."

I growled in a low growl and rolled my eyes back in my head. I couldn't see it, but for just a moment I sensed a bit of fear coming from Fletcher as I started to shake.

"We are all clean." I said in a low growl. "And for your information, I love my husband very much, and they all love their respective partners. " I said as I leaned out and grabbed Fletcher by his tie and yanked on it a little. There was a little bit of a choking sound coming from Fletcher as I did this. I had him dangling like a worm on the end of a hook.

"Let me go you fucking fairy! You'll regret this!" He said as he began to slap desperately at my arm. His attempts went in vain as he tried to struggle against me, I kept a vice grip on that tie.

"Dad! Let him go...I want to go home!" Cyric said as he tugged on my skirt a little.

"H-home? You can't be serious..." Fletcher said as he I rolled my eyes back forward in my head to look at him. He looked panicked like he normally did in this situation. He was all sissy tough.

"Oh yes he is serious. Young Cyric here is going to live with me, his father."

"Not another one! You can not have another person living under your roof Morningstar...one of you is going to have to go."

I leaned in and pressed my nose to his, people on the streets starting to stare at us a little. "Over my maggot ridden corpse."

And I let him go.

Fletcher fell back a few steps and adjusted his tie he looked at me, seething. He pointed to me and pointed to the boy and cursed. "You mark my words! You'll regret this!" He said as he turned around and broke into a run, leaving Cyric and I alone on the streets.

I turned towards Cyric who had a dumbfounded look on his face, and sighed. "I'm sorry you had to hear and see that."

Cyric shrugged and looked at me. "You should have kicked his butt."

I shook my head and took his hand into mine and started to walk towards the apartment complex. "Violence never solves anything, no matter how good it makes you feel." I said . "Remember that Cyric."

"Ok." He said. "Does this mean I get to go home now?"

I smiled a little bit as I opened the door and walked towards the elevator and patted Cyric on the back. "Yes. Welcome home."

* * *

Cyric was greeted in the way that I thought he would be. At first there was extreme shock on the faces of everyone there, but then they all warmed up to him in no time. One by one they all shook hands and hugged one another as Cyric made his introduction to each. It couldn't have gone more perfectly.

As Asher left about an hour after Cyric's arrival, one by one the rest of the boys wanted the chance to meet and play with my son. It was as if I had brought home some kind of toy for all of them to play with, and not a living breathing fox.

There was a few moments of uneasiness. At one point, Cyric discovered my corner where all my Porns were stored, and was pretty shocked to learn that his father was a porn star. He took it well. He said Wow.

I showed him around the house, and told him what to touch and what not to. He seemed cool with it all, and probably spent most of his time in front of the refrigerator. He scarfed down a bunch of food like he had never eaten before. It was like watching someone throw up in reverse with how fast he was eating. We were all caught off guard.

And so it went into the evening that Cyric bonded with the boys, and I found myself alone in my bedroom with Jicentia the otter, talking.

"So there is no doubt that he is a follower?" He asked.

"No doubt at all. And from what I am guessing is he's already been introduced to some of our less youth friendly rituals already."

Jicentia, clad in his boxer shorts, shook his head and groaned.

"I just can't play with that. Sure there is supposed to be a lack of guilt in our religion, but the kid is just a kid."

I nodded. "Yes. It's obvious that Darla didn't have any qualms against letting Cyric be used in some of these rituals."

Jicentia stood and moved over to me a little, his long otter tail wagging a little. "Renee, there is no doubt in my mind that some crimes have been committed somewhere. Religiously or otherwise, I think that some wrong has been committed here."

I Sighed. "What am I going to do?"

Jicentia leaned out with his hand and placed it firmly on my waist and he looked into my eyes. "You are going to take care of your son, and you are going to love him I am sure."

I reached out with my hands and placed them on his hips, liking the feeling of his touch on me. I was getting turned on.

"But what if I don't do a good job?"

Jicentia smiled a little and pressed his body to mine slowly and pressed his lips to my cheek. "You will do a good job. Now, we haven't had any fun in a while, and Neil did give me permission since I've been waiting for a whole. Why don't we have a little quick one while we have Cyric distracted in the living room with the others.

I smiled, and lifted my skirt.


I closed my eyes and let out a moan as I felt him take his hand and place it upon my hardening member. He gave it a couple of squeezes, and began to kiss at my neck. I let out a moan and I reached out to his boxer shorts, and I took them down, revealing Jicentia's human like cock.

His kisses were short and sweet upon my neck and my cheeks, and were just the way that I liked them. Neil had a passion for doing the same thing too, and it drove me to a kind of passion that likes of which I rarely know. His lips were warm as he moved in closer, his cock pressing up against mine.

I wouldn't have any of that. I lifted my left leg and pulled my shirt up and over my head as I felt his cock slip in between my legs and get a good position. I felt him tenderly take his hands down to my legs and grip at them as he began to press his cock into me slowly, sliding in at a kind and gentle pace.

"Oh gods." I muttered as I felt that human like cock enter me. I groaned and wrapped my leg around his back as his cock began to keep pressing it's way into me, getting deeper and deeper before finally cresting right at my spot. And then he took to humping me.

His humps were nice and sharp, the otter working his pelvis muscles to really get it in deep. I felt him so large and so long inside of me that he was stretching me to my limits already. I loved the feeling of the soft skin of his cock moving against the silken membranes of my anus. It was lovely.

I reached down with my right hand and took my cock into my hand and began to stroke it as he humped me against the wall, stroking nice and fast. I felt a tingly sensation around my loins that told me that I was enjoying the sensations, the cock in my ass and the kisses on my neck.

It wasn't long before we were both brought to stereo orgasms. We both ejaculated in a nice little spooge that was just what we needed. I felt him fill me up, while I shot my load all over his chest stomach and my hand. I groaned as this happened. It was quick but I liked it.

"Thanks." Jicentia said as he pulled his cock from my ass.

"You're welcome."

* * *

As we were dressing, Cyric came into the room, looking rather tired. I hadn't quite dressed all the way, so I tried to hide it as best as possible.

"Dad? I'm tired, can I go to bed?"

I looked to Jicentia, who was dressed already, and he dismissed himself as I turned towards Cyric. He did look a lot like me. It was amazing. I had some silk boxers on and was pulling on a black tank top to match the boxers.


"Can I undress?" He said.

I shrugged. "Sure. Around here you can wear as much or as little as you want."

He nodded and sighed. "Can I sleep with you? I am kind of nervous."

I smiled and nodded. "Sure."

With that, Cyric closed the door behind him, and began to slip out of his shirt and pants. He dropped them to the floor, and stood in his underwear before eventually dropping them as well.

"Naked?" I asked.

"Yeah, join me?" He asked.

Now I know what you are thinking, and no, he wasn't trying to seduce me.

I looked at him. He had perfect hip bones, toned thighs, and a fair sheath and balls for a 10 year old. His body was flawless and untainted by puberty, it was undoubted in my mind as to why pedophiles liked to stare at bodies such as these. Cause my son was attractive, even I had to admit it.

"You don't mind?"

"No. I don't sleep clothed ever."

"Why not?" I asked.

Cyric shrugged. "Mom said sleeping with clothes on means you aren't willing to do what your supposed to."

I rolled my eyes, but rather than argue I sighed. "You don't think I am going to do anything weird to you?"

He shook his head, and climbed into my bed. "No, you aren't 'nice' like that."

I looked at him as I started stripping. "Cyric, what did Xander do to you?"

Cyric sighed as I was suddenly naked before him. "You look nice."

I smiled. "Thanks, but you didn't answer my question. "

He gulped and pulled the covers over him. "He laid with me every night, and he'd put my penis in his mouth." He said in a low quiet voice. He then gasped and covered his mouth and pulled his knees to his chest. "He told me never to tell."

I held out my hand and sighed as I slipped into bed with him. "Telling me wasn't wrong, it lets me know what's gone on in your past so I can make sure it doesn't happen in your future."

My son took my hand into his and looked at me with a smile. "I'm not bad for letting him to that?"

I shook my head. "You didn't know any better. It probably felt good to your body and so that's why you let him do it. He probably said a lot of things to make you do it, and he was wrong to do that. "

Cyric nodded and sighed. "I did like the feeling, but I felt wrong afterward."

I pat his hand. "And that's normal. Remember though, you are not a bad boy, you are a good boy."

He looked at me, and suddenly started to cry. He then threw his naked body across mine, and buried his head against my chest. I did all that I could think of, and tried to hold him in the most non sexual way possible. He cried softly and gripped at my body lightly as if I was some kind of giant plush toy, and spooned his body against me a little.

"I never told anyone that! I never told anyone about all the men that touched me, that put their dicks in my mouth, I never told!" He said as he held me. I held him back and began to pet his back as I did all that I could think of. I simply pet him and kept telling him over and over again that it would be alright.

Cyric at one point later in the evening stopped crying, and sighed as he lay on top of me. To some, this would be very sexual, and it in way I found being naked embracing my son about as sexual as I could tolerate. But Cyric was too tired, and he simply fell asleep against my body, whispering "I love you dad." Before falling asleep.

Wow. I am loved.

I fell asleep with one hand on his back, and the other hand on the back of his head as we slept in that naked embrace. He was warmer against me than any body I had ever felt on mine. It was pleasant and yet repulsing at the same time. I didn't know how comfortable I could get with Cyric, but this was about as comfortable as I could tolerate.

At one point in the night, I felt a burning on my chest, my tattoo was stinging again. I was about to move Cyric off of me when I felt a tapping at my shoulder. I groaned and woke fully from my sleep to see Rowdy standing over me in a thong. He had a panicked look on his face, though I could barely see it in the dark.

"What?" I asked.

"Renee sweetie, sorry to wake you, but Asher never came home, it's 4 in the morning and I've waited all night."

I tilted my head to the side and pondered that. "Maybe he is just working late at the Gym?"

Rowdy shook his head. "I called the gym and I called the stadium. He's at neither and didn't show up to either. Asher didn't even go to work at Pesti's tonight, Pesti called at midnight looking for him.

I opened my eyes wide and thought about that for about a few seconds, and then tried to wake up a little. "You checked with Lt. Mitchell?"

Rowdy folded his arms across his ample chest and shook a little. He looked so naked in that moment, and so fragile. Not the tough and ripped muscle wolf that I was looking at. "I tried that already, Mitchell said he would put a look out for him, but unless he has been gone for 24 hours there is nothing that he can do."

I realized that one of my hands had slipped onto Cyric's butt and I moved it back up to his back as he slept soundly against my chest. I did feel that he was aroused in his sleep against me, his youthful cock pressed to my adult one. Low and behold mine was out two. It was as if we were in a truly sexual embrace, yet what our bodies were doing was just natural. It was still unnerving. I didn't look down, I just kept staring at the thonged Rowdy.

"Calm down, We'll think of something."

"Well we have got to do something! I love Asher!" He said in a whispered shout.

"I know you do, Now why don't you try to get some sleep and we'll figure this out in the morning."

"Sleep? I can't sleep without him. He's out there somewhere and I want to know where."

"Fine, stay awake, I am going to get to sleep and I'll help you in the morning."

And with that, Rowdy walked slowly to the door and sighed. "I don't know what I'd do without him." He said as he slowly slipped from the room.

So Asher was missing huh? What was I going to do about that?

In the morning I awoke and Cyric and I rolled out of bed and dressed. I slipped on the black cutoff tank top and some blue jeans as Cyric slipped on a black sleeveless t-shirt and the jean shorts from yesterday. Neither of us spoke about what had happened the night before or what we had spoken about. That was a bond as father and son that I wouldn't break.

We stepped into the living room, and I was met by sparky, wearing a towel and soaking wet coming out of the shower. Jicentia was right behind him dressed the same. Rowdy was on the couch, his legs shaking, still clad in the thong from the night before. Chong was passed out on a bean bag chair, and James was in the kitchen on the phone, saying "Uh huh" over and over again.

"What's the news?" I asked as I turned towards Sparky.

Sparky shrugged. "James has been on the phone with Mitchell for over an hour now. They found him. That's all we know."

James held up a hand to silence us all, as he was busy listening to the phone,

"Yes? You'll bring him by? Good." James said to the phone as we all turned and looked at him. "Oh don't worry about pressing charges Mitchell, I am sure Renee will want to deal with this personally." He said as he hung up the phone. James sighed, and walked out of the kitchen, clad in white boxers and white t-shirt. He looked like he too had just got out of bed.

Rowdy stood and ran over to James, towering over him. "Well?"

James sighed and looked to me. "It's not good."

Cyric walked out and yawned "What's going on?"

Sparky leaned down and patted him on the head. "Nothing, it's nothing. Why don't you go back to bed?"

Cyric looked at me as if that was a good idea. "Can I?"

I nodded, and he was off like a shot. My door slammed shut, and undoubtedly he was climbing back into bed to go to sleep. I walked to James as Sparky and Jicentia slipped into their briefs and got themselves ready a little bit.

"Alright James, spill it." I said.

He sighed and looked to the group. "Sit down Rowdy."

And Rowdy sat, his legs shaking horribly.

I folded my arms, already this didn't sound good. "So what's gone on?"

James looked to the group and sighed. "Well it's not good."

"Tell us man." Sparky said as he placed his hands on his hips. "I have to race today."

James gulped and held out his hands. "Alright, now you have to promise not to get mad at me, it's not my fault."

I nodded. "None of us blame you, now why don't you tell us what is going on?" Jicentia said in a soft voice as he slipped his hand into Sparky's.

"Yes tell us!" Rowdy said as he was starting to come unglued a little.

James held out his hands again and sighed. "Alright! I'll tell you."

James moved closer to us, and looked at the floor. He sighed and put his hands on the edge of the couch as he tried to think of what to say. When he was ready, he finally spoke.

"Asher was raped last night." James said calmly.

"What?!" We all said at once.

James nodded. "Yes. He was found this morning in a dumpster about 5 blocks away. Apparently someone shot him in the legs and did the deed. He did it in that alleyway that I saved you in Renee. There is no way that anyone would have found him if it wasn't for a bum that happened to be dumpster diving this morning."

"Gods damnit." I muttered.

"Asher!" Rowdy cried as he grabbed a pillow and began to cry into it.

Sparky kicked the side of the couch and waged his tail in anger. "Who did this?"

I held up a hand and sighed. "It had to have been someone random, Asher had to just have been a victim."

James shook his head and sighed. "I wish it was that simple, but once again we are proved wrong. Before Asher decided to stop talking, he said that he knew the man that had done it, it was someone that we all know.

Jicentia moved forward a little. "Well who?"

James gulped, and looked at the floor again. "That's the hard part. It was Fletcher."

"FLETCHER?!" Rowdy roared from the couch. "HOW COULD THAT BE?"

We all shushed him, reminding him that Cyric was asleep in the next room and sighed. "Fletcher?" I asked. "Is it true?"

James nodded. "Asher positively ID'd him this morning. They took semen samples from him and everything. They were going to send a car over to get Fletcher, but Mitchell is stalling them to see if we want to do anything ourselves..." He said softly. "What do we do."

There was only one thing I could think to do. I pushed out of the group and walked over to the phone. I grabbed it and looked to the others. "Oh we are going to take care of Fletcher all right, once and for all. For you Rowdy, and for all of us." I held the pone and dialed it, and let it ring. When the voice on the other end of the line answered, I smiled.

"Ishanka? This is Renee. Remember how you helped out Hillary a while back after Lindsay molested him? Well we are going to need another favor. Asher's been raped by Fletcher. We need your help. We want justice."

There was silence on the other end of the line. A long and tedious silence, and then his voice came after a few moments of worry that I had been hung up on.

"I'll be right over."

"Thank you Ishanka, we'll be waiting."

And I hung up the phone, and decided that we should all get dressed.

* * *

Speeding would be a light way of putting how Ishanka arrived at my apartment. With the way he drove over to the place, it would almost seem as if all laws regarding how fast someone could go in a car were suspended. And yet, despite the fact that Ishanka only had the most basic of skills to drive a car at that speed, I believe that he could have given Sparky and Jicentia a run for their money on the Nascar course. It was a good thing that Ishanka knew how to drive at all, with how I can't drive, but that wasn't important. The thing was to teach someone a lesson, a lesson that would stick.

We were all dressed by the time the knocking came at my door, Cyric was once again sound asleep in my bed as we all stood around in simple jeans and t-shirts, the whole lot of us. It was the most uniform and the most butch all of us had been at one given moment. It would have been funny if the situation at hand wasn't so horrible.

I opened the door to the apartment, and there he stood. Seven whole feet of him, and not an inch that wasn't beautiful. Ishanka the BDSM loving Albino Greyhound was there in his full S&M equipment..."working clothes" as he called them. Over the equipment, he wore a black trench coat of the finest black leather, you could smell that interesting aroma that only comes from the purest of hide. He had his hair, which was down to his knees, tied back in a frighteningly tight braid, his dyed pink hair traveling down his back where it hung almost like a noose threatening to choke the life out of you. His eyes were covered with rectangle shaped pink sunglasses that matched the color of his eyes, a bright flaming pink. His right ear still had that triangle piece missing from it from where he had been bitten by a rival drug dealer or prostitute...I wasn't sure which...but in either case it was about the only flaw on his head. Through the opening in his coat, you could see his equipment. His equipment consisted of a collar that covered most of his neck and his collarbones nicely, and was wrought with breathing holes and restraint rings. Panning down, he wore an X shaped pair of straps that were also covered in breathing holes and restraining rings, the bottoms of the straps going just underneath his ribcage. Going lower, his abdomen and stomach were covered by a black leather girdle with three belts that buckled in the middle. Despite the fact that he was thin enough as it is, the girdle was meant more fore restraint than anything else. Going lower, he had a leather thong on which had straps that went down the legs to the thighs and spikes across the groin. Aside from the straps that were a part of his loin covering, his legs were near to bare. Finally he wore some platformed combat style boots that came just under his knees, complete with laces and the straps. Ishanka, was intimidating, and sexy in the same moment.

We all kind of gawked at him as he stood in my doorway, Ishanka is not an every day sight. His participation in the filming of my movie, was only to play the bad guy, and otherwise he stayed out of my life. Perhaps it was because he was so busy, or perhaps there was something else I didn't know. But for whatever reason, Ishanka was there, and seemed willing to help.

"Sorry I'm late." His whisper of a voice said.

Sparky chuckled uneasily from the corner. "You call that late? I'd hate to see early."

Jicentia nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I'd also not enjoy seeing how much tread is left on those tires after a run like that.

Ishanka tilted his head down to step through the door, and shrugged in a very slow gesture. "What can I say, he sounded desperate." Ishanka said in his slow whisper.

I looked around the room, and saw the look on everyone's faces. Everyone was worried, and everyone was still in shock. The morning had gone by so fast, it was uncanny. I suppose it was just one of those things where everything sucks, but life is quick about dishing out the punishment.

"I can't thank you enough for coming." I said as I leaned out and touched his arm. Ishanka looked down at my hand, and then back to me. His eyes spoke of a kind of trust that normally wouldn't be allowed with someone else, and I liked that.

"Again, you sounded desperate. Plus, I don't approve of rape. Why rape when someone can be tortured willingly? If you want it bad enough, you'll get it - without resorting to negative violence."

Sparky raised an eyebrow. "Negative violence? You say that as if there is a positive form of violence."

Ishanka raised both his eyes and looked down at Sparky. "To say that there is a positive form of violence would be a truthful statement. If there was a redeeming quality to pain and torture, I would be it's poster child. I am, as you know, a glutton for punishment. Pain to me, does not exist. The only pain that I suffer is that but only one muscle of mine can feel," He said as he reached up with one of his long and slender feelings and pointed to his head. "Emotion."

Jicentia made an impressed noise. "You remind me of a monk, completely shutting everything out to perfect the mind and body."

Ishanka lowered his hand and smiled only a little, just enough to raise his cheeks a tad. "A statement that is also true. Now, to business..."

I clapped my hands and moved aside to let him inside. "Yes, to business."

Ishanka moved towards the center of the room where Sparky's and Jicentia's couch was, and stood there. He cracked his neck with a little snap of his head, and then turned to look at us. He definitely seemed all business.

"Now, you know of course, that destructive yet creative sex is my forte yes?" Ishanka said as he moved to sit on the couch. We moved so he could sit and he slid to the couch in a slow slump, not a complete flop, but a fair little slump.

Rowdy nodded. "Yeah, you are like the king of Gay BDSM. You make those wolves from Village People look like pansies."

Ishanka again lifted his eyes and lowered his head in a bow. "While I would not describe myself as one to disgrace a group such as them, I do however happen to have a skill in the art of deviant and lurid sexual intercourse that almost none other possesses. Through this, through my means of mental and physical conditioning, I mean to rend our rapist hopeless, and helpless; so that only then when he has been broken will those of a higher authority claim him for their own."

Rowdy leaned forward in his bean bag chair. "So you're saying, we do to him what he did to Asher?" He said with a little hint of a smile on his face.

Ishanka's smile broadened a little as he crossed his legs in a not completely modest gesture. "We shall do more to him than merely rape. Rape is something that is entirely different from what I have in mind. I am afraid however, that to explain the precise science of what I plan to do I would require much more time and much more energy. To put it in terms that you can understand, we are simply going to break him. His mind, and his body, will bend to us like rubber to a vulcanist. He shall be ours gentlemen, there is no doubt in my mind about that."

I almost shivered at how chilling Ishanka's whispering voice was when he said that.

"So, you are going to make him your bitch? Like Lindsay?"

Ishanka raised a hand, and rubbed his chin. "Lindsay was different than this one you call Fletcher - or should I say Felcher? Lindsay still had a sense of innocence about him as he did the deed of assaulting Hillary. Like Geoff and Trevor are going to have to learn, there are just some things you don't do with another person. Don't ask how I know about that by the way. Anyway, Lindsay is more or less my project. I enjoy my time I spend teaching Lindsay the errors of his ways, and Lindsay seems to like having a lesson taught to him."

Jicentia chuckled once. "Sounds to me like he's your boyfriend."

Ishanka closed his eyes and smiled as he lowered his hand from his chin. "Perhaps our relationship has grown in it's own abnormal way that a bond of affection has indeed grown, but at this time I am not aware of it. If we are truly growing towards one another, then so be it. Unfortunately he still hasn't grasped fully the error of his ways, and will still be punished accordingly."

I rolled my eyes in amazement. "That was almost a year ago, maybe two. How long does your conditioning last?"

Ishanka sighed an almost happy sigh and opened his eyes again. "As long as it takes for my message to sink in, whatever that message may be. In the case of the derelict rabbit, I would suggest that it might take one rather powerful message to get the point across. Power, my friends, in numbers."

Rowdy smiled a little and growled. "I just want that bunny mounted, and deep fried. You know I could have gone complete gangland style on his ass. I still have my connections..."

Ishanka chuckled. "The thing that we want to avoid is exactly that. We do not need outside forces interfering in our operation, especially ones that deal the cards in the manner that they do. Gangland? No, I am afraid that is out of the question my dear Rowdy. What we need at this time is tact, and fortunately you happen to have a skilled tactition here on your side."

"And I am glad for that, I'll assure you." I said as I stood and moved towards the entertainment center. "Which begs the question, what do we do?"

Ishanka inhaled deeply through his nose, and exhaled through his mouth in a long breath. "In a few moments we go, and we head towards the most likely place for the rabbit to be, which is in his office. Undoubtedly he is going to try to cover his tracks at this point, despite the DNA evidence against him. I swear, they rapists need to learn to always wear a condom. Anyway I digress; now we are all to march to that office, and show the door a little bit of our hospitality before we go in there and take care of the bunny."

"Kick the door in and do it? That is your tactical plan?" Jicentia asked as his large otter tail wagged.

Ishanka raised the index finger on his right hand and looked directly into Jicentia's eyes without moving his head. "There is a certain thing that is to be said from intimidation. While stealth would prove very effective at this time, it does however hinder our brief window of chance that our friend at the local law enforcement has provided for us. I daresay that they shall be here within a few hours at least, perhaps only one."

"An hour? That hardly seems like enough time." Sparky said dimly.

"An hour will be plenty." Rowdy growled. "Anyone who's ever played a sport knows that 2 minutes can be the longest 2 minutes of your life if you have something dreadful happening to you in that two minutes - like getting pummeled within an inch of your life."

Ishanka lowered his finger and pushed himself to a stand. "Precisely. Which is why time is of the essence. We must move now, or we lose our window."

I walked to the door and nodded. "Then lets get going."

The group all stood up, and moved towards the door. They let Ishanka lead, as he was in charge of this important mission, and because he was the tallest. I stood behind Ishanka as we made our way into the hallway, with Sparky and Jicentia behind me, and Rowdy behind them. We were quite the group, looking all butch in our jeans and T-shirts next to Ishanka who was all S&M'ed out. We walked down the hall to the elevator as Rowdy shut the door behind us. The elevator door opened with a louder ding than normal, and we all piled into the small lift in no time.

"Careful, I got stuck in here once." I warned as we all entered the elevator.

"I think that's the last of our worries right now." Rowdy grumbled.

"On the contrary, it is very important that we not get stuck in this elevator, otherwise all our efforts are for naught." Ishanka said as he towered above us all.

"Yeah, I want to get that son of a bitch." Sparky said as he wrung his hands together. "I still can't believe his gall."

I sighed a little. "I had always hoped that maybe all of us just happened to catch Fletcher at a bad time, and that maybe that this was all just one big mistake, but now I see that there is no hope of redemption now."

The elevator doors closed, and we were shrouded in the dim light of the elevator. Some cheesy elevator music played on old and crappy speakers, I wanted to put my foot through them. Now the troubling thing was getting onto Fletcher's floor and doing this deed. I was kind of having second thoughts. But no sooner had I thought twice than Rowdy had leaned in and pressed the button for the second to last floor.

The elevator shook for a moment, and we were off, heading towards the second to last floor with cruel intentions in out minds and revenge in our hearts.

"So how are we going to do this?" Jicentia asked.

"Simple, you all hold him down and let me work." Ishanka said with a smile.

"Do we have to...you know?" Sparky asked.

Ishanka shrugged. "If you want to join in, that's fine by me, but I request that you let me do my work first."

Rowdy grinned evilly. "I don't care, I just want to see vengeance."

I shuffled in place. "Well no matter what happens, I love you all." I said.

I received pats on the back. "We love you too."

And the elevator door opened. There was a singular long hallway on this floor, with Fletcher's office at the end of it. It was here that I came to pay the bill once a month, and it was here that I often ran into Fletcher's unkind comments. Now he was going to get it, and now he was going to taste the venom of revenge. The five of us stepped from the elevator, and looked down the pine green hallway towards a simple door at the end of the hallway that had a sign on it. As we approached, we could see that the sign read "Owner Michael T. Fletcher". So Fletcher had a first name? Well Michael was going to get his just deserts now.

"Fletcher's name is Michael?" Rowdy thought aloud.

"Apparently." Sparky said as he wagged his tail a little.

"Alright, lets do this." Ishanka said as he moved towards the door.

Ishanka leaned out with a hand, and suprisingly the door was unlocked. The door swung open without any need of assistance. He turned around and shrugged to us and whispered, "A stroke of luck." As he gestured us forward. We all walked forward and into the small apartment, and had a look around. The place was in shambles. There were clothes all astray, there was furniture toppled over, and bookshelves had their entire contents spilled out onto the floor. It was as if a major fight had occurred in here already.

The layout was fairly simple. You walked into the center of the living room and it all kind of wrapped back around the building. There were big windows right in front of us as we walked in, that gave us a view to the south. It was nice.

"Where is he?" Sparky asked quietly.

"I don't know." I said.

We all stepped in a little further, and began to investigate. When we had come across the kitchen, we saw plates of food that were knocked over as well. The food had to have been relatively fresh because some of it was still steaming. We all made a face as we looked at the mess and looked around the room once more.

And suddenly I heard a gun cock.

We all spun around on our heels to see Fletcher standing there. Clad only in his boxer shorts, holding a pump-action 12 gage shotgun. Fletcher had a tired look in his eyes, and a facade of anger upon his face. He had the gun trained on no one in particular, but that could have changed in a moment's notice. Our plan just got a little more complicated.

"Renee Morningstar..." Fletcher said in a low rasp of a voice.

I held up my hands. "Easy Fletcher, easy."

Fletcher shook his head and laughed three times. "I wish it was easy, but you see what you've forced me to do? You made me lose my temper." He said, gesturing to the room.

Ishanka stepped back a step, as if he was afraid of the gun. "You did this to yourself?" Ishanka asked.

Fletcher nodded slowly and began to cackle a little, his bunny ears swept back and almost lying limp against his head. "I lost my temper. I lost my temper with him, and with the whole lot of you!" He said as he pointed the gun in my direction.

I gasped and took a step back, something cracked beneith my feet. I looked down and saw a DVD on the floor. What was more surprising was the title of it was The Golden Tub, the watersports video that I had done for Adam and Steve. How did Fletcher have a copy, and why?

"My movie." I said to myself as I moved my bare foot away from the sharp plastic shards.

Fletcher laughed again. "Yes, you're movie. I had been doing my research on you Renee. I knew for the longest time that you were a pervert, and a sick one to boot." He said as he sneered my way. "But I must admit, your spectical of you and that mink in that tub was quite the display..."

Sparky stammered. "I d-don't understand. How can you find that enjoyable if you're-"

"Straight?" Fletcher interrupted.

"Yes." Jicentia said.

Fletcher laughed once again and adjusted the waistband on his boxers. "I don't recall ever stating my sexuality to the likes of you anyway. What does it matter anyway? What's done is done."

Ishanka shook his head and took a brave step forward. "That doesn't cut it. Tell us, why would you enjoy Renee's movie and say such hurtful things to him all the time. You contradict yourself."

Fletcher laughed again and aimed the shotgun towards Ishanka's head, and kept it nice and trained. "Think about it. Did you ever stop to think that I might be so bitter because I might be envious? I mean, did you ever consider the posibility that I might be a very lonely individual and I might be in need of some attention, despite how I go about getting it? Seriously think about it Greyhound, I am a sour tart living in the closet when Renee can be open a free about who he is. Whereas I have lived in the shadows all my life, he has been in the forefront, and it's not fair! Why should he have so many friends and I don't when really try to be nice?"

Rowdy growled. "You haven't been exactly nice to us."

We all chimed in and agreed to what Rowdy said.

Fletcher just shifted the position of the shotgun and narrowed his eyes. "I am mean because I envy. I cannot tell you how much I envy Renee's life, and look what it's driven me to. I was a virgin up until last night, and now I am no longer bound by those chains, but for some reason I don't feel the sense of gratification that would normally come from such a feat. I had to hurt someone to do it, someone that I've been attracted to for a really long time. I am ashamed of myself."

Ishanka nodded his head. "Well you should be. Your heinous crime will not go unpunished I must warn you."

Fletcher simply laughed once again and took a few steps back from us as he kept the gun trained on Ishanka. "Maybe, but I'll tell you one thing; I am sick of this life. I am sick of living this life, watching someone walk by and knowing deep inside that you can't have them. You watch and see their successes unravel before you like some fine tapestry and you are driven to shame by your own lack of success. You have no clue what it is like to sit in my office all day, and daydream about what it would be like to have that individual in your embrace where all things were equal, but to know that it is all just some fantasy that you've concocted. No, none of you have a clue."

I gulped and stepped forward, hoping I wouldn't get shot for doing so. Thankfully he didn't shoot, but he did train the gun on me I'm afraid. "Fletcher, so you rape him because you wanted him and you were too afraid to tell him how you felt?" I asked.

He nodded. "Yes. I was too afraid to tell anyone, for fear of what it might do to me. If people knew that the owner of this building was just as lavender as the lot from 232, then no one would take me seriously. I have a reputation of being a hard ass, and that is a reputation that has earned me some respect-"

Rowdy slapped his forehead. "Respect? More like fear and loathing."

Fletcher turned the gun on him. "You, Wolf, are one of the reasons why I am in this spot today. You beat me to my goal of achieving a relationship with the one that I wanted, and you didn't even stop to consider me."

Rowdy shrugged his shoulders and held his hands out. "How could I have known that you had the hots for Asher? As far as I knew, you wanted to carve everyone's eyes out with a corkscrew, so why would I even entertain the idea that perhaps you wanted Asher too?"

Fletcher laughed in a lower tone this time. "You wouldn't stop to consider me, and that's the point. No one ever stops to consider what I think about things. No one ever things about what I may be feeling."

Jicentia wagged his tail in a sweep that was so wide it hit my butt. "Perhaps if you didn't speak down to people or shove people over as they walk down the street then it could be that someone would stop to think about your feelings. But you have created this asshole facade to yourself that we have all come to know, and if you expect us to just assume that there is something lonely and tender under that shell, then forget it."

Once more we all agreed and nodded our heads.

"Alright, this has gone far enough. I am through talking to you. Now is the time for action!"

He pointed the gun at Ishanka's chest, sneered and fired.

There was a tremendous explosion of sound that resonated off the walls of the large apartment, like the sound of bottled thunder. There was a flash from the barrel of the gun as the slug left it's shell and traveled the 10 or so feet towards Ishanka, and Impacted. There was a sickening thud like sound as the slug impacted him, making a sound not unlike smacking the side of a cow with a blunt object.

Ishanka's eyes went wide, and his body went back just a half a step with the impact of the slug. We couldn't see where it hit, but I had to assume that it had hit him in the chest. Ishanka made a gasping noise, and stood perfectly erect, with his tail now extended, and his hands opened and trembling.

"ISHANKA!" We all shouted.

Fletcher just laughed and held the smoking gun in his hands, keeping it trained on us.

We all rushed to Ishanka's side as his knees gave out. He collapsed into our arms, his legs going forward and his body going backwards. I cradled his right arm while sparky got the right, and Rowdy got the waist. As I stood there, I could see the wound now; he ha d been hit in the right pectoral muscle, and he had a rather large wound there. The slug had impacted him there, tearing through his skin like a drill, and punched through his ribs as if they were nothing, and probably was sitting somewhere in his lung now, letting his larger lung deflate a little as the air gurgled through his wound. Purpleish Red blood began to cascade over his white fur, staining it as he bled. The warm blood of Ishanka began to poor almost like water as it ran across his leather equipement and started to run down to his hip.

"Lay him down!" I ordered.

We laid him down as he stared at us, his eyes unblinking as he seemed to be in a world that was beyond our reach. We all kept calling to him to get his attention, but he didn't answer. His mouth went open, and held agape as he tried to breathe, getting some poor sounding gasps for his efforts.

Rowdy stripped off his t-shirt and held it over the wound, pressing down firm as he looked at me. "What do we do?"

"Call an ambulance. Ishanka's loosing a lot of blood already." I said.

Jicentia sprung up and ran towards Fletcher's phone, but didn't take an eye off of the rabbit that was still armed with the shot gun. Jicentia picked up the phone without hesitation and dialed 911.

I looked down at Ishanka, and his eyes seemed to focus once again as he struggled to breath. It looked now as if he was trying to say something with how his mouth was beginning to move.

"Now...that...is...a...pain...that...is...exquisite..."Ishanka croaked.

I would have chuckled but now wasn't really the time for humor, even if Ishanka was probably telling the truth,

"Hang in there Ishanka." I said as I ha d Sparky cradle his head.

I turned towards Fletcher who had grabbed an overturned chair, and was now sitting on it, Staring at me. I glared at him back. There was no forgiveness now. I could never have sympathy on him now for what he has done. He has hurt two of my best friends, and did so without any real care or remorse. I gave him the most angry look of my life and stood up, not quite sure what I was doing.

Fletcher then gave a long sigh, and performed the sign of the cross on himself. I cringed at the sight of that. Fletcher then looked up at the ceiling and I saw him shed a tear.

"Fletcher, drop the gun!" I barked.

He ignored me, and continued staring at the ceiling. He then repositioned the gun and rested the barrel against his chin, an d set the butt of the gun on the floor. It was a position that screamed of self harm.

"I love you Asher..." Fletcher said as he shed another tear. He then lifted the barrel of the gun and placed it in his mouth.

"NO!" I cried, not really knowing why."

Another gunshot. This one caught Fletcher right in the head. The shot sent the entire back quarter of Fletcher's brain and skullcap back into the wall that his back was to. His body fell backwards in the chair as well, going limp like a rag doll with the impact of the slug. This second gunshot was just as loud as the first, but had the sickening splattering sound that came with Fletcher's head exploding.

I gasped, and cosed my eyes and turned around. I was going to be sick. I ran towards the kitchen where Jicentia stood in shock and made it to the kitchen sink where I felt my stomach turn inside out, and puked my guts out. My vomit flowed out of me, and purged me of my entire day's worth of meals. It was chunky and sour flavored...nasty.

"Good gods." Sparky said as he kept cradling Ishanka's head.

I opened my eyes and looked down at the sink that had my yellowish orange bile in it, and wanted to puke again. But thankfully and sadly at the same time, I was done. I looked towards the carnage, just as Jicentia hung up the phone. It was a mess in here, and two people were down. Undoubtedly the 911 operator had to have heard the shots while Jicentia had been talking. Perhaps that was why I could hear sirens down in the streets below.

"Don't worry, you'll be fine Ishanka." Rowdy said as he continued to hold the shirt over the wound.

"Don't you die on us now." Sparky chimed in.

With what had happened recently, a little part of me wanted to die as well. I didn't want to be there at that very moment. I just wanted to be rid of this awful mess.

At least I could hear the sirens.

* * *

I stood back in my apartment, about 4 hours later with Lt. Mitchell. We were alone. Cyric had gone out with Sparky and Jicentia to the races, the race that he was supposed to run. Chong was out walking around, apparently he had missed the entire scene and knew nothing about what had happened. Rowdy was out at the hospital, visiting Asher. I was waiting in the living room, with my Doberman friend Mitchell, staring at the floor.

"So, is he going to live?" I asked.

Mitchell shifted his weight on his heels and folded his arms. "He should. We got to him just in time."

I sighed with relief. "Good, I don't know how I would have dealt with two deaths today."

"I don't think you're going to have to. But the thing that bothers me is how could Fletcher do such a thing? What would drive him to such means?"

I looked at Mitchell and blinked. "I'm sure you can understand what it's like to secretly be in love with someone and not have the will to be able to tell them."

Mitchell pondered what I said and shook his head. "Yeah but what I felt for Chong was different. I didn't have the urge to rape him or to kill myself." He said as he took a few steps around me. "That just doesn't make sense."

"The man was desperate for love and attention. While I can blame him for his actions, I can't blame him for wanting to be loved and wanting to be appreciated."

"Yeah, but rape, then attempted murder, and then suicide? That really doesn't seem like the right way to go when you want to be loved. Besides, I am going to be in a mess of paperwork over this for a week."

I slipped down and sat on the couch, and crossed my legs. "Well, maybe we shouldn't have stalled for Ishanka, perhaps we should have just let the cops bust in there all TV style."

Mitchell turned on the spot and looked at me with a look like I had just farted in church. "You mean to tell me you would rather have sent the LAPD into that apartment when he was armed and mentally unstable? Renee, I think that this was handled in the best way it could have been. Do you realize that if I would have gone in there with other cops when he was that way we all could have been killed? What was to stop Fletcher then from just walking down the hallway and finding you? While I may get chewed out for delaying the hand of justice, I am glad that we didn't go in there all gung-ho. It could have been a lot worse."

I thought about that for a couple of minutes as Mitchell went into the kitchen and grabbed some coffee. It was a tough thing to think about. Who was really in the wrong here? We were all kind of wrong for how we reacted. I was ready to help get Fletcher raped, and Fletcher was ready to shoot us all. I felt like shit.

"Hey could you get me some coffee too?" I asked as I sighed and held my head in my hands.

"Sure, how you take it?"

"Up the ass..." I tried to joke. Mitchell snickered and poured out a second cup.

"Black it is then."

Mitchell was careful as he brought the coffee over towards me. He didn't want to spill a single drop. My coffee was in a mug that read "I'm not a morning person till I've had my coffee" on the side of it. It was kind of true, I wasn't really much of a morning person. I was more of a late morning to early afternoon person, despite the scenes that I was doing with Universal. Oh crud, the suicide would probably be on the news and I'd be all over it. Damn

"Mitchell, have the press come yet?"

"They're already here I'm afraid. Apparently word travels fast in the news media." He said as he sat next to me with his coffee, his in his silver lined coffee container.

I hit the side of the couch. "Damnit. Now I am going to be all over the news again." I said as I looked down at my coffee cup, exhaling a little.

Mitchell shook his head. "No I don't think so. The news people don't even know that you were there. All they know is that Fletcher tried to kill Ishanka and then killed himself. It's Ishanka that has all the press to worry about right now."

I sipped the bitter drink and turned towards Mitchell. "Are you sure? I mean, what if Ishanka mentions that I was there?"

"I doubt Ishanka will be saying much of anything to the press. It's the police that he's going to be talking to. So I think that you are going to be alright."

"Thank Satan." I said as I turned back to my drink. I took another, longer sip, and then let out a satisfied sigh. "This really hits the spot after today." I said as I cradled the drink cup in my hands.

"Oh I don't doubt it." Mitchell said as he adjusted himself and sat down again. "Day like today, I recommend a nice coffee to calm your nerves." He said as he scooted a little closer to me on the couch. I wagged my tail out of his way so he wouldn't sit on it and stared at the cup in front of me. The brownish black liquid in my cup still had some bubbles on the surface in a lighter shade of brown than was the liquid. And the cup was warm. I thought of something funny, and snickered once. "What?" Mitchell asked as I snickered.

"Well, Coffee is a stimulant. How can a stimulant calm you down?"

Mitchell raised a finger to tell me something, but then stopped before he was going to speak. His eyes darted about for a moment as he thought about it, and finally he gave up. "Uh, I don't know actually."

I held my glass out a little and then brought it back in an ok kind of gesture and smiled a tiny bit, forgetting about what I had just seen. "Well it can't really calm you down, but the motion of drinking the warm liquid might be what calms you."

Mitchell took a sip of his coffee and smacked his lips. "Mm Hmm. You could be totally right."

My face fell a little bit as the image of Fletcher's death began to replay in my head. "Of course I'm right." I said as I decided to down the rest of my coffee at once. It wasn't really a smart thing to do, seeing how warm the liquid was, but I had to distract myself from what I was thinking about. I didn't ever want to think about Fletcher again.

"Well. Now begins the hard part." Mitchell said as he finished his coffee and set down on the coffee table.

"What hard part?"

Mitchell adjusted his utility belt and took a few steps towards the door. "Well for one thing, we have to take care of the ownership of this building. From what I read of Fletcher's charter, that means that the people in the Penthouse get the building. We kind of have to let them know that they are the new owners now."

"We?" I asked.

"Yeah. Why don't you come along? It'll take your mind off of what happened." He suggested.

I frowned. "I don't see how. But whatever, I'll go."

And I stood up to leave my apartment for the second time that day. Hopefully, this time no one would die. We walked out into the hallway where some cops were at people's doors, explaining that there was a situation being defused upstairs, and that's why there was all the chaos. Personally I thought that they would have been sining "Ding dong Fletcher's dead" and would have been prancing around the hallways with glee. Then again, I may have been on bizzaro world.

We got to the elevator, and pressed the button for the penthouse. Once more the elevator gave a lurch, and we were headed upward. It wasn't a long ride, probably no more than five or six seconds, but it was an eternity in my book. It was in this same elevator only a few hours before that we were all ready to do a terrible deed to Fletcher. I was ashamed.

The elevator door opened, and we were in a hallway just like Fletcher's, only not green. The hallways were done with a fancy design of wolven angels painted onto the walls and ceilings. The floor was tiled, unlike fletcher's which was carpeted. It was like we were in a whole other building.

"Wow, I wonder who lives here." I said as I looked around at the paintings.

"Don't know. I suppose we'll find out." Mitchell said as we walked to the door. The door was hand carved with the image of a nude male angel with his arms and wings spread outward. It was so beautiful, I wondered who had carved it. The doorknob seemed to be made of pure gold, and have all kinds of fancy little designs carved into them, like a Russian egg. It was like we were entering some kind of fancy mansion.

And we knocked.

The door opened about thirty seconds later, and I my jaw dropped when the door was opened.

There standing in front of us were a pair of Identical Twin Ferrets. They were each about 6 feet tall, and had masterful builds on them. The one on the left was wearing a white silk shirt that was opened in the front, and some matching white silk pants. The other was wearing a turtle neck t-shirt of white, and some light tan khaki pants. They were barefoot, and had their long ferret tails behind them. They looked at us curiously.

So perhaps the rumors were true? Maybe there really were an incestuous pair of ferrets living in the penthouse.

"What can we do for you?" The twin on the left said. His voice was everything a mans voice should be, just perfect and not too deep while not too feminine like mine.

"Let me guess, the bunny downstairs wants us to be a little more quiet? Well after the noise that he made earlier he can forget it." The second twin said in a mirrored voice. Mitchell and I raised out eyebrows at them and continued to stare.

"Um..." I began.

"Well is that what you are here for? To tell us to knock off our fun? Well we pay for this penthouse and we can do what we want in here, as loud as we want if he is going to make a racket like he did earlier."

The other twin nodded.

Mitchell chuckled uneasily, apparently he hadn't heard of the rumors. "No, sirs, we are here to inform you about what happened."

The one on the left leaned into the door frame a little. As he did so, his silk pants went tight in his crotch, revealing the outline of his package. He was well to do for a ferret. "Well what happened?"

I was suddenly feeling slightly turned on by this. A pair of really hot twins, that were with one another? That was kinda hot in my book. I started to get an erection at the very idea and I shifted in place so it wouldn't be so apparent.

"The owner of this building, Mr. Fletcher, as of 4 hours ago is dead by means of suicide."

The twins gasped at the same time. "Really?" They said together.

I nodded. "Really. I saw the whole thing myself."

The twin on the left turned towards the twin on the right. "That would explain the noise we heard."

The second twin nodded. "Yeah, sounded like a damn firecracker."

Mitchell shook his head. "Well that was no firecracker. It was a gun. You didn't call the police when you heard it?"

The twin on the left blushed and turned his head away. The twin on the right looked down at the floor and cleared his throat. "We were busy."

Mitchell raised an eyebrow. "Busy?"

"Yes. We were - incredibly busy." He said as he cleared his throat again. I wanted to laugh. It was so painfully obvious, and Mitchell was so naive.

Mitchell shook his head as if he was trying to clear off a bad mental image. He looked down at them and must have noticed something. I looked over that them and only just realized that they had rings on their left rings fingers, wedding bands. So it was true.

"Well be that as it may, I am here to inform you that you two are the new owners of the building under the building's charter." Mitchell said softly.

The twins gasped again. "Really?"

I smiled. "Yes. You two get to live here for free now.

The twin on the right turned to the one on the left. "You know what this means, we'll have to celebrate."

The one on the left nodded. "Indeed brother." The twin then turned towards me and pointed to me. "Who are you, you look familiar."

I shrugged and said. " I am Renee Morningstar-Simonsen. You may know me form Adam & Steve Films?" I said, playing with my hair a little.

The twin on the right chapped his hands once and pointed to me . "That's where we've seen you. We have seen a bunch of your movies. We really loved 'The Golden Tub', or at least we did until someone stole our disk."

I bit my lip and decided that it was best not to mention what had happened to it. "Well thank you."

Mitchell turned and looked in between us and sighed. "Um, if you three want a chance to meet up and chat, it'll be fine. I have some paperwork to prepare for you two anyway." Mitchell said as he stepped back a step.

"Paperwork?" The twins asked.

"Yes, paperwork. There are going to be some papers that you'll have to sign for the building. But pretty soon you two will be the new owners of this building." Mitchell said as he turned to walk back down the hallway.

"Wow, thanks officer." The twin on the right said.

"Yeah thanks." The other twin said.

Mitchell turned and walked down the hallway, shaking his head in confusion. He entered the elevator and disappeared after a moment. Leaving me alone with the twins.

I turned back around and smiled to them and extended my hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you. I didn't know if the rumors were true." I said.

The twins chuckled and looked at one another. "You don't realize how many people we have come to our door just to see if we are really an item. When they find out they make an exit almost like your friend there. They leave in confusion. But you, you understand us, and we understand you." The one on the left said.

I smiled and shook their hands. "Again a pleasure. What's your names?"

The one on the left placed his hand to his bare chest and smiled back. "I am Dan, and this is my brother slash lover Don." He said as he patted his brother on the back.

"Nice. So can I come in?" I asked as I gestured towards the door.

"We thought you'd never ask."

And with that, I stepped inside.