Second Chance

Story by Spirithorse on SoFurry

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#1 of Dark Empire

Alex sat at the table in his wheelchair, bitterly listening to the whirring noise of the device that kept him breathing as the sun went down. It was his sixteenth birthday and no one had shown up to see his crippled faggot ass sit in a chair. Six months ago his parents had caught him having sex with the next door neighbor's boy, Jacob. It might not have been quite so bad if he hadn't been shooting his load as the younger boy pounded his ass when his mom had walked in on them.

The ensuing fight had been of epic scale; his father was an ex marine and his mother a Born Again Christian. Between them they had been disgusted and horrified. He had ended the argument about his sex life and what his parents would do to cure him by running out of the house. He had planned to head to his great grandfather's place to let things cool down and figure out how to handle things but he hadn't been seen the oncoming town car as he stepped out to cross the only significant street between his parent's place and his grandfather's.

The driver of the town car had been busy with his cellphone and had been well over the speed limit when he hit Alex at almost seventy miles per hour. Alex didn't go over but under the car and had been dragged until he had been ground down enough to slide out from under. He had looked less than human when the EMTs had loaded him into the ambulance. He knew because a high school group had been making a video and caught the whole thing on camera.

They had only gotten to him in time because a hospital had literally been across the road. It had taken eleven hours of surgery to stabilize him and learn the extent of the damages. He had fractures in his skull; a massive concussion; lost his left eye; broken jaw; shattered ribs; lost his left arm from the elbow down; two fingers on the right hand; punctured a lung; broken his pelvis in two places; both legs upper and lower had been broken, the left side with compound breaks; most of his toes on the left foot, lost the his right foot; and had an epic case of road rash. But in the end all that palled so far as he was concerned to the broken neck and back. A machine breathed for him, another kept his heart beating smoothly, and he had what the doctors said was 5% function of his right arm. What a joke, 5%, he couldn't even grip a pencil. He didn't care if the doctors thought it was a miracle he was still alive, he would have preferred to be dead.

As if that hadn't been enough to destroy his life it had gotten out that he was gay. His mother had made a comment a few days after he came to about how this was God's way of punishing him for being gay. The screaming match that had resulted only alerted the nurse at her station only a few seconds before little medical alarms had begun to go off as his blood pressure had shot up. The reason for the fight had come out not long after that. The fight and its cause had been such a good scoop that every major network in town had broadcast the story about the parents who rejected their crippled gay son. So now absolutely everyone knew he liked boys and even worse his mother had explained what she had caught him doing and with whom.

His friend having his sex life publicly broadcast even as a PG version had been humiliating. Alex didn't know all the details of what fallowed but did know that Jacob had committed suicide two months ago. The death of his friend combined with his parents divorce had been what had lead to the few visitors he had had before that dried up. His father who made one short visit a week still had told him that his classmates and friends were afraid that he was cursed. His father had told him he was trying to come to grips with a gay son and had apologized for how he had responded. When Alex had asked why he didn't visit more his father who never cried had looked away with bright eyes and told him, Alex was sure quite truthfully, that seeing him like this was like a knife in the guts and that he didn't know how to handle it. His mother of course treated him like the spawn of Satan and refused to visit him at all.

Alex looked at the rail of the balcony he was on and wished he could throw himself over it. He was sure the twenty-five story fall would finish him off but how would he get over the railing? As he pondered this a man came into view. Had he been able to he would have jumped in surprise! How had he gotten out here on the balcony without Alex hearing the door? The damn thing had bells on it for gods sake!

The man was dressed in a black leather duster, a cowboy hat, mirror finished sunglasses and boots. With out an invitation he sat down at the table Alex had been wheeled up to and looked him directly in the eye as he calmly stated, "Wow kid you are one fucked up mess. This will be an easier sell than I had thought."

Alex looked at him in shocked disbelief! There had been pity and false good cheer but no one had stepped forward and stated the obvious so bluntly. As he gaped at the man, he took a folder that Alex could swear he hadn't had a moment ago and laid it out on the table. The man continued without much pause and asked, "Ok just to be sure I have this all right, you are Alexander Phillips? County barrel racing champion? Won state rifle competition and was going to compete in the regional competitions? Three years of Kick boxing and five years of kung fu? Top of you class in chemistry, and black powder firearms enthusiast? Civil war buff? Participated in the SCA? Do I have all that correct?"

Alex wondered how often you could feel shocked in one day. How did the guy know so much about him? It took him a few seconds to realize the man had stopped his barrage of questions. "Um yeah that sounds like most of my hobbies and stuff. What's this all about?", he asked.

The man smiled ever so slightly, "It's about making you a deal. One where you would be able to walk again. Interested?"

Alex glared in anger and demanded "What is this? Some kind of sick joke?"

The man took the cap off a bottle of cola and some part of him wondered where it had come from. He was sure it hadn't been there a moment ago. He spent a moment drinking before responding, "No, no joke Alex. I'm not talking just about walking, but being able to live a normal life again. Well physically at least; but there is a price to it. Willing to hear me out?"

Alex thought hard for a moment, then sneered. "And what's the price my soul?" he asked with a voice filled with sarcasm.

The man gave a soft chuckle, "No not your soul. A real demon would have no use for one. It would ask you to worship it, after you die though you could no longer feed it with the power of your belief and worship so you wouldn't have value anymore." His response was so matter of fact that Alex thought that he was hearing what the man thought was the truth. He continued, "No the price I speak of is a oath that you would aid the natives in the area you would find yourself in. Think of them as kind of being in a similar situation as the Native Americans were in but face a group of religious fanatics backed up by their version of the inquisition. Or at least that's what I was told it would be like. I can definitely tell you it will not be easy and that being killed is very much a possibility."

He paused for a moment thinking and then went on, "You wanted to be a Marine as I understand it. My knowledge of your culture is limited but I do know that they are basically your largest group of top trained soldiers. The only groups better in your land are the special forces as I understand it. You wanted to be that to help those who needed it didn't you? Well this would be the same kind of thing, helping those in need. Does that appeal to you?"

Alex wondered if the man had escaped the psych ward or something but gave a mental shrug and choose to humor him. It did, after all, sound like something he would do if he could. "Sure," he answered truthfully.

The man smiled and said, "That's the spirit." He pulled out a piece of what looked to be parchment and read from it sounding very serious, "Do you Alexander Phillips swear before all that you hold dear that you will do all that is within your ability and power, up to and including giving your life, to aid the native people in the region known to the powers that be as Sha'Kal Lin?"

Alex thought that the world had suddenly gone still and watchful as if waiting for his answer. He hesitated for only a heart beat before saying, "I do." He knew, even as he said it, he really meant it even as crazy as all this sounded.

The man cocked his head to one side slightly and said, Alex thought to him, "I stand as witness. Do you agree that he has given himself willingly to this underneath no deceptions or maliciously applied pressure?"

Alex wondered if he had gone off the deep end when he heard a voice in his head answer the man, "I do." Alex felt the voice's attention turn specifically to him and the kindly voice in his head said, "Know that you have my blessing Alexander and that I have been and always will be with you." Alex felt that sense of directed attention vanish and he oddly felt reassured beyond his ability to comprehend.

"Well that's all the formalities done with. Ready to get to it?", the man asked.

Alex answered questioningly, "Now?" The man nodded in simple response and then he asked, "How?" in confusion.

The man shrugged and said, "Like this." He leaned forward and put his palm to Alex's forehead with a smooth motion that was lightning quick and he felt a moment of disorientation and the world rushing away.


She had been on the run now for almost two full fortnights. Her flanks heaved as she staggered into the circle of standing with the stones tracking dogs belling not far behind. The bounty hunters had caught up to her early yesterday and she knew that today she would not be able to lose them come dark. She looked up at the sky, dark with clouds and rain was in the air. If the storm had come the day before she would have been able to slip away again.

She stumbled over to a big grey slab of rock in the middle of the circle before collapsing. She hadn't eaten in a week, and there had only been enough time to snatch a few swallows of water that morning. She had last slept two days ago, breathing felt like drawing in broken glass and blood oozed from her nose. She couldn't understand why these bounty hunters were pursuing her so relentlessly.

She was totally spent, unable even to stand again as she saw the first hound break into the clearing. It called out in a long strident call to summon the rest of the pack and its handlers. As the rest of the pack flowed into the clearing she tried desperately to get up but got no further than halfway up before her legs gave out and her vision blurred. The pack surrounded her barking and howling for their masters.

The clearing seemed to be slowly spinning around her and it seemed to be getting dark quickly as she saw the long legged horses that bounty hunters rode, carry their riders into the clearing. She kept gasping for breath as she lay there barely able to move as the two riders dismounted and approached her.

She must have blacked out because suddenly she found her head being lifted by one of the riders as he said, "The bitch is done for. Her wind is well and truly broken, she won't last much longer boss. I can take her head off now for proof to the Bishop that we got her."

The other man who stood near her shot back, "No, not just yet. She is not going anywhere from what you say. Shadowlock hasn't had a mare in a good long while; she can give him a good ride before we finish her off."

She could see little now the world was so dark but she felt herself be propped upright and her tail pulled. It took all her will to look back and see a dark dapple grey stallion, already half erect, approach her. The last thing she felt was the stallions breath on her vulva as the world faded entirely to black.


Brandon grinned as his stallion nosed at the half horse's ass clearly eager to take the offered mare's rump. He knew his stallion would tear her up inside, as he had with other half horse bitches he had given to him, his cock was way too big for the small pony sized hind end of a half horse.

Shadowlock was preparing to mount when it happened. The stones around them glowed bright white and shimmered and lightning came down from the sky. It struck him and his six men and their bodies spasmed in pain as the searing blast flowed though them for what felt like forever.

When it ended he felt disoriented as something passed in front of his vision. He looked down and to his dismay saw himself laying on the ground smoking. "What the hell?" he demanded only moments before he felt himself yanked in a direction he could not describe. His vision blurred for a moment and when it cleared he found himself on a strange balcony.

He looked about, everything was made of materials he did not recognize. Looking off the balcony he saw strange well lit buildings that reached for the sky and he could hear noises that meant nothing to him coming from far below. It wasn't until the man across from him at the table moved that he saw him. He was wearing a black coat and his eyes were covered by a strange pair of glasses that he could see things reflected in.

He twitched as he tried to stand up and back away and to his horror found that he could move his head but nothing else. The man across from him grinned and said, "Well now Brandon Blackrock seems that justice still has some power in our world. You took pleasure and joy in killing people in cruel ways and here you are now stuck in a body damaged beyond your comprehension. Don't bother trying to get up even if your legs worked your short a foot and attached to the chair your sitting in. The chair is keeping your heart beating and does your breathing for you."

Brandon snarled back at the man, "I didn't kill no people. Just jumped up animals! Ain't no law 'gainst that! Them spawn of the devil get what they deserve!"

"So you claim. But others disagree with you. Even the other men in your band thought you were a cruel and black hearted man. In the end though it doesn't matter what you think. It matters what others think and they think you deserve this as do I. I hope you live a long, long time." Brandon saw the man get up and walk to the edge of the balcony, "Now if you will pardon me there is a man who I need to speak to."

"Now wait just a minute you son of a bitch!" Brandon exclaimed in furry, but before he could say more the man simply hopped over the rail of the balcony and dropped out of sight.

Brandon struggled to move but other than making one arm that was horribly scarred and missing fingers twitch he couldn't move. It began to sink in that he was well and truly fucked.


Alex came to with a start as he felt cold drops of rain hit him. He blinked groggily and felt short of breath at first but found his breathing getting easier by the moment. He could see he was laying on what looked like granite in a clearing filled with lush green grass and that the sun was setting. He could see large stone statues of dragons forming part of a circle around the edges of the clearing as well as a couple of dead men. The men smoked a little as he took stock of what he could see. It was long moments before, as the rain slowly picked up, that he realized he could feel the rain on more than just his head.

He felt the rain on his chest, his arms and more. He laughed in sheer delight even as it sank in that he could feel it on much more than just his upper body. He surged upright and looked down at himself. His first surprise was that he had small but firm breasts hidden by a ragged bit of cloth. The second was that from the lower waist down he had a black coat of tight dense hair that had dark red highlights here and there. Further down he saw the forelegs of a horse!

He scrambled up until he was standing. It felt natural and yet unnatural at the same time. He had four legs! He twisted and looked back at himself and saw that his lower body was that of a horse! He swished his tail marveling that the simple ability to do so. He knew from computer games that he was a centaur. Looking back at his tits though made him think; maybe not as a male centaur. No matter how he twisted though he couldn't see under his tail. Then it occurred to him to check between his hind legs; lifting one and twisting to look he saw no sheath and balls. That cinched it, he was a girl. Well it was a small price to pay to be able to walk again.

She wanted to buck and leap for joy but she felt a deep gnawing hunger, so limited herself to simply prancing as she moved about examining the carnage. Six men dead and six horses who seemed to be simply out cold but still alive. They all had what he thought were electrical burns; the men were covered in them. The one closest to where she had woken up had the worst burns and he had fallen next to a handsome stallion who oddly lay with his flaccid penis exposed. He was also the only horse of the group who wasn't tacked up.

He searched though all the gear the men had and found dried meat and stale cheese. Starting in on that she really got down to taking inventory and studying what they had. Between them they had thirteen breach loading black powder carbines and ninety paper cartridges loaded with minie balls. He frowned as he looked at the rest of the gear. Hard leather barding for the horses, clam shell breast and back for the men with greaves shoulder and for arm plates as well. All of it was made of hard leather but for the man with the worst burns who's gear was steel. He also had had the fanciest hat so he had defiantly been the leader. So why had his horse been stripped of tack?

Dismissing that as unimportant he searched pouches, saddle bags and packs. He frowned as he studied the gear, the two pots he had found were cast iron. Flint and a piece of iron for a fire starter, with tinder. The clothing was of crude design but had a tight knit and looked machine made. All the eating utensils were brass. He found a crude can opener but no canned goods. They even had a spy glass that seemed to be pretty good quality. Bedrolls, dried beans and more of the cheese and meat. Some of their gear wouldn't have been out of place in the Civil War but the gear that looked the most worn and well used was all iron age stuff. Or at least he thought it looked like it to him, he had to admit to himself that he was no expert.

Well herself she reminded himself, er herself. That was going to take some getting used to. He separated the gear into what he could use and couldn't. One of the 'men' looked to have been a teenager and he was small enough that his back and breast plates fit her when she tried them on. She took the leaders cavalry saber, she wasn't familiar with fighting from horseback but it beat having no sword. The blade was fine quality steel from what she could tell and sharp, the hilt was gold tone and went well with the red gem on the pommel. She claimed three throwing spikes and a steel dagger as well. She selected the carbine in the best condition and took all the paper cartridges for it.

Examining the carbines closely she thought they had a heavy resemblance to the a Sharps 1853 rifle. The biggest difference she could find was that the instead of percussion cap it was flintlock. It of all the items he had found felt the most out of place and he wondered who had designed and built it here. He would have tried one out if not for the rain.

He gathered all the gear up and hobbled the horses who looked to be starting to come around. He moved to the tree line and found the most sheltered spot he could; a hallow in a small cliff face. It wasn't deep but at least provided shelter from the rain. Dumping the gear there he started searching for dry fire wood and wondered what he was going to do in the long term. Clearly the short term was to find more than the scant rations these men had carried. With the carbines she was pretty sure he could hunt some food in the morning. He paused and really studied how much light was coming from the sky and thought that maybe his night vision was much better than it had been.

Alex didn't know how long he had been trying to get the fire going when he heard a rustle and the horses wickering skittishly. Looking about he saw something moving in the clearing toward his camp. Two people moving towards the camp! One was much shorter than the other. Wishing that the flintlock rifles had dried, they were useless wet. She pulled her sword and took up a guard stance.

A guttural voice came from the larger of the two, "I mean you no harm half horse. Put the blade away. We are just looking for dry place to camp for the night. I have a brace of rabbits for the pot as a guesting gift."

Alex found himself surprised at being able to understand the language spoken in the land and spent a heart beat or two thinking about how that worked. Then he shook himself and called out, "Approach with your hands where I can see them."

The two came closer and as they got close she got a good look at them. They were both bipedal dogs! Or maybe wolves. The small one looked naked but for some kind of arm band, a large backpack and somehow she thought he looked young; maybe ten or twelve? The larger one was clearly much more matured even wearing a heavy leather armor that looked like something the Roman Legionaries would have worn over a thousand years ago. Well if they had made their armor from leather. He was armed with a short sword and a spear similar to the one the younger one carried. The spears had stout cross bars below long hammered iron spear points that looked more like a short sword then a spear head. The younger one's spear had a pair of gutted rabbits hung from it.

They looked similar in coloration, at least what she could see of it, long dark brown or black fur with medium brown patches that made her think of German Shepherds. They both had blue eyes. Their heads were very much lupine in nature, the torso was human in build as far as she could see though the fur. Arms looked like a humans in form but the hands had three not four fingers to go with the thumb. From the waist down however they were less human in build. He couldn't see the older males groin but the younger one had a sheath and balls. Both had tails and from the way the legs were built she thought they were standing on their toes putting the knee and ankle joints higher than a humans. The foot was really much more like a paw but the claws were bigger and sharper looking than a wolf or dog would have; almost bear like.

The older of the two cocked his head and like a dog you could tell when he was grinning. He asked in that guttural voice of his, "Do we pass inspection little mare?"

Alex started a little realizing she had been staring for a while now and she had just been reminded of her gender shift. She responded hastily, "Oh yes, come in and make yourselves comfortable."

The older one nodded and then pointed to the younger one, "His name is Blackpaw, and I'm Ironsong. Blackpaw why don't you get the fire going and start the rabbits, if that's okay with you little mare?" Two pairs of eyes looked at her questioningly.

She blushed, she hadn't given them a name! "I'm Alex, and yes that would be wonderful."

Blackpaw stepped in and began working on getting the fire going as Ironsong came in and began taking his armor off. He stripped naked in front of her without a trace of body shyness. Black paw had a small fire going by then and she could see Ironsong's sheath and balls were bigger than the Blackpaw's but otherwise pretty much the same. Oddly she realized suddenly even though they were both dripping wet they didn't smell of wet dog.

She sat back and watched as Ironsong took out a small leather bag and square of leather. He scrubbed the traces of rust from his spear blade with sand from the small bag and then warmed the blade in the fire for maybe a minute and uses some kind of soft wax on it and then repeated the process for Blackpaw's spear before putting away the sand away. Once done he looked at him and asked, "What brings you so deep into these forests, Alex?"

Alex wondered how to answer that then shrugged and went with the truth. "I woke up here and am not sure how I got to be here." Then with a little more thought added, "I can't remember anything between being in the city and here." She wondered how to explain her total lack of knowledge of culture and geography.

Blackpaw was clearly listening closely as Ironsong nodded and said, "We are headed north and west to join your people's forces moving against the Empire's fortifications being built on river Swiftwater at what was once the sacred grove of Epona before they chopped it down for building materials. I could lead you there if you like. Perhaps you will meet up with someone you know."

He nodded and asked, "Why would they build in a sacred grove?"

Ironsong shook his head, "Their priests demanded it of them. Claimed the land for their own god. Your people are banding together in numbers never before seen to attack the fortifications before they can be completed. Word is there will be warriors form every clan, even the smallest clan, there. No one but the clan elders have any idea how many that there will be though. But unless I am mistaken it won't be enough. Bows and spears against the Empire's cannon and guns is not going to end well. You are the first half horse I have ever seen with guns. The empire will not be pleased to learn some have fallen into non human hands," he finished with a grin.

"Hasn't any one tried to take guns from them?" he asked.

Ironsong shook his head no, "The few times that guns have fallen into non human hands they have sent army's after them. Combine that with how hard they are to get and well it hasn't been easy to get any. Also powder and shot for them are carefully controlled."

"Would any one pay well for them? There are more, than the ones I have here, in the clearing nearby."

Ironsong shook his head no again, "Not without cartridges."

Alex frowned, "But the shot is just lead. Bullet molds are easy enough to make. The powders not complicated either. Granted it might take time to gather useful amounts of sulfur but the nitrate should be easy enough and charcoal should be even less of a problem." As she said that both of them looked at him in shock.

"You know how to make powder?" Ironsong demanded of her. "How? The empire has killed anyone who has tried to help us by any means they can."

Alex swallowed nervously, "I learned it in school. It's not a secret where I come from." Well he had been told it wouldn't be easy.

Ironsong shook his head, "I know not where you might be from but it must be a strange land indeed if you speak truthfully. You say you do not know how you got here yet those were bounty hunters from the empire back in the clearing from what I saw of the gear you left. Clearly they must have some idea of what you know, please let us take you to the clan rally point."

Alex answered, "Ok," even as Blackpaw said in a softer but still guttural voice, "Rabbits are done."

They ended up eating in silence, Alex thinking hard. Even before he finished eating Blackpaw was done with his food and laying down on a bed roll from his pack. The youngster was out cold as soon as his head was down.

Ironsong grinned and shook his head, "My little brother has the right of it. It's been a long day. We were on the move from sun up till a bit after sun down. If you don't mind I think I too shall sleep."

He smiled and said, "Feel free; Ill fall asleep soon enough." He watched the wolf man lay down and go to sleep if not so deeply as his little brother. They both had weapons in reach as they slept she noted. She pondered for a long while all that had happened in the day before sleeping with a carbine and sword in reach.


Alex woke up from a dream of being pounded in the ass by a man he couldn't put a face too. Blinking he sat upright and rubbed her eyes and felt horny as he ever had even when human. Then he shook his head and reminded herself that she wasn't a guy any more.

Ironsong over next to the fire was watching a pot simmer slowly in the predawn light. She blushed a little at seeing that his cock was partly exposed, a bright pink point sticking out of his sheath. He grinned at her and asked, "Good dreams?"

Somehow she knew he knew that she had been having an erotic dream. She brazened it out and answered, "Depends, on if I can it finish off" and then stopped. How the hell did a female horse masturbate?

Ironsong's grin and erection grew, "I could help you with that."

Alex flushed a little as it suddenly dawned on her that she was seriously thinking of having sex with someone she had only meet the night before. Then she dismissed any hesitation and grinned, "Well then get over here."

Ironsong moved the pot off the fire and came over as she stood up. He ran a hand along her barrel as he stepped up and licked her check. She felt her tail lifting as she ran her hands down his belly and fondled his balls in one hand and his member in the other. He groaned softly at the touch and his next lick was at her mouth. She opened her mouth to french kiss him but pause as she wondered how that would work.

Ironsong didn't hesitate though and licked the inside of her mouth with a rough tongue as his own hands ran up her to rub the rough pads of his hands into her tits. The feeling of rough skin on her pert nipples was amazing. He broke off kissing her and moved around her to run one hand under her tail.

The feel of his fingers sliding along her wet slit was different and yet similar to when he had had his cock stroked as a human. Not as sensitive in some places and yet more so in others. She gasped as one finger slipped in and she felt shudder pass though her; a moment later she began flexing a muscle in her haunches and knew she had started winking in the way a mare would when she's taken a piss or in heat and signaling to a stallion. Ironsong said in a whisper, "Oh my you are quite ready aren't you?"

She felt his hand slip away, to be replaced by the tip of his cock. She stood perfectly still in anticipation and just as she felt him pressing into her she had a sudden thought, it hurt for girls the first time didn't it? Was it her first time? But those thoughts were chased away be the feeling of him sliding into her with an eager thrust. As good as it had felt to be humped as a man this feeling was better somehow. As a guy it had been fun but unless the angle was just right it wasn't anything more than very erotic fun. This though felt as good or better than when he had humped other boys. It was hard to compare as the feelings were not quite the same.

Ironsong began sliding in and out of her vulva with quick sharp thrusts and she had to bite her lip from crying out. She could feel his balls slap her with each buck of his hips and when she winked at the same time his balls were impacting her clit. She felt pleaser building in her an orgasm for sure she thought. She tightened on his cock in a rhythmic squeezing almost as if she were trying to expel his shaft. She could feel a bulge moving inside of her and on some of the thrusts as she squeezed his cock she could feel him having to push harder to go all the way in.

She didn't know how long it went on before she gasped and shuddered as she tightened down hard on his cock, as she squealed, "I'm cumming!" She felt Ironsong thrust into her with all his might one last time, the bulge almost painful as it drove in and he held himself there snarling she thought as he to orgasmed. She could just barely feel his cock flexing as he pumped his seed into her. Even as all that happened a torrent of fluids flowed out of her in a copious display of orgasmic juices.

As she came down from the orgasm high she noticed Blackpaw watching them, sitting upright on his bed roll, a dark red spike sticking out of his sheath. She blushed a little and reflexively went to step away from Ironsong but found he was at least at this moment attached to her. She couldn't even say why she tried after all it was clear what they had been doing and that he had been watching for a while. Ironsong just chuckled and said, "It's not the first time he has seen people having sex."

Blackpaw grinned and asked in that soft voice of his, "Can I come join you?"

Alex looked back at Ironsong and he nodded an okay. Blackpaw came over and nuzzled her chest, then took a tentative lick of one nipple. She reached down and ran her hand along his very erect cock. Blackpaw gave a gasp and bucked his hips thrusting his cock into her grip. She held onto his cock as he began bucking his hips spasmodically letting him fuck her hand. His bulge was much smaller than his brothers but she could feel it growing with each inexperienced thrust. She didn't know where the insight came from but she suddenly knew that if she changed her grip a little it would feel even better for him. She did change her grip so that she was applying most of the pressure behind his knot. The change got a yip of pleasure from him and a violent thrust as she felt him start to spurt.

She grinned feeling the same sexual thrill in this she had always felt getting other boys to blow their load. She kept the grip on Blackpaw even as she felt Ironsong pull out of her; a new rush of fluids running down the inside of her hind legs. She looked down at Blackpaw's member, dark red with veins all standing out, his spurting down to a dribble of whitish fluids and then looked at his older brothers cock. While still erect she thought his bulge wasn't as big as it had been. His groin was messy with their mixed cum and the cold draft across her rump told her she wasn't any better off.

"I don't suppose there is a stream nearby to clean up in?", she asked feeling a little embarrassed. Messes like this were easier to cover up when you had clothing.

Blackpaw grinned shyly and said, "Should be one about an hour from here." He pulled away his cock hanging freely between his legs, the bulge keeping it from retreating back into his sheath, as he put the pot back over the fire. Between the three of them he was cleanest and therefore most presentable.

"Are we likely to encounter any one between here and there?", Alex asked. Alex felt oddly shy about being seen in her current state. She wondered how people in this world handled such things.

"It's unlikely, don't tell me your ashamed of what we did? I thought half horses were pretty sexually loose," Ironsong responded looking at her in surprise.

Alex blushed a little and shook his head, "No, I'm not ashamed of what we did. Its just that where I come from we don't um walk around messy from sex where people might see." Alex thought that could count as maybe the biggest understatement she had ever said.

"Well," Ironsong said thoughtfully, "Most human's we would encounter would just dismiss it as the animal depravity we non humans are always a part of. Half horses wouldn't care, other than stallions maybe trying to flirt with you in the hopes of getting to mount you themselves. My own people for the most part won't care. The Tundra Folk I don't really know enough about to say, until recently they were something you heard about but never saw. A couple of tribes though have come south recently so it's not impossible we would meet them."

Alex had to ask, "Most humans?" After all he had been human once and felt a desire to find out if all humans in this world were as bad as they sounded so far.

Ironsong made a strange sound that took Alex a moment to understand as a laugh. "Yes, there are some humans who haven't taken to this new religion that the Empire is so fanatical about. How they view sex, much less sex between different races though varies."

Blackpaw made them bowls of bean and rabbit soup as she talked with Ironsong. Alex noticed that his cock had retracted into his sheath. She thought for a moment as she ate the soup and then said, "Well as soon as we're done eating I'll be ready to move out."

Ironsong looked up at the sky which had mostly cleared in the night. Sunlight was tinting the broken cloud cover in pinks and purples as it rose. "Sounds good to me. We need to cover a lot of ground to make it where we are going if we want to get there before the battle."

Alex nodded in response and they all ate quickly and broke camp after. Alex had gone camping plenty of times with his father and thought he was skilled in woodcraft but quickly learned that compared to his two new friends that he was a rank novice. He did however watch and learn. They set out in less than an hour with the horses loaded down pack animal style and all of the dead men's gear. Alex was grateful that he was half horse, because he found the pace to be a relentless jog by the two wolf men.

Alex didn't know what would come in the next few days but he was determined to keep his oath. He just hoped he could help more that with knowledge about gunpowder.