A Gift for Bravery: Chapter 1 [Birthday Story]

Story by Fluxio on SoFurry

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A birthday gift for Roy_McCloud that I did a couple months ago and thought I had uploaded it here but OBVIOUSLY didn't. x.x

I know. I suck~

Just a day. Nothing new at all. A new day yes, but that doesn't count. This place is getting a little boring for me. It's the same thing all the time. I'm looking for something fun. Like a toy or a little play set or something. I know, I'm sounding childish, but hey, every once in a while you'll want something like that. There's just me... mom... dad... and my big sister. Oh my big sister... Oh Chime...

She's... Well, to put it simply, Chime is quite... violent. She has a tendency to beat me up, like... all the time. I don't mind it because I know that inside she doesn't want to do any critical harm to me, and it's not like I'll stand up to her. Oh no, no, the last thing I want is to hurt my big sis. She's family, and as family, if beating me up makes her happy-or however it makes her feel-then I let her. I easily heal up afterwards every time so no worries.

Today, though... today, something was up. I've seen Chime earlier and she was fooling around with some type of punching bag thingy in her room. I saw her a couple times before-training on it of course-and today she seemed MUCH more violent on it than usual. Now, after seeing that, I've been avoiding her all day. Though that was just an hour ago, still! She'll probably have my head today if she catches me! I wouldn't blame her if she's looking for me right now.

However, it was more than likely Chime would find me today. I can hide from her for a very long time, yes, but today, I heard that Seral would be visiting. Oh Seral, such a cute and innocent Furret. Like me! Well, besides the Furret part. I'm a Snivy. Aeron. Please excuse me for taking so long just to put out my own name. But never mind that, I need to be the one at that door when Seral comes in. I'll bring her in, take her to my room, and we can hide together from Chime.

Wait... together? Me... me and her? I just made myself blush. Silly me. But the idea... it could give me a chance to better know Seral, plus maybe tell her how I feel. She's been working here in our castle for a long time now. We have a few others working as maids and butlers and servants and stuff, but Seral in particular is one of the best, but the cutest of them all. That is by far no contest. I guess I've had a thing for her for quite some time as well. I'm way too shy to admit my feelings though.

Oh! If you are wondering exactly where I am right now, I'm under a table close to the door in and out of our castle. I'm waiting for Seral and it's also a great hiding spot from Chime. She came by not long ago and almost checked under here. I got too lucky. Way too lucky when mom called for her. I think she was going to come back, but maybe thought she already checked under here. Arceus is on my side right now, thank him very much.

"Oh Aaaaaerooooon?" I heard Chime calling for me. Oh her voice... smooth yet you could hear the hatred and anger dripping from her tone. Maybe not hatred-sister doesn't hate me, thank you-but you get the point. She sounded extra violent alone, Arceus knows what she will do to me if she gets her hands on me. To be honest, I'm not gonna find out either. I like living, believe it or not. Darn it, Seral, where will you get here? Sister's getting feisty!

Hm? There's a knocking at the door. That could be Seral! Oh crap, oh crap! Okay, gotta be quick! Out from under the table, keeping a fast pace, and a rush to the door. A bit too much of a rush actually, I almost face planted the door! Oh that would have hurt. Luckily I stopped just in time to open the door and standing out there in front of me was Seral indeed.

"SER-" I stopped myself. Chime is probably a room away. And in her mood? What was I thinking exclaiming my happiness to see Seral!?

"Good morning, Prince Aero-" She almost greeted my completely, but I clamp her mouth shut with a vine, using my other to pick her up and pull her to me. Whoa... where'd this courage come from? Am I that frightened by Chime?

"Shhhhh..." I whispered, placing a finger over my lips. "Keep quiet, Seral. Chime's really angry today and I don't know why. I'll take you to my room. We'll hide there." She simply nodded in reply. If I didn't have her body bonded, I'm sure she would have tilted her head. I should loosen my vine a bit on her.

Boy was that a terrible idea...

I attempted to loosen my vines a bit and I guess I undid the wrong spot. Seral fell with a loud "oomph!" and I didn't know what came over me. I just know I grabbed her with my vine again and sprinted. That too? Dumb idea.

I just ran blindly. Really. I literally ran blindly. My eyes were shut tight. Should have had them open because the first thing I hit mere seconds later... was an all too familiar Snivy.

"AERON!!!!" Chime roared when I knocked her back several feet. I clutched Seral a bit with my vine, screamed, and sprinted off deeper into the castle. Question is, why stay IN? Why didn't I dash out? Pretty dumb choice, but I was acting on fear. I already knew Chime was behind us. Rather far behind because I, definitely by luck, managed to leave her in a bit of a daze.

"GET BACK HERE!!" As far ahead as we were, she sounded as if she were right behind us. What did I do? I screamed again. I don't know why but I just did. I dashed through the halls, Chime slowly catching up to us-so she's a tad faster-but I wasn't going to give up that easily,-like I usually do?-oh no, no, I was just going to keep running. I'd be worn out as heck when, or if, she catches us, but it's best to see if I can get away this time.

"Nuh-uh!" I called back to her as I continued running through the castle. Up the stairs I darted, her footsteps sounding up not long after. Crap, she's getting closer! It would be an even bigger disaster if she could both me and Seral! I could never forgive myself if she were to get hurt! So when I had that slight opportunity, I put Seral down and looked back, Chime storming her way towards us.

"Seral! Left! I'll go right!" I ordered her. She nodded in agreement and dashed off in her direction, me taking my own. I prayed to Arceus Chime would chase after me and spare Seral. But I guess I prayed one too many times because I turned my head back to catch a quick look and Chime nor Seral were nowhere to be seen.

Great. Just great.

I guess I put this on myself. Chime just hates Seral. And I mean she hates her with a passion. I'm sure if big sis was given the opportunity to kill her, she wouldn't even hesitate to listen to the rest of the statement before doing it.

"Darn it... darn it!" I almost cursed myself as I skidded to a stop and turn around to sprint off in the direction the other two went. Unless I find them, Seral was sure to die...

"CHIME!! SERAL!!" I called out as I ran to find them. I only grew more and more worried when I didn't get a response. This castle is huge... that just makes my problem even worse! They could be all the way somewhere outside for all I know!

"CHIIIIIME!!! SERAAAAAAAAL!!" I kept calling out to them, searching for those two females. Oh, I hope it isn't too late. Arceus, please let Seral be okay...

I think Arceus may have given up a sign to my pray as I heard a familiar scream echo through the hall. A bad sign he sent me. That scream... it sounded so... corrupted.

"No, no, no, no, NO!" I yelled as I made a full on dart towards the scream. It was now or never-that comes up a lot huh?-and I was not going to let the "never" come up. I turned a corner, the right corner at that-it was another split path-and what I saw almost literally made me go white in the face.

Lying there in a small puddle of blood was Seral. Just above her was the power-hungry beast they call my sister, Chime. She had several blood stains here and there-Seral's splattered blood. No way she could have made Chime bleed-and I just wanted to faint from the sight alone. However, fainting would be the dumbest idea to do there because Chime would have a field day in our blood. I had to get Seral away from her before she ends up as Snivy lunch.

"Chime!" I called to her. She turned around to face me and I shuddered heavily with fear. That look in her eyes... it was a new look. One of dark anger. Why she felt like this today was beyond me, but I knew she'd be better tomorrow. Only problem is that it's just getting noon. I gotta get out of this castle for the next 12 hours.

"What!?" She nearly screeched as she took a heavy step forward. I bounced lightly and eeped when she made just that one movement. It was as if every inch of bravery I just had... just died.

"Uhh... l-l-leave... Seral a-alone... right now, s-sis." Oh no, sooooo threatening. As if I can scare here. Just look at Chime and she can send chills down your spine! I'm done for, I just know it. Seral's unconscious and bleeding, Chime's gone totally coo-coo, and I can't do a thing. What oh what will I do now?

I'm going to get beat up, that's what.

Maybe if I stop running and just let Chime do her do on me, she'll probably calm down and leave us alone.

"Leave her alone? Leave her ALONE!?" Chime roared as she looked back at the knocked out Furret before snorting and spitting on her. That was just so mean. I never knew why Chime hated Seral so much, but I'd rather not question her.

"Yes... because I want you... to beat me up instead." I'm gonna hate myself for this, but if it'll make her spare Seral's life, then my body is hers to abuse. "Relieve your anger on me, big sis." I'm reeeeeally gonna hate myself later on for this. I know she won't kill me, but she'd definitely beat me to the edge of death and leave me hanging to pull myself back up. Though, at the moment, all I wanted was for her to leave Seral alone and spare the poor girl's life.

"Oho, little brother wants to play?" She said with an evil chuckle. "Little brother finally wants to play with me? I thought you didn't like my hobby of beating you silly." I hate it when she goes and rubs it in my face.

"Y-Yes..." It was all I could say. I just wanted her to get it over with but she would always extend my beatings just to leave my hanging onto anxiety. She's such a meanie, but she most definitely will be able to protect herself when she's older.

Chime walked up to me, standing in front of me. Slightly taller than me, that alone sent a table of fear for two into me. I looked into her eyes as she looked into mine. I saw the anger in hers whereas I could guarantee she saw my fear. My eyes were glued to hers. The sight seemed to draw me in, the fear controlling me. Why it made me move closer to her is a story unexplainable but as long as Seral would no longer be the target, I'd be happy.

"Don't worry, little brother." She said in a dark tone. "We'll have tons of fun."

Tons of fun? In her book, that means you'll scream and cry and wish you were never born. At least I get the advantage of not actually dying since I'm her brother. The others... not so lucky.

"Just... get it over with..." I said quietly, nearly a whisper as I felt completely immobile. My choice of words... shucks, they probably helped save me some of the trouble of that beat down. Chime raised her paw-yeah, I flinched too-and left it there for what felt like minutes. I stared at that hand, waiting for it to come down, but it seemed to never move. I think she was trying to get me to break down before she would even start. I held on to that thought until it was finally proven wrong with one full swing straight down to my face.

The impact forced my face to the side, a deep red hand print left in the spot she hit me. I screamed in pain from how bad it stung, but she was nowhere near done yet. Chime chuckled as she pulled out her vines and wrapped them around me. I gasped where she grabbed me, my first reaction being squirming like mad to try and break free. But I wasn't going to do it. She had me held down tight with her vines and I simply whimpered while she had her way with me. She grabbed me tightly with one vine, wrapping it around my midsection four times-yep... four-to ensure I can't get away.

"You ready down there~?" She asked though I knew she was just teasing me. Chime was just waiting for me to say no like I usually did, but this time I just nodded in approval. I wanted it to be over and done so Seral and I could move on.

Sometimes I just hated it when she teased me before the initial beating. The endless waiting was enough to do me in. And I hated it even more that every time she did it, I had to sit there and wait for her pain! Darn it Chime, just strike already!

I asked for it... and well... I got it.

I felt a powerful smack and sting to my back-where it wasn't covered-and I cried out again in pain. I don't know if big sis had sexual intentions as well but she shoved a thick vine in my mouth when I cried. I think it was just to shut me up because she didn't make me suck it or anything.

The worst part about Chime's beatings is that she would always beat me in that same spot for some time. Reinforcement after reinforcement of stinging sensations as I was forced to scream into and choke on her vine.

Saliva leaked from my open mouth, sliding down my face and chin and dripped down onto the floor. It was hard to swallow so it needed another way out. I felt so dirty with a huge mixture of pain. Chime just kept at it, though, and she would swipe the same spot on my back harder and harder and harder until it was red enough to splatter. I tried to arch my back in pain, but that most definitely didn't help. She had me held down too tightly to bother moving much of anywhere.

"Oh! Good boy!" She teased once more as she reached down and stared at the red throbbing spot of my back. "You actually just took it this time! I think someone deserves a treat~" She sung as she moved her face closer to the spot. I couldn't see her but I could feel her.

Seriously bad choice of words...

I felt her alright. Arceus did I feel her. And my loudest scream yet came right through that vine. Chime-that monster!-she bit right into the throbbing spot! She sunk her fangs in there! And you know what made it worse? She twisted her head so her fangs would twist and turn inside of me! Chime torn through the swollen, bruised skin and reinforced my pain in a way that I just could not fathom.

"MMMMMMMMPH!!!" I cried as I struggled to hold onto my consciousness. Boy did I feel weak today. Usually I can take a full beating of hers, but why was I about to faint now? I didn't run in my head long because everything on me hurt.

It was all leaving me at this point. From here, I just knew that I hurt.

I blinked one second and opened my eyes another. My body felt on fire then.

Another blink. I swear I wanted my eyes to stay closed. But they opened. They opened. They opened to Chime standing in front of me. My blood in her mouth. Lots of it.

One last blink. My eyes... they never opened then. I could only listen. To a voice... two voices. They were arguing voices. Then came what I believe were a variety of hits to whomever.

Lastly... there was a scream... and that was all I remembered before I fainted...