All A Game Ch 6: Returning Home (Complete)

Story by the roo on SoFurry

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#1 of All A Game

Finally I decided to finish this chapter. I've been thinking about Justin's little upcoming parts for so long, I figured it is best to get this done first.

Warning: 18+ Naughty Stuff

It was getting to be the end of a very long day. The clouds on the horizon were a combination of orange and purples as Jake walked up the hill towards the main part of the school. By the time he reached the main office, he had to shut the door because of everyone trying to follow him to get a good look at his leg. He didn't see why, he was wearing the schools long uniform kakis. As soon as the door clicked loudly, the old vulture behind the front desk looked up, her glasses balancing on her beak, "Can I help you?"

"Um, yeah, I'm looking for a friend of mine. Could you page him to the office?"

She pressed three feathers against the intercom system, "What is his name?"

"Trevor, Trevor Veil."

The vulture's nasally, monotone voice rang over the intercom, "Trevor Veil, please come to the main office..."

Jake headed out and sat down on the matching marble staircases on either side of the main hall, a smile on his face as he waited.


The husky's face sank fully after about an hour went by. He had even asked the vulture to make the call once again, but Trevor still didn't show. Finally, when she came out of the office holding her bag, "Sorry sweaty but you'll have to wait outside."

He sighed heavily, "That's okay...I'll just go home"

Jake threw his bag over his shoulder and started the long trek home. It was only fifteen minutes before he would be home, but walking with his prosthetics made it feel a lot longer. Every now and then, when he landed his foot-paw just right, it made a loud tapping noise. Other than that, the padding on the bottom absorbed the shock. The walk seemed to drag on until finally he could see Trevor's house. He was finally home.

When the husky first entered the house, Trevor's mom was there to greet him. "Hey, Jake. How was your first day hun?" Stroking along his fur on his head, she was treating him as if she were her own kid.

He smiled, leaning into her hug, "It was okay I guess..."

"Did you have any trouble?"

He touched the leg with the prosthetic, "Not really, a lot of people kept staring at my leg."

Her eyes lit up, "Oh really, did they bother you a lot?"

He shook his head, "Not really, everyone thought it was really cool." Before she could say anything else, he pulled away, "I'm going to head upstairs, if that's okay? I'm a little tired and my leg's starting to hurt..."

She brushed his head, "Sure. All your stuff is upstairs; Trevor should be home soon..."

Jake stopped in his tracks, looking over his shoulder, "Does he know, because I didn't see him all day?"

She frowned, "Oh, I'm sorry honey, I should have told you! He said he had something to do before he came home..."

Clearly disappointed and impatient, he mouthed, "Ok." Crossing her arms, Sam watched him climb the stairs, a smile on her face, eager to call Trevor and tell him who was waiting for him at home.

Upstairs, Jake took in Trevor's room. It had been years since he was last there...and it was still covered in clothes. Dropping his bag, he peeled off his shirt and dragged his leg towards the bed before leaping into Trevor's sheets, gathering them up and pressing them against his muzzle. Inhaling deep, he took in Trevor's strong masculine scent, making his curled tail wag. Dropping the sheets, he grabbed the left pillow on the bed. Jake knew his stud always slept on the left pillow. Rapidly sniffing the pillow, he inhaled the smell of Trevor's mane, missing it so much.

Sitting up with the pillow in his paw, Jake sucked through his teeth, a sharp pinch spreading through the muscles in his leg. Reaching down to his prosthetic, he pulled the small lever that adjusted the foam to the remainder of his leg, the remainder of his leg that allowed him to influence the artificial limb. As the foam released his leg, he whimpered, carefully placing his leg on the floor before rubbing the sore stub just beneath his knee. Despite all the years he had gone through physical rehab, his still hadn't adjusted fully to his condition. Hobbling over to his book bag, he sat on the floor to pull out a prescription bottle and a bottle of water. Stripping down and putting on a pair of light shorts, he lied down on the bed, taking two of the pain pills and drinking about half the bottle of water before, he curled up with Trevor's pillow. His eyes grew heavy, watching the green numbers on Trevor's clock before grumbling, "Go faster..."


At about eight o'clock Trevor walked into his house. He was so anxious he didn't even bother calling to his mom as he dashed up the stairs as quietly as he could. He wanted to run over to Jake's house as fast as he could, not even bother to take a shower after working out. Samantha had just reached the stairs when Trevor opened and closed his door in a flash. She really wanted to see the smile on his face when she told him the surprise, "I guess he already knows..."

Trevor suddenly regretted closing the door so loudly when he saw his husky sleeping in his bed, tightly curled up to his pillow. Little tingling sensations of excitement filled the stallion's chest. Trying very hard to control himself, he tippy-hoofed towards the bed but stopped when he saw the prosthetic lying on the floor. Usually he would take the time to admire something so fascinating. Today, he didn't care. Gently lowering himself into bed, he pressed up against Jake. The husky whimpered, naturally kicking. Trevor noticed that Jake's red fur was a little darker since they had last seen each other. Also, Jake's lower leg wasn't wrapped in bandages. With a loud sigh, it seemed like the husky was drawn to Trevor, rolling over and nuzzling into his stallion's chest. Pressing his snout into Jake's fur, he wrapped his arms around him, pulling him in tight with a content grin on his snout.


It was dark the night time Trevor opened his eyes, a strange dark. He suddenly gasped, feeling someone licking at his neck. Looking down into Jake's blue eyes, he remembered that his husky was there. Stroking along the white fur on his muzzle, "I almost forgot..." Jake smiled back at him, reaching up to stroke along Trevor's thick dark lips.

They pressed against each other, passionately kissing, Jake stroking his paws along Trevor's chest, running his fingers down along the stallion's sweaty muscle shirt, reaching under it to feel the smooth brown fur and pubic fur on his stomach. Trevor groaned, his eyes half lowering, leaning in to suckle at his neck. Jake murred, panting as his stallion thumbed at his belly, squirming, feeling Trevor's hands grab his butt, pulling his shorts down before pulling them off his one leg. They kissed again, Trevor struggling to get his own shorts off past his muscular legs. Jake finally gasped, feeling his mate's naturally impressive length pressing against him, feeling the heat from it radiating across his own fur.

Breathing deep, they kissed one last time before Trevor gazed into Jake's eyes, "Jake, I've wanted to do this for so long... do you...?"

Jake whimpered, nodding his head with a smile on his face, "Uh huh...yeah!" A reddish glow burned through the white fur on his cheeks.

Trevor felt his own brown cheeks burn, "You're so different...but... I see you..."

As Trevor reached down to his side table and pulled open a drawer, Jake took in a deep breath as his stud pulled out both a mighty male condom, extra big, and a bottle of lube. Feeling the husky shaking beneath him, he scooped him up in one arm, "We don't have to do this..."

"No! I want to! I just...well you know I've never... I know it's gonna hurt..."

Trevor took him by the paw, securing it in his hand, stroking at the padded palm, "I'll go slow."

The stud looked down at his throbbing member, tearing the package around the condom. Despite all the fear and intimidation, they couldn't stop themselves from snickering as Trevor struggled to roll the rubber over his crown like head. Jake took hold of Trevor's hands and turned the wrapper around, "I think you put it on like this..." Trevor moaned, his jaw hanging open as Jake rolled the condom down his vein covered cock. When it was tightly gripping his shaft and Jake pulled his paws away, fondling his thick knotted cock, Trevor held the lube bottle over two his fingers before squirting out some of the clear, transparent liquid, smearing it, the cold sending a chill up his front.

Jake gasped, lifting both his legs, feeling his pucker twitch as his stallion spread most of the lube along his tail hole, "Oh god Trev... I feel weird!" He felt like he couldn't control himself, grasping his chest, moaning as he curled the toes on his left foot-paw. Trevor's heart pounded in his chest, his breathing deepened. Smearing the rest of the lube over his wrapped rod, he took a deep breath before pushing the crown of his shaft against the husky's aching hole...

The husky suddenly found himself breathless, forcing himself to pant breaths as the firm head of Trevor's shaft pushed past his rim. Pushing his paw against the stallion's chest he whimpered, "Ah! Ah!" Seeing the look of concern when Trevor suddenly stopped to look at him, he bit his lip and nodded his head. Feeling Trevor's powerful hips pushing that meat further into him, he threw his head back, letting the stud wrap his hands around his thighs, bringing his one leg around to his firm equine butt while hooking what was left of the other around his hip. Panting uncontrollably from the pain of just easing it in, Jake looked down when he felt Trevor's warm snout nuzzle against his jaw. Gazing at the stud with watery eyes he panted, "Is it in?"

With a smile and a gust of warm air from his big nostrils, Trevor nodded his head. The overwhelmed husky really didn't need to ask. He could almost feel every vein covering Trevor's shaft pulse with every heart beat in his chest. Jake moaned and murred, feeling the pain die down to a dull aching throb. He wrapped his paws around Trevor's head, cradling the stallion's long neck as Trevor lapped at the red fur on his own. He moaned loudly in the stud's ears, curling his toes as he felt Trevor pull out and then carefully pushed back in. "Mph! Mph!" Jake whimpered, feeling himself adjust to Trevor's naturally impressive size.

Trevor lapped at the base of Jake's muzzle, suckling at his jaw as the husky's legs started to rock back in forth. He naturally moved his hips in a rhythm, sensing the bed moving with him. Jake moaned beneath him, his virgin hole like a wonderful vice around his raging stallion-hood. He realized he had to be careful, watching the headboard of his bed getting dangerously close to the wall behind it. But he was quickly lost in the radiance of the moon reflecting off of Jake's beautiful blue eyes. He struggled to breathe, feeling his arms shake out of both fear and anxiousness, "Oh god Jake...I love you so much..."

Jake panted, fully admiring the strength in Trevor's body, enduring the aching feeling inside himself. He ignored his shaft grinding against his belly between his legs, enjoying every moment of watching his stallion make love to him, although a thin stream of silvery white flowed into his navel. Panting, he reached up, wrapping his arms around Trevor, pressing his black nails into his stallion's back. "Trev...Trev!" Jake was lost for words, suddenly losing control of himself. Running one paw through Trevor's mane and the other gripping at the bed, Jake struggled to breathe as he bucked his hips, his spear like shaft standing at full attention before shooting hot dog cum all over his chest by its self.

As Jake came hard all over himself, Trevor cradled at his back and his butt, pulling him into his lap, roughly bucking his hips. Jake moaned with each thrust, feeling himself sliding down around the stallion's pride, his own cock dripping all over his knot and sac, slipping down onto Trevor's crotch. The moon light made the sweat building up on the stallion's body shine as their love making became more intense. The faster and harder Trevor seemed to go, the more Jake felt that phallus crown flare deep inside him. "Mm Trev, I want you to cum... I want you to cum!" Trevor tried to stop himself; he wanted this moment to be all about love. But he couldn't contain himself, flapping his lips, he gave off a loud neigh, grunting in his husky's ear, nipping at the tip of the flesh as he filled the condom around his cock with thick, hot stallion cum, easily filling the rubber, forcing it to expand, pushing against Jake's insides.

Jake gasped, pushing against Trevor's ripped chest, falling back into the bed, feeling the stallion pump into him hard three more times, grabbing hold of Jake's left leg and the nub of flesh just beneath his right knee. When he finally felt that amazing feeling in between his sac and the head of his cock slowly fade away, Trevor collapsed on top of the husky, breathing sporadically, wildly.

Both were covered in sweat as they gazed lovingly towards each other, though both questioned if it was really what the other had always wanted. Trevor was the first to try and speak, "Was I...?"

Jake suddenly wrapped his arms around Trevor's neck, pulling him in tight, "It was everything!" As his muzzle hung open in constant gasps, Jake stroked along his stallion's back, not daring to restrain his smile. While they lay there, wrapped around each other in simple, loving bliss, they said I love you in their own little ways.

More to come...