Dragons, Snakes & Survival

Story by Dracasis on SoFurry

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Want more? Check out my Stories for Bucks

This one was a rather unique story that the talented [Allester](%5C) crafted not too long ago and I instantly fell in love with (yes I have a thing for rape and non-consensual c.c)

With his permission I did a remake- sort of a fanfic only writing a story of another story instead of for a picture =P

I tried to keep his writing style while adding a little of my own flare in detail and I think I did a fairly decent job of keeping the setting and mood intact.

This one contains 100% primal lust, a predator/prey rape/vore relationship between dragon hatchlings and a snake and an odd rape/vore scene with their mother and the snake.

Enjoy ;)

  • The laden dragoness shifted through the air, her large wings leaving small wisps at each tip as she glided onward, sharp eyes dancing back and fourth as they searched the land below for a meal. The gravid bulge of her belly was vividly swollen, the result of her last mating, also the main reason for her hunger. The three little dragonets back in her den also required feeding having grown old enough to consume meat as well. Varince's young form swung to the left and then curved sharply right, her supple dark pearly opalescent colored body glittering in the early light. Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath to let the cold morning air calm her hot body. The cool air constantly licking at her heavy breasts made her nipples hard, not at all easing her heat. During the cold season, prey was hard to come by so she had to be quick, zipping out to catch what she could manage before dashing back to her nest.

  • It came as a bit of a shock to the young mother when a sharp scent hit her snout, a smell not unlike her own when her heat was at its peek. Focusing her mind she searched for the source just barely catching sight of a rainbow scaled Cormin, the coloration a clear sign of its female gender as it slithered under a pair of heavy rocks. The Cormin snake was fairly rare creature, ranging from 12 feet long and up. Both her species and the Cormin's were semi-intelligent so the two generally avoided one another but her hunger was too great to pass up the opportunity of such a large easy meal.

  • Landing at the edge of the rocky cliff where the snake had disappeared, the nine and a half foot tall dragoness perched perfectly still, waiting with predatory patience. Five, ten, twenty minutes passed and still she waited. Finally, like all good things, her prey emerged carrying twigs and branches in her mouth to build her nest with. Varince waited, the scent of the snake's heat strong this close but still she waited until all 17 feet of the shimmering body emerged. With vicious precision, she swooped down and pounced on the Cormin's back, her weight crushing the spine with a painful crunch. The unlucky snake having only enough time to hiss in pain before a pair of large draconic fangs snapped around her neck at the base of the head, sinking into the lightly armored flesh.

  • The female Cormin squirmed for some time, the back half of its body lifeless while the front thrashed painfully in a futile attempt to free herself, blood dripping onto the cold stone floor until finally she went limp, all life spent. Shifting, the Bosral dragoness tore a chunk out of her prey's neck and swallowed, just enough to sate her overwhelming hunger. Clutching the dead snake in both paws, she lurched forward and took flight, albeit a little aquardly with her egg heavy belly and milk laden breasts- coupled with the extra dozen pounds of fresh meat.

  • Her heat, even while pregnant, would attract a new male to her and he would provide food in exchange for her company, but until then she would have to provide for herself and her young. Unfortunately for the shimmering dragoness, her attack had not gone unnoticed. Another Cormin, male in his much less flashy dull stone-grey scales, had been tracking the female Cormin's scent in hopes of finding a mate but took pause as the scent of blood caught his senses. A soft hiss of anger escaped him as he watched the winged dragon carry off the dead female, drips of blood splattering messily on the rocks from the bite wound.

  • Varince returned to her den and laid the dead snake near the entrance, sprawling out to the side as three little female hatchlings scurried from the nearby nest, crawling and pouncing upon one another in their haste to feed. They were all less then five feet in length from tip to tail, the smallest being a hair over four feet. Each sported a pair of well developed breasts and each to be future breeders if the amount of nectar drooling from their little cunts was any indication- just like their mother. She watched them devour their fill, the littlest the first to come attach to one of her firm breasts for a second helping of her sweet milk, each taking a long turn nursing from their mother before simply slipping back to the nest to collapse into a quick nap.

  • Once her little ones were satisfied, Varince herself took a turn on the fresh kill before stashing the remains in a small pit of coldstone, specifically set aside for just such a purpose. The Bosral dragoness stretched out on her own nest a little ways away from her children, licking herself clean before settling back into a deep sleep. Ever the breeding whore, she laid on her back to protect her eggs while keeping her legs spread, showing off the slightly pinked pussy mound, her desire plane to see.

  • Her dreams were, as they always were this close to a clutching, of her next mate; of what he would look like, of the gifts he would bring her, of what he would feel like inside her. He would have to wait until her current clutch dropped in a day or two but that was enough time for him to court her and gain her approval. So lost in her desire-dreams was she that she never noticed the fifteen-foot Cormin enter into her den. The dull scaled male slithered across the rocky floor, his hide blending in nearly perfectly with the stone floor. His tongue flickered rapidly, following the trial of his lost mate's blood right to her nest. He saw the sleeping dragoness and took in her heat as well as her swollen belly. He was pissed that she had killed his mate- a chance to increase their strained numbers...

  • His head shifted, weak ears able to pick out the sound of a nearby rustle as his tongue flickered to make sense of this new threat. Lifting his head from the ground slightly, the large Cormin spotted a trio of hatchlings playfully roughhousing with each other in a second nest nearby. Hunger was in his belly but also a strong need to mate as well. Being as stealthy as possible, he made his way to the smaller nest and pounced upon the largest of the three young, the powerful jaw gripping her head as the coils of his body pinned her to her down stomach. Kicking with a pained squeak, she felt a pair of teeth sink into her neck and, at the same time, a tapered bright pink shaft sunk into her pussy hole.

  • Her virginity stolen instantly she squeaked again as the sharp pain of his dick violating her egg chamber made her shiver violently while his coils began pounding away at her little butt cheeks. Soon her movements began to slow as the snake's venom coursed along her veins, her ability to fight back reduced even more as her first orgasm ripped through her little body. The coils of his length began constricting around her body to the point where she could barely breathe as he continued to fuck her tight little cunt, the young dragoness taking it like a good little whore. Finally, she felt him empty his balls into her slit and a sickly SNAP echoed hollowly as the twitching snake broke her spine in his eager orgasm. With a begrudged sigh, the large Cormin unhinged his jaw and began stuffing the dead hatchling into his maw, gulping her down without even a care for the generous amounts of cum leaking from her used twat.

  • Fear having held the other hatchlings in place, the elder of the two finally snapped out of its shock as the large snake turned its eyes upon her. Leaping frantically from the nest and knocking her sister to the ground, she tried to flee but much too late. The big snake struck out like a charged spring and snatched the chocolate colored female from the air, his coils warping around her body to keep her still. This time on her back, the little dragoness was belly-to-belly with the large male, her small breasts smushed against the bulge that had been her sister. She screeched loudly as that wet dick forced its way into her soft pussy hole, her voice cut off a moment later as the coils constricted, squeezing the breath from her as it rutted between her legs.

  • She could feel the gray snake spitting venom into her neck but refused to give up, squirming more and more even as the grip around her body tightened and constricted until she thought she might burst. Her little body slipped upward as the final hard thrust gave the male Cormin the pleasure of seeding his second victim, her back breaking with barely a sound. He devoured his second helping with much relish, even using his cock to help shove the little dragonet into his gullet.

  • The third hatchling was smallest and youngest of her siblings but sported the largest pair of soft breasts, a clear sign of a perfect breeder. Still laying on her back with all four legs up in the air, hind legs spread wide she simply whimpered in defeat as the large snake slithered over to her and slide his body along hers, his powerful dick skewering her small pussy mound with one hard thrust. Much like her sister's, only a fourth of that meaty cock sank into her hips, a soft cry peeping from her snout as his powerful dick penetrated her vulnerable egg chamber- realizing she was but a cock-warmer for what her mother considered food. She felt the coils encircle her body, shuddering with a whimper as she waited for that gruesome death-sounding snap to come.

  • Instead, the snake seemed to enjoy how willing she was, how easy she went along with his fucking, not even putting up a fight as he ravaged her little body. Pleased to dominate his prey so, he simply kneaded her tits with his coils as he stabbed his rod in and out of her wet cunny. He enjoyed two orgasms in her little coochie, filling her egg chamber and her pussy hole as well as leaving a pool of his cum all over her crotch. Waiting to be killed or perhaps even eaten alive, she was surprised when the snake simply uncoiled himself from her used body, dislodging his cock from her well used twat -having finished with her- and slithered out of the nest toward the last dragoness. It slowly wiggled across the floor toward her mother, its angular head nearing the older dragon's pussy lips.

  • Lifting from the ground, the long forked tongue tasted the air. Now so close to the source of her heat, he leaned forward and nuzzled the tip of his arrowhead-like snout against her sex. The elder female let out a noisy groan as the snake's head pierced her pussy mound, the tender lips stretching nicely with a wet sloppy sound to accommodate the intruder as he wiggled deeper into her pussy hole slowly. Varince hissed lewdly, spreading her legs wider as she reached up with a paw to knead her soft tits as her dream of being fucked by her next mate became even more vivid.

  • But deep in side her pussy, the male snake was squirming its way into her egg chamber, the dragoness' need allowing him to penetrate her chamber with ridiculous ease. Once inside her womb, the large Cormin found two fresh eggs and quickly devoured them both, the hard shells being crushed in his muscular throat, the dragon's inner walls inadvertently helping as they slid down his gullet to be digested like the other two.

  • His hunger satisfied, the big male retracted his body from the sleeping female's pussy. Now freed of the older dragon's coochie he scented the air, remembering the female's heat, a quarter of his slender body covered in her juices making her desire hard to resist. Spying the older dragon playing with her firm tits, he was just smart enough to realize what that meant. Having only bread one dragoness he made his choice and quickly coiled his long body around the sleeping female. She made it easy for him in her heat-induced dream state, his strong body smushing her juicy tits between his coils, keeping her arms pinned to her chest. With her hind legs spread wide and his coils draped between them, he thrust hard allowing his swollen cock to sink into her horny cunt hole with ease.

  • She squeaked and stiffened as her passage was violated by his thick pink dick, a dulled pain jarring her from her sleep as his fangs penetrated squirting venom into her neck. He thrust into her again and she screamed as more then half his thick rod penetrated her dripping twat. Those hatchlings had been lucky, getting only the tapered tip of his dick and not the thicker throbbing meat further along his shaft. She was stronger then he and his venom wouldn't kill her due to her size but he bit anyway to weaken and stop her squirming while fucked her good. Her body betrayed her, however, her painfully stretched pussy lips forced to devour every inch of the snake's dick, cumming all over his scaled belly as he pounded himself deep in her used twat over and over again.

  • She felt him squeezing his dick into her vaunrable egg chamber, his bare flesh rubbing the left over cum from her violated young daughters into her pussy and even more pre-cum seeding her womb as he thrust into her fertile chamber like a feral animal. For once he ran out of venom and knew he'd have to finish soon as the effect might wear off quickly now. His sped up, pounding his length in and out of her wet coochie, straining his muscles to make sure this whore felt every inch of his cock hammer between her outstretched legs. Finally, his coils tensed around her as he emptied himself into her pussy well, seeding deep into her fertile sanctuary with several thick juicy shots of snake cum.

  • Barely finished shooting his load into her, he quickly dismounted and slithered off her well-fucked form while she was still docile from his venom. Unfortunately, he'd pressed his luck too far. The dragoness recovered from the injection far quicker then anticipated; barely halfway to the exit, the wet dragoness managed to get up, though weak and slow, she was still faster then he and lunged forward. Her deadly fangs took hold of his tail as a pair of talons raked down his body. Without any venom, all the male Cormin could do was bite harmlessly at her scaled hide ineffectively. It was a short battle, the loss of blood and numerous wounds finally caused the life to fade from his eyes.

  • Varince turned, trying to crawl back to her nest of children, realizing only one remained but collapsed, slumping forward on her knees allowing large gushes of gooey snake cum to dribble from her used twat. She felt ashamed and embarrassed at being used and bread like that, by an animal that would be considered prey no less. The dirty scent of the Cormin was in her young's nest as well making her cringe, knowing what had happened to her young but not wanting to think about it.

  • A new scent caught her nose, her mind not registering what it was until a heavy weight dropped onto her back, pinning her already weakened form to the cold stone. She growled savagely as she felt a familiar prodding feeling brush between her legs and under her tail. It took only a moment for the eager male to find his mark, completely ignoring the copious amounts of cum already seeping from her wet slit. The new cock sank deep into her, a thick wave of snake seed being forced from her cunt at the same time. Snarling, she thrashed weakly, trying to kick off the impetuous young male who had not even courted her.

  • He was just too large, even stretched open from her last encounter, this new dick felt so big in her passage. But as he continued to rut into her wet pussy mound she thought about it and stopped squirming, acting resigned, realizing he might yet spill more of the snake's seed from her snatch. He would have made a delicious fuck too... The rutting lasted only a few minutes before he bit onto her neck dominantly and thrust hard, empting his load deep into her passage and quickly dismounted with a wet shloping sound. The heavy thud of a dropped carcass caught her attention; a large buck offered as gift for the breeding. She accepted without a second thought, tearing into the offered meat with single-minded desire. Exhausted from two rough and tiresome ridings, she no longer cared about the hatchling in her nest that had been violated by that snake.

Dracasis - Black Dragon of Wyvern