A Kept Man

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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Anselm has an errand to run at one of the fine houses of Cantanta.

Hello, y'all!

Another one-shot that just wanted to get out, and who am I to decline offers from the muse? Hope you guys enjoy this, it was quite fun to write, and I do hope that it shows in the text, and will provide an interesting read!

All comments are most welcome, as always.

Have a fun read, and a cheers to you!


The familiar housekeeper who opened the door into the brown-stone city house barely batted an eyelid at the scrawny wolf, who, standing on the polished step, looked very much out of the place.

"Sent for me," the wolf rumbled.

"Right up to the parlor," the woman, a sharp-eyed leopard, spoke without a change to her expression.

The young wolf simply nodded, paws clutching his cap, having took it off to show respect for the woman, and stepped into to the dimly lit, musky hall. He turned to look at her, but only got that same indifferent look from her, the one he knew she possessed and maintained to an utmost, almost admirable degree.

"Thank you ma'am," the wolf spoke, fashioning a smile over his lips.

"Up you go," the maid spoke, and as he took for the stairs, he was sure that she kept staring at him, maybe suspecting that any of the precious knickknacks the house possessed might find their way into his pocket if he wasn't supervised.

He reached the top of the stairs, and after a breath, knocked, once.

"Enter!" the deep voice came from within the room.

The wolf pushed the door open, carefully, and stepped into the warm room beyond, closing the door behind him once he was within the confines of this gentleman's parlor. The curtains were drawn but there was plentiful light from two lamps, one on a small table by the leather-upholstered sofa, the other on the desk, and there was a fire, too, burning brightly to keep the autumn chills away. Gleaming brass, glass doors on bookshelves and silks on the curtains drew his eyes with a curiosity that had been dulled already by his previous visits ,but still, the sight was impressive enough to remind him just how fine this house was.

Still clutching onto his modest little hat, the wolf bowed as he his eyes caught the sight of the master of the house, the tall tiger who stood by the fireplace, dressed in a red velvet robe, leaning onto the mantelpiece so that he could contemplate the flames that intimately licked the burning logs. His scent filled the room, the wolf could almost taste the musk that combined with the ever-present lingering aroma of strong alcohol and smoke in the room. He was a great man, in physical size and intellect, too, the wolf suspected, even if he wasn't quite sure of his standing in the society.

"Welcome, Anselm," the tiger rumbled.

The wolf remained as he stood, tail still between his legs, keeping his eyes bowed down in respect to the large male whose home he had entered.

"Sir," Anselm rumbled.

The tiger left from his earlier position and moved towards the wolf now, in slow steps that were unhurried, before he reached where Anselm stood, and remained only two feet away from the shorter, younger male. Anselm daren't look up still, although his whiskers shook as he drew a deep breath and smelled the large male closing in.

"Hello, Anselm, are you well? Please look at me when we converse."

The voice was a deep one, firm, but not commanding, not as much as Anselm would have expected, when he tentatively lifted his head, ears still kept mostly down, as he gazed up to the bright, deep blue eyes. The tiger looked down at him with a curious expression on his face.

"I'm...fine sir, yes, thank you, sir, I am fine, sir," his paws tightened around the cap in then, pressing it over his chest.

"That is most agreeable for me to hear," the tiger replied. "Have you been kept comfortable?"

Anselm nodded quickly.

"Oh yes sir, yes, the coin was well enough to keep me for the week, sir, I even saved a little for spare, sir."

"Good," the tiger replied. "It is not good for a man to spend all of his earnings, if he can spare some."

"Oh, yes sir."

The tiger contemplated him for a long while, his eyes boring into Anselm's and making him feel slightly uneasy, even further so, and he could feel how his tail began to twitch, from side to side, showing his nerves.

"And you haven't called upon anyone else, just like we have agreed, yes?" the tiger replied, in a more serious tone.

Anselm shook his head rapidly.

"No, sir, just as we agreed, no calls, but you."

The tiger smiled, seemingly pleased at the affirmation.

"That is fine," the tiger replied.

"Thank you, sir," Anselm breathed.

The tiger smiled, briefly, before he turned, and walked over to the red leather couch, upon which he sat, tucking his tail around a bare calf Anselm could see beneath the hem of the equally red robe covering the tiger's tall form.

"Why don't you come to sit with me, Anselm?"

"Yes ,sir," Anselm spoke softly.

He walked with a quick step and easily crossed the room, paws padding over the thick carpet, before he settled down onto the couch, sitting gingerly as to make sure that he would not somehow offend the piece of furniture with his sudden presence. Off to his side, he saw how the tiger put one of his arms over the backrest of the couch, and turned to gaze at him with his deep eyes. Anselm felt the familiar shiver go through his spine, and felt his tail flick against his ankle. It still felt odd to be looked like that, even by such a fine gentleman as the tiger.

The tiger's right paw landed over his thigh next, almost covering it as a whole with its warm presence, and squeezing a little through the rough cloth of his trousers. Anselm's breath hitched a little when he felt the tiger touch him, all the while he watched him, with that same, curious expression he rarely associated with the ways how a man was supposed to look at another male, but Anselm also knew that this was the tiger's way, no matter what he would think of it.

"It has been a week since your last visit," the tiger rumbled.

"Aye," Anselm snuffled, not really sure what to make of the observation.

The paw moved up and down now, stroking the wolf's leg from his hip to his knee, slowly, kneading the modest muscles he could feel against his palm. Anselm felt another shiver go through him.

"I always enjoy these visits very much, Anselm," the tiger continued. "They relax me, and make me feel joy."

He was leaning closer now, so close that Anselm could feel his breath tickling on his ear. The wolf blushed.

"A-aye," he spoke, quickly, haltingly.

The tiger leaned even closer and now nuzzled against the side of his head, touching his nosepad there, and breathing him in. Anselm's cheeks felt even hotter when he heard the tiger purr.

"A shame that this isn't as...prominent for you, my little wolf," the tiger rumbled, staying close by and making Anselm's heart race. "But we make do...oh yes we do..."

The tiger's paw kept touching him, and the tiger kissed him now, his lips moving over Anselm's broad canine muzzle. The wolf stood as still as he could and allowed it to happen, well used to such by now, while the tiger rumbled and purred and breathed hotly against him.

It seemed to go on for ages, so it felt for Anselm, before the tiger sat back, and everything was still again. His paw left Anselm's thigh, too.

"You smell very nice, Anselm."

"Thank you, sir," Anselm whispered.

"Why don't you undress for me?"

Anselm nodded, and rumbled a "yes, sir," even as he already got up from the couch, not wishing to prolong things through hesitation. He could feel eyes boring into him, observing his every move as he stood there, in front of the couch, and began to remove his clothing. More scruffy, dirty grey fur was revealed with each garment that was taken away, dropped to the floor just like he had done before, all the while his tail flicked nervously, and the tiger watched. Soon he stood there still, paws resting to his sides, fully on display, his body on display for the tiger to look as he desired, and look he did, eyes moving up and down over Anselm's body from the small distance between them. Anselm's heart was beating faster, and his breaths seemed to have difficulty filling his chest, but he did his best to stand as still as he could, and simply look at the tiger, awaiting.

"Very, very good..." the tiger nodded in appreciation. "Now, please come sit with me again."

"Aye, sir."

Anselm carefully stepped over his clothing and then returned to his place on the couch, by the tiger on one corner, eyes turning upon his as soon as he was back into his position on the seat of red leather.

One of the tiger's paws raised and waved over his lap.

"Uncover me, please, Anselm, I like it when you do that."

The wolf's eyes fell over to the mass of red silk that covered the tiger's body, and at the belt around his waist, made of the same cloth and tugged into a knot. Almost hesitatingly, he reached with his paws and carefully pulled the knot open, and loosened the belt away, all the while the tiger purred quietly. He knew what he was supposed to do next, and did as much, taking a careful hold of the hems of fabric and then pushed them aside, to bare the tiger's body for him to see.

"Hmm...good boy," the tiger rumbled.

Anselm could see the tiger's striped thighs, thick and muscled, as well as his white belly, and resting against that patch of fur was the tiger's cock, strange in shape compared to his own, for it was long, curved and covered in those strange spokes by the tip, and it lacked the familiar knot Anselm's own malehood possessed. A deep whiff of feline musk touched Anselm's nods and made his belly tighten, as much as the sight of that hard cock did.

"You see that I'm all woken up for you," the tiger smiled, almost toothily now, a different smile to his usual one.

"Aye, I can see."

The tiger clasped Anselm's paw by the wrist and brought it down to the length of pink flesh on his belly, positioning it over his own shaft and leaving it there. Anselm's arm tensed.

"Stroke me a little, I like that very much."

Anselm simply nodded and closed his paw around the strange-feeling length in his palm, easily feeling how it pulsed. The thick shaft felt slightly moist, too, and very warm, especially when he began to run his paw up and down over it, touching the tiger just the way he was told to do. The tiger purred and leaned back against the couch, making a deep rumbling sound from his chest while the wolf continued to stroke him slowly.

"Hmmm...very good....very good...just like that...do you often do this, Anselm, to yourself?" the tiger spoke.

The wolf blushed at the intimate question that seemed even more intrusive while it was made amidst this act, of all things. The wolf's tail smacked against the edge of the couch, showing his nerves again, before the wolf spoke in a soft voice.

"Every night or so, sir," the wolf rumbled.

The tiger chuckled.

"I can feel your proficiency...oh yes..." the tiger smirked that same toothy smile that always made Anselm very nervous, and continued to purr while the wolf stroked him, slowly, feeling the length of flesh become increasingly slick in his paw.

The tiger reached a paw and began to rub it over Anselm's arm and shoulder, caressing him in many ways while the wolf kept up his work of stroking the tiger's thick, throbbing cock in his paw. The tiger's rumbles seemed to gain intensity all the same, too.


The meaningless words echoed in Anselm's ears while he continued the familiar up and down stroke, keeping the tiger happy as far as he could.

"Hmmm...oh yes..."

Then he felt that paw fall over his wrist, seizing his motion. Anselm looked up to the tiger, who smiled.

"I think your muzzle will do next, Anselm."


The tiger's paw fell away, allowing Anselm to remove his sticky paw from the length of flesh that now flopped down back against the tiger's belly once more.

"You can get on the floor."

Anselm took a deep breath upon hearing the words again, but raised no protest while he got up from the couch and lowered himself down to the floor, sitting on his haunches and moving between the tiger's spread legs. He could look up and saw the tiger looking down at him, with heat in the eyes that gazed upon him, and much of his field of vision was filled with the sight of the tiger's pink cock and the pair of balls between his legs, in their fuzzy sac. The wolf reached with his paw to grab the base of the tiger's member and lifted it up, causing the bigger male to purr contently.


Anselm's tongue slipped out of his muzzle and ran over the slick flesh, leaving an extra sheen of moisture over the hot meat he now caressed most intimately, bringing an extra grunt from the tiger, one that sounded almost surprised.

"Hmmmm...." the tiger growled.

Anselm toyed with the hot shaft for a few moments, getting it very wet before he put his muzzle over it and took the topmost one third within his maw and held it there. The tiger groaned and bucked his hips forth, pushing an extra inch into Anselm's muzzle. He almost groaned upon the intrusion, gagging a little ,but kept it down, and simply held tight, closing his eyes to fight the unpleasant sensation.

"Hmmm...so warm..."

Anselm kept his paw firmly around the tiger's shaft while he squeezed it and then began to move his head, slowly, up and down he went, allowing the tiger the pleasure of having his cock somewhere warm, and letting it slide between the closure of his lips around the hot shaft. The barbs tickled on the wolf's lips and made them feel numb, as much as his tongue that stroked the underside of the thick member on each pass, adding to the odd feeling of this action he was committing for the tiger's pleasure. The tangy taste of that clear, copiously leaking fluid soon filled Anselm's senses, his taste buds and his sense of smell overcome by the musky, masculine experience.

The tiger's paw soon came to a rest over the top of his head, between his ears, while Anselm kept working his tongue and lips over the pulsing length invading him on each pass inside him. The tiger purred and rumbled and muttered nonsense under his breath, not something Anselm really could make out, so deep in concentration he was to the task at hand, of making sure that the tiger would be pleased with his wolf. The mechanical nature f the act smoothened Anselm's nerves a little as well, even if he could not say that he was relaxed. The tiger's tail kept slashing out between his legs like a whip, occasionally hitting Anselm's sides or his belly, even getting close to his own sheath that still lay dormant. This was about the tiger, not about Anselm, and he accepted the fact and kept on working, slowly but surely, as the tiger slowly thrust into his muzzle.

That kept going for an unmeasured amount of time, until the tiger whispered a "that's enough," and Anselm obeyed, lifting his head up. His lips glistened with fluids from the tiger, they covered his tongue and even his chin, as he looked up at the tiger. His neck furs seemed spiked and he breathed deeply, loudly, and hotly, the warm wash flushing Anselm's cheeks even further, as he felt it fall. The pillar of male flesh was as proud as ever and had once more nestled in the tiger's belly fur, untouched for the moment of lull.

The tiger's eyes looked almost feverish now, gazing at the kneeling wolf.

"That is very good, Anselm..."

"Thank you, sir," Anselm whispered.

The tiger flashed another of those unnerving smiles, and then patted the couch by him, making a loud noise in the seemingly quiet room.

"Would you take your position here now, Anselm?"

The wolf gave an almost resigned nod, his ears flattening as he heard the words that signaled the next part of their encounter to him, something he had been expecting by now, of course, but did not want to think too much lest he become even more nervous.

The tiger pulled his arms from the sleeves of his robe that already been opened by Anselm earlier, and then stood up to his full height, remaining by the couch while the wolf in turn moved over the sofa, kneeling upon it so that his legs were spread a little, and his paws laid on the backrest, for balance. Anselm's tail stayed firmly tucked between his legs, and he felt even further shivers go through his body as he stayed there, feeling exposed and bare for the tiger's scrutiny. He daren't look back at the tiger, either, and simply remained, listening to any noises coming from behind him. The tiger was walking he could hear as much, even as he heard the scraping of wood when a drawer was opened, and soon closed, and then more steps, and the tiger's breaths, coming close now.

"Very well...did you do as I have told you to do before visits, I hope?" the tiger spoke again.

Anselm nodded, his ears flicking rapidly.

"Aye, sir, I did," Anselm spoke quietly, feeling embarrassed by the memory of how he had obeyed the tiger's orders, earlier that day.


Paws fell on him now, cupping each side of Anselm's rump, squeezing into his flesh. Anselm's claws touched the red leather and lacquered wood on the backrest, letting out a nervous huff at the sensation. The paws moved up and down over the curve of his rear, stroking into muscle and fur, while the tiger purred.

"Hmmm...very good..."

"Hmmm," Anselm breathed out.

"Lift your tail for me."

Anselm almost groaned at the humiliating order, but did as he was told, and let his bushy tail rise on his accord, revealing the white-furred crevice between the halves of his rump. He felt even more exposed than ever and knew that the tiger was watching with a keen interest on the most hidden parts of his body. He shuddered, mildly, especially when he felt the paws on his rump squeeze down harder on his round muscles.

"Hmmm...you are most agreeable..."

One of the paws left Anselm's rump cheek and instead nestled between them, fingertips stroking up from where his own furry sac lay, up to the very base of his tail and the closed little spot there, now touched all sudden by the tiger's thigh digit, pressing over the pliable muscle. It tensed under the touch, and Anselm gasped at the sensation, still so strange, even if it was no longer new.

"Perfect..." the tiger growled.

Anselm's tail twitched, tickling his own back now, curved as it was over it, leaving all of him in the tiger's sights. The tiger kept stroking his rear the way he did before, between the muscled halves and touching his hole with that same, dry fingerpad, pushing against the hot forbidden place with intent while purring loudly. Anselm breathed faster now.

After a few moments, the paw was removed, and Anselm heard the click of glass against glass, and then a scent filled his nose, something new in the air, familiar, though, and he knew what would come next.

The fingers returned to his rump, pressing against his hole with new slickness now, allowing the tips of those fingers to dwell into him, even, past his squeezing little opening, teasing it with their squirming movement so that they could pass without trouble. The sensation made Anselm gasp, and he heard the tiger grunt, too, as he felt pressure around his fingers, coming from the wolf's insides squeezing upon him.

"Relax..." a paw fell over the small of his back, stroking there.

Anselm moaned, it was easier said than done, especially with two thick fingers pushing into his backside, a taboo act he would've never thought himself, but the tiger was never at a loss of what to do when the wolf was visiting him, and this was just one of those things. They pushed deep into him, making him feel uncomfortably full, and still Anselm knew that it was but a whisper of how it'd feel when the tiger's cock would push itself into him and move there, hammering into him. His innards coiled even further at the thought, but the adamant tiger kept pushing, burying his fingers up to the knuckles. Anselm bit his teeth together and murred.

"Hmmm...yes...very tight," the tiger observed, to his own pleasure, it seemed, and squirmed his fingers again.

Anselm gasped, the odd sensation he knew to associate with such occurrence, of that strange surge of feeling from within himself, that was now upon him again, as it made warmth gather in his belly. He didn't quite know what to make of it, but at least it made this whole thing less unpleasant to bear.

It didn't last very long before the fingers slid clear of him. A brief slick sound followed, making Anselm's ears flick, no matter how subtle it was, because he knew very well that it was the sound of the tiger's paw applying that same oil on his own great cock. Anselm's tail tried to swing from side to side, but he willed it to stay still, not wanting to irritate the tiger who now stood behind him, preparing to take him.

The next thing he felt was a paw upon his back, again, followed by the unmistakable sensation of something hot and slick pressing itself under his tail. The wolf gasped when he felt the pointed tip immediately seek his hole and push against it. The tiger's hot meat pulsed, ready to plunge into the hot tightness of the wolf's body, and the large male behind the wolf growled, deeply.

He didn't waste his faculties for speaking, either, for then there was only pressure, and paws upon Anselm's back, when he felt the weight grow until his body gave up and let that thick cock slide deep into him. He groaned and clasped more tightly onto the backrest of the couch that served as the platform for their mating, allowing him to take the unstopping push into him. His hole clenched around the thick shaft moving within him, a biting motion that did nothing to hinder its slide to the hot tunnel inside the wolf. It hurt, there was no denying that the sensation of fullness quickly grew to be painful, but it was a passing pain, if one to make Anselm bite his lip. The wolf tried to stay as still as he could, even after he felt the weight of the tiger upon him, leaning over him, and the press of his sweaty sac against his own.

The tiger growled and ground his body to Anselm's, pressing down on him, putting his arms around the smaller male, so that his chin touched the back of Anselm's neck. He shivered, the feeling intense despite the fire in his backside as a result of having all of the tiger inside there, filling him up, spreading him open.

"So...HOT..." the tiger drooled against his neck, marking him with scent, while his hips rolled, drawing an inch of his length from within the wolf's clenching ass, soon to be pushed back.

Anselm rocked forward, pushed by the jab and the wave of discomfort within his rump, grunting from the intense sensation. The tiger's arms were tight around him, holding his more lithe body close to the imposing male while he bred the wolf with short, shallow strokes of his cock inside Anselm's body. It was ferocious, hard pumping into the wolf, not holding anything back while the feline unleashed his passion and inflicted all of it upon the wolf he held tight, thrusting within his convulsing heat with all of his might.

They growled and grunted, Anselm from the slowly waning discomfort, the tiger from the immense pleasure he surely got from being buried inside the wolf. His slick length pummeled itself through the wolf's tight hole and into him, moving back and forth and churning deeply within Anselm, filling the wolf completely with himself. He bred and mated and buggered the wolf with abandon, not caring for the earlier finesse he expressed. Now it was raw, animal and hard, almost harsh, while he drove himself to the wolf who had offered himself for him.

It could not last very long, it never did, and Anselm soon felt the thrusting wane, the way it usually did just before the tiger slammed his hips to the wolf's and simply held them there, his teeth sinking to the wolf's shoulder. Anselm hollered out, unable to keep the noise back, the pain was there, but mostly it was simply intense, the heat, the pressure, and the sensation and the knowledge of being dominated by the tiger so completely, and then filled with his seed, bursting into him in a long flush.

The tiger lingered within him for only a few moments more, before he removed himself from Anselm's body, stepping away, leaving him there, panting on the couch, on his knees. His tail down, to cover the spread opening that oozed some pearly fluid down to the couch, staining it obscenely.

From the corner of his eye, he could see the tiger walk over to a basin of water standing on a small table on one corner of the room, and begin to wash himself.

"You may wash yourself here and then I'll give you the coin and you can be off, Anselm," the tiger spoke, not turning to look at the wolf still on the couch.

"Yes...sir..." Anselm panted.

"You did very fine."

"Aye," Anselm rumbled, knowing that for the rest of the week, he'd know how he had done, from the jingle of coin in his pocket, and the tenderness of his hindquarters, still burning from within.

The water splashed and hint of a soapy scent touched Anselm's nose, mixing with the male musk of the tiger's seed. Anselm breathed deeply and moaned, ever so softly, in his submission.

"Very fine..." the tiger rumbled, washing his cock with water and soap.


There we go! All done, I think, hope I didn't leave you hanging there ; )

If you have any comments, don't hesitate to drop me a line or two. All feedback is appreciated, and also remember that all votes, faves and watches will help others to find these stories to enjoy as well!

Thank you for reading my story, a big cheers to you all!