Stolen Heart

Story by FluffyPony on SoFurry

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Stolen Heart

It was a long time ago, but this I remember. I was free-at a cost. A meager living to be maintained by stealing from the aristocracy of equine kind. There were no legitimate, dignified jobs. Not for us. I lived in hiding with two others. It's tough to live in a place so hostile and set against us. I remember one day when Jeremy came home with a broken collar bone because he had bumped accidentally into a high-strung filly.

It's not a good idea to get close to them.

I was going to pilfer some swag from a widow unicorn mare. According to a disloyal slave in her employ, she would be with a lover somewhere else that night.

How true and yet wrong that information would prove to be.

I had been expected, at any rate.

No sooner had I gotten myself perched on her windowsill, did I realize her bed was not empty. She appeared to be in heavy slumber, so I boldly went forth with the deed, anyway. You see, it is no easy feat, stealing from a horse. A mare's jewelry is heavy and easily identified. One cannot melt it, for fear a fire would rouse attention. I settled for bagging some common-looking gold bangles and a gold and emerald studded tiara.

I would not, of course, risk going through her larder. It would take too much time, and I could not easily sneak through the ranks of her other servants on the way down.

After taking a few of her rings, I went to the window to leave, when I heard a sound to attract my attention to her. A sigh, really-and a sight.

She was on her side facing away, ivory horn glinting dully in pre-dawn light. The end of her tail stuck out of her satin red covers, hanging over the bed edge as if a pearled waterfall. One white, lightly fuzzy breast crept up from her thick comforter. I was held there, captivated by equine grace, before attempting to jump down.

That is an endeavor I failed at.


"Where are you off to?" Asked her, rising slowly with the covers gathered about to hide her nakedness.

I did not dignify that, instead jumping down. Her eight slaves met me at the bottom, poised to grab me. I immediately drop the loot and charge through the two in my way to escape. One went onto his ass with a gasp of surprise. The second seized me by my coat, which I managed to worm out of.

I did not see the third until it was too late.

My informant, Rego, swung a thick tree branch at me. I blocked it with my wrist and shoved past as his makeshift stave broke in two from the force.

It was later at my hide-out when I discovered an awful truth. My fellows were present when I received a pink envelop under the door sealed with a lipstick kiss; lips too wide to be human. Jeremy, a friend of mine grins.

"Huh. A secret love-affair, Casanova?" He joked.

I went cold, awestruck, as I opened it and read it's simple line.

'I have your address'

Signed; Duchess

I left immediately, the implications hitting me instantly. She could inform any number of sources about our hiding spot; Police, Slavers, Butchers. It was my mistake. I would not let my friends pay for it. At her mansion, Rego met me at the door.

"How's the arm?" He asked.

"How's the black eye?" I return.

"What black eye?"

I punch him in the face, giving him a strong impression of me to last for some time.

"This one, you fucking Judas!" I decree as he staggers back.

"Who is at the door, Rego?" Asked that haughty overly feminine voice of the unicorn.

As if she had to fucking ask!

"Your indentured guest, mi'lady." Rego announces, now pissed at me.

A long pause follows.

"Mmm. Have him come up to my solar, if you would."

So Rego grudgingly escorted me up a white marble staircase with velveteen carpeting dyed a ruby hue, pointing me toward a door on the right among three others.

Inside, it was just me and her. She motioned me to a nearby couch. The room was brightly lit with an enormous crystal chandelier. She wore a large cumbersome white gown and the very tiara on her head I had tried to steal.

"Laws have been written. Nearly as old as the sin itself. In Morocco, they cut off hands. In China, thieves were placed in cages out in harsh weather to either starve or die from exposure. Equine law, in it's own way is equally unforgiving toward your kind. It clearly dictates I can have whatever I want from you." She replied.

"Yeah, that's fair, considering you threatened my friends to get me here." I retort sardonically.

She smiled wryly.

"I never threatened your partners, nor yourself." She mused.

"You lie." I spat.

"Thief, if you'll have a little more common sense, you'd have already realized that unicorns neither lie nor blackmail. Such acts are below us." She proclaimed proudly.

"Then why the note?" I enquired.

She closed her eyes, amused.

"You could interpret it however you wanted, I merely said I knew where you lived."

"Then you told Rego to lie. That's much the same sort of dishonesty."

"For a time I WAS with a wooed lover, or perhaps, an admirer."

What fool did she take me for? I smelled no stallion musk in her bed.

"You were with no stallion." I accused.

"Correct, no stallion."

Then it hit me.

"One of your SLAVES?!"

Such was vilest exanthema among humans, but that did not stop equines from tempting slaves, servants, and breeding studs to their beds.

"Yes, astute of you, but not quite. You see, I'm quite picky for lovers. I don't want your 'swag', I don't want your hand, and I probably won't stuff you in a cage, either. I want your body, thief, and if you'll give it, your heart as well." She replied.

I had not been prepared for this!

"You will not coerce me into this!" I stated flatly, prepared to leap from another of her windows.

"Well, I am sure your friends won't mind being my bedmates." She replied.

"You said you didn't blackmail."

She gave a wry grin.

"I'm not. This is-persuasive compromise."

Break a taboo or betray a friendship. There was no choice, really.

Then she sang. A litany of overbearing passion, of endless lust, of desire beyond human comprehension, yet speaking of her infinite grasses and winds that caress delicate skin. I found myself entranced, catching a few of her words,

"She whispers through the trees. As if a gentle breeze. Traversing the green forest.

With a wonderment of ease."

It was no secret that unicorns were capable of enchantment of such a powerful nature. I found my body crawling to an open lap, my head upon her thighs, more vulnerable than I had been in all my life, as she stroked my blonde hair to the side and giggled coyly. The mind struggled ferociously, like a caged tiger, but the body belonged to her upon the utterance of her first words.

She stopped singing, yet here my head lay, ensnared psychologically, as she caresses my fore parts. Here I was, a giant teddy bear for the lady to cuddle with.

And not a damned thing I could do about it.

"So you see, to resist is folly. The more you fight, the more I draw you toward me." She mused, delighted.

"Do that to me again, and I shall kill you." I whispered.

Her ears perk in my direction.

"If you attempt any of the sort, I promise I will strike you lame." She countered.

She would not, of course, say castrate. She would not succeed in bedding me by ruining my libido, so she has threatened me with the third worst thing a horse can do to a man, save killing or gelding me. I, in fact, had no idea how such a thing was carried out. Of course, I lacked for imagination on several things.

"Big fucking deal. So we established our threats. What of the fine print? You can enchant me, you can control me, but you will not truly own me. I can still make you miserable."

The unicorn mare smiled.

"If you assume that, you truly are a fool. I can make life so difficult, your previous life will look like a vacation in the Bahamas by comparison." She snarled.

"I'd pay money to see you try, you high riding bitch."

So she did.

I did not fully encompass her head lowering or her horn spearing forward like an ivory lance.

I only felt the result. A bitter, hot agony wetly through my ribs and out the back of my left lung. The pain of it made me gasp, creating more pain.

She stayed in me for some time, blood dripping down the horn and subsequently off her muzzle. I could not focus on anything, not even breathing. With a jolly horrendous shove of my legs, the horn popped out with a wet crack and a spray of blood and flesh pieces. She fell upon her ass, splatters of red now ruined her expensive gown, and all over her face.

For some time, we stared at another; an eternity of wordless exchange. In that time, I realized the hole was shrinking and I could breathe again. How odd! I thought I was going to die. Then again, I remembered something-

"My alicorn carries both the powers of life and death. If I did not kill you immediately, or bleed you out from an artery, you will likely go on good as new', then she smiled wryly, 'of course, my horn is unable to solve problems in the bed, so to speak."

I frowned, understanding another aspect of her blessing.

"That makes it easier to torture your enemies. You could do almost anything and not worry about fatalities."

She nodded at that.

"True, some of the best interrogators are unicorn-kin like myself."

Seizing a thin bottle nearby by the neck, I throw it at her. She tilts her head, easily avoiding it. Glass pieces and wine scatter about on the floor.

She smiled coyly, delighted.

"My, what a naught thing we have here. I do believe he intended to strike me. More's the pity, if he had. I would chastise him most vigorous."

With that, she stood in one smooth motion now before me.

"Well?" She prompted.

"Well, what?" I retorted.

"Well, I do intend you shall disrobe so I may see what mess I have here. And don't remove your shoes-your bloody outburst with my wine bottle created a hazard only hooves may traverse safely."

My! How very soft spoken-

For such a domineering bitch!

I thought that over. She was stronger. If she wanted to, she could tear my clothing off in true Bruce Banner style. I removed my T-shirt, which had six instead of four holes. It fell to the tiled floor with a wet, bloody splash. Wiping the filth from my chest, I found there was no scar in place nor bruise abound.

"So far, I expect that'll warrant a bath, aye mi pequena desnudo descarado criatura?" She mused cheerily, giving me a hearty slap on the bum.

"Where did you learn Espanol?"

"I've been alive for centuries. Study is one thing we do for boredom. Do you know why I want to try you out? To me, stallions are no big deal after a few hundred years. They each think they have some 'special tricks', but initially, it's all the same. You humans, however. You rum creatures who have no idea of our courtship or correct mating posture-make sex interesting for us of the mare persuasion. Pity you've no tails. Tails shall make coitus and foreplay the chief spectacle. Though regardless, you would not know why, I assume."

Frowning, I speculated that horses fucked us because they were bored for anything else. It was clear the duchess planned for me today. Lowering my pants, spying her wolfish sated expression as she stared at my brief covered crotch, I found myself inexplicably nervous. I stood there a moment until she became impatient and appeased her curiosity by ripping the garment off with a lioness-like swipe.

With that, she dragged me over to a door on the other side of the room.

Hastily, she took off my shoes after giving a disorienting blow to my head, tossing me into a ready, but chilly bath. The coldness shocked me out of my numb state. Looking back, I see my captor sporting some bubbles from my entry splash into her-I frown, uncertain of where I am.

First, I had assumed it was a tub, but it wasn't the right shape. It couldn't be a Jacuzzi-or if it was, I didn't feel the jets underneath. This was a giant circular fixture, much like an indoor pool. But a pool inside of-

I look around, amazed.

This pool is inside her large and ornate bedroom.

What freaky architecture is at work here!

From bath to bed, an odd way to receive would-be mates. This was clearly her scheme, after all.

Now, truly, did I wish to part company, but that was not so, for on the surface of that thought, did I inexplicably find odd hoof-like coverings over my hands, heavy steel shoes to match. While I was busy with that frustration, she quickly did the same to my feet, grabbing each leg and dunking me under the water as she rapidly dressed me in these strange restraints.

Coming up coughing, she addressed me from her fine warm paradise on the other side of the pool.

"Now as stallion, you will be enslaved to your desired charge. Helpless to I, you must now bear my lustful whims." She mused, blissful and apathetic at my scrabbling actions to extricate myself from the cold pool.

Hands and feet imprisoned and heavy, body hypothermic and weary, this proved to be a monumental task of will.

"Now then, El caballo padre, what say we wash you up for a proper showing?" She mused.

I did not like where this was going.

From a shelf above, she took two bottles of Mane 'n Tail horse care products. One shampoo and conditioner.

She applied a great deal of the shampoo into my hair and back, rubbing and caressing the slick, slippery stuff into skin and hair alike. Lathering it up well, did she go forward and smooth the foam into my buttocks, loins, about genital area, into anus, around arms or belly, chest and sides.

Taking great care upon the cleansing of my limp penis and testicles, she rubbed for some time before washing me off with a few vicious shoves under the water, leaving me breathless.

Then came the conditioner, but that was for my hair only. She dunks me under again after a hefty application, before attaching a steel collar about my neck with a chain lead rope, which she had the end of in one delicate hand.

"Come boy! Let's warm you up!" She replied cheerfully, pulling me toward the bed.

In the end, however, she had to grip me under my arms and drag me from the pool with her great strength.

I lay on her satin burgundy sheets, collapsed for some time from my bath-time struggles.

She seemed to understand, leaving to take care of some other business.

She came back in the room naked, her body more plump than lithe, considering other unicorns I've seen.

The duchess took a seat next to my weary form, lifting my torso gently to her lap, rubbing my hair.

"What a lovely thing you are. I am glad you tried to steal from me. I never in a million years would have thought of a thief as a worthy lover."

"And I never in a million years thought I'd be some horse's sex slave." I spat.

"Oh, hush! I promise I won't treat you poorly. You're too beautiful to mistreat or neglect. Those idiots on the street had no idea what treasure you are!"

Against my better judgment, I found myself beaming from the praise.

My nose crinkled as I caught an unusual scent.

The smell of unicorn heat.

So unique, so different than anything my nose sampled before.

Like vaginal fluid laced cinnamon.

She took one of her hands, rubbed it along her slit, and put the fragrant juices before my face.

"That is what I smell like thief, when I desire. Care to fulfill it?"

"Fulfill your-...desire?" I answered uncertainly.

Perhaps fucking a unicorn would be better than a horse, like an upgrade or something.

"Yes, thief. Rego nor any other may have this favor. It belongs to those I grant it."

"But you said stallions bored you."

"You'd think I'd go around fucking ANY animal?" She retorted, aghast.

"Those sentiments I return to you, horse."

"I am not a horse." She protests.

"No, taking you would be like a promotion from bestiality."

"Taking a free-spirited thing like a thief would be a promotion from inviting a slave to my bed." She returns.

"I don't sleep with horses, no matter how comely they may come."

"Why, I do believe you flatter me, burglar."

"My name is Philip, lady."

"Philip...they address me as Duchess. Do I truly disgust you? With this notion of copulation?"

"I don't know. Some days I find myself desiring a mare who posts for those dirty magazines purchased by randy stallions, but then I remind myself that what I'm thinking is wrong, disgusting, perverse. It is not you who I take offense with, it is the very notion of humanity's view of these couplings."

"I see. You did not feel that way when you stared at my breast while on the window sill."

"You...knew I looked at you naked?"

"Love, I WELCOMED it! Can you not see? I bar no part of my body toward you, for I know your desire cherishes every inch of my ivory silken flesh."

"Horse flesh." I grumble.

"Philip! Do you not see? Flesh is flesh, negate where you find it. The MIND is important. Beauty will only last so long. Love not for beauty, for flesh, for species, but of character and will."

"I can look past the fact you tried to rob me. Can you not look beyond the body I was born in?"

I smile wryly.

"No fair, you had hundreds of years to think of that speech, besides, now that you mention it, I feel I am too young for you."

"Do you shit in your pants and babble nonsensically in infantile talk?"


"You damn well heard me, burglar." She replies with a playful wink.

"No, but you should wait until the Alzheimer's' hits, won't that be fun?"

She laughs, an elegant shrill thing.

"Ah, another reason for a thief; this wit of yours entertains me. Perhaps, if you fail me as a lover, you could be my jester."

"No, thanks. You're a bigger fool than me to offer such a thing, Duchess."

She wags a finger and giggles.

"Don't be too sure Philip. You may find tomorrow you do not wear these pony play objects, but instead the patchwork coat of arms of the village idiot."

"An idiot. Only now, do I realize the treasure before me. How dare I go and steal these baubles and trinkets, when there is a greater treasure to pilfer? A treasure no king may be able to afford by emptying his coffers, or by a lord riding into a country to conquer. To think I passed up the greatest wealth the world could ever know, by trying to steal a few meaningless gold and gem studded souvenirs."

She slowly blinks her long eyelashes.

"Oh, burglar? What possession could you steal from me, that no king can buy, and no man can forcefully take?"

"A gift that must be freely given. I am a thief who finds something he never knew he wanted, but is that much more fulfilled by it's tenure. Lady, you flatter me with what you have granted me."


Now she was genuinely curious, amused by my words and demeanor. Of course, having lived for many hundred years, she knew the words that would be uttered from my mouth even before they flowed like the poetic silver they would come to be, remembered by the both of us forever.

"Mistress unicorn, I've won something off you I've no right to own."

Her ears perk forward in interest.

"Yes, Philip, whose name, translated in old English means, 'an admirer of horses?'"

"Mistress unicorn, I believe I've stolen your heart."