Wrong Bride, Right Groom - The Emperor's New Groove

Story by Cyan Spirt on SoFurry

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#22 of Wrong Bride, Right Groom

Not to be outdone for Locke's effections, Maxi volunteers for the striptease contest and takes to the stage in an attempt to out-perform his romantic rival, Sebastion. But can the king of the jungle keep up with the chimera's routine, or will he be forced to reveal it all? You'll just have to read to find out.

Greetings and Salutations both returning fans and first-time readers. It sure has been a busy last four months since my previous post. To make a long story short, things didn't work out for me in South Korea; and as a result, I'm currently back in my den in the frozen tundra of upstate NY. Basically, it boiled down to one main thing, a hostile work enviorment. I mean, don't get me wrong, I enjoyed meeting and befriending my fellow international students; as well as the drinking, partying, and traveling we all did together. But the lab situation was an entirly different experience. I found it overly structured and overencumbered with arbitrary rules to the point that I was miserable, but more then that, I was unproductive. Now while some students might flourish is such an enviorment, I floundered and found it too hostile for my liking. Luckily, I was able to leave, and while so far there has been little discussion between my and my professor since my return, all signs point to positive that this wil have little if any overall effect on my graduating with a PhD in a normal amount of time.

Other then that, everything else has pretty much remained constant. I'm in a new apartment with decent roommates; though thier dislike for the smell of garlic and onions cooking makes it hard since they are my favorite ingrediants to cook with. Still, since it's cheaper then my place last year, I'm able to put away a bit more money....though for what purpose, I don't know. That's because I'm still single & I'm still hating it; so no change there.

On a seperate note, I've decided to get back into my stained glass work, though I have a limited selection of colors, styles, and sizes so picking a project to wrok on might prove to be harder then I think. However, it's given me an idea; since there's such a glut of fellow authors offering up comission slots that it drives down prices and causes some fierce competition, I'm considering offering furry-themed stained glass panals, sun-catchers, and other knick-knacks for sale. i figure since it's such a unique skill, the niche might be small and open for development & expansion. You'll have to tell me what you think about this dear reader.

And now, without any further interruption, allow me to present the newest chapter in my long-running series. I do hope you enjoy it.


Cyan Spirt

P.S. I apologize for the formating (mainly the inconsistant indentations), you'll have to trust me that on the original document they all line up.

* * *

As Maxi took each step higher, the random blob of noise began to consolidate into distinguishable voices till he could pick out words and phrases. At the top, he shielded his eyes as he stepped through the curtains and into the backlit halos of light coming from the lights overhead. Taking a quick census of his fellow dancers, he could make out seven or eight shapes moving from one prop to another, off in corners practicing their routines, or calming their nerves. On the far side of the stage, he could make out the distinctive color of Sebastian's lime green fur; that meant that Locke was nearby.

Taking steps towards them, the lion suddenly felt an imposing figure looming over him. "You're new here." The voice sounded deep, woodsy, and serene; like how he imagined the forest did on cool autumn nights when the leaves turned the colors of a campfire.

"Am I that obvious?" Maxi responded, looking up to see what very easily could be mistaken for a tree from a distance of several meters...if it wasn't for the large set of wide antlers. He found it appropriate then, that the male was dressed in the red & black plaid short-sleeved shirt and frayed blue jean shorts of your typical lumberjack. A pair of black suspenders was stretched to their limit across his broad chest, the thin material of his shirt barely able to contain the bulging pecs and abdominals the chocolate colored Bull Moose was sporting.

"To someone who knows everyone here, you are." Standing well over the five foot-ten lion, the cervine must've towered at least seven feet tall; his impressive rack of antlers adding perhaps another eight inches to his already daunting height. His rich umber pelt covered him from the tips of his elongated ears, to the small tufts of hair peaking over the rims of his bare hoofed feet. "Name's Eagler," he said, extending a paw to the diminutive feline.

Maxi eyed the offered hand, not out of a paranoid distrust of strangers, but out of a sense of urgency to get to Locke; though after what's occurred these past two weeks, who'd blame him. Still, he managed to rein in his needs and give a hardy handshake. "Mitch," a soft sigh, "So, how does this contest-thingy work? I kinda jumped in without reading the fine print."

Eagler nearly dislocated Maxi's arm from its socket during the vigorous handshake. "That's usually how these things start. Heck, most of the furs here were roped into doing this show one way or another: a dare, a bet, or revenge."

"How about all three?" rubbing the back of his neck, Maxi was slowly getting used to standing around in the revealing costume; "So, what about you?"

"Me? I'm probably one of the few who volunteer sober..." reaching behind his back, he pulled out a two-handed plastic ax, the phallic handle seeming eerily similar to that of the plastic wrench from his mechanic costume. With an outstretched arm, he pointed his 'weapon' towards the stage; where on the other side of the curtain waited the audience with baited breath and tented slacks. "To begin, any minute now the owner is gonna come over the loud spea-"

"Attention Nocturne customers, some of your fellow patrons have decided to willingly subject themselves to scantily clad clothing, strong dance tracks, and suggestive gyrations for your viewing pleasure." The voice crackled and hissed with the sound of faulty wiring, filling the club with feedback, "So please, get a drink from the bar, order from the kitchen, find a seat, and enjoy the show...Don't forget to tip your waiters and bartenders. Tonight's entertainment will begin in five minutes."

"Right on schedule," Maxi chuckled, his right arm still sore after the vigorous greeting, "So...what happens now?"

The moose gently tugged on the hairs at the tip of his chin, thinking out loud. "Well, in a few minutes everyone will line up on stage. From there, we'll be introduced to the crowd with a chance to make a first impression. After that, the real contest begins..." As he talked, Eagler absentmindedly tilted his head to rub his antlers against the adjacent burlap covered steel supports. Gritting his flat teeth, he huffed small bursts of air through them between every few words. "First, we'll go on stage one at a time and be given several minutes of music to dance to. You can take off as much or as little clothing during your routine as you want; though I'm sure you noticed during Sebastian's earlier performance, which the audience prefers."

Maxi tried to focus on the cervine's words rather than his mannerisms, but it was hard to avoid the sight of his steadily growing bulge that threatened to overcome the tensile strength of his shorts. "Seems like someone is enjoying themselves..." he hinted, snapping the moose's attention back before he went any farther.

Eyes fluttering open, Eagler huffed several deep breathes as he straightened up. "Fun fact of the day, moose can bring themselves to orgasm solely by rubbing their antlers," brushing some dust and cobwebs from his antlers. He then leaned forward, putting his impressive rack easily within the lion's reach. "Care to try Mitch?"

Maxi had to admit, he found the offer tempting. Reaching out, he cautiously placed a paw on one of the spikes; the smooth feeling of bone against the rough pads of his paw further enticed him. Hesitantly, he took a loose hold and began to slowly drag his claws along the surface; watching the larger male shiver, the bulge in his pants visibly jumping as he applied additional pressure. "Let's continue this another time...perhaps" he relented, releasing his grip on the moose.

"Fair enough," Eagler groaned, promptly standing up.

"So, what happens after that?"

"In the second part of the competition, each dancer will select a partner and perform on stage together. A winning 'couple' will be chosen, and that placement will then factor in to pick an overall winner. Got all that?"

"Uh huh...sure," the lion mumbled, peering around the moose's bulk; flaxen eyes squinting at the far side of the stage.

Eagler noticed the feline looking right through him and turned his head in the direction of his attention. "Who are you looking for?" his large umber orbs scanning the floor for anyone of potential interest.

"Locke and Sebastian," Maxi muttered, paws gently nudging the other male to the side so he could get a better view while still remaining inconspicuous.

The cervine chuckled warmly. "You know, for someone so new to the game, I'm surprised you've set your sights on dethroning the top two dancers here."

Finally locating them in the back corner, his view partially obstructed by stacks of old bleachers and misplaced stage props, he could just make out the lime green and ash black bodies intertwined. "Are you serious?" Maxi asked softly, his aching heart sinking just a tad further. "Who's first and second?"

Crossing his arms loosely over his broad chest, Eager closed his eyes and began rubbing the tip of his antlers against the steel beam again as he thought. "Well, usually Locke takes top honors, but for some reason he didn't show last week, so Sebastian won. I overheard something about a trip he was on...But honestly, I zoned out. I'm not one for gossip."

"Right...right," the lion nodded, not really listening. "Well, it was great meeting you, and best of luck in the competition. I'm gonna see if I can't get over there before we start."

"Thanks, you too."

Side-stepping the cervine, he could see why such an average looking moose was even doing in Half-Breed Town; a large, rubbery black dorsal and tail fin protruded from his back. Normally, Maxi would stop and contemplate if that meant Eagler had gills, but he didn't have the luxury of spare time. The lion was about three-quarters of the way across the stage, and within range of his targets when he heard, "Everybody get your props and lineup!"

Instantly there was a burst of confusion as the dancers rushed to collect their things before hurrying on the stage. Not wanting to be left behind, he checked to make sure he was still carrying his school books before following after everyone else. While standing shoulder to shoulder with his fellow entertainers, he tried to size up his competition; but in the mad dash, Maxi had lost sight of the pair...that is, until he heard a familiar hissing.

"What's-ss he doing here?"

"I don't know..." came the clearer response, as the dancers and audience went silent in anticipation of the show's commencement. "He probably came to compete like the rest of us."

"Well, he had better not try anything funny if he knows-ss what's-ss good for him."

"I'm sure he's aware of that sweetie," the other voice reassured.

Leaning forward slightly, Maxi could see Sebastian's fern-like ears stretching out in front of him at the far end of the line; his lilac eyes with inky black centers staring him down. His only response was a narrow glare of his own, silent and brooding, as he contemplated beating him at his own game. Peering over his shoulder, the lion caught sight of Locke's warm emeralds, the half-breed offering an apologetic smile before facing the rising curtain and returning to proper posture.

The crackle of static signaled that someone had switched the P.A. system on. "Welcome Nocturne patrons one and all to tonight's main entertainment; I'm sure most of you know how this show proceeds, and for those who don't, I'll explain it as we go. So let's skip ahead to the introductions beginning with last week's winner, Sebastian."

Stepping forward from the rest of the line, a spotlight illuminated the lithe form; reflecting off of the many brass buttons and clasps of his scantly sewed police uniform. The trademark navy blue cotton clothes offset against his lime green pelt. He completed his outfit with a plastic nightstick and a pair of metal handcuffs he had spinning around his extended ring finger. "Don't be a bad boy and make me bring you down-town for a mandatory strip search."

"Ooh officer, you can frisk me any day," the loudspeaker cooed as the chimera stepped back into his spot. "Next in line," he began, reclaiming his composure, "...is another famous face around here; put your paws together for our resident royalty, Locke!"

The crowd indeed broke into cheers as the polf strolled into the spotlight. Dressed in a short jacket made of shimmering yellow plastic with nothing underneath and a matching pair of hot-pants; complete with ruby red suspenders, black thigh-high rubber boots, and an ax similar to Eagler's. "Anyone here wanna slide down my fire-poll?" he asked the willing crowd.

"You got me hot under the collar, Mr. Fireman. How do you plan on putting this fire out?"

"I'll just whip out my hose and cool you down."

"My goodness folk; not only is he famous and sexy, but has a quick wit to boot. That's quite the triple threat Mr. Nailo."

"Just Locke, Mr. Nailo is my father."

Whoever was on the mic faked a groan, "Ooof, got me again kid. One of these days you're gonna put me out of a job." Locke retreated back to his spot on the line. "Now, just let me get down there, and I can start introducing the newer talent." Thirty seconds later, a figure emerged from stage right, closest to Sebastian. He was an old goat of sorts, literally; his musty mocha fur contrasted against the large rodent ears, which sat on either side of a pair of ram horns protruding from his forehead. With mic in paw, he was dressed as a flower child of the 60's complete with tye-dyed t-shirt, bedazzled bell-bottom jeans, and rose tinted sunglasses.

Stepping up to the spotlight, he waved up the next contestant in line to stand next to him. She was part deer that much Maxi could tell by her trim figure and pert tear-drop tail. "My name's Kendra and...umm...I'm dressed as a nurse," she whispered, reaching up to adjust the small white hat resting atop her straightened amber tresses. Maxi could only see the back of her stark white dress, which rose just high enough to make out the gentle crescents of her ass.

"That much we could tell sweetie," the announcer said, putting his free paw on her shoulder. "So, are you here to take my temperature?"

"If that's how you want it, just turn around, drop your drawers, and lift your tail," she teased, removing a carrot-sized plastic thermometer from her blouse. "It might hurt a bit."

The MC chuckled. "Kendra, darling, you must be new here if you think that little thing's gonna hurt, 'cause honey, I've had a lot bigger things back there."

"Oooooh, you're so naughty Mr. Beauregard!" the doe squealed, giving him an audible slap on the ass before prancing back to her spot, crimson heels matching the red 'plus' on her skirt.

"And speaking of being bad, it seems that tonight we are graced by the princess of darkness," the goat said motioning in a grand gesture as the next contest took the spotlight.

In black thigh-high boots, lace panties, matching halter top, and horned headband, a full-figured female of distant feline origins sauntered up; the glossy leather in stark contrast to her tan fur, which bristled like a wire brush. "I believe you meant, queen!" she corrected, cracking the small nine-tailed whip she pulled from the back of her brassiere.

Beauregard jumped at the loud series of cracks, as did the audience. "Allow me to introduce our resident dominatrix here at the Nocturne, Velda."

"Thanks sugar. Now..." she began, dragging the end of the whip's handle along the underside of the goat's muzzle, "don't let me hear you make a mistake like that again, or I might just have to punish you properly." With a flick of her wrist, sending long strands of caramel-colored hair across her shoulder, she strutted back to her spot; a small red foam triangle attached to the tip of her silky smooth tail.

After her was Eagler's turn; which consisted of another little song & dance before moving on to the next contestant. The remaining dancers, while certainly attractive, didn't have either the notoriety, or the personality, to be memorable. There was the female jackalope dressed up as your stereotypical French maid; who reminded the lion of Nadine, the coat-check girl. The male canine with a black and white patched pelt in skintight army fatigues accessorized with a pair of dog-tags and black combat boots. And the female red salamander with large fox ears and tail dressed up in nothing a bikini, stilettos, leather bracers and anklets, and collar, complete with a leach around her neck.

Next up was the entertainer next to him, a stallion of short stature, only coming up to about his muzzle. His colors were typical of a palomino; his pelt the shade of freshly baked bread while the cream-colored marks on his forehead formed a smudged cross, and his snow white mane was carefully braided and thrown over his shoulder. Dressed as a cowboy, with a wide brimmed black leather hat and matching vest left open to reveal his sculpted pecs and abs. To that he wore a pair of low slung faded blue jeans, walnut colored fringed chaps, and riding boots with spurs. The look completed by a pair of hip holsters, each stuffed with a neon pink revolver. "The name's Ronny," he announced before asking "Who wants to try breaking in this bucking bronco?" of the crowd, who answered back with a wave of enthusiasm and a mighty showing of paws willing to take him up on the offer.

It suddenly dawned on him, as he saw the gap in the line of dancers filled once again by the equine, that he was up next. "And last, but certainly not least, we seem to have a private school student who's come here looking for a study buddy."

The spot light suddenly swung over in his direction, tracking the lion's swagger across the stage. Staring out into the crowd, he could make out the faint outlines of Vi's cerulean scales behind the bar, her brother in the back corner, and Bulgar's bulk sitting on one of stools up front. With his right arm holding his books against his chest, his left paw innocently tugged at his bottom lip. "I really need help practicing for my oral exam."

Out of the corner of his eye, he could see words catch in Beauregard's throat for a second as he played the part of the impressionable youth. "What's your name son?" he asked, putting the mic before the lion's face.

"Mitchell, Sir." Releasing his lip, the feline began to fiddle with his tie; the oversized accessory giving the impression of a child playing dress-up in his father's clothes.

Reaching over, the goat squeezed his shoulder, "Well, son, I'm sure with presentation skills like yours, you'll do just fine."

"I hope so sir..." Maxi took a moment to nervously bite his lip; "Is there any way I can earn some extra credit?"

The M.C. chuckled, "Oh, don't you worry; I've got a few positions you'd be perfect for. But I can't spend all night talking; I've got a show to put on, so why don't you head backstage and get ready, hmm?" The lion enthusiastically nodded, squeaking as he felt the old goat pat him on the bottom. "Now, backstage we asked last week's winner, Sebastian, if he preferred to go first or last tonight, and it's no surprise what our little exhibitionist chose. So if the rest of our contestants would kindly exit stage-right, we can begin tonight's performance."

Unsure what else to do, the feline followed the rest of the dancers in a single-file line, and once they were out of view from the audience, caught up to Eagler. "So, how'd I do?"

"You were a natural. Have you ever done something like this before?"

"I've been on stage once or twice...but nothing ever like this."

"Well, you're certainly a fast learner. And not to be too forward, but my earlier offer still stands..." the moose implied, lowering his impressive rack of antlers enough to gently brush it across the side of the lion's cheek and up under his throat.

The lion's face flushed, but this time he placed his paw on top the flat part of the bone and gently pushed it back. "Perhaps later depending on how things go, hmm?" He had to admit, the moose/whale hybrid was pretty hot, but he was after a different prize tonight. As they stood and talked, he could hear music begin out on stage, a slow, rhythmic 'Noir Jazz' as Sebastian began his set. "Quick question, how long does each person have on stage?

Though wounded by the boy's rejection, he remained graceful. "Anywhere between five and ten minutes depending on how eager the audience is and how much nudity you want to show. But because Sebastian won last time, he gets an additional five minutes...and don't worry, he's gonna use it all, and then some."

"Thanks..." peering around Eagler's bulk, he scanned backstage; finding the slinky cat propped up against the back wall looking rather disinterested into a paper cup. "I'll catch you later, and if I don't see you before you go out, knock 'em dead, okay?" Maxi didn't hang around long enough after that to catch his parting farewells as he made his way towards the inappropriately dressed fireman.

"Hey..." Locke replied, looking up from his drink just in time to see the lion approach.

"Hey?! Is that all you have to say to me?" Maxi replied, leaning his left shoulder against the wall so he could face the other boy, arms crossed over his chest.

"What would you like me to say?" his inquiry dripping with thinly veiled sarcasm.

"An apology for one thing; I mean you drag me out here under the impression we would be together for the night. And here I am-"

"Things didn't go quite as planned," he said matter-of-factly.

"It's not like you to not have a back-up plan." It took a second for his words to sink in, but he could tell in that he had injured the other's pride. He abruptly changed topics. "So...what are you drinking?"

Closing his emerald eyes, the half-breed brought the cup to muzzle and inhaled deeply. "Some strong black coffee before I go on, it helps to keep me awake. But...I'll fix this, I promise. I don't know how just yet, but I will," he added on as an afterthought.

"I believe you," Maxi said, but no longer so sure of his convictions. It pained him to think what had started out so wonderfully this morning could end on such a drastically different note. And if this was going to be the crescendo of their masterpiece, he wasn't interested in an encore performance.

After that, they fell into a trance-like silence, neither willing...or able, to voice what concerns were on their mind. Eventually the music began to slow and a small red light came on overhead. Locke put his cup down, pushed himself off the wall, "That's my cue to get ready," grabbing the fake ax resting on the pile of dusty sandbags next to him.

"Mind if I escort you up," Maxi offered, taking the panther gingerly by the arm.

"I-I don't think that's such a good idea," Locke stuttered, obviously uneasy at the feline's affectionate grip on his paw.

The lion turned to him as they neared the first set of curtains, his eyes narrowing. "That wasn't a question."

"Oh..." the half-breed gulped, foreseeing the shit-storm of drama about to come his way. He had to think up a plan, and do it fast, if he wanted to make it onto the stage in one piece. As the pair rounded the curtain and approached the right wing of the stage, their bodies hidden from the audience, he could hear Beauregard thank Sebastian for his performance and start on his introduction.

As soon as the chimera was excused from the stage, he turned to see the lion clinging on to the arm of his boy-toy. He must've noticeably grimaced as he left the stage because the M.C. asked if everything was alright; "Everything's-ss fine, just a little kink in my leg. I must've pulled ss-something during my routine." He stayed off any further dialogue, and assured the audience that he would be in perfect condition to continue in the second half...though a certain school boy might not make it to his opening début. "What's-ss he doing here?" Sebastian hissed as soon as he was out of sight.

"What does it look like I'm doing here?" Maxi coyly replied, leaning over to brush his whiskers against the polf's silky smooth black cheek. "I was just about t-"

"To ask for my autograph, weren't you?" Locke butted in. fiddling around in his pockets before coming up empty, "But, unfortunately, it seems I don't have a pen on me at the moment. I'll get you one as soon as my set is over, okay? I don't wanna keep my fans waiting!" and with that, he politely, quickly, excused himself from between his romantic rivals and headed to the only place where he could be alone...albeit, while taking off his clothes in front of a live studio audience; the irony was not lost on him.

Off in the wings of the stage, hidden from the audience's view; "I don't know why he'd even waste his time talking to you..." Sebastian said eyeing other boy up and down as he caught his breath. Arms crossed over his chest, which was still heaving from his dance routine.

"I was just thinking the same thing," the lion retorted, returning the gaze with one of his own.

"I wouldn't mistake his generosity for deeper feelings," the chimera explained. "Locke's a sweet boy. He probably just didn't have the heart to tell you to fuck off and hurt your feelings...I, on the other hand, don't have such hang-ups."

Maxi rolled his eyes, "Oh lucky me."

"You're not wanted here! I'd suggest leaving before you get hurt."

"Did I hear you right? Did you just threaten me? Now buddy, why would you go and do something like that? I was merely complementing Locke on his outfit," the cat said with eyes like dinner plates.

Pointing a finger at the boy across from him, "First of all, I'm not your buddy. Secondly," he added another digit; "don't play me for a fool, I know exactly what you're up to. I've seen your kind before. Just because you're a Forsaken like Locke, you think you have so much in common and he'll jump into your arms. And lastly," raising a third claw; "It's not a threat, it's a guarantee! Because if you continue to wedge yourself into places where you aren't wanted, I...Will...Hurt you; and that, I can promise you!"

Instinctually, the lion flexed his paws, extending his retractable claws to pluck at the loose weaved fabric of his clothing; repressing the urge to lunge for the kill. "Oooo, I'm so scared. You've got me shaking in my little booties," he teased.

"Ouch, that really hurt," Sebastian said, feigning injury, "How about you put that sharp tongue of yours to use and kiss my ass!" Reaching behind, he gave himself a rather audible slap on the rear, leaving a mark on the fern-colored right cheek.

"I would, but I'd be too afraid of catching someth-" It was then that he noticed, dangling from Sebastian's paws, were the blue cotton jacket and matching shorts; the chimera's state of undress initially under his radar. Standing there in nothing but a blue silk thong, black leather gun belt, and police cap, his trim muscles flexed as he relaxed; the vibrant purple paw print visible, like a point of pride to all who cared to glance his way. Suddenly, the cat couldn't help but feel self-conscious at his less than perfect physique, the slight pudge around his mid-section, his un-toned arms and legs, and his unwillingness to show off what assets he did possess.

The other dancer quickly picked up on the envy in his eyes. Tossing his clothes over his right shoulder, he turned and headed towards the refreshment table in the back, all the while making sure the other male had a perfect view of his sculpted backside. "Seems I've put you in your place little kitten...Gee, that wasn't too hard."

Maxi tried to ignore his words, tried for forget everything about him; he found that watching Locke dance was the perfect cure for that. The music for his routine was raw, unadulterated trance with hot synthesizer pounding into the crowd like the fires of a burning building. His every move, each twist, turn, and pelvic thrust was as fluid as the imaginary flames licking at his heels. He had removed his helmet early on in the routine, and had recently opened the front of his plastic vest to reveal well-defined abs and maroon nipples peering out from under obsidian pelt.

As the dance went on, the lion couldn't help but wonder what he had truly gotten himself into once again. There was no way he could compete with them on talent alone. Granted, he had scored some early points with his costume, but to take them on toe-to-toe was something different. And if he didn't get that dance with Locke, Sebastian would; and he was getting tired of seeing his 'boyfriend' with someone else. This was not a life he wanted anymore, having to hide himself and his feelings from the world, or in this case, a jealous lover.

By the end of his set, the half-breed was glistening under a thin layer of sweat, chest heaving as he struggled to stand up long enough to take a bow. Suffice to say, the crowd went wild. Waiting in the wings to congratulate him on a terrific show, Maxi watched as Sebastian showed up on the opposite wing and quickly whisked Locke out of site. The next dancer was summoned, but he didn't stick around...he had a routine to practice.

Luckily, the cat found an empty space in a far corner of the stage; a small 5-by-7 foot section of concrete flooring surrounded on all sides by left-over lumber, bolts of fabric, and paint cans. Nonetheless, for the next thirty to forty-five minutes, this was going to be his studio. Deciding to start with some stretching, Maxi tried to touch his toes without causing a rip in the tight shorts before moving on to loosening up his arms and calves.

He had to admit, it was hard getting started, even harder letting go of his inhibitions and insecurities. Several times durring those first few minutes, he thought about giving up and making some excuse about why he couldn't compete. But every time he reminded himself that this wasn't just about him anymore, or even Locke; this was about proving something to himself, that when push comes to shove, he wasn't going to run away anymore. So with a deep breath, he suppressed his self-consciousness, and spent his remaining time training.

* * *

The lion was mid-way through his third repetition when he heard a knock on the drywall outside his 'studio'. Looking over his shoulder, he caught sight of the moose/orca half-breed staring at him. "Hey there Eagler," he said, a faint blush on his cheeks as he adjusted his shorts, which had ridden up the crack of his ass during his routine. "How'd you know where I was?"

"Some of the other dancers said I could find you back here..." he replied, dotting his forehead with a white handkerchief to catch the beads of sweat running down his long face. The cervine's shirt was still unbuttoned from his routine, the brown fur curling around the outlines of his pecs and abs; a faint trail of courser hair leading under the sterling steel belt buckle.

Maxi didn't have to ask why he was here. "I'm up next, huh?"

Eagler nodded, "You're on in five. I didn't want you to miss your opening call."

"Thanks..." the cat said, reaching for several napkins and a paper cup of water. "Guess I better head over. I'm still nervous."

"Don't be...nervous, that is. You'll do fine." the moose said, offering a paw to help the feline through the opening in the drywall.

Taking his first step a tremor ran up the lion's right leg, causing it to buckle at the knee and him to face-plant into the male's broad chest. "S-S-Sorry," Maxi mumbling, quickly straightening himself out, "I guess my nerves are getting the better of me."

"There's nothing to apologize for," Eagler said. He brushed off dust that had collected on Maxi's back before draping his arm over the cat's shoulder, steering him towards the stage. "Come on, I'll walk you over."

"Thanks...So how did your set go?" Maxi asked, head resting against the moose's right side as he fell in line with his steps.

"It went like always. I do this more to keep in shape then to appease the crowd's lust."

"You don't say?" Looking across his sculpted stomach, the lion caught sight of Locke and Sebastian canoodling in the far corner, and managed to catch the panther's green eyes as he moved; well, two can play at this game. Affectionately, he placed his pads on the larger male's bare stomach. "Well, it's certainly been working for you," he commented amid gently rubbing the course fur. Getting exactly the reaction he was hoping for, he could just make out the faint wrinkles forming on Locke's brow; the creases glistening against the matted black fur in the dim light.

"Is it really that noticeable?"

"Definitely." They were right behind stage right; he could hear the previous performer's second round of applause. "Well...guess I'm up next," Maxi said, taking several deep breathes.

"As I said before, you'll do fine. This is your first time, remember? So cut yourself some slack."


"Want to rub the antlers for good luck?" Eagler offered again, leaning down till they were within easy arm's reach.

This time, Maxi took the moose up on his offer. "Sure, why not?" wrapping his paw around the thick rack of bone, he gently stroked several times. On his last pass, he dragged his claws loosely over the spike, enjoying the sight of the larger male trembling under his actions. "Maybe some of your talent rubbed off on me," he teased before leaning in to plant a soft kiss on the wide bridge of the umber muzzle.

Eagler chuckled, returning the favor with a smooch of his own. "If it didn't, we can always try again later, hmm?" His larger paw reaching out to intertwine with the lion's golden digits.

"Perhaps, but if you don't let go, I'm gonna miss my stage call," he teased, squeezing the paw before releasing it, in the process allowing his fingers to trail over the thick black pads on the palm. With a smile and newfound boost of confidence, he strolled out across the stage; catching a quick glance of Locke's confused scowl on his way.

In the front of the house, the audience was just settling down from the previous performance when the old goat walked out from the opposite wing of the stage with the mic in paw. "A very moving performance, I know I certainly was moved in all the right ways..." he said, cupping his crotch with a gyration of his hips. The audience hooted in agreement. "And now last, but certainly not least, we have our final dancer for this evening. So put your paws together, if you can keep them out of your pants long enough, for Mitchell!"

The crowd certainly didn't fail to deliver a rousing applause as the lion took the stage, standing awkwardly next to Beauregard like a gangly, privately schooled scarecrow. "Thank you sir; I've been studying real hard sir."

"I bet you have, certainly makes me hard just picturing it." The crowd chuckled. "But before you show us what you've learned, how about you tell us something about yourself, like...where do you go to school little cub?"

Maxi had prepared for just such a question. "I'm a student at the School for Little Urban Trainees," the lion answered, drawing concentric circles with the tip of his shoe on the scuffed stage.

"The School for Lit-..." he began to repeat before picking up on the joke. Some of the audience quickly caught on, and for those who didn't...the goat peered over his circular rose-tinted glasses, smirking as he reached over and gave the feline's hip a quick squeeze. "Ahh, the infamous S.L.U.T. academy; you know, I graduated from there myself."

"No way! Really?" Maxi asked, playing along with their ad-libbed improvisation.

"Uh huh. I was quite the little tra-er-scamp in my day. Never listened to anyone, and had to be put in my place a lot. How's Mr. Longhorn doing? Does he give you a hard time?"

"Almost every day!" the cheeky schoolboy replied, pouting at the unfair treatment he received at the hands of his fictitious teacher. "Not a class goes by where he's not drilling one of his lesson plans into me!" The crowd drooled; salivating at the mental pictures of the innocent student being bent over a desk and given a rough 'talking to' by one of his professors.

The goat had to admit, the mental image tickled his senses, but he'd save that for another day; he had a job to do. "Well then, I hope you won't mind showing us what you've learned from your studies then?"

"Not at all sir...Do you all want to see my senior project too?" he asked the crowd, getting a rousing round of cheers in response.

"Guess it's settled then. The music will begin in about thirty seconds," he informed the young lion before briskly walking off stage. Luckily, the goat caught a good seat in the wings on either side of the stage before they became too overcrowded with other contestants checking out their newest competition.

Maxi turned to wave off his host; in the process dropping his stack of textbooks to the floor with a resounding THUD...exactly as he had planned. Hoping his timing right as he began counting down in his head '10, 9, 8...' as bent over at the waist to pick up his tomes. The lion lingered for an extra second or two, his internal clock a tad off, but soon enough the thumping base began wash over the room. And with the precision of a metronome he ass ticked away the starting seconds; keeping track of the beat till it appeared the ripples of sound were emanating from his movements. The feline quickly forgot about his schoolbooks...along with everyone else.

His tail arched up like the lure of an angler fish, drawing one's eye to the khaki globes of his rear. Staying in character, he offered an innocently embarrassed look over his shoulder, cheeks tinged rouge, as if he had no idea this was going to happen. He stood up slowly, rolling his back in one fluid motion. With one paw on his hips, he began to swivel them in large circles, his shoulder rocking along with the sounds. Maxi's whole body began the task of repeating his routine from earlier, his limbs and abs undulating in brief pulses of furious movement between patches of less hectic moves; but always moving.

With a sudden twist, he faced the front of the stage, paws moving to tug gently on the front of his vest with an innocent pout pooling on his lips. The lion glanced out across the crowd, feeding on their collective attention like a vampire. He didn't let himself get distracted however, and with his hips still gyrating, his fingers worked the thin khaki material over his shoulders; allowing the first of his clothing to hit the floor.

The crowd applauded as they waited with baited breath for his next reveal.

With vest gone, Maxi's oversized striped tie became much more pronounced against the ivory white dress shirt, who's ruffles ran along the underside of the collar and down either side of the buttons before being tucked into the beige shorts. The cat's arms then angled, putting his paws palm-down under his armpits before gently gliding their way to his hips, hugging each and every sinewy curve of his body; proclaiming them for the entire bar to see. And when he got to as far as his paws could reach, fingers reaching just to the hem of his shorts, he gave a rear end a rather audible slap with a girlish giggle.

Taking a few steps forwards, carefully timed with the music, he stopped in a wide stance maybe three feet from the edge of the stage; and only one foot from the dozens of grasping arms. Thrusting his upper half forwards, he bent himself in half till he could grab his ankles, curling his neck up to catch the crowd's reaction. They were speechless, eyes glued to his ass sticking into the air, the lion's tail arched even higher like a fisherman's lure, baiting their attention with the signal for fresh meat.

With a wiggle of his hips, he closed his legs as he slowly stood up, dragging his claws over the front of his body till they were back up at his neck. Cupping either side, the lion showed off his vulnerable throat to any predator looking to pounce on the private school student. As he swayed his head back and forth, his fingers carefully plucked at the tie's knot until he could slip it seductively from his neck.

Cracking it like a whip, Maxi took the tie by each end and ran it over his muzzle, dragging his pink tongue along the silky fabric in the process. Turning away from the crowd again, he slipped it through his legs, pulling it along his inner thigh to rest just under his balls. The cat hiking his tail up to give the audience of better look of the stripped fabric nestled between his ass-cheeks as he slid it back and forth. He shot them a sultry wink over his shoulder before facing them, balling up the tie, and throwing it into the crowd; who jumped on it like a pack of wild beasts. Maxi hoped Boo wouldn't mind the costume missing a part.

By now his set was about half over; and he was going to have to show a lot more skin if he had any hope of taking home top honors...along with a certain sexy fireman as a consolation prize. As the tempo in the music picked up, hints of a classical influence peeked in through the pulsing club tracks. With the tie gone his paws returned to hanging from his neck, elbows resting at about nipple level as the rest of his body swayed in time to the music. Clawing at the collar of his shirt, the lion suddenly felt hot as his fingers furiously worked to undo the top buttons; pushing open the thin white fabric to reveal his light tawny underbelly for the hungry crowd to feast their eyes upon. Sliding two fingers under the cloth, he made large circles around first his right nipple, and then his left. The lion flared his lips with eyes half closed, and though unable to hear him, the crowed knew the big cat was purring.

Maxi surprised himself at the sounds he was making; shocked at how much he was getting into his routine. He stopped before getting too distracted and returned to undressing, making sure to skip the next button and undo the rest. This allowed for the tails of his shirt to blow back behind him as he moved across the stage, keeping his nipples hidden but showing off the thong's thick white stripes painted across his hips. The performer gave an innocent gasp as the audience let loose a battle cry for more as they watched the school boy shed his innocence, much like his clothes, before their eyes.

His set was coming to an end, and Maxi planned to exit with a bang. The course fur at the tip of his tail kept pace with the music as the rest of his body slowed down; narrowing his stance, Maxi swung his hips left and right in exaggerated curves as his claws fingered the silk straps of the thong. Tugging them higher, the feline squealed as the thin fabric creased the crack of his ass and exaggerated his package. With his bulging leonine pride now straining against the fly of his khaki shorts, every time he twisted his hips, it would rub against the sheer material, sending shivers up and down his spine.

As the music reached its crescendo, Maxi drew his fingers away from his lips, where he had been suckling on them while his hips entertained the crowd. Dragging his claws across his muzzle and over his neck before pushing them through the dense golden pelt of his chest, the lion teased every last drop of patience from the audience. He slipped his paws under his thong in order to adjust himself with a thrust of his hips. They waited with baited breath as one paw popped the snap, the other began working on the zipper, gently peeling away the fabric to reveal more tawny fur; timing it right so that just as the barbed crimson tip of his lionhood appeared over the rim of his snow white underwear for all to see...

The music dropped out...

The lights cut to black...

And the audience cheered...

* * *

By the time the lights came back on, the lion's pants were fastened and his shirt was buttoned to the collar; one paw was holding the vest over his left shoulder as the other tucked his school books against his right hip. Maxi's innocent smile was back on his face as he gently swayed back and forth, his tail curling around his waist as he waited for the MC to return. The only thing missing from his original ensemble was his oversized tie; proof to the audience that what they had witnessed wasn't just a collective hallucination.

Right on time Beauregard reappeared from the right side of the stage to his own round of applause, sauntering across to stand next to the lion. "Wow! What a performance folks; am I right?" The club shook as its patrons stomped their feet in agreement.

Maxi bowed, a faint blush coloring his amber cheeks. "Does this mean I pass my test Mr. Beauregard?"

The old goat chuckled from behind his rose colored glasses. "Hmm, now I don't know..." he said, reaching up to rub one of his stubby horns in deep contemplation. "How about we throw this to the audience?" The lion nodded. With that, he pointed the microphone towards the crowd, "Well, what do you all think? Did he pass his physical examination?"

The concentrated sound of praise thrown at Maxi from the crowd nearly blew him off his feet. "I'll take that as an A+," the lion chuckled, rocking on the pads of his paws.

"I'd say you passed with flying colors," the host said, patting him on the back before reaching around to grip his opposite shoulder and pull him in closer. "But, and I want the truth now, have you really never done this before, Mitch?"

"Nope, never; cross my heart and hope to graduate," the feline drawing an "X" across his chest perfectly situated between his nipples.

Beauregard smirked, ruffling the lion's mane with his free paw. "How could I doubt such an innocent face?" he teased.

Maxi teasingly nibbled on his bottom lip, toying with the tuff of course hair at the tip of his tail, now wrapped around his hips. "I certainly wouldn't lie to you Sir. If any of the teachers ever caught me telling a fib, I'd get a very stern...talking to," He winked.

The goat appeared to understand where the cat was coming from. "And none of us would want to see that happen to such a young, innocent student as yourself, would we?" He enjoyed watering the seeds of lust that the boy had planted in the minds of the audience. "But they'll be more time to show off your studies in the second half of our show. Now, if you wouldn't mind joining your fellow contestants backstage, I can explain to those new in the audience how the remainder of our show works."

"No problem," the lion boy said with a cheeky grin. Tucking his books and vest against his chest with one arm, he waved an enthusiastic good-bye to the audience and turned to saunter off. Standing off in the wings to his left was a familiar fireman with a longing look in his emerald eyes; where his clingy police captain was, he didn't know, but by the way he curled his fingers in a come-hither motion he thought they'd have time to talk. And on his right lounged a large lumberjack, his impressive rack of antlers busy scraping away at the anti-rust paint covering the steel beam adjacent to him; with his red and black checkered shirt still open, Maxi could see him reach into his pants to adjust himself, all the while greedily grinning at the lion looking him over.

Suddenly, and without input from his brain, his feet began to propel his body forwards based solely on instinct. Before he knew it, they had carried him far from center stage and into a pair of waiting arms hidden in the wings. Paws gently caressed his face, fingers brushing through his whiskers and across his black, wet nose; eagerly they wrapped around the lion's middle, pulling him against their owner's chest with a playful squeeze. Dizzy with the rustic smell of earthly mulch, Maxi felt his tawny cheeks redden as he stammered to find a conversation starter.

Luckily...he didn't have to as the other male was quick to break the silence with a well-received pat to the feline's back, "You were fantastic out there. You really knocked their pants off...literally."



* * *

Hope you enjoyed the newest instalment. And remember, this pup enjoys reading your comments almost as much as he enjoys replying to them.