Zim pets Part One

Story by Dregna on SoFurry

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Zim Pets Written by Dragna draconova Warning : This story is about homosexual m/m and part of fetish such as mind control, master/pet, torturing and slit sheath fucking!! so who is under 18 please do not read this. Main Character Dregna draconova : The anthro blue dragon Sundavar : The anthro red dragon

  • * * Part one : The new life under the control game It was time to release high technology in the real world. The anthro blue dragon walked to the door as he heard someone knocked on it in front of his mansion. He opened and looked forward curiously as he saw nothing except one box on a floor in front of him. It was pretty big with something heavy in there as the dragon picked it up and walked back into his mansion with a loud shutting door. He walked passing a living room and slowly put the box down on a table in a kitchen. He looked at it lightly and could only see one message on a small paper at the side of it. " For my best student, Dregna....Professor Aistile..." The dragon shook his head and chuckled lightly as he knew that person, he was his old teacher in a college where he had ever been there before. It was about two or three years since he had graduated from a college. He and his teacher had the same thing that they were interested, a high technology for the lifestyle such as cleaning robot, security machine, safety devices in a home and etc. Most of all Dregna interested about high technology in a computer game. He had ever been success with his new computer game that was created by himself. It got the top-ten in a magazine and made a profit back to him until he could buy this mansion. He opened a box slowly and started checking in, watching at a small device with one disc on the top of it. He took them up and one paper dropped down with the new message like a detail of this thing. " Put it into your computer and wait for the new driver setting in...after that download a program in this disc then....have fun..." The dragon nodded lightly and picked those stuff to his own bedroom. He stepped in and walked over to a computer desk as he started setting a new device into his CPU. He fixed it and finally it was done as he turned on his computer and sat down on a chair in front of a monitor. The new command was shown up that it found a new hardware and asked him to download a program. He did not waste his time so he put a disc into his computer then the new program started running to set up inside his CPU. He waited for a minute until the program was successful. He looked over and noticed that there is a new icon appeared on a desktop. He clicked it and the new window started to turn on, showing the title that " Zim pets " The dragon was confused as he realized that it is familiar The Sim game but there was something different as he saw the new pop-up was appeared. It showed something that made this young dragon interested so much, the character of the anthro red dragon on the screen with a detail on a blank below it. Name : Sundavar Type : Anthro red dragon Age : 21 Sex : Male Tall : 7 feet Description : Red scale all over body and wings except the front side that is bright red, two black horns and golden hair....more info please click select any parts of his body... The dragon murred at the detail and noticed that this character is almost look as same as him. It was just different at some parts such as his color, he was almost blue all over his body even his large wings and his long tail, except his front side that was light blue and his two brown horns on his head with golden hairs that slide down along to his shoulders. He grinned evilly and grabbed a mouse as he moved the pointer to the red dragon then clicked at that body. It came up more closer to his sight and allowed him watched everything on that naked body. He murred and clicked the chest first then a detail was popped up. " Smoothly and muscular , two pink sensitive nipples " " Mrrr...good..." He said and slowly moved a pointer down even more until it stopped at the red dragon skinny slit sheath. He clicked it and more interesting detail was popped up. " Very sensitive slit sheath and easily to leak a lot of fluid out when it was touched by something....9 inches human shape cock is hidden inside and always ready to shoot his countless sperm..." " Ohh god...we have the same thing, you sexy boy..." he said to the screen as his own slit sheath swelled up lightly under his shorts, the only thing that was covering his firm body while his muscular chest was exposed to the air even his six abs on his belly also. " God...this is just a game or...real person ?...he is look the real person truly" He moved a mouse again then clicked at button " Accept this character to your home " The dragon smiled and double-clicked to confirm his decision then the new window was appeared. " Program Sundavar...Activate!!..." After this command, all of program were shut down. The dragon was confused for a minute until he heard someone knocked on the door in front of his mansion. He went over to open a door then gasped with surprised or maybe shocked. The anthro red dragon who was standing in a simply white shirts and green shorts in front of him. He was look the same one that he had seen in that program, Zim pets, red scale, black horns and golden hairs on a head. He was younger than him about 1 year as he remembered that program told him about this red dragon was 21 year old. He shook his head lightly to wake him up from the shock then began to speak. " Umm hello...uhh you are...Sundavar ?..." The red dragon nodded lightly with blushed then said " Yes sir...and what is your name ?..." " I...I am Dregna...Nice to meet you..." Dregna looked at Sundavar then smiled to him as he invited the younger dragon came into his mansion. Seem Sundavar knew that why he is here but he still blushed and silent for a minute. " I...come here to be your pet sir...." Sundavar 's word made the blue dragon turned to watch him with surprised. Actually he should to be happy with this because he had been looking for a pet so many years. But there was one question that was still running around his head as he could not understand that how does that program make this. " Is he a real...or some sort of...robot ?..." He though to himself. " Don't be surprised sir...I am a real person really...Doctor Aistile safed my life and I donated my body to be his program..." Sundavar said and walked closer to Dregna with blushed. " I...I don't understand...why ?...and how ?..." Dregna said curiously and still looked at the red dragon. " Well sir...After I died in a car accident, Doctor took my body and...fixed it with his technology until I was back to alive...there was nothing to be changed except one thing sir..." " Oh...what did he do with you ?..." " He...put a microchip into my body and programmed me to be your servant...He said that you are looking for someone to obey you for entertaining and I am willing to be that one for you..." Sundavar said and looked down lightly. Dregna was silent for a minute as he could not believe that his teacher did this so far, making a new life and controlling him like a machine or device. He nodded with understanding then looked at that red dragon again. " Well...if you are a program...so do you have a feeling like me or everyone ?...." " Yes sir...I am still a furry dragon like you...just my mind is controlled by that chip so you can command me by download this file..." Sundavar said and took something out of a pocket, showing the USB port then handled it to his new master. Dregna looked at it and smiled lightly as he took that thing and leaded his pet to his bedroom. The computer is still on in a sleepy mode so he woke it up and plug a new device in. Autorun was appeared and started showing the one folder. He clicked it and looked into a screen as he saw the new icon " Sundavar mind " He looked back to grin at the red dragon who was still standing shyly then turned back to watch the program. After he gave double-click, a small window was appeared on a screen. It showed his pet 's currently status and everything that he wanted to know. Pet's name : Sundavar Mood : Shyly Sex status - Slit sheath : Tightly shut - Penis : Softly and moist - Bladder : 80% Full - Ballsac : 100% Full Thinking : wondering that his master would accept him or not. Hint : To change this status, please click edit and type your new command in a blank behind the title... Dregna looked at this detail and chuckled lightly as he saw the Edit button that's mean he could change by typing any word in each title to control his pet by himself. " Ohh such a great program I got...thanks god..." He said to himself and grined evilly as he started trying to play this game. First he selected the mood and started typing to change "Shyly" became "Horny". He chuckled and moved down to select the bladder and changed "80% Full" became " 95% full ". After he did this, Sundavar moaned softly with something that was changing inside his body. He felt hot and sweated out like he was burning until he could not want to take these clothes anymore. Dregna looked at him and chuckled again before he moved to the title of Thinking. He deleted the old command and started typing the new one " asking his master to allow him naked in his room " Dregna looked at those new commands that he had just put in then he heard Sundavar moaned again and started saying to him " Master ?...May I take off these clothes ?..." " Yes, you may...naked all for me , boy..." Dregna smiled and watched the red dragon slowly took off his shirts and shorts then threw them away like a waste. His red naked body was exposed completely to his master who stared directly at him. He shivered and murred deeply as he felt his bladder was going to be full soon. " Ah sir...may I go to a toilet ?..." " Yes, you may...my bathroom is behind me..." Dregna replied and pointed the way to get in a bathroom while his pet was running quickly to let loose his fluid. Dregna chuckled and turned to look at the screen again, watching how was the status going now. Pet's name : Sundavar Mood : Horny Sex status - Slit Sheath : Opening - Penis : Slowly gets hard and shooting its pee - Bladder : being released , 50% Full - Ballsac : 100% Full Thinking : Ohh yess...that 's better...pee...pee... Hint : To change this status, please click edit and type your new command in a blank behind the title... The blue dragon laughed at the detail especially on the Thinking title. He chuckled a bit and started getting the new idea into his head. He clicked at Slit Sheath and changed the command from "Opening" became " Permanently wide open " then went on the next title, Penis. He deleted the command and changed it to be " Get fully hard and back into a slit " then he pressed enter. Sundavar moaned loudly in a bathroom as he could not shut his slit sheath, it was opened forcefully wide until his fresh muscle wall was exposed and touching in the cold air. His cock got hard fully erection 9 inches long and 3 inches width in a second but then it quickly pressed back into his slit sheath, making a tight bulge swelled up under his groin until his hard cock was now disappeared from the sight. He moaned and got more hornier and hornier before walked back to his master for asking him. " Ohh sir...I am...I am" " Fucking horny , right ?....hehe yeah I see that feeling in your profile..." Sundavar nodded and seem his shyly face was disappeared from now on, leaving his horny and lustfully face to his master as he arched his hip upward to show his opening horny slit sheath. " Ohh watch this master...my slit sheath want to show itself to you..." Dregna chuckled and looked closely to that sensitive part, it was red and wet with the clear fluid around that muscle wall. He got hard for this view and started rubbing himself under the desk lightly. " Ohh yes...I am watching your slit...it opens so widely and very red, boy.....hmm it is such a naughty slit also to show itself in front of his master without shame..." He said playfully and poked the muscle wall with his middle finger, making his pet moaned and slowly leaked his clear fluid out more. " Ohh yes...you said right, master...I have no shame to show my slit in front of you....I love to show off...I love to be exposed sir..." Sundavar said a bit loudly and to his master. " Good...I want to see more of that nasty thing too...now stretch it even wider , boy..." Sundavar nodded with a command then he moves his two paws to his opening slit sheath, hooking those moist lips with his own fingers and started pulling them apart. The red muscle was shown up more clearly even his now fully hard cock. He looked at his master and noticed that he is staring at his exposing slit sheath in every second. He walked more closer and closer to his master then said " Please...take my slit , master..." Dregna murred in lust and grinned evilly. The only thing that he could see was the redden and opening wet slit sheath, his muscle wall was so freshly and beautifully. He could not stop him and slowly moved his free paw to that sexy part. He touched it and starts sliding three fingers in while it was still being forced to open for his master. " Ohh yess....master...please...whole hand..." Sundavar moaned and whimpered with needed as he felt those warm finger rubbed against his sensitive muscle, making him loosed up and produced more clear fluid out to the outer skin. " Mmmm...so wet and a bit smelly in there , boy...you should be punished for this..." Dregna chuckled and sniffed his pet 's slit sheath lightly as he started sliding his while paw into there, rubbing and exploring everything for his treasure while his pet 's fluid was still flowing to wash his paw. " Ahh...bad...bad slit...Mrrr..." He said with lust and started pounding the muscle wall hardly, shaking his fist and punching everything in there then moaned lightly with the feeling of warm wet fluid spewing out from the deepest much more than ever. " Ohh god!!...ohh...ohhh!!..." Sundavar said with a loud moan as he had never been fisting inside his slit sheath before. Luckily that program made his muscle slit opened wide enough to get this treat but anyway he really enjoyed it so much. He looked at his master with half-open eyes and started humping back and forth to increase more power of that fisting paw. He felt his muscle wall tried to clench around his master although his slit sheath was still opened extremely wide. " Ohh fuck...ohh god...ohh yes!!..." He moaned and groaned in each punching of his master 's paw as his hard cock started shooting his precum out from this stimulation. " Ahh...I see your precum now....Mmm wanna blow your sperm out from this badly slit, dragon ?..." Dregna asked softly and kept punching that slit with his whole more harder and harder now. " Yess sir...my slit is very bad...please...I need to blow my sperm!!..." Sundavar said with a loud groan and tried to hump even faster and harder in respond. " Yeah...your slit sheath is just a badly thing...never shut and hide its treasure from me...so punish it by your own!!..." " AAhhh yes sir...I am....AAhhh!!..." Sundavar shut his eyes tight and roared out loudly with a last punching of his master's paw. His slit sheath was swollen and completely red like a fresh meat as his thick cum quickly blew out like a strong fountain, washing Dregna 's paw and his own lower body with a thick fluid until there was nothing came out. " Mmmm...good boy...you punished that slit so well...now let 's see your status a little..." Dregna chuckled and wiped the dragon cum out of his paw with a towel before he moved back to sit down in front of a computer then watched the status. Pet's name : Sundavar Mood : Tire Sex status - Slit Sheath : Opening and messy with cum - Penis : Slowly gets soft and dripping some drop inside the slit - Bladder : 5% Full - Ballsac : 40% Full Thinking : Mmm this is fucking horny for me... Hint : To change this status, please click edit and type your new command in a blank behind the title... He chuckled again and quickly changed the command at the Mood from "Tire" became "Horny" then put the new command "Always opening and leaking fluid " at the Slit Sheath. He grinned and walked over to his pet who murred in lust and got horny again without the reason. " Well...seem your bad slit have not gotten a punishment enough...it is still opening for more , boy..." Dregna said and slapped his pet 's opening sex lips lightly. " Merff...Ahh yes sir...it is very bad...please punish more..." Sundavar gasped at the slapping then moaned with pleasure. " Ok...lay back on my bed and stretch that thing to get ready..." Sundavar nodded and crawled over to a bed then rolled onto his back with his legs spread as wide as his slit sheath did for his master. Dregna chuckled lightly with what he saw as he slowly took his shorts off, revealing his naked firmly body completely to the poor red dragon. " Ahh...prepare yourself , bad boy...bad slit..." He said playfully and started crawling over to the red dragon who was looking at him seductively with his slit sheath that was always opening and leaking his fluid out following that command in a program. He knelt down between his pet's legs and slowly pulled his semi hard cock out of his slit sheath. It was look the same one of his pet's cock, human shape but he was longer and thicker than him with 13inches long and 4 inches width. He murred and jacked himself off lightly until his meat grew up to the full erection then. " Ahh...moan and speak fucking horny to me , boy...I like my pet say that when I am going to fuck him..." " Yes...yes sir...fuck...fucking horny..." Sundavar said softly to him and suddenly groaned out in pain mixed with pleasure as he felt his master started pressing the mushroom head tip through his slit sheath, making his muscle wall stretched following its size almost over the limit while his fluid was leaking out more and more to help him. " Grrr...ohhh fuck...I am so fucking horny sir..." " Good ...now it 's time to punish that fucking bad slit, my boy..." Dregna said and started thrusting all his way into his pet, feeling the great wet muscle wall began to clench around his shaft then loosed up again as he started moving his hard cock in and out. He looked down and watched his pet's slit then grinned as he could see it stretched back and forth following his thrust, making him got more hornier and hornier to fuck this then. " Ohh yess...master...you are so big...and over fit in me!!..." Sundavar moaned loud and grabbed a bed sheet on the side as he felt more power began to push into his sex door. His master groaned and started humping a bit harder but not faster enough to make him climaxed in this moment. He watched his master in every action and enjoyed the feeling in every minute, his opening slit sheath was being pounded like a pussy and he could not stop this from his own lust as something in his mind commanded to his muscle for welcoming that hard cock to push n and out all the time. More fluid leaked out and soaked on his lower body as his master increased more speed to fuck him now. " Ahh haa...haa...ohh yess...this is so fucking good...your slit is so tight...very warm and...fucking dirty wet!!..." Dregna said in lust the moaned loud as he started humping his hip back and forth more faster and harder, making the sound of his cock slurping and his ballsac hitting with his pets' own echoed more louder and louder in the room. He watched his pet's slit once again and noticed that the muscle wall is red and completely wet now. " Ohhh ohh god...I am cumming...Ohhh!!..." He said and roared out loudly in esctacy as he pushed all his way into the opening red wet slit, locking his hard cock inside and started blowing his hot thick seed out to fill the small room inside. His hot sperm began to flow and bath everything inside his pet even that helplessly 9 inches cock until it could not hold itself anymore as well. " Master!!...master!...Your cum is so hot...I make me to...Ahhh!!..." Sundavar roared out suddenly after he got the hot seed from his master. His own hard cock throbbed against his master before it started shooting his seed out so heavily. He could feel his slit was swelling up and getting tight with many things in there, his cock, his master cock, his cum and his master cum. " Ohh yeah...it is fucking dirty in there now , boy...well let me see..." " Yes sir..." Sundavar nodded and moaned softly as his master slide his hard cock out of his opening red wet sex, letting their cum spewed out with a sound of slurping until the thick cummy cock was out of the way. He groaned and tried to kneel up slowly as he started showing himself to the blue dragon again, reaching to his slit sheath then stretched its lips apart widely while his master was moving down to look at it. " Ohh yeah...such a good view...your red muscle...your cock and our cum...those are all in there...." Dregna said and murred deeply as he kept watching at it. " Ahh master...from now on...I am yours , right ?..." Sundavar asked softly as he knew that he have not gotten the answer from his master yet since he met him. " Well...sure...you are mine now...I had sex with you so rough like that, it mean I really like you and want to be with you..." Dregna replied and nodded to his pet. Sundavar smiled happily and leant to hug the blue dragon. He felt warm and safe when he was belong to someone and he was sure that Dregna is the right one that he is looking for in his life. He did not care about his master's fetish because he liked them all especially slit sheath torturing and slit sheath fucking. Those were all incredible and wonderful. He hoped that one day he will get these fetish again. Dregna looked at his pet for a minute then he turned to a wardrobe at the side of his room. He opened it and took something out before he walked back to the red dragon. " Here is the gift for you, my boy...take it and you will be mine forever..." He said softly and lifted that thing up to show this pet, the golden collar with a purple jewel hanging on it. " Ohh master...thank...thank you...it is so beautiful..." Sundavar said happily and took a collar to wear it around his neck. His red scale and this golden stuff were suitable and made him look more nicer than before. He knelt down on a floor and bowed his head to thank the dragon who was standing in front of him then smiled. " So...Is there anything else that I can serve you more sir ?..." Dregna grinned with the offer and turned to look at his computer again. He clicked and check the status of his pet lightly. Pet's name : Sundavar Mood : Happy Sex status - Slit Sheath : Slowly shut and full with cum - Penis : Soft and sticky with cum - Bladder : 12% Full - Ballsac : 25% Full Thinking : He fucked me so rough...I love him so bad... Hint : To change this status, please click edit and type your new command in a blank behind the title... He chuckled lightly and selected Ballsac then changed the word "25% full" to "100% Full". The red dragon roared out in a second as his balls quickly produced his sperm to fill in his sac until it was full again. He bucked up lightly and moaned in lust as he want to show his master that how much he love this. " Ahh...seem you are ready for more once again..." Dregna asked his pet with grin. " Ohh yes...I am still fucking horny sir!!..." Sundavar said with need and humped lightly. Dregna nodded and noticed his pet's Mood was changing to be "Horny" again as he checked on a monitor. He murred and selected Penis than typed "Get hard and spring out with shooting pre" then he pressed enter. Sundavar groaned and looked at his slit sheath then watching his hard cock sprung out to the air so quick with his precum shooting down to a floor. " Ohh master...I am so fucking horny...fucking horny..." He said this words all the time while his hard cock was still shooting precum out until it stopped as he saw his master was typing a new command into his program again. Suddenly he felt he could not control his lower body as it started humping by itself. He humped back and forth to the air with shooting precum splashed all over the room so hard, making some area got soaked and slippery with his clear fluid as he started to enjoy and let his master controlled him all now. " Ohh you are making my room get messy...fucking bad and horny boy..." Dregna said and chuckled to him as he walked over to hold his pet lightly, stopping him to hump and grabbed that shooting precum cock with his one paw. " Ahh...we are better to do this in a bathroom...now come on..." He smiled and took his pet to a bathroom while he was still holding and grabbing that hard cock all the time. He pressed Sundavar against the wall in the shower area then humped his hip lightly. He released his pet's cock and whispered softly " Well...you are in a good place now...fuck the wall and cum on it..." Sundavar moaned and nodded eagerly as he started humping against the wall, making his hard slippery cock crushing against the hard stuff then leaked more precum in respond. " Ahh ohh...ohh fuck...fuck the wall...I am fucking the wall..." He said to himself softly and kept doing more faster and harder by did not care that how does his hard cock feel, it was not his cock anymore...it was his master...his master was the owner of this cock and he was very happy that it got torturing by him. Dregna watched the show for a minute and stroked his thick cock lightly until it got hard fully erection again. He leant over to press his warm sweat body against the red dragon then stopped his movement with his paw on a hip. " Ohh wait , bad boy...you forgot one thing in this show..." " Ohh what is that sir ?..." " Here it comes..." " Ahhh god!!..." Sundavar groaned out loudly and tensed up a bit as his master started shoving his thick meat into his tail hole, stretching the ring and his muscle like he did onto his slit sheath but this time was harder and rougher than before. He shut his eyes tight and moaned as he could feel his master started pressing more deeper and deeper into his hole, inches by inches were sliding and rubbing against his hot muscle wall inside his entrance until finally he got all the way in. " Mmmm...ahhh so tight and hot , my boy..." Dragna said and humped up hardly once time until his pet yelped with the power inside his hole. He hugged Sundavar and started moving his hard cock in and out, zzzing his shaft with the muscle wall around it slowly and gently as he realized that his pet was new and maybe a virgin. He smiled and slowly let his pet got back to hump against the wall again while he was trying to do with the same rhythm. " Ohh yeah...ohh yeah...oohhh master!!..." The red dragon moaned happily and bucked his hip back and forth even harder and faster, hitting the wall with his head cock until it got red and very wet with his uncontrolly shooting pre while his anus was feeling the same with his master clear fluid. He closed his eyes and tried to imagine that how is it look inside his hole now, the thick hard cock was rubbing between his red muscle wall that got moist and slippery with clear fluid. " Ohh that was such a greatest thing I get...ohh so good...very good " He moaned and said to himself. " Ahhh mmm...ohh almost there , boy...your hole is very tight!..." Dregna said and grunted as he started fucking his pet harder and faster more than ever, hitting the dragon's rear with his groin while the red ballsac was slapping with his. Sundavar, the red dragon could feel it from his own hole that his master was ready to blow inside. He humped against the wall quickly and madly now to torture himself for more pleasure. " Ohh master...I need to cum!!..." " Ahh raaahhh...so cum , boy...cum...I am...I am cumming!!...Ohhh!!..." The blue dragon roared out loudly and rammed his hard cock into the red one who was moaning with a high tone in respond. His hard cock was locked between the muscle hole as the blue dragon started blowing his hot seed out to fill his pet. He shut his eyes and kept roaring out more and more as his seed was still being pumped out while his pet was going over the edge and started shooting his own cum to the wall at the same time. They stood in the position and let their sperm came out until their ballsac were dry. Dregna slowly pulled out with a sound of slurping and moaned softly to Sundavar who was panting and smiling happily to him. " Mmm...how was it, my boy ?..." " Ahh...Wonderful and...Great sir..." Dregna panted out and nodded lightly as he took Sundavar out to the bedroom. He stepped to a bed and laid back on there with his pet on the side. He held him closer and kissed his lips deeply then said. " Mmm...that was amazing...I have never had a great time like this before..." " Hehehe yes sir...I know..." Sundavar said back and shrugged to him lightly. " Well...I am just curious...If I shut down the program, you will be died or...frozen ?..." " Ohh no...I won't...If you shut the program , I will be myself...you can not control or put anything in me with your command..." " Ohh I see...but that 's mean if I want to control you , I have to use this computer only way ?..." " Hmm...kind of sir but...there is the other chance that you can control me without a computer...I have to say that I really like it and want to be controlled by you all the time..." Sundavar smiled and leant down to take his shorts up to a bed then sliding the unknown device out of a pocket. It was look like a remote but there was something different on it, the small screen on the top and two buttons below it, one was red and the other one was green. " Hmm what is this ?..." Dregna asked and looked at the device curiously. " This is a remote control, master...press the green button to turn it on and speak to give the order for your pet...he will do what you say and you can see him on the screen...and when you want to turn it off...press the red button..." " Ohh really ?...wow cool!!..." Dregna said with excited then took a remote from his pet. He looked at it lightly and grinned as he pressed the green button then said. " Get hard, boy..." Sundavar murred and looked down to watch his slit sheath then noticing his hard cock got hard and throbbed quickly. " Ahh you see ?...it 's better than to use a computer..." " Yes , I see...oh wow...I will enjoy this in the future , my boy...thank you so much..." " My pleasure sir..." The blue dragon smiled and hugged his pet warmly then kissed him. He walked to a computer and shut down as he started trying to learn this small device. He turned to Sundavar and grinned evilly. " Heheheh...well...wanna test this device with me , my boy ?..." " Hehehe sure...please give me your command sir..." Sundavar said and winked to him. " Ok...Penis!..Back to the slit..." " Ohhh..." " Slit sheath open!!.." " Ahhh " " Get wet...and stretch for your master now!!..." " Ohh yeah!!..." To be continue * * *

This is my first time about making the series story. Thank you everyone for the comment, vote or adding to be a favorite in your list. Part two is coming soon and I hope that you guys still look for it. Attention : Dregna is still looking for more pets to roleplay on msn...anyone interested, please get msn and add him to your list...thank you. [email protected]