Eevee's Story

Story by Dracofiend on SoFurry

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This was originally written as a request... April 2003

All three chapter's are together.

Imagine a wondrous field of wild flowers. Their colors mixing together forming a beautiful rainbow in the field under the watch of an ancient oak tree. These fields extend as far as the eye can see. Nearby dwells a small forest full of vibrant green plants, the canopy blocks out almost all the sunlight making it seem dark and damp. Most travelers will avoid the forest thinking it holds great evils. But at the center of the forest in a sunlit clearing sets a small cottage, and within that cottage lives two perfect creatures. Humanity would think them self blessed if they ever got the privilege of viewing these two. We call them Eevee...

Chapter one

We see the first of the two Eevee, walking around the back of the cottage. As she turns the corner you can see a small covered well with three stone steps leading up to its edge. She skips up the steps leaning over letting the bucket on the edge fall into the well. As soon as she hears a splash she starts pulling on the rope attached to the bucket, pulling the bucket out. She pours the water into a different bucket then carries it to a nearby tub. She pours the water into the tub, she notices that it's full enough now as she collects the buckets and storing them back at the well. She smiles as she calls for her younger sister to join her. A much younger Eevee comes running up. Her fur seems unkempt and dirty. Her tail dragging through the grass, sticks and burr's sticking out. No wonder her older sister is preparing a bath. The elder of the two sisters is perfect, every curve of her body just right, her eyes sparkling with a inner fire, her fur perfectly groomed.

The younger of the two steps into the sun warmed water, sighing happily as she slides completely into the large tub. Her sister pulls a brush from under a large old towel and starts running it through her sister's fur. She starts scrubbing her sister's head, taking care when brushing out each ear. She used her fingers as she cleaned around her sister's eyes, nose. The younger one licked her sister's fingers as they passed over her mouth. The older one batted the others nose playfully as she started scrubbing her sister's shoulders with the brush. Taking long strokes, dragging the brush through her fur wish slow even movements. She sighs as her sister continues to scrub moving down her back; She leans forward to give her sister better access to her back. As she finished with her sister's back she lightly pulls her back so she is leaning back in the pool. She takes the brush and starts scrubbing her little sister's chest, running the bristles over her nipples, watching them harden. She smiles as she reaches down and starts smoothing out the fur on her arms, making sure the dirt is washed out. She moves the brush lower dragging it in long slow strokes over her sister's belly making her giggle softly. The little Eevee closes her eyes and lets her sister wash the dirt from her. She moves the brush even lower brushing her thighs but avoiding her sister's tender area's. She uses the brush and her hands to clean her sister's legs smoothing out the fur and picking out any twigs, burr's and anything else that she finds. She motions for her sister to stand up and turn around. She stands up and turns her back to her sister, her sister starts washing her backside taking extreme care when parting her cheeks and sliding her finger between them making sure there is nothing left to mar the perfection. The younger Eevee spreads her legs slightly as her sister slides her hand between them rubbing her vagina slipping a finger between her lips causing her to gasp and grab the edge of the tub. She smiles as she continues to finger her sister; she reaches around and starts rubbing her small soft breast. Her sister moans and braces herself her body shudders as her orgasm nears. She howls softly as her sister brings her to an explosive release, her body falling into the water. Her older sister smiles and helps her out of the water drying her off with the towel. She puts her arm around her lover and helps her walk inside the house.

Back inside the house she sets her sister down on the bed to dry. She walks to the fireplace, picks up the poker and pokes the hot coals rousing the fire from its slumber. She adds a few extra logs to the fire and sets a pot of water over the fire to boil. She turns back to her sister; she pulls a small hairbrush from an open chest at the end of the bed and starts brushing out her sister's fur, fluffing it out helping it to dry. She continues brush for nearly a full hour. She sets the brush down as her sister goes outside to relieve herself. She puts a few herbs into the water, then pulls out a few carrots and radish out of a small wicker basket near the fireplace. She uses a small knife to cut these up, dropping them into the water. She stirs the soup a few times. She moves over to the small table on the opposite side of the room. She pulls two bowls off the shelf and sets them at the table. Her sister walks in closing and locking the door behind her. She sits down at the table her fur finally dried. She smiles sweetly as she waits for the food. The older of the two moves back to her pot checking the soup. She nods then pours a little into each bowl. After setting the bowls down she sits opposite of her sister and takes a wooden spoon and dips it into the soup then leans over the table bringing the spoon to her sister's lips. She giggles then opens her mouth letting the spoon slip inside. As the spoon is being removed she sticks her tongue out licking the soup from the spoon. They both laugh quietly then start eating from their own bowls.

After they are done eating they unlock the door they walk outside arm in arm. They go for a walk through the forest. Passing great oak tree's, small dwarfed pine trees. The reach the edge of the forest and peer out over the field of wild flowers. The eldest sister breaks away and starts running into the field, carefully stepping over the flowers. Passing through with the ease and graze only an Eevee could posses. Her tail waving in the breeze, her perfects body nearly floating along. Her sister cries out in surprise as she runs after her. The younger Eevee is not as graceful as her older sister but still very beautiful. Finally reaching the highest hilltop she could find the elder sister sat down amongst the flowers. Her sister tries to tackle her as she catches up but misses badly, they roll around in the grass laughing and tickling each other. The younger of the grabs her sister and hugs her close kissing her on the nose. They lay in the grass snuggling close to each other. They lay in the grass watching as the sun sets on another prefect day. They watch the pink and yellow sun-glazed sky until the starts start springing to life across the night sky. They both look at each other and kiss passionately, arms wrapped around each other. They both jump up as they hear a strange rattling noise coming from down the hill. They crouch peering over the lip of the hill and see a lone wagon drawn by two horses. What appears to be a rather slender young fox at the reins? He looks familiar, but they just can't place where they know him. Oh well they turn back and start walking home. The youngest slips her hand into her sister's and starts humming a sweet tune as they walk back through their forest.

They arrive back at their cottage; they clean up what little they can. They finish eating the soup, and then slip into bed. Their bed is made of goose feathers, the pillows also made of goose feathers. The blankets they used are of the softest cotton, crafted onto the blanket is a wondrous design of the pair as they looked when they were young, the youngest sitting in the elders lap holding a small stuffed fox doll. They cuddled into bed quickly falling asleep...

This morning starts the same as most. The birds sitting outside the single window sing a strange haunting melody. They sit outside the window looking in on the sisters. The Eevee sister's are cuddled up to each other. The younger entwined with her sister she snores quietly as she snuggles up never seeming to find a comfortable position, Wonder what's bothering her this morning...

Chapter two

Early the next morning the Elder of the two Eevee sister's wakes up and, after slipping from her sister's embrace she steps out to relieve herself. After she is finished she walks around back drawing water from the well. She carries the bucket back into the cottage and pours the water into the cauldron. She sets two more logs onto the coals and stirs them up, adding tinder to bring the fire back to life. She reaches into the bin of vegetables collecting two small carrots, a head of cabbage, and a few potato's, she adds these to the boiling water, then sprinkles in a little seasoning. She lets the soup set and steps outside. The sound of her sister leaving and the aroma of the soup boiling over the fire awaken the younger of the two. She stretches pushing the blanket off her body. She rolls onto her back stretching out her arms, then her legs; she pulls her tail around her body hugging it close. She closes her eyes as she start rubbing her tail across her small breasts her nipples hardening from the attention. She sighs as her left hand sliding down her body till it rests over her vagina; she slips her fingers between her outer lips pulling them open. She squeezes her nipple pulling it softly letting it slip between her fingers. She slips one of her fingers into her vagina, sliding it up to the second knuckle then sliding it out. She is interrupted as the front door opens; she looks up to see her sister standing in the doorway with a fresh bouquet of wild flowers. Her older sister smiles sweetly giving her a wink as she puts the flowers in a small vase on the table. The flowers spread a light scent across the room very quickly. The elder Eevee walks over to her sister sitting down next to her. She leans over licking her sister's lips. She opens her mouth letting her sisters tongue enter her mouth. She swirls her tongue around her sister's as they continue to kiss. The elder sister slides her right hand over to her sister's tender vagina, slipping two fingers all the way in, causing her sister to moan loudly. She pumps her sister's tight hole slowly. She breaks the kiss slipping her hand out of her sister; she climbs over her sister aligning her vagina with her young sister's mouth. She opens her mouth as her sister rests lightly on her face. She slides her tongue out gently licking her sister's tender vagina. Sliding her tongue up and down then pushing it into her sister's hole. She moans as her sister continues to lick and suck at her. She rubs her large supple breasts, squeezing each nipple. Her back arches as she reaches her orgasm, her juices flowing quickly from her. The young Eevee tries to catch the juices licking them up like nectar.

The elder Eevee moves down lying atop her sister. She licks the stray juices from her sister's face, her tongue sliding over one cheek then the other. She finally ends the journey at her sister's lips as they slip into a passionate kiss. She breaks the kiss as she slides down her sister's body licking and rubbing as she travels down. First sucking on her sister's left breast while massaging her right breast. She changes sides after a few passes. Her sister arches her back moaning softly, she reaches up running her hands through her sisters neck fur, pulling her sister's head closer to her own body. She releases her hold on her sisters breasts and slides further down licking her sisters belly tickling either side gently causing her sister to let out a sharp gasp. She laughs softly then travels even farther south. She stops when she reaches her sister's tender young vagina; she sticks her tongue out gently running it along her sister's tender smooth vagina. She uses her fingers to open her sister pushing her tongue as far as she can into her sister. She slides her left hand up her sister's vagina; she pinches her sister's clitoris. She screams loudly reaching a explosive orgasm. Pushing her sisters head into her groin as she cum's. The elder sister pushes herself away from her sister smiling sweetly her face glistening with her little sister's juices. She stands up helping her sister to her feet. Her younger sister hugs her licking her face cleaning what she can off. She smacks her lips as they part. The elder sister walks over to the cauldron spooning out two large bowls of soup. She sets them on the table as she pulls her sister's chair out for her. Her sister sits down, then she sits herself opposite of her sister. They eat in silence glancing at each other between bites. They drain their bowls; the younger of the two takes both bowls cleaning them out with an old but clean rag. The elder Eevee sister moves over to the bed, taking the blanket in hand she folds it out, setting it over the bed neatly. She reaches out taking her sisters hand as they prepare for their Walk through the forest.

They leave the cottage hand in hand, walking slowly admiring the scenery. They walk into the forest heading towards a rather large river that skirts the edge of the forest, also the boarder between the Eevee's lands and the neighboring village. From the river you can see the road the runs through the fields of wild flowers, heading straight to the village. The sister's never travel past the river, scared of being captured, tourtured or even raped by the villagers. Their mother had met her fate at the hands of the villagers.

They reached the Rivers edge, a beautiful blue water flows over a smooth rock strewn riverbed. Rare and exotic yellow flowers grow along the river. The youngest Eevee picks one setting it in her fur just over her right ear. Her sister smiles and shakes her head slowly. The young Eevee giggles softly and jumps into the water splashing her sister from head to toe. The elder Eevee growls and jumps in after her sister tackling her. They roll around in the shallow water for awhile wrestling with each other. After a short time the Elder sister gets the advantage grabbing her sister around the neck and dunking her in the water. She lets her up and pushes her away laughing loudly. Her sister turns on her, her flower falling from her hair as she lunges. The elder Eevee side steps her sister letting her falls face first into the water. She laughs as she helps her young sister to stand.

The younger Eevee sighs and dives underwater towards the middle of the river, she swims around surfacing splashing wildly. The sister's play in the water till the sun starts to fly low in the sky. The eldest Eevee crawls out of the water, motioning for her sister to follow. They lie in the grass at the edge of the forest letting the last rays of the sun help dry their soaking fur.

The sun sets, the girls stand up still wet but both smiling brightly, happy to enjoy another day. They walk into the forest; they walk for nearly five minutes before the younger Eevee pulls away from her sister. She brushes her tail across her sister's waist as she moves off to the side of the path. Her older sister follows knowing what her sister wants. She parts some hanging vines to reveal a collection of rather large black berry bushes. The youngest Eevee starts at the bush's plucking them gently from the bush and popping them into her mouth. The elder Eevee follows, plucking a berry then teasingly holding it over her sister's nose. The little one looks up snapping at the berry. Her older sister smiles as she drops it into her sister's mouth.

The younger sister sits in the grass at the base of the bush letting her older sister drop berries into her mouth. She lies back as her sister plucks another berry off the bush. She opens her mouth as the berry falls down, catching the berry and slurping it down eagerly. The older sister sit down across from her sister then slides forward till her legs are resting over her sisters. She slips another berry from the bush with one hand, parting her sister's vagina with the other. She slides the berry into her sister, pushing it in with her finger. Her younger sister moans softly enjoying the extra attention. She pulls the berry out and leans over putting it to her sister's mouth. She opens her mouth accepting the juice covered berry, rolling it around on her tongue savoring the flavor before biting into the berry and letting it slide down the back of her throat. She spreads her legs as her sister lays back putting one leg over her sister's and the other under her sister's legs pressing her vagina against her sisters. She plucks another berry smashing it between two fingers running the juices into their mashed vagina's causing both girls to moan softly. The elder sister pushes against her little sister rubbing her clitoris against that of her sister's. She holds her sister's legs pulling them closer together. Their bodies writhing as they slowly bring each other closer to the release they seek. The elder sister pulls a handful of berries from the bush cramming them between their wet vagina's crushing them using the juices to slide her finger into her vagina, slowly pumping her finger in and out. She moans softly releasing her juices onto her sister and the ground. She stops moving resting on the ground as her sister continues to press herself to her sister. After a two more pushes she grinds herself into an orgasmic bliss.

It takes the sisters awhile to calm down; they slowly pick themselves up walking slowly back to their cottage. After entering the cottage the sister's gently clean the berry juices and love juices from each other, their tongues not missing a single drop. The elder sister pulls the blanket down sliding under, inviting her sister to join her. They both rest together arms around each other. They quickly fall asleep in each others loving embrace.

Looks like this morning isn't as peaceful as most as the stray dogs are barking, what? Stray dogs are barking? Seems like there is some trouble going on outside the Eevee's cottage.

Chapter three

Both sisters are woken by the sound of several dogs barking outside their window. The eldest sister gets out of bed first; she grabs a large wooden spoon cracking the door open. Seeing it's currently safe she steps outside. The youngest sister is starting the morning meal, setting out hard bread, cheese, and celery. Her sister is creeping around the back of the house. She spots the dogs next to the well barking and howling at a poor little black fox, he looks strangely familiar. The dogs are clawing at the tree, jumping and snapping at the boy's tail, foot, or whatever slips into their reach. She runs up to the dogs flailing with her spoon smacking one in the backside hard enough that it's legs buckle and it sits down hard. She cracks the spoon on the head of another, the third dog runs off before she could swing at it the other two yipping and running after it.

She walks up to the tree holding out her arms for the child. The boy blinks at her a few times then reaches out letting Eevee help her out of the tree. "Thank you." The little boy says her eyes downcast. Eevee smiles softly giving the child a hug. Then she turns motioning for the child to follow. The boy follows her into the house. Seeing a visitor the youngest sister prepares an extra plate of food. "My name is Shift. Thank you for helping me, those dogs chased me all morning." Both sisters nod and sit down to eat. "What's your name?" Shift asked curious. The sisters looked at each other and shrugged. "We don't have any names that we know of." The eldest spoke softly. "Oh. I thought everybody had names." Eevee looks at the child; he is barely eleven years old well spoken. A rather scraggly youth, looking a lot like the Eevee sister's his black fur marked with glowing yellow rings over his left ear, on his back, and around his tail, bright glowing green eyes making he a really mysterious child. Eevee nods. "We had names once but we forgot them long ago." The child nodded. "Why do you two live here alone?" The eldest looks thoughtful for a moment. "Our mother was taken by humans, we ran away we found this glade and settled. We had help from a good fox to build our home." He nodded. "What may I call you?" He asked curious. She shrugs. "I don't know call me what you want." She smiles and pats him on the head. "I will call you Wisp, you remind me of a creature I once saw, it glowed with a inner beauty, same as you do, it was also fast like you. I was also unable to take my eyes of it to. He stares at her, she blushes. "I like it." He nods as he accepts the food from the younger Eevee. "I will call you Esper. You look a lot like my mother." Esper cock's her head and looks at him puzzled. "She really does not understand the human language very well. She can't speak it at all." He nods and starts eating. They sit and eat in silence.

Soon as they are all finished Esper collects the dish's and sets them aside to be cleaned. "We would normally go for our morning walk now. Would you like to join us?" Wisp asked. He shakes his head. "I lost my cloak near the river and I need to go look for it." She looked at him curiously. "Your cloak?" He just smiles. "Yeah I wear a cloak when I travel around the human villages, even when I travel through most of the fur's villages. I don't know why but most people are scared of me." She nods. "Well I am sure we can walk that direction if you would join us." He looks thoughtful for a moment then nods. "I guess it can't hurt to have all of us looking for it. It's a dull yellow cloak with a large hood." She smiles and nods as she turns to the door. Esper bounces exited, she walks over to Shift and hugs him, giving him a kiss on his cheek. "She really likes you, you're closer to her age than I am." He hurries after her. "How old are you two?" Her tail twitch's as she walks to the edge of the forest. "I would say I am around nineteen years, where she is around fifteen or sixteen." He nods. "I like it here, you're nicer than anyone else has ever been to me." She just smiles and puts her arm around his neck as he walks up to her. He rests his head against her side as Esper takes his hand in hers. They walk into the forest together.

After reaching the edge of the forest they separate looking for Shift's lost cloak. It was not to long before it was found snagged on a wild rose bush. They gathered the cloak folding it and making sure its in one piece. "Thanks for helping me find it." Wisp nods. Esper runs forward towards the river. She jumps into the shallow water splashing about; she waves for the others to join her. "Wow, she looks even cuter when she is wet." Esper just laughed softly. "She is overly playful, you will find out." He looks at her confused as she runs into the water, nearly tackling her sister. He places his cloak over rock, then runs after the girls. He runs into the water then lurches forward as his foot catches on something. He is pitched forward into the water, when he surfaces both girls are giggling at him. Esper ducks under water swimming away from the other two. Shift wades out into the deeper water and starts floating on his back. Esper surfaces near the middle of the river seeing her next target she starts swimming towards him, trying to be as quite as she can be. She gets closer and closer, finally she ducks under the water, swimming the rest of the way to him, and she wraps her arms around his chest and pulls him under. She pushes him up, as he surfaces he coughs and tries to stabilize himself. She surfaces next to him helping him stay afloat. She smiles and tickles him as soon as he stops coughing. "Did you have to do that?" He asked after he caught his breath. She just smiles and nods and swims to the edge of the water. He lays back and starts floating again watching the clouds in the sky as they float overhead. They lounge around for several hours playing in the water, lying on rocks sunning themselves dry.

"This was one of the best days I have ever had." Shift exclaimed as he got up smoothing down his fur. "I hope you enjoyed it." She looked over at him; he was pulling his cloak over his shoulders. "Where are you going?" She asked him. "I don't want to bother you to much longer, I was thinking I should leave soon." She smiles and laughs. "You're no trouble, you can stay with us as long as you like. It's nice having another of our kind around." He looked confused "You're kind? What do you mean?" She smile's and tries to explain. "We are the same, I guess your just different because you are. I don't know why but I know you're the same as we are." He shrugs. "I guess I could stay here a little longer. He lies down on a rock, Esper walks over and lies down next to him. She rolls over on her side putting one arm across his chest, snuggling up to him. "I think she wants you to stay longer." Wisp said, as she laughed as she stretched her arms, then her legs spreading them wide. He got a good view, his body responded by growing warmer. He could feel his heart beating faster in his chest; Esper had her head on his shoulder one leg draped over his. Wisp was nearby with one hand resting on her breast the other massaging the inside of her right thigh. He sighs, the blood pounding in his veins. "I feel like playing, how about you my dear sister." Esper looks up at her sister grinning from ear to ear. "Shift would you like to join us?" He fidgets with his cloak. "Join you with what?" She looks thoughtful for a moment. "I guess you might call it mating. Me and my sister play with each other every day." He looks exited; he slowly starts growing erect. Wisp smiles and says. "I will take that as a yes then, good my sister has never been with a male before." He nods as Wisp walks over pulling her sister off of Shift. "Let's go back into the forest its safer there, I don't want anyone to find us." She leads her sister back into the forest Shift following close behind his cloak wrapped tightly around him. She stopped not to far into and walks off the path leading them to a large collection of black berry bushes. "We eat now." She plucks a berry and pops it into her mouth. Esper grabs a hand full of berries and starts eating them one by one slowly biting them in half and letting the juices run down her chin, then using her tongue to lap them up. She turns to Shift offering him a half-bitten berry. "Uh thanks." He replies as he lets her slide it into his mouth, he closes his mouth over the berry and her finger, she slides it out slowly dragging it across his tongue. She licks her fingers then sits down and starts eating every berry she can find, smiling at Shift. Wisp is sitting on the other side of him licking the last of some berry off her hands. He notices a dark stain the fur on her thigh and around her groin. She smiles at him and asks. "Would you like to try one, they are really very good." He just nods as he watches her pluck a berry then spread her legs, she slips the berry into her vagina holding it in for just moment then letting it fall back out. She leans over putting it in his open mouth, he closes his mouth biting into the berry the sweet taste of the berry and Wisp mingle in a wonderful mixture of sweet and tangy berries, and a even sweeter taste of her essence. "I think you should tend to my sister she seems to be getting rather exited, we normally play every morning and we missed it this one." He turned around to see Esper rubbing her hands against her groin leaning back against a tree her eyes closed. "You do know what to do right?" asked Wisp.

He nodded and crawled over to Esper. He seemed unsure of himself. Esper opened her eyes and saw him in front of her, she reached out her hands slightly wet removing his cloak letting it fall from his shoulders. He crawled over her kissing her lips passionately. Wisp watched Shift as he knelt between her legs, his penis fully erect nearly five inches. He broke the kiss as he reached up rubbing her small breasts with his hands, circling the nipple carefully with his fingers. Pinching first the right then the left, watching them harden fully, he bent over touching his tongue to her breast. He started sucking on her breast cupping his hand under it holding it up to his mouth. He continued to suck her breast while fondling the other with his free hand. Esper craned her head back moaning softly her hands running across his back. She pulls him to her, pulling his face from her breast to her mouth, she kisses him sliding her tongue into his mouth. Her tongue runs gently over his teeth, he pushes his tongue against hers. They parted, as he pulled his tongue out of her mouth he licked her lips softly. She spread her legs wide as she slid down the tree, he gathered his cloak bundling it up and sliding it behind her head. She lay there before him ready, willing, his personal slave. He moved up kneeling with his legs on either side of her face. He took hold of his penis in one hand sliding his hand from the top to the bottom then back up. He used ran his thumb across the top rubbing the end of it. He pressed it against her mouth, she opened her mouth letting him push it deep into her mouth, he slide his body forward sliding the entire length into her mouth. She closed her mouth over his penis, her tongue dragging along its bottom. She moved her tongue back and forth across the bottom of his penis causing it to jump and twitch. She started sucking gently, her hand moving to her mouth as she rubbed the base of his penis, massaging his scrotum. She could feel it swelling, he leaned over her putting his hands against the tree as he started rocking back and forth sliding his penis in and out of her mouth slowly. She pushed him away letting him fall out of her mouth. He was panting as he crawled back down her body letting his penis slide over her soft belly. Wisp unable to stand it any longer pushed her self over the edge, spilling her juices over her fingers onto the ground. She sat watching her sister make love to this young boy, hoping she was next. Esper looked into Shifts eyes, hers shinning brightly with desire. He lowered himself down onto her body his penis rubbing against her belly; he felt it trapped between them he started moving forward and back letting it slide through their fur. He dipped low, letting it fall in line with her vagina. He used his hand to open her, then pressed against her; he slowly pushed against her, her body writhing in pleasure beneath him. He popped into her, his penis being squeezed inside her soft tender body. He lunged forward tearing her open, causing her to cry out in a mixture of pain and pleasure. She moans loudly pulling him deeper into her. He pushes all the way into her; he can feel her velvety flesh pressing against his throbbing penis. He pulls back nearly leaving her, and then thrusts forward entering back into her. He continues thrusting in and out for several minutes in a steady slow rhythm. She is clawing his back, raking her fingers down his back and sides as she lifts her hips to meet his. He gives three quick thrusts then hold himself deep within her, his semen spilling into her body. She rises up howling in pleasure as he sets off her own orgasm. They collapse together embracing and kissing each other deeply. Wisp stands up, brushing herself off. She waists for the lovers to recover, before helping them to their feet. "We must return soon, you both will need your sleep." She kisses each one on the lips then holds both their hands as she walks them back to the house. She opens the door letting the lover's walk in together, Esper sits on the bed motioning for Shift to join her. He sits down next to her, she slides her arm around him holding him close, he rests his head on her shoulder smiling and purring. "You have convinced me, I think I will stay here." He licked Esper's neck causing her to shiver. Wisp walked over pushing them both into bed, she pulls the quilt down letting them slide under. She climbs in as well after locking the door, she puts her arm around Shift as Esper kisses him goodnight. Wisp licks the back of his neck and whispers. "Would you take me next?" he just nodded and fell asleep.