
Story by Drayne_the_Wolf on SoFurry

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Yet another roleplay between Galthroc and myself. As you can always expect from me and Galth, hyper dicks and lots of cum await ye!

The following is yet another RP between Galthroc and myself. I play Fenris, he plays Dwight. First paragraph is by me, then him, then me, etc. Enjoy! Don't forget to comment/fav/rate/watch/cum/etc.

The wolf had trouble fitting his seven-foot body through the comparatively narrow doorway, yet he managed. The bar was dimly lit, hazed with smoke and about halfway filled with patrons. He made his way to the bar, taking a seat at an open stool next to a small, youthful otter. "The usual beer, Jon," he said to the bartender, taking off his sunglasses and sticking them in the pocket of his biker jacket.

The otter, much smaller by comparison with that huge wolf, darted his eyes over to the new patron, keeping his head stationary as he sipped at his own beer, tired after a long day's work. He was smaller, but by no means a pussy. He burped and set his drink down. Filled with liquid courage, he turned to the wolf. "Hi there!" he said, a little drunk

The wolf smiled down at the otter with that toothy, confident grin. "Hey there, little man," he said, his voice deep and powerful. "You're new to this place, aren't you? I don't remember your face

The otter smiled goofily and shrugged. "Sometimes things happen to bring you to the bottle." He obviously was new, as he was getting a bit carried away with his drinking. "All alone now, but I can manage!" he said, oddly happy about splitting up with his mate. He had wanted it for a while, but it would still take some getting used to. "You're quite the stud," he said, caressing one of the muscled arms.

The wolf smiled in response, looking forward as the bar tender sets a bottle of Corona before him. "I work out, eat right" he said unnecessarily, taking a swig of beer. "So what's your name, kid?"

"Dwight!" he said happily, admittedly aroused at the sigh of such a hot wolf. "And believe me, I can tell..." he said, started to stare. He realized what he was doing and shook his head. "Sorry," he said. "You're just...damn."

The wolf grinned at the small otter, taking another drink from his bottle. "Nice name," he said. "Uncommon."

The otter smiled and turned back to his beer, not sure what to do next. He started thinking to himself, unknowingly scratching at his crotch while doing so. His fingers brushed against something in his pants, which could only be his cock. The interesting thing was that it was -huge-.

The wolf kept smiling at the little otter before him, noticing the swelling in his groin. He picked up his bottle and swirled its contents around a bit, trying to ignore his own burning crotch. The otter was fucking sexy!

Suddenly the otter stopped scratching, but his large bulge was still apparent. It was enormous, like two baseballs had been stuffed in his shorts, complete with a fat, soft baseball bat. He snapped his fingers, struck with a thought! "Oh! What's your name? That's what I wanted to ask," he said, wagging his tail, breath smelling of liquor.

"Fenris," he said with a smile. "Fenris Greyhide. Nice to officially meet you, Dwight." The wolf took one last swig of beer before slamming the glass bottle down, another one being placed before him almost instantaneously.

"Fenris," he purred. "That's a...very nice name," he eyed the wolf, biting his lower lip, hand involuntarily going to his crotch again to scratch and rub it. "You live close by?"

The wolf chuckled before shouting to the bartender, "Hey, Jon!" When the horse looked down the bar towards him he asked, "Is the room in the back made up?" Jon smiled and nodded and almost immediately the wolf grabbed his beer in one hand and the otters hand in the other, saying "Follow me," before leading him towards the back of the building by the wrist.

The otter went to grab his drink but was suddenly yanked away! The semi he was sporting did not conceal itself very well, practically spilling out of his shorts, his huge bulge shuffling and moving with every frantic step he took in order to keep up with Fenris.

The wolf suddenly pulled him through a plain wooden door into a dark room. He shut the door and turned the light on and Dwight found himself standing in a small room with a single light on a nightstand, a fridge, and a king size bed. "I paid the owner to have this room set up since I was meeting so many 'nice' guys here," he said, turning to face the otter. "So, let's see it."

"See what?" the otter asked, still mindlessly scratching and adjusting himself, shifting his enormous bulge.

"That massive bone that you keep playing with," he said with that cocky grin, crossing his arms over his chest and leaning back slightly, beer still in hand. "From what I can tell, you got a big one."

The otter stopped his fidgeting and his eyes widened. He looked down at his huge package, and looked back up, blushing. "Oh, heh, my bad. Looking at you gave me this...weird itch," he chuckled nervously. "I can't you! I just met you!"

Fenris shrugged and took a drink from his bottle. "Suit yourself," he said. "I guess if I'm not getting anything out of you yet then we might as well go back to the bar." He reached over the otter's shoulder to grab the door handle, intending to leave since Dwight was uninterested.

"Okay, okay!" the otter said, fumbling with his pants. This was very unlike him, but Fenris was too hot! He hooked his thumbs in the waistband of his shorts and tugged them down, along with his briefs. Dangling between his very muscled swimmer's legs was a cock as big as his forearm - already a foot long in its solid state, hanging just above his knees. He smiled cutely up at Fenris, shrugging. "There."

The wolf looked down with minor surprise and smiled. "Thought you couldn't do that," he said through his smirk, taking a step back and drinking from his bottle again. "So does this mean I'm gonna get a good time out of you after all?"

"Only if you play your part as well," he said, grabbing his cock and stroking it a little, his fat meat twitching and swelling. He eyed the wolf's own bulge, nodding his head, signaling him to show his own stuff.

Fenris smiled again, taking another swig, the bottle now nearly empty. He set the glass container down on the nightstand and shrugged his leather jacket off, revealing his muscled arms, biceps like soccer balls, shoulders like mountains beside his head. He looked up to the ceiling as he reached down to his waist, slowly and teasingly raising the tee shirt up over his head, revealing his firm abs and pecs, his fingers tracing lines through his fur as he pulled the garment off and tossed it to the floor.

Dwight's eyes got huge and his tongue lolled out of his mouth as he stared at the wolf's beautiful body. His cock twitched and bucked in his hands as he stroked it slowly, not able to wrap his fingers around it. It swelled and grew, getting bigger and bigger as he watched. "F-fuck..." he groaned.

Fenris smirked and ran one paw over his abs as he picked his bottle up again, taking another swig of the almost depleted bottle. "You like what you see, I suppose." He chuckled, licking his chops. He stepped towards his new catch, placing his hands on the walls behind Dwight's shoulders so he could box him in. "So," he said, "care to kick the pants and shoes away and then ditch the socks and shirt?" He grinned and licked his lips eagerly, excited to get to play with this small male.

The otter shivered when Fenris got close to him. He was so hot! Hearing his words, hey obeyed letting go of his cock to removed his clothes. The enormous semi still dangled between his muscular legs. He kicked his shorts off and removed his shoes and socks, then slid his shirt over his head. His body was lean and toned, with a cut stomach and respectable chest. He was all muscle.

The wolf licked his chops and placed his hand on Dwight's chest, his massive hand almost encompassing the whole thing. "Damn, kid," he said, "You're the hottest fuckin' thing I've seen in a long time, if not in forever!" He leaned in and took a deep breath of the otter's neck, taking in his musk as one paw groped that firm ass, the other squeezing the otter's thick, meaty semi. "Not often I get too many sexy fellas such as yourself coming to me," he said in a hot, warm whisper, breathing lustfully into Dwight's neck.

"Oh, fuck..." he moaned, melting into Fenris. His sculpted ass was hard like a rock, and his cock was getting even bigger, still as the wolf groped it. Dwight touched the wolf's body as well, shivering as he squeezed his bulging arms, his other hand groping Fenris's crotch, curious as to how big he was.

The wolf leaned back a bit, still close to the smaller male, and let his arms hang at his sides. "You know you want it," he said. "So take it."

Dwight wasted no more time. He fumbled with the wolf's pants, unbuttoning and unzipping them, yanking them down with a grunt along with his underwear to feast his eyes on what he had to offer

The otter suddenly came face to face with a sheath the size of a can of paint and a few cantaloupe size testicles to match. Fenris smiled and crossed his arms, now as naked as the otter was.

The otter's cock shot up like a firework. Right on seeing that enormous sheathe, he was hard as a rock, his cock only inches from touching his chin, as large as his entire arm. Precum dribbled out, his cock throbbing and nudging against his chest. "Holy shit..." he moaned, groping the sheath, fondling one of the wolf's enormous balls, marveling at its size."You're HUGE!"

"Could say the same to you," the wolf said, gripping the massive cock between his fingers, barely able to close them around this hunk of male meat. "You're definitely one of the biggest guys I've met by far... how big is it? You measured?"

He smiled and leaned in to lick the precum from his cockhead. "Last time I check it was about 30 inches," he grinned, wrapping his lips around the tip of his cock, teasingly sucking it off, smiling up at Fenris as he did so, wanting to see how big the wolf got.

The larger male smirked and fell back onto the bed, casually rubbing one of his huge nuts, unable to enclose it in his hand. "Mmm that's so hot, you're gonna make me hard in no time."

He slid his mouth off his cock, precum bridged between his lips and cockhead. He licked it slowly, grinning. "What, you like this little otter sucking his huge cock?" he winked, thrusting his hips forward and sucking himself again, thrusting his hips and keeping his head still, fucking his own face. It was obvious that he did this very, very often.

Fenris growled sensually, teeth showing as the tip of his cock poked free. The tip alone, while barely swollen, was already the size of a golf ball. The wolf pinched the tapered head between his fingers, squeezing it gently as it slid further and further out.

Dwight fell onto the bed next to Fenris, sitting on his knees next to him, cock dangling just beneath his mouth. "You want more, or you want a little help?" he growled, eager to see this huge monster cock, grabbing it as it slid free and squeezing and stroking it in his small hands.

The wolf growled and released his own shaft. "Do what you want with me," he said. "Right now -this- is mine." He then grasped the otter's thick dick and pulled it into his mouth, sucking down all the juice it had to offer.

"Oh, yeah..." the otter moaned as his cock was engulfed. He thrust into the wolf's mouth, hunching over as he stroked Fenris's titanic, growing cock, licking and sucking the head as it popped free, struggling to fit it in his mouth and failing. He settled with kissing and licking it, getting it as wet as he could. He really wanted to see how big it got!

The wolf's shaft slid out rapidly, extending closer and closer to his chin. "Mmmf..." he moaned around the otter's dick. He popped it out a moment to say, "Keep that up, it feels really great."

The otter stopped working with his mouth, instead wrapping his hands as much as he could around that fat shaft, pumping it roughly and quickly, his thin arms flexing as he pumped and pumped. "Mmm come on, stud. Let's see how big this huge fucking cock gets!" he growled, spurting precum into Fenris's face, his orange-sized balls hugging his shaft. "Mmm yes...bigger..." he groaned, throwing his head back and moaning as how wonderfully his cock was being sucked. He thrust into the wolf's mouth, timing his thrusting with the pump of his hands, fucking Fenris's face in time with his jerking. His hot, firm ass clenching sexily as he thrust, slowly and sensually.

The wolf gripped his partner's cock hard, feeling it throb between his fingers as precum surged through it, his own cock pulsing heavily against his chest. His shaft was almost totally hard now, throbbing between his pecs as the otter teased it. "Mmmf..." he groaned, lips against that gaping cumslit. "So fucking hot..."

The otter pulled back, and lay down on the bed, his own cock resting between his pecs. He stroked it eagerly with one hand, the other jerking off Fenris's. "Fuck, Fenris, how big is that monster?" he asked, fascinated, rubbing the wolf's precum all over his throbbing cock.

The canine smiled and placed a paw affectionately on top of the middle of his dick, stroking it gently as if it was his satisfied stomach. "Fully hard, like it is now?" he asked with a smile, looking down to his cock that reached almost to his chin. "Forty-two inches."

"FfffUCK!" the otter groaned, arching his back, chest heaving into the air. Hearing just how fucking huge that cock was sent a massive wave of pleasure through him, making him writhe on the bed, sending his hips skyward, cock so hard it didn't move despite his squirming. Precum spit out like a water gun, coating his body. Finally, though, the wave stopped, and he laid back down on his back. "I can't wait to see it cum..."

Fenris smirked and looked over to the otter whose cock also reached his chin. "You will," he said with a reassuring smile, "if you work for it." He rolled over onto his side, massive cock laying on the sheets and drooling precum into them, forming an accumulating puddle. He held his head up in his hand, propping his arm up by his shoulder. "You DO have to work for it though." He chuckled and grabbed the other male's dick, bringing it to his mouth and taking it in eagerly, sucking on the head with enthusiasm, looking cutely into the otter's eyes like a puppy enjoying a nice big bone.

Dwight followed suit, grabbing Fenris's cock with a groan and shoving as much as he could into his small mouth. He was much, much smaller than Fenris by comparison in most regards - height, muscle, but still he had a cock that was of the same proportion to his body as the wolf's was. Their dicks formed an X as they crossed to reach their respective partner's mouth, no sound being heard but their sucking, slurping, and hot, low moaning. He worked that huge cock with his tongue, mouth and hands, doing what he could to make sure this hot stud came.

The wolf sucked and stroked that lengthy thirty inches with fervor, the thick meat taking up most of his mouth as he did what he could to swallow the pre. Suddenly he pulled off of the arm-thick cockhead, leaning in and mashing the cock against his own at Dwight's lips. It was as if he was trying to make out with the cute little otter and their shafts were getting in the way. A sloppy mix of precum drenched his face as he did this, his paws roaming down to the other male's balls to stroke and squeeze them, one in each paw.

Dwight groaned loudly, his arms locked to either side of him as his body writhed on the bed. He humped slowly against the air, causing his huge cock to poke and prod against his face, thrusting it against Fenris's own monster. Precum coated his body, spilling between his pecs and trailing along the cut outline of his abs. "Fuck...." he moaned, opening his mouth and sucking and kissing as much of their two monsters as he could.

A low moan escaped through Fenris's lips, vibrating teasingly against the powerful otter cock. His paws firmly gripped and stroked and pet the drooling length, using Dwight's own pre as lube, eagerly lathering up the cock. He grunted and groaned with each of the otter's licks and kisses, rocking his hips gently back and forth, humping softly against Dwight's short muzzle.

Dwight couldn't take much of that member in his small mouth. Though, he did know who could. He quickly stood up, standing next to Fenris beside the bed. He grabbed that huge, fat fucking cock and stroked it with both hands, arm muscles flexing. "Nngh, you're too big for me, stud," he grunted. "So why don't you suck it instead..." he groaned, grabbing the back of the wolf's head and pushing towards his own dick.

The wolf looked over at the otter with a light smirk, licking some precum from the edges of his jowls. He complied eagerly, sitting himself up so that he was almost lying down but with his back supported up on his elbows. He closed his eyes and leaned forward, gently nipping the tapered point of his cock between his front teeth, lapping it over with his tongue, taking it nice and slow for Dwight to enjoy watching.

The otter was practically shivering with arousal, badly wanting that big, hot wolf to just shove that massive fucking cock right into his own throat. He was stroking himself very quickly and roughly as he watched, precum dribbling in long ropes to the ground as well as spitting out and splattering on his body. He moaned as he bent down to quickly take his own monster in his throat, sucking violently

s he watched Fenris slowly fellate himself, the two studs sucking their own huge cocks.

The canine smirked as he watched how entertained the little otter looked towards his show. He swirled his tongue around the fat tapered point, then closed his lips around it and slowly slurped more of it into his maw, one paw going down to rub his knot while the other kept him supported.

Dwight popped his cock out, panting heavily, dick thumping against his hard body as he flexed his pelvic muscle. He climbed onto the bed, straddling the big wolf, rubbing all over his body and cock. "Flex those hot muscles for me," he groaned, thrusting his throbbing member against Fenris.

With a low growl the wolf leaned forward, flexing his abs beneath the otter's fingers and taking more of his heavy, crimson shaft into his mouth. He moaned deeply around it, tilting his head and slurping noisily on his hot flesh.

"Yes...." the otter moaned loudly, rubbing all over those washboard abs, smearing a mixture of their collective precum and making them wet and shiny. "Flex those hot arms..." he moaned, bending down to kiss those big biceps, making out with them as though they were a pair of lips.

Fenris alternated arms as Dwight did, flexing the one that the otter was focusing on while using the other to keep himself propped upright, his pulsing shaft deep in his own mouth. His tail swished elegantly behind him and his biceps bulged like fully inflated footballs, his smooth fur wetted where the otter gave him attention.

Dwight worked his way down from Fenris's arms, kissing and licking every inch of muscle he could. "," he groaned, humping the bed the whole time, soaking the sheets with pre. "Suck that big fucking cock..." he growled, kissing the base of the shaft and stroking it. His cock was throbbing hard, visibly getting bigger, smaller, and bigger again. He had to cum, and he wanted to give this dark-furred wolf a fresh, lighter coat of paint.

A low moan was Fenris's only response. He shifted his hips some so that he was reclining at an angle that allowed him to start thrusting into his maw, pulling back so that only the tip of his cock rested in his maw. He parted his lips, keeping his teeth gently touching the point, and slid the soft, hot flesh across his teeth erotically before thrusting his hips and head closer together, slamming a solid eight inches of cock into his maw, repeating the process.

Dwight hopped off the bed and stood besides Fenris, pumping his cock with both hands, thrusting into his tight grip. His cock pulsated hugely, veins throbbing all over. Precum spit out weakly, his cock getting bigger and bigger, more and more red. "Ohhh FUCK! FENRIS!" he howled, hands flying off his cock and onto the back of his head. He humped the air as rope after rope after huge, thick rope shot out, splattering all over the hot, cock-sucking wolf. "YES!" he cried, sliding his hands down his body, thrusting so hard his dick thumped against him, splattering himself as well. His cock was like a fire hose out of control, spraying everywhere as it swayed to and fro.

The wolf only moaned louder around his shaft, popping his mouth off and angling his head away so that the otter's hot, thick cum simply hit him in the cheek rather than on his face. He murred deeply, audibly, rubbing the hot, sticky substance into his fur, cock flexing and spraying the side of his face with enough precum to constitute a regular orgasm each time it was given a fresh coat of otter paint.

Dwight calmed down, but he was far from finished. He was still hard as steel, badly wanting more. He hopped onto the bed and crawled onto Fenris so that his round, bubbly swimmer's ass was in the wolf's face. He hugged that enormous cock to his body and moved himself up and down, using his whole body to jack the wolf off. He kissed and licked all over the giant fuck stick, feeing it throb against him. "Come on, you fucking stud. Paint this whole fucking room!"

Fenris pulled himself up and wrapped his arms possessively around Dwight's middle, falling back to lay flat again so that the otter lay atop him, fitting his body so that his head was just beneath the wolf's chin. He kept one firm, muscled arm tight around the smaller fur's middle, holding him to his chest, and with the other paw held Dwight's length vertically atop his so that the smaller otter cock pressed against the crimson flesh of the wolf's own shaft. Fenris's rock-hard wolfhood drooled more precum in each spurt than the average orgasm, the clear, slimy fluid running like a waterfall over their cocks, pooling on their groins, balls, and the bed beneath them.

Dwight was entranced with lust, having never been this horny in his entire life. He was in ecstasy as the huge, hung stud held him in his hard, bulging arm. He reached down to kiss and lick it, not able to get enough. He cried out in pleasure where their cocks touched, warm precum drooling down their shafts and tickling him beyond reason. His abs crunched as he thrust relentlessly, rocking the bed and rubbing their massive fucking monsters together.

The wolf closed his paw around their shafts, only to encompass about half of their combined girth in his large paw. Nevertheless he began stroking, sliding his pre-slick mitt up from the base of their cocks to the tip, then back, murring softly and doing his best to hold the horny otter still.

"'re so fucking big..." he moaned, writhing on top of that hot, hard body, feeling every muscle of the wolf bulging and flexing against his back, like he was laying on a boulder. "I need you to fuck me...just pick me up and FUCK ME!" he howled, thrusting high into the air, cock lurching and spewing a massive amount of pre that could constitute a few loads, right onto his face and body.

The wolf closed his eyes and gripped the otter hard, thrusting upwards slightly, carrying the otter's light body with him. "Do you mean that?" he asked seriously, cock spurting pre across Dwight's body with anticipation.

"God yes!" he cried. "I NEED this cock! This monster... I'd do anything for it. For you." he was serious, worshipping the wolf like he was a god, squeezing his legs around the huge dick and moving them up and down, muscled thighs jerking Fenris off.

Fenris needed nothing else. He used those strong abs of his to pull his and the otter's bodies upright, tossing Dwight off of him onto the bed like he weighed nothing at all. Quickly the titan of a wolf flipped himself upright, down on one knee at the otter's feet, the his three-and-a-half feet of cock long enough to reach the swimmer's belly button when his pelvis was at Dwight's feet. His shaft spurted precum by the pint, soaking the otter's fur for a moment as the lupine adjusted to having the full weight of his shaft pulling down away from him. He leaned himself back, his pylon of a cock sliding back until it rested on the sheets. Finally he leaned forward, the fat taper of his canine shaft pressing against the otter's tailhole, soaking it in precum.

"Don't hold back," he said with a harsh breath, breathing heavily. His dick was so hard it was nearly pointing straight up, his two and a half feet of hugely throbbing, red otter cock throbbing as though housing a second heart. "I want you to fuck me senseless. Anything to get that big dick off!"

The wolf clenched his eyes shut, lowering his head and shaking it to clear his mind. He opened them with renewed energy, snarling ferally and leaning far forward to grab the otter's firm ass. He pressed the taper of his cock firmly against Dwight's entrance. To the otter, it felt like a baseball bat was trying to force its way in, and in this was the thinnest part of the cock!

"Mmmph yes..." he moaned, thrusting especially hard into the bed, squeezing his muscled ass around Fenris's cock. "Come on stud. Use that huge cock like it was meant to be used!"

Growling as though starting to become annoyed, the wolf leaned as far forward as he could, gripping the otter by one shoulder, the other supporting himself on the bed, and pushed the entire taper in, spreading Dwight far open. He didn't stop. On the same quick inward pull he pushed the first eight inches of his cock into the otter's compensating body, flexing and flooding him with precum.

"Oooh YEAH!" he howled, ass stretching to accommodate that huge, massive fuck stick. It hurt, but he was too turned on to care. He needed this. "More, stud! I want ya to really FUCK ME!" He gave his ass a firm slap as if to drive his point home. His dick throbbed and oozed under him, completely soaking the sheets.

Fenris pulled his body back some, still leaning forward though not as much so that he could easily grip and spread the otter's cheeks. No longer concerned for Dwight's safety, he pushed more of himself in, grunting with each thrust, tugging on the otter's body, using this smaller male as a cocksleeve and nothing else.

"Mmmmmph!" he moaned into the sheet, body being pushed into the bed as that huge dick slid deeper and deeper into him. Unfortunately, he couldn't do much but sit there and take it.

Fenris had to stop when his shaft was about two feet into the otter. He felt a firm tightness on him and, shifting his view, gasped a bit as he saw his titanic shaft bulging just beneath Dwight's chest.

Dwight was moaning loudly, in pleasure and pain, but he wanted it badly. He wanted to see this wolf cum. He knew it'd be the hottest thing he'd ever seen. He tried to move his body on the bed, gyrating his hips and squeezing his ass around that big dick, doing what he could in his position to pleasure it.

Fenris meanwhile was in pure pleasure. He could not have imagined another fur's insides feeling so good. Dwight was so warm, so tight, so confining; his tongue lolled out of his mouth with joy as he picked up the pace, riding on nearly a foot of wolf meat in and out of the small otter's body.

"Ohh YES!" Dwight moaned. "That's it!" he hugged a pillow tightly, groaning as his firm swimmer's ass was spread apart by this two-liter-bottle-thick cock. He felt like the wolf's monstrous dick was redecorating his insides, spreading him wider than he'd ever been spread. Yeah it hurt, but it hurt so goddamn GOOD! His fingers clenched the pillow as if trying to rip it apart.

The wolf was in utter bliss. He slammed his hips forward; then, pushing on Dwight's ass, he pulled his cock out to the tip, wet sucking sounds filling the room as pints of precum flooded out of the otter with each backwards pull, spilling out onto the sheets and the wolf's own engorged cock, lubing it up for his next thrust. He grunted as his knot slammed against Dwight's firm cheeks, then pulled out again, repeating the action again, and again, and again, and again still. He had had a long-standing relationship with his own wolfhood, but had never truly identified what it was until this moment. It wasn't just a big fuckstick, it was a BIG fuckstick. Three and a half feet of blood-red towering, pulsing, fat, thigh-thick, precum-drenched uninhibited wolf penis, the biggest he'd ever encountered, bigger than stallions even. He loved it. He loved his cock. And he loved this.

As much as Dwight was enjoying feeling the wolf's strong cock inside of him, and knowing that Fenris was having the time of his life, he was growing tired of his powerless position. He pushed Fenris back with his feet, though not completely out of him, and turned over, lunging onto him and wrapping his legs around the stud's waist. His cock grinded against that hard body, and he bent down to suck it hard as he thrust against him.

Fenris growled loudly as he felt the otter pull away from him, but let a soft murr escape him when the smaller male lunged at him. He held Dwight against his muscular chest, loving the slick feel of that otter's massive cock throbbing between their pecs. He looked up and ran his tongue sloppily along the smaller fur's firm shaft, bobbing him up and down on his own canine cock as he kneeled over the bed, pre pouring from the otter's tailhole down over the wolf's knot and pooling beneath them.

Dwight wanted to moan out in pleasure, but he was too busy sucking his massive, throbbing cock while being fucked by one even bigger. Almost three pulsating feet of otter dick ground hard against the stud, those washboard abs teasing him like crazy. He felt another orgasm hit him like a brick, bulging his cheeks out and splashing out onto Fenris's body. He struggled to swallow, head still bobbing up and down, taking it like a champ.

The wolf moaned loudly as suddenly his face was washed with hot otter cum splashing out from Dwight's maw. He was so close, so deadly close to orgasming, and it was probably going to be his biggest one ever. The otter felt so good, so damn good. Tighter and warmer and more teasing than he would have ever thought another being to be. He growled as his orgasm thundered towards him like a train. "F-fuck..." he moaned through mouthfulls of cock and jizz. He spat his mouth's contents of otter cum out onto Dwight's shaft, stuttering as he said "G-gonna.... f-fuck, g-gonna..."

Dwight knew what was coming, and he was damn excited. His dick popped out of his mouth, spraying the last of its load overhead. "Yes, Fenris..." he moaned, using his legs and arms to bounce up and down that huge fucking cock. "Cum! Fill me and cover me! Bathe me in that huge fucking load!"

No doubt the entire bar heard as the wolf hit his orgasm. He looked up with wide, golden eyes into Dwight's, giving him a look of desperate need. He needed to cum. He had wanted this experience for someone and now he needed to finish the deal. He didn't hesitate to just let it all go. His balls churned heavily, visibly pulling up several inches. Finally, as the first, massive blast of cum rolled through his cock, he let out a tremendous howl that marked his strength and masculinity. Several gallons filled the otter over the course of the next few seconds, making his stomach bulge, all the while the wolf howled with pleasure. As soon as his first blast ended he quickly hoisted Dwight off of his cock, a torrent of cum splashing down on top of his cock, and threw him onto the other side of the bed. He leaned back, gripped his cock in a paw, and let it all go. His bouncing shaft shot ropes worth dozens of gallons of cum, each one easily closing the four feet or so between his body and the otter's, each one landing with a noisy splat on Dwight's body. And this was only fifteen seconds in.

"Oh my GOD!" Dwight howled, feeling himself filled to the brim within seconds. It was a blessing for him to be pulled off, thrown onto the bed. Immediately cum began to splash onto him like a jet hose, splattering him from across the room. "Jesus! Fenris. Oh FUCK!" he howled, orgasm number 3 sweeping through him, just from watching that hot wolf in the throes of his orgasm. Cum surged from his dick but was nothing compared to Fenris. He could only lay in the bed, writhing in a mixture of his and Fenris's cum, being splashed more and more every second, lost in pleasure.

By his tenth blast the wolf had doused himself, Dwight, and the rest of the room in enough cum to fill a bathtub. He was nowhere near done. Ten blasts was child's play for him, like when he needed to rub out a quickie. No, he knew that this would go on for a while. And go on it did. His heavy, crimson wolf dick bounced in the air, flexing wildly, sending waves of cum splattering like a hose against the otter's body, the bed; everything in the room was stained slightly with wolf seed.

Dwight could barely move. He was in a mixed state of shock and extreme pleasure. He wasn't sure how to react to what was going on, but damn it if it didn't turn him on like nothing else. He writhed on the bed, sliding his hands all over his swimmer's body, scooping up handfuls on that endless supply of cum and licking it up like ice cream. "Yes...." he moaned, humping the air, his huge cock slapping against his chest, cumming itself and splashing him in the face, and the wall behind him. "Don't...fucking...stop!"

The wolf fell forward on all fours, lowering his head with exhaustion and catching a blast of cum to the face, which prompted him to sit up again. With cum dripping from his chest and chin, he leaned back, barely able to hold himself up, as his warm jizz spilled from him, burying the otter in inches of steaming cum, his entire body exhausted beyond belief save for one part of him; his raging cock.

Dwight was sucking hard on his own shaft, milking the last drops of his latest, uncountable orgasm out from his throbbing, thirty-inch member. He crawled over to Fenris, hugging that titanic, exploding monster, jerking it off with his entire body. He would squat, hugging it close to him, and then stand up, muscled legs bulging hugely.

The canine let himself fall backwards flat on the bed, his cock slapping him wetly in the chest before rising at its standard thirty degrees, holding there and spewing cum like a hose, splattering himself even further. Anything that landed on his muzzle was instantly licked up, meaning his tongue was working overtime, cleaning the warm wolf batter from his mouth so he could breathe.

Dwight kept watching load after load shoot right into the wolf's mouth, and he couldn't take it anymore. He jumped off the bed and grabbed Fenris's head. "Suck your huge cock!" he growled, pushing it down so that the wolf's mouth prodded against that spurting, throbbing monster.

The wolf obeyed without question, taking that massive throbbing monster into his mouth and drinking his cum straight from the source, his tongue running circles around his tapered head; he popped his mouth off of it and pushed his cock to the side, spraying his cum all over Dwight's front, silently inviting the otter to take a turn sucking it as he took a moment to swallow and breath.

"Uuugh fuck yeah, suck that huge dick..." the otter moaned, biting his lip as he furiously jerked himself off. He was delighted to receive a huge blast to the face when the wolf pulled off, amazed that he was still cumming after all this time. He happily bent forward and popped that huge cock into his mouth, sucking like a vacuum, jerking it both hands, roughly and quickly.

Once Fenris had gotten his mouth clear and a few fresh gulps of air into his massive lungs he yanked his cock tip from Dwight's lips, torrents of cum splashing him in the face, shoving the thing back into his mouth, pressing the massive length as far down his throat as he possibly could so he didn't have to swallow and could just suck it straight from the tap.

Dwight had an interesting idea. He went to the wolf's legs, spreading those muscles tree trunks open wide. He grinned as he aimed his own throbbing, spurting meat at the wolf's entrance, winking at him. "Keep sucking, big guy. I'm gonna give you another big load!" he suddenly forced himself in, popping his fat head plus almost eight inches of thick meat into the wolf.

The wolf popped his head off his cock, spat a mouthful of cum out onto the sheets, and howled as his ass was spread. It'd been a while since someone this big had taken him. The sudden intrusion gave Fenris his largest blast of all, firing across the room and hitting the far wall. He took his cock back into his mouth, sucking wildly like a fiend, his orgasm already raging for five straight minutes and not slowing down one bit.

"Grr!" the otter growled, slamming more meat into the wolf. "That's it you fuckin' stud! Suck that huge cock!" he fell on top of the wolf, humping wildly, letting his extreme lust take over him. His huge balls slapped against the wolf's tight ass as he thrust away, cum squirting out every time, adding to the already obscene mess. He pumped Fenris's throbbing, spurting cock, muscled arms bulging.

The wolf clenched his ass around that heavy cock, panting around his own cock as he filled himself with cum. Eventually he'd had enough of his own output; his stomach was starting to hurt him as it filled with his seed. He popped his cock out of his mouth, letting his head fall back and his cock slap against his chest, spraying cum against his face.

Watching Fenris shoot like a fucking fire hose only made Dwight all the more horny, if that were possible. He squeezed those muscled legs on either side of him, pulling them towards him as he slammed his massive, throbbing cock deep into the wolf. "Yeah!" he growled, keeping a rhythm now. He reached down, grabbing that titanic pillar of pulsating flesh attached to the wolf, pumping it with both arms, hugging it close to his smaller body, fucking him as he jerked him off with his entire body.

Fenris could do nothing but lay still, his mind and body in utter bliss. The otter's warm, cum-slick fur felt like heaven against his cock, encouraging it to keep churning out more of his massive load. His body was entirely fatigued, save for his mammoth spire of blood-red wolf cock, visibly throbbing and pulsing as his warm, virile, pearly white batter continued to coat them both in fresh new layers.

Dwight opened his mouth and pointed it skyward to catch the endless ropes that were splattering all over him, coating him in layer after layer of hot spunk. Before long, he had reached yet another orgasm, hilting his throbbing cock inside the wolf and filling him over. When it started seeping out and coating his big balls, he pulled out, putting his hands behind his head and humping the air as he rained more thick ropes of spunk onto the wolf's hard, covered body.

Feeling his insides fill with steaming hot otter seed made his cock lurch, throwing a particularly wide arc of cum through the air. He felt his balls finally starting to empty, his ropes of cum growing shorter and shorter as he approached the end of his orgasm, having been going now for over fifteen minutes.

Dwight was still humping away at nothing, his eyes never leaving those two massive, throbbing, spurting dicks in front of him. The room was dripping with cum, with more layers still being added to the mess. The temperature had risen considerably, and it was even becoming difficult to breath. With a groan, the otter fell on top of the wolf, humping away at his cum-soaked body, emptying the last of his load.

Fenris fired off his last long rope of cum when he felt the otter's thirty inches of warm, throbbing dick connect with his own forty-two, painting the wall behind him with one last coat of white. He licked his chops as his blasts of cum turned into short ropes leaving long trails of seed along his face, adding another thick layer to it. Finally his shaft calmed down and Fenris came off his orgasm, leaving him panting in inches of cum on the bed, his cock drooling the remnants of his orgasm onto his neck.

"You..." the otter was panting, lying in a heap on top of the wolf, "are a GOD! We're totally doing that again in a few hours..."

The wolf smiled and placed and lifted his head up to look at the otter, then resting his head back on the bed, placing a paw in the center of his enormous cock and stroking it slowly like it was a pet. The action sent a few last spurts hitting him in the face, causing him to laugh a bit as he licked his face clean. "That was pretty amazing, little guy."

The two lay in afterglow for what had to be hours, panting and huffing and stroking each other's cum-drenched bodies until they had gathered enough energy to rise and move to the small three-quarter bathroom connected to the bedroom-turned-swamp. They spent a solid hour rinsing off, lathering their bodies with soap to get the scents of cum, sweat, and lust off of them. It took several washings. Only about half of that hour was spent actually washing, though; the rest was time spent on touching, stroking, and making out under the hot water. Each body found the other to be an amazing kisser.

At the end of the shower they dried each other off, taking several towels to do so. Fenris went to a small closet and pulled out two fresh pairs of clothing, one for him and one for Dwight. The wolf was accustom to his "close friends" needing to borrow clothing so he kept multiple pairs of a broad range of sizes close at hand. "You can just give me those clothes back next time I see you, and I'll give you yours once they're clean," Fenris explained upon the otter's asking.

As the pair left the wolf slapped a hundred dollar bill onto the counter in front of the bartender. "For the cleaners," he explained with a light smile.

Jon looked confused. "Fenris, this is twice what they charge," he said, looking with inquiry at the wolf.

The canine grinned and rested a huge paw on Dwight's shoulder, patting him a few times. "Let's just say my new little friend here has a few special talents. I have a feeling they'll appreciate double pay." Without awaiting a response the wolf pushed on the otter's back, leading him out the door into the cool autumn evening. He murred softly to himself as he led Dwight back to his house. They were going to have a looooooong night.