A night to remember pt2

Story by Damaged on SoFurry

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#2 of A night to remember

Note: Again, Genevieve is shortened to Jeni at some points.

Another RP log colaboration with the ever-amazing Cerine.

In the Flexible Survival world.

Genevieve opens her eyes, startled awake by the odd dreams. The room is still dark, the door and window barricaded still, her heart is going quite fast still and as she opens her mouth to give a sigh of relief, instead, a moan comes out, the girl's mind, still trying to shake the pleasure of the dream, failed to notice that, in reality, there really is something inside her, pulsing, rubbing, rippling and thrusting.

Aaron groans softly in his slumber as well, twisting and stirring beneath the blanket, the odd dreams a little much for him though he's not quite aware of anything just yet being wrong outside of having quite an odd dream. It wasn't those comments about the gryphon was it?

"Aaron!" the girl cries out, half in alarm, half with pleasure, "Something... oh fuck... something in here, in me!" she cries. She is at a loss as to what to do, her shotgun is useless, the thing is somehow inside her, past all her clothing, all her defenses. On all fours now, her rear in the air, she scans around the room, trying to find something that may be controlling it, running the thing inside her. A dull green glow covers the floor and her eyes widen as she sees all the dildos, moving about, like worms and a flash in her mind, something, some part of her, wants to throw itself down into them.

The cry of panic has him reaching out clumsily as he starts to wake up, fumbling for his pistol. "Mhh... J-Jeni what's wro-ohh that doesn't feel right...." he groans the odd but kind of pleasant sensation in the dream following him into reality as she slowly wakes up, sitting up and looking around for whatever the threat is.

Having tried to find what it is, tearing at her clothes, Genevieve is crouched there, in her underwear, even that half torn as she seems to be rocking, her rear in the air, "Help... help me, Aaron..." she whines, just as another one of the dildo-worms seems to have found her, the thing practically springing up at her mouth and quickly working it's way inside, making her throat glow a soft green as it starts to pump and writhe.

The sight of his friend in trouble definitely wakes him up, ignoring the glowing things he's instantly by her side, trying to pull the odd worm out of her mouth as it pumps into her, though the strange sensation doesn't let up from his backside either, getting a shudder from him as he wonders if one of those...things is in him too.

The worm has, unfortunately, gone all the way into her mouth, no trace of it left to be pulled at. Something indeed feels odd in his rear as, with renewed vigor, the glowing dildo in his rear starts to work and rub at his prostate, more of the things trying to find purchase on his legs, to crawl up his body.

Overwhelmed, denied even the ability to cry out, Genevieve rocks her body, her resistance slowly being rubbed, tickled and thrust away as her pleasure builds.

He tries not to moan as he looks over his friend, reaching down to try and club one of the things with his torch as they wiggle closer. "Oh god... Jeni try and hold on, if I can get these things away I'll see what we might have to get those out of you"

The pressure builds much more quickly in Aaron, his shaft growing full and hard at the attention inside him, distracting him, much like the girl's wriggling rear, swaying. A soft green glow can be seen between her legs.

She is, meanwhile, losing her hold on things rapidly, her body rocking back and forth, even as another of the worms seems to be wriggling up her leg, searching for somewhere to claim as it's home.

That one, he reaches for, though he has to try and snatch at it a few times as the pressure builds and the sensations distract him to the point where he loses focus for a few seconds with a groan, bringing himself back to concentration by biting his tongue.

Removed from it's trajectory, the worm wriggles in Aaron's hand, very slimy, leaving a thin coat of the green stuff on his fingers and palm. Like a small green missile, it seems to spring at his chest, the green gunk seeming to melt his clothing as it darts at one of his flat pecks. In a moment it has found his nipple and attaches itself, the small nub of flesh becoming hugely sensitive suddenly, almost like he had another penis.

That leaves him gasping at the sensation of the strange thing wiggling against his nipple, leaving him trying to tug it away with both hands and unfortunately, leaving his friend undefended as his slimy hands try to pull the offending creature away from his body.

It's body seems to flatten against his skin, and pulling at it does nothing but to tug at his nipple, making even more of the 'good feeling' flow from his chest. So focused is he on that one, he doesn't notice that, standing on the floor, more are wriggling up him, slowly destroying his clothing as they do so.

Crying out loudly into the shaft in her mouth, Genevieve is rocked by a full and world trembling orgasm. Something is wrong though, they don't seem to slow down let alone stop and in short order, she is feeling another, then another, the girl never having had multiple orgasms before is quite distracted by this.

Aaron continues fumbling against the thing on his chest, inadvertently smearing the slime on his clothes before he realizes what's happening as he scrambles to try and stand up and kick the things off of himself and get to his backpack to try and find his survival knife, if he can focus enough to remember what it looks like!

That is when one of the worms, missed by his thrashing, finds his shaft. Touching the end of it, at first, it seems to press down, it's thick body flowing over the shaft like some thick condom. A gentle ripple, then another, then, suddenly, it feels like he is balls deep in a girl, his shaft being squeezed and rippled against, the worms seeking to claim him in the same way they have claimed Jeni.

He groans loudly as he feels it flowing over him, reaching a slippery hand down to try and pull it away as the sensations start leaving him quite distracted with pleasure at this point, the man groaning and shaking his head a little as he tries to think on what he was doing, but the one on his nipple and the one over his shaft seem to suck and tease in unison with the one embedded in his rear, causing him to lose his balance and slump back onto his mattress with a moan.

Another two of the things are there, attracted by the warmth of his body still in the bedding. As he lands one darts for his mouth and another for his other peck, going to work like the first, suckling and gripping to him. The pressure in his rear builds and builds, the toy there, seemingly not getting the attention it wishes, swells up, bloating out his bowels and applying a lot of pressure against his prostate, even as the one on his shaft tugs, massages and trembles. An odd feeling though, it almost feels like the one on his cock is growing, getting larger.

Jeni is on her side now, her rear and breasts having since been claimed, the girl only able to twitch as her body is stimulated beyond belief.

He shudders and tries to pull the one going for his mouth out or close it before it gets there, but the pressure in his rear building makes him moan loud enough for it to wiggle in, his hands soon both going down to the one around his cock as he tries to rub at it with both hands, nearly any thoughts of resistance being drowned down by pleasurable sensations as they override just about everything, and he's soon laying on his back and trying to thrust into the air.

Shaft growing smaller and smaller, Aaron would feel the pleasure coming from his chest growing, as with his chest! Slowly, two small mounds of flesh begin to swell, the man getting a nice pair of A cup breasts, not that he would notice, so drowned in pleasure is he. His shaft reaches the point where there is no shaft at all, and, in moment, his flesh starts to dimple and flutter, a pair of lips and a neat, small pussy mound beginning to form where his shaft and balls used to be, the green worm following it, filling him out as his depths grow, claiming it's prize.

The girl just whimpers in bliss, the only sound she seems able to get around the shaft in her neck, her body so assaulted now that her paranoid mind has even lost track of her shotgun, her sleeping companion for the last year.

Aaron is just as hopelessly lost in pleasure, his hands trying to rub at his mouth, chest or between his legs alternately as he makes soft moans, his eyes closed as he trembles steadily, the sensations of his body altering feeling almost orgasmic and powerful enough to keep him almost still on his back.

All at once, a crash is heard, the TV against the window falls and crashes to the floor as something hits the second story window hard. Seemingly aware that they might, in fact, lose their prey to another infection, the worms back off, slowing down their pleasure if not their transformation of Aaron, giving the pair the chance to react and fight off their new assailant even as a seven foot tall dragon crashes into the room, it's eyes glowing with excitement as it sees the pair of females, already naked and ready for it.

Aaron shakes his head and groans as he looks up at the dragon, instincts telling him to try and go for his weapon while his body is telling him to lay there and enjoy the pleasure he's being given.

Genevieve manages, because she has not just had her gender reversed, to act a little quicker. Climbing to shaky legs, she manages to lunge at the dragon, knowing only that she needs to distract it while Aaron can get his... wait, breasts? Okay, maybe 'her' gun.

It takes 'him' a little to get figured out, reaching for the familiar pistol, the worms temporarily forgotten as she fires a shot in the air to try and scare it off before aiming at the creature, though her body is shaking as she stands up.

Rolling around, trying to fight the creature's strength with her limited martial arts, Jeni is slowly losing her fight, the creature having just wrapped it's arms around her before pulling it's wings in too, cocooning the girl against it's chest. Looking up at the other female, the dragon's brain doesn't seem to register the pistol being aimed at it, nor the fact that, holding the girl like this, it's head is fully exposed.

She fires after steadying herself, aiming for the exposed head and hoping that the small sidearm has enough power to drive the creature off if not kill it as it's pinned her friend against its chest tightly.

The shot ricochets off one of the beasts horns and, keeping it's wings tightly clutched around the girl, it rises and reaches for the first thing at hand to throw at the other female, to distract her from doing... whatever it tried to do with it.

Aaron's pack comes hurtling at him, thankfully the tins he had loaded into it the night before spun loose and landed elsewhere in the room, but the vials... As the bag hit him, a few of the vials, thankfully from the same row, shattered and spilled their contents out, dousing her in the stuff.

She cries out as she's drenched in some of the vials, the impact knocking her down to the floor as she takes aim to fire again, not even thinking about what just broke over her.

The dragon, still not realizing that just by lifting Genevieve up a little, would foul the other girl's shot, runs at Aaron, ready to pin her down and take care of her, properly.

By this point she's picked herself up into a crouch, firing yet again, though she's careful where she can be, taking every caution to try not to hit her friend.

The round is true, piercing the mutant's eye and, with a dull 'thack' ensures the beast will not rise from the fall it is now in. Tumbling down, the morning light slowly illuminating the room, Jeni manages to tug and pull her way out of the slack hold of the wings at last. The light of dawn fills the room, showing there to be none of the worms left, well, save the ones still in the pair. 'Must be photophobic...' the girl thinks, standing up and opening her mouth to thank her friend. Two things stop her in her tracks. Her friend is now quite androgynous in appearance, but, naked as she is, Aaron is now more than likely an Erin.

The other thing stopping her, of course, is that the worms in each of them, are still there.

'Erin' carefully reaches down to pull her friend out of the creature's limbs, shivering a little as she opens her mouth to try and speak, to ask if Jeni is okay.

The reptilian wings on the girl's back flutter a little as she is helped up and she looks up into the vulpine eyes of her friend with thanks and, somehow knows, something odd is definitely on the cards for them. Pointing at the barricade to the door, she gives a nod to Erin and makes her way over, starting to pull the things away. Despite the wings, despite the scent's assaulting Erin, the one thing that sticks in her mind is that perfect rear, swaying and moving as Jeni unblocks the door.

She looks down at herself, then over at her friend, shaking her head and trying to speak again as she works on the barricade to dismantle it, doing her best to ignore the pleasant sensations and the mental image of that rear bobbing in front of her as she tries to help. With the adrenaline still flowing through her chances are she hasn't quite figured out all the changes that have happened just yet.

Pulling the last of the stuff from the door, Jeni reaches out to her friend and points to the left and right. Taking a moment to get her shotgun, she makes her way to the door and, on an impulse, rather than just opening it, she kicks out, the muscles in her leg bunching powerfully as her bare foot connects and smashes the door off it's hinges, right into the feral waiting on the other side.

The girl can't say a word, but that shotgun, in the enclosed area, sure spoke volumes. Walking over and standing above the bird-like creature, finding some irony in the gryphon, she puts another round into it's head before making her way to the other bedrooms.

Erin frowns and rifles through her tattered clothing for any spare ammunition before hurrying to catch up, holding what's left of her clothes on with one hand and the pistol in the other as she follows Jeni around.

Pointing at her friend's clothing, a wry smile on her lips, Jeni enters the master bedroom, opening the closet and looking for things that might suit them. Frowning, after going through a few things, she realizes that this most certainly wont do, not only was the 'mother' of the house rather heavy, she seemed a bit older too. The third bedroom, obviously that of one of the daughters of the house, gave exactly what she was after and in short order, two pairs of jeans, some tank tops and a small bra for her friend were assembled.

That leaves to a rather clumsy attempt by Erin to get dressed, the jeans are the easy part, it's the bra that leaves her blushing and fumbling before giving up and just pulling the top on instead, rubbing her throat and doing her best to try and make a sound, any kind of sound at all.

Neither of them, it seems, are able to speak at all and every step they take reminds them of what is still inside their bodies, seemingly dormant during the day. Shaking her head as her friend turns down the bra, Jeni rummages some more and finds a larger one, almost a perfect fit for her own B cup breasts. Pulling on a shirt she is surprised as she hears a loud rip, her claw-tipped wings having shredded the weak fabric as she pulled it over her head, leaving her spinning around, trying to see what is on her back before spotting her reflection in a full length mirror. 'Oh fuck' is exactly what she mouthed then, seeing the wings on her back, knowing that the dragon's nanites are now in her, likely spreading and multiplying through her system.

All she can do to try and comfort her friend is to just pull her into a clumsy hug, not noticing her own body just yet, nor now it's reacted to the splash of nanite vials against her skin as she's far too focused on trying to make sure her friend is at least somewhat okay.

Hugging back, those wings reach out and curl around Erin, Genevieve just needing a little comfort as she realizes, without a shadow of doubt, that she is infected. Looking up into the fox-like features, she suddenly realizes her friend might not even have noticed and, urging her over to the mirror, tries to direct Erin to look at herself.

Erin's mouthing is likely quite a bit more colorful, the girl shaking her head and looking away for a moment, but curiosity makes her look again, to investigate just how far she's turned, and the possibility of what she'll turn into as she sees her eyes, ears and nose have already changed somewhat, and that her body is feeling rather tingly all over in an odd manner which must be the nanites flowing through her.

Not thinking, reaching up and scritching at her friend's ears, Jeni gives her another hug, a promise that she will be there with her friend, no matter what. The hand reaches under Erin's chin, turning the vixen-like head toward her, letting the two lock eyes in a, 'Are you okay?' glance.

She gulps a little, her ears twitching slightly as she hugs her friend close, looking back down at her body to try and figure out just how much has changed, the more she realizes the tighter she holds her friend.

Jeni just leans her cheek down against Erin's, she would be whispering soft things, comforting things, if she could. Just then, seemingly sensing the room being dark, movement in her rear and slit, slow at first, but increasing, makes her jump and, in a moment of insight, dive at and tear down the curtains, bathing the two in full light again.

The former man's body trembles at the sensation of the things inside her starting to move, overwhelming her new form for a few moments before she shakes her head and rubs at her throat, moving to keep herself in the light as she looks down at a hand which looks very different to what it did just yesterday. But after a few moments she picks herself back up and tries to regain her composure, better some kind vixen than to be toyed with by more of those worm things.

Of the same thoughts, Genevieve makes her way back over to the closet and, finding a very open backed dress, she tears the dress part away and pulls it up, over the jeans and letting her wings hang out through the back as she gets her breasts settled in the cupping fabric, giving a grin, she turns around to her friend, not having noticed the trickle of scales working their way down her arms, a new one seeming to push free of her skin every few seconds.

Erin positions herself behind her friend, helping move her wings about so they don't tear the fabric anymore than necessary, though her body feels rather hot as fur starts to grow along her chest, starting where she was splashed and working out steadily.

Noticing her friend growing more and more fox-like, Jeni hugs her again, those wings now curling around the girl tighter, holding her, wanting to keep her friend safe and protected. A slight stretching, almost like being sun-burnt and then having your skin peel, comes over Jeni's face as slowly a reptilian snout pushes out, scales spilling up from the back of her neck, tiny ones, seemingly making her an almost sky blue tone.

The vixen trembles a little as it ripples down her form, looking up and bumping her nose against Jeni's new snout, reaching a hand up to gently trace around the blue scales as she tries to say something, marveling at how vivid they are under the bright light.

Those wings, starting off quite small, just seem to grow and grow, soon easily able to wrap around and hide Erin as Jeni feels comfort in her friend's touch. All at once though, Erin would feel those worms become active again, the lack of light within the wings stirring them to wakefulness again.

She quickly starts to squirm in the embrace of the wings, puffing softly and trembling as her heartbeat races from the sensations, but that just serves to further carry the nanites through her body, causing her to change quicker and quicker beneath her clothes as her tail puffs out into being, relieving the odd pressure she'd been feeling there for a while.

Not really realizing what her hug is doing, Jeni holds her friend, offering comfort, support, darkness...

Deep within the vixen, a slow pressure starts to build, the worm inside her new slit starting to do something new. Slowly, very slowly, her belly would start to feel full, her womb starting to swell with something.

Silently gasping, the vixen struggles harder, trying to free herself from the wings as her tummy starts to swell, the changes now sweeping down her legs as they've almost finished.

Starting to notice her friend fussing, the dragoness pulls back the wings, and everything, except for the final changes to the girl's body from the fox nanites, halts. Belly swollen now, her furred self feels very different to how it did the previous evening. Now not just female but, apparently, pregnant with something.

Eyes wide in alarm, Jeni wraps just her arms around Erin and jumps out, crashing through the window and gliding to the ground with her wings. In the middle of the backyard, the pair laying on their backs in the sunshine, Genevieve wonders just what will happen, was the fast pregnancy the worms or the fox infection? One clawed hand rubbing her flat belly, she hopes it was the latter. Of course, she is very wrong.