Spyro: Return of Darkness, Chapter 9 -- Hide-and-Seek No More

Story by FrostDragon on SoFurry

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#8 of Spyro: Return of Darkness

Read on...last chapter I'm uploading this weekend...or maybe not, I might end up staying up late and uploading chapter 10...

Kinda short...just a bit. The keywords kinda give it away if you're looking in the album... But enjoy. :)

Unless of course you're under 18 years. In which case, you shouldn't even be seeing this.

Chapter 9 -- Hide-and-Seek No More

Spyro and Cynder sat there in the room, everyone else long gone. They were thinking through what they'd just heard, but were more confused now than before. Spyro felt a sense of sorrow coming from Cynder, and he sat next to her. She jumped as the sound of his claws on the stone floor snapped her back to reality.


"Oh Spyro, I just don't know what to think anymore," she said, falling against him. He wrapped his arms around her and she buried her face against his chest.

"Cynder, I will never, never let anything bad take you..."

"But how?" she asked, pulling away from him. "You can't go inside me and remove this darkness he left in me! How can you protect me from something we can't even control?"

"I can't, but if he does take you, I swear I will not let him have you."

"Why?" she asked, seeing something else on his mind. He paused--why had he said that? "Spyro?"

His mind was on fire, but he swallowed the annoying bubble welling up in his throat and sat up, locking her eyes with his. He put his paws on her shoulders.

"Because you're my best friend...and..."


He pulled her into a tight hug and whispered, "I'll protect you to the best of my ability...because I love you, Cynder."

Her eyes dilated and she felt a bit dizzy. Had he really just said that?

Spyro expected her to push him off her in disbelief, but instead she wrapped her arms around him and held him close.

"You really mean it?" she asked, and he looked down and met her emerald eyes with his amethyst ones. His mind was ablaze, but he smiled, and stroked her face with his paw.

"Why would I lie to such a beautiful dragoness? My best friend?"

She smiled happily back at him, and he saw her eyes fill with joy. "Spyro...last night...I couldn't get it out, but...I love you, too. More than anything else."

They both felt an overwhelming feeling of joy wash over them as they realized this wasn't some far-fetched dream. On a suden, uncontrollable impulse, Spyro looked into her eyes and they were locked in a deep, passionate kiss. They lost themselves to each other in a state of pure happiness and bliss. Spyro felt that bulge at his tail-base again, but it wasn't very strong, and he completely ignored it as he absorbed this moment. Cynder moaned and pushed her mouth into his...she didn't want this to end, ever. Spyro didn't know why but...she tasted so sweet...everything about her was sweet...and it just overwhelmed him that he was in love with such a beautiful creature. Neither had ever been as happy as they were now. Solar walked into the room, looked up, and stopped at what he saw. He smiled, shaking his head, and left the room quietly. Spyro and Cynder were completely oblivious as they sat there, Cynder wrapped in Spyro's powerful but gentle arms. They opened their eyes at the same time, and in the depths of each others' gemstone wells they saw one thing shining back: love.

A loud yell made Spyro jump, breaking the kiss. Cynder sat back and they looked at each other with warm smiles. In the hallway they heard Solar muttering to himself--apparently he hadn't been watching where he was going and had run into a wall.

"Should we tell the others?" Cynder asked, and as she expected, Spyro shook his head.

"Not yet...on our own time," he replied. They walked to their room and looked out the window, Cynder leaning on Spyro with a happy smile on her face, Spyro reclining his head against hers as they watched the clouds in the sky.

"All this time I was so hesitant..." Spyro eventually said, and Cynder nuzzled her face against his. He closed his eyes and smiled--he loved that little action.

"Well, so was I..." she replied. "But now it's finally out..."

He looked at her. "And we're both happy because of it." She giggled and kissed him again.

"Oh Spyro...I've never been so happy in my life..."

"Well, you of the two of us deserve it most," he said, and she hugged him.

"No...we both deserve it." She lay her head against his neck and shoulder, and he reached with his other paw and took hers. She looked into his eyes with a content smile. After a while she walked away from the window, just taking in everything that was happening. She sat down and closed her eyes, smiling. Spyro walked up behind her and ran his paw down her back. She started but didn't move. Spyro, feeling a bit more daring, reached out with both paws and rubbed the base of her wings. She moaned happily--it felt really good. Spyro slowly made his way up and stopped halfway up her neck. She shivered and growled; why had he stopped? He sat down next to her and she caught his eyes with his, and they once again lovingly locked lips, closing their eyes and losing themselves to the feeling of bliss.

* * * *

The next day, Spyro woke up on his back on the floor. He stretched and felt something on top of him. He opened his eyes and saw Cynder's head on his chest, her beautiful face relaxed as she slept. Spyro smiled and ran his paw across her face and down her neck. She groaned and opened her eyes, smiling when the first thing she saw was his purple eyes.

"How's my beautiful dragoness this morning?" he asked quietly. She giggled and kissed him.

"The purple day greets me, how much better can I be?"

He stroked her face again. "Every day has its black night," he said, and she giggled again and set her head back down on his chest. "I love you, Cynder, and nothing will ever change that."

"I love you too, my purple hero," she said, closing her eyes with a content smile. She snuggled up against him and he closed his eyes...how he loved it when she did that. They wanted to stay there all day, just with each other, but soon Cynder's stomach roared. She got up off Spyro, and he stood up.

"I'll go get food, you stay here," he said, and walked out of the room. Cynder stared after him, and when he was gone she looked at the ceiling and threw herself on the floor with a happy sigh, taking everything in. All those years of pain and misery seemed like an old faded dream now...even memories of the Dark Master seemed to be just random dreams. She had a family...a best friend...someone who genuinely loved her and cared about her. She sat up as she heard Spyro return, balancing a tray of fruit on his back.

"Looks like someone here knows about us," he said, a bit red in the face, and using his wings as a slide he carefully slid the tray off his back, landing it in front of Cynder. "This was already prepared for us."

"Probably Solar," she replied. He tauntingly held a berry in front of her, and she playfully snapped her head forward and caught it out of his paw. He tossed another one up in the air, and she caught in her mouth with a laugh. She picked up a few and tossed them up at him, and he moved about quickly, trying to catch them all. He missed a few and a few bounced off his face. She laughed, and caught the ones he threw for her. In this manner they finished the whole tray. Cynder stood up and stretched her hind legs.

"The elders are gonna get angry with us...we haven't trained for days."

"They haven't called for us," Spyro said. "I think after the mission they're giving us a break."

A few minutes later Solar walked into the room to find them sitting next to each other on the floor, Cynder's head on Spyro's shoulder, their tails twisted together. "I thought so," he said quietly, and Spyro looked back at him.

"Hey, Solar..." He stood up and Cynder stretched and stood up as well. "What's up?"

"Just came in to see how you two were doing. I think I already knew, though," he finished with a half-smile. His smile faded as he again thought of Flare. Cynder guessed his thought.

"Solar, I know we'll find her."


She looked at Spyro. "If he is indeed sensitive to 'inter-dimensional trans-whatevers', I think, if she had died, he'd still be out cold." Spyro half-smiled at her.

"Well..." Solar sighed. "They say love is a powerful force...I just hope you're right." Cynder nuzzled against Spyro and he grinned and kissed her. "Well, when you two are ready to part, the elders want you to continue your training."

"Thought so," Spyro said disappointedly.

"Don't worry, though," Solar said with a sly half-smile. "I put in a good word for you two...they won't go as hard on you for a while." He walked away, and after a while Spyro sighed.

"Guess we'd better get out there..."

"Lead on, my purple dragon," Cynder said, and she followed him out of the room.


I hate to leave you peeps hanging, but my last three weeks of the semester start tomorrow and with that, I have no more time to dedicate to this--or at least not much. I might upload a chapter during the week...but hopefully during Christmas break I can get back to it full-swing.