Spyro: Return of Darkness, Chapter 12 -- Calm Before The Storm

Story by FrostDragon on SoFurry

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#11 of Spyro: Return of Darkness

This chapter's kinda short (by my standards), but adding stuff made it seem like a bit too much, and splitting it later into the next chapter made both feel a bit messed up. Oh well. It is what it is.

If you're under 18, get outta here. All I'm gonna say. You don't belong here.

Chapter 12 -- Calm Before The Storm

Spyro stretched his arms and smiled as he felt familiar soft scales against his paw. Without opening his eyes he ran his paw down that sweet face, and heard her moan in her sleep. Cynder was draped over Spyro's chest as he lay on his back, and he slowly opened his eyes to see his new mate sleeping peacefully on him. He ran his paw lightly down her arm to the bracelet. In the morning light coming in through the windows, it glittered softly, and he smiled as he thought back to the previous night...how happy she'd been when he'd offered to share his life with her. He remembered keeping that bracelet hidden from her on the flight to the river, and how close she'd come to finding it several times as she cuddled against him.

She yawned and his thoughts returned to the present, and the first thing she saw was his smiling, caring face. She sighed happily and closed her eyes with a smile as he ran his paw along her face in his typical good-morning fashion.

"How are you today?" he asked. She merely smiled at him and he could see the happiness in her face. He gently brought her head closer to him and she giggled sleepily as he kissed her.

"Oh Spyro...you were right...it is a pretty long dream..."

"Well, I hate to say it, but the dream's gonna hafta get a little more heated up," he said, slowly getting up. She yawned and sat up with a curious look on her face. "Remember? We need to start off for the next mission?"

She nodded and yawned again, and nuzzled against his face affectionately.

"Do we really hafta go?" she asked.

"Well, technically we can always say no, but..."

"Okay, I get it," she said, but couldn't help smiling. They both slid off the bed and walked out into the main room together. Solar greeted them with a tray of fresh fruits.

"Thought you'd like to enjoy your first morning together," he said. "Ignitus says we don't need to leave until you're ready."

"Thanks Solar," Spyro said, and Solar nodded to him with a warm smile and walked away.

"What's he been doing since he got here?" Cynder asked.

"He's been studying stuff," Spyro said. "The stone of the walls, the many types of plants and insects around the temple...and apparently helping Ignitus and the other elders craft our bed." He shook his head in amazement and picked up a fruit for her. They spent some time feeding each other until the tray was empty, and contented themselves to sit on the balcony, their tails twisted together, Cynder's head in her usual spot on Spyro's shoulder. After a while they heard Ignitus approach and they turned around. He had a smile on his face.

"So, I assume you two are happy?" he asked, and they nodded with broad smiles. "I'm very happy for both of you...it's been a great pleasure watching over you two so far. I just came around to tell you both that you have the next three days to yourselves."

"What about the crystals?" Spyro asked.

"The enemy is regrouping, and we're waiting on reports to see what they're planning. If they go and defend the crystals, you won't be able to get in until they pull back out. If they attack us, we'll need to defend ourselves. If they sit and wait, we can't do much until they make a move...if the last one is the case you could try to sneak past them, but I doubt three dragons would be able to sneak past a huge encampment."

Cynder and Spyro looked at each other. Ignitus grinned. "Well, just came by to give you the heads-up. Enjoy your day together," he said, and left them alone on the balcony.

"Things seem to be working in our favor," Spyro said, and Cynder nodded. He stretched his wings in the late-morning light with a look in his eye, and she took the hint and with a playful grin followed him up into the air. When they reached the river, Cynder landed first. She shrieked as Spyro grabbed at her with a laugh, and she fell to the ground as he chased her. Before she could get back up he was on top of her, and she screamed with laughter as he started tickling her, his paws swiftly moving over her and they both laughed. He paused to let his arms rest and give her a breather, but she took the chance and, before he could react, her paws were all over him as she paid him back. He yelled with laughter as she rolled over him, exploiting his most sensitive areas and making his sides hurt as he laughed. They wrestled with each other for a bit before Spyro pinned Cynder under him and kissed her. She knew what was on his mind--it was on hers too--and she felt a familiar warm sensation between her legs, eagerly awaiting him. He broke away briefly to look at her, and his lips locked on to hers again passionately. They again felt their breathing and heartbeats speed up as the excitement grew in them. Spyro's dragon meat slowly slid out of its sheath, and as it erected he positioned himself so it slid right into her warm depths. She moaned and grinned at him, wanting more, and he was more than happy to comply. When he was completely solid he pushed hard into her and she gasped as a surge of pleasure ran through her. Her muscles tensed and she gripped him tight, and he moaned her name loudly as he thrust into her eager opening.

He slowly sped up, using a lot of self-control to keep from rushing things. He wanted her to enjoy it as much as possible before he finished. She was moaning and gasping with pleasure as he controlled himself, and he licked what he could reach of her chest and neck, making her scream with the additional sensation. Her eyes met his, and then their lips followed suit, and they sucked on each other desperately as Spyro picked up the pace. He reached under her shoulders and rubbed the base of her wings, and she threw her head back and yelled his name. Not long after that, he was surprised when she screamed with pleasure and he felt her body shudder and clamp down tightly on his shaft, her warm juices surrounding his meat and threatening to explode from her from around her tight grip on him. It nearly sent him over the edge, but with a grunt he restrained himself. She grabbed his neck and looked into his eyes as he slowed down.

"Please...keep going..." she pleaded, and he grinned at her and thrust hard, watching the pleasure wash over her face as he leaned in to lock lips with her again. They moaned into each others' mouths, the excitement causing their fire-breath to mingle within that seal as he sped up his rythym. He felt her come close to another orgasm, and figured that it was time to end their waiting. Cynder screamed with each thrust as he hilted himself in her with sudden eagerness that she couldn't refuse.

"Oh Spyro...oh...aaaahhhh..." she moaned before throwing her head back and half-yelling, half-groaning with pleasure with each thrust.

"Cynder...oooooohhh..." he groaned in reply as he felt that pressure build up behind his dragonhood. As he felt her tighten around his shaft, he looked deep into her eyes, and brought her into a loving kiss as he made one last, powerful thrust into her. That kiss was immediately broken as they roared, fire shooting from their mouths as they exploded. They both came so hard that quite a bit shot out from the tight seal she had around him, coating their tail-bases and the grass around their hind legs. Spyro felt Cynder shudder beneath him with each blast of his hot dragon cum within her, and she moved her hips back and forth, milking him as dry as she could as she tensed her muscles around him. Tired though he was, he kept thrusting lightly in her until he had run dry and his shaft began to soften. With a content sigh he fell down next to Cynder, and she threw herself over him, letting him gently stroke her neck and back.

"That was...amazing.." she gasped, and Spyro nodded, panting. She looked at him, love blazing in her eyes, and her vision went black as she fell asleep from the exhaustion of two orgasms in one go. Spyro ran his paw lightly over her cheek, letting it finally come to rest on her paw as he put his head back and fell asleep.

They woke up later that afternoon, feeling refreshed but still drained. They took a long drink from the river, and decided to wash themselves off before heading back to the temple, wading into the running water. Feeling a bit daring, Cynder came up behind Spyro and reached around him, rubbing his golden chest-scales with her wet paws. He started but smiled and didn't pull away. She came around in front of him and he lay against the bank, and she slowly and lovingly cleaned him off. When she was done with his hind legs she turned and started to edge away, but she heard him slosh in the water behind her and stop her with a strong but gentle paw.

"I will return the favor," he said with a smile, and she grinned at him a bit seductively as she lay against the bank, giving herself to his caring touch as he carefully rubbed her from the neck down, constantly re-wetting his paws to make sure she was clean. She closed her eyes with a smile as he tenderly rubbed her black and red scales. He grinned slyly at her and rubbed her tail-base, and she jumped and looked at him.

"Hey, you, we just got done," she said, but she said it with a playful look on her face. He grinned back at her and slowly and gently washed off her tail-base and hind legs when he was done with her ruby-red underbelly. When he was fully done he sat back in the water, and she came over and hugged him tightly, giving him a kiss.

"Spyro...I love you more than anything else in the world," she said with a happy sigh.

"And he same goes for me to you," he replied, and she nuzzled joyfully against his face as the river slowly flowed around them. They stayed there until Cynder began to shiver from the temperature of the water, and Spyro carried her out of the river. They shook themselves off and decided to take the scenic route back to the temple--I.E. walk instead of fly. As they walked, Cynder had her head against Spyro's shoulder, letting him guide her as they casually looked over the myriad colors of mushrooms and trees around them.


Next chapter's gonna be longer...after this one I'm gonna try to make the chapters longer.

Comments? Suggestions? Complaints?