Sacrifice (Alisa: 05)

Story by Ilveris on SoFurry

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#5 of Alisa

_Note from the Author:

Graphic sex ahead along with some girly emotions. This is the fifth installment of my Alisa series. If you haven't read the previous chapters, then that's where you should start. Alisa's life with Essidus is about to change. Enjoy!


[email protected]_


"You are my world, Love. You are my everything."

** Chapter: 05


Snow fell beyond the steam covered window; large flakes which drifted lazily to the earth on an invisible current. They fluttered quickly on occasion, but for the most part seemed content to simply coast in the wind. The sun had set not long ago; the dreary evening had given way to dreary night.

Alisa relaxed lazily in the hot waters of her personal bath. Her pale blue fur was long since clean, but Alisa had little reason to climb from the soothing waters. Instead, she chose to continue enjoying what heat the water could offer her.

The steam was easily brushed from the window, providing a somewhat clearer view of the night beyond. Her beloved had disappeared into that darkness a few hours ago. Now weeks late, there was no word from Jonathon. Essidus ventured into the darkness to the home of his best friend.

He hoped to find Jonathon's ledger and schedule. Jonathon worked as a trader of sorts, often arranging deals between men. He was but a middleman from what Alisa had seen and rarely handled any goods himself. On occasion his business would call him to nearby cities. Essidus now held onto a slim hope that Jonathon had also left with work in mind... if he could find evidence of such work at Jonathon's house, it would do much to allay his fears.

If it were not for Alisa he would have long ago left for Avenguard; he would have long ago left to find his brother personally, but Essidus dare not stray too far from the demoness sealed in his home. They had made love countless times, and yet still he did not trust her. Still he thought it too dangerous to leave her unattended. The trek he took tonight would require only hours. He would return before dawn.

Alisa did not begrudge him his distrust. It was part of his strength. Over the last few days she had whittled much of that strength away. Essidus resisted her still, on occasion, but seemed incapable of fully stopping himself from being with her. His desire to be loved was powerful; a tidal force within him. When confronted with proclamations of love, it was difficult for him not to be swept away in something he so desperately wanted to be true.

She had come to understand that Essidus had never allowed himself to love in any significant way for several reasons. He was unlovable in his mind, of course. He saw the things that he did in pursuit of his own goals as quite terrible. This was a difficult concept for Alisa. Alisa was not ashamed of her own actions. She would achieve her objectives however she pleased. It mattered not what befell her enemies or those near them. It was not so simple for her mortal love.

Essidus was also afraid. Afraid of what might befall anyone he dared love. She understood this now. She knew now why he seemed to distance himself from the mouse girl. He was afraid not only of the actions his enemies might take, but the toll his own actions might have on any such loved one. One of the reasons for his weakness with her, Alisa now knew, was that this was a nonissue between them. Essidus fully believed that he would, in time, slay her. Her love was not real and it was safe, in a sense, to be with her. The love was pretend in his mind.

There was no need to concern himself with how she might be harmed by his enemies. How her eyes might see him if she were ever to learn his terrible secrets. It didn't matter. She would be dead soon. This was why he seemed to have such a difficult time resisting her. He believed her wildly dangerous to his physical being... but emotionally, Alisa was safe.

And so he indulged against his better judgment. Together, in the dark of his bed, he pretended as he thought she did. He imagined a deep and beautiful love between them. True and pure. She could feel him slip into his illusion with her; she could feel him slip into his dream. Little did he know, her part in the dream was real.

Alisa closed her eyes and slipped further into the water until only her head remained above the surface. If this is what Essidus needed from her, then so be it. Her life continued only because he willed it. She had lived with him for nearly a month now. No words could express her gratitude for this gift he had bestowed upon her. She would be whatever he needed.

If he wanted to dream, let him. If he wanted to be held at night, so be it. If he wanted her love, he had it. If he wanted her body, she would give it. If he wanted her blood, he need only ask. If he wanted her soul... well, it was his already. He just didn't seem to know.

Moonlight's approach was silent, yet perceived. Alisa felt him slip through the cracked door behind her. His silence was broken, ever so softly, when he leapt onto the counter which surrounded the bath. Alisa opened her eyes and found him lying with paws crossed. He stared at her intently. Alisa closed her eyes and relaxed herself once again.

The small familiar had no love of Alisa, yet his presence was a comfort. He was covered with the powerful scent of his master. His mind, while distinct, felt faintly of Essidus. They were close. Closer than words could describe. His soul was a mirror which shown only Essidus, as Essidus was a mirror in turn for him. In a way, the two were one. To be near Moonlight was to be near her love.

The silence was broken. "He'll kill you soon," Moonlight poked. "Almost time now."

Alisa did not open her eyes. Essidus had exhausted himself in his tomes. His concentration was in shambles. She did not believe he was near an answer. She did not believe he was near the spell that he required. The words of Moonlight were not mere idle threat; however, for Essidus may end her life soon to free himself of her. She was a chain which prevented his departure... she was a prison which kept him from seeking out Jonathon.

Alisa had little doubt that he would end her life rather than risk leaving her here unattended. His worry over Jonathon was becoming frantic. He could hide it in his words... in his appearance, but he could not hide his feelings from her. Perhaps another day? Maybe two? He would kill her eventually. It was inevitable. He was both her love and her doom. The troubles that had befallen Jonathon, wherever he might be, was but a speeding of the process.

"My life belongs to him. He may do with it what he pleases." Alisa responded.

She could feel the eyes of the small fox on her. "That's what you keep saying, but we both know it isn't true," he said snidely. "This game is getting very old."

The small familiar would occasionally strike up a conversation like this with Alisa. She knew there was but a single purpose to these talks. With every word spoken there was the chance that that word would be incorrect and revealing. Lies are more difficult to maintain with time. Moonlight engaged her in regular conversation, she knew, because he hoped to learn of her true intention. He hoped she would reveal something of her power, her objectives, or her very nature.

Alisa did not have issue with this. The tiny fox was fiercely loyal; the tiny fox was fiercely loyal to her beloved. She took no issue with his incessant prodding. In fact, she expected it. She was pleased to know that Moonlight watched over Essidus as best he could. Even if her love didn't listen; even if he didn't always heed the warnings, she was still happy to know that such protective skepticism surrounded him. Both Moonlight and Jonathon had been rightly wary of her beloved's decision to keep her alive. Both of them had called for her death.

Without a word she slipped beneath the water entirely. There was no need to answer him. Such discussions might be important to Moonlight and Alisa might be grateful that he made such effort, but the fact remained that Alisa knew there was no threat from her. The entire discussion was pointless and the truth would never satisfy him. Moonlight would never accept that she loved Essidus. He just never would.

Alisa ran her fingers through her hair a few times, helping the water permeate every inch before slipping above the surface once more.

"Do you want to die? We are not to be trifled with," he continued. "We are powerful. Regardless of what and who you are, you take great risk by surrendering yourself to us in the manner that you have."

Her fingers graced the glass once more. Alisa brushed the steam away as best she could. "I do not seek death," she responded.

"I'm tired of this," he said. "I will free you and then you can go. We can finally be rid of you."

Alisa turned her eyes to the small fox with skepticism of her own. He flicked his tail at her and watched her carefully. She could sense the deceit in him. Moonlight dare not release Alisa. She had an express interest in Essidus; what if she didn't leave? What if she lay in wait for his return? No, Moonlight would never free her. He simply wanted to see her reaction.

It didn't matter. Had he been sincere her answer would not have changed. Alisa had already made her decision. She had chosen death and the brief time with her beloved that it bought. That had not changed... would not change.

Alisa rose to her feet. Neither Alisa nor Moonlight had much in the way of modesty. You were what you were. He watched her warily while she slipped her legs from the tub and gathered a towel. "I have no desire to leave," she replied and began to scrub herself dry.

He said nothing in return. She could feel his anxiety. Her answer troubled him. To Moonlight this could mean but one thing; it could mean only that to be in the possession of Essidus was part of whatever plan Alisa had. A scheme, which in the mind of Moonlight, could mean only the death of his master. If Alisa did not seek freedom then everything was going according to plan for her, or at least so he thought.

Dry enough, Alisa wrapped herself tightly in the towel. "I will never harm him. I will never harm you. I will never harm anyone whom matters to him."

Alisa could feel the frustration within Moonlight peek. He jumped to his feet. "Enough of your damned lies! Is this what you do!? Is this your purpose, demon!?" he replied, stepping closer to the edge of the counter. "Find a mortal who desperately needs to feel loved, give them some false sense of it, and then rip it away? Huh? Is that it!? Do you live just to see his heart suffer?"

Alisa turned to face the aggravated fox. Moonlight was prone to outbursts, but this one surprised her. He had revealed his concerns for Essidus so directly. There was desperation in his voice. He didn't know what to do. He didn't know how to stop Alisa.

Alisa dropped slowly to her knees, her focus now intently on the suffering of her beloved's familiar.

"Do you enjoy it? Teasing him with something he has never had, something he may never have? Giving just enough of your damned illusion to make him understand just how much is missing in his life!? Is that it!?" he demanded.

Alisa shook her head. "No..." she whispered.

He didn't stop to let her speak, nor did he listen. Still caught up in his desperate frustration, Moonlight snapped viciously at the air in front of her. "Because I'll kill you!" he barked. "I'll fucking kill you! If you're going to do him harm, then just do it. Just take his life or die trying. I can respect that, but these damned games. These wounds you try to inflict on his heart, on his soul! I'll fucking kill you!"

There was no threat. Without Essidus, Moonlight could not hope to harm Alisa. Even with the seal in place, it would be a trifling matter to restrain the small fox. She need only lock herself in her room to be free of his physical danger. Moonlight lacked the ability to carry out his threats, but it seemed certain that he would try if it came to that. Having talked himself ragged, Moonlight now struggled to regain his breath and composure both.

Alisa reached out and placed one of her hands on the counter, inches from the feet of the small fox. "I have no words that will convince you of the truth..." Alisa said with a whisper.

"The truth, damn it! Just tell me the truth!" he demanded. "Just tell me what you want with him..."

She didn't know how to respond. There was no way to make him understand or believer her. Alisa knew that if their positions were reversed, Alisa would never trust Moonlight. She would never believe or even consider such claims. Still, what could she say? He wanted the truth.

Alisa leaned closer, putting her face inches from the jaws of the fox which had snapped at her just moments ago. "I love him. I love Essidus with all of my heart. My purpose is to bring him happiness, to comfort him as best I can, to shower him with my love. My purpose is to hold him when he cries, warm him when he's cold, and tell him that's loved... to tell him that he's the most important thing in the world to me."

Moonlight stared into her eyes, as if appraising her response. He sighed and slipped from the counter. Silently he made his way from the room and into the darkness of the house beyond the door. His fears had not diminished, but he wanted her claims to be true. She could feel it. He hid those desires better. He wanted it, just as Essidus wanted it.

*** ** ***

Laying in the darkness of her room with eyes unfocused, Alisa felt her beloved enter the house. She could feel him easily. His return was unmistakable. Cold. Disappointment. Worry. She knew immediately that he had not found what he had hoped to find. Essidus wasted little time in going to his room.

Alisa had long ago finished air drying. She'd found her way into one of the slips provided by her new master only because he prefer she not go naked. With dawn now approaching, Alisa had spent the night waiting for her beloved. She'd spent the night thinking of Moonlight's words. She'd spent the night thinking of how to heal her beloved's wounded heart. One more night of such thoughts had; however, produced the same results as those that had come before it. There was no answer. As a demon, Alisa could not heal his heart. He would never allow it. Such an act would take time. Years... a lifetime, perhaps. Time she did not have.

Her anklets sang their soft song when she slipped her legs over the side of the bed. With each footstep announced, Alisa made her way into the library... to his door. She did not knock. Her hand found the knob and a gentle turn found it unlocked.

Within she found Essidus beside his bed working to remove his pants. His shirt lay on the floor nearby, an early victim. His eyes found her quickly, but he did not stop. She approached him with her slow, demonic grace...

Having finished removing his clothes, he killed the lamp and turned to face her in his nudity. With a sigh and a shake of the head he spoke. "Alisa... not tonight."

His exhaustion was mounting. She could feel it. The stress of the events between him and Marisa, between him and Alisa, and now the stress of his brother's disappearance was working to break him down. Night after night it grew worse.

Alisa took his hand and sat elegantly on the edge of the bed. "I need to talk to you."

She could sense a mixed reaction within him. On the one hand, he was in a bad mood and didn't want to deal with it. But what could Alisa have to say? His better judgment won out. He freed his hand and slipped into bed, beneath the covers and laid back.

Alisa scooted a little closer, but remained sitting. She didn't want the distraction of touch... of her pressing against him. It was important that she speak. That he hear. Moonlight had shown her earlier tonight; had made her realize, that there was in fact something more to be said.

She took his hand once more. "I've told you that I love you... but I haven't told you how much," Alisa whispered. "There are no words to describe how important you are to me; nothing I say can fully describe how vitally important you are to my heart... but I must bare myself before you and try."

Essidus remained silent. She could feel some surprise in him. This was not what he had expected. He simply returned her gaze and listened. That was fine. He didn't need to talk.

"You are to me as blood is to my heart. I cannot live without you. Not anymore. In the past I sometimes wondered if I had a soul," she continued. "Now I know. I did not. My soul was lost... but I've found it. It is in you. It is with you. It cannot be separated. To lose you would be to lose my soul."

His breathing had quickened, but still he said nothing in reply. Alisa's throat began to feel tight. The words did not come easily.

"I love you, Essidus. I love you more than the sun loves the moon, more than the earth loves the sky. I love you. I love you more than any woman ever will. Ever could," She squeezed his hand gently with hers. "You've brought me happiness. You need to understand just what that is to me. To a mortal, happiness may be important... but it is not unique. Being with you, near you, loving you... these things have brought me happiness. You have given me the only happiness I have ever known, have ever experienced."

Alisa scooted a little closer. Her heart had begun to race. She did not expect this to be difficult... why would telling him these words be such an overwhelming experience? "To someone such as I, who has never experienced love or happiness or true contentment... these are overwhelming, incredible gifts. I would trade my centuries of life for the few days I have spent in your arms and I would do so without hesitation."

Essidus was speechless. She could feel his surprise turn to shock. This was not what he had expected at all.

"My only desire in life is to bring you happiness, to bring you joy. My only desire is return those beautiful gifts, to make you feel loved and cherished," Alisa's voice wavered. The words were getting stuck in her throat, but she struggled to continue on nonetheless. "You need to know that no matter what you think or feel or do... you are wanted. You are loved. You are needed. You are cherished. You are desired. You are important. You are my world, Love. You are my everything."

Alisa pressed closer in the darkness. Placing her hands on either side of his head; she hovered over him and looked down into his eyes. "I need you to believe me. At first I didn't... but... but..."

Alisa swallowed hard. The words resisted her. She didn't understand why. Then, much to her surprise, Alisa's vision blurred. Silenced by her own shock, Alisa struggled to breathe. A tear made its way silently down her muzzle to the tip of her nose where it fell to Essidus. Shock and surprise overwhelmed her, both her own and that which she could feel within Essidus. They were both surprised to find this demoness crying. Alisa had never before cried. She had never understood it. It was powerful.

She did not fully understand it, but she would think of it later. She must finish. "I need you to believe me now. I need you to know how much I love you and believe that it is true. I will do anything for you, Essidus..." she stuttered. Dropping herself gently, Alisa lifted her head and pressed the side of her neck gently to his muzzle. "I will die for you. Right now. If that is what it takes to prove my love... then I ask you, I beg you... strike..."

More of her tears came. She found herself consumed in them and gentle sobs. Still, she pressed herself closer to him.

"I can think of nothing else that can prove my feelings. Nothing but my death. I will die for this. That will be my proof... strike..." she sobbingly demanded. "Strike... strike... allow me to prove my love for you..."

Alisa trembled and pressed herself closer. "Please..." she whispered into his ear with a broken voice.

Alisa closed her eyes but found she was unable to stop the tears. His warm breath was on her neck while she await his strike... his bite. She awaited the jaws which had found her neck the night she had first come to him. They would have more meaning this time. Much more meaning.

But they did not come. To her surprise, Alisa felt his gentle touch. His hands took her sides, pressing gently against her through the slip. Slowly his arms wrapped around her back and his lips found her neck... but not with fang and blood. No, they came with a gentle kiss and a soft tongue.

He pulled down on her gently and Alisa collapsed against him, unable to hold herself up any longer. Essidus nuzzled the side of her head and squeezed her tight. Alisa was to overwhelmed to sense his feelings... but she felt safe in his arms. He would not strike. She didn't believe she had convinced him. No, nothing had really changed. He would still kill her... but at least she had made herself known to him.

With tears still flowing, Alisa found herself beneath the covers. Her lips found his and their gentle kisses became deeper. She could feel his desire grow between her legs. In return she rocked herself against him, allowing his manhood to part her lips. She had not intended to seduce him, but it was no longer in her control.

With tongue firmly in his mouth, Alisa reached between them and took his cock in hand. For a moment she stroked him gently with her fingers before guiding his head to her warmth. She moaned and pressed herself onto him. She took him slowly, inch by inch. She squeezed his cock within her and cradled him as he now cradled her in his arms.

His hands found their way beneath her slip to the fur and flesh beneath. He gently stroked her back and kept her pressed tight to him. Alisa began to ride him. Slow and gently did she take his cock into her warmth again and again. The sobbing was gone, replaced by moans muffled by the tongue of her beloved. Still, her tears flowed. They simply would not stop.

Her pleasure mounted. Her need for him, for their souls to touch, was growing greater. He moved gently beneath her, matching her slow and tender pace. Breaking their kiss, Alisa freed herself of his grasps and sat back atop him. Resting her palms lovingly atop his chest, Alisa gazed into his eyes. Lifting and lowering herself ever so gently, she continued her rhythmic love making.

Essidus returned her stare and slipped one of his hands to her hip. His other hand found its way to her side... and from there to her breasts. He squeezed and kneaded them gently. Alisa closed her eyes and rolled her head back. "Essidus..." she moaned.

Alisa's moaning grew ever louder, more drawn out. Her pace did not quicken... she wanted him gently. He seemed to want it to, he moved slowly beneath her. His fingers plucked gently at one of her nipples. She gasped softly in return, her climax nearing. Up and down... again and again, an unending precession of gentle riding.

"My love... my master... my mortal... my beloved..." she whispered aloud. She had not intended to speak it aloud. She lowered her gaze back to him to find he seemed to have no objection to her claiming. "My love..." she whispered again.

With her eyes trapped in his, with his fingers gently tugging at her breasts and nipples, with his cock deep inside her... Alisa found herself at the edge of climax. Beneath her, she could feel him nearing his as well.

Alisa bit her lip and continued her rhythmic riding. She struggled to hold back her climax. She would not come. She would not come until she felt him pour his warmth into her. She would wait. Alisa worked diligently, never breaking her slow rhythm. She squeezed herself around him ever tighter, coaxing him to give her what she wanted.

Her moans grew louder, more panicked. She found it harder and harder to hold back without stopping... but she would not give in. She would hold back and she would continue to ride, to please him. She would do both. "Come for me, Love... give your captive everything you've been holding back," she whispered between moans. "Give me that stress, let me take that from you... Come for me, Darling..."

She gazed into his eyes while he shudder beneath her. Alisa lowered herself atop him, ceasing her riding. She felt him quake within her. He was close... so close... Her own climax loomed at the thought, threatening to overwhelm and consume her. Still she held it off. Not yet.

She squeezed him tightly within her. She wanted to feel him come, no movement... just him. With the same gentle, slow rhythm Alisa squeezed his cock within her. Again and again she contracted around him, trying to give him that last little bit he needed to come for her. He groaned beneath her and arched his back. His eyes finally closed.

She felt him quiver beneath her. Alisa trembled in return. Still, she held back her own climax. Her gaze did not leave his face. She watched him closely as she squeezed and massaged his cock within her. She felt him pulsate within her. Alisa moaned, biting lip harder. She tasted blood. She bit harder still and struggled to hold back.

With a long, low groan Essidus finally gave her was she so desperately wanted. With no distracting movement she felt every quiver, every tremble of his flesh. She felt his cock pulsate. She felt him spasm within her... She felt the first spurt of seed as it coated her womb. It was followed a moment later by a second, and a third. Warmth filled her body, radiating outward from her core. She could hold back no longer.

Alisa spasmed around her beloved while her own climax slowly overtook and filled her. Slow and gentle waves of pleasure racked her body again and again. "Oh... Essidus..." she moaned. Through it all she kept her eyes on him, watching his expressions while he poured himself into her.

When her climax had passed at last, Alisa continued her gentle squeezing. She continued to entice him to give every drop, trying to squeeze everything from his cock. She fell forward atop him. Her lips found his once more. They kissed gently. Still, she squeezed him. Together they trembled and held one another.

Dawn was near... but it was still dark beyond the window. The snow was falling faster. None of that mattered to Alisa. Her tongue was in her beloved's mouth. His arms surrounded her. His warm seed coated her insides. This was happiness. "I love you..." she whispered.

*** ** ***

He looked peaceful. His sleep was deep. Alisa lay snuggled against his side, her leg draped over his and her hand gently stroking his chest. She watched him sleep, as she normally did in his bed, and warded off his nightmares. He had found sleep hours ago. It was without a doubt well past noon. Beyond the window the snow had stopped falling, though the sky remained obscure behind dreary grey clouds.

There was a knock at the front door. Essidus awoke slowly in her arms. He did not immediately move. His eyes found hers. She stared dreamily into his beautiful eyes for a moment before her lips found his once more. He did not resist. Their tongues met again. Alisa moaned softly into his mouth.

Another knock. Essidus broke their kiss. He nuzzled his face to hers and slipped from the bed. He donned fresh clothes and collected his sword before making his way into the library.

Alisa, still in her slip, laid back on the bed. She allowed her eyes to grow unfocused. Her thoughts went to the love she had made most recently with her Essidus; her thoughts went to the tears. She still could not believe she had cried. She still didn't even fully understand what it was to cry. She had never done it before... What had she been feeling? It was so intense that she had trouble recalling the exact emotions... was it pain, emotional pain? No. What had brought it on?

Why had she found those words so difficult? It had something to do with the desperation she felt... her absolute desperation for Essidus to believe in her love. She didn't even entirely understand why she needed him to believe it. If he believed the love was true, it might help to heal his heart. But there was more to it than that. It was something that she also needed. Alisa had no idea why.

Alisa felt someone enter the foyer with her Essidus. He was followed by three more. She sat up slowly. Essidus did not allow people into the house with Alisa. He was too careful for that. Alisa slipped from the bed and made her way to the door. She reached for the door and turned the knob, but did not open it. Beyond the door Alisa felt her darling move. He had moved closer, probably into the library. He was followed by one of the others while the rest seemed to remain in the foyer.

Was it time? Had he found the spell he needed? Had she not noticed? Had he enlisted others to help carry out the ritual? Perhaps that is where he had gone. Moonlight had said was nearly time. Was it time for her to die at last?

Alisa found her heart pounding with thunderous force. Her mind raced from possibility to possibility; her mind raced to the conclusion that he would finally end her life. She sensed apprehension in her beloved. It was apprehension of the coming confrontation, no doubt.

Why did her heart pound as it did? Why was she trembling? Why was her mouth dry? The revelation came quickly. Alisa didn't want to die. It made no sense. Just hours ago she had begged Essidus to kill her. Why did she shy from it now?

Hours ago Alisa had begged her beloved to take her life in order to prove her love. If she willingly accepted death now; it might perform the same function, but she wanted her death to be with Essidus and Essidus alone. She wanted it to be intimate. She would much rather die in his arms, in his bed with her blood staining his beautiful white fur.

The thought of dying on a table or in a circle chalked on the floor with others standing over her... it was not the death she wanted. No. She wanted her death to be with him. For him. For him alone.

Another reason to live seemed to haunt the back of her mind. Alisa had never believed she would be allowed to live. It was a certainty that Essidus would slay her... eventually. There was no doubt, but even so... the actual taking of her life would be the ultimate finality in any chance she might have to heal his heart. As long as she live, her heart could hope to heal his. As long as she breathe, her heart held hope, regardless of how unrealistic such hope might be. Regardless of the rejection her mind bestowed on such a notion, her heart hoped.

Her attention returned to library beyond the door. She could hear boots, a casual stroll. Neither of them seemed to be moving toward the library. In fact, she could feel the other moving away slowly. With the knob already turned, Alisa need only pull gently to open the door. She knew the door to be silent.

Alisa dared to open the door; just a little bit. Slowly and carefully did she peer through the tiny crack she had created. Essidus stood near his desk with his left side turned to Alisa. On the far side of the room a panther stood before one of the shelves filled with books. He was examining the available selection.

He wore a white uniform. Alisa recognized it. An officer of the Oscian Military. She had never cared to learn of mortal customs and traditions and so Alisa did not know enough to identify his exact rank.

"A bit audacious, don't you think," The panther reached for one of the books on the shelf. " lead me into this room filled with tomes of magic and such?"

Alisa had expected Moonlight to notice her peeking, but the small familiar was as much focused on the panther as his master was. They both eyed the man with great apprehension.

"Why have you come all this way?" asked her beloved. "What is it you want?"

The panther examined the book. "Not much for friendly banter, are you?"

Essidus did not reply. The panther sighed and returned the book to the shelf. He turned to Essidus. "Essidus Fellray. You are a young and healthy man whom holds great command over the arcane."

She could see her beloved clench his jaw. He remained silent.

"By order of the King, all fit men with power over the arcane are compelled to serve," he continued. "You are hereby found to be fit for service. You will come with me to Avenguard where you will be indoctrinated in the use of military casting."

The panther took a step forward. "Do you understand?"

"You should speak with the Magistrate in Avenguard," he replied. "I make regular contributions to the war effort."

The panther simply shook his head. "Who do you think sent me? Your accounts have been frozen. At such a time that you are released from military service, they will be returned to you. Should you fail to reach such discharge, your funds will be appropriated by the state," the panther took another step forward. He spoke again with a quiet voice so as not to heard by those in the foyer. "You should have just left well enough alone, Fellray. Lord Iralay can no longer ignore your transgressions. The Magistrate will not protect you."

Alisa felt her love's mind reel. He searched frantically for a way out of this, for an answer.

"My telling you this in private was a courtesy, Mr. Fellray," the panther lifted his hand and motioned toward the foyer door. "But I need you to step outside now. You need to come with us."

Moonlight rose to his feet. Alisa's heart raced ever faster. The thoughts she had harbored of her own fate had vanished in an instant. Essidus was all that mattered now. This was no conscription. This was a death sentence. Essidus would be sent to the frontline where he would remain for however long it took him to die. Alisa knew that he could not allow himself to be taken.

Essidus was powerful for a mortal, but mortal magic... especially the kind which Essidus practiced, required planning and preparation. His abilities in a spur of the moment confrontation were quite limited. If he were to enter the company of the soldiers outside, he would stand no chance of defeating them. Not so many. Not without preparation.

In their company he would have eyes on him always. He would never be given time to prepare his magic. Should he step into the presence of the men in the foyer he may never again have privacy. He may never again be given a chance such as the one now before him. He would be watched until he marched to his death on a field of battle.

A single man. That's all that stood before him now. Alisa knew it would be a gamble. Unprepared, his magic would have little bite. It could make itself a distraction, but the deed itself would have to be done by the sword.

Alisa knew that Essidus had paid for lessons in swordsmanship when he was younger. He had taken the lessons simply because skill with the sword was expected of a man of his wealth, but he rarely practiced now and he was only proficient, not a master. The officer before him was well trained and almost certainly exercised his skills on a daily basis.

This man intended to kill her beloved. Not directly... but he would kill him all the same.

This mortal was most likely no threat to Alisa. He seemed unaware of her. Unless he was much more than he seemed, she would have no trouble taking his life. The will of her beloved was blanketing; however, and not selective. Essidus did will who was safe and who was not. He simply willed that Alisa hurt no one. She could not touch this man.

She felt the will of her love reach out. The walls of this house obeyed without hesitation. Sound was but a tale passed from air to wood to water to stone. These walls would be silent. They would break that chain as well as they could; they would not pass the tale to the soldiers beyond.

An awkward silence. The officer sensed hesitation in her beloved. "Mr. Fellray...?" he whispered. His right hand slipped slowly to the sword on his hip.

Without fear or hesitation, Alisa felt Moonlight reach out with his mind. The small fox seemed to pulse. A dark halo, a shadow of the familiar, enveloped Moonlight. It grew rapidly; it quickly produced a second head, a third. In seconds it was larger than the desk. It towered over both men.

The illusion was powerful if Alisa could see it when it was not her mind under siege. The eyes of the officer shifted from Essidus toward Moonlight. In turn, the hand of her beloved slipped to his sword.

The three heads snapped and roared. The shadow grew stronger. Terrible spikes pierced the flesh of the phantom beast and black ooze poured from its form to the ground like blood. Hands of bone and torn flesh erupted from its chest and it reached for the officer. The shadow grew ever denser, concealing Moonlight entirely from her gaze.

Alisa's grip on the doorknob had become a vice as she watched. She found herself shocked by the power Moonlight when he worked with Essidus. To create an illusion that powerful through will alone... She was not his target and yet she could not see him through it. She could only imagine the horror beheld by the panther.

The officer took a step back. She could feel his emotions. Shock... terrible fear. But he still had his wits. Taking another step back, he released the hilt of his sword and instead opted to reach into his coat.

Essidus stepped forward, already in mid draw. The shadow beast lunged forward in a terrible roar. It moved with great speed, but it took the officer only a instant to draw and raise his gun.

There was a terrible crack of thunder. Smoke enveloped the pistol; the powder burned and its single round having been discharged.

Alisa gasped. Terrible pain pierced her mind; a needle thrust deep into her head. In an instant the shadow beast was gone and Moonlight lay motionless atop the desk. Crimson blood stretched outward along the desk beneath the now still familiar.

The pain she had felt had not been that of the small familiar; however, but that of her beloved. A terrible suffering. Their link was strong, and when they worked together; when their will was one, it grew even stronger. To be so suddenly disconnected... to have that bond so viciously torn asunder was both jarring and painful.

Essidus stumbled to his knees. A beautiful song filled the air; the crying of metal... like the ringing of a bell from his sword as it fell to the floor. He was overwhelmed by the pain which had spilled from Moonlight into him like water through a floodgate. In an instant he was consumed by panic... by panic and desperate concern for Moonlight.

There was no way that the officer could have seen the tiny fox at the center of the enormous phantom beast. The illusion had been powerful enough to blind Alisa. That mortal had stood no chance. His assault had found Moonlight by coincidence. It had been mere luck.

"Moonlight..." Essidus gasped. He struggled to one foot but could not find his center; could not find the will to steady himself and rise fully. "Moonlight!"

The panic was all consuming. Essidus prided himself on his self control, on his discipline. Alisa had never seen him panicked; she had never seen him lose complete control of himself, but here he had. His mind was gone, his intelligence buried. His thoughts were only of Moonlight.

His will waivered.

_Final Thoughts:

I quite enjoyed writing this chapter. I think Alisa, Essidus, and the relationship they share are developed enough to start shaking things up a bit. I had actually intended this chapter to include no sex, I was surprised and pleased with the spot in which it just seemed to fall all on its own.

I also wanted to develop Moonlight a little more. I'm fairly happy with the results toward the beginning of the chapter.

Once again, thanks for all the kind comments. They are quite encouraging.


[email protected]

Completed 12/10/2007_