The Song of the Dolphins

Story by LeiLani on SoFurry

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#16 of Underwater Fantasies

I am constantly reminded, dear reader, of the need we all have for a little pleasure at times, whether we're taking in a baseball game in the heat of a summer night, or enjoying a fudge-ripple ice cream cone. Dolphins have it the easiest of all when it comes to pleasure.

From a source: "An adult dolphin orgasms on average around twenty times per hour. Each orgasm lasts for about five minutes. As they grow older, their sexual drive increases. Eventually, they reach a point of ultimate pleasure, when they will just stay at a stage of "orga-samalataire", which is sexual climax 24/7 for 15 days straight, without any need for stimulation."

I marveled over this fact, and then I thought, "Well, this is all well and good. Now...let's bring a little supernatural force into the picture..." and I wrote this story.

I don't consider it one of my best, but it definitely should stick with you for a while. A young fox and his horse lover stumble upon an idyllic lagoon, and meet up with some very playful dolphins. But what starts out as friendly, passionate about to take a very interesting turn - for these are no ordinary dolphins, as this is no ordinary lagoon.

I'm hoping you'll catch on to what's happening early on, but if not, don't worry - I'm more than confident you'll understand by the time the story ends - and realize that pleasure comes in many forms.

It is unending, it is undying...and sometimes it can consume you...

"Gerald? Do you know where we are or not?"

No answer.



"Are you even listening to me?! You've been staring at the water a good five minutes!"

The russet and white fox morph stepped away from the large lagoon and turned to face his friend. "No, Dander, I wasn't listening! I'm trying to find our way back to the camp, remember?!" He looked back at the water and kicked at a rock by the edge, watching it skitter across the surface of the water and disappear. "I just got a little mixed up. It happens."

The black horse morph snorted in disgust. "The nose knows, you said. No problem getting us back, you said. I can sniff out a wet sock in the middle of winter, you said..."

"Alright, alright!" Gerald whipped around to face Dander. "That's enough. I'm sorry...let's not get into an argument over this." He sighed and went back to the horse, nuzzling his chest briefly - which was as far up as he could nuzzle. Dander towered over him at eight and a half feet to his barely six.

They stood before the crystal waters of the lagoon, hand in hand. "I have to admit, you certainly have a nose for the scenery." Dander marveled, "I've never seen anything like this..."

"It's funny. I don't even remember there being a body of water so close to the campsite. It sure wasn't in the brochure..."

"Well, you were the one that suggested a trip to get away from it all in the first place." He looked around them at the thick trees that seemed to go on forever in the distance. "This is about as "away" as you can get, I guess..."

"Come on," Gerald grinned, slapping Dander's side, "Why not have a swim and cool off? Water can't be too cold, can it?"

"Sure, just like you to avoid the problem at hand in lieu of personal pleasure," the horse growled softly, but grinned as he watched Gerald pad to the edge of the waters and dip his foot in.

"'s very warm..." Gerald smiled back, already unbuttoning his jean shorts and black briefs, pushing them down his legs, letting his thick tail free, and slipping off his t-shirt, until he stood naked against the water, his vulpine sex already unsheathed and aroused.

Dander shook his head, chuckling, "Maybe there's a dormant volcano around or something," and walked over, taking off his clothes as well and slipping his arms around the fox, leaning his large muzzle over the top of his head to kiss his ears. "I love you," he whispered softly, and then laughed and pushed Gerald head-first into the water, hearing a muffled yelp before the fox went under.

He waited for Gerald to surface again, the smile fading from his face as the waters stilled with no sign of his lover. He got to his hands and knees and leaned over the edge, trying to look into the depths, searching for any movement below.

*A pair of strong arms shot from the water as Gerald grabbed Dander around the neck and pulled. "What the-" he had time to cry out before he too landed head-first into the lagoon, and found himself underwater face to face with the fox. *

Dander's eyes went wide and he grinned, a few bubbles escaping his mouth as he saw the fox was in full erection. He sank down a few feet and brought his head forward, taking Gerald's engorged cock into his mouth, able to take him fully from balls to tip easily. The vulpine gurgled, shutting his eyes tightly, staying perfectly still, trying to hold his breath as the horse's mouth closed firmly around his sex, and he felt his balls rolled and massaged by the large tongue.

*Dander had always been able to do this; a talent he shared especially with Gerald. They had been seeing each other for over two years, and Gerald was always amazed at the horse's capacity for pleasing him. This was a different realm for them however, and he inwardly marveled at Dander's breath-holding ability. Gerald himself thought he could barely stay underwater for any long period of time. *

He felt the warm, strong tongue roll up and over his balls, washing them in a mixture of lagoon waters and saliva. His hands came forward, holding either side of Dander's head as he floated there, close to climax already. Another talent Dander had; swallowing his cock so deeply that he could feel the throat muscles contract and clench around him, as they were doing now.

He growled, another bubbly moan escaping him, as the horse continued on, not having to move his head at all, but merely swallow again and again. Gerald felt his lungs begin to contract as well, the urge to take a breath beginning to play into his mind, pushing away the wonderful pleasure he was receiving from his lover.

He moaned again and tried to pull free from Dander's mouth, kicking his legs wildly. But the horse's grip was hard, and he would not let go. If anything, the fox's bubbling struggles caused Dander to suckle harder.

"Mmph-mmph!" Gerald burbled and tried to kick again, his feet drumming, his hands flying out to beat at his head, trying to get the horse to let go of him. Suddenly a wave of pleasure filled him as Dander seized even more tightly around his cock and squeezed it deeply inside his throat.

That was all Gerald could take as he exploded into orgasm, cumming hugely into Dander's mouth. The horse pulled back from the throbbing, pumping member and grasped it in both of his hands, jerking it off slowly, in perfect rhythm to the cycle of seed spewing forth, catching tendrils of cum all over his muzzle as the fox continued to writhe in climax, his kicking legs slowing down, then jerking and spasming as his orgasm ebbed and then waned, becoming a series of trembles inside his body.

In all the excitement, he forgot to breathe! He mmphed! again, slapping Dander' hands away and kicked hard for the surface, gasping and coughing out water. Dander surfaced a few seconds later, little bits of cum all over his muzzle.

"Mmmmm..." the horse smiled, running his tongue all over his mouth to get the rest of his lover's seed. "Oooh, I needed that... of course, it's just an appetizer, I hope..." He grinned and floated to Gerald, hugging his arms around the fox and kissing his mouth hard. "Thanks, lover..." He nuzzled fondly as their mouths broke away, a sigh escaping him.

" almost drowned me..." Gerald had gotten his breath back by this time. "You need to be.. more careful... gods, what were you trying to do?"

Dander grinned, "I think I just did it..."

"Oh you!" Gerald laughed and dunked the horse's head underwater, letting him play his tongue along his still-aroused cock again. Gerald took a deep breath of his own and joined the horse underwater, kissing him passionately as they sank deeper into the lagoon.

Dander smiled, playfully pushing Gerald downwards, between his legs, where his own magnificent equine sex was in full erection of its own, waiting for Gerald's affections. The fox bubbled against Dander's groin, his legs spread out behind him, as he grabbed the horse by the base of his enormous cock, parting his mouth and running his tongue across the huge length, nuzzling it gently with the tip of his nose.

The horse grinned, running his hand through Gerald's head-fur as he went right to work, knowing the canine could not stay underwater long. Exploring licks and nuzzles soon gave way to a delightful, slow suckle as Gerald parted his mouth wider, accepting the tip of the huge cock into his mouth. But after a few quick suckles across the thick slit, Gerald was pulling off and kicking for the surface, his lungs burning.

"Here..." Dander smiled as they both treaded water, and waded towards the shallows, sitting down on the makeshift beach and motioning to Gerald. "Come here..." he smiled, his tail swishing behind him in pleasure. Gerald nodded, getting the hint, and followed Dander from the deeper waters, kneeling down in front of him as the horse lay down on his back, the water just covering his balls.

"Alright lover..." Dander whispered, beginning to moan as he felt the fox's mouth attack him again, taking a bit more of his huge organ inside. Gerald slowly bobbed his head as he took more and more of the horse's length. Dander responded, a sharp whinny of pleasure escaping him as Gerald suckled him noisily. The vulpine's hand wrapped around his cock's thick base and jerked, and he wriggled in the sand, his breathing coming in snorts and whistles as he tried to lay still.

Gerald had barely gotten started before he felt the first hint of orgasm against his tongue; the pearl beads of precum. It excited him; the taste of his lover so sweet, so warm. He pumped at Dander's sex faster, his fingers nearly squeezing the life from it, while his head tried to sink farther down, taking as much of him as possible. The fox reached down with his other hand, fondling and massaging Dander's swollen sac in time with the quick, sudden jerks at the base, and the hard, tight sucking from his mouth.

Dander cried out at this three-way pleasure, his legs spreading, his hips thrusting upwards, and he let go in a pumping explosion, his throbbing tip flaring, swelling and finally spilling cum into Gerald's mouth. The fox lifted his head up, grabbing the horse cock in both hands, and began to pump and jerk for all he could, milking it, splaterrings of fresh equine cum covering his mouth and nose, dripping down his face. He moaned, his mouth opening to catch a falling tendril, and then went to work, licking Dander clean again with hungry licks and kisses while the equine lover continued to stroke his head, whispering softly in contentment.

The two lay there for some time, snuggled in an embrace on their backs, looking up at the sky. Dander finally sighed, kissing him. "We should think about maybe getting back on the trail, perhaps we can run across a familiar tree or something..."

Gerald squirmed beside him. "Well, alright, more swim first?" He rubbed at Dander' legs slowly up and down with his foot. "I swear that water is just..."

"You feel it too?" Dander sat up to look at him. "Some sort flowing in there?"

The fox nodded, smiling sheepishly. "I've never been so horny in my life..."

Dander grinned, getting up from the sand. "Race you..."

Gerald laughed and jumped up, following him to the edge and diving in. He smiled as the waters closed once more around him, and he kicked strongly, his fully-aroused cock swaying and bouncing between his legs as he dove deeper, feeling the sudden rush of pressure through his body, his ears popping.

Dander had reached the bottom, roughly thirty feet below, Gerald guessed, and was kneeling in the sand, slowly rubbing at his huge erection. He grinned as he saw Gerald diving down to him, and reached up, grabbing a hold of his hot, hard cock and pulling him down against his chest. Gerald whimpered, losing a bit of his air in the affectionate squeeze, and made a half-hearted attempt to pull away. Then Dander was stroking his cock quickly up and down, even as the fox struggled a little against him, bubbles flying from his mouth.

*The horse snorted a few bubbles back in glee, and released his cock again, pointing towards a reef in the distance before pushing off the bottom and swimming towards it, Gerald trailing behind him. *

Dander kneeled again on the bottom, his eyes widening at the sight of the corals and rocks, covered in blue-green slabs of algae and seaweed. He beckoned Gerald over with his tail excitedly, pressing close to the corals and catching sight of a large array of sponges in different shapes and sizes.

One orange sponge stood out apart from the others, fastened to the reef, a small hole cut through the center and surrounded by silky kelp leaves. Dander looked mesmorized by the strange life, and without thinking, thrust his hips forward, his erection slipping into the hole of the sponge.

He moaned loudly, and felt the strange flora come alive, squeezing his organ tightly as he entered, clamping around him like a soft, silky vise. "Ohh..." he bubbled, his cock seized and squeezed while he slowly pumped his hips back and forth, crying out, "Ohhhh..."

Gerald had reached him, and he quickly poked him in the shoulder, signaling his need for air. Dander shook his head, continuing to hump wildly at the sponge, the tip of his cock flaring once more, as it slid quickly in and out of the hole. He tried to pull out completely, but like a jealous lover, the sponge would not let go. He was hopelessly trapped.

The first rushing wave of pleasure tore through his body, and he pumped his load of cum into the waters, crying out, his head tilted far back. He came wildly, bucking against the sponge as it tightened and loosened in response, as though reaching ecstasy itself.

Gerald tried to pull him away, and then Dander' arm came up, wrapping the fox's head in a headlock and squeezing. Gerald mmphed! and bubbled hard as his breath, already nearly spent, rushed out of him. There was nothing left to hold.

"Oh gods, what are you doing?" his mind screamed, but Dander was still deep in pleasure, his cum now floating all around them, attaching to their fur, drifting away with the gentle current.

Dander felt rather than heard his lover drown, spasming and jerking from under his tight grip, but he did not care. He pumped his cock slowly in and out of the sponge, finishing his tremendous orgasm. His own breath was short, but he wanted to try it again, his throbbing cock still enormous and hard. He shoved inside the sponge again, gasping, bubbles lifting from his mouth as the sponge took hold again, massaging and clenching his cock as he started to hump against it again.

He was still cumming when he drowned, sinking down to the bottom with the limp body of Gerald still around him...

** ** ** ** **



"Gerald... are you alright?"

The fox opened his eyes, moaning softly, then rolled over on the sand, vomiting and coughing up water and froth from his lungs. "Wh-what...what happened, Dander?"

"Not sure..." Dander coughed a few times, shaking his head. "I....oh Gerald, I'm sorry!" He hugged tightly around the fox as he sat up. "I couldn't stop...I...I held you and..." He was suddenly crying softly, tears wetting the top of Gerald's head.

"It's alright, hey...I'm okay, Dander...don't cry..." He reached up to hug around him in return, nuzzling his chest. "We're fine, both of us..."

They heard a splashing from the water and looked out to see two dolphins clicking and chattering playfully as they swam up to the shallows and swayed their tail-fins back and forth, looking kindly at them.

"Oh," Dander breathed, "I bet they saved us. Saw us in trouble, and let us ride them to the top...or something."

Gerald nodded, "I don't remember them though." He got up slowly from the sand, padding out to the edge of the lagoon. He was amazed to see the dolphins edge closer, letting him touch and pet their smooth wet beaks. "Hey, they're friendly!" he grinned back at Dander as he came over to join him in petting.

"I guess so. Maybe they're checking to make sure we're alive." He chuckled and watched as the dolphins nuzzled Gerald's hand, and then rolled over, showing smooth white bellies, eager to be petted. Dander reached his hand out to pet the larger of the two, which unquestionably was the male. The dolphin was in full erection, its swollen organ covered in a sheen.

Dander felt a stirring in him and turned to Gerald. "You got the female, I think." He eyes were suddenly fixated on the tight, small slit of the dolphin, her folds of flesh opening and closing rhythmically, almost as if- "Hey. What do they say about dolphins? That they have sexual orgasms every few minutes or so?"

Gerald looked over at Dander and nodded, as though it was the most poignant, interesting statement in the world. "Yeah," he replied absently, "I read something about that..." Then he was scooting his legs over and sliding feet-first into the lagoon again.

"Another swim?" Dander laughed, and followed his companion in, his cock suddenly throbbing and pulsing.

Gerald didn't answer, but treaded water as the female dolphin came close to him, nuzzling her beak gently against his chest a few times before darting below to bump herself against his arousal. "Oh..." he whimpered softly, feeling the smooth, slick flesh rub over him, creamy, like a lotion or a lubricant. "Oh...gods, that feels so good..."

He moaned and laid his head back in the water, staying as still as possible as the dolphin continued to rub against his cock briskly up and down. She then swam vertically upwards, surfacing in front of Gerald again and rubbing at his muzzle, her belly massaging his cock using gentle kicks with her tailfin.

"Ohh...ohhhh..." Gerald was near climax already, Dander observed, and the horse licked his lips, diving underwater and approaching the fox and dolphin from below, getting a hand around Gerald's cock and pumping it even as the dolphin continued to buck.

Then Gerald felt the warm lips of his lover kissing the length and knot and he exploded, cumming hugely into Dander's face, flowing, creamy cum entering his mouth, and getting in his hair. He was amazed and aroused further to see the dolphin was also in signs of orgasm, her body shifting up and down quickly, her flow of juices escaping.

Gerald shuddered a moment more, the lingering effects of his orgasm beginning to wear off, and he moaned again as Dander came up to the surface to kiss him, allowing him to lick ropes of drying cum from his face. "Mmm.... Oh, that was... that was..."

"I know," Dander panted, bringing a hand underwater to pump at his own cock, "Oh gods, I am SO horny right now!" He watched as the male dolphin made a dive below, and suddenly felt the same lovely, creamy flesh against his own cock as the male dolphin began to nose and nuzzle him from below. "Mmm..." the horse licked his lips again, and felt the male suddenly open its beak, clamping it over his full length at once. He cried out, his hands beating at the water as the dolphin's mouth began to tug and pull around him.

Gerald dipped his head underwater, fully in awe watching the dolphin suck off his lover's cock deeper and harder than he ever could. The female came up behind him just then, nudging at his side before swimming in front of him, rolling over onto her back, giving him a lovely view of her aroused, swollen sex. Without any thought, he hugged around the dolphin, gripping her powerful body with his legs, straddling himself on top of her, his feet crossed around her tailfin.

The dolphin sensed he was ready and suddenly rolled and dove. Gerald clung tightly as the dolphin undulated as it went, her sex pressing and rubbing against his cock as she swam downwards. He moaned a trail of bubbles, his cock already slipping down, finding purchase, slipping back up, and suddenly thrusting forward, finding her heat. The dolphin stopped swimming and started to buck, feeling Gerald enter her tight, warm slit. She clicked softly, holding still, allowing him to get a tighter hold, and a deeper penetration.

When she felt him secure, she swam again, undulating her body once more, thrusting her belly up against his chest, creating a perfect rhythm. Gerald was in ecstasy; he had never felt anything so tight, so warm, so smooth; it was like plunging his cock into hot creamy butter or syrup. He shuddered as the dolphin sped up faster and faster, undulating again and again as she swam in loops and circles, the fox clinging around her as he thrusted in reply.

He felt her climax; wild, hot, splattering against his cock, and it brought him over the edge, gripping hard to her sides and cumming his full load inside of her, over and over again. He came for nearly a minute underwater, his moans and cries muffled bubbles and whimpers as he clung to her throughout his orgasm, filling her, his cum spilling over from inside of her into the waters.

At length, the dolphin took him back up to the surface again and he gasped, still weak and spent as he hugged around her and rested. Dander was floating on his back, his erection flat against his tummy, still fully aroused.

"Gods, they are amazing," he whispered to Gerald, trembling in the water.

The fox nodded, still clinging to the dolphin. "I...I have never done that...oh wow... she took me down below, and I was inside of her..." He tried to make his mouth work, the image still embedded in his mind. "Oh gods... I can't describe it..."

He let go of her and the dolphin chittered and wiggled against him before swimming over to the horse. Dander felt the tender nudge of the female dolphin against his side and he laughed, hugging her. "Looks like she wants me too..."

Gerald giggled, stroking the male dolphin, who had come up behind him to nuzzle against his back. He watched Dander take a deep breath, getting a hold around the female before she rolled over and dove below. He turned to look at the male dolphin, its black eyes shining, and grinned. "And what do you want?" He giggled again as the male dove below, beginning to nuzzle at his aroused cock slowly and gently. He mmmmed, letting his head roll backwards against the surface, and felt the mouth of the dolphin around his cock, holding it for a moment, its tongue tickling the underside from base to length.

He then gasped and shuddered as he felt the dolphin bite down, grabbing his full length all at once, and beginning to pull. "Ohhh..." He shook hard in the water, feeling the dolphin continue to tug and pull with a jerking motion. Soon the dolphin was deeply sucking, keeping his mouth around him, swallowing his length numerous times, as good as Dander had always done. "Ohhh..." he cried out again, letting himself be pulled underwater this time, his hands grabbing around the dolphin's head, urging him on as it pulled harder, its tailfin thrashing back and forth behind it.

The climax was incredible; hard pumping loads of his cum exploded from the tip, covering the dolphin's tongue with the first load before it pulled away from his cock, clicking wildly and nuzzling the throbbing, pumping cock even as it continued to spend. Gerald limply bucked against the dolphin, bubbles of pure pleasure drifting from parted lips, and kicked back up to the surface to gasp again.

*Dander was in heaven. Deep below the surface, he had plunged a few inches of his length into the female dolphin's hot, tight opening, only to meet resistance from inside. He kicked against her, trying to force more of his cock into her, and she chattered loudly, her body trembling as it tried to take more. Slowly, painfully, he entered her again, feeling more of her luscious juices coat him, and he realized what was happening. *

The dolphin was having an orgasm every few seconds, and as each wave of pleasure hit her, more of his cock could slip inside. He waited patiently, stroking the dolphin's side, giving her just a few inches of his cock at a time, until she was ready to take him completely.

After another moment of pleasure, she was ready, clicking and purring as she felt the full horse length fill her. Then she was off, speeding across the bottom of the lagoon on her back, undulating and kicking, pumping Dander over and over. He screamed out as the pleasure of her wet tight sex clenching and humping against him took effect, and he shuddered the length of his body, going rigid, limp, rigid again as his orgasm washed over him, pumping his load deep into her body, sliding his cumming cock up and down as he mated her wildly and lustfully.

He bubbled softly and squeezed his legs around her in a signal, holding around her as she swam gracefully to the top again, his cock still deep within her.

At the surface they rested, spent, exhausted again, and sat in the shallows, watching the dolphins attack one another and play.

"What is it about this place?" Gerald whispered, reaching out to hold Dander's hand.

"I was thinking the same thing," the horse replied and looked down between his legs. "I'm still hard as a I can't...get enough..."

Gerald smiled and nodded, his hand reaching between Dander's legs to stroke his huge length. "Mm... me too...the waters are so warm... so..."

They looked at each other and kissed. Soon they were diving into the lagoon again, approaching the dolphins. Then the four of them disappeared below.

** ** ** ** **

"Come on, Dad, hurry up!"

Dela waited at the edge of the lagoon, shielding her eyes from the sunlight spilling across its still surface, already beginning to undress.

"I'm here, I'm here," Jonas chuckled, slipping out of his clothes as well. "Alright, one swim, and then back, okay? Your mother will be worried stiff about us." Inwardly he was proud of his daughter having found this place from the hills beyond. It looked like a beautiful place to swim and the two dolphin-morphs surely were lucky to find water. It meant there would be no need for the water cans, and a dusty, dry journey over the rocks and back to the site.

Together they dove into the lagoon and swam downwards, kicking their legs together and following the reef all the way to the bottom. The girl was quick to point out myriad fishes and sea-life around them and the father smiled, nodding. They came upon a fixture in the rocks, and the father bubbled laughter as the 16-year-old girl chased out a huge bass from inside, its body swaying as it swam away.

The father turned his head, seeing a trail of bubbles beyond the reef, and kicked over to investigate. His eyes widened at the tableau before him.

Two large dolphins were rolling and swimming around a naked fox and horse. Every few seconds, the fox or horse would come close to one of the dolphins, shudder and pull away again. The water around them was murky and thick with their combined juices.

"Oh my gods..." the father gasped, his voice muffled by the water.

"What are they doing, Dad?" the girl had swam over to see what was going on. Quickly the father took her hand, and pushed off the bottom, dragging the girl back up towards the surface again.

"We must leave here..." the father explained as they swam for shore. "We must..." He stopped dead in the water as Gerald and Dander had surfaced in front of them, two dolphin dorsal fins moving around them gleefully.

"No, please... please stay," Gerald clicked as he spoke softly, "We mean you no harm..." He paddled over towards the father, who began to back away a bit. "We just want to play..." His eyes sparkled, glimmered, promising paradise.

The father blinked, feeling the fox press against his nude form and he trembled, his arms shakily going around the fox's shoulders.

"D-dad?" Dela said fearfully, watching Dander approach her, his eyes bright, shining.

"It's alright," Dander click-whispered, "Everything's fine..." Then he was pressing against the girl, his long hard length brushing against her legs. She trembled, feeling her budding breasts pressing up against the horse's firm chest. Her legs opened slightly and then curled up, allowing her curved rump to sit down atop the horse's member and straddle it. She whimpered, hugging around the horse's neck tightly, and started kissing him hard, deep, her tongue gliding over his in several long strokes.

*Dander smiled, kissing the girl softly, and felt her respond, hugging her finned feet around the horse's buttcheeks, her legs squeezing with need. Dander took a breath, pulling away from her arms and diving below. His tongue greedily lapped at the girl's swollen folds, pushing them gently back and forth, swirling water and bubbles across the pink flesh. As the dolphin-girl became more aroused, Dander pushed his muzzle more tightly against her, poking his long, thick tongue deep into her sex. Dela's response was immediate; her finned hands grabbed around the horse's head and held him as he fully entered her over and over. *

Jonas had finished kissing Gerald and was now holding still while the fox slipped around behind him, rubbing his hands through his chest and mming, rubbing his length across his slick butt up and down. He shuddered as he felt Gerald's climax against him, laying bits of cum across his back, and held on as he felt the fox press against the pucker of his ass, invading, slipping into his warmth.

He moaned and bucked back against Gerald as he started to shake, unclenching his muscles to give in to the full length entering him, then clenched again, his own cock now fully erect. He felt Gerald's hand reach around his waist, grabbing and pumping at his cock as he thrusted into his ass hotly. "Mmm..." he shuddered, his hand going around Gerald's, helping him jerk off on his cock.

Gerald sped up quickly, sliding his thickness in and out of Jonas easily, gasping and shaking against him, his climax building, growing like an animal lust within him. He cried out and squeezed hard at Jonas' throbbing erection, pumping his load deep into his ass, his tail whipping back and forth under the water.

Dander hooked his hands around the girl's legs and pulled her underwater. He nuzzled against Dela's sex again after a good, deep penetration with his tongue, and felt her legs stroking and then holding around his shoulders, keeping the horse's head between her legs. She threw her head back and moaned out a trail of bubbles.

*Down below, the two dolphins watched the foursome above, chattering and clicking softly. The male sped towards Gerald and Jonas, grabbing a hold of Jonas' cock in its mouth as he began to cum, swallowing his load effortlessly over and over. The female arrowed towards Dander and the girl, snugging inbetween their bodies to rub with them, feeling at once the full erection of the horse stroking across her smooth, slick stomach, and the warmth of the dolphin-girl's folds rubbing along her back. She purred, a soft warm sound beneath the water, and then snuggled herself to the horse fully, her belly feeling along his groin for the warmth of his arousal. *

Dander nearly gasped, suddenly more excited, humping himself against the female dolphin's form, his erection eagerly looking for a way in. At once he felt the slick, wet warmth of her heat and plunged forward, impaling himself on her, crying out as the dolphin chattered and held still, letting the horse go to work on her again, pumping his cock slowly in and out from her tight opening. She trembled against Dela, her body slowly rolling and undulating against the heat between the dolphin-girl's legs, staying vertical with her as she spread her juices all around Dander's cock.

At length, Dela found herself close to cumming, and bucked her hips faster, having never felt anything like this ever before. Dander smiled, joining the pair, humping the dolphin wildly, his erection rubbing over and over her slick walls, aiding her in her movements against the girl, adding even more pressure and weight to the girl's thrusts upwards and forwards. Dela suddenly reached climax, her head tilted up in a long moan, streams of her juices spilling against the dolphin's back. The dolphin in turn held very still, driven to passion herself as she cummed around Dander's cock, joining him in a tumultuous cry.

Dander nuzzled the back of the dolphin's head, kissing her softly, waiting for her to finish with the girl. The dolphin chittered and slid away from the couple as the horse grabbed for Dela and pressed against her in a hug, eagerly sliding his huge cock deep within her still-drenched folds tightly.

He watched the dolphin-girl's expression go from a grimace of pain to a look of pure ecstasy as his incredible length buried itself within her, thrusting slowly back and forth. Dela moaned softly, feeling her body roll and flutter against his cock. Deep inside of her, muscles she had never thought of using before started to move and twitch, and then to tighten, welcoming this thick, long intrusion.

The dolphin-girl cried out as the thrusting increased, and she reared back in the water, letting the horse's weight sink them down to the bottom of the lagoon. She continued rubbing the slickness of her folds across the sides of Dander's cock, listening to his moans of pleasure join her cries as the horse continued to pump at her.

Before too long she was climaxing hard around Dander' length, clenching and seizing his cock again and again as he kept thrusting into her, reaching his own orgasm just in time with hers. Her legs pumped wildly around the horse and more and more cum pumped into her, and around her, until the water was clouded with their combined juices.

Jonas gasped softly as he and Gerald finally surfaced and hugged around the fox, kissing him passionately. The dolphin-man's full erection, covered in dried seed, pressed against his stomach. "Th-...that was... was..." The male dolphin had come up from the surface, nuzzling both of them, clicking away happily, his tongue still swallowing Jonas' treat. The dolphin-morph grinned, clicking back in its language, turning to hug the dolphin around his neck gently, rubbing his beak against it.

Gerald smiled and dove deep underwater, kicking down to the female dolphin. She had been enjoying the wonderful show on the bottom, having seen Dela and Dander in throes of passion as the horse pulled himsefl free from the dolphin-girl's sex, spill spurting his seed. The fox caught up to the dolphin before she could swim away, and grabbed around her body, sliding his thick cock quickly into her, eager to satisfy his need again.

*The dolphin bucked happily, holding still and letting Gerald take her with an intensity she had often felt from her mate. The smaller, welcome hard warmth of his length, thrusting, pushing, filled her tightly, and she began to click softly, an equivalent to a moan of passion, rolling the muscles in her belly forwards, setting a perfect rhythm again for them both. *

*Gerald moaned long and loudly, an eruption of bubbles tickling around his face as his climax arose in a fury, bursting, frothing rich fresh cum deep into the dolphin, pounding himself against her savagely as he emptied again and again. He clung weakly to her dorsal fin as she turned around, heading back to the surface to join the others. *

*The six of them looked at each other, gasping, out of breath, chattering, murring, snorting, sounds of desire and passion and love. Dela looked especially different, her eyes gleaming, a few clicks catching in her throat as she tried to still the mad flow of energy already taking over her. *

*Without saying another word, they all dove back into the depths of the lagoon. Gerald brought up the rear, diving steadily, smoothly. *

Everything was wonderful. He no longer had to breathe at all. His lungs were working fine, pumping water in and out of his body. He was feeling other changes as well, ones he would surely talk to Dander about.

But not now.

A fading memory invaded his head, some last thought trying to push its way into his brain, one last desperate cry. We were supposed to be going back, he thought as they dove into the serene, shimmering waters.

_ We were just going to have a swim, and then try and find a way back... _

_ Where were we...? _

And he realized, as he swam down to the other dolphins already waiting for him, their clicks and chitters filling his ears, that he did not really care anymore.