Learning to Swim - Part I

Story by OttersGonnaOtt on SoFurry

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#1 of Entropy Series

This is just a simple story series I'm working on out of the blue. It's been ages since I've written this sort of stuff, and I got the urge again. But who knows, I might branch out from here.

Just a note: All characters are my own I request that people ask me before using them in their own works. Also, this is an adult story and if you are not of age to view it please back out of this page now.

Enjoy the story!

"What're you doing over there?"

"Yeah, you not gonna get in?"

Ilaria waved to her friends as she sat cross-legged on a beach towel, a large umbrella doing its best to shield her from the powerful sun. She shielded her eyes with a paw as she spotted her buddies splashing their way into the cool ocean water. It looked like a lot of fun, but Ari was a rather odd fur. She was a river otter, with the typical itty-bitty ears, rich brown pelt, tapered tail, and webbed paws. Her browns and tans were contrasted by ginger-red accents and headfur. But unlike most otters Ilaria was large, standing at about 6'10" and towering over all her other friends save her twin brother.

There was also another matter concerning Ari at the moment. Her friends beckoned for her to join them in the water, but Ilaria couldn't swim. Yes, she was perhaps the only otter ever that couldn't handle herself well in the water. But it wasn't exactly her fault. The otter only had one good leg, her right being replaced from the knee down with a robotic prosthetic. It worked quite well on land and was hardened against water damage, but since it wasn't programmed to do anything substantial aside from walking it was pretty much dead weight in the drink.

"Nah, I can't do much out there," Ari shouted back. "Besides, my swimsuit's not on anyway."

"Sis, just go change and give it a try. Better than sitting alone anyway."

With a grunt Ari shook her head and answered, "Sure, sure. Just don't laugh when I fall over, Yoyo."

Ilaria's twin brother was the convincing type. If she didn't simply agree now, Iolvin would bug her all afternoon. Good ol' Yoyo knew a few things about Ari that the others didn't however. His intentions were all for her betterment. So Ari pushed herself up, reactivated her leg, and dragged her messenger bag over to the beach's shower stalls.

Ari looked around a bit and saw nobody around. It wasn't exactly the most active time on the beach, being the middle of a weekday. At least she wouldn't be bothered by other people waiting to use the showers. Ari slipped into the one closest to her and used the privacy to remove her sandy clothes. She undid the straps on her thigh so her leg wouldn't be an issue. Then she undid the button on her short-shorts and pulled the zip down, the article of clothing dropping easily to her feet. Next went her white tank top, which easily pulled up and off the otter. A distinct lack of a bra was a gutsy choice considering the larger size of her chest, but then again with Ari's height they didn't look as big in general.

With the one area ready to go, Ilaria reached in her bag and pulled out her yellow bikini top, draping it over herself and then tying the lime green stings tight. She then reached down and slipped her paws under her panties, pulling them down and off. As she reached to pick them up she heard another fur slip into a nearby stall and spotted a pair of orange-tan paws dripping with water beneath the wall panels. Ari immediately stood and scooted back against the opposite wall as she realized she was still exposed. The other fur, a guy apparently, grunted in surprise as the whole set of stalls shook. The otter found her bikini shorts and stepped into them, wanting to get back to the beach proper before this stranger came to investigate the disturbance.

Ari snatched up her clothes and shoved them quickly into her bag. She grabbed the strap of her bag and went to exit the stall when she was suddenly met with the gaze of a dripping-wet lion. He stared back for a second and then looked about, apparently wondering what was the matter. That's when Ari noticed her plight, one that the lion locked his eyes upon. She didn't properly put her bottoms on, which exposed her secret of all secrets. The lion was staring intently at Ilaria's cock.

"I'm, uh... You're being a... nuisance..." the stranger said, his eyes still locked on Ari's extra appendage.

"UH... EXCUSE ME?!" the otter shrieked as she tried to hide herself with her paws.

"Hey, stop," the lion barked out, "I wanna see it. Can I?"

"What?! Fuck no! Get away!"

"I'm just curious. It'll only be a seco--"

As Ari forced the lion back she slipped out the stall with, "No! Fuck off!"

Suddenly Ilaria was stopped by a yank on her right arm from behind. It was enough that her unsecured prosthetic popped right off and she had no choice but to use the stranger's tug for balance. She stood up straight after a few awkward wobbles and wriggles, now forced to face the lion against her own will.

"I wasn't asking," the stranger clarified. "Now be a good girl and let me--"


A resounding slap knocked the words right out of Ilaria's mouth, leaving a stinging sensation as a few claw marks on her cheek began to bleed. "You WILL shut up or I'll take you damn jaw off." The lion wasn't playing games. He placed one paw over Ari's mouth and slipped the other downward. As tears started running down her cheeks, this now-rapist touched and played with her phallus until it grew to it's full size of just under ten inches long.

"Ooh, you're a big one too. I might be jealous."

"Fuck off, assho--AH!"

"I said shut up," the rapist said as he squeezed her jaw, puncturing her skin with his claws. "No, maybe you need something to keep your mouth busy," he added with a grin.

Shaking her head but now too scared to make a peep, Ari was forced to her knees in front of the lion. He used his free paw to pull down his swim trunks and the otter went bug-eyed. She was now staring down an impressive cock, a few inches shorter than her own but much thicker, and with soft spines one would expect of a feline like this. The lion put his other hand on the back of Ari's head and used the one on her jaw to keep her mouth open. Then in what seemed like an eternity he fought against Ilaria to push more than half of his thick cock into her mouth.

Ari looked up as the lion tried forcing himself into her throat, her eyes pleading for him to stop. That only drove the rapist to grin and try harder. He bucked his hips on one of his tugs, finally forcing his cock all the way inside so Ari's snout bumped against his groin. Ilaria tried to make a fuss, to scream even, but she couldn't breathe with that huge cock in her mouth. As a last resort she even tried to bite down on the bastard's sick member, only to find her jaw was so stretched and filled to move at all. She was helpless. And if she didn't do something soon she might die, suffocated around this lion's cock. Her vision blurred and her lungs ached, her body demanding more air. Ari started gagging as her eyes rolled back into her head...

Almost on cue, the lion pulled Ari off oh him nearly all the way in on rough motion. The barbs and spines tugged on Ilaria's throat on the way out, rubbing it raw. As Ari struggled to catch her breath, the lion shoved her backwards onto the sand. Wholly distracted with her breathing, the lion used the gap to pull off the girl's shorts. When she caught on to his plan, Ari reached down to cover herself with her paws. That only allowed the lion time to grab her top and pull it off from the front in a rather painful manner.

"No! Stop, please!" Ari pleaded in a hushed voice.

"You want my cock that bad, whore? I could gag you all day."

"N-no. Just--"

Reaching down to stroke her cock the lion interrupted, "You look like you want it as much as I do, whore." He slid his other hand lower and explored a little. "A pussy's better than balls to me anyway. I told you it would be quick."


With a satisfying grin the lion shoved his fingers up into Ari's pussy, not going very far since she wasn't wet at all for the bastard. Rather than give her even the slightest of courtesies, the lion positioned his own cock under Ilaria's and right on her soft pussy lips. With a solid shove he forced about a third of his length into her dry, his barbs scraping her raw. Ari tried to cry out in pain but the rapist wouldn't have it. He tried to shut her up by grabbing one of her tits and squeezing until he drew blood, but that only made things worse. Fed up with her crying, the lion flipped Ari over and put his weight on her back.

"You SHUT UP or you're eating sand, bitch!" the lion growled as he rammed back into the otter beneath him. "So just take it like the bitch you are and it'll be over fast."

Ilaria shuddered every time the lion forced himself back into her, each thrust scraping and tearing her up more and more. By the time he managed to get half of his cock into her, the lion was pressing his pointed tip against Ari's cervix. It could be described at best as a painful experience, but the lion just kept hammering away all the same. Ari's cries into the sand meant nothing to him. All the lion wanted was to get deeper and get off.

"You might be bigger on the outside, honey, but I'm not letting that stop me."

Ilaria went wide-eyed as the lion pulled out almost off the way, a bit of relief washing over her but only after the worst tearing sensation of her life. Using her own blood as lube, the lion slammed back in as hard and fast as he could, nearly knocking Ari out in pain. He succeeded in pressing his tip a bit further into the girl's cervix, widening it up bit by bit. As he slammed harder and harder each thrust jerked Ari forward in the sand and pressed sand into her wounds with the worst burning she'd ever felt. She was about to pass out from overstimulation when the lion made his mark. With one decisive thrust he met his hips with Ilaria's and breached her womb.

"That's the spot, yeaaah..." the lion purred as he got all of himself inside.

He quickly pounded away, using Ilaria's cervix as a sort of inner mouth to suck him off. Each thrust sent so much through Ilaria's nerves that she couldn't tell one sensation from another. As she rocked with the lion's thrusts and pulls, her own cock rubbed in the hot sand in a painful yet pleasurable manner. She wasn't sure what to think anymore, what was pain, what wasn't. Every time that cock punched into her womb she winced, but it felt so much better on the way out that it almost started feeling good compared to the alternative.

"Ooh, yeah... I hope you're on the pill, bitch, 'cause this is too good to stop."

The lion's words brought back the struggle in the otter. Ari clawed and pulled through the sand trying to her off the feline's member before he finished the deed. Her leg kicked up to try and throw him off. Yet nothing Ilaria did was able to overpower the bastard. He rapidly slammed into Ari as fast as me could muster, until eventually he just stopped altogether. Then Ari felt it, the pulsing of the lion's cock as it was lodged in her deepest place. He was shooting stream after thick stream of cum into Ilaria's womb, and she was powerless to stop it. She just seized up, tensing with each of his pulses.

It didn't take long for Ari to realize there was a pressure issue at hand. The tight seal of her cervix over the lion's cock gave his excess cum nowhere to go. And he just didn't stop! Soon a bump formed on Ilaria's tummy as she realized her womb was stretching and inflating to cope with the volume. The pain only got worse, but thankfully the lion eventually ran his balls dry.

"That was great, whore. Fucking great. Might have to give it another go." The lion pulled back a bit, tugging himself free. "But first..."

The sensation of the lion's cock and cum pouring free of her felt so much better that it drove Ari crazy. The lion flipped her over, sand sticking to every bit of her fur, and inspected her cock. That sent her over the edge, her shrinking womb and the lion's touch feeling so nice together that she couldn't contain herself. Ilaria came right there, splashing a blast of cum on the lion's face. Grunting in disgust, the rapist bent the appendage and forced it into Ari's pussy still covered in sand. She couldn't do much else at the moment except blast herself with the rest of her cum, filling herself right back up.

"Yeah, well that's my question answered. You CAN go fuck yourself."

The lion laughed as he stared at the quivering, trembling mess of an otter below him. Ari just stared right back up, her whole body convulsing and tears streaming down her face. Then as the lion went to say another remark he looked up, grabbed his swim trunks, and bolted from the shower area. What Ilaria saw next only made her cry harder.

"You need some help, sis? You're taking a long--" Iolvin queried as he made his way to the scene. "Oh... Lulu..."