Unusual Predators

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Will be continued if enough people like it.

As this is my first story I will keep it short and simple. This takes place in the present in a dimension ruled by furries and hunting anthros recently became illegal making some unusual predators. Please give me CONSTRUCTIVE critism. Oh, yes and cubs shouldn't read this.

A young fox cub is seen dangling from a rope by his left leg, his shirt is folded over his face for a bit before he corrects it. He looks young, no older than eight or nine. He struggles against the trap as the blood rushes to his head.

"Mommy," He cries out "Help! I'm sorry I ran away, I'll stay grounded!" After his pleas to the empty forest he breaks down in tears. Suddenly a twig snaps and the kit turns to face the source of the noise. Standing in a clearing is a female wolf, in her mid twenties, covered in camoflague. She walks towards her prey, a tad disappointed as the trap she set was for larger game. "Don't hurt me!" The cub pleaded.

"Shh.." the wolf whispered as she curressed his cheek, the odd gesture calmed the cub. She pulled a knife from it's sheath beneath her pantleg. She then grabs the child's bound leg and slowly cuts away his shorts.

"Wh-What are you doing?" Asks the kid in a shaky voice. However the woman ignores him and cuts away his underwear and shirt. "No!" shouts the kit as he urinates from fear, as it slows to a dribble it dowses him and finds its way down his nose. He chokes for a moment while the wolf patiently observes this spectical. Then from either the blood rushing to his head or from sheer fear the cub passes out.

The woman silently laughs at the pitiful fox before cutting him down and lowering him to safety. She then examines his body, skinny, hardly any cub-fat, cut round, brown eyes, fluffy orange fur, and a fear-shrunken sheath. Well she knew how to fix that. She toyed with his belly fur before slowly moving her hand paw down to his velvety sac. She massaged the two small orbs , occaissonally squeezing them gently. Then the red tip began rising out of the furry sheath and she licked around it in small circles until the cub was at his full three inches and she engulfed his entire cubhood into her mouth with ease. She sucked and used her to wrap around and stroke his shaft. The cub began unconciously humping towards her mouth, this was her favorite part.The cub's balls convulsed as he had a dry orgasm.

"Dammit" she cursed, she would have to let this one go too as he did not produce cum. She retrieved her knife which was carelessly discarded and began to walk away. She flipped her hair back behind her head and caught a glimpse of the orange cub, or would she?