The Card Dealt

Story by Iaran on SoFurry

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Wrote this on a whim a few months back. Finally got around to revising and uploading it :3

Leo pumped his fuzzy brown fist into the air and his fur puffed up a little in excitement as he ran along the sidewalk back to his little home on the corner. He tightly wound his paw around the bulge in his pocket as if ninjas were about to leap down from the rooftops and rip it right off his pajama pants. He had done the impossible! He had won the bet and could not wait to rub his friends' noses in it!

He made the hard left toward his little home as his breath puffed out in hot wisps in the cold November air. He scrambled over the "otter bridge" over their personal swimming moat (customary in this district), and shoved his paw in his opposite pocket to grab his keys. He pressed his key into the keyhole and opened the door, "Woooooo!!!" he yelped at his roommate Deac, "Six hundred dollars, baby!" He pulled his wallet out and dropped it to the floor once he had a good hold of the bills. He sprinted up to the startled coyote and shoved his long muzzle into the picture of former president Hoofer on the fifty.

"Duuude..." Deac began in his rare mellow tone, rubbing down his longer sandy head fur, "You came in here and disrupted my chakra meditation."

"But... but dude!" I waved the money around in front of him as he sat on his horribly-mangled leather recliner, obviously having years of wear.

"Dude, just lettin' you know bro." The coyote's expression softened a little from cross to more interested, "So, you actually sold the cards?" His voice raised back to its normal pitch. Not necessarily a tense tone, but definitely less zen-like, with a slight smoker's rasp.

"The whole lot!" Leo exclaimed as he jumped around the room, his tail waving slightly behind him in joy as his webbed feet pounded on the old wooden floor. He could smell the acrid odor of tobacco smoke and whatever TV dinner Deac had heated up for lunch very prominently over his and his roommate's scents. It didn't faze him right away now, but the thick smokey air together with his excitement made his head hurt a little. He brushed his eyes a little, and then looked back at Deac, "So that can buy... what... a week's worth of cigs for you?"

"Maybe two weeks if they're cheap. Week's worth of sugarfish gum for you?" He spat back, his expression sinking back to that cross look he had earlier, his ears twitching once or twice.

Leo shrugged, "Don't tempt me! Definitely got some money to party with tonight, though! Mind if I invite over Belliroso and do some cooking? I gotta tell him I won the bet! He's gonna freak!"

"Just don't spend all that on stupid! We need some of that for bills, dude." The leggy coyote finally moved from his tattered recliner and walked to the restroom, soft coyote tail following him. Leo always found him attractive, but never breathed a word of it to him. After all, the otter didn't know very many gay guys besides himself, and all the ones he had met were pretty crazy... and in the asylum way, not the wacky way.

He walked down the long hall, past his roommate's bedroom, and into his room on the very end of the hall. Upon entering, he sat down on the bed and right away stared at his marble wall fountain which stood high like a waterfall, falling into a large river-like floor-level sink, which he often liked to sit in. Had he not been making a phone call at the moment, he would have gone right ahead into it.

His friend, Belliroso, or 'Roso for short, was also a weasel-type. Raccoon, to be specific, so the two had similar likes and personalities, though they weren't identical. Often, when Belliroso came over, he and Leo would have hours of fun just teasing Deac, but this time, they had a petty competition to settle among themselves first. Leo and 'Roso met in high school several years ago, and like Deac, the raccoon knew about the otter's sexuality and was quite alright with it, and appreciating how hush Leo preferred to stay about it.

"Yo!" The raccoon answered.

"'Roso! Hey, it's Leo!"

"Mister Leonid! How are you doing?" He always called Leo by his full name for some reason, and always tender to refer to himself as Belliroso. OCD, Leo always thought. It never seemed to bother him when others called him Roso, though. His smooth, deep voice gave way to Leo's lighter, slightly lispy voice.

"Doing pretty nice, having a fan-fucking-tastic start to the day." He threw his head back on the 'tastic' part for dramatic effect.

"Oh?" Roso pried, "But it's almost 3. What do you possibly mean start?"

"Shaddup! I was a tired otter!" Leo curled his tail playfully and smiled cheekily.

They took a few minutes to catch up with everything - how Leo was still looking for work while Roso was still looking for that promotion, but eventually the happy otter cut to the chase and invited him over for a night of drinking and fun, which he graciously accepted in his normal polite way of speaking.

Leo, like any otter, prepared a nice seafood dinner and had Deac pick up some wine coolers and beer. He, however, was more interested in his pitcher of beer he'd poured than the meal of bass and steamed veggies. On the other paw, when Roso came over, he looked half-starved, and immediately dug in when he was given permission. Roso tended to be a little more quiet, and ate his dinner quietly save a few affirmations that the flavors were spot on.

While Leo worked on his first wine cooler, which had a nice fruity tang to it, both Roso and Deac had their eyes glued to some excessively bloody shooter flick on the TV. Something Leo vaguely interpreted, while dealing a deck of cards on the table, as an undercover cop finding himself becoming part of a dangerous gang. His own little victory, however, swam through his head. He and Roso had always made bets in high school, which Roso always won. But, at long last, he had finally won a bet against him - the bet that Leo wouldn't get ten bucks for his entire lot of baseball cards, and that he wouldn't be able to sell them anytime soon. It took four days to find a collector interested, and he sold the entire collection of 135 rare or valuable cards for $600. Leo searched now for the perfect way to tell him.

After the movie ended, Leo had dealt cards for a game of Rummy, and invited over his two buddies. They both sat at the corners of the small table and lifted their cards.

"Ready to lose like always, gentlemen?" Roso sneered, his usually mild expression turned to a more competitive one in an instant. The short raccoon was usually pretty shy and kept quiet while at Leo's house.

The roomies offered their share of witty comebacks and insults while the first few rounds went. Both Roso and Deac worked on their third drink, while Leo just finished his first. Then on the fourth round, Deac paused the game to have a smoke.

"So, I completely forgot to ask you, Leonid." Roso began. I knew what surely followed, and Leo's excitement mounted, "Ever sell those baseball cards?" He had a half-hearted expression of pure ego plastered on his raccoon face, his eyes half open and brows curved down over them. His large raccoon tail waved between his legs at the corner of Leo's eye.

"Yep." Leo hoped he had punched him in the gut with that statement after all the bets he'd won.

"Oh." He stopped it there, "Okay." In all fairness, he did lose with that, but he didn't push anymore questions.

The front screen door squeaked as it opened and shut, and the coyote walked back toward the two weasels, "You guys getting into this game at all?"

"Naah." Leo said, "I'd rather play Inquizition."

There were no arguments against it, so Leo pulled out the box, set up the game board, and asked what colour they wanted to be. Of course, Deac and Roso argued over who gets to be green, while Leo chose yellow. He placed their pieces on the starting square, and Deac asked the first question, "Okay... Roso, what is your all-time least favorite blockbuster movie? This is a 1-square question."

"Where the Wild Things Are." He answered immediately and moved his piece one square.

Simple game, but it really helped the three friends get to know each other, especially with the more valuable questions. They ranged from one to seven.

"Alright, this question is worth four squares... Leo, how many furs have you honestly had a crush on in the last four months?"

That one took Leo a minute, but he finally managed to remember, "Erm... two." The card didn't ask which two, but Leo's always had a shifting attraction between his two buddies.

Of course Roso had to ask it, "Well, who?" He sneered, his eyebrows narrowing.

Bound to honesty within the game, Leo blushed and sank in his seat a little, "Um... you guys." He said quietly.

"Wo-ow." The coyote said smugly, "I think I'm gonna start locking my bedroom door."

"I know you guys are straight." Leo defended himself, "But that doesn't mean I don't think you guys are awesome. I really do love the both of you." Leo blushed even redder in embarrassment.

"It's okay, bud." Roso nodded at him with a comforting smile, making Leo feel a little better.

Finally, it was Leo's turn. He drew the card, and it was worth seven, "Ooh... well, guys... erm... this one asks, how long are you?" He moved his eyebrows up and down cheekily, "Evidence required." Leo got a little bit excited, and he began to feel himself harden a little. He tried to hold it back, but the erotic idea of seeing his friends' cocks felt irresistible. He had to make them do it - he pulled out his wallet and sat it on the floor beside him.

"Why the hell?! Did you pull out the adult version?! I thought I told you to leave the six and seven pointers out of it!" The normally-calm coyote tossed at the otter.

"You didn't ask!" Leo yelled back.

Meanwhile, while the roommates argued, the shy Roso, who'd just finished his fourth beer and was stumbling a little as he stood up, dropped his pants and boxers, and began to stroke himself a little.

Leo could not believe what he was seeing. He looked up at Roso's face and saw his tongue between his teeth as he gave himself pleasurable strokes. Deac, on the other hand, complained, "Oh God... we're getting gay in here now? Fuck me! Fuck me in the ass with a goddamn serrated spatula!" He fell back in his seat and placed his paw over his eyes.

Leo got up and ran to the front door, closed it, and then lowered the blinds on the front window as Roso got himself hard. As Leo passed by him again, he smelt the raccoon's fragrant musk and the otter's senses went wild. "Deac, I'll do it with you." Leo quickly dropped his pants, and he didn't even have to rub myself - his six and a half had already grown to its full length, even pulsing.

Roso sat back down with a smirk, "Easy. Seven inches on me, seven squares for me." I moved his blue piece seven squares forward. All that remained is Deac.

"Come on, Deac." Leo encouraged, "I promise I'm not going to make you gay." He put his paw on the coyote's and, finally, the coyote grumbled and said, "Just skip to the next question."

"Aww, come on, spoil sport!" Roso encouraged, "Your best buddy really wants to see it."

Roso didn't lie, Leo really did want to see the coyote's knotted length.

"I'll give you fifty bucks if you do it, bud." Leo finally said.

The coyote's anger vanished a little and his ears perked up, "Fifty bucks..."

Leo nodded and pulled the fifty dollar bill out. Roso's eyes flashed a moment in surprise.

"...If I get naked and get myself hard?"

Again, Leo nodded.

The coyote grabbed the fifty, shoved it in his pocket, and with a defeated sigh, pulled off his shirt and pants and began to fluff his cream-colored sheath.

Roso still looked a little confused, but shook it off and just watched as the coyote stroked himself.

Leo was dangerously close to it, his mouth hanging open a little as he watched... and smelled... the coyote's arousal growing. Even more torturous to Leo was Deac's pleasured grunts and sighs, which he did not remain shy about. The part that made Leo even more excited was the fact that he and his two friends were virgins, and might be a little more desperate to just see what it feels like.

The coyote, at 8.2 inches including knot per the ruler Roso dragged out, obviously had the most meat on his, yet his girth wasn't quite as much as Leo's thick 6.4.

"Fun." Leo said as he moved Deac's green piece seven squares forward, giving his friends a commanding lead.

"Yeah, for you." Deac responded in frustration, "Now we're all horny as fuck and there's no bitches around here to shove it into."

Leo shrugged, "Bathroom's behind you."

"Fuck it!" He drew the next card, still naked and erect, his fur prickled in slight nervousness, but he tried to hide it, "Alright. Four-square card for you, Leo." The coyote brushed his light brown thigh a little in the chair, still erect and obviously a little uncomfortable about it. He sighed and recited the card, "What - oh God, I'm skipping this card."

Both Roso and Leo called Deac on that, "Nope." An intoxicated Belliroso said, "Y-ye gotta play the card you lift." He slurred, pointing near-daggers of black fingers at him.

Deac huffed through his nose and then muttered some curse words under his breath, "Leo, what sensation do you want to feel before you die? Make it brief. Go." He spat it out in a single breath.

Leo, also intoxicated after accelerating his drinking and switching to a beer after the wine cooler, did not hold back anything, "To be rimmed and deepthroated at the same time." He blushed a little, and his erection didn't hide the fact it swam in his thoughts, so he didn't expect the best reaction from his friends.

"Talk about explosive orgasm!" Roso piped up with a chipper expression.

"I fucking know!" Leo mouthed.

"How... did I not see that one coming?" Deac muttered, and then shrugged, "Well, move your piece four spaces bud."

Leo noticed both their erections still there, and he couldn't resist anymore, "We're horny. Fifty bucks each and a free blow job from me if you actually make that come true."

Deac shook his head a little and his green eyes went wide.

"Hundred and I'm sold." Roso was already standing up, and Deac just stared at him like he had something to hide.

Roso looked back down at him, "Hey, I'm horny! I ain't turning down a blowjob! Girl or guy, I almost don't care anymore - I'm getting pretty desperate."

"Just come out then!" Deac screamed, "I'll be the man of this house then!" He sneered.

"Hey!" Leo screamed, "If you ain't gonna participate, then don't be a dick!" Leo then turned back to Roso, his naked otter body already sprawled on the floor in the main area of the living room, "So, Roso, hundred bucks?" He closed his eyes, stretching his back along the floor as the other weasel stumbled across the room and sat down next to him, "Sold."

"Dude... erm... how much money did you get for the cards again?" Roso finally wanted an answer. He was already pretty drunk, and already had submitted himself to his and Leo's urges, so his pride almost didn't matter at this point.

"Six hundred." Leo said proudly.

"Holy mother of Christ!"

"I told ya! That autographed 1991 Park Saunders card alone was worth $45. You were making a pretty illogical bet, dude."

Roso leaned in dominantly, "Ya can't win em all." Leo could smell the beer on his breath, but it didn't faze him at all. Roso then turned over his shoulder to the bewildered coyote watching from afar, "You just gonna sit there, spoil sport?"

Deac finally growled, "Two hundred."

"Two hundred dollars? You'll do it? Really?"

He squinted his eyes a little, "But..." He opened his eyes and had an almost pleading expression, "I ain't licking your ass, bud. And it better be a damn good blowjob." His aggressive tone came back and he extended a clawed finger at Leo.

Roso looked a little uncomfortable.

"I promise you I'm clean, Roso." Leo put a paw on his arm.

He nodded, "As long as I can make my friend happy."

Leo smiled back at him with his ocean-blue eyes and then stood up to a comfortable position, which wound up being just simply standing with his paw propping himself up against the wall. His erection bounced and pulsed in anticipation, and a few butterflies filled his tummy - he'd never done anything like this before, and neither had his two friends, but he figured he'd make the best with what he had for them. Straight? Yes, but that doesn't mean he can't give them a fun time and a nice blowjob to end the night.

Roso lifted the otter's tail and poked at his tailhole a couple of times. He was elated to find it completely clean, and the only scent was of the otter's musk, which allowed him to heave a heavy sigh of relief. Eagerly, he pressed his tongue to Leo's tailhole and licked upward, causing the otter to jerk a little from the rush of the first sensation.

"So... what do I do? You're the gay one, tell me what to do." Deac asked, holding Leo's cock in his paw.

Leo gasped a little as Deac's rough coyote paw wrapped around his hot, throbbing member, but then he answered, "Mmm... well, try licking it... ooh, Roso, that feels good." He moaned.

The coyote took a deep breath and then shyly poked his tongue out and ran it over the underside of the tip, trying to cover his nerves with memories of what makes him feel good when he paws off. Regardless, it got a reaction from Leo.

"Oh... yeah... just like that, Deac. Use your whole tongue." Leo's voice got a little breathier now as the sensations from his rump got a little more intense.

Roso went to town on the otter's tailhole, lapping and licking back and forth, and as the coyote's long, broad tongue lapped across the entire cock of the otter, the raccoon began to penetrate the otter with his tongue. Leo moaned and thrust his hips a little, instinctively, excited by the intense pleasure and one of his fantasies coming true.

"Guys... ohh! I'm not gonna last long if you continue like that."

The coyote stopped licking for a moment and just stroked the otter, his own saliva lubricating the shaft, "I'm... gonna swallow... but I may run for the bathroom after to throw up. Just warnin' ya, I don't ever drink this shit."

Leo put a paw on his head and pet it gently. "Deac, we're friends. You're fine."

It really meant a lot to Deac to have Leo comfort him a little. The panic of being gay or doing gay things really threw him off, but Leo helped correct it a little, and Deac happily continued, this time lapping his tongue all the way up and down, pursing his black lips over the head and sucking a little, and that's when Leo went wild.

Leo moaned louder, his knees shaking underneath him, his tail tensing and curling over Roso's back. The feel of his friends' very different tongues stimulating him felt like nothing he'd ever imagined. The wet, fleshy sliding and slurping of Roso's small tongue versus the much more in-your-face broad lapping tongue of Deac contrasted and drove the otter wild. Every now and then he'd have to control his humping and stop his hips from hurting his friend's mouth.

Roso's small tongue began to dip in and out of his hole, feeling Leo's hot interior. Already, Roso had managed to soak the entire rim and its surrounding fur in his saliva, but he felt there was more ground to cover. He delved his tongue deep into the otter, listening and feeling for reactions from him, and getting more than he bargained for as the otter tensed up above him and clenched his tailhole around the thick tongue.

Deac began to mouth along Leo's shaft while Leo struggled to keep quiet. He curled his tongue around with each stroke and lapped it across the tip. It wasn't long, however, before Deac was deepthroating his friend. His friend's precum and musk hit his olfactory senses with brute force, but luckily Leo had a very mild scent, so the coyote was not bothered by it too much.

"Guys... ahh!" Leo moaned as he got closer, his cock pulsing with sensory overload in the coyote's throat, "Nngh! Don't... stop...!" He cried as he felt the sensation building, and building, and building.

The coyote's tongue undulated underneath his suckling throat.

Still building.

Leo gritted his teeth, squinted his eyes, and humped the coyote's mouth.

Still building.

Roso's tongue pushed itself as far into the otter as possible, and then back out.

Still building. It built longer than any orgasm Leo had ever felt, and finally, it released itself, heralded by a loud cry of ecstasy from the otter and a heavy buck of his hips. His knees nearly buckled as he stood against the wall, and Roso grabbed them to keep his friend from falling and killing Deac.

Deac gulped as fast as he could, holding his breath to prevent from having to taste it, but all that mattered was he was making his best friend happy, and that's all that he told himself as he drank down every drop of his friend's cum.

Leo moaned loud and long as he felt his body milked and drained of every shot of seed he had to offer, his orgasm intense and long, shooting in rapid, heavy pulses throughout his entire body, down to his groin. His eyes fell back in his head it felt so good, and he even had to stop a moan before he choked himself in it. It felt absolutely amazing - everything he wanted out of it, and his friends, his crushes, were there to experience it with him, whether they liked it as much as he did or not.

The coyote withdrew his muzzle with a dribbling of cum and a hacking cough, "Oh man! Damn firehoses!" He joked and began to cough again.

"Woo! Nice scream there! Feel nice?" Roso asked him.

Leo just panted, and then fell to his knees his paw still weakly holding the wall, "Holy shit." He said breathlessly, "You guys got some awesome tongues."

Deac swallowed and then licked his lips, "Didn't taste horrible. Glad you enjoyed yourself, now where's mine?" Deac demanded, pointing at his knotted erection.

Leo thought for a moment, "Hmm... flip a coin, maybe?"

Roso interjected, "You can do him first." He sat back as if he was getting ready to watch a movie.

Leo nodded and then, still a little woozy, crawled up toward the coyote's musky crotch and inhaled, "Mmm."

"Smell nice?" Deac sneered down at him, "I want that mouth of yours around me." His dominant voice echoed across the room, so Leo obeyed, and didn't bother teasing it with his tongue before pressing his closed lips to it and letting it push itself past, trying to simulate a vagina almost to get Deac more excited, and it definitely helped that Deac's eyes stayed closed as it first passed the otter's lips.

Deac sighed in relief as he felt his member being stimulated at long last. He felt a little more comfortable now after what he'd just done to his friend who was now returning the favor, but the coyote stayed quiet as Leo began to bob his head up and down. Leo could taste the thick streams of precum gushing from the 5 inches of coyote dick in his mouth.

"Mmm, feels warm." Deac said quietly as Leo ran his slick tongue across the tip, teasing him, "Squeeze below the knot with your paw, that's my good spot."

Again, Leo obeyed, and continued to let his mouth glide over the thick coyote down to the knot, leaving saliva to leak down it. He gripped below the knot and the coyote huffed and gasped, obviously losing against the pleasure.

Leo closed his eyes and just took in his victory once again - his roommate and best friend's cock in his mouth while his other best friend watches.

Before too long, Deac couldn't hold back, "Oh... I'm gonna blow..." he said, and then began to hump into Leo's mouth a little. Leo squeezed at Deac's base harder, feeling it tense up below his swollen knot, and he let his tongue move up and down underneath his sensitive glans. With a dominant growl and a swear, Deac's cock exploded inside of the otter's tight muzzle.

Leo tasted the salty cum as it gushed out of the obviously pent-up coyote's cock in potent throbs, stroking and gripping the base to help milk all of it from his member. Deac clenched the otter's ears and moaned softly, "Oh... Leo..." he breathed as his orgasm softened and began to ebb away. It sent a tingle of pleasure down the otter's spine to hear his friend moan his name out of pure passion, and he smiled as he licked the coyote's cock clean of his own seed.

Leo pulled away, making sure not to leave a string of cum or saliva as he did so, and then looked toward the raccoon, who was sitting at the foot of the couch with a chestful of his own cum, his cock in his paw, panting wildly, "Oh... I see someone got excited."

Roso only gave him a thumbs up, eyes still glazed over in pleasure, similar to the coyote's as Leo looked back up at him, "Was that good?"

"Damn good." Deac responded. It took him a lot to say it, but as Leo stood up, Deac looked up at him with a serious face, "Thank you... for... for convincing me. It was fun."

"You're welcome." Leo looked back at him with a thankful smile, "Thank you."

The smells of musk and cum filled the air now, and no energy remained in any of the three friends. Before laying on the couch for the night as the others passed out in their current positions, Leo moved his yellow game piece four spaces up the board, "Heh heh. Your turn, Roso."