Jessie's pet -Part 3-

Story by Absorbentgene on SoFurry

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So this is probably the last in the series. Jessie's Sister Alex gets involved. Will our hero survive?

Yeah... probably.

Josh wouldn't notice it immediately. He sat naked watching the television and enjoyed the chance to relax in the enormous leather couch, that was built to fit the big mouse, not someone like him and while her scent was ingrained into everything it seemed, there was something new and inviting wafting in.

Blushing a little he gave a little stretch and looked around curiously to find the source and gasped almost falling off of the couch with what he spotted. Sitting at the far side of the couch, appearing from no where was a small mouse woman, wearing a black dress. She had brown fur and warm brown eyes as she sat there watching the T.V. with him.

Josh was unsure how to react, and sat there looking at her quietly for a few moments before she finally opened her mouth, speaking in a warm tone. "Staring isn't nice... I'm Alex by the way." She said softly to him making josh go scarlet red and look back to the television and quietly watched her out of the corner of his eye.

She would stretch out a little and give a bit of a yawn, as they watched something about animals in south America Though he barely paid attention to it, more interested in this mouse who had literally appeared out of no where. They sat there for what seemed like ages in silence.

Finally it seemed like She got bored and slowly stood up stretching as she sighed in delight, looking down at the human and smirked. Her hand rose and snapped her fingers, making him blink a little before gasping as both his hands were suddenly forced together and pulled up above his head, yelping in surprise, lifted clear of the ground by some unseen force.

Gasping he would struggle a little in place, looking down at her as she hmmed gently and slowly began to strip her dress of as she smirked. "Jessie may enjoy you, but it's my turn now... and word of warning dear, it's hard to please a witch." She chuckled and grinned up at him playfully as she let the dress fall away, tossing it onto the couch and stood there naked now. She was a startling difference than from her sister.

Her fur was well kept, and trimmed, and being smaller as well, she was certainly the clean one of the two! Her firm breasts were slowly pressed up against his right leg as he continued to look down at her nervously. Slowly she pulled back and began to walk around him slowly, examining him like one would examine livestock as she smirked a little, occasionally reaching forward to pinch or poke at him.

Stopping behind him for a moment she reached forwards to once again start to grope at his rump, hmming softly at the sight. "Tight ass... No wonder she said she really enjoyed the strap on with you..." She said softly and spread those ass cheeks with both her hands now, getting a look at his anus, and without any warning leaned in and gave it a slow lick.

Slowly she slobbered and drooled over it, tongue sliding up and down over it again and again, making him moan deeply in delight the entire time, as the wonderful feeling, squirming in the air as she just enjoyed teasing him for now.

His own shaft would become hard quickly with the attention as she hmmed deeply and reached forwards to gently grope at his sac as he gasped happily in delight the groping and licking edging him forwards as he enjoyed the wonderful feeling and she certainly enjoyed his taste.

Slowly she would pull away and chuckles as she watched saliva drool out from his anus now and drop down from his rump, as she stepped around to his front now, reaching up and starting to gently stroke along his shaft. "Hmm... You taste too good... I have just the place to put you when we're done here..." She said a little ominously and licked her lips, having a pretty good idea of where.

He squirmed some more in that invisible binding and looked down at her nervously. "B-but Jessie really likes me." He managed to stammer out, Alex only smirked up at him, continuing to stroke over his throbbing erection, leaning in and kissing at his sac gently, which only made him groan deeply, and slowly start to drool pre. "

"Hmm... and did she put any wards on you?" she asked and he shuddered and panted grinding up into her hand. But shaking his head. "I didn't think so. She would only do that for someone she wanted to keep around..." She said her smile getting broader by the moment.

"But don't worry... I promise, I'll make your last moments out here utter bliss..." She said gently and gave a wink at him as he went to open his mouth in protest, she snapped her fingers again, and that invisible force holding him in the air became much more active.

As he opened his mouth, it felt like he had something shoved into it, actually muffling him so that he could no longer speak and at the same time, a similar thing happened to his rump, getting penetrated by some unseen shaft as he muffled out in delight, arching his back and squirming.

Alex admired her handiwork for a couple moments, as he struggled and squirmed in pleasure from her magic, before she finally leaned forwards and took the tip of the shaft into her lips and began to suckle gently on him. This only made him give a long low moan of delight as he grinded forwards as best he could into her maw, panting heavily in delight the entire time, drooling and leaking plenty of pre. It wasn't long before she began to take more and more of his member into her hot steaming maw, her tongue rolling and swirling around the shaft.

All the while, the shaft in his rump continued to thrust in steadily, and the one in his maw kept him from doing much more than moaning muffledy and Alex Just enjoyed his taste, watching him squirm like a puppet on a string... Holding such power over others was always something she enjoyed and it showed as she gently rubbed along her own lips, drooling juice over her groin

Josh really couldn't handle this amount of pleasure, and every thrust into his rump and her bobbing her head in unison made him spurt pre into her maw every time, and it was only a matter of time until he came. Still he did his best to resist it, knowing that when he did, it would be meal time, and that was to be his fate no matter what, he still didn't want it to be quite yet and wanted it on Jessie's orders...

But it was too late. With a howl of delight, her arched his back and cummed hard into her maw, the sticky goo pouring into her gullet as she gulped it down happily, making sure to keep her mouth locked over it, drinking from him eagerly, the shaft in his rump stopping it's pumping as he went a little limp, moaning softly in delight.

Finally she began to pull off, leaving his shaft clean and glistening with saliva as she licked her lips again, the powers muffling him and the one in his rump disappearing at the same time as he groaned a little. "I-I d-don't think Jessie wants me gone...He managed to whimper out but Alex just chuckled and grinned at him.

"Oh hush now. I'm the elder sister and I'm in charge... Now be a good meal and squirm for me... I'll even be nice and make sure you can breath... You'll get a day of squirming I think." She said softly, and slowly he found himself rising further into the air so that he was above her now and she grinned up.

"Don't go all to my hips now..." She said teasingly, taking his feet in her hands and licking at his toes a little teasingly, as he found himself starting to get lowered down into her hot mouth. Slowly his feet were getting sucked into her mouth.

He would wiggle his toes against her tongue as she hmmed gently in delight, clearly very pleased with his taste, as he continued to get lowered slowly but surely into her maw, as she hmmed happily, gladly taking him into her maw,. He could feel his feet get sucked into her throat, the powerful muscles working over him to pull him deeper as he moaned deeply and gave another gentle whimper.

The powerful mouse witch had him right where she wanted, and could do whatever she liked with him, and all he could do was wiggle and squirm just like she wanted. Steadily his legs disappeared, and soon her tongue was rubbing and licking up over his rump teasingly, getting a firm taste, and once again, diving into his anus gently, to keep him moaning, and wiggling the entire time.

It was terrifying and exhilarating at the same time to see his lower body disappearing into her powerful jaws, knowing that he was nothing more than the days meal. Knowing that he was going to become one with her.and the fact she was doing what she could to ensure his final moments in the outside world were enjoyable. Panting and gasping away heavily, he cried out as she stretched her mouth around his waist, and continues sucking him deeper, gasping sharply as little more cum oozed from his shaft as it was quickly drawn into her throat, his feet reaching her stomach and could already feeling the thick acids inside tingling at his flesh.

And still he continued to sink, slowly but surely getting forced into her tight gullet and stomach inch by inch, her tongue constantly licking over his back and sides, making sure he was well lubed for the tip. His chest the next to go, as she made sure to gently chew on him, making he cry out in delight as he gave a soft groan, giving up on any chance of rescue. "T-tell Jessie I love her!" He managed to gasp out as his head began to press against her lips. She smiled gently around him, and reached up to gently pat at his head, before pushing in, as she swallowed over that as well, the poor human almost completely gone now.

She sucked his arms in like a par of noodle as he was tucked away into her belly, forced to curl up into the fetal position in the small cramped confines of her belly, as she finally finished him off, arms soon joining him inside. She gave a thunderous belch and looked down at her now enormous gut, beginning

to rub over it gently as she giggled gently down at him. "Oh I'll tell her but she won't care." She said again warmly, and panted softly. She loved having a big gut like this from time to time, having such a large male squirming inside.

She would give a deep sigh and slowly lay back in on the couch, and continued to rub her belly, feeling him squirming inside, and bulges appear from time to time, as she chuckled gently and gave another soft belch. Inside, it was hot, humid, and the acids pouring over him were stinging as they ate away at him. He groaned and whimpered softly in pain, but wriggled about steadily, pressing out against her belly, where he could, but it was so tight, that unless she wanted him out there was no escaping this.

She would reach down and gasp sharply as she began to finger herself again, her other hand continuing to rub at her gut, as she drooled juices over the leather cough, groaning happily in delight. "Hmm... Keep squirming... we're gonna have a good day together doing this..." She said, and Josh didn't expect anything else...

Alex enjoyed her time with him immensely. He never stopped squirming, and she had gone through several orgasms playing with herself, When Jessie finally came home. By then, his struggles had gotten far less rough and it was clear he was weakening quite a bit, and beyond muffled moans and whimpers, he had largely accepted his fate. Jessie saw Alex and gave a warm smile, before seeing the fat gut and blinked a little. "Uh... Is... he in there?" She asked quietly and Alex nodded up at her. "

"Hmm... Yes he is. Why do you ask?" she said warmly, slowly standing up, and wobbling a bit, Jessie tossing aside a small back she was carrying, standing far above her sister she looked down at her a little more sternly. "You know he hasn't done it yet... He... You DID place the spells on him... right?"

It was Alex's turn to blink in surprise as she shook her head slowly. "No... But does it really matter? He said he loved you and said you liked him... They all say that..." She said gently and rubbed her tummy again smiling. "Besides, he tasted too good to pass up." She said with a soft chuckle.

Jessie went a little red with embarrassment, but knew she had to act quickly, otherwise, her newfound toy wouldn't be making it. "Bathroom now Alex... We need to get him out." She said curtly, and grabbed her by an arm and began to tug her along, as Alex yelped gently and looked at the much larger mouse.

"Hey! He's my food! I wanna keep him that way!" She said sharply, looking like she was preparing to use some kind of magic to get away, but Jessie would have none of it.

She wasn't Magic, but she knew her sister, and right now, was driven by a mixture of lust, and what one could probably call love. Grabbing Alex's arms, Jessie hauled her off to the bathroom with ease, Alex kicking and squirming uselessly against the big paws, though she was a little limited by her fat belly, as she ended up in the bathtub, with Jessie looming over her. "Open up." She said bluntly, and when Alex went to speak, Jessie didn't give her the chance, mashing an aher hand into her maw, and reaching down her throat as Alex hmphed a little, but let Jessie do it, the feeling a little uncomfortable, but she didn't want something small like this affecting there relationship.

Josh had spent the entire time digesting, and by now, his flesh was red and raw and extremely sensitive. Much of his hair had been bleached as well from the acids, and when he felt the movements outside, was unsure was going on. It was after a few moments, he suddenly felt a big firm hand wrap around his chest, and tug hard, making him yelp softly, and cry out in pain, as he was pulled out of Alex's throat, past her lips and out into the world again, landing in the tub with a small thump, mucous, acid, and drool puddling around him as he panted and cried softly in pain, his body red and painful looking, Jessie seeing this sucking in a sharp breath and looked to Alex for a moment.

"Hmm... You'll get your chance with him later... If you want food, my pantry has some mouse boy's you can enjoy." She said gently and smiled at Alex a little. "But place your wards on him first." She said with a wink.

Alex hmphed softly but gave a nod, coughing up a bit more spittle, and after thinking for a couple moments, began to work on casting her spell. Josh could only lay there whimpering, in intense pain, the burning coursing through his body, and making him sensitive to the air, when he felt something cool flooding over him for a moment, and it stopped again, the burning returning as he listened to Alex speak again. "There... Now he'll reform if he perishes... You sure I can't have him right now?" She asked almost longingly, and Jessie gave a sigh.

"Well I wanted him to get into it slowly... not something so sudden and jarring... He's a good pet... Very obedient and willing, and if he keeps it up, I'll start giving him treats." She said softly, letting Alex out of the tub, before turning on the water, letting it pour over Josh's curled up form, the cool water soothing, and washing him of the acids, making much of the burning go away as she smiled over at Alex again. "I think we'll let him decide when he wants to be food again." She said warmly and Alex gave a slow nod.

"Well he enjoyed it, that was for sure... But I think he didn't want it to end..." She said gently and Jessie nodded tapping her chin gently, looking up at the poor curled up form of Josh. "Hmm... He won't last out here." She looked down at him, as he washed off and looked up at Jessie nervously.. "Josh... I don't want you to panic... I'm going to slip you inside of my womb... It won't crush you like it does others... I don't want you to get that shock just yet." She said gently and reached down to gently pat his head. "Do You think you can crawl in?" She asked slowly.

Josh would shiver, the cool water starting to get to him, as he nodded, his flesh still stinging, but the worst of it was over. He would shakily get onto his hands and knee's, and nod up at her a little nervously, and she smiled down at him chuckling. "Good boy... I'll take care of you." She said gently and lifted him out, Carrying him to her bedroom carefully, she set him down on the bed as Alex split off from them, going to replace the food she'd lost out on. Slowly, Jessie laid down on the bed in front of Josh and spread her legs smiling a little. "I'll keep you nice and warm and safe inside..."

She said to him gently and Josh nodded slowly. "O-Okay..." He managed to get out weakly, the day obviously having taken it's toll on him, as he slowly managed to crawl forth and began to rub at her crotch, finding her soft lips and hmmed gently. Jessie just relaxed and let him take it at his own pace as he slowly nuzzled down past the thick fur and against the lips of her sex. Groaning heavily he started to press inwards slowly but surely, finding the juices that began to ooze up around his face was soothing. Shuddering gently, he used his hands to pull the lips apart a little more and slowly began to sin k inwards, moaning gently in delight, the smell, taste and feeling of her sex starting to accept him inwards was heavenly.

Jessie gave a soft groan of delight and panted gently in pleasure, enjoying the feeling quite a bit, as she lay back, and focused on keeping those powerful muscles relaxed so she didn't crush him. While it would be easier just to finish him off and reform him, she wanted to build something more with him. She shuddered and watched him disappear steadily into her, as she panted and gasped softly, reaching down and gently parting her lips a little more form him, rubbing over herself.

Smiling gently she watched him wiggled inwards steadily, While josh panted and groaned away steadily, doing his best despite his bodies protests, slowly slipping into her soft velvety depths, groaning deeply the entire time. Slowly his chest sank in, then his stomach, and soon his waist was disappearing as well, as she smiled a little and closed her eyes, letting him push inwards steadily, her walls flexing over him from time to time, threatening to crush him at a moments notice, but they would stay back for now, and allow a relatively easy journey.Groaning and panting gently, he finally managed to have only his legs

poking out and those were quickly disappearing as well as she chuckled and rubbed over her stomach softly, feeling him wiggling and squirming his way deeper. She sighed gently looking down and even his feet were no longer visible under the thick crotch fur that covered her sex.

Finally they two slipped in and he would groan away heavily, finally starting to slide his way into her womb. It was sticky, slimy, warm and more spacious than the stomach he'd just been in. The scent of the big mouse woman was intense as she continued to rub gently at him, as he finally began to get in.

Panting deeply at the hot humid air inside he slowly managed to get his chest and would pant and groan softly, as she hmmed softly, her walls closing down around his legs slowly forcing him upwards, helping him in, as he panted and groaned way happily. Finally he slid in, curling up into a little bit looser ball than it was in Alex's gut, and sigh happily, slowly settling down and starting to doze off as Jessie smiled in delight and stood up, gently rubbing over her tummy, looking like she had a small baby bulge.

She sighed softly and walked down into the kitchen happily showing off the occupant and Alex was nice and full with someone else now wiggling steadily, as Jessie winked. "He's tucked away safe and sound..." She said gently and Alex smiled up warmly. "Hmm... You sure we should have scared him like that?" She asked and smiled at Jessie warmly. "

"Yeah... He'll do anything I ask now. He wanted to before, but now he's got a reason to..." She said warmly, gently rubbing over her tummy as Alex nodded eagerly.

"Lucky you... I can come by and play with him sometimes?" She asked teasingly. "He did taste really good..." She said with a giggling and Jessie chuckled warmly and grinned.

"I know right? Never tasted anything like him before... He'll be with us for a very long time." She said warmly and slowly lay back to enjoy him inside, as he dozed off, a nice addition to her life.