A Day To Remember | Part 2

Story by DaiTora on SoFurry

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#2 of A Day To Remember

So, here we go with part two of A Day To Remember.

Comments and feedback are always appreciated.

Enjoy. :3


"Hey Toru, what's wrong? Wake up!" Toru was shaking uncontrollably in my arms. Some minutes ago, he looked so peaceful in his sleep, but now he was sleep talking strange things.

"No...Kenji...don't...go." His words sent a shiver down my spine. It seemed like he was having a terrible nightmare and I was really worried. I jolted him carefully and when he finally opened his eyes, I wrapped my arms around him into a tight hug.

"I'm here, Toru. I always will be by your side." He was looking up to me, our eyes met and suddenly Toru began to cry into my chest.

"I-I'm so g-glad..*sob*..that y-you're alive..*sniff*.." He tightened his grip on me and his tears streamed down like a waterfall. It hurt me to see him crying like that, so I licked the tears away from his muzzle.

"Please, calm down. Everything will be alright." I caressed his head with my paw as I waited for him to relax. Eventually, he stopped sobbing and I wanted to know what was troubling my mate so much.

"What happened? You got some kind of bad dream?" I asked worriedly. He took a deep breath and let the the air flow out of his lungs again.

"Yeah, kind of...In my dream, I saw you laying there...everywhere was blood and I..." His eyes were watering again. "...I thought I'd lost you." He looked at me with a sorrowful expression and I had to say something to wash away his grief.

"Toru, please relax. It was just a dream and I swear, I will always be there for you, no matter what." As I said these words, he loosened his grip and his paw touched my muzzle.

"Thanks, Kenji. You're right, dreams aren't real. Sorry, for making you worry so much," he said with a smile across his muzzle. "But it really was terrible." He was still worried about it and I didn't want to see him this sad anymore, so I tried to cheer him up a bit.

"Yeah, I used to have these kinds of nightmares myself. When I was younger, I dreamed about a monster living under my bed. Every night I went to bed, I was afraid, that it would jump out and eat me all of a sudden," I spoke as serious as I could. He suddenly started laughing in a way only a joyful tiger would do and a smile crept over my muzzle upon seeing him this lively again.

"Hey, I was like 5 years old. Don't tell me you weren't scared of those things back then," I chuckled and he boxed me playfully.

"Heh, I know what you mean. Back then, I dreamed about a ghost living in my wardrobe. I was totally scared every time I wanted to open it, so my mom had to check it and show me, that it was empty," he said, grinning widely and I was glad he got back to his old self again. A charming tiger, always there for a good laugh and above all a caring boyfriend with a heart as big as the ocean. I was so proud to be his mate.

"You see, it's naturally to have nightmares, so don't bother yourself about it," I said as my paw caressed his head.

"I know, Kenji" He cuddled into me. "Thank you for cheering me up," he spoke in a gentle voice and I blushed deeply.

'Mission accomplished!' I thought as my plan worked out well and now, it was time to get my reward.

"Anytime my love. So, where is my prize?" I asked playfully. He placed his paw behind my head.

"It's right here," he spoke lovingly and pulled me into an affectionate kiss full of emotion, passion and longing. It was the same amazing sensation, I always had when we kissed and I didn't want to exchange this feeling for anything in the world. The constant hum of the bus's engine faded and we got lost in our mutual state of bliss. We created our own world, where everything else around us was blanked out. The kiss lasted and lasted and eventually we parted our lips.

We both blushed as we looked deeply into each others eyes. In the right light you could see his emerald green eyes sparkling like gemstones. It was intoxicating like the rest of his body. His bright orange fur was like the sunset and together with those black stripes, he looked sexy as hell. To me, he was perfect in all ways.

Suddenly, Toru jumped onto his seat and it seemed like he remembered something. He was staring at the back of the bus and I turned around to identify if there is anything, but all I could see were empty seats. I turned back to him as he kept on staring and I wondered why.

"Is something there?" I asked puzzled and he seemed to snap back to reality on my question.

"Uhm...did you see the wolf, who sat there in the back row?" He asked kinda worried, pointing at the seat in the back area of the bus. I looked at him sceptically .

"A wolf? No, I didn't see anyone here besides us, and the bus driver of course." He looked dumbfounded by hearing my answer like he had seen a ghost or something and kept on staring in the back like a statue.

"Everything alright, Toru?" My big paw moved onto his smaller one. As I touched him he finally relaxed and his eyes returned back to me, but he immediately looked down.

"Oh, yeah...I'm fine. It's...It's nothing." It felt like he was avoiding my gaze on purpose and I knew, that he wasn't alright. After all the time we spent together, I could sense if something was troubling my mate, but I trusted him and if he said there is nothing bothering him, then it should be alright. In the end, I didn't want to push him.

"Alright, if you say so," I said convinced and Toru's smile came back. Every time I saw it, it released a warm sensation inside of me like the warmth of the sun on a hot summer day. To me, it was the purest smile on the planet.

* GONG *

A noisy chime drew at my ear and I figured it came from the bus's speakers signaling, that we got closer to our destination.

"I think, that's our sign to get off," I said as the bus rounded the last corner before the station was in sight.

"Finally!" Toru exclaimed. "I'm really excited to see that place again after all these years...together with you." His tail was swaying happily from side to side and I couldn't help but to chuckle.

"Me, too, my love." I noticed the bus was getting slower, so I grabbed my bag as Toru did the same. When the bus came to a hold, the doors opened automatically and we both stood up, our paws still holding onto each others as we went outside into the chilly night.


It was already dark, the sun had set and the moon was now lingering above us. A cold breeze tickled my scales as we stood at the bus station, illuminated by a street lamp. Across the street was a stairway leading onto a mountain through the forest, lighted by small lamps to the side. Next to the stairway stood a sign labeled "To Nagaro Hot Spring."

I breathed in deeply and let the fresh air flow into my lungs. "Ahh...," I exhaled. "...this place brings back memories." I remembered the last time, I visited this place. It was together with my family, when I still lived with them. Now, I was together with my mate and I couldn't be happier. Toru, who was still holding my paw, leaned onto my side.

"I know, what you mean," he spoke softly and it seemed like he reveled in his own memories. His body felt so warm, that I completely forgot about the cold air surrounding us. My body wanted to stay next to him all the time, but my mind told me, that we weren't at our destination yet.

"Alright, we still have some way to go," I said as we crossed the street and came to a hold in front of the stairway. It was leading high up into the forest, so you couldn't see the end from down here. I looked back at Toru, whose paw was still interlocked with mine, and spoke with a smile on my face.

"If we climb these stairs, we should be there soon. Let's go." Toru was smiling back joyfully as we took our first step on the stairway.

Several minutes later...

"Man, I can't remember this way being so long," I stated annoyed as we traveled on this path for some time now. The trees standing at the sides were lined up so close to each other, that you couldn't see far into the forest. Their fallen leaves covered the ground of the stairs and made them a bit slippery, so it was difficult to move on. Toru was walking next to me and he looked a bit exhausted from the long way, we left behind us.

"Can we take a rest somewhere, please? I'm kinda tired." My gaze drifted to the side and I saw him panting a little.

"Of course we can. Let's see..." My eyes slid on the way before me in search of a place to rest. "Ah, there we go." I pointed at the small platform in the distance. "There's a plateau in front of us. We can stop there," I assured and Toru appeared to be relieved upon hearing this.

Moments later, we made our way to the plateau. It was built for the people, visiting the hot spring as a resting place. It also signaled, that we were halfway through. A bench stood to the side and a small lamp lightened the place.

Toru and I walked over to the bench and we sat down together. It was quiet around us and as far as I could see, we were the only ones out here. In the distance, I could make out the faint lights of a house, probably the hotel of the hot spring, where we'll stay for the night.

"It's not that far anymore. I can see it from here," I said and Toru leaned his head onto my shoulder.

"Just a quick rest," he whispered and wrapped both of his arms around my right one, snuggling it gently with his muzzle. I blushed and my tail brushed over his back affectionately. A warm, loving feeling spread across my whole body as we enjoyed each others company. In the moment we sat there, close to each other, I discovered a small green light hovering through the air. As I watched closely, I figured out, what it resembled.

"Look, Toru." My finger showed in the direction of the little bug flying around. "It's a firefly." Suddenly, one green light after the other appeared and behind a single firefly arose a whole swarm from the shadows of the forest. The colored lights danced before our eyes and we both admired the astonishing sight.

"It's so...beautiful," Toru spoke, amazed by the bright spectacle and I was staggered myself, but there was one thing, that was even more amazing than this sight.

"Not as beautiful as you;" I said in a gentle low voice and my gaze shifted on him. He was looking at me with intense longing and I could see his cheeks were flaring red. Our lips drew closer to each other and with the final touch, my body exploded in the ultimate sensation of loving emotions, warmth and passionate feelings. Our kiss intensified as our arms moved behind each others back in a tight embrace of affection and bliss. Above us the light of the fireflies continued to to dance like fireworks illuminating the dark night sky. Our tongues swirled in the bath of our muzzles and our tails brushed over the other ones leg. This moment was one of the most intense experience, I had kissing with my mate and I was going to safe every second of it. His intoxicating smell, his cute ears and his beautiful lips, all of him was perfect in every way you could imagine. We sat there, orange and green, united in a hug. I wished we could melt so we would always be together.

'There is one way, that gets close to it,' I thought, but that was a story for later. Our kiss lasted for several minutes and as the fireflies were gone, our lips separated.

"Wow, Kenji. That felt amazing!" Toru exclaimed, smiling happier than ever and I myself was flabbergasted by this whole event.

"Yeah, I felt the same." My muzzle nestled his head and our embrace continued for some moments, before I noticed, that we still have some way to go.

"I think we should move on now. It's getting late." Toru appeared to notice as well and we stood up as we made our way to the second stairway leading to the hotel, our paws holding tightly onto each others.

I had a feeling, that this day was going to be a day to remember.