The Job Well Done - The Test

Story by Rhoua on SoFurry

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The Job Well Done

Part One

Ok, this is my first attempt at a yiffy story, so any constructive criticism is extremely welcome, don't be afraid to comment.

This story contains explicit gay furry material, do not read unless you like this kind of stuff, and do not read unless you are 18 and older.


"Kris Parker here to see you sir," came the voice over the intercom.

"Send him in." The Bear sighed, leaning back into his chair. Kris, the new boy, was coming in for his first assignment. He glared around his office, from the bookshelves along the walls to the red oak desk in front of him; why was he the one stuck with all the new recruits. Jonathan straightened his suit jacket as the Tiger stepped into the room, closing the door behind him smartly. The Bear stared at him coldly, he usually would not even allow people like the Tiger onto the force, but the higher ups were specific, and apparently, they needed his talents. Kris stood before the desk, his striped head held high, and whiskers forward as if in anticipation, or possibly disdain; it was always hard to tell with cats and disdain was usually more common. Despite this though, he held a professional air around him as he folded his arms behind his back military style.

"Welcome, Kris, to the job center. We deal out all the jobs you're ever going to have," Jonathan stated somewhat resignedly, "But of course you already knew that, I'm sure." The Tiger said nothing, only returning the Bear's own stare, but somehow colder, the cold stare of a killer. "Well, I'm done then. Here's your file, everything you need to know will be in there." Jonathan held out a manila folder, unperturbed. Kris took it without a word, spun on his heel, and left the office, snapping the door shut just as smartly as before, the clicking of his shoes echoing down the lobby floor and out of hearing. Jonathan pressed the three button on his intercom, and was rewarded by a loud click and an answer.

"Sir?" came the deep reply.

"You know the new recruit and his mission. Keep an eye on him," and without waiting for a reply, he clicked the phone off. The bear sighed again in frustration, 'If it was up to me,' Jonathan thought, 'I wouldn't EVER ask a gay man like him for help.'


Kris walked to the elevator. Throughout his 'interview', he could just feel the dislike pouring off the Bear. He assumed it was for the very reason he had been called in, but oh well, he couldn't change his likes and dislikes. All he could do was his job, and do it better than everyone else in his line of work. In the elevator, he looked at the file, reading all the info at a glance, and memorizing it just as fast. He grinned; this was going to be fun.


Luxor Casino, Los Angeles: One Week Later


The Rat walked leisurely down the corridor leading to the main floor of the casino. He walked in a way that seemed to say, "I'm richer, better, and more powerful than you ever hope to be, and don't you forget it!" and certainly he looked the part. His head fur was combed slick against his head and around his ears, his right ear having been pierced and sporting a rather shiny gold hoop, not a big one, but big enough to let you know it was expensive. He dressed smoothly in a black pinstripe suit, of course made by only the finest outfitter, and made especially for him, The Mr. Bagotti of L.A.

As he marched into the casino's main floor, people simply gave him a look and backed away, all except a Tiger dressed in short jean shorts and a tight mesh shirt that stopped above his belly, giving Tony Bagotti a good look at those seductive stripes slipping down softly out of sight into those tight shorts where they slipped out again along those long sinuous legs. He bounced right up to Tony, his tail sweeping from side to side slowly, and he gave him an imploring look.

"Oh gee sir! I just ran out of tokens, and no one will even lend me enough money for a cab back to my hotel! I don't know how I'll even be able to pay the hotel tomorrow." He let out a soft mewl, a pitiful sound, and looked at the Rat imploringly. Tony nearly pushed him away, nearly told him to fuck off before he called security, nearly, but something about those deep blue eyes, those soulful eyes, held him captivated. And besides, the boy was cute anyway.

"Well, I think we might be able to work something out if, of course, you're willing to pay the price," The Rat smirked, running a claw down the Tiger's cheek. The innocent look he received nearly made him laugh at how easy he was playing this boy, who looked no older than 18, but he had always been wrong about ages. Oh well. The Tiger nodded happily, giving Tony a large toothy smile.

"Oh of course sir! Thank you so much!" The Tiger quickly wrote all of his information down on a napkin supplied by one of the many cocktail waitresses walking around. Many other patrons gave the pair a dirty look before returning to their gambling; especially an Otter at the slots, dressed in black jeans and cowboy boots, a white ten-gallon hat perched atop his head, all framing his nice pure white dress shirt. Tony took the napkin, telling the Tiger to meet him at the prize counter in exactly one hour. The Tiger nodded feverishly, and then bounced away, humming happily to himself. The otter collected his tokens from the machine, whispered into his sleeve, and walked away.


Kris bounced to the bar, grinning at how easy Tony Bagotti had been seduced into helping him. His eyes wandered across the liquors behind the bar, and then across the patrons of the bar itself. An Otter was sitting only a few seats away, looking an awful lot like a cowboy, and slipping furtive, surreptitious glances at the scantily clad Tiger. Instantly Kris was on alert. He remembered seeing the Otter while he was wiling away Tony's defenses, remembering how engrossed he had seemed in his game. Why would he be at the bar so soon? Kris slipped away from the bar while the Otter was absorbed in his drink, walking casually around behind him with many sways and bumps of his hips. The Otter set his drink down, casting another silent look over towards Kris' now vacant seat, and, seeing it was empty, started abruptly. The Tiger crept up behind him quickly, sticking his thumbs into his nearly nonexistent front pockets, and squatting slightly. He addressed the Otter in a twangy tone, reminiscent of old cowboy flicks.

"Hey there Partn'ah!" he rasped, grinning widely. Instantly the Otter swung around, surprise apparent in his eyes. At the same time, Kris brought out his fingers, in the shape of guns and shouted, "BANG!" The Otter jumped again, his hands fluttering to the front of his shirt and back instantly. The Tiger grinned, now he knew where this guy's weapons were. Within that instant, the Otter brought his hands up to his head, grinning disarmingly.

"Woa buster! Be careful where you point those things wontcha?" He flashed his dazzling smile again, and Kris smiled right on back.

"Oh, sarry partn'ah!" he made a big show of holstering his 'guns', making his shorts slide down slightly, revealing the strings of a thong, high on his hips. The Otter looked once, a mistake he realized too late. With a visible gulp, he looked back up, and attempted his grin again, failing miserably. Kris could almost see the gears working in his head, just thinking, 'I'm definitely not gay, this guy won't get to me, even if he's as sexy as....FUCK,' The Tiger stepped lithely, practically into the Otters lap and lifting off his hat while pushing his hips right against the Otter's crotch. For the third time, in such quick succession, the Otter jumped again, too stunned to even move away. Kris took the rather large hat, and placed it on his head, grabbing the Otter's belt with one hand and pulling himself closer, and raising the other hand in the way a cowboy would twirl a lasso. The Otter could only stare in disbelief, doubt clouding his mind about his own wife, whom he definitely loved, and his feelings for this...this...boy! This obviously very sexy and! He tried to stop himself, but found himself getting far too aroused, unwillingly getting hard, and in such close proximity to the Tiger, there was no way he could possibly miss it. Kris grinned widely, slipping his paws into the Otter's back pockets, squeezing softly, causing the Otter to gasp in surprise. He leaned forward, whispering into the Otter's ear in seductive tones.

"Oh I think the big bad boy actually likes this!" He slipped his hands out of the Otter's pockets, and slipped them into his own back pockets, still keeping his own hard on pressed against his unwilling captive. The Otter could only stutter, and blink. Kris grinned, removing himself from the Otter in the same quick, graceful movement he had violated him with, purring all the while. Without another word, he sauntered off, with the same twirls and rolls of his hips, the same bounces of his tail, and the Otter's eyes following him all the way, simply too breathless to do anything but drool.

Kris turned around the corner, still wearing the ten-gallon hat and smiling to himself. Too easy, he decided. Too easy to find out exactly what that guy wanted with him, after all, in those back pockets he had found both a wallet, and a carefully folded piece of very professional paper labeled "Classified".


Tony Bagotti swaggered through the casino once more, eyeing many of the cute boys on his way, all bent over the slots or tables, unconsciously showing the best part of themselves to all the passersby, but only Tony took any notice. The Rat grinned wickedly. Being one of the largest crime bosses in L.A., he could have any guy he wanted pretty much, gay or not, and since he was the boss, no one dared speak out against his preferences.

Of course, only one guy was really on his mind at the moment, that sweet and sexy Tiger of course. Turning the corner, he saw said Tiger, leaning on the counter, engaged in conversation with the poor teller, as he seemed to be flirting his tail quite a bit, and batting his eyelashes often. The Collie loosened his shirt collar sheepishly, muttering something unintelligible at this distance. Kris only grinned, turning his back on the teller, and spotting the Rat, bounced right towards him, beaming widely. Tony just opened his arms, grinning wickedly as the Tiger bounced right into them, wrapping his arms around his neck.

"So do we get a ride?" he asked, drawing out the 'I' innocently.

"Oh of course! Nothing but the best for the cute Tiggy." The Rat buried his nose into Kris' neck fur, causing the feline to giggle uncontrollably. Carrying him outside, the Rat was greeted by two guards, a Stallion and a Lioness. They both looked disdainfully at the Boss' new pet, but quickly turned their attention to the Boss himself.

"Well what're you waiting for huh? An invitation? Go get the damn car!" They quickly complied, the Lioness marching off across the parking lot and climbing into a black limo, wheeling it around, stopping it in front of Tony and his pet. The Stallion shook his pale white mane, opening the door and stepping back, allowing Tony to climb in, pushing Kris in first. The Tiger's eyes widened as he took in the interior of the Limousine.

"Woooow! This is so cool!" He blushed as the Rat took him once more into his arms and set him on his lap.

"What's the matter? Never been in a limo before?" He teased, groping the Cat roughly, his erection digging into the seat of Kris's shorts. Kris mewled helplessly and blissfully, pushing himself down on that rather large piece of meat, separated only by a thin layer of fabric.

The rest of the ride passed with plenty of gropes, purrs, and groans, but far too soon, they were at the bosses place, pulling in through a large gate, the only entrance into the premise surrounded by thick brick walls; one of a kind in a city like Los Angeles. The limo stopped, and the car door was opened, allowing Tony to carry Kris up the steps to his mansion.

Kris' eyes widened again as he was carried through the extravagant house. The walls were covered with what looked like original paintings, and little niches were kept full with suits of armor from all time periods and many civilizations. Of course, Kris had little time to view any of it, as he was swiftly carried upstairs and into the Rat's master bedroom. Apparently, his lust was overwhelming him. Tony threw the feline onto the bed, where he landed on all fours uncertainly, grinning widely. The Rat pulled off his suit jacket, grinning himself.

"So what kind of tricks can ya do, kitty?" he trilled softly. Kris stretched languidly, away from Tony, giving him a full view of his backside bared through the shorts, his tail raised high and his thong peeking out just above his waistband. Tony shuddered, just wanting to tear forward and rip those shorts off! He had to stop this torment; he had to have that Cat so badly.

Tony stepped forward, putting his hands on the boy's waist, feeling the soft fur beneath his paws ripple in excitement. He slowly pushed his fingers underneath the Tiger's shorts, tugging slowly downwards. Kris pulled his torso up, stretching high towards the roof of the four-poster bed. The Rat brought his fingers out of the Tiger's shorts, loosening the button in front. Kris purred loudly as he was slowly revealed, wearing only a black thong leaving absolutely nothing to imagination. The shorts were pulled around his knees, and the Rat grabbed both of the round pieces of flesh before him, shoving his snout between them. Kris squeaked in surprise, quickly turning it into a moan of pleasure. Before Tony could go any further, the lithe Tiger pulled out of his grasp, spinning around fast and putting his paws on the crime lord's pants, right onto his erection. Keeping his paws there, Kris crept off the bed, kneeling before the Rat.

With deft hands, he undid the button and the zipper, almost too fast to be noticed by the Rat caught in his primal lust. The Boss' erection strained against his boxers, and those were discarded just as quickly as the pants, leaving himself completely exposed to the Tiger, dressed still in only in a thong and a tight mesh shirt.

Eyeing the thick piece of meat before him, the Tiger dived heartily upon it, giving it a long lick along the underside with his rough tongue. Licking his way up towards the tip, he grabbed the base with a single hand, focusing all the attentions at the head. Tony bent his head back, falling fast into carnal pleasure. Kris quickly took the tip into his mouth, alternatively licking and sucking, slowly sinking his head down upon the long shaft. Without any further slowness, he took the rest of Tony's shaft in his mouth, pushing it down deep into his throat. The Rat gasped in surprise and pleasure as the Tiger hesitated no longer. He bobbed his head swiftly, expertly licking in swirls around the head whenever he withdrew. The Rat could take it no longer, he grabbed the boy's head, and stood up in front of him. Holding the Tiger's head in place, he pounded faster and faster into that beautiful mouth. Kris took it like a pro, closing his eyes and deep throating the boss again and again. Tony howled loudly, so close. Kris quickly wrapped his arms around the Rat's waist, pulling the entire length into his mouth and sucking about as hard as a vacuum.

With a loud groan, Tony came, pulling the boy's head fur in his pleasure. Spurt after spurt squirted into Kris' mouth, filling it faster than he could swallow, and finally leaking down over his cheeks, which were bulging with the effort to contain it. He kept himself plastered to the boss' erection, milking it of every last drop while the boss moaned again, a more self satisfied and drawn out moan this time. He grinned again, having had many blow jobs, but none of which compared to this.

"Well Kitty, you seem to know what you're doing." He grinned maliciously, pulling the boy off of his shaft. Kris looked at him happily.

"Did you enjoy it sir?" he inquired sweetly, the innocent look washing over his features once more.

"Oh quite a bit, no worries there, but, what's this?" Tony dragged a claw along the wet face, streaked with still fresh cum. Kris blushed.

"I guess I'm a still a bit inexperienced," he mewled sheepishly, "and I don't really want to go down amongst all your men like this." He grinned hopefully up at the boss, who picked him up, carrying him to the restroom.

"Not a problem, I'm not finished with you yet either kitten," he cooed into those large sensitive ears as he crossed into the rather large restroom with a Jacuzzi sized bathtub in one corner, and a shower with glass cutting it off from the rest of the room, although it was perfectly see through. Here was where Tony took the Tiger, carrying him through the doorway and closing the clear door behind him. Kris instantly popped out of his arms, looking around through the glass at the rest of the room, and finally kneeling to work the knobs on the wall, allowing cascading water to drench him instantly. He purred, closing the eyes and remaining on all fours, just allowing the warm water to pour over him. Tony just watched this display of cuteness, throwing his shirt over the wall, and bending down behind the Cat to work him out of his. Lifting his arms again, the shirt quickly slipped off the wet fur, and he slowly dragged the thong down his long legs, standing to take them off completely. The Rat stood behind him assisting him softly, almost tenderly, stroking his waist and kneeling behind him to remove it all the way.

He continued where he began, shoving his snout deeply between the two cheeks, licking the Cat's hole, but not quite entering it. Kris shuddered in delight, feeling the tongue probe; slicking him up for what he was sure was to come. He gasped softly as it entered past his ring, feeling its way deeper into him and slurping all around. A soft moan escaped his lips as it was withdrawn, Tony licked his way up his back, rubbing the fur the wrong way, but he was past caring. Finally, Tony was standing behind him, biting his neck softly and rubbing his still hard shaft against the Kris' hole, apparently ready for another go.

Kris panted with lust, pushing back against the Boss' hole eagerly. Tony merely smiled, pulling back with the boy, drawing out his torment. The Tiger could take it no more, he mewled, looking over his shoulder imploringly at the Rat, who simply smiled, but with a quick thrust, he was in. The Cat yowled loudly as he was penetrated, the Rat's hands flitting up and down the front of the Cat's body, stroking his wet fur tenderly, finally drifting along the Tiger's own erection. Kris moaned in need, trying to simultaneously push against the hand, and push against the dick inside of him. Tony thrust in harder, while grabbing the Tiger's shaft toughly; squeezing it down slowly, in time to his own push inside of the boy. With every inch, Kris yelled out anew, feeling almost as if the foreign object was tearing him apart. Finally, Tony was completely inside the feline, leaving both of them gasping and panting heavily. He spread his legs a bit, straddling him slightly, the tip of his cock tickling Kris' prostate. Kris wiggled himself, feeling the pleasurable touch, and groaning softly.

With not a word between them, the Rat pulled out, swifter than his entrance, and plunged back in, surprising and pleasuring the Cat immensely, causing him to squeak and shudder. Tony pulled out again, and once more, pushed deep into Kris, finally settling into a rhythm and opening him up more and more with each thrust. With each near desperate pound, his hand ran swiftly over the boy's shaft, he knew that neither of them would last much longer.

He felt it coming, and he wanted it, oh how he wanted it. Tony wanted it so bad. His thrusts became erratic as he drew closer, almost losing control and careening off the highway of pleasure. He sank himself into the Feline once more, twice more, and finally, with a long, satisfied groan from Tony, and a drawn out, shrill yowl from Kris, the Rat came once again. He spilled his seed deep into the Tiger's guts, his thrusts almost coming to a stop as he lost himself in the waves of pleasure that flew over him repeatedly. The warm, sticky feeling was plenty for Kris, and sent him spurting all over the bathroom wall, only to be washed away by the continually falling water.

Both gasping, Kris leaned on the wall, Tony's weight starting to grow heavy. He slipped out of the boy carefully, still lost in his afterglow, leaning his back against the cool glass. Kris smiled softly, wrapping his arms around the boss' neck, and whispering in his ear.

"It sounds like you enjoyed that quite a bit." He murmured.

"...Yea." Tony responded heavily, nearly passed out.

"I'm glad. Cause it's the last amount of fun you're ever going to have." Tony looked at him, a bewildered expression dawning on his face. Without another word, the arms he had placed so conveniently around the Rat's head tightened. He swung his foot in front of the boss' legs, using the momentum to swing him headfirst into the wall, tripping over the Cat's legs. The Rat landed on the ground with a thud, the front of his skull crushed by the force of the blow, sending blood swirling lazily down the drain where it swirled and mixed with the cum, faster and faster, until blood was all that was left, bleeding out in an increasing amount.

Kris smiled, finished washing up and ran out into the bedroom still naked, conjuring some tears and yelling at the top of his voice.

"He's dead! He's dead!" He sobbed dramatically as pounding feet raced through the gigantic house. The Stallion and the Lioness from before burst into the room, seeing the wet, naked Tiger, sobbing heavily on the ground, they hurried into the bathroom, seeing Tony Bagotti lying dead, apparently from collision with the wall, if one was to judge by the bloodstain.

"We were...We were... doing... stuff, and he-he slipped!" He moaned pathetically, "He slipped, and...and.." With another heaving sob, he lifted himself from the ground, grabbing his clothes and running as fast as he could, trailing heart wrenching sobs all the while, past all the guards, out of the gate where he ran into a park, finally stopping to put on his clothes. He rubbed the fake tears away, grinning widely. Mission accomplished.


Jonathan stared over the files in disbelief. The Otter standing before him was staring at his feet sheepishly.

"This is the report he submitted?" He demanded. The Otter visibly flinched, then nodded.

"Yes sir, that's correct sir." He admitted.

"So you're telling me, he went through his mission flawlessly, seduced you, stole your wallet and instructions that you should have destroyed and discovered your identity, and that I had sent you to keep an eye on him." He rose from his chair angrily, "Then waltzed right into the most major Crime Lord in L.A's mansion and killed him, fled the scene, and left everyone thinking it was a huge accident?!"

The Otter was silent for a very long time, finally he replied, "Sir, don't belittle his talent, he's very-" The Bear roared loudly, slamming his fists on the desk, knocking over several picture frames.

"Just because he managed to make you doubt your sexuality, it doesn't mean he has any special talent!" He turned away disgustedly. Trying to stay angry was getting difficult.

"Sir-" Jonathan grunted in response, "I think we might want to consider adding him to the team sir." The Bear sighed loudly, a long huffing noise.

"Ben." He sighed once more, "I think your right."


So my first attempt >.