Vacation from Work

Story by Silver-tailed Fox on SoFurry

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It's '08 and my resolution is to sit down and finish the stories I've thought of over time. This may or may not really happen, but most of my story ideas are rather long winded and I know how nice a quick little yiffy read can be, so I decided to whip this up.

This story contains scenes of an adult nature, so if you do not desire to read them or are not of legal age to do so, please exit this page without reading any further. If you are under aged, I can not be held accountable for your decision to read this, so don't do it, because you're not s'posed to, yeah? Also, for those wishing to read, this story contains scenes involving Male/Female sex as well as solo Male sex. If that's not your thing, there's no need to read any further. And for those of you who decide to go through with reading, I hope you enjoy!


Keeping records is tricky business, or so decided the tired Raccoon as he slumped against an old box that had long ago bent and warped from water damage. The water heater of the building was stupidly placed one thin wall away from the old paper files stored away in the basement. One blown pipe and one blissful weekend that he spent in ignorance of his upcoming predicament were the ingredients that combined to form the now mushy and moldy mess that littered the floor. Medical records, divorce records, mortgage bills, and even one errant bag of mail had been stored in the basement long ago, when the new computer systems had arrived. There were promises to hire some college student or something such to begin work on digitizing all of these files, for storing on the computer hard drives; a damned intern would do the job perfectly well too. Of course these promises were never fulfilled, and now with over forty years worth of files (maybe more) laying in ruins, there was going to be a lot of explaining to do, and plenty of finger pointing too. Being a bottom-rung worker on the hierarchal scale meant that surely the blame would fall on Harper Sinclair, the thoroughly annoyed Raccoon.

Out of the corner of his eye he spotted what appeared to be a relatively undamaged sheet of paper, a small glimmer of hope that made him think that perhaps there might be a few salvageable among the written wreckage. Kneeling carefully he attempted to retrieve the paper, only to find the corner and half the top side following his clutching fingers while the rest remained glued to the slippery floor. That was it, the last strand of patience Harper had attempted to retain control of snapped like a frail twig. The colorful fur of his face that had once been the admiration of many a potential date had twisted in a blind furry and without thinking, Harper stood erect and darted towards the stairs, already shouting obscenities at the top of his lungs. Someone was going to take the fall for this, and it damn well wouldn't be him.

Forgetting that the floor was slippery, Harper ended up sliding halfway towards the wall only to fall flat on his back, only the sounds of his shoes squeaking through the water and another round of frustrated yells warning anyone as to his new predicament. Alas, an agile one, Harper managed to amble back to his paws and thinking carefully this time, walked over towards the stairs, forcing himself to calm down in the process.

"What the hell were you doing down there? With all of that yelling I thought you had gone insane, or maybe glanced at your birth records and found out that you really WERE adopted." A Fox named Chris greeted him before noticing the wetness darkening his work attire.

"Shut up Chris. Because those morons in management never got around to hiring anyone to take care of those damn records, I'm guessing at least half of them are utterly destroyed, if not more." Harper shot back, choosing to ignore the inside joke as it hit a rather sensitive spot in his mind.

Chris however had no intention of letting go of the chance to amuse himself. Long ago, Harper had lived back home with his family, and with what he claimed to be the most beautiful creature alive: His sister. Smart, elegant, classy, and a bombshell that anyone would be happy to have drop on their homes. Though the mere sight of her was enough to give Harper a raging hardon, he never touched her, or so much as even casually flirt with her. Incest was wrong, he would tell himself, and that was his one saving grace through his early love life. He had once confided in Chris, shortly after befriending him, that if he were to find out that he was perhaps adopted or something such, he would hate himself eternally for passing up the chance to be with her at least once, thus the premise for the joke that currently waded through Chris' mind.

"I'm serious Chris. The records are trashed, the water heater must have blown or something over the weekend, when I walked down there must have been at least a four-inch thick puddle covering the floor. I'm soaked, and most of the papers turned to mush." Harper pleaded

"Alright fine, let's see if it's really that bad." Chris finally agreed and stepped towards the stairwell, taking the first few steps down quickly, then slowing to a stop. From his position in the office, Harper could hear the clear gasp of shock and silent curses from Chris' lips as he gauged the situation. In his mind he could see the shocked look on his friends face, the smile quickly fading and a line of sweat beginning to show through his head fur. Moments later Chris came up with the same expression that Harper had moments before. He reached out with a paw to grasp at Harpers shoulder and dragged him to a quiet corner of their office space, even though no-one else was in yet.

After a lengthy conversation of what to do, both of them swallowed their pride and picked up the telephone to call their immediate superior. As suspected, there was a lot of finger pointing, threats of termination of employment, and even personal threats being flung around at a meeting called between the higher ups. The meeting lasted for several hours, most of their work day, and Harper mused over the fact that they probably weren't going to get paid for today since they weren't technically working. When it was over, Mrs. Sullivan, a vixen that managed Employee Relations took Harper and Chris aside, pointing out that they both had a weeks worth of paid vacation that hadn't been used yet, and she strongly advised they start on it immediately.

It was such that Harper found himself in his small apartment, alone on a Friday afternoon. Oh, he had plans for the day, but the anticipation of a long work day made him schedule those plans for late in the evening, meaning that he had several hours alone with nothing to do. With great agitation he moved to the bathroom, preparing to take a shower to pass the time and prep him for the evenings activities.

As he stripped off his clothing and smoothed out his fur, Harper turned on the shower head and set a nice steaming temperature on the dial. Before stepping in, however, he moved back to the mirror and eyed himself up and down slowly. He was very well-built, but the bushy fur made him look rather shapeless, or worse he thought, fat. In truth however, he was very active and never so much as received an ill comment about his weight. If one were to feel through his fur, they would find stone-like muscle structures, as if sculpted to perfection by the hands of a master artist. The rest of Harpers body was as to be expected. His fur colors were typical to that of his species, with the exception that there were many more rings along his tail than normal. The muscles Harper liked, the colors he could live with, but there was one thing of his body that he admired more than the rest. Resting between his legs, clearly visible, was a modest sized air of testicles and a fuzzy sheath, flaccid at the moment. Though he was not as hung as some other species, he knew that he was rather large compared to many of his male friends because of one specific reason. Harper, and many of his associates, were martial artists, and damn good ones at that, he thought pridefully. His lithe Raccoon body lent itself well to fighting, more so than many of his friends that had resorted to muscle-enhancing steroids or such to help them out. They may have muscles just as big or bigger than his, but his organ had not suffered the ill effects of shrinkage that theirs had. After a good training session, he would step into the showers and laugh inwardly to himself as he spied the small cocks and testicles around him. Harper was not the strongest fur around, but his cock was at least normal, which was something many of his body shape would not be able to say about themselves.

A paw went down to rub his cum-filled balls lightly, as he watched his actions through the mirror, transfixed. Before he realized it, a flash of pink came into his sight as his cock tip began to protrude. The day had already been stressful enough, a little relief was in order. Deciding it was best to not make a mess, Harper climbed into the shower and immediately slumped against the wall, letting the water cascade down over his face. With his eyes shut tightly, he reached down and began caressing his testicles once again. His free paw scratched lightly against the tile of the wall while his fingers rolled his stores of cum around. Slowly but surely, more of his bright pink member slipped from it's confines, but he would not touch it yet. A little teasing always made it better, after all. With his eyes closed, images of naked, horny, and willing furs flashed through his mind. Some he knew, like his sister, some he had only met once, and yet others that he couldn't quite recall where he had seen them, if anywhere at all. Girls of all species, even a few herms, did acts of incredible kinkiness to him in his mind as he rubbed his sac still. A Deer knelt between his outstretched knees, sucking as if her life depended on it; A Horse slammed her hips down against his, letting his cock spear into her ass repeatedly; a Bunny rubbed him hard and fast between her tits, her mouth open and waiting to receive his load; and his sister--

A sharp gasp elicited itself from Harpers open lips as he felt a quick sudden sensation on his cock. Opening his eyes he glanced down, seeing that it was rock hard now, with a steady stream of pre leaking down the shaft, and it had grown just long enough to intercept one stream of falling water from the shower head. The feeling in that one brief moment was much more intense and exciting than his plans for his paws, so without hesitation he leaned back again and thrust his hips forward, holding them in such a way that several streams of water crashed endlessly against his meat. With a bit of experimentation he learned that if he stayed still and kept his paws at his side, the streams did all of the work for him, slowly increasing the pleasure coursing through his cock. He forced his hands down and away, raking his claws against the bathroom floor and throwing his head back, letting the water do it's job. The pleasures that coursed through him with every pressurized ejection was so deliciously new that he had a hard time focusing his mind on anything else, but still the image of one female in particular rose to his mind. Yes, standing naked before his minds eye, with her back to him and her pert rump resting so perfectly for his eyes was his sister. In his imagination she turned slowly, teasing him with a glimpse of the side of her breast before grinning wickedly and raising her long bushy tail to her front and turning more fully towards him. Unfortunately for him, his love of being teased meant that in his fantasy her tail covered all of her parts he lusted for, as she walked forward, now rubbing her tail lightly against her unseen breasts. A shudder ran through his body as his cock spurted a blast of pre against his stomach, the contraction forcing his cock out of the waters path for a moment before it settled back again. His breathing quickened in anticipation of what he knew what was coming, of what he had fantasized man times before. Slowly her tail dropped, revealing her perky breasts, nipples already hard and calling to him for attention. Another jet of pre, another moment of absent sensation, and the fantasy continued. Lower and lower her tail dipped, going past her stomach to her well-trimmed pubic fur. Lower still, this fantasy would not end, and her swollen lips began to show before him. More pre, less sensation, yet it resumed once again. In his fantasy he reached out and began to lick at her pussy as hungrily as he could force his tongue to work. Reached behind his ears she grasped his head, holding his muzzle to her and applying just enough pressure to assure that he could go nowhere. He was stuck now, her pussy opened by his tongue, with nothing to do but lick. Like a good little Raccoon, he did his job, pleasuring his sister as best as he could while the water uncaringly did the same to his now deep-red cock. His tongue darted quickly through her lips, eliciting silent gasps and moans from her, only to turn those gasps and moans into sharp breaths as he flicked over her clit quickly. Her juices flooded his mouth endlessly, and he gulped it down without hesitation. A longing desire to be forever molded to her pussy in this manner coursed through his mind, the thought making him even harder. There was so much blood pumped into his organ that he felt like it would burst, there were precious few times he had ever been this hard. His paws had long since bunched into tight fists at his side, as he struggled with self restraint to keep from slamming his meat as hard as he could. He began to shiver all over as sensory overload approached, his eyes shut so tightly that lights flashed through his fantasy. His sister had now released his head, and when he looked up she was readily kneeling before him, bending forward so that her jewel was open and waiting. Without waiting he climbed to his knees and ambled over through the flashing lights and painfully erect cock, his claws now digging into his palms, unknowingly drawing blood. There was no need for words, this fantasy had played out many times in his mind in the years since he lusted after his sister, and just as always he would now get to the grand act. He shook like a leaf in the most violent of winds, threatening to snap free from his tree, and from his sanity at the same time at the sheer pleasure that surged through his body. Finally he guided his cock on home, holding it against her pussy lips, and he bent forward, placing his mouth by her whimpering and pleading face. 'I love you' He whispered in the fantasy, slamming his cock through her the second his voice silenced. His jaws clenched as a bright white flash surged through his mind, and his nails dug even deeper into his palms, now making their penetration into his flesh known. He howled loudly in pain and pleasure as his cock finally erupted, sending hot white spunk splashing in every which direction.

For several minutes he couldn't move and his cock continued to pulsate, sending out progressively weaker blasts of seed, until it finally began drooling like a leaky faucet. Finally he collapsed against the wall, breathing so hard he thought he would black out. He opened his eyes to the now bright light overhead and squinted against it, examining the end results of his activities. The walls were plastered with cum, all around him, but his body was relatively clean since the water had washed away most of his cum that landed there, and the bathroom floor was sweeping long chains of spunk towards the drain. Harper intercepted one with a claw, lifting it to his lips and sucking hungrily. He saw the blood on his paws that was now dripping to the ground and sighed lightly. A minor inconvenience, he thought. He quickly set about licking up the cum that the water could not wash away, deciding not to let it go to waste, as he feasted on his rather delicious reward to himself.

Harper took his time to finish his shower, still focusing his attention on the fantasy and new method of masturbation he found. It made him feel strangely feminine, as he had once heard some of his female friends talking about pleasuring themselves with jets of water from a movable shower head, but he hardly cared at the moment. The feelings were so intense and incredible that he honestly felt as if he had found the holy grail of self-pleasuring. As the water came off and his now thoroughly clean form stepped out of the shower, he immediately moved to tend to his paws, wrapping the eight puncture wounds rather carefully. As he finished the task, he set out to find clean clothes, or at least some that wouldn't repulse those around him, but as he searched the phone began to ring.

"Hey, Harp, we're about to head down. Want us to stop by or do you just want to meet us there?" The somewhat overly-excited voice of one of his lizard friends questioned. Sudden realization flashed into his mind, with his hands in this state, he was in no shape for sparring today. No, he thought, with a grin, those plans would have to be put off.. These wounds could take at least a week to heal fully since they really were rather deep. At least a week..

"Sorry, man, looks like you're going to have to go ahead without me. I cut up my hands a bit. It's not too bad, but anyway, I can't really spar with you guys tonight. These things will take a while to heal up, so why don't I call you when I'm up and running again?" He replied, the smug grin never leaving his face.

Harpers friends were all disappointed, but they understood. Harper had a week to himself and he realized that his temporary banishment from work really had turned into a vacation. Perhaps a second shower wouldn't hurt tonight...

Note from the author: If you've read through this and noticed that the set up is a bit odd for a short story, or that there were details that need not be explained for a nice little bit of yiff, be assured that I do not leave them there without reason. I wrote them in with the hopes that they would allow me to turn a fun little playtime such as this into a story series later on. With that said, if you liked/disliked this story for any particular reason, please leave a comment with your thoughts. I love comments, and I don't think I get enough of them.