Club Co'est - PokeBrothel - Part 4

Story by GryphonWings on SoFurry

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#1 of PokeBrothel RP

Liam and Daniel have more fun with a hungry dragon and a needy Floatzel...

This was an RP between myself and the wonderful Lost Soul. This was done for fun and probably contains mistakes and not a great deal of sense. It's a pornographic RP, so plot and characters are not a major focus. I play the character of Liam, he plays the character of Daniel, and together we have some fun with a whole lot of Pokemon. Enjoy, Part 5 coming soon.


Contains soft, safe vore.


Emerging from the shower a few minutes later, both men were now fully clothed and ready to find the Charizard that they had promised to meet back in the Club's cafe. Liam quickly checked over the map to make sure they wouldn't get lost, and then began to head back to the first room they had explored in this magnificent establishment. Two minutes later the pair were standing in front of the restaurant, pushing the door open and entering. It was still rather busy although not quite on the same level as before. Waitresses and cooks bustled about while various patrons enjoyed themselves.

"Where is that dragon?" he heard Daniel ask, scanning about the room quickly. A man was down between a Magnetric's legs, giving him some enthusiastic oral while the Pokemon ate causally. Further over a woman was buried in the fur of a large Ursaring, who in turn was buried eight inches deep in her eager cunt. Suddenly, Liam jumped as a large claw pressed against his shoulder.

"Hello again," came the deep voice of the large, red Charizard, "was hoping to see you two here." Both men turned and grinned, seeing the handsome dragon for a second time.

"Was wondering if you were going to stand me up... but here we are," the fire-type chuckled, "what's on the menu?"

"Two humans and a restaurant, take your pick." replied Daniel who froze, blushing as he realised what he'd said, especially as the Pokemon's predatory gaze turned a hungry look at him.

"Are you volunteering?" he asked slyly.

"No. Yes. erm," Daniel halted blushing as both Liam and the Charizard began laughing at his stammering.

"No worries, I need something to drink before we do anything... strenuous."

A familiar sight approached them, and Daniel recognised the Floatzel who first 'introduced', them to the club.

"Hello gentlemen, hello Charizard. A table and menu for you three?" she asked sweetly, giving the Charizard a knowing smile.

"Yes please," said Charizard, "Though I'll stick with a drink for now," he finished with a toothy grin.

As they sat down and Floatzel handed them their menu's she asked, "So how has your day been? Word is you're quite popular."

"It's been amazing, everyone here is so nice and accomodating," replied Daniel, and Charizard paused giving them a suspicious sniff.

"The two of them certainly seem to be getting around, they absolutely reek of the Salamence," he chuckled.

The Floatzel smiled and sniffed with her sensitive nose.

"Looks like they did hit the baths," she noted, "makes them smell quite manly... nothing does the job of arousing a girl like the scent of a handsome dragon." Her wink to the Charizard showed Liam that she also wouldn't mind doing things with the fire-type.

"How about you?" Liam asked casually to the female, who looked at him with a light smile.

"Very well, especially after meeting you two," she admitted, "perhaps I can spend some more time with you later?" They both nodded, and she turned away to bring them some drinks before Liam placed a hand on her arm.

"Do you have anywhere... private we could go to?" he asked. Daniel and Charizard looked at Liam, wondering what he was up to. He smiled, and saw the female blush.

"Charizard, my mate and I are going to have a little fun, and it would be a shame to let such a beautiful female miss out? Feeling up for some fun?" She glanced back to the cooks, and waved her fingers in a small pattern. The chef nodded, and she turned back to Liam, smiling.

"You've got an hour," she said, "and Charizard... are you going to be giving one of them the special treatment I've heard so much about?" The dragon nodded, patting his round belly proudly.

"Then I'm even more eager to see what the fuss is about," she admitted, "let's go into the smaller area to the left here. There is a few big couches for us to get comfortable on.

Turning to Liam she whispered, "no fingers this time big boy, I need something more."

Daniel laughed overhearing Floatzel and winked at his mate, "I guess I know what you'll be doing," he chuckled, receiving a grin from Liam as they walked to the private booth.

"Then I guess I'll have you to myself then," Daniel jumped at the sly, hungry voice whispering into his ear, not having heard Charizard move stealthily behind him. Charizard gave him a grin, running his long, dark tongue over his teeth as he laughed lightly at his reaction.

"And I am quite hungry," Charizard admitted as they all sat down at the booth, watching with evident amusement as Daniel blushed, stammered but didn't refuse or disagree.

They had barely sat down when a Mr Mime approached with a tray, gently placing two cups of steaming coffee and a jug of water on the table, winking at Floatzel before returning to the bar.

"I took the opportunity to order your previous, hope you don't mind," Floatzel explained, smiling.

"No it's good, saves us some time," Daniel reassured her, watching with amusement as Charizard didn't bother with any glass but grabbed the jug and started downing the water in large gulps. Daniel watched with fascination as each gulp of water rolled down his throat before disappearing into that cavernous stomach.

Charizard, not one to miss out on detail saw this and grinned back, "You can have a closer look if you want."

Daniel, unable to form words or stop his blushing tried to futilely cover it by drinking his coffee, the taste was stronger and more earthy than he'd smelled from the distance, like someone had dunked several tablespoons of cinnamon into it.

Liam grinned, ignoring his own coffee for now. He was too excited thinking about the large dragon having his way with his lover.

"Go on Daniel," he encouraged, "you've seen it's safe... it's probably something you'll regret not trying later on." Daniel blushed but seemed unwilling to disagree, he just didn't want to openly admit that it turned him on at the thought of being eaten by the large Pokemon.

"Be gentle?" he asked, to which the Charizard chuckled.

"Of course," he replied, "I don't let any harm come to those who I service... company rules, you see." That seemed to put the man's mind at ease, and he nodded slowly to indicate his willingness. The female waitress was looking on with a smile, having not been able to witness the acts before despite hearing about it so much. She seemed to be settled in, taking her apron off slowly and resting it on the chair. Liam watched as her paw began to wander down low, and he gently placed a hand against it, stopping her. Unlike Daniel he had always been a little more talented with the ladies, and knew that this little Floatzel was ripe for the picking.

"While he's exploring the Charizard's depths," Liam whispered into her ear, "I'm going to do what I should have done when we met you." She blushed and looked at him, her waitress-like demeanour disappearing as she realised she could be more open with this one. She was barely half his height, but she was eager to see if she could please him.

"I'm going to have my way with you," he breathed into her ear, "and you're going to return to work with my cum oozing from your womb."

Daniel smiled as his mate whispered seductively into Floatzels ear, he'd experienced it more than once and it always sent lusty shivers up his spine hearing him talk like that. Daniel jumped slightly as a hot, wet breath of air trickled down his neck, and turned to see that Charizard had moved behind him, grinning hungrily at him.

"You should start stripping yourself, or I might be tempted to help strip myself," he said, licking his lips.

Daniel smiled, his confidence growing a bit as he had more time to go through the idea of what he was about to do. Deliberately he began to strip, but slowly, watching as Liam copied him, slowly taking his own clothes off in front of the Floatzel. The two Pokemon watched with very similar yet different hungry looks as the humans in front of them slowly took off their clothes, revealing their lithe bodies and hard shafts.

Daniel looked up at the Charizard as the predator ran his gaze up and down his body, a hungry gaze in his eyes; he'd never felt so naked before and shivered as the Charizard stepped closer to him, and yet he noticed idly, he was still hard all the same.

"The smell of the Salamence is still strong on you," he said, "I wonder what you taste like," he finished with a chuckle before stopping suddenly as he regarded Daniel seriously.

"Are you sure you want to do this? I can stop anytime you like but once I start it's unlikely i'll be able to stop myself until you're safely inside my stomach."

Daniel looked into the Charizards eyes and nodded firmly, the rest of his doubts vanishing as he saw beneath that hungry gaze a very comforting look and knew for certain this Charizard wouldn't harm him, even if he was going to swallow him whole.

Charizard smiled, "Good. Now be a good meal and hold still, I don't like my meals dry," he growled dominantly and before Daniel could flinch away ran his long, hot and wet tongue over Daniel's face, smothering him with hot, sticky saliva.

Liam watched his boyfriend being tasted by the dragon, his gaze fixed on the scene as he positioned the female below him to get a better view. He was aroused, thinking about seeing his mate go down into the powerful Charizard's frame. Looking down he placed his hands on the Floatzel's hind paws and spread her wide, her body hiding nothing from him as he gazed into her tight sex.

"You're a bit smaller than what I'm used to," he said, "but I don't think that will be a problem... it'll just be all the more tight and enjoyable for me." She blushed, but did not cover herself up, instead eagerly revealing herself to the young human. Her eyes were fixed on his hard cock, which hung before her temptingly.

"Must be interesting working at a bar so full of sex," he said softly, rubbing her luxuriously streamlined fur, "you must see a lot of things." She nodded, swallowing with excitement.

"Do you get approached by many customers?" he asked, and she shook her head.

"They often think I'm not big enough to be any fun," she admitted, looking down, to which Liam slowly leaned in and kissed her on the snout.

"I don't think that," he spoke into her ear once more, "I think you're talented at your job, and that you deserve more than what you get." She smiled and shivered with lust at his body against her own. Sitting up he stroked his rigid length a few times, allowing her to admire his erection.

"We're going to watch my mate be eaten," he stated dominantly, "while I fuck you so deep that, if I were a Floatzel male, you would be guaranteed to leave with a swollen belly of my young."

Daniel opened his eyes, slightly in shock from the sudden coating of the Charizards saliva, or to quickly close them again as the Charizard placed his claws on his shoulders, holding him still as his tongue ran again over him again. The saliva was thick and copious, and Daniel couldn't but help swallow some of it, and blinked, it was hot and slightly salty but tasted almost like smoke.

Charizard pulled back as he finished lathering the human's face with his saliva and grinned at him, "You taste delicious, good human taste with a coating of Salamence spunk," laughing softly as Daniel blushed underneath his slick coating.

With surprising strength Charizard suddenly picked Daniel up, plopping him in a sitting position on the table, before giving his face a fond lick.

"I'm going to enjoy eating you human," his sweeping tongue slowly traveled down to Daniel's chest, steadily moving downwards. Daniel shivered, his erection feeling like it was getting harder as that great sweeping tongue brushed against his skin, leaving great, long trails of his saliva.

Daniel couldn't but help goran as the long tongue suddenly ran along his shaft and the Charizard chuckled, "nice tasting cock human, but we'll have to leave it for another day to involve it more... intimately."

By the time Charizard reached his feet Daniel was in a slight daze, coated liberally head to toe in copious amounts of the fire types hot saliva, so, when Charizard pulled back slightly and asked, "Are you ready? Just relax and don't struggle," all Daniel could do was nod, staring and wonder and amazement as Charizard opened his gaping jaw fully, revealing his sharp, ivory like teeth as he slowly engulfed both of Daniel's feet, somehow managing to avoid scraping them on his teeth.

Liam's gaze was torn between the two sources of arousal for him. He couldn't believe how hot it was to see the dragon bathe his mate with that long, flexible tongue, and wanted to give it a try himself another time. His gaze wandered down to that rotund gut and wondered how it would look stretched nice and tight with the bulge of Daniel inside. Looking back to the sexy waitress, Liam gently rubbed the head of his shaft over her belly fur, leaving a small stain of pre-cum on the flawless surface.

"What do you think?" he asked, motioning to the other two. She smiled and looked down with embarrassment.

"It's even more amazing to see it happen than to hear about it," she admitted, her eyes focusing now upon his pulsing length. She hadn't been with a human before, only a few Pokemon who were about her size, so she hadn't ever taken anything quite so big before.

"While they're having their fun," Liam grinned, "I'm going to breed you." She couldn't meet his gaze, blushing at his directness.

Placing a hand on her chest, Liam gently pressed her down onto the couch and rubbed his hard length over the outside of her slit, teasing her with the slow, deliberate motions of his hips.

"I bet you're used to taking orders from customers," he winked slyly, "hearing them ask what they want from you. How about I change things up a bit, little Floatzel? How about you tell me what you want?"

Daniels attention was divided for a moment as he watched his mate go down on the Floatzel, the whispered words still loud enough for him to hear and he grinned, happy to know Liam would be enjoying himself.

His attention was torn back to his present circumstances as the Charizard moved forwards slowly, quickly taking inch after inch of of his feet then legs into his maw until Daniel felt the very tips of his toes being squeezed gently. Daniel could hardly believe how strange yet... good it felt. His toes, then feet were surrounded by a hot, wet warmth and were now being squeezed by those soft, rippling walls of Charizards throat.

Charizard must have noticed his stunned reaction and winked at him. Daniel stared, his feet disappearing down a Charizard throat who winked at him, if the situation wasn't so intimate he would have started laughing.

Charizard now certain that Daniel wasn't having any problems so far since he was smiling at him, and proceeded to slowly press forwards, feeling the humans wriggling toes tickling against his throat as he concentrated on stopping his gag reflex as the human slowly sank deeper into him.

Daniel was drawn slowly into his knees as Liam watched, his mate's own cock eager to sink inside the Floatzel he was standing over. The waitress was wet, dripping fluids from the sheer arousal she was feeling. Liam's words echoed in her mind and she blushed furiously, having never been put in this position before. Here she was, alone with two big humans and a hungry dragon, being told to beg for a hard fucking. She was nervous, but knew she wouldn't give it up for anything.

"I want you," she muttered softly, unable to meet Liam's eyes. He shook his head and stopped his rubbing.

"That didn't sound very convincing," he admonished, "why don't you try again?" She looked up at him and put a bit more effort into it.

"Please," she asked, spreading her legs, "I want you to take me like no human ever has, I want you to show me how it feels to be under you." Liam smiled and took his shaft in his hand, stroking it idly.

"I suppose I will then," he replied, stepping over her and easing himself down, "relax and let me do the work." His eyes were still watching the dragon consume Daniel hungrily, as he pressed the tip of his phallus against that tight, otter-like sex.

Daniel no longer had any presence of mind keeping an eye on his mate, instead he was solely focused on the hot, gripping sensation on his legs as he was slowly pulled down into the Pokemons gut.

It was just as Charizards hot, warm breath was beginning to roll other his hardened shaft that the whisper of fear shivered back up his spine. He had the sudden image of the Charizard not being as friendly as he'd thought, instead of the safe, warm tight gut he'd been promised it was a stomach full of strong digestive acid.

His fear grew slightly as he suddenly felt Charizard teeth scrape ever so softly against his bare arse cheeks and he had a sudden image of him slowly being digested alive within the Charizards tight, boiling belly as he was broken down into nutrients and waste.

Charizard must have sensed his fear and he paused, his tongue lapping ever so gently against his balls and shaft. He stopped and just watched Daniel as he blinked and tried to calm his breathing, his rapid heart rate slowly going back to just a slightly heightened state. Slowly Daniel calmed his breathing staring into the Charizard eyes, the predator gaze was completely gone, replaced with an amazingly gentle look which didn't look odd anymore with half his body inside the Charizard, getting squeezed and trying to pull him further in.

Liam's concentration was broken from his mate momentarily as he began to press into the smaller Pokemon below. Her eyes widened and she gasped softly as the head of his cock spread her open wider than she had ever been before. Liam couldn't believe how tight she was; it wasn't hot like Arcanine but instead a soft, cool, silky smoothness that suited her streamlined form.

"Tight..." he grunted, and she smiled. It was always nice to sink into a new partner, whether it was male or female; each of these Pokemon provided a new and unique experience for them to explore. He saw the Charizard lick as his partner's hard shaft and sack and wondered how he was feeling. Finally the large head of his member was swallowed inside the Floatzel's gripping entrance, her eyes clouded with lust as she clenched down around his relatively large girth.

"I'm so full," she breathed, seeing the bulge his erection made within her, "I don't know if I can..."

"You'll be alright," Liam reassured her, "I'll look after you." She smiled and leaned back a little, flexing her passage around his shaft and making him moan,

"Then take me," she said with a little more confidence, "don't stop until you think I've earned it."

Daniel shivered in pleasure, not bothering to suppress his moan as Charizards tongue gently lapped at his balls, before deftly slipping against his pucker, pressing into it gently before retreating as he sank another few inches into Charizards gullet. Charizard smiled inwardly as he felt Daniel calming down, finally beginning to enjoy it; despite how many people were actually interested in his special treatment, nearly all first timers had a moment or two of fear during it and he was adept at being able to calm them down.

After several more presses against his hole, even pressing in ever so slightly with that hot, wet organ Charizard found the human sinking too far down to be able to penetrate him properly. Instead the Pokemon switched his attention, now happy with that Daniel wasn't going to have another fear episode, to slowly swallowing the human, who had luckily kept it in his mind to keep his arms to his sides as they also entered his maw.

Daniel shivered in a mixture of anticipation and fear as his torso was soon engulfed inside that hot, wet maw. He could feel his groin begin to transcend the Pokemons gullet, his hard shaft getting squeezed by the tight, soft walls as they rippled, dragging him further down.

Ever so slowly it seemed to Daniel, he was swallowed deeper and deeper into the Pokemon, to the point he could barely wriggle around, his entire body constricted tightly by Charizards throat. There was an incredibly heat and snugness around his toes, gradually becoming damper and cooler the further out his body was from the stomach.

Daniel blinked, suddenly realising how far he had been swallowed, he was suddenly nearly eye level with Charizards sharp teeth, his head barely jutting out from his maw. Even now it was hard to believe what was happening, let alone it was possible for the Pokemon to swallow him whole. And alive.

Seeing how far in his lover actually was, Liam kept an eye on their progress, seeing the dragon's throat bulging with Daniel's midsection. In the time it had taken Daniel to go from the knees down to his head, Liam had sunk half of his erection into the impressively tight female Floatzel below. She was moaning from the stretching of her wet entrance, but she was desperate to please him and show she could take it. He was finding it hard to watch the voring and pay attention to the Pokemon around his cock simultaneously, and he looked down at her with a small smile, seeing his length halfway inside her body.

"Feel good?" he asked, and she nodded happily.

"It's such a struggle to fit you," she blushed, "but I'm happy... I didn't know what to expect from a human." Placing a hand on her chest he began to slide out, aided by the copious amounts of sticky lubricant her delicate cunt was leaking over his shaft. Reversing the motion he pushed back in, hearing her gasp as she was penetrated deeply once again. He managed to fit just a little more this time, her body slowly accepting his entry into her. Repeating the action he began to mate with her, soft moans escaping her maw as she was fucked by the bigger male; watching his lover being consumed.

Daniel swallowed nervously, though he didn't feel the same wave of panic from before, as he tried futilely to move somewhat, but his entire body that had entered the Charizards throat, including his hands and arms were surrounded and gripped tightly. It wasn't painful Daniel realised fairly quickly as his head finally moved safely pass the row of sharp teeth to come to rest on the Pokemons saliva slick tongue; the throat walls gripped him hard, yet were soft and not painful.

Charizard slowly closed his jaws, trapping out essentially all of the light, engulfing Daniel in the darkness, surrounded by hot, moist air that reeked of smoke and a scent of the Pokemon's last meal.

Somehow Daniel summoned up the courage to chuckle, "You could do with some breath mints," only to feel his whole body vibrate as the Charizard laughed back, though evidently constricted by the human in his throat.

Then suddenly Daniel felt his feet slip through into thin, very hot air, and he realised he must have finally hit the stomach as the Charizard tilted his head back to ease his passage, until Daniel felt his shoulders beginning to be restricted by the Pokemon's throat walls.

Liam's eyes traced the bulge made by his boyfriend within the Charizard, seeing his head disappeared into that large, hungry maw. It was all up to the dragon now; if he decided to change his mind, there was nothing he could do to stop him from turning his mate into fire-type nutrients. The thought of the risk made him even hornier, and he realised without even knowing it that he had been pumping into the Floatzel rather roughly. She wasn't really able to complain; her lead lay to the side and her tongue hung from her cute face, breathing heavily from the raw breeding she was receiving.

"Sorry," Liam said, slowing down a little, "got a bit carried away." She turned and looked up at him, shaking her head.

"No," she panted, "I haven't ever been treated like this... take me as hard as you like!" Liam grinned and pushed her swiftly into the sofa, leaning over her soft-furred body as he thrust in deeper than ever. Her cry of pleasure was muffled as he began to pound her relentlessly, fucking the waitress harder than any of the other Pokemon had ever thought she could handle. Liam's eyes moved over the bulge in the Charizard, knowing that by now, Daniels little joke would be replaced with the eerieness and eroticness of being slowly sent down into the mighty dragon's gut.

By now Daniel head was being engulfed by Charizards throat, his face getting squeezed by the soft walls as they contracted and relaxed repeatedly, slowly sucking him further down. For Daniel it was getting harder and harder to breathe clearly, and with each breath he managed the smell of smoke, acid and digestion was getting stronger, almost forcing Daniel into a coughing fit.

Then Daniel felt his feet touch something that, despite it being painfully obvious took him several long moments to concentrate on what he was feeling to understand what he felt. Charizards digestive fluids. A quick wave of panic washed over him and he struggled uselessly, barely able to kick his legs slightly within the cavernous stomach before remembering Charizards promise that he turned off his digestive system. And with his feet now bathed in the fluids, it wasn't the normal strong acidic fluids that he could have expected, instead just a hot, ticklish fluid.

Luckily Daniel felt, as his feet suddenly felt the bottom of his stomach, feeling the thick, heavily muscles walls of it, the pool of fluids was only and a few inches deep, and he considered to himself, most of that was likely water from the jug he'd just downed. As he was pulled further into the Charizards gut he realised he needed to bend his knees to fit and compiled without even thinking of trying to resist. Before Daniel could really think about it, his lower body was within the Charizards gut and he was sliding down faster than before; and soon he felt his shoulders, having being squeezed slightly painfully throughout the passage, slipped through with almost a sense of relief.

However it wasn't much better than the throat passage as the stomach walls, despite first having felt roomy, were crowded with the rest of his body, being squeezed on all sides by the stomach walls. Instinctively he was being forced gently, into a foetal position. And then suddenly, seemingly without the resistance from his shoulders, his head slipped through and he fell, sitting inside the Charizards gut.

Seeing that bulge slowly smooth out into the dragon's hot gut made Liam smile, the dragon now able to look back down at him and admire his work upon the waitress between his legs.

"Did he taste good?" Liam grunted, unrelenting in his hard thrusts. A small trickle of the Floatzel's liquids combined with his pre-cum, drooled over her tailhole and onto the sofa, her head leaning to the side as she moaned loudly from the forceful mating. He could see Daniel's body shifting to get comfortable inside that stomach as the Charizard sat back on the other sofa, relaxing and watching the bulge inside of him slowly settle down. Liam wanted to ask his lover how it was but the man was now cut off from the outside world, separated by a layer of muscle and dragon stomach. It must have been intimate and surreal, and he wondered if it was disgusting or arousing to be in such a place.

Looking back down at the Floatzel, he placed a hand on her cheek and turned her head so she was looking into his eyes. His arousal was peaking from the sight he had just witnessed, and he was going to unload it in her. Each deep thrust now sent just over three-quarters of his maleness into her tight snatch, but he was now pressing up against her tight cervix which protected her womb.

"I can't go any deeper," he told her, "unless you want me to really fuck you." She looked at him, her mind hazy from the repeated pounding her body was receiving.

"I..." she moaned, unable to speak well, "I... want you... please... don't stop... do what you want to me."

Daniel gasped as his head came free and entered the stomach, instantly causing him to enter a coughing fit as he breathed in a lungful of sour, acidic air. He was also trying to adjust himself comfortably within the stomach; It wasn't a suffocating fit by any means, but tight enough that he was squeezed gently within the walls.

Daniel quickly realised he had to stop breathing in heavily and slowed his breath, trying to breath in shallow gulps of the air. It was incredibly strange feeling, the pitch darkness and the sour air and stomach fluids meant Daniel had to keep his eyes closed but it was more the closeness of it all. He was deep within the Pokemon, literally a part of Charizard, closer than any normal intimacy could reach.

He was a part of Charizard, being squeezed on all sides by the stomach walls, ever so slowly being dissolved by his acidic stomach fluids to become a even larger part of him. Luckily he considered to himself, it seemed that the acidic content was so close to neutral the worst he'd have was red skin if he came out on time. But the thought came and went as Daniel settled down, despite the circumstances it was incredibly snug and comfortable once he got past the darkness and sour air. A stray hand slid past his curled up body to gently touch his shaft which had somehow remained hard throughout his journey.

Seeing Daniel fully ingested inside the large dragon was enough to bring Liam to the edge of his peak. The dragon watched him with a large, rounded belly as he hammered away at the Floatzel's needy tunnel, feeling his cock being squeezed by those tight walls. Gripping her with both hands he pressed her firmly down into the sofa, her eyes lighting up as he exerted his dominance over the small waitress. She hadn't known what to expect from him, but now he was inside of her she wanted nothing more than for him to use her for his own pleasure.

Looking down into the Floatzel's eyes, Liam pulled back and then drove himself into her, pushing the bulk of his weight into the one thrust. Her cervix was assaulted by his turgid shaft, the blunt head seeking entry into her womb. She cried out in pain; it was too much, her small body was not made to take such a thick cock, but there was a carnal pleasure at being made into the human's bitch. Clutching at the sofa she tried to stifle her cries as his cock forced its way into her unprotected egg chamber, her cervix giving way to his girth as the thick, swollen phallus squeezed inside of her.

Her body tightened hard around his length, sealing the cock tip inside her her and bringing Liam over the edge. Her eyes widened and she cried out in a mixture of pure pleasure and throbbing pain as the first thick spurt of his fertile human seed splashed directly into her unprotected womb. Thick, sticky ropes of his heated sperm coated her innermost depths, her eyes hazed over from the overstimulation as he claimed her again and again with creamy white jets of his fresh, gooey cum. Finally his climax tapered off, and the Floatzel lay back against the sofa, close to unconsciousness, her chest rising heavily and her stomach bulging from the outline of his oversized shaft.

Daniel shifted within the stomach, adjusting himself to be more comfortable while letting his hand freely stroke his slick, hardened shaft. He wondered how far along his mate was, the last sight he'd have of him was just entering the lithe Pokemon. Likely he'd already begun to dominate him, altogether possible he'd even finished by now, his hand was pumping faster now as he imagined what his mate was doing as he listened to the remarkable strangeness of being trapped within the Charizards gut.

There was a slight churning sound within the stomach as he felt himself slowly being covered with Charizards digestive fluids. Even if he had stopped, or more likely slowed his digestion it didn't stop his stomach following its normal pattern as it squeezed and rippled around him tightly, the air thick, heavy and hot.

And then there was that powerful, heavy beat of the Pokemon's heart in the background, sending a steady thumping sound in his ears.

Now fully spent, Liam could take the time to relax, his breathing heavy as he tried to recover from the heavy effort he had exerted upon the Floatzel. He tried to pull back but received a moan of protest from the groggy female as his phallus tugged against her abused cervix, locked inside. For the most part, surprisingly, it seemed that Liam had managed to simulate a canine-like tie using just the tip of his cock. Slowly he pulled her up against him, rolling her over and embracing her body as he reclined against the sofa, her head under his chin.

"Looks like we're both finished," Charizard said, looking over at Liam with a grin. Liam sighed and nodded.

"It was easy for you," he responded, "she took it out of me quite well." He looked down at the Floatzel, who looked up and kissed his cheek softly.

"Thank you," she panted, "I've never been taken like that before." He smiled and held her close, enjoying the moment. Slowly but steadily he slipped his member from her body, having softened up enough to come free. She moaned and clenched down, and Liam was stunned to see nothing follow his cock out of her.

"I can feel it," she said softly, "your seed... it's right inside my body... it feels nice." She rested her head back on him, and he gently lowered her down so she could rest on the sofa. Redoing his pants, Liam stood up and turned to face the dragon, admiring the large bulge his lover made inside.

"Can he hear us?" Liam asked, walking over to inspect, to which the dragon shook his head.

"No," Charizard replied, patting the bulge, "but he's safe, and judging by the movement, he's having a good time with himself too."

By now Daniel was getting close, feeling so close to the Pokemon, he was literally part of him as the digestive fluids ever so slowly began to work away on him. His hand pumped along his shaft, feeling the it tingle strangely from the acidic fluids, but instead of turning him off or making him afraid, it him it just made him all the more aroused.

He could feel Charizard shifting around him suddenly, feeling a strange weightlessness before he resettled within the stomach, the wall clenching around him again as he tried to keep his breathing shallow, the movement having made sure he was now covered head to toe in his digestive fluids.

Coughing slightly from the sudden ingestion of some of the sour, acidic fluids he never stopped masturbating, feeling his climax rapidly he approaching he leant back against the soft, clenching walls of the stomach, holding back a groan as he climaxed. His cock throbbed and pulsed, his white, thick seed shooting out, covering his folded legs and stomach, mixing with the digestive fluids.

It wasn't hard for Liam to see what was happening inside that large belly, his lover no doubt pumping away at his erection eagerly. When the motions stopped, Charizard looked down with a knowing smirk on his face and Liam grinned at the thought of Daniel spilling his load inside the dragon's hot gut.

"That was a good meal," the Charizard said to Liam, rubbing his rounded stomach, "but it's best to get him out now. First timers can often have reactions to my stomach, even if I slow the process to almost a stop." Liam nodded, not wanting anything to go wrong. The Charizard slowly stood, and looked at him with a small chuckle.

"Best if you wait here," he said, slowly making his way over to a small bathroom around the corner, "this bit gets a little messy." Liam nodded respectfully and waited as the big beast lumbered off, his gut swaying heavily with its human contents. It took a little while, and five minutes later the Charizard emerged alone, his stomach now back to its normal size.

"He's having a shower," the Pokemon explained, "just flushes off the last of the acids." Liam grinned, and nodded. He looked back at the Floatzel, who was now able to sit upright, although she looked very tired and he wondered briefly if she would be able to return to work. Moments later, Daniel emerged from the bathroom, picking up his clothes and making himself presentable once more.

"How was it?" Liam got to finally ask.

Daniel smiled back a bit weakly, his skin was red and a bit sore feeling from the acids, and even after the cold shower he still had the phantom feeling of those walls pressing against his sides.

"Like nothing we've ever done before," he said grinning, "It's another experience altogether, being squeezed on all sides by his throat then stomach. And it's hotter than anything i've ever felt, though you could do with a breath mint," he described, directing the last comment to Charizard himself.

"It's hot, sour, dark and acidic in his stomach," he paused, thinking, "Though there might be some white spunk in there now," he laughed.

"Would you do it again?" asked Charizard as Daniel finally noticed the Floatzel sitting on the sofa, looking like she'd run a marathon. And then over eaten at a buffet. Daniel thought about it then nodded, "Yes, I would be happy to do it again. It's more intimate than anything I've ever felt before, you can't get closer to a Pokemon than being eaten by one," he replied smiling before looking over Floatzel.

"By Arceus what did my mate do to you?" He wasn't too concerned though by her disheveled state as she had a tired but very contented grin on her face.

"Gave me the most vigorous mating of my life," she said happily.

Liam chuckled, "If you thought the Charizard was tight around you, Floatzels on another league."

"Different circumstances," replied Daniel grinning, before looking back at Floatzel. "I'm glad you liked it then, though can you get back to work like this?"

"We're given enough leeway to recover," she said with a smile, "there shouldn't be any problem getting back to work later, though," she ran a soft paw against her belly, "I think that anyone I meet for a while will be surprised at how much cum is in my womb still."

"Good load?"

"Big, hot and filling," chuckled Floatzel.

Liam smiled proudly, looking back at the Charizard and nodding.

"Thanks for that," he said with a grin, "thanks for taking care of my mate."

"I'm more than happy to," the dragon replied, "feel free to come to me anytime you want to have your turn." Liam grinned, nodding and turning back to Daniel.

"What will we do now?" he asked, seeing his lover's eyes still glued to the Floatzel's lower body. He was still surprised by how deep Liam had left his heated claim inside of her.

"Please come and see me again," she asked with a flick of her paw, "I really want to be taken like that another time." They both nodded, not wanting to give up the opportunity to have a wonderful young waitress to pleasure.

"Discounts on the coffee?" he asked with a chuckle, and she shook her head.

"Coffee's free for full members," she said, "and you are full members now." They both looked at one another, surprised but pleased. The Charizard stepped forward and looked down at her, analysing her body.

"You're gonna need to rest a little more," he said with a flourish of his powerful wings, "otherwise you're gonna be walking funny around your customers." She nodded at his logic and sat back, her paw still tracing around her sperm-filled egg-chamber. If Liam had have been a Floatzel, she would have carried his eggs with pride.

"So Charizard," Liam asked, turning back to him with a small smirk, "your belly is empty but your balls aren't. Would you like some help rectifying that situation?"

Daniel grinned at his comment and changed his look to Charizard, who, now that he looked for it, noticed that Charizard's erection was showing, although not fully hard by any case.

"Well, I could do with some help with the situation," he grinned, "I've had some of your cum, and I'd like to return the favor." he finished winking at Daniel who simply smiled back and moved forwards to kneel in front of the Pokemon.

Even from this distance he could feel the fiery body heat of the Pokemon, though after his recent experience it felt like nothing more than warm air. But in front of him was the focus of his attention; from the orange groin of Charizard, a long, pointed shaft was emerging, dark red and rapidly getting thicker the closer to the slit, and just visible was the first of what looked like a rib on the shaft.

"Very nice," said Daniel, listening to Charizard chuckle lightly as he reached forwards, and gently ran a few fingers along the slick, hot shaft, feeling them bump over several ridges before reaching the pointed tip, slick with the clear pre. Pulling his fingers back he icked them clean, marveling at the salty, hot taste.

"Delicious, have to wonder what the main course is like though," he said, winking at the Charizard.

"You'll find out if you can get it from me," the fire-type said with a small smile, his eyes wandering down to watch the man beneath him handle his shaft with the respect it deserved. Daniel was a little intimidated; dragons always seemed to have very large members, and this one was no exception.

"Could use a hand with this," he spoke up to Liam, who eagerly dropped down next to him, his own hands joining his mate's to pleasure the Pokemon. Floatzel watched on from the sofa as both men slowly masturbated the Charizard's thick cock, their fingers and palms slicking with a gooey pre-cum that oozed from the large dragon's rapidly emerging erection. Over a full foot of his meat glistened before them, firming up under their combined ministrations as they prepared him for what was next.

"Haven't given a Pokemon oral at the same time before," Liam noted, seeing Daniel's eyes light up at the idea. He gently kissed his boyfriend on the lips before planting one directly on the tip of the dragon's needy maleness. A gooey bead of pre-seed connected the tip of the cock and his lower lip, only to break when he pulled back far enough. Encouraged, Daniel began to slowly lick one side of the dragon's shaft while Liam worked his way around the other, hearing the Charizard's satisfied grunts as he was tasted by the two men simultaneously.

Daniel ran his tongue along the whole length of Charizards might shaft, feeling the hot cock throb slightly, quickly becoming covered in his strong, heavily flowing pre. As he moved to the tip, drinking down greedily the salty pre as he watched his mate work the base of the draconic shaft.

"Damn," muttered Charizard, "You two are good at this."

Daniel smiled in appreciation and renewed his efforts, greedily sucking on the tip for a few moments longer as he took a good drink of the pre. After several minutes he pulled back and looked at his mate who was still administering to the main shaft.

"Swap? He tastes delicious from here."

"Sure," replied Liam, grinning as they swapped, Liam moving up to the head of the cock while Daniel began to lick along the length of the shaft, running his tongue along the thick, hard shaft, feeling it run over numerous ridges.

Liam suckled hungrily on the tip of the dragon's ridged length, feeling the slick, sticky pre coat his mouth rather quickly. His tongue swirled around the pointed tip, stimulating the dragon as he swallowed everything he was being fed.

"Come here," he muttered, grabbing Daniel and pulling him back up to the tip. They started a combination of kissing and oral, their lips briefly meeting with the dragon's cock between them, their tongues sliding over the sticky shaft and brushing together repeatedly as they worked together to bring the endowed dragon to an even stickier climax.

"Damn good," the Charizard grunted, snorting a little smoke from the pleasure. The Floatzel seemed equally entertained, seeing the hot threesome right before her eyes was enough to make her well-fucked cunt ache with arousal. Liam slowly moved down the base of the shaft, giving the dragon's vent a few small licks before kissing the girthy pole happily, watching as Daniel began to try to take more of it into his mouth.

Daniel slipped the very tip of the pointed, hot shaft into his mouth, suckling gently as the flow of the hot pre increased and he gladly gulped it down, drinking greedily as he savoured the delicious pre.

Below him he could see his mate licking the long shaft in wide sweeps, occasionally moving down lower than the cock to run his tongue along Charizards pucker before returning to the cock.

"I wonder how big your load is," Daniel said quietly to himself, blushing as both Charizard and his mate chuckled, having not realised he'd spoken out loud.

"Oh, it's plenty large enough for the both of you," Charizard replied, that predatory grin of his back on, before he gently thrust forwards, pressing another inch of his hot, hard shaft into Daniels maw. Daniel blinked in surprise at Charizards thrust before pulling back slightly then bobbing back, letting another inch of that delectable cock into his mouth as his tongue lapped at the tip.

Liam's tongue slowly swished around the thick base of the dragon's shaft, occasionally dipping into the snug, hot vent to taste the rich musk inside. Daniel seemed to be giving a rather good sucking on the tip, and he slowly made his way down the Pokemon's taint before arriving at the fire-type's clenched pucker. It wasn't hard to hear the Charizard moan as his tongue gently attended to the impressive hole, slathering the dragon's tailhole with his saliva.

"Arceus..." the Pokemon grunted as his cock was sucked enthusiastically by the man he's just eaten moments before, Daniel's tongue slipping around his meaty cock tip as he attempted to fit it inside his mouth. It didn't help that the other human was now slowly working on his rear, that skillful tongue pressing against the tight ring that held entrance to his anal passage. Liam carefully prised that firm, yet supple ring open with his oral appendage, slipping inside to get a taste of the predator's well-cleaned rear. It was musky and sticky inside, and the dragon suddenly let out a small chuckle.

"I forgot to mention," he said with a grin, admiring Daniel's powerful slurps on his cock, "I might have let a Dragonite take me in the rear last night, and I forgot to shower up after." That information came a few seconds too late, as Liam's questing tongue suddenly was coated in a hot, gooey mess that had been left inside the dragon's tailhole.

Daniel pulled off the hot shaft with a lewd grin as his mate fell back slightly from the Charizards rear, surprise evident on his face from the musky, gooey spunk covering his lips. Daniel wondered what it tasted like, the heavy draconic sperm having stewed deep inside him for a day now.

"How about we swap, fresh pre and cum from the source for the Dragonites?"

Liam smiled back licking his lips clean, "Sure, though I wonder who's getting better end of the deal."

Charizard started laughing at the light banter between the two human's pleasuring him, "Both ends are good," he said grinning as the human's swapped positions, Liam now sucking gently at the Charizards cock while Daniel began to run his tongue across the fire-types pucker.

Daniel marveled at the taste, strong and musky, with a hint of the heavy load still buried deep in his bowels. His tongue ran over it slowly, dipping slightly as it reached the center before he ran his tongue back over it again, before slowly and gently pressing his tongue inside him, freezing as it suddenly slipped through the muscle to encounter the heavy, musky remains of the Dragonites load.

Liam's tongue slowly slipped around the meaty shaft, still slick with pre-cum and his lover's saliva. He pressed his lips against it and tried to take the head into his mouth, struggling to open his mouth wide enough to admit the girthy cock. He could see Daniel working away at that tight draconic tailhole, no doubt trying to work his way deeper and deeper inside. He had always been the one who got the most out of a messy rimming. The dragon's eyes were locked onto him, and he could feel the dragon watching him with every small slurp he bestowed upon the impressive member. His fingers gently stroked over the sensitive ridges, little spurts of pre-cum dribbling down his throat as he gave the fire-type head.

"Even better than the rumors," the dragon sighed contentedly, trying to restrain himself from thrusting forward. He didn't want to interrupt the deep rimming he was receiving.The Floatzel, although exhausted, was still aroused by the sight of the three males going at it enthusiastically. Her cum-filled womb comforted her as she remembered Liam's hard mating of her willing body.

Despite what may have been, Daniel suspected, a large amount of Dragonites seed lost when Liam first pressed inside Charizard, there was no lack of the sticky spunk that leaked onto his tongue. Daniel pulled back slightly, savouring the the heavy, stewed cum resting on his tongue. It was incredibly strong and musky, salty and earthy and Daniel grinned up at Charizard, noticing that Liam was progressing further than he had with taking the massive shaft into his mouth.

"How long did you say this cum was inside you?" he asked.

Charizard grinned back at him, "Almost a day now, taste any better knowing how long its been residing inside me?"

"Never tasted spunk this strong before," he winked at Charizard, "Don't worry about having a shower later, I'll clean you out myself."

Grinning Daniel moved back to the awaiting pucker, breathing in deeply of the strong musk, before kissing it lightly, gently pressing his tongue back into it. His tongue was quickly surrounded by the strong, hot walls as they clenched around his tongue, amazingly tight despite the size of the Pokemon.

His tongue sank into the waiting hole, pressing deep inside the Charizard as he lapped up the musky cum, licking along the muscles walls, gladly savouring the Charizards heavy, strong earthy taste as he delved deeper and deeper into the fire-type, seeking more of the Dragonites load.

As Daniel began to settle in to eating out the dragon's rump, Liam tried his best not to dislocate his jaw on the overside dragon cock. His tongue slathered it in saliva, but he was outclassed by the amount of pre the dragon was oozing from the tip. The Charizard's eyes were closed over a little, no doubt enjoying the dual-pleasure he was being given by the two men beneath his legs.

Taking a quick breath, Liam wrapped both hands around the thick pole, stroking it up and down as well as sucking on the tip, realising that he wasn't going to get the dragon to ejaculate on him with half-hearted efforts.

"Go deeper," the dragon encouraged Daniel with a chuckle, "Dragonite's have big cocks, you'll have to drink deep to get the stronger stuff." Liam would have grinned if his mouth wasn't being stretched open by the fat dragon phallus. He wanted the dragon to cum in his mouth, remembering how good the coffee had tasted from before, the pure stuff must be even better. The ridges rubbed against his fingers as he masturbated and sucked the fire-type's deliciously hot cock, and he knew that they brought extra pleasure to the powerful Pokemon.

By now Daniel's tongue was deep inside the Pokemon tail hole, reaching as deep as he could in search of more of the gooey seed as he dragged back scoop fulls of cum, eagerly savouring each heavy flavoured mouthful before swallowing eagerly. He could also feel Charizard clenching around his tongue, the muscles walls squeezing hard as they rippled around it.

"Arcanine was way off when he said how good your tongue was," groaned Charizard, bucking ever so lightly into Liam's mouth as the human struggled to take more of the hot cock into his mouth.

"I'm close," warned Charizard with a grunt as he pressed his face flush against Charizard's hole, lips around the pucker as his tongue reached as deep as possible inside the Pokemon.

Liam could feel the dragon pressing against him, trying to hold back those thrusts as his peak drew near. Daniel's face was pressed deep in under that rear, his tongue no doubt trying to drink every bit of leftover sperm from deep inside the most musky regions of the fire-type's rump. With his hands pumping vigorously along that meaty spire, and the tongue of his lover slipping deeper and deeper inside the Pokemon's anal passage, Charizard couldn't prevent himself from the inevitable explosion of his arousal.

With a loud grunt the dragon came, the first powerful spurt of his sticky semen forcing it's way directly into Liam's stomach. Pulling back, the large member throbbed eagerly, dumping waves of fresh, heated dragon cum all over the human's face, chest and every other visible surface. He didn't care; his mouth open in an attempt to drink as much of the rich, fertile fluids as the dragon could ejaculate, failing miserably as more splashes drenched his face in warm, pungent spunk.

Charizard, establishing dominance over his musky claim, rubbed his hard cock all over Liam's cum-stained face, watching as the tip oozed gooey seed over his lips and nose, Liam licking and swallowing eagerly as he was marked. He couldn't see Daniel but knew that the climax would have forced the last of the strongest Dragonite cum down the dragon's bowels and into his lover's awaiting mouth.

Daniel blinked in astonishment as Charizards anal passage began to clench then relax around his tongue as the Pokemon climaxed all over his mate. The pokemons passage began to ripple, the Dragonites seed forced out from the powerful orgasm. Daniel quickly began to realise how small the amount of seed he'd been able to scoop out previously was as he proceeded to hungrily drink down the escaping, musky fluids.

As the flow of Dragonite cum came to a stop Daniel pulled back breathing heavily, then froze in amazement as he caught sight of his mate. If he hadn't known better he'd have sworn Liam had gone back to the cum baths while he was busy, since he was covered head to toe in sticky, hot fertile seed, the white mess dripping off him as Charizard rubbed his still hard cock over Liam a few more times before pulling back with a happy grin.

"Don't think I've had such a good orgasm for a while now," chuckled Charizard, and Daniel grinned, watching Liam wipe his eyes clear.

"Do all dragons cum so much?" asked Daniel, trying to not laugh as his mates stunned reaction.

"Some of us more than others," he winked, "How was Dragonites cum?"

"Haven't tasted anything so strong for a long time," Daniel admitted, "Delicious. Musky. Sweet, earthy and salty." he chuckled, "I could go on but i think you get the idea."

Liam wiped his eyes clean, looking over himself and breathing deeply, dragon cum buried inside his stomach and in every part of his body and mouth.

"That was wonderful," he said softly, looking up at the dragon as his massive cock slipped back inside his vent.

"You're welcome," the Charizard replied with a grin, "and more than welcome to come back to be eaten or mated again anytime you like." Liam smiled and Daniel slowly moved back around the front, his mouth stained with Dragonite sperm.

"We'll take you up on that offer another time then," Liam agreed happily, "I'm sure we can have more fun. For now though I need a shower." With that, he turned to go into the bathroom nearby, semen dripping from his body as he did so. Daniel knew that not all of it would be washed down the drain, grinning at the thought. He looked over at the Floatzel who seemed to have recovered a bit, the bulge still noticeable inside of her.

"Enjoy the show?" he asked, and she nodded intently.

"Yes, you three were hot" she admitted, "please come back to the restaurant anytime you want to bend me over a table and show me who's boss." Daniel chuckled but was aroused by the offer, admiring her sperm-stuffed egg chamber.

"He really did a number on your didn't he?" Daniel asked smiling at her swollen womb.

"He's the biggest I've ever taken," she admitted blushing.

Daniel turned to see Charizard get up, half hard cock slowly disappearing into his draconic slit.

"I'll be heading back to the fetish room now, going to meet a friend there," he said with a sly grin, and Daniel laughed knowing what Charizard was hinting at. At that moment Liam returned, clothed and clean of the sheer amount of Charizard seed, though even from several meters away Daniel caught a whiff of the Pokemons musky scent clinging to his mate.

"And I've got to thank you two, not many people are willing to help out a dragon in need," he turned his gaze on Daniel specifically, "especially after a trip like yours."

"It was no problem," the humans parroted, smiling at each other before Daniel continued, "You tasted delicious, and the Dragonites cum was an added bonus," he chuckled.

"And I finally managed to get a good drink of your cum straight from the source," added Liam.

I'm glad you enjoyed it then," Charizard grinned, "Who knows, maybe we can do more next time," he said laughing slightly as he winked then sauntered off, tail swishing behind him, the flame on its end burning merrily.

"Speaking of which, I'd better get back to work," Floatzel said, sliding off the table onto uneasy legs as she supported herself with the table, the first traces of Liams sperm began trickling down her legs.

"Thanks for the sex and viewing boys, until next time." she said smiling before she turned and began taking deliberately slow steps back to the kitchen.

Daniel smiled at her before turning back to his mate, "After that I think I need to lie down a bit, how about we head back to our room for a bit and shower properly?"


This was an RP between myself and the wonderful Lost Soul. This was done for fun and probably contains mistakes and not a great deal of sense. It's a pornographic RP, so plot and characters are not a major focus. I play the character of Liam, he plays the character of Daniel, and together we have some fun with a whole lot of Pokemon. Enjoy, Part 5 coming soon.