Young Drakonian Love (added extra)

Story by Aries_Wolf on SoFurry

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It was quickly becoming a cold night. I knew we shouldn't have taken the mountain crossing but she had insisted and said it would be the quickest route this time of year, but half way across blizzards set in. Now I and the draconian girl are stuck in an igloo that we hurriedly made to wait out the storms, but we are still on the verge of death.

From my knowledge of draconians, I knew that they were a cold blooded species. The weather on the mountain side was extremely harsh, and the cold whipping winds weren't helping, even inside the igloo, the temperature must have been below 5 degrees and still falling. So I had to make a choice: 1. Get over my fear of the draconian and to persuade here that it was the only way, or 2. The draconian girl freezes to death making the whole reason that I am here pointless (Also I will probably freeze to death soon after, anyway). She was too proud to ask so I made my choice. She was very stiff and shivering violently from the cold, so I crawled up next to her and explained, that I thought we should cuddle to conserve heat. (I know, "cuddle" I didn't know how else to explain it to her.) Still shivering and without saying anything she moved closer, and wrapped here arms around me. I did the same.

I wrapped my coat over her to keep the warmth in. She was so cold, as cold as ice, but with my body heat she soon warmed. She snuggled deeper in to my woolen coat, relaxing a bit from the grabbing hands of the cold. Suddenly she looked up and I could see that there was some friendliness in her large, dark green eyes.

"Thank you, I don't think I would have gotten thisss far and ssstill be alive if it weren't for you... I think I can trust you now with my name... its Mayleen." Mayleen

"I was only doing what I thought right. I feel ashamed though that I never thanked you for saving my life back in Almeria... Thank you." Daemon

"Don't worry about it, now were even."

Mayleen rested her head upon my chest, it felt nice to have that slight pressure there. She pushed of slightly from me then suddenly lent forward, I tried to get back a bit but I was already leaning against the Igloo's wall (I thought she was going to bite me). Here lips were slightly apart as here face came closer to mine. Our faces only a few centimeters apart she stopped. I stared deep into her dark green eyes, and saw no hostility in them.

"I am beginning to like you a lot Daemon, even though we are of two different races." Mayleen

Then she moved forward, here lips connecting with mine. (I was completely stunned, my first kiss and it was from a draconian) Her lips were surprisingly soft, compared with the rest her scaly skin, her long tongue entered my mouth and meshed with my own. A few seconds later I started to kiss back.

As with all mountain weather in the land of Narjing it goes as fast as it comes.

The wind quelled quickly, quieting the mountain and it's surrounding.


We emerged from the igloo looking forward to the journey ahead, I looked across at her, I was very sure that I saw a slight smile upon her face and her cheek scales (The cheek scales are smaller and more defined than the other scales of her body) were a slightly pink hue. As soon as she saw me looking she looked away to cover her face.

I looked around at the white landscape of the mountain, a few ragged trees were dotting the areas where it was more sheltered, from the frosted blasts of wind and the great ravine on our right which dropped thousands of feet, to where the orange glow of magma seas lay, it was a very wondrous sight.

For me to think that I would have gone from the quiet city of Kalmiaier to a dangerous trek across the kulifang's mountain range in such a short time, was almost unthinkable for me, but in the end it did happen. The view from where we were standing was vast, to the West was the Galron river slowly, snaking, South, dividing the lands of Draconian and Human, further out to the South-West where I could see, the city of Kalmiaier (my home). The last area that I could see from my current place, was to the South, where the Rock Giants lived. After I had finished looking, I turned to Mayleen.

"Should we continue, or are we going stand around here all day?"

"Yesss I think we sshould, the ssooner we get there the ssooner what needsss to be done getsss done."

"Right, you are. It's your country now would you lead?" I said with a smile

"Of course" she smiled back

We began the long trek down the steep pass, to where I hoped we would find the city of Dranin, where we hoped to speak with Queen Lamialla, about the Alliance.

We were going through the deepest part of the pass at that time, when I looked over at her; she seemed to sense she was being watched because she turned around to face me.

"Do you really think that the Queen will listen to us?"

They continued to walk as she responded.

"No, but I do think that she will send messengers to the other Drakonian cities, to ask about this so called Alliance, by doing that she will inadvertently passs on the information that we were ssent to give to her." She turned her head straight forward.

"But she might believe us." Mayleen

I was left to go back to my own private thoughts; The undead army was advancing on the far western human border, and from there if we didn't get any help from the Drakonians, the undead would sweep through the human lands killing/converting all of the human cities in its path, then from there it's swelled ranks from the killed human population, would allow it to cut through the drakonian borders, and achieve its ultimate goal, of destroying the Tome of Binding, (A great warlock, thousands of years before bound a great evil, in the pages of the Tome of Binding. Upon destruction the bonds would be broken and Lord Diedric the Baneful, would awaken from an age of sleep.) In the land of the Leviagon's.

They were coming to flat, bare, expanse, with a moderate sized river flowing down along the side of the path now. They stopped to have a small snack, before continuing. Mayleen pulled out some of the dried fruit that the head cook (Madam Dye) had given her before they left the palace.

She streched out her arm, with some of the dried fruit in her hand, and he accepted graciously, his famished stomach, being pleased by the food. He looked across at her and gave her a wry smile. She looked back at him, with a look mixed with surprised horror, and concern. He felt taken aback hadn't what happened up in the mountain ment anything to her.

A stinging pain starts to emanate from the lower left side of his torso, i look down to see an arrow protruding, i'm so surprised that i can't say anything, my movement becomes paralyzed, his lungs slow then stop, as well as his heart. I struggle to keep my eyes open but the posion reaches my oxygen starved brain, i have the feeling of falling back, i'm looking up and the last thing i see before my vision dims, is the beautiful face of the drakonian, only marred by her concerned look...................................


"...should have been awake hours ag..."

"....aking up, Daemon your awake, i was concerned about you, i'm ssorry i forgot about the drakonian border protectors." She said in a sad tone "They shot you with specially poisoned arrowsss, its a quick death or an easy way to capture people for interorgation, so that they don't put up a fight. But i explained that we're friendsss and that we have a message for queen Lamialla. You were lucky if they had admitted the antidote to you any later, i think you would never have woken up again, you're lucky." she said with a wry grin

She bent over him, putting her hands on both of his shoulders, holding him in place, she bent her head closer to him and whispered in his ear.

"You're very lucky, even more so because i like you." She whipered in a slightly seductive voice.

She moved her face closer, locking mouths with the human again, i was only too happy to submit and respond in the same fashion, her long tongue entered his mouth and adventurously explored the inside of his mouth, and lightly running the tip over the top of his teeth, before going deeper to mesh with his tongue.

The Light wooden door was pushed open, and a drakonian female walked in.

"I wasss just wondering if you would like ssome sso..." She stopped mid sentence and stared at Mayleen, as she quickly detached herself from the human, the drakonian women just stood there with her mouth open before walking out, without saying a word.