Back to Earth #7

Story by TheNovelist on SoFurry

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#7 of Exploration

After this discussion, I went to sleep, and woke up the next morning. Draco was also awake, but Simba was still asleep.I got dressed, and picked up all my gear, ready for the return journey. Draco smiled.

"It was a matter of time before you became popular, Alduin. Simba, myself, Alecto, Tufty, Gareth, Alecto, and a few others, they all really find you interesting. How do you manage it?" he laughed.

"I'm a very likeable person, I suppose." I shrugged.

"And you like?"

"That's a very difficult question."

"Give it a go." he suggested. I thought very hard and fast.

"Simba's a great friend to have, Tufty ditto. Alecto's almost a brother, we argue so much it's like the brother I never had.Gareth wants to be my lover, and I feel the same way. You, there is no category. To be honest Draco, you've been father, brother and lover to me, and you always will be."

"That's how it should be." he said."Although when I say a few others, practically half the food store found you attractive.Do you release sexual hormones or something?"

"I hope not!" I replied quickly, my tone rising."Who have you been talking to?"

" A few dragons, a stallion, Arachno," he paused,"Should I have said that?"

"Possibly not, but it doesn't matter."

"O.K.,a wolf, a tigress, so on and so forth."

"They all find me sexually attractive?" I said, incredified.

"Not all of them. Most of them think you're pretty cool, the sort of close friend category. A few, I won't say which, however, do see you in that light."

"God, I can't be seen around here." I laughed." I'll be ravaged walking down the corridor."

Draco burst out laughing, and this woke up the slumbering Simba.

"What's happening?" he mumbled.

"The lion sleeps tonight..." I sung softly.This attempt at humour was lost on my companions, who had never heard the song. The two foxes turned up as Simba finished getting dressed.

"Impeccable timing, as usual." I smiled. Simba gave the two the once over. Both had backpacks, preparing for what could be a long journey. Both of them had a strange device on their necks, which had a translucent blue gem encased inside a golden necklace. It glittered almost magically.

"These are our disguises." Alecto explained."We can alter our appearance to a creature's form, but we can vary it, so there won't be three Alduin's moving around.

"Let's see."

The effect was impressive. They both touched their gems, and their features morphed and shifted. Their fur disappeared, and their ears crept down the sides of their heads, until a pair of identical humans were looking at me. They barely resembled me.

Draco nodded slightly." Nicely done.Except you've forgotten to add clothes."

This was remedied, both of them were soon dressed in black trousers and T-shirts,and then Simba took mine and Draco's hand.

"Right, ready Alecto? Follow us."

He took both mine and Draco's hand, and we teleported. After another thirty seconds of the uncomfortable feeling, we landed in our flat. Outside nothing had changed much. They sky was clear, and the roads were flowing freely. It was early, and I wanted to show the foxes around the city. Speak of the devils, they teleported fifteen seconds after us, and they looked around, impressed. Gareth went to the window and looked out.

"Interesting technology advances."

Simba and Draco made a few notes on our tech, and then wished us the best of luck. Then they disappeared, leaving me alone with the foxes.

Alecto turned to me.

"What shall we do first?"

"Well first, this is my home. Kitchen there, bedroom in that room. Bathroom and toilet over there. Apologies for the mess." I said, pointing at the different rooms. They digested this, and then I spoke again.

"Have you had breakfast?"

They had, but I hadn't, so I fixed myself some toast, and they gave my computer, the television, and the various bookshelves the once over. We discussed various things, and then I launched my day out plan. We would walk through the city, me showing them some of the sights, and then go back home.Alecto clapped his hands in anticipation.

"Sounds like a plan." he said, and Gareth nodded affirmation. At ten in the morning, we set out. My bus was a decent distance from the city centre, and we hopped on a bus, me paying for the two of them, for they had no human currency.Centralites used small gold coins, which is they ever were exchanged for human money, would be worth about two hundred dollars each. As the bus weaved it's way down the hill, I pointed out the recreational parks, the stores, a school, and then explained our educational system. The other passengers on the bus gave the others a glance, guessing they were foreigners.

They were, but more foreign then they thought.

We hopped off the bus at the Octagon, and walked down the main street. To the left was the movie theatre, and then the great St Paul's Cathedral, and then I explained the concept of religion. I was a 'I don't care about religion, but everyone else can if they want' sort of person. We walked under the trees, while Gareth asked me countless questions. We passed a bookstore, and then Gareth spotted Time zone.

It was multi coloured and flash, and anything like that is bound to attract attention, that's the whole point. Gareth looked in at the various games.

"Wow." he said.

Two guys were playing Time crisis, two more were playing on one of the racing games, and I had to almost physically drag Gareth away from watching. We continued, past a construction site for a new mall, a corporate fast food restaurant, and came to the Meridian Mall, with Albion place opposite. We passed it, saying I would show them inside later on. We passed the hospital,which meant I had to explain the medical systems and then headed back to the Octagon, passing the police station and supermarket. The justice system was explained, as was the principles of our many currencies on the planet. A bank helped me explain the idea of Bureau de Change, or getting foreign money, and we passed a pub or two, although at this early morning there was no one inside.I too a detour to show them the Railway Station, an impressive monument to the middle eighteen hundreds, and the two steam engines sitting immortally inside the Settlers Museum.

We sat in the Octagon on a bench, answering yet more questions, while Alecto conjured a notebook from his pack and wrote down practically all we had talked about. The Octagon started filling up, as tourists and city-goers alike went about their business.

Most of them ignored us. As the time struck midday, Alecto asked me where we could go to get something to eat. As he did, he gave a quick glance down at his necklace, making sure he still had it. He left it on top of his illusionary T-shirt, it's all a bit hard to explain, and I led them back to the mall, fully prepared to show them the food court at the Meridian. I also gave them ten dollars each, so they could learn the processes of how to buy things on Earth.

That bloody necklace. I know it was the whole key to Alecto's disguise, but it was far too valuable looking to have it exposed like that. In the middle of the rush hour, right outside the Meridian, Alecto stopped to do up his shoe, and some unfortunate pickpocket grabbed the necklace, ripping it from the kneeling fox.

There was a few seconds of normality. I had dived at the thief, a teen about my age, wearing a ripped shirt and scuffed jeans, and a side on baseball cap. Gareth turned, and spotted Alecto reform into his usual self. Alecto turned as he realised what had happened, his facial expressions changing for the worse when he saw the thief with the necklace. Then he began to change another way. As I got the thief to the ground, someone realised what he had been seeing, and shouted.

"What the hell?"

With infinite dread, I looked up, my hand on the fox's necklace. One man had backed into a few others, looking at the fox.The thief had also spotted Alecto, and dropped the precious device in stark astonishment. Everyone turned, and a good thousand people were looking at the suddenly exposed fox creature. There was silence, except for those who were of faint disposition. Alecto looked nothing short of terrified, and as he stood with his back to the wall of a display,his hand hovering over the teleport button. Gareth drew a phaser, knowing how bad things could turn, and stood in front of his brother.

I whispered at the thief.

"Give it back to him, before his brother kills you."

"What is it?"

"What do you think? Now, if you want to get away alive, give it back to him."

The thief held the necklace delicately, and then tossed it at Alecto, who was looking at me desperately. No one had thought to go for their cameras just yet, but it was only a matter of time. Alecto caught it and quickly put it on, touching the gem, and then dissolving into his previous vision.

Silence stayed. The thief shove me off him, and I staggered backwards to Gareth, who still had his phaser levelled.

"Any plans?" he whispered.

"I told you the populace don't like the idea of aliens." I hissed back," On three, we run into the mall."

"I think it's a little late to be getting lunch."

"It's packed, an angry mob will not be quick.When I say." I was speaking in their language, and then the cameras came out. I counted to three, and then shouted.


We turned, zipped through the double doors and ran for it. There was hesitation, and then several of the crowd burst forward, intent clear. The Meridian was in three levels, and the entrance was on the middle floor, the food court under ground in effect. I ran full tilt down the escalator, almost ten steps at a time, screeched to a halt with my two friends in tow, and ran towards the escalator directly ahead, going back up.

"That'll slow them down!" I shouted, and the others followed me back up." Can we teleport back home?"

"No, it's on the blink!" Alecto panted.

"Trust it to fail at this time." I cursed, coming to the top of the escalator, and we sprinted to our left, along a walkway overlooking the food court. Those keenest chasing us were already down there, but several were coming directly towards us.

We ran through several corridors, a good fifty people, mostly men, chasing us. I was not made for long bursts of running, and I was starting to panic. We charged up some steps, and along some more, and found ourselves back in the mall.

"I thought we turned left." I said, coming to a screaming halt before the bannister. We were now on the top floor, and as we looked around, three groups of people were coming towards us, cutting off our escape in any direction. I nodded to Alecto.

"I suggest you Teleport now, and I'll try to lie."

"You're that good a liar?"

"You have any better ideas?"

"Five seconds.Gareth, hold my hand."

As the surrounding mob surrounded us three, Alecto and Gareth vanished. I shouted after them in human.

"Where's my payment?"

All the crowd stopped.

"What are you talking about, demon?"

I rested against the bannister.

"I met them this morning, said they needed a guide. They didn't say anything about themselves, except they were unfamiliar with this place. Then they cast some sort of spell so I could speak to them in their language, and I showed them about. In case you hadn't notice, I have no disguising necklace."

"Bollocks." the man who had assumed leader.He made a step forward. I pointed at him, letting myself get worked up.

"You try and hit me, I'll file a charge for assault at the police station. Your argument's really going to be shaky." I growled angrily.

There was a pause.

"Not unless we can prove who you are!" the leader dived at me. I tried to dodge, and was knocked backwards. I hit the bannister with my legs, and flipped over it. Suddenly I felt myself falling. There was a scream from above, and a multi throated gasp, and I was looking at the dome heading away from me, my arms and legs rising as they slowed in the air resistance.There was only one thing I was thinking. This was going to seriously hurt.

It did. I landed on a bunch of tables, splintering them to matchwood. The steel legs burst outwards, pinging in different directions, and I hit the ground for proper. My entire body hit the tables square on, and I felt my entire body erupt in pain. I lay stunned on the wreckage of the tables, looking up blankly. Dust and shards of wood were falling back down. Several heads were leaning over the banisters on both floors above me, and all the patrons of the food court were looking in complete bafflement.

Everything seemed to be working, nothing seemed broken, but I had the mother, father, grandparents and all the little kiddies of a pain. My head was aching like it had when I had been poisoned. Semi conscious, I struggled to my feet, and staggered towards a fire exit. Everyone backed away from me, wondering what kind of person had survived such a fall. Wrenching the door open, I went up some stairs, and came out onto the street. None of what had happened in there had permeated to here yet, though it would soon. I hobbled across the road, and staggered into a cafe and bar.I turned at the surprised proprietor, and managed to speak.

"I need a coffee.I've been awake all night. "

This was the worst lie in the history of lying, but apparently the man bought it, taking in my tired look and the way I was holding my head.

"O.K., sir, but coffee's bad for a headache."

"Trust me, I really need a coffee. Make it strong. Also, where are the toilets?"

"Through that door, mate."


I went through the door, and collapsed inside a cubicle.There seemed to be no signs of pursuit. I spent five minutes recuperating, and then headed back out, taking the hot coffee in my hands and walking over to one of the deserted tables.

"Quiet day?"

"Yeah, not much happening."

"Hah, not over here. An entire crowd just went and chased three others, no idea why. Didn't catch the words." I put on my jacket over my shirt, and put the hood up.

"What had the three done?"

"No idea."

"I see. Woah, there's more coming this way. How many saw this?"

"Maybe a thousand." I looked up, but the five guys didn't seem to be chasing anyone, more talking very animatedly.

They all came into the bar, and started ordering coffee.

"Long morning?"

"No, but it was insane.Some creature appeared in front of us, and then disappeared with a friend of his, who looked like a human."

"Creature?Have you been drinking?" the proprietor looked at the man in a strange manner.

"Honest to God. We were all there." the first guy looked at his friends for back up. We gave chase, but two of them vanished and the third jumped off the second floor of the Meridian into the food court, and then ran off."

"He jumped off the second floor?" I said innocently." Wouldn't someone be killed, or at least badly broken by such a jump?"

"He wasn't human, his friends had strange devices on them, and he just picked himself up, and ran off."

"So when did the, creature make himself known?"

"It was strange. He just appeared, you know, and then his friend drew something like a pistol, and stood in front of him.Then the third threw a necklace at the first, who put it on, and suddenly he changed back into a human disguise. It was creepy he could do that. Anyone with that sort a necklace should be rounded up."

"Really?" I said, taking another sip of my coffee. "I told you something had happened.It seemed somwhat chaotic over there." I nodded to the proprietor. The man who was speaking nodded at me for backing up his story, and they discussed it at length. I finished my coffee, nodded at the men, and casually walked, out, trying hard not to limp. My body was all stiff and sore, but it seemed all I would get was bruises.

I casually jumped on the bus back up the hill, and got off at my stop. I hobbled back to my house, and unlocked the door. Alecto and Gareth were in my living room, looking up in first fear, but then relief.

"You O.K., Alduin?That was some smooth work."

"No it wasn't." I staggered into an armchair, wincing as all the bruises in my back twinged at this treatment. Gareth crouched beside the armchair, and ordered me to tell him what happened, so I did. As soon as they had heard I had fallen fifteen metres onto wood, Alecto helped me off with my top.

"Owch." he said, looking at my back. Gareth leaned to the side, spotted my back, and made a sound of sympathy. I couldn't be bothered getting back up, and just spoke.

"O.K., how bad is it?"

"Your entire back is a mass of black, blue and red. How fast were you travelling?"

"I was in free fall." I commented. Alecto started ruffling in his bag.

"Gareth, help him onto the ground. I've got something of Arachno's that will help."

Gareth removed my trousers as he did so, whistling at the continuous bruise that ran down each of my legs.

" How bad is it?" I asked, resting my head on my crossed arms. Gareth gave me a pair of glasses that looked electronic, and as he did switched on another device. All of a sudden, I could see through a hand held camera Gareth was holding. My entire back, as they had said, was just a series of bruises and multi coloured symphonies of soreness. I managed a reply.

"How did I get up from that?"

"How did you?"

I continued my narration as Alecto found a tub of healing balm, and massaged it over my back. It didn't sting, but rather numbed the pain. Gareth took the glasses back, and spoke in admiration.

"You managed all that?"

"I did." I felt Alecto's furred hand gently caressing my raw skin. Even though he looked like a human, he still felt like a fox.

"You got us out of that well."

"I might have." I replied."I didn't get me out of it well, though."

"Don't worry. Two hours and this balm will heal all the pain." Alecto replied, starting on a leg. Gareth thought of something.

"Well, we learnt quite a lot from that."

"Yes."replied Alecto, navigating the inside of my knee." Don't show these necklaces, don't go out in public, don't get lunch in a public place.I've got to three so far."

"Nonsense."I replied."Well, the first isn't, but apart from that that went rather well. Although our photos will be plastered over the internet."

"No they won't." Alecto replied confidently." See this?" He held up a small and unnoticeable ring."It's made of a special material, which disrupts all pictures and cameras. I took great care when I came on this trip."

I was relieved."So there's no proof you were here. Good, I can walk the streets in comparative safety.Also we can go to karate on Wednesday."

The rest of the day in relative quiet, although what happened was on the news. To quote the reporter,"It was bizarre, but although a thousand people with cameras and cell phones were watching, not one of them got a picture beyond fuzz.It was as though these creatures couldn't be photographed."

We had a good laughed about that, and went to my bedroom. Three hours later, we all came out, covered in fluid, have a guess which kind. I was quite happy, because all the pain in my body had vanished, the healing balm had done it's work. We had a group shower, and then Alecto and Gareth conjured blankets from their packs. Alecto slept on the couch, and Gareth slept in my bed. It was a wonderful feeling to take a partner to bed, and we embraced in sleep.

Unfortunately, reality is never far behind, and I woke at six with my alarm going off. It was time for me to go to work. I removed Gareth's hands, and got dressed. I very quickly got ready to go, and as Alecto woke, I told him I was off to work. I suggested he stayed in the house, and could have a look at the books and the electrical appliances.

The day, frankly, was boring. Eight hours of stacking shelves becomes tedious before long, although today was mildly more exciting, because a customer dropped a crate of wine. I then spent the next hour cleaning the floor. I clocked out at three, and went home, a forty minute walk. I unlocked the door, opened it, and called.

"I'm home."

"So you are. Come here, please." Alecto called.

Slightly confused, I did so.

Alecto was sitting at the computer,it was on, while Gareth was grinning on the couch. Alecto turned, with a slight smile.

"You're writing everything down.You intending to publish a book?"

I started laughing.

"No, I've been sending them off as fantasy stories to Yiffstar."

"What's that?"

"Just a web site on the Internet. It's so we can send each other info, stories, videos, pictures, etc., etc."

"You're telling the world you communicate with aliens regularly?"

"No, because no one believes it's true."

"But you're writing everything that's happened to you, truthfully and not missing anything out." Alecto looked confused.

"Put yourself in my mind. This kid in New Zealand is writing a whole load of good but implausible stories about aliens. Do you believe a word of it, taking for granted all the population hasn't made interstellar contact.?"


"Exactly." I finished.

"Well," said Gareth,"I would."

"That's because you are an alien, as we term it."

"Oh well." Gareth said, leaning back, his smile growing wider."So what should we do?"

"I suggest we add another unbelievable chapter." I said with a shrug.

"Sounds like a plan." Alecto abandoned the computer." If you want to do something, do it well." They were both disguised, and almost simultaneously dropped them, until my familiar foxy friends appeared.

Gareth dropped down in front of the two of us, although he mentioned his period of the bimonth wasn't quite over.Fox creatures apparently have this period of chance, one week every two months.

"I really do want to feel your seed gushing inside me, Alduin, but you understand."

"I don't, actually, because I won't have to worry about childbirth, but I could visualise what you would have to go through." I nodded. He turned around and Alecto lay on the ground in front of him, his legs spread wide.

Gareth grabbed his brother's legs, and licked deeply into the trembling fox's pussy. Alecto sighed deeply, feeling the tongue seduce his senses. As Gareth bent down, he exposed his vagina and anus to me. How could I resist a target like that? I knelt between Gareth's open legs, and rubbed my semi erect member against the lips of Gareth's pussy, dragging it up and down, catching every fold on the skin. Gareth trembled at the touch.

"I hope you're not going any further that way."

"I'm not, but it would be much easier if my member was a little more developed."

Which it did, under careful guidance, it did finally became erect.As soon as it had, I started rubbing his anus with it, gently prising apart the two sides as I probed ever deeper.Finally I had enough room, and I slowly but firmly forced my cock all the way into him. As I did, I bent over him, my right hand snaking around him and holding his breasts. My left hand snaked a different direction, and clasped over Gareth's own dick.

Now I had him by his two most vulnerable points, and began to stroke and massage both. He squirmed slightly under my unexpert grasp, and as he did, I spoke.I had been thinking about his wish for me not to fuck him in the vagina. I would draw this out.

"Now, Gareth, say you want me to fuck you."

I stopped completely. Gareth, under his spell of bliss, felt it drain away slowly. Alecto waited in interest.

"What,I mean, master?" Gareth stuttered.

"Didn't you say you would be my whore, your words?"

"Of course!" Gareth said, panicking." And I still am, master." Full credit to him, he caught on fast.

"Good, then say so."

"Master..." Gareth faltered, and then replied very fast." Master, please, fuck me. Treat me as you will."

"I will, Gareth, but do you truly think I would be so mean as to try and make you pregnant?"

Gareth hadn't thought of this.

"No, master." he replied, meekly.

"Good. I wouldn't, because I am not that sort of person."

Gareth paused, and then said quietly." Master, please treat me as you will."

"Thank you." I nodded, removed my cock from his ass, and then thrust it deep into his pussy, at the same time resuming my rubbing his own member and his soft, luscious breasts. He really did have wonderful breasts, and it was a pleasure for both of us. His tail, which had been trapped between us earlier, slipped out and wrapped itself around my lower back. Their tails could be manouvered like anything, and I could feel it pulling me in and out with my own strokes.

Alecto had been watching all this, and I could tell he wanted to say something to me, but not in front of Gareth.Then he flopped backwards against the couch as Gareth continued exploring the interior of his vagina with his tongue and muzzle. Again, nothing was rushed, everything was done gently and sensually. Gareth, being pleasured in all three key places, started to arrive at orgasm after only a few minutes. Alecto held him down, because he was starting to rise, and then he went.

As I pulled my hand back, massaging his balls tightly, his entire cock stiffened, and his white semen splashed onto the tile of the living room. I had never thought of buying carpets, it seemed too much at the wrong times, and just as well. Then his insides clenched around my cock, almost holding it like a vice, and his tail coiled inwards, forcing me deeply into him, and then he orgasmed, and I felt his warm juice run gently against my dick. I almost ejaculated right then and there, but instead I withdrew it, rammed it into his ass again, and let go in there. Gareth arched under this, and gave a moan of ecstasy. As he jerked forward, he pushed his muzzle deep into Alecto's pussy, forcing apart his sensitve shaft, and Alecto orgasmed with a sudden and primal howl.

I fell forward over Gareth in post sexual exhaustion, and he held me in place with his tail and one of his hands.

"Don't move yet, Alduin." I looked under his body, and saw that his pussy was dripping onto the floor. He must have enjoyed that immensely. He removed his muzzle from Alecto's pussy, and as Alecto's pussy emanated quantities onto the floor, I saw that Gareth's fur around his nose and mouth was also matted with it.

He then uncurled his tail and I removed my cock from him. He stood unsteadily.

"I think I'll go have a shower."

"Run the water, but wait for me." I replied, and he smiled weakly. He went into the bathroom and shut the door. Alecto spoke from his seated position.

"Well done Alduin."


"Gareth has a paranoia during the week period where we are sexually at risk. He would only let people who would swear not to cum in him, or, as you saw, when he was tied up. He's a little too, scared of becoming pregnant, even though most of us wouldn't even think of doing that to him anyway."

"And so what did I do?"

"Firm authority, told him to be sensible, you really are dominating." Alecto smiled at me.

So ends chapter seven.