Timeo Jaguars etiam Speedos Gerens

Story by APDamien on SoFurry

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"I Fear Jaguars Even Wearing Speedos"

Damien, having failed to win back the money he's embezzled, sees only one way out. But he wants to make sure it won't be too painful. That's where Matthew comes in, an unwitting participant in Damien's experiment. A few hours later, Justin, a professional submissive, becomes a willing victim.

Part One: Something Completely Different.


It was late afternoon in Atlantic City. I had just gotten out of the shower of my Penthouse Suite at the Trump Taj Mahal. Everything was perfect. All the papers were signed. I spent nearly 20 years building up my business. Now I could live comfortably on the money, and see what else I want to do... or, if I so chose, never work another day.

I stood at the window, with just a towel around my waist, looking out over the swimming pool. Now... how to celebrate? Maybe a trip to the casino? I can certainly afford to gamble a little. And some of the females who hang around... In this suit, I bet I can pick up a real looker. Never actually paid for it before... this'll be a novelty.

I looked out the picture window at the view of the Atlantic Ocean, the furs sunning themselves on the beach and by the pool. There was a black fur swimming laps. I tried to remember what it was... oh yes, a jaguar. In those bright blue Speedo briefs. Hmmm... Never had a male before, but he looks hot. Big shoulders on him, and the way he cuts through the water... bet he's really muscled. Wonder what it'd be like to have those arms around me... I shivered, then wondered why. I kept the room pretty warm.

I watched a while longer. Eventually the jaguar finished his swim and climbed out of the pool. Wow! I had a really big 'tent' in my towel. That jaguar really is hot.


I was swimming laps in the hotel pool. I was getting tired, but I kept going. My mind was filled with the rhythm of the swimming.

"Damn! That system should have worked." No! Don't think about it. Just the swimming. Pull, pull, breathe, pull, pull, breathe, touch wall, turn, pull...

But the thoughts kept coming back. "All the money, gone. Auditors coming tomorrow, now there's no way I'll be able to put the money back. Pull, pull, breathe, pull, pull, breathe...

Well, at least I know what I have to do. Pull, pull, breathe, pull, pull, breathe...

At last, I was exhausted enough to stop the worries going around in my head. Time for a shower and some sleep. Tonight... tonight I'll make one last try. If that doesn't work, it's plan B.


I watched as the jaguar strode toward the change room, the wet nylon swimsuit stretched tight across his ass. Tonight... I'll celebrate with a very special treat.

Part Two: The Meeting


I had to give it one final try. My betting and spending pattern had gotten me a substantial line of credit at the casino and a good relationship with the Pit Boss. I borrowed most of my line of credit and staked nearly all of it on a single number at roulette. If I could win twice in a row this way, I'd multiply my bet by over a thousand and be able to repay everything, with enough left over to live on for awhile.

The odds against such a win were also over a thousand to one, but this was my best chance. I can do math. Without a system, the odds were stacked against me, so small bets would just make sure that the house got its rake-off. But there was always the possibility of good luck on one or two single bets.

I put my borrowed chips on 19, a lucky number for me. The wheel spun and I found myself holding my breath; the little ball dropped into number 19. I motioned for the croupier to let my winnings ride. The wheel spun again, and my heart pounded, as the dealer threw the ball onto the center. I stopped breathing again, a curiously exciting sensation, as the wheel slowed and the ball dropped... into the 0.

I grinned. "Easy come, easy go," I said, tipped the dealer my last few chips, and sauntered away. I considered taking in one of the excellent shows, but it would take up too much of the evening. I wanted to get back to my room and arrange things before I got too tired to enjoy my experiment.


I looked at myself in the mirror. I saw a raccoon, wearing a skimpy pair of bikini briefs, very low-cut and made out of a slippery nylon material with a wild leopard-skin pattern. Pretty sexy. I gazed at my reflection, and the bulge in my briefs started to expand, pulling the front down even further. The top of my sheath peeked out over the top.

I resisted the urge to paw off, and quickly finished dressing. A denim short-sleeved shirt and loose-fitting grey cotton pants were enough for a late lunch. I took the elevator to the Indian restaurant. As I was being shown to a table, I noticed the jaguar I'd been watching. He was sitting by the window, so I slipped the Maitre d' a hundred and got a window table -- next to the jaguar's.

"I like the view better from here," I explained. The Maitre d' handed me the wine list and walked away imperturbably.

I'd already decided what I wanted, but I checked out the stranger while pretending to read the menu. He was tall, at least six inches taller than I was. Again I thought about being held in his arms, to have that body on top of mine like a blanket. I also noticed that he was reading an Anne Rice book. Probably re-rereading it, judging by its condition.

I'd read it too, and made a comment on the book.

"Oh", the stranger said, "do you read fantasy too?"

"Yes," I replied, "especially those vampire stories. My name's Matthew."

"Hi, I'm Damien." The jaguar extended his forepaw for me to shake.

The conversation progressed nicely, and I found myself feeling quite at ease. Damien was quite animated as he discussed the book and a wide range of related topics; I dared to wonder if I'd need to go to the bar at all. This is too good to be true. Could I really end up with the jaguar who woke my desires?


I checked out Matthew while he was distracted by the waiter. He was a trim raccoon only a few years younger than me, not yet showing the characteristic grizzle of middle-age; it gave him a boyish look. I wished my muzzle were that young looking. But I've been going gray there for nearly five years now. Nice fur on him. Wonder what it would feel like as a raccoon-skin coat... Just thinking about it made me horny.

This one would do fine for my experiment, if I can just get him up to my room.

Matthew turned his attention back to me. "I think I saw you swimming in the pool earlier this afternoon" he said. His voice was oh so casual. "How was it?"

I'd spent years being nervous over whether people would suspect I was bi. Then months being afraid that somebody would notice the money I've been "borrowing" from the bank. So I was hyper-alert to the signals in people's voices and bodies. And Matthew wasn't as casual as he was trying to sound.

"Great!" I said enthusiastically, "I try to get in a swim every day, but I missed yesterday so I'll be going back down for another one later tonight." There. The bait is on the hook. It'll be easy to get this raccoon up to the room. Bet I won't even have to use my size and strength to get him where I want him.

"I used to swim quite regularly" Matthew replied, "But I haven't been doing much lately. I'd join you, but unfortunately I didn't bring a suit with me."

"No problem!" I said, "I've got an extra one that you can borrow if you like."

The raccoon looked startled. "Gee, I don't know..." he started.

"Don't worry about it!" I said cheerfully, "I just bought the thing; it's never been worn!"

"Oh, it's not that. It's just... well, if it's anything like the one I saw you in this afternoon, I'm not sure how it would look on me!"

He's so shy. I bet he's never been to bed with a male before, and that's why he's being so elaborately casual. Lucky he chose me for his first time. Lucky for me, that is... Guess I'll just have to lead him through the first few steps in the dance. Should be fun.

"It'll look fine!" I said, "And anyway, there's hardly anyone at the pool in the evening."


There was no way I wanted to miss this chance, but I didn't want to appear too eager. "Well... maybe if I could try it on first..."

"No problem, you can come up to my room in a half-hour or so. I have a few long-distance phone calls to make first."

My cock was tingling at the prospect. "That's a good idea" I replied, trying again to sound casual.

"Great! See you then."

Part Three: The Visit.


I went up to the room and laid the silken cord on the table next to the bed, then covered it up with some miscellaneous papers, spread out as if I'd been working on them.

Now, to set the mood. I got out the top-quality portable CD player I bought before all my money started to disappear into Atlantic City. I searched through my CDs. Something sensual, I think. Hmmm... Good grief, not those Brandenburg concertos. I want him feeling, not thinking. Bolero... might as well put on a T-shirt with 'I want to seduce you' on the front. Mendelsohn... nice and schmaltzy, but... no, not really. Lalo... Strong, rhythmic beat, as good as Bolero but not so obvious. Hmmm... he's about the right age... just in case he doesn't like classical... I got out a few 70s acid rock CDs as well.


The next thirty minutes seemed to drag on forever. I sat in the dining room drinking coffee and glancing at my watch. Do I really want to do this? I've never slept with a male. I've had plenty of females, and I enjoyed them plenty. What is it about this jaguar... But... he's so sexy. Of course I'm going up there in," he glanced at his watch, "just 22 minutes now. And so on, my thoughts wavering back and forth several times. At last it was time to go. I rode up the elevator in a fog, then found myself knocking at the door of Damien's room without any memory of how I got there.

Damien answered the door, wearing a white terry-cloth robe that reached to mid-thigh; there was a duck embroidered on the left sleeve. "Come on in," he said cheerfully, "I'm all ready to go."

Looking at him standing in front of me, I realized that Damien was nearly a foot taller than me, and all muscle. If he wanted to push it, there would be no way I could resist. I felt that shiver again.

But there wasn't any real question of force here. I wanted this as much as he did. I walked into the room.


Matthew stepped into the room and I closed the door behind him. "The suit is on the dresser there." I gestured at the tall chest of drawers. "I've got an extra robe you can borrow, so you don't drip water all over the hotel's carpet coming back."


There was a piece of bright red nylon on the dresser top. I picked it up and unfolded it. It was a bathing suit even briefer than the one Damien had been wearing earlier; it had only the narrowest of elastic straps at the sides. I chuckled nervously as I held the skimpy garment up in front of me.

"Come on," said Damien, "Let's get going!"

I looked over at him. He had let his robe fall open, and all he had on underneath was the bright blue Speedos he'd been wearing earlier. I couldn't help glancing down at Damien's crotch.

"Don't be shy," Damien laughed, "Put it on!" My cock was already starting to swell in my pants; I decided to go for it. I started to undress, hoping to get the suit and robe on before my erection became too obvious. I pulled off my t-shirt and turned my back to Damien as I took off my jeans.


"Good God!" I laughed when I saw Matthew's wild leopard-skin bikini briefs. "And you were worried about my bathing suit?"

"Well, no one sees me in public in these!" Matthew replied. He turned to face me, excited to be standing in front of someone, wearing only those briefs -- with an obvious bulge in them. "In fact," he continued, "No one's ever seen me in these before, at all!"

I couldn't help it. I just stood there grinning with my hands on my hips. The nylon-covered bulge at my crotch was getting visibly bigger, but who cared? Especially with Matthew standing there in his silly underwear. "Well," I asked, "aren't you going to take them off? Or do you want me to help?"


I just stood there, no longer smiling, breathing fast, my swelling cock straining against the clinging material of my briefs.

Damien stepped forward, shrugging the robe off of his shoulders and letting it drop to the floor.

"Oh, God!" I felt breathless as Damien wrapped his arms around me and pressed his lithe jaguar body close. He reached around, closing his hands over my ass and pulling me close.

Part Four: A Dream Come True -- or Maybe a Nightmare


Damien pressed his lips to my neck and breathed warmly into the hollow. I drew a shuddering breath and ran my hands along his ribcage, pressing him even closer.

"You like, hmmm?" Damien murmered.

"Ohhhhhh... yes."

He grabbed my ass and dug his fingers into the bottoms of the cheeks. He turned his head to the side and presented his neck to me. I ran my lips along the side as my body swayed in time to the music I was barely aware of. I could smell his male arousal, and it turned me on even more.

Damien bent over to lick my left nipple, flicking his tongue rapidly over it, then wet a finger and flicked my right nipple with that.

"Aaaah! aah!" I gasped. What he was doing to my nipples made me nearly white out with pleasure. Soon even gasping wasn't enough, it turned into screaming.


After awhile I raised my head and gently raised Matthew's head toward my chest. Poor guy's led a pretty conventional life, I'd say, Only had females, and none of them knew about male nipples.

He stood up to reach my nipple. He tried to imitate my motion, but he still had a lot to learn. Still, he wasn't too bad. I licked my index fingers and used them to tweak the coon's nipples and rub his areolae.

Matthew was finally figuring out what to do with my nipples. I started moaning as he found the right moves and rhythm, and bent my head to nuzzle the back of his neck.

Matthew moaned around my nipple, then started licking the areola. He was learning fast. He eventually had me gasping and moaning, too.

I led him to the bed and gave him a gentle push. He took the hint and lay down. I didn't even bother taking off those silly leopard-skin briefs: I just started gently rubbing his sheath with a forepaw. Then as he started to swell, I rubbed harder. Soon, the tip of his cock peeked out of the briefs. I wet a finger and flicked the tip a few times until a good handful stuck out. Then I wet my palm, wrapped it around the coon-cock, and started slow strokes. My other hand contined making slow circles around his nipple.

Matthew turned his head to the side to peek at me. He slid his hand under my speedos and started gently squeezing my cock. I responded by stroking him a little faster.

I climbed onto the bed and crouched over the raccoon, licking one areola while flicking the other nipple with my free hand. This placed my own nipples right over Matthew's face, so he started kissing them, as I'd hoped.

Matthew reached up to my crotch and pulled my cock up so the head stuck out of my swimsuit. He started rubbing my cockhead with a wet forepaw, and soon both of us were panting and moaning.

I got off the bed and told Matthew, "Just lie there and be patient." I kissed each of Matthew's knees, alternating between them, each kiss a long press of wet lips followed by a slow exhalation of warm breath. "Bend your legs a little," I said.

Matthew did as he was told, and I brushed the backs of his knees with furry fingers.

Matthew squirmed in anticipation and tried to find part of me to play with, but I slapped his leg firmly and reminded him, "Just lie there."

I started working my way slowly up the coon's inner thighs. Each time Matthew tried to wriggle closer, I slapped his leg and reminded him to lie still.

I reached his crotch at last. I teased him, licking his cockhead and breathing on it, then pressing my lips to the side, repeating the same technique as on his knees and thighs. Once I had him begging for more, I wrapped my lips around his cock and slowly slid them down the shaft.

"At least let me look at you," the coon pleaded.

I got up, grabbed a screwdriver from my toolkit and detached the mirror from the top of the desk. I propped it on a couple of chairs so Matthew would be able to see me, then moved so I was lying sideways on the kingsize bed. Now he could watch the my mouth move up and down his cock.

I continued moving my mouth slowly on the coon's cock, while his body twisted and heaved, his hips writhing, his hands gripping the sides of the bed. "Oh please! Yes! Please!" he begged, over and over, his wide-open eyes fixed on my slowly moving lips.

But I changed to a series of kisses along the side of his cock, sliding my parted lips slowly along one side, then the other, and slipped my other hand under Matthew's ass. My lips moved along Matthew's cock, and I moved the coon's tail aside and teased the little rosebud beneath with my finger, still slick with my spit.

I took one of Matthew's balls into my mouth and gently sucked on it; my hand slowly stroked the coon's shaft. I slipped a finger gently into Matthew's tailhole. I think he would have objected, but I was still working on his cock with my mouth, and the pleasure distracted him. By the time he was able to say anything, he was stimulated enough to enjoy my finger in his ass.

I took the other ball into my mouth and slipped a second finger into Matthew's ass; by this time he was too excited to care. I knew at this point all he cared about was cumming. He started thrusting his hips upward, trying to get me to speed up my movements on his shaft.

He was ready. "So you want to come, do you?" I asked.

"Oh, God, yes!" he replied breathlessly.

"OK," I continued in a my deepest bass voice, "but we'll do this my way. Roll over."

Matthew hardly thought a moment. I'd bet that an hour ago he would never have agreed to this, but by now I had him so hot he barely cared. Plus I knew what to do with my fingers inside him.

I got up from the bed and stripped off my Speedo, freeing my rigid cock. I opened the drawer of the bedside table, grabbed a condom, unwrapped and unrolled it.

I grabbed a couple of pillows and gestured for Matthew to get on his hands and knees. He did, and I rearranged his legs to put his ass in the air and put the pillows under his stomach.

"You're going to need some support." I said. "I suggest you grab the rail there as a brace."

While Matthew did so, I knelt between his wide-spread legs and placed my cock against his tailhole. As soon as he was braced, I started to push forward, pressing my cock head gently into his ass.

"Hey!" Matthew gasped, his body tensing, "That hurts!". I reached underneath and grabbed his cock, slowly stroking it until he relaxed and sighed in pleasure.

Inch by inch, I slowly eased the rest of my cock into Matthew's ass.


I could feel Damien's cock stretching my tailhole. It hurt, at first, but not once I was relaxed. In fact, I felt a new pleasure from inside that I'd never felt before. Damien started moving slowly in and out, and my hips began to move in response, pushing back to take Damien's throbbing cock even deeper inside me. Damien's hand was sliding wetly up and down my cock.

"Oh, yes! Yes!" I gasped, panting. I was dimly aware that I was sweating, even though Damien was doing most of the work. "That's good! That's so fucking good!"

I moaned louder as Damien moved his hand faster and faster on my cock, even while he moved slowly in my ass. I pushed my hips upward, raising my ass to take more of Damien's cock. "Fuck me! Oh, God, fuck me!" I wailed. I'd lost control of my voice and it had gone up into the falsetto. I was gripping the bed rail so hard my fingers were getting numb.

Damien responded by ramming his hips down hard against my ass.

I screamed as I came on the bed, my cock jerking in Damien's hand. I'd never cum that hard in my life, not even the first time my girlfriend gave me a blowjob. Wow! Just... wow!

Damien ceased his thrusting, and lowered himself down onto my now limp body. He breathed warmly onto the back of my neck. "Now that felt good, didn't it?" he husked next to my ear. That deep bass made me shiver with a kind of relaxed pleasure. "Now we can just relax for awhile," he continued.

I was pretty sure that the jaguar hadn't cum yet, and wondered idly why he didn't finish up inside me. But somehow that didn't matter so much. I felt so relaxed. The weight of Damien's body on top of mine did feel like a blanket. His cock, still deep inside me, felt good... comforting.

I was still savouring the most intense orgasm I'd ever felt. My hips moved slightly as the last spasms went through my cock. Still enjoying the pleasure, I fell asleep after a few minutes.


I crouched over the coon, still inside him, but not moving at all. As I'd expected, the intense orgasm left Matthew relaxed and sleepy. Just a matter of time now. I held still, watching the clock on the desk, until a good ten minutes had passed and Matthew hadn't stirred. He was asleep.

I reached over to the bedside table and pulled the cord out from under the papers there. Gently and carefully, I looped the cord around Matthew's neck and tied an overhand knot in it. He slept on.

I pulled almost all the way out, and unrolled the condom up to the head of my cock. Once I started again, the friction of fucking would pull off the condom. After all, an STD won't matter to either of us.

Then I slowly pulled the cord tight -- almost but not quite cutting off Matthew's breathing -- and resumed thrusting in his ass.

"What...?" Matthew asked sleepily.

"Ssssh. Ssssh. It's OK. Just a little breath control to enhance your orgasm. You'll cum buckets, I promise."

I began to move, slowly at first, breathing warmly on the back of his neck. Matthew twisted underneath me, but wasn't really trying -- he was still too relaxed, half asleep, and my warm breath and low tones soothed him.

I maintained the same movements for about 5 minutes, then pulled hard on the silken cord. With the knot in the cord, I was able to maintain the pull with only one hand.


All of a sudden I couldn't breathe at all. My mouth opened wide as I tried to draw breath, and my eyes bulged in desperate need. I felt Damien's cock moving faster and faster inside of me, thrusting deep, hips slaming down hard on my ass. The cord pulled tighter and tighter, forcing my head back. My vision started to blur, and there was a roaring in my ears, growing louder and louder. But there was something else, something strange... a growing excitement, a tingling sensation in my cock and a heat rising from my balls. It spread all throughout my body, until all of my skin was an erogenous zone. Every contact, Damien's body riding mine, the sheets against my thighs, was like a lover's kiss.

I wanted to breathe so badly, but at the same time I wanted Damien to keep on, to feel him cum inside me. I couldn't tell which I wanted more. He was so much bigger -- that shiver yet again -- and I could only hope that he would cum soon and let me breathe. Otherwise... I couldn't even imagine the otherwise.


I could feel the burning come rising in my cock, but I held back, waiting. Eventually, Matthew's struggles grew weaker, and I pulled harder on the rope, twisting Matthew's head to the side so I could see his contorted face. His mouth gaped like a fish, and his staring eyes were bright with terror... and something else.


I can't see anything but a red haze now, and all I can feel is the cord digging into my neck, the bursting sensation in my lungs, and the heat in my balls and cock. I begin thrusting against the bed and cum, hard, as everything goes black and fades away.


Matthew's eyes glazed over, and and suddenly his body began to jerk and heave in the final convulsions of death. I stared into his sightless eyes as I spurted deep into the coon's ass.

Raccoons are supposed to be smart, but hoodwinking this one was child's play. Guess Barnum was right: There's a sucker born every minute.

I withdrew slowly, savoring the sensation. I rolled Matthew's body off the bed and looked at the semen stain that he'd left. It was huge. I always keep my promises. Matthew produced more cum the second time than the first.

Enjoying the relaxed lassitude of really good sex, I pulled the covers over myself and fell asleep.

Part Five: Final Preparations


I woke up and looked through Matthew's clothing, noting the designer labels, and found several Platinum credit cards. And the jackpot: an Android-based phone. A little more searching turned up a pocket notebook with--sure enough--the raccoon's password written on it. And, yes, there was an e-banking app on the phone. A couple of minutes later, my bank account had about two years salary in it. I suddenly had a lot more money to play with. In fact, there might be enough credit here to pay everything back...

Then I looked at my watch. Nope. Enough money, but not enough time to fix up the accounts and undo the computer hacks. The auditors would start at 7:30 in the goddamn morning, when decent people should be asleep, and they'd lock everybody out when they started.

And then there was Matthew's body... Nope, I'd just have to modify Plan B to allow for having more money -- and more pleasure. I got out my own phone, did a few transfers, and my credit cards were ready to use again.

A quick phone call to the Pit Boss netted me a 9PM reservation at Il Mulino New York. That left me a few hours. I got dressed, left the "Do Not Disturb" sign on the door, and went down to the casino. I bought more chips, then sat down at a table and placed bets at random, just spending time at the tables and enjoying the feel of the casino. A skimpily clad otter brought me a drink and a sandwich while I played. After that, I stuck to soft drinks. Not that I needed a clear head for gambling, not any more. But I didn't want to numb my taste buds; I wanted to enjoy dinner. And there would be a bottle of wine with dinner.

Didn't want to numb other parts of me, either...

After a couple of hours of play, I went to see the Pit Boss in person. The night boss was a good-looking stoat nearly 10 years older than me. He was all smiles and eager to please. Ten minutes later, I had a phone number and a password. I went back up to my room and made the call, arranging for an "escort" who was willing to be tied up with some S&M, and arranged for him to come to the room in about an hour.

I got out two silken ropes (nothing but the best...) and fashioned two nooses. I grabbed a marking pen, pulled a chair up to the bathroom door, draped a rope over the top of the door, climbed onto the chair, adjusted a noose loosely around my neck, and put a mark on the door next to the top of the knot. I took off the noose and got down, adjusted the rope so the noose was at the same level as before and tied the free end of the rope around the doorknob on the other side. I coiled the rope behind the door and put the chair back by the table.

While I waited, I hid Matthew's body in the closet, straightened out the bedclothes, and put the duvet back on the bed to make it look neat. I got the ropes for the bondage and laid them out on the bed. There was a ceiling fixture in the middle of the sitting room that looked strong. I tied a rope to it and tugged. Nothing. I lifted myself off the floor. Still no movement. I jumped as high as I could and grabbed the rope halfway down. Not even a creak from the ceiling. It would do.

Then I showered and put on the thick terrycloth bathrobe the hotel provided.

A few minutes later there was a knock on my door. I opened it to find a small, submissive fennec, who introduced himself as Justin. I gave him my credit card to verify.


I knocked on the client's hotel room door. This was fancy territory: a Chairman's Tower suite at the Taj. The door opened and there was a jaguar waiting for me. Most furs are taller than me, but this one was huge! He towered over me by at least a foot. And I could see the muscles ripple under his fur when he moved. He smelled... like the predator he was. Dangerous, hungry... but not unwilling to be pleased.

I imagined him in my tailhole. His size... it would hurt going in, then he would stretch me out. Rubbing against my "p-spot", then feeling his hot cum filling me up. I was starting to get hard just thinking about it.

I didn't want to seem too eager, so I meditated a few seconds to calm myself down.

There were a couple of formalities to take care of. I verified his credit card. I also had to tell him my safewords. "My stop-word is 'pond' -- unless you want to assign me a different one. Or, if I'm gagged, three quick noises, like this... mmm mmm mmm. Also, if I'm wearing a gag or forbidden to talk, and there's something I need to communicate, I'll hum two notes rising like this... mmmm MMMMM. You should let me talk as quickly as you can without spoiling your scene."

The client -- Damien -- grabbed me as soon as I'd finished this little speech, and kissed me deeply. I was surprised. Most customers wanted to get right to the tie-me-up-and-hurt-me part. This was nice. Almost as if we'd just met in a bar and he weren't paying me.

We spent some minutes just kissing, then he let me go. The way his eyes looked at me, I knew what he wanted. I moved around the room sensuously, while I slowly peeled off my outer clothes. By the time I was done, I was all hot again.

When I got down to my briefs, he grabbed me. Not hard, but firm; with his hand on me I sure wasn't going anywere. He pulled down my briefs with his other hand. No hiding it now: I was hard as a rock! He guided me over to the bed and I saw the ropes. Ropes are okay, but not my favorite thing. And the customer is always right, but sometimes there's room for negotiation.

"Is rope important to you?" I asked.


"I've got some great leather restraints in my bag."

"Let's see." He let go of me.

I picked up my "bag of tricks" and pulled out the leather cuffs and straps. "See? Don't they look nicer than stripy climbing rope? And they smell great, not like that polypropylene stuff."

He took them, looked them over, smelled them, tugged on the straps.

"Nice. But they make me think of those silly velvet-lined handcuffs for people who are playing at bondage but don't want the real thing."

"I chose them to feel, look, and smell nice, but they're plenty strong. Go ahead and pull. You're stronger than me. I'll give you a 25% discount on my fee if you can break one."

He took a strap, wrapped it around his hands, and pulled. He really put his back into it, I could see the leather stretch and the muscles stand out in his wrists and arms as he tugged. Finally, he stopped, breathing hard.

"You're right. Let's use these."

I lay down spread eagle on the bed. He buckled the cuffs tight around my wrists and ankles, then attached the straps to the legs of the bed. I wriggled, but I was firmly attached. Oh, yeah, this was hot.

He took a crop out of my bag, and started using it on my chest, then my belly. I could never tell where it was going to land next. Sometimes he'd hit a spot that gave a lot of pleasure/pain, other times he'd hit someplace less sensitive. I whimpered in frustration whenever he came close to a good spot but didn't quite hit it. He took a ball bag out of my bag and strapped it into my mouth.

By this time, my cock was standing tall and proud above my belly. And the jaguar started using the crop right on my sheath. I twisted and moaned, but couldn't make as much noise as I really wanted. Then, without warning, he hit me right on the "hot spot" where the head meets the shaft. Just like that, I found myself cumming.

He took out the gag, and I said, "Wow! I didn't really plan to cum that quick, Master."

"Well, I wanted to make you cum."

Usually the client just wanted to cum in me, but this Damien really knew how to treat a sub. I took a good look at him. He was hard, pointing up at a 45° angle. And I really wanted him in me.

"Would you like to cum in me, Master? I'm very tight, you'll love it."


I hadn't planned to fuck Justin right now, but he was looking like he really wanted it... and he was really cute.

"You're one pushy sub, you know that?"

"Only when I know what my Master really wants."

I thought about it. I had to admit, he had me there. Or at least part of what I really wanted. I undid the straps and put him on his hands and knees, then strapped him in position again. I walked around in front of him and let him suck me for a minute. Either he really liked that or he was a really good actor. Then I pulled out of his mouth.

"But...?" he protested.

"Exactly," I replied, "Butt."

He looked puzzled for a moment, then lifted his tail up and out of the way. I got into position and pushed into him. He moaned in pleasure. As soon as my head was inside him, he clamped down, hard. He was right -- he was tight.


Damien slid into me, and it was just as nice as I'd hoped. He was huge, long enough to stretch me out. The pain was indescribable -- it hurt so good. He started moving in and out of me, slowly, and every in-stroke brought back that wonderful pain.

Then he picked up the crop again, and started using it on my ass and my thighs. He reached around and stung my belly with it. And all the time he was moving inside me, his cock rubbing against my prostate. The sensation was incredible. If I hadn't been gagged, I would have been screaming my pleasure, but all I could manage was a sort of muffled whining. And I could tell by his groans -- and by his smell -- that he was really enjoying me.

That was important. For a sub, pleasure is nice, but knowing that you are giving pleasure is even nicer. It's what I live for, and it's why I choose to work as a professional bottom.

Finally, he was near climax. I clamped down harder as he moved in and out of me, making sure he would enjoy this as much as possible. He blasted his cum right on my "p-spot", and at the same time he reversed the crop and hit my balls with the handle -- hard.

I gave a long pleasure-whine as I came -- again.


He filled me up with his cum, then pulled out of me, slowly. I hardly noticed as he hit me a few more times with the crop, except as extra bits of pleasure as I started to relax from orgasm into the afterglow.

Finally he lay down on top of me, resting. Rest seemed like a good idea about then -- I was exhausted.

After maybe half an hour, I felt the jaguar shift above me. I gathered my energies to move again. Damien removed the gag from my mouth.

"Wow!" I said. "That was really nice." I meant it, not just flattering the client. "But I think I'm exhausted. I really hope this doesn't screw up your plans. Give me another half-hour or so and I think I'll be up to whatever you have in mind."

"You can have longer than that. I paid for the whole night, and I have a table for two reserved at Il Mulino. What do you say to dinner, then we can go another round?"

"I am yours to command. Lead on, Master."

He didn't, at least not right away. First he went into the bathroom and came back with a wet towel. He sponged me off where I'd spattered myself -- and that towel was really hot. Having that on my cock and belly made me start to tingle a little bit again. By then, the towel was more comfortable, and he cleaned me off all over. Then he untied me and I got dressed.

But I was really looking forward to after dinner.


We took the elevator down to the restaurant. The food was every bit as good as advertised, and the service impeccable. But then, it should be: I'd tipped the maitre d'hotel about the same as my bottle of 20-year-old Cotes-du-Rhone had cost.

We made a leisurely dinner, nearly two hours. At last, replete and not quite tipsy, we wandered back up to the room. Both of us were looking forward to the third round... although for different reasons.

I told Justin I wanted to strip him, and he replied, "Clothing damage is included in my price." Then he lay down on the bed again.

I tied his hands behind his back. I made a figure 8 around his legs, then hitched his hands to that. I tied his feet in a hobble, then to the foot of the bed. Another rope under his shoulder tied him to the headboard rail.


I was tied up good. Damien brought a penis gag out of my bag. "Same signals as before?" I asked.


I nodded, although I had no intention of obeying Justin's "stopword." He opened his mouth eagerly, and I put in the gag. It would give him something to suck on; I knew he'd enjoy that.

I unzipped his shirt and pulled it back to his wrists. He had a great chest: just enough muscles so he looked male, not so much he bulged. I flicked my Zippo and threatened his nipples with it. He struggled to get away, but the straps held him in place. I burned him a little, and he screamed inside his gag -- but his nipples erected and he was breathing hard. I closed the lighter, leaving him looking relieved and disappointed at the same time.

I got some rope out of the suitcase and tied a slipknot. I brought it over to the bed.

"Mmmm MMMMM."

I thought about just going ahead, but... what the hell. He hadn't used the stop signal, so I'd listen to what he wanted to say. I unstrapped the gag.

"Breath Control is double my normal fee."

"Yeah, Okay. So?"

"Get my mobile out of my bag. Speed dial #3, then enter star, 6, 0, pound. They'll charge your card and credit my account."

It was Matthew's money, and I didn't have any need for it anyway. I did as he asked, and a recorded voice said, "Charge accepted." I pushed End.

Then I went back, slipped the noose over Justin's head, and put the gag back in. I undid the straps holding him to the bed and his hands to his feet. I led him to the chair, and he came willingly. I didn't even have to pull on the rope.

I bit my lip to keep from laughing. I'd thought Matthew was gullible... Justin... well, he's a fennec. They're notorious for thinking with their gonads. Still, it's amazing how easy it was to get him to go along with his own death.

I climbed up on the chair and looped the rope over the fixture. I got back down. Justin put one foot onto it, and I gave him a boost to the rump to help him up. He stood there looking... proud, I guess. Excited, certainly. I stepped back up; there was just room for me to stand next to him. I took out the slack, then tied the rope to the fixture. I stepped down, tied another rope around one leg of Justin's chair, and led it over to the bathroom door.


I'm a little nervous about this. I've done breath control before, of course, but a full-on hanging is scary. But it's just not in my nature to resist -- unless the customer wants me to. I walk where he wants, and climb up on the chair like the good little sub that I am. And... I'm falling in love with this big jaguar. I want to serve him forever. And to do that, I need to trust him.

So here I was, trussed up like a tom turkey for the oven, standing on a chair with a noose around my neck. Ready to hang for his pleasure. He tied a rope to a leg of my chair...

Hey, wait! A rope? What's this? I expected him to be standing right next to me, caressing me while I hang. Or at least watching closely to make sure nothing goes wrong. If he's... I measured the rope with my eyes... ten feet away, then what's the point?

Damien pulled another chair over next to the bathroom door. He went into the bathroom and threw another rope over the door, with a noose in the end.

Oh, shit!

"Mmmm MMMM!" I hummed as loud as I could.

He hesitated. He went over to his suitcase and got something out. Was he going to ignore my signal and just hang me -- and himself?


The fennec hummed again. Now he wanted to talk. I considered just going ahead. I opened my suitcase and got out some tools. Then I thought... he didn't make any protest when I brought out the noose. Let's find out what he wants. Might even be amusing.

I went over and unstrap the gag again.

"You're going to kill me and yourself, aren't you?"

"Now you figure it out."

"It's a risk of my profession. I don't know what problems led you to this..."

"Go ahead and plead for your life. I could use a laugh."

"Nothing of the sort. Just wanted to say, snuff costs 200 times my base fee. The code is star, 1, 9, pound. I suspect you've got plenty of money to cover it, so be a mentsh and pay. And the fee includes cleanup so you don't freak out the maid when she comes to clean the room tomorrow."

Mench? I got out my mobile and looked it up online. Oh, Mentsh. A person with integrity and concern for others, a gentleman. I chuckled.

"I'm an embezzler and a murderer. I stole over two years salary from the bank I manage. And you want me to be 'a mentsh'?"

"Well... it's not as if it costs you anything. Just a phone call."

Well, I guess he's right. I grabbed his mobile and put in the code. There was a slight pause this time, then the synthetic voice said, "Charge accepted. Enter number of hours until cleanup is needed, followed by pound." I punched two, pound. "Two hours. To confirm, press seven, to change, press nine." I pressed seven. "Thank you." Click.

"Do I need to put the gag back in?"

Justin shook his head, once.

I got some tools from my suitcase and dismounted the full-length mirror from the wall. I leaned it up against the wall opposite the bathroom door, adjusting it so I'd be able to watch myself while I hanged -- and also be able to see Justin's face even if his struggles turned him away from me.

I opened the closet, and dragged Matthew's corpse out. I remembered how he struggled and finally came while I strangled him to death, and found myself painfully hard again. I positioned Matthew with his still-open mouth about a foot in front of my chair -- right where my deathcum would drip.

"Mmmm MMMMMM."

"Just go ahead. Consider yourself released from your virtual gag."

"Damien... Master... I love you. I've realized that over the last few minutes. I want to be your slave the rest of my life. I know it's usually the Master who asks, but... will you accept me as your slave? Let me serve you, pleasure you, do whatever you want, even die for you?"

I was touched. "Yes. You shall be my slave and I will be your Master, until death us do part."

I dug through the drawers and found a necktie. "This is my collar," I told Justin as I wrapped it twice around the base of his neck, "You shall wear it for the rest of your life." I pulled it snug, and tied it off.

"Yes, Master! And I shall be your slave, give you pleasure, love you, honor you, and most of all obey you, until death us do part."

I looked him up and down. He was really good looking. He'd been hard before, peeking out of his sheath, but now his cock stood straight out. He really was a sub.

"One last request, Master."

"Go ahead. I don't promise to grant it."

"Of course not. But..." he paused, seeming unsure what he really wanted to say. Then he went on. "Ever since I met you, I've been thinking about you cumming in my mouth, me swallowing your cum. But now... you're going to give your cum to him -- and he can't even enjoy it."

The fennec paused, then went on: "If that's what you really want, I'll obey. But I could give you a lot of pleasure..."

My first thought was to just go ahead with my plan. I'd put a lot of work into it. But... the reason for hanging my "escort" was to entertain me, distract me from the pain of hanging. If I let him suck me, that would be even better. Much more pleasure.

I walked over and undid the strap holding Justin's hands together. "Okay, get down and get ready to pleasure me while I hang. After that... it's up to you."

"Just give me a minute, please, Master. I think I can give you a better show if you'll let me."



I reached up and untied the rope from the fixture, then retied it with a couple of feet of slack. A big enough drop to do the job, but not enough to kill me instantly. Then I got down, moved the corpse away, and stood in front of the other chair.

Damien came back and climbed up on it. He put the noose around his neck, and clicked cuffs onto his hands.

I wrapped one hand around the base of his cock and started licking it. It didn't take long for him to get hard. I transferred my attentions to the sides of his shaft, running my lips up and down one side, then the other. All the time I watched his face to make sure I was pleasing him.

Finally, I knew he was ready. I gave the bottom of his shaft a long, slow lick from base to head, then wrapped my lips around him and started to suck him. He was the perfect cock to suck. His cock filled up my mouth and I could feel every ridge on it with my tongue. Soon I tasted his pre-cum, and I sped up a little. I wanted to make this as good for him as I possibly could. And I'm an expert. I've been a submissive for good pay several times a week since I was twenty. And on days I don't get a call, I often find somebody and do it for free, because that's what I am: a sub. And better than expert. An expert is merely skilled. I enjoy this. I like getting fucked, and I nearly always cum when my master does. But this is what I really like. I was born to suck cock.

I have skill, enthusiasm, enjoyment. This is the best. I don't have to think about it. My lips and tongue know what to do... and my cock. I get pleasure tingles whenever I'm doing it right. By the time he cums, I'll be so hard... And when I taste his cum... I don't squirt, but I have an orgasm, inside, in my head and in my balls.

So, while I'm pleasuring Master Damien with my mouth, I'm thinking. Physically, I'm free. I could finish this blowjob, get dressed and leave. I could even leave now, except I wouldn't miss out on this for anything.

But I realize that after I swallow Master Damien's cum, I'm going to climb back up on my chair, put the noose around my neck, and hang myself.

Why? Well...

First of all, there's the Agency. They've been paid for snuff, and they'll pay my brothers my share, and they expect me to go through with it, not wimp out. I could run off , take the money and "retire" -- choose who I'll submit to instead of having to take money for it. But I won't.

Second, there's my own ethics. I took Master Damien's money, he paid the fee for watching me hang. So I'm going to do it, hang for his pleasure.

But third, and most important, love. I love this jaguar. I meant what I said. I don't think he would have let me down if I hadn't. I want to love him, serve him, pleasure him, and obey him for the rest of my life. And if that's only a few minutes... I'll still love him, serve him, pleasure him, obey him. Whatever he needs.


I've gotten a lot of blowjobs in my life, from both males and females. But this may be the best ever. Part of that is the feel of the noose around my neck, knowing that soon I will step off and never breathe again. I saw how hard Matthew came when I strangled him, and I expect the same for myself. And part of it is...Justin. Justin... cares about nothing in the world except giving me the best send-off possible.

The pleasure is becoming almost unbearable. Time to go...

"On three... one... two...


I paused for a moment.


Master stepped off his chair. I saw the rope bite into his neck, and his face contort in pain. I immediately started working on his cock again. Sucking, licking, giving him as much pleasure as I can. In a few seconds I could see the results: his face relaxed into a smile of pleasure, even while his hands twisted in the cuffs and his legs stretched out, searching for some support... support he would never have again.

My cock was telling me I was getting it right, too. Getting harder. I stretched out the pleasure as much as I could, but soon Master's face had that "I need to cum" look, and I sped up, sliding up and down as fast as I could, my hand moving in sync with my mouth.

I'd been using my other hand to play with Master's nipples, tweaking them, rubbing them, flicking them with a wet finger -- almost as good as a tongue. Now I wet my fingers again and moved them to under his tail, teasing the sensitive skin around his tailhole. He was almost there, I could tell by the way his body tensed up -- and my cock, painfully hard. I popped a finger into his hole and caressed his prostate, once, twice...

And Master came. Big, huge gobs of cum spurting into my mouth. I swallowed most of it, then backed off for a moment to spread some on my lips. He should see his cum on me.


It's unendurable. My mind is completely whited out with pleasure. I'm cumming, but not just in my cock. Spasms of pleasure from deep in my balls, up through my cock, and spreading through my body.

Coming down from orgasm... the noose is still tight around my neck, it should feel like pain, but it's just more pleasure. I need to breathe so bad, used up a lot of energy cumming like that... and that too feels the way it should, so sexy.

I become aware of Justin's mouth on my cock, moving slower now, drinking me dry. But the pleasure is all over my body, all of my skin tingling with it. Everything feels... just... so good.


I suck Master dry, and keep sucking slowly for a few seconds more, extracting the maximum pleasure for both of us. As usual, I came when he did, a dry orgasm, no semen. I swallow... Master's cum. My Master's cum. I've always loved sucking cock, but never knew it could be this good.

There's a song running through my head. From "Once More With Feeling":

I'm under your spell Nothing I can do You just took my soul with you You worked your charm so well Finally, I knew Everything I dreamed was true You made me believe The moon to the tide I can feel you inside I'm under your spell Surging like the sea Wanting you so helplessly


It's time for me to do my show for Master. I climb quickly back on my chair, put the noose around my neck -- the noose that Master made for me. I put the leather cuffs back on. This is it! I lick just a little of Master's cum off my lips, so I can taste it again... exhale all the way, giving up all the air in my lungs, then jump off the chair.

There is a moment of falling, like when an elevator starts going down, then, wham! the noose jerks me to a stop, crushing my neck. Yes, that did it! My windpipe is ruined. I'll never breathe again, even if I could get out of the noose somehow.

It hurts. The pain... indescribable pleasure. I was already hard, I didn't think it was possible to get any harder. I was wrong.

I start to spin. I want to see Master, and let him watch my face while I hang, while I die. I reach back and use the chair to stop the spin. Then I kick it away, out of reach, forever.

The pain... the stifling feeling of no air... and knowing it's forever... the taste of Master's cum in my mouth.... dying for Master...

I can see Master, at an angle. Everything's at an angle... oh, it's because the noose has my head tilted at an angle. Bet I look really sexy this way.

I start kicking furiously, straining at the cuffs with all my strength . Not because I need air that badly yet, but because Master has a head start on me, nearly a minute. And I need to die first, so he can see my death.


My feet are still kicking as I hang, but it's like they're somebody else's feet. Their struggle isn't mine any more. All I want is to go on feeling this pleasure forever...

I look around for Justin. Oh, he didn't leave. He went back and hanged himself. For me. That's so sweet! Look at him kick!

Most of the time I get soft pretty soon after I cum. But looking at Justin, I'm staying hard. Remembering his mouth around me... and seeing him dance for me. I'm dimly aware that I'm kicking too, my body protesting the lack of air and the crushing pressure around my neck.

But all I can think about is how good this feels, and how sexy Justin looks dangling there with his head like that.

So hot... pleasure still pulsing from my cock, spreading through my body, my skin tingling all over with it...

The room is starting to go gray at the edges of my vision. Not long now... Justin... just convulsed, one knee all the way to his chest then down again, then the other... now he's not moving at all... Guess he's going... or gone... I will be soon...

But we'll be together in hell or wherever...

What...? I'm cumming again... but everything's fading...

Two bodies dangled from ropes, swaying slowly back and forth, quite dead. Both displayed prominent erections and had obscenely satiated smiles on their faces.

The End

If you found the above ending unsatisfactory, please read the epilogue.