My dream date pt.2

Story by Luca_The_Dragon_Lucario on SoFurry

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Continued from part one

As we drive into the car park, I giggle a little, and then we walk inside. The outside was nothing compared from the inside. The whole mansion was bigger on the inside than it looked out. "Luca, come over here, I want to show you something" calls Raalijalan as he waves in my way. As I run over to where Raali was, I turn the corner only to be grabbed from the back, pulled backwards into someone's chest, and put to a temporary sleep, and the last thing I saw before I blacked out, was Raalijalan, staring out me, grinning at me.

I awoke to the sound of a door closing, I look around before I look at myself "What the?" I say as my arms and legs have been chained to the handles of a bed. I hear a chuckle from a corridor, then I see Raali walking towards me with something in his hand, was that a... no, not a collar! "Oh, finally awake are we? I wanted to add this final addition to you before you awoke but, I guess I took to long" and he grins evilly towards me. "WH-what have you don't to me?! Release me!" and I struggle through my bonds only to hear him laugh.

"Oh, don't you like this game that we're playing?" I struggle more and say "What kind of game is this you've got me chained to a bed!" I ask and struggle even more, I know it won't get me anywhere, but I do it anyway. "Ha-ha. I've got a great idea on what we can do, little Lucario, and you will like this game, I am sure of it!" he says as he goes to put the collar around my neck. I let him, because I knew that after this, he'd just be playing around.

"Good boy, now, get up on your paws and knees" He says as he un-buckles my chains, I let out a sigh of relief and say "R-Raali wha" And he interrupts me there with a light slap across the muzzle and he stares into my eyes with his teeth bared, a low rumble coming from his throat as I gulp and press my ears flat against my head.

"You will from now on, call me master, if you do not obey by this rule, that light tap, will get harder, you will do anything and everything I say, understand?" "Yes m-master..." and it was to this point that I knew, that Raalijalan, was not playing around. As I got onto my paws and knees, he smacked me across the ass and I yelped a bit, falling on my belly, and then quickly getting back up on my paws and knees. "Is this your first time, Luca?" he asks while rubbing m butt. "Wh-what d-do you m-mean m-master...?" I ask innocently, to which he smacks me across the ass, harder.

"You know exactly what I mean bitch! Now answer my question or these will just get harder!" and I whine slightly as I say "Y-yes master..." He grins and says "Aw, now was that so hard to say?" and I shake my head, not saying anything. I could hear him behind me, getting something, then I feel something clamp onto my ankles, next thin I know I have a ball gag in my mouth, and a vibrating dildo in my ass. The tingle the vibrator gave me was both hurting and pleasurable, he put it onto the highest level possible, which made my insides feel like jelly when he pulled it out five or so minutes later, and all he could do was stand there, and laugh at me.

Then I hear him go behind me again, but this time I felt something hot press against my ass, and it was slightly wet, I dared look behind myself only to see his giant cock pressing against my ass, it dribbling pre as he hotdogs his cock between my ass cheeks. It had to be at least 14 inches long, by 2 or 3 inches across! "M-Master... p-please, no!" I shake my head in protest and struggle to get away, but he smacks me raw across the ass, which both freezes me still and shuts me up, all I can hear is his breathing, and the squelching sound his cock makes against my ass with every thrust of his across it. "Bitch, you're gonna take this cock whether you like it or not, and I suggest you stop struggling, its only going to make it the more harder, for you" he winks at me, then I feel his tip press against my ass.

My eyes go wide with fear and I swallow to try and soothe my dry throat, it fails. "B-But master... I d-don't think it w-will fit!" "I whimper and shut my eyes, waiting to see what will happen. "If it doesn't fit, bitch, then we'll make it fit!" he says as his cock presses harder against my asshole. I could feel the tip slowly pressing itself in, I yelp loudly into the gag as he thrusts in with all his might. "Fuck me bitch, in one thrust you too the whole lot of it" he grins "Are you sure you're a virgin?" he chuckles as he brings his cock to the tip then thrusts back in and continues to do so.

I nod and say "I-im AH!!... a-a v-virgin... m-masterAH!" I keep yipping for every one of his thrusts before I only take about half of his length, as he goes to keep a slow but steady pace, thrusting into my ass. "Damn bitch, you're an original!" he smiles, only to which I groan and lay flat on my chest whilst he brings my body back and forth to his cock. "I-I will d-do as you wish... master..." I say under breaths, I groan when he stops, then he pounds back in and start doing so again, but this time, faster and much harder.

"F-Fuck you're so tight though! You're making me s-so close!" he says as he continues to pound into my ass, me taking it like both a man and the bitch I now was, blushing heaps as my cock dribbles pre, my whole body shivering and quaking as I am pleasured. "M-master... oohh... mff... i-i... n-need... t-to... c-cum...!" I say, then my whole body tenses up, I bear my fangs and grunt as I cum my load over the bench I am now on, then I cum more and more and don't stop as he pounds away at my prostate. "Yeah, you like that don't you, ya' little slut!" and I can only nod as I yell and scream in pleasure through the ball gag in my mouth.

I could feel his thrusts begin to go harder and harder, until he could take it no longer, I could feel his cock throbbing inside me, then, with one last thrust, he let loose his load inside me. The warm sticky fluids gushing out of his cock and not seeming to stop. I groan as my belly visibly expands, I whimper a little and my ears press flat against my head as I feel his breath against my neck, then I hear him whisper something I never would have guessed possible.

"Good luck, cuz your're gonna need it, bearing all of those dragon pups of mine. See, my seed is made of already fertilized eggs, so I don't even need a female to get pregnant, all I need, is a host to impregnate, and look what I've found!" and I hear him chuckle into my ear. 'Me, going to be pregnant? No it can't be!' I think to myself and then feel his cock slide out of my ass, left over cum gushing from my gaping anal hole.

"You've done a good job Luca, you've been a very good boy, which is why im going to ask you, right here, right now... Will you be my mate for forever and eternity?" and as he said that, I felt my heart in my throat, I didn't know what to say, though he had every right to ask me that, he had just practically raped me! But... after all, I was going to be... pregnant... and with his pups!

I can only answer with two words I knew he'd be happy with. "Yes Master" is all I said, then he kissed me, released all of my bondage, and said "Sorry about what I did to you before... Heh" He rubs the back of his neck "Your friends told me you had this fantasy of being fucked while on bondage so... I got the idea..." and he smiles, and I can only smile back lovingly as I kiss him.

"Do you know how long it has been, in my dreams, to be with you Raalijalan?" I ask him with an innocent face. "No, I don't to be honest" and he blushes the slightest red. "2 years" I told him, and that was exactly how long it was, on that day, it was two years since I developed a crush on him. "Hah" he says, slightly amused. "That's quite a while you know?" and we both laugh as I kiss him again, then he holds me in his arms as we stand there, cuddling each other.


... Or is it? What do you say, should I continue on and make Luca stand through his pregnancy, or should I just leave it here..? Leave a comment below with your preferred answer. And of course, in that comment, what you thought of it, and rate it x3