The Adventures of Devlin Mythryll Episode Four: An Afternoon of Bliss

Story by Demonfox666 on SoFurry

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#4 of The Adventures of Devlin Mythryll

It was two-thirty in the afternoon at Silver's house. Devlin was on the floor, rolling around with laughter. Silver was lying down on the couch with six beer bottles next to him. They were both drunk. They were both very drunk.

"...and then she said, 'How do I know you are not going to drive me over to your house then rape me?' I replied, 'Miss, I am gay. I am more likely to say that your shoes do not match your dress than I am to rape you.'"

"Did she actually say that," Devlin asked Silver.

"Yes she did." Silver replied, finishing off the bottle that was in his hand. "That is the last time that I ever pick up a hitch hiker."

"You are not supposed to pick them up in the first place. They could be murderers or rapists or hookers looking for an easy score."

"I would love to pick up a hooker. She could score on me anytime."

"I thought you said that you were gay? And since when were you gay? You never told me that you are gay. Why didn't you tell me that you were gay?"

Silver started laughing loudly.

"Hush Dev. I thought I told you I was gay in high school. No, I take that back. I was going to tell you in high school but I was too much of a coward to admit it. As for when I was gay, I don't know."

"You mean you just woke up one day and decided to be gay," Devlin asked jokingly. "I thought being gay doesn't work that way. I thought you were either born being gay or...wait. Wait. You had a girl on your mi-"

"Becky?" Silver asked when he calmed down. "You thought I was going out with Becky? What made you think that I was going out with Becky?"

"You were all over her in school."

"No. She was all over me. She was crazy for me. Hell, she was crazy period. I swear to god that she was. I mean, you should have been there when..."

"When what? What did she do?"

Silver closed his eyes and tried to remember what he was going to say. Unfortunately, the alcohol in his system would not let him. So in the end he came up with nothing.

"I do not remember," Silver replied.

"You do not remember?"

"Nope. Maybe because I am drunk as hell. Yeah. That is why. I am drunk as hell."

Devlin picked up and threw a sock that was lying around at Silver.

"You are lying," Devlin said. "I know you are. You just don't want to tell me."

Silver shook his head then burped.

"I am serious," he said, throwing the sock back at Devlin.

"You suck, Silver"

"So do you, Devlin. So do you."

Back at Devlin's house, Eros was on the bed, staring at the ceiling. She had been told by her master to keep her clothes on, behave herself and to not answer the door at all. She would obey him but it was not fun at all.

"Master seems hesitant to use me to my full capabilities," she said. "I wonder why that is so. Maybe there is something that I am not doing. What could it be though? Do I offend?"

Eros was starting to become worried. What if her master was displeased with her and wanted to bring her back to the slavers? What if Silver was one of the slavers in disguise?

"No. He would not do that. Maybe I am over thinking this. I need something to drink."

Eros gets up and goes into the kitchen. She opens up the fridge and looks inside. The milk carton was the first thing that caught her eye. She reached over to grab the milk but then her eyes then focused on a can of beer in the back of the fridge.

"Slaver juice," she said.

She called it slaver juice because it was only the slavers that drank it. Slaves were not allowed to drink it and if any slave was cause drinking it, the penalty was a severe beating or death. Now there it was, right in front of her. She could easily take it and drink it. No one would know.

" I will not do it. Master told me to behave and I am going to behave. Good slaves behave by doing what they are told and not falling into temptation. I am a good slave and therefore, I will avoid temptation."

She took the milk then closed the door.

Both Devlin and Silver were on the floor, staring at the ceiling. Silver had taken his shirt off for no real reason and Devlin almost looked like he was close to being stoned. Along with that, Devlin had a chip bag on his muzzle.

"Devlin," Silver said. "Do you think of my any differently now that you know I am gay?"

Devlin shook his head and took the bag off his muzzle.

"No way," Devlin replied. "You are still my friend. Besides, we all are gay to an extent."

"How do you figure?"

"Look at porn. In most of the porn, there is a guy and a girl doing it. It is standard. I mean unless you have gay or lesbian porn. That is a different story. The point is that, with regular porn, there is a guy and a girl."

"So," Silver asked. "What does that have to do with all the salt in China?"

"I think you mean, 'what does that have to do with the price of salt.'"

"Actually, I think it was the price of gold. Anyway, what does that have to do with people being gay?"

"Well, why does the male have to be there? You can get the same effect with a female, a dildo and some imagination. Think about it Silver.

Silver thought about it for a moment. His eyes soon opened wide.

"Dude! That is so...amazing! You are a genius. You are a total genius."

Devlin blushes brightly then licks his lips.

"Thank you. Now could you pass me the chips?"

"Dude, you ate the chips. You ate all of the chips. I don't think there are any chips in the house anymore."

There was an odd silence. The silence was broken by an odd question.

"Devlin, if I told you that I was in love with you, would you believe me?"

Devlin looked at Silver oddly.

"That depends on your state of mind," Devlin answered. "I don't believe you now because you are drunk."

"Dev, when you are drunk you tell the truth. This is the truth. I...fell in love with you in high school and I still love you now."

Devlin went silent, not knowing what to say. Truth be told, he did find Silver attractive but Silver was like a brother to Devlin. He could not see Silver as a lover.

"Silver, I am honored that you find me attractive and all but, I...I don't know."

Silver looked down.

"I understand. But, could you at least be the first one in me?"


"I want you to be my first. If you can't be my only one, can you at least be my first?"

Devlin thought about it for a moment. This didn't sound like a joke to Devlin. Silver was being serious. He could say no but that would be like letting Silver down. He couldn't do that. He had already let Silver down so many times before.

"Ok Silver. I will be your first."

Silver smiled then stood up. He took off his shirt then undid his pants. With his pants undone, he slowly pulled down his pants as if it was showing off all his goods. Silver did not wear any underwear so the first thing Devlin saw was Silver's limp member.

Devlin looked completely shocked. Not because Silver did not wear underwear but because he was actually going to do Silver. This was wrong. This was very, very wrong. Yet at the same time, it seemed so right.

"Just think about it this way," Devlin said quietly to himself. "Think of it as a pity fuck."

Silver tilted his head. "Did you say something Devlin?"

Devlin shook his head then stood up, taking off his pants.

"Nope. I was just talking to myself," Devlin replied.

Silver nodded then got down on his knees with his rear facing Devlin. He bent over so that Devlin could see his tail hole.

"I'm ready when you are," Silver said.

Devlin closes his eyes and takes off his boxers. Was he really going to do this? Was he really ready for the consequences that would go with this action?

"Alright, here goes nothing," Devlin said.

Devlin got down on his knees and pressed his member up against Silver's tail hole. He seemed very hesitant to push his member in. With a small sigh, he put his paws on Silver's sides then pushed his member slowly into him.

Silver gave a soft moan as Devlin penetrated him. The tightness of Silver's hole allowed him to feel each and every inch of the cock. It brought him so much bliss.

"Yes Devlin. Go on and take me as you wish," Silver said with a moan.

Devlin pushed his member as deep as he could before pulling it out half way and slamming it in again. He gave a soft moan and closed his eyes. He was actually starting to like it.

Silver cringed a little as he felt Devlin's cock pull out half way. He was then surprised when he felt the cock slam back into him. It felt good yet at the same time it hurt. He didn't say anything about it though.

Devlin continued pulling out half way then slamming back into Silver. The more he did it, the more he liked it. In fact, he started to wonder why he did not ask Silver to do it with him. I mean, who better to lose your virginity to than your best friend.

"You doing alright there Silver," Devlin asked.

Silver nodded and gave a moan.

"This is probably the best feeling that I have ever felt in a long time," Silver said with a moan.

"I guess now I am bi." Devlin commented, thrusting a little harder. "I wonder what my mom would say if she knew."

"I bet she would be surprised and slightly disturbed." Silver answered, cringing a little and giving a loud groan. "I know my mom is going to freak out when she finds out I am gay."

Devlin started to pant a little but continue thrusting. After a few minutes, he could no longer hold in his seed and released it into Silver's rear. He pulled out of Silver and sat down. He then watched as some of his cum started to drip out of Silver's rear.

Silver gave a loud moan of pleasure as he felt Devlin's warm cum flow into his tail hole. He completely relaxed his body and collapsed onto the floor.

"Thank you, Devlin." Silver said, panting a little. "You made me very happy."

"Anytime my friend," Devlin replied. "Anytime."