Part 16 The Day Before The Battle

Story by Dragoune on SoFurry

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#16 of The Land of Marnex

Well we are close to the final chapter of this series. But do not fret because there is another one coming right after it I just need to fix a couple of bugs. If you 18 or older enjoy if not you have been warned

Part 16 The Day Before The Battle

Saneira was walking with a freshly cut wild deer. She was caring it to the inn that she and Dragoune where staying in. The reason why she was alone is because that Dragoune got in trouble. About four weeks ago Dragoune, Saneira, and Volaxone decided to go to the pub for a change. Every thing was delicious and nothing went wrong. No one even looked at Dragoune in resentment, until they started leaving. A drunken dragon grabbed Dragoune's tail to make him stop.

"All hail the mighty prince!!" the dragon said in a loud and mocking voice. Dragoune ignored him and turned to leave, but he was grabbed a second time.

"Where are you going? Are you just going to leave your loyal subjects?" the dragon said. Dragoune again ignored him and was about to turn to leave when again he was grabbed a third time getting really angry but controlling it he said calmly.

"Will let me please go so that I can go and get some rest."

"Sure you can go," he grabbed Saneira and pulled her close "but-" He never finished the sentence because Dragoune ran up grabbed him by the throat and threw across the room. He went up to the dragon and put his face right up to the dragon's, so that the only thing the dragon could see was his red eyes.

"If ever touch my mate ever again," he snarled and then he said in a deadly whisper near the dragon's ear "then I will tear you apart." The dragon was in shock and only could stare at Dragoune. The place was in silence watching Dragoune go to where Volaxone and Saneira were standing. If Dragoune got close to anyone they would move a few feet back away from him.

"Let's go." Dragoune said to Volaxone and Saneira, he started to leave and they followed and everybody watched them go through the door. The next day there was a meeting concerning that incident; Rovino was naturally the judge because the dragon who was flung was in with the Vordran. A couple of witnesses were there as well.

"Now did you know that Dragoune has a rage that he has a hard time controlling?" Rovino asked the dragon.

"No." the dragon said

"THAT IS A LIE HE WAS DRUNK AT THE TIME!!!!" Dragoune yelled standing up.

"But you were enraged and I do believe that when is someone is angry the have a hard time seeing. Now sit down or I will you removed from this room. Now Saneira didn't you tell me that you can control Dragoune when he is like this?" Rovino said

"Yes, but it happened so quickly, and the reason why Dragoune got enraged was because he grabbed me." Saneira said pointing at the dragon.

"I didn't-," but he was cut off by Rovino saying.

"Yes you did in fact all of the witnesses say that you actually kept pushing Dragoune to the breaking point, so you are guilty as much as he is. With that in mind you are to be sent to watch duty for about two weeks. Dragoune since you did do the worse part, you are not go out of the inn you are staying at for a month." Rovino said with a final note in his voice.

So now here they were at the final day, Saneira and Dragoune finished there meal and was just nuzzling each other. Rovino Magnerous Volaxone and Braxcon all came into the room and it was a bit of a tight fit.

"As you know it has been more than a month since we were attacked by Baxon and him being killed, the king has done nothing since then and we think it will be better if we attacked before him." Rovino said

"What is that you are planning to do?" Dragoune said

"Well we think that the place will be heavily guarded both inside and out. We were planning to silently attack a section so that you, Magnerous, and a few gryphons could fly into the castle, before they raised the alarm." Rovino said

"Saneira is coming with us too, I will carry her." Dragoune said, Magnerous shook his head but said nothing.

"What about the rest of you?" Saneira said

"Well Braxcon and his bats will be the silent attackers with a few of the Vordran, but once the battle really starts we probably will need all the help we could get." Rovino said

"When we will start?" Dragoune asked

"The next day, so Dragoune once the day is ended your punishment will be lifted. I will see you all tomorrow." Rovino said and then he and Magnerous left.

"It has a great pleasure fighting with Dragoune, I hope we get to see each other after this is all over." Braxcon said.

"The pleasure has been mine." Dragoune said and Braxcon said

"I will see you tomorrow too Dragoune." Volaxone said

"Volaxone was you who planned this?" asked Dragoune

"Yes." said Volaxone

"I thought as much, well Volaxone after all this is all over and if you do not have a place to stay you can stay with us if you want." Dragoune said. Volaxone did not say anything but smiled and he left.

"Alone again." Saneira said with a smile kissing Dragoune.

"Yes but I would like go out and fly with you." Dragoune said kissing back and entwining his tail with hers.

"Me too." Saneria said rubbing his wings and tickling the same time. Dragoune laughed and retaliated by tickling her and most of that afternoon they had a tickle fight.

Once the sun was down Dragoune took Saneira and flew to open sky. Saneira wanted this time to facing Dragoune instead of the usual her back to his chest. Confused Dragoune did at what he was told. It was not long that Dragoune could smell Saneria's pheromones and then he suddenly felt her tail on his sheath gently rubbing it.

"Saneira what are you doing?" Dragoune asked by this time his shaft was out and Saneira wrapped her tail around it and started pumping.

"What does feel like I am doing." She said with a seductive voice. Dragounes rod was hard by now and she put near her clit. Dragoune could not take it anymore so he moved Saneira a little bit so he could start thrusting and at this whole time he was gliding on warm wind. Once he was comfortable he started thrusting using his wings to get some leverage. He lost a couple of feet when he started but regained his height. Saneira was already in bliss because of the excitement of being in the air again and the pleasure she was getting from Dragoune's dragonhood. She climaxed twice earlier than normal and Dragoune was still thrusting faster and faster. He felt Saneira's climaxes and thought that they should do this more often. The excitement was too much for Dragoune also and he also was getting close to his climax as well. He did a loop de loop sending Saneria in a third climax and when he thrusted hard into her clamping sex he climaxed as well. He was still climaxing at the end of the loop and thrusting gently, he searched for a clearing. He spotted one with a pool in it and he went towards only gliding because all his energy was almost out. When they were near the pool he saw that it was steaming. When he landed he set Saneira down who was asleep and hopped into the pool to wash himself. When he was done he leaned back and closed his eyes. He opened them back up when he heard a small splash and saw that Saneira with loving smile of hers.

"That was a very good idea you had, I want to do that more often." Dragoune said rubbing his muzzle against hers.

"I am glad you liked it." Saneira said licking him on the cheek. Dragoune had an idea and started to wash Saneira.

"Now what are you doing?" Saneira asked with a smile.

"You did something for me so now I am doing something for you." Dragoune said starting at her back and tail careful not to touch her clit so as not to her or him aroused too much because he needed his energy to get back but he was failing because he could again smell her heat and his sheath was bulging. When he was done with her back he started with her front, she leaned up against him, her head on his shoulder moaning occasionally when he touched a sensitive spot. When he was done he asked.

"Shall we go?" She nodded her head and so they went out of the pool, Dragoune picked her up and kissed her on the lips before taking off and heading into the night.


Will their plan work or all their doing is falling into a trap we shall see in the next chapter.

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