Rebirth Pt2 ch7

Story by Tootall on SoFurry

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#7 of Rebirth Pt2

I can't believe how long it took me to get this finished. My mundane life has been so hecktick and the lack of sleep had an effect on my writing as well. Anyways thanks readers for being so patient with me while I've been dealing with my problems and here's your reward, the completion of Rebirth.



Pt. 2 Ch. 7

Ever so slowly I opened my eyes and looked down at that still sleeping form of Lady Cresselia. As I stared down at her I really thought about it and decided to let things be. 'I mean, if there's anyone who can get themselves out of a sleep induced attack or whatever, it certainly is one such as her.' To which I nodded and smiled down at her. Lightly reaching down I lightly stroked her cheek and looked fondly at her. "Enjoy your time together."

It was at that moment that I felt a furry form press against my side. Turning to look over at my side I saw that it was Trisha who had done so, and to that I berated myself I thinking that it could've been someone else. ' did things go with you two?' She asked in a knowing like tone, to which I honestly debated with myself in berating her back.

'Maybe I should lead her on a bit and tell her that what happened between Lady Cresselia and me in her dream.' But as I though on that fact, I simply just shook my head and smiled down at her. "It turns out that she actually loves someone else." This got a confused look on her face and to which I couldn't help but chuckle at. "I may have been nothing more than a quick fling, as she can only see the one she loves in her dreams." This only seemed to confuse Trisha all the more but I decided that if she'd want to know more about the whole thing then she'd have to ask Lady Cresselia about who her dream love was/is.

With that I walked over and stood over the slumbering form of Lady Suicune and was shortly joined by Trisha who sat down upon her haunches next to me. 'Well...if you didn't have a romantic encounter with Cresselia, then you are sure to have one with Suicune.' I could hear her slightly snicker at her own cleverness at such a teasing remark, which got me to slightly blush at its implications. 'I mean, just look at how happy she is right now. There is no doubt in my mind that she's dreaming about something or (Nudge nudge), someone tall, green, and perceives himself as a knight.'

I turned, glared down at her, and was about to reprimand her about the sly remark about me proclaiming myself a knight, but seeing her snicker in mirth as she raised up her paw and covered over her mouth, I couldn't bring myself to rebuke or give her a stern word or two. I just sighed, ruffled the fur on the top of her head, and knelt down beside the sleeping/slumbering form of my Lady. It was true that I did feel as her protector/knight, but seeing her peaceful/slumbering form I couldn't help but swoon slightly as the feeling my love for her grow. Lightly reaching down I lightly brushed a single/stray hair of her flowing mane that'd fallen across her face back into the braid and smiled even more fondly down upon her. 'It may be true that I do harbor the feelings of love towards my Lady, but who's place is it for a knight to admit those feelings to the one he is sworn to protect?' I thought to myself as I lowered my head, as if in prayer, and sighed in defeat.

It was almost like one of those tragic love stories you read about, where a guy loves a woman and wants to admit he loves her, but due to her higher status and all, he will never be able to have his feelings reciprocated, whether it be due to her station or those around her that believe that you are not worthy of one such as her. Be as it may though, there have been tales of 'true love' that wins through the tests and trials. As I looked down at my lady I couldn't help but hope that one of those stories might be told of us one day. With that I reached out to her and lightly touched her forehead with two of my fingers and allowed my mind to slowly slip into hers.

Upon opening my eyes once more to that of a new dream I slowly lifted my head and took in my surroundings. In much the same regard to that of Trisha's dream, Lady Suicune's dream started out with me at the fringe of a vast wooded area, the sun beginning to make its downward journey to the days end, and the smell of fresh/clean air permeating the place with a slight tinged/smell of wild flowers. I couldn't help but smile at how mystical it all felt, taking in that of the dream of my Lady, but as I began to focus in on my surroundings I couldn't help but feel that there was something different about this forest.

It was upon that of a lucky glint that that caught a stray beam of sunlight that I noticed what was so different about this forest. Taking a few steps so that I was standing just underneath the first set of trees that made up the forest did I reach up and gently pull a branch down so that I could see what was glinting off/from the stray beam of sunlight. To my astonishment I found that within the leaves of the tree/s was what appeared to be some kind of golden dust embedded within the leaf itself. At first I didn't understand how this might even be possible (As surely a leaf filled with gold dust would surely weigh down the tree branch/s), but when I took a closer look at the dust I realized that it was some kind of clear/golden dust and realized that instead of it being true gold it was actually that of a dust and from the energy radiating off the dust I knew it to be from a Dawn Stone. With that I couldn't help but smile and knew that I was indeed in my Ladies dream.

As I stood there admiring the leaf a little more, I was brought out of my admiration at the sound/melody of something coming from within the wooded area. At first I couldn't hear clearly what it was and in my curiosity I decided to investigate and hopefully come across my Lady. With a nod in confirmation of the good idea I entered into the woods and began to follow after or head towards where I hoped the source of the strange melody was coming from. It didn't take me all that long to follow the melody through the trees/forest and as I grew closer to its source I realized that it was actually someone singing. It was almost as if it were like the voice/s from one of those old pirates tales of when they'd hear melodic tones/voices coming from somewhere out at sea. Following after the Sirens voice, I was eventually led to that of some kind of clearing in the woods and gaped at what I perceived as I looked around one of the trees at the area before me.

Within that of the clearing was that of a wondrous sight. A large yet shallow crystal clear pool of water was set within the clearing. The small pond nearly took up the whole clearing itself, as the water lapped gently at the fringe/edge of the trees. I was even more amazed when I saw that the pond was fed by that of a gently cascading/flowing waterfall that fell upon a set of rocks that made the water splashing upon their surface sound like that of the pitter patter of rain upon a tin roof. It was all very surreal to gaze upon in that of the dyeing light of the day and even more so as the sun shinned through the sparkling water/prisms to make a few small rainbows appear through the spray of the waterfall on the rocks.

Standing there transfixed by the amazing/heavenly sight I was brought aware of something unusual about the waterfall. At first I couldn't place it, but as I focused in on the sight I found that there appeared to be a dark patch of something beyond the falling water. My mind thought on the strange sight for a moment or two until it settled on a smile as I realized that there was probably that of a cave beyond the cascading water. With a bit of a mischievous thought or maybe one of curiosity I was thinking of going and exploring said cave, but froze in mid step around the tree as I saw the shadow move slightly within the waterfall/cave-entrance. Not being able to understand how a cave entrance could change its form like that I slowly placed my foot down and stared to focus a little harder at the water.

It was a few moments later that I found/saw the darkness shift once more and a shiver ran up my spine. 'Could this be Darkrai again, come to infiltrate my Ladies dream?' As my mind thought over that I slowly began to pour energy into my right elbow blade and readied it for an attack, but as I gazed upon the dark figure I began to realize that the form didn't have the same outline as that of the bringer of nightmares, as well as the fact that he was probably still enjoying his time with that of Lady Cresselia. So not understanding who the form that was hiding beyond the waterfall belonged to I slowly eased the energy away from my blade and focused in a little harder on that of the shadow. It was only a moment later that the form seemed to have completed whatever it was doing beyond the waterfall and slowly stepped half way through the fall to allow the waterfall to cascade over its body.

The form that I gazed upon could be nothing short of that of a form of a goddess. The form of the lady stood upright and resembled very closely to that of a Suicune's, but with hints to that of being mixed with a human as well. As she walked out from behind the waterfall to sit gracefully upon the rocks before it, I was able to take in her form. Just like that of a human she was able to stand upon two legs, her forepaws had changed into that of arms; her body was like that of a swimsuit models, and her unbound/free hair reached nearly down to or maybe just beyond her waist. It was there that the human features ended and the ones of my Lady came forward. She still had that of her light blue fur with white diamonds spread across her form, the twin tails that seemed to flow of their own accord from her lower back, the color of her long hair was the lustrous purple, her large blue diamond shaped crown was still sparkling lightly, but the only thing that was lightly different from her original form to this was that her muzzle was significantly shorter but still present. All in all, if this was the new form of Lady Suicune; she looked heavenly in her new form.

As I took in her form, time and time again, I felt some kind of subliminal pull that made want to go out there and announce myself, but before I even took a step Lady Suicune quickly turned to the side and seemed to address something that was hiding off in the trees not far from where I hid/stood. When I turned to see what she was looking at I saw that there was indeed something there and it appeared to be something familiar. "It is of no use in hiding there. You might as well come out." Lady Suicune said in a bit of an amused tone. A second later the familiar form stepped from beyond the tree line and stood there in the fading light. It was a Gallade, but something seemed a little off about this Gallade.

"There you are my knight. Why don't you come forward and attend your Lady," she said as held out an arm with her palm up, as if wishing for him to take up her hand. The Gallade nodded once and with almost ghostly like movements he floated over to her and knelt before her. Once kneeling he took her hand in his, turned it over, and placed a gentle kiss to the back of her palm. "I was wondering when you were going to come forth. Now come, your Lady wishes for a dance this evening with her beloved knight." The Gallade said nothing as he helped her to stand, nod to her request for a dance, and then lead her to the middle of the pond.

Once they'd reached the middle of the pond and in each other's arms did I feel a slight pang in the middle of my chest. Not realizing what this feeling was about I caught myself in that of mid step towards them and hid myself once again behind the tree to see where this would lead. Once I was behind the tree once more I quickly looked up to find that the two were dancing to some kind of unheard music, but as I began to feel the feeling that I should be the one dancing with my Lady did I begin to hear the sound of a fiddle beginning to play (Author: Please play...Shenandoah Violin Solo - Mairead Nesbitt first part). As the fiddle began to grow in strength did the two dancers begin to step in with the rhythm. Not really understanding where the music was coming from I began to look about, only to stop a few moments later as the sight of a Kricketune was spotted, slightly hidden away on the other side of the tree line from me.

Even though the music went on for only that of a few minutes, the feeling of jealously began to grow, but unlike the time with that of Lady Cresselia, this time it went much...much further/bigger. It came to a crescendo when I saw her gently lean up to him and rest her chin upon his shoulder. "Please tell me my knight; do you love your Lady?" Feeling a bit of a pang to just step out from beyond the trees and answer her I almost stepped beyond the tree line and announce my presence. "You are right...this is not the time for should be spent in enjoying the moment." It was with those words that the music of the fiddle died away and the two separated. The Gallade to formally bow to Lady Suicune and Lady Suicune perform a ladies curtsy.

Not wanting to let the fake me share that of another dance with my Lady, I quickly stepped out from behind my tree and quickly/silently made my way forward. Unfortunately it was at that same moment that Lady Suicune had decided to come out of her curtsy. Fearing that I would be caught out in the open with my double I failed to stop myself in time and collided with him. Expecting to fall over him I stumbled slightly and fell to one knee, though when I came back to myself I realized that I hadn't actually collided with anything. Trying to find out what was going on here I caught the fading/after-image of my double quickly fading away.

"Come now my knight, your Lady is not satisfied yet with just that of a single dance. Your Lady wishes to share one final dance with her knight before the rising of the dawn." To which I looked up and saw that my Lady had her hand held out to me and a pleading smile upon her face. Not knowing whether or not to actually respond in word to her, I simply returned the smile and gave her a single nod just as my double had done earlier. With my nod her smile grew a little more and as I took up her hand to stand I couldn't help but feel my own smile grow as well.

With the two of us now standing I was beginning to wonder what type of music the violin type Pokémon was about to play this time, but to my surprise the music wasn't that of a violin but that of something else (Author: Please play Forever in Love by Kenny G). As I listened in to the music for a moment I began to smile a bit as I really believed that this was something more than just your average dream, but as I held out my right hand to Lady Suicune, while placing my other behind my back, I gave her a nod and we closed in for another slow dance but this time things were much different. The first dance that Lady Suicune and the fake me had was just like that of a warm-up dance, and this was the true-love dance.

There comes a time in everyone's life that when you find that special someone that the whole world just seems to fade away into the background and the only people there upon the world is your special someone and you. For us it was like that moment, as the music began to grow in its hypnotic tone/melody/rhythm, the world just faded away and it was just the two of us dancing to the beautiful music. As the music continued to play Lady Suicune leaned into me and rested the side of her head against my chest did I feel my heart skip a beat and my body slightly swoon at her touch. It felt like an hour passed before she slowly lifted her head and looked longingly into my eyes. "I cannot tell thee how much your service to your lady has meant to me. Though through your service and all these night that the two of us have shared dancing together in the moonlight, have I to hear those words I wish to hear. Please tell me my knight; tell me those words that I have longed to hear..."

It was one of those moments that you find yourself standing upon the precipice of a decision that you know will affect your whole life and you don't know if you can take that last step. For me it was in that moment that I found myself and to which an answer that in some part of the back of my mind that I'd have to answer one day. In one part of my mind a voice was screaming at me to pull away and shake my head in regret, but another; much louder one... I took my hand from her lower back, lightly brushed her cheek with the back of my hand, and saw a small tear fall from her eyes that I knew and gave my answer.

It's strange how much weight comes with those three words. It is with that weight of those words and knowing how much those three words can change one's life that a man has such a hard time saying them. But it is with that final step/leap that love can truly be felt and as I spoke those three words the tears began to flow freely from her eyes and with a deep and loving kiss we sealed those three words between us.