A friendly visit

Story by Katishi on SoFurry

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I have lived with Layrius for about five days now. He decided that it is time I meet another friend of his ho shares his interests.

The next part of my story with Adam. It changed a little from my rough draft and some things are being pushed to the third chapter. The magic pool idea came from a book called Dragon Slippers. It's a really good book with two sequels, if you haven't read it, I recommend you give it a try.

Gurgas was a recommended name, I couldn't think of anything better so why not?

It has been five days since I moved in with Layrius. He still does enjoy to fart on me, but even though it's gross, I can manage. He enjoys using me as a nice seat cushion, as he does think I'm comfortable to sit on. He has a pantry filled with all kinds of foods, with the food that makes him extra gassy on top. Everything in the house is dragon sized, so He had to make a few adjustments for someone as small as me. Every electrical appliance is powered by a bunch of chargestones surging with electricity that are under ground and connected to a custom made outlet. Of course, we didn't have a lot of electrical appliances, mostly just am old radio and such. He has only one bed so I usually have to sleep in the same bed with him. It's never really been a problem until tonight. I was asleep a few feet away from were Layrius lay. Layrius was a bit restless that night, so he was moving around in his sleep. He, unknowingly, started to rollover, before I was firmly pinned under his bulbous butt. I was slightly aware of it but only felt it in my sleep. It wasn't until a loud rank fart blasted in my face that I awoke. I was unaware of my location, until I got a good whiff of his backside. Unfortunately his restlessness wore off and he was now sleeping like a baby. I tried to move, but I was smoosehd under his rear. He responded to the squirming by blowing a deep wet fart that shook the bed. I tried shouting his name to wake him up but his deep sleep combined with me being muffled by his butt blubber, told me I was getting nowhere. Five hours later, it was morning. Layrius opened his sleepy eyes and yawned loudly. He looked to his side to wake me up before he concluded that I was not there. He scratched his head, wondering where I went off to. He felt a weak squirm under his rump and he had his suspicions. He got up and looked back to see a weak looking Adam smelling of flatulence. "Good morning!" He said with trying to hold in his laughter. "How did you sleep?" I looked up in mild annoyance as I saw him holding back laughs. "You sat on me and farted on me all night." I answered. He fell on his back in fits of giggles as his suspicions were confirmed. He saw my annoyance and grabbed me in one large fore claw and started to playfully lick me as his laughter died down. "I'm sorry, I didn't know." He apologized. "If it makes you feel any better, I won't fart on you anymore this morning." He set me down as I was covered in dragon drool. "I actually want you to meet someone." He said as he led me out of his bedroom and down a long hall. I was surprised when he said this, as I thought he was the only one who lived here. "It's not another farting dragon is it?" I said in suspicion. "Maybe." He replied. When he got to the end, we were in a room with nothing but a large pool of water. He saw the confusion in my face and proceeded to explain. "This is a magic pool, I swirl the water around with my claw and I can communicate with any other dragon who has one. Whoever I want to talk to, we'll have their reflection seen in the pool. We can then talk to each other." He stuck one large claw in the water and spun it around in a circular motion until we could see the image of a stone ceiling. "Gurgas, are you there." He said at the still water. At first, I thought he was crazy and we were just looking at the reflection of our own ceiling. But after a few seconds, I could hear footsteps, emanating from the pool. A large Black dragon slowly peeked it's head into the pool. "Hello, it's nice to see you again." He cheerily said. He saw a small furry creature. "Why hello here, who are you." "This is my friend Adam," Layrius said when I was struck silent. "He has been living with me for almost a week. Adam, this is my old friend Gurges Ater, It's Latin for black hole. He was given that name because he loves to eat and just can't get enough." "Your not exactly that thin either, tubby." He defended. "Yeah yeah, whatever." Layrius chuckled. "Anyway, I wanted you two to met because Gurgas lives near Wysteria, and he might be able to find your family." "Yeah, about that..." Gurgas said. "Now is not really a good time for them. I can't really go down there for private reasons." "Oh," Layrius sighed. "I guess maybe we can manage for until thing die down over there." "Don't worry, I will find them so you can speak as soon as I can." Gurgas looked at me playfully and ginned widely. "So, Has Adam gotten the pleasure to smell your gas yet?" "You don't think I'd let him live here without experiencing the full package do you?" He said playfully. "He actually doesn't hate it like most people I find out here. And, he is really comfortable to sit on. You have to try it. In fact..." He said looking mischievous. "You should come over and stay for a night or two." Gurgas started snickering at the thought. "Yeah, I can't pass up an offer like this." He said. "And, it will give us a chance to catch up. Okay that settles it, I'm gonna take you up on that offer. I'll be there tonight." He stepped away from the water as the image faded away. I looked up at Layrius. "Wait, so does he..." "Like farting? yes he does." I gulped knowing the 'fun' we were going to have tonight.

It was about six in the afternoon, I was sitting on the couch, listening to the radio. Layrius was busy setting a banquet that looked fit for a king. He came back out to the main cavern and sat on the couch when everything was almost ready. Wanting to know more about his friend, I inquired about him. I learned how they used to prank people when they were younger and that they lived near a village far west of here were humans live. Having never seen a human, I listened with attentiveness learning about these creatures who seemed so strange to me. We were interrupted by the visiting dragon. I saw Gurgas in his full form. The scales on his body were a coal-like black, with red scales running from the lower half of his muzzle to the end of his tail. Like Layrius, he was very fat with a gargantuan belly that looked like a small car could fit in it. Unlike Layrius, however, He had wings, the main parts were black with the flaps in between being red. He had small tufts of hair on his head and two horns that curved backward like a ram. He was feral like Layrius as he walked mainly on all fours. "Gurgas! It's so nice to see you again!" Layrius exclaimed walking over to greet his old friend. He gave him a brief hug as he remembered he has not properly introduced us yet. He led him over to the couch as he grabbed the hood of my sweater and set me on his back, bringing me closer to him. "This is my friend Adam." Gurgas examined me and played with my long ears a little. "What's wrong with your eye?" He asked tilting his head like a puppy. I assumed he meant how I have my hair cover one of my eyes. "Oh, nothing. I just like my hair this way." I answered politely. "Oh!' he said wagging his tail. "Well it makes you look adorable." He said nuzzling me with his snout. "T-thanks." I said blushing upon his gentle words. Layrius grabbed me with his tail, setting me down on the couch. "I'll leave you two to get acquainted." He said walking out of the room to get dinner finished. While he was gone,I asked Gurgas more about himself. Gurgas recounted his tales of when he and Layrius were a pranking duo. He also talked about dragon culture which I listened to attentively, as I always was interested in dragons growing up. For the next half hour, I learned about how dragons really are and our common misconceptions of them. Layrius finished up the food and called us in. We dined on the spread before us, I had some melons, as they were my favorite, along with some spiced peaches. The two dragons, however, Had dined mostly on the huge pot of chili Layrius was so fond of. Gurgas dove right in his meal, not making a huge mess, but getting all over his face. We finished our meal and sat their letting the food digest. I looked over at Gurgas who was liking the chili on his face. "How did you get chili on your horns?" I asked, handing him a napkin. "Talent!" He smirked as he cleaned his face off. "So, now what do we do?" He turned to Layrius. Layrius leaned over a whispered something in his ear, making Gurgas start to giggle. "Great idea!" He mused. Layrius had grabbed me with his tail as we walked back out to the main chamber. He set me on the couch and smiled at me as Gurgas' stomach started to make noise. He smiled at me deviously before he climbed the couch, and turned around showing his massive rear. Before I could protest, he dropped his large butt on me with a loud squish. As the sulfurous stench crept into my nose, he started to grind his butt around to get comfortable. "Hey! You weren't kidding when you said he was comfortable." He proudly exclaimed when he was finished. "Okay, fine! You found out I'm comfortable, now get off!" I said squirming around. "But we haven't had any fun yet." He said pressing his butt down harder to ensure I wouldn't get away. "Hey Layrius! Pull my claw!" He said chuckling. Layrius complied and tugged on his claw. Gurgas' tail hole opened up, releasing a monstrous load of flatus, The wind blew into my lungs as the stench of rotten eggs, and chili was trapped in my nostrils. Layrius was laughing hysterically as I was assaulted by gallons of dragon farts. He released another load of flatulence causing his flabby butt to jiggle. Giving a loud sigh, Gurgas released three short poots and got up. "That was so fun!" He said picking me up and pulling me into a hug before teasingly placing a claw over his snout. "wow, you really stink." "Really? I wonder why." I said in a sarcastic tone. The fresh air was felt great as I took a deep breath and let the air cooling my sweaty body. Gurgas gently nuzzled me trying to calm me down. "I'm sorry but I just couldn't pass up Layrius' offer." I glared over at Layrius who was wiping a tear away from the laughter, who just shrugged sheepishly. After things aired out and we all calmed down, Gurgas asked me about myself. I explained about how dragons were looked up to where I came from. I told him about my original love for dragons and how I was teased because of my interest. He looked at me quizzically as I talked about our view of dragons as noble and majestic and how Layrius proved me wrong. Night was approaching as we got ready for bed. "What is this?" Gurgas said looking at a small green dragon plush. "That just a dragon plush I got from a traveling salesman when I was five." I said picking it up . "I used to sleep with it every night and wish it was a real dragon." Layrius chuckled as he grabbed me with a large fore claw. "Now you have two cuddly dragons to sleep with." We got into bed as I wiggled under the covers, The bed was large enough, that both Layrius and Gurgas could fit on it. I began to doze off before hearing the dragons snicker to them selves. I turned to my right to face Layrius and see what they were up to before he grabbed me with his tail and pulled me under the covers. I saw Layrius' butt as he started inching it towards me. I tried to inch back before I ran into Gurgas' soft, smelly backside. They started to wiggle their butts closer to each other, sandwiching me in the middle. "Wait!" I protested. "What are you doing?!" We're having some fun!" Layrius said with a chuckle. I was facing Gurgas' anus as I heard the loud rumble come from their bowels. Gurgas started things off by releasing a large torrent of gas in my face. As my hair and fur was ruffled by the breeze, another loud wet fart came from behind. The smell made me groan as my sense of smell was penetrated by the stinky gases. Gurgas was laughing hysterically as hi belly jiggled like a bowl full of jello. "Hey Layrius!" He shouted in between laughs. "What's your favorite instrument?" Layrius responded by blowing a loud eight second fart on my back. "Been playing it all my life." He said proudly. Before blowing another sputtering toot. Gurgas laughed and let some especially rank farts rip in my face. Layrius gave Gurgas a signal to hold his gas in. I was trying to enjoy my time as they had stopped farting but it was short lived. They both grunted before releasing a huge load of flatus on me at the same time. The heat made me start to sweat as my fur was absorbing the thick stench. The monstrous fart lasted abut fourteen seconds before they decided I had enough. As they moved their fat rumps, Gurgus grabbed me and brought me out of the covers. They both turned around so they were facing me and snuggled around me. "I hope it wasn't to stinky for you." Layrius said with his big, puppy dog eyes. I was gently smooshed between their bellies with my head sticking out. As the soft, warm lard cushioned around me, I quickly forgived the two scaly pranksters. As I felt the good-kind-of-warm snuggle gently around my body, I purred lightly. I never thought of fat as warm and inviting until now, in fact, I used to think of it as gross, but the feeling made me want to cuddle their fat and never let go. The next morning, Gurgas was getting ready to take off. He gave me a friendly lick as he got ready to leave. I was going to miss him, even though I could talk to him whenever I wanted. As I hugged his long snout, he gave me a friendly nuzzle. "Don't worry, We'll meet again." He said comforting me. "Here is a little gift before I go." He said right before he turned around and blasted me with his foul gas. "Oh, gross!" I said covering my snout. This just made him chuckle as he took off. As he ascended into the air, he looked back and gave me a friendly wink. I smiled as he flew off. He was just as gross as Layrius, but sweet and gentle. I walked back to the cave to see what Layrius has in store for today.