Bunny Invasion: Cracking Facade

Story by Kaizer Ryu on SoFurry

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#9 of Bunny Invasion

And we're back to this. Finally Lyla gets to shine! I've been waiting for this big reveal for AGES now. It turned into a bit of exposition, but I tried to make it both dramatic and sexy in a twisted way. There are vague references to the upcoming prequels here, including the absolutely delicious idea given to me by the wonderful Sinasa ^w^ (if you haven't read hir stuff yet, go do it and like it. Now. YES NOW. ALL OF IT. ;P )

Words she heard but could not understand floated through Kit's restless dreamland. Half remembered fantasies of Marie, of Fennith, and of even Lyla cluttered her exhausted brain. Primal desires to give herself to the alpha stud that had invaded her home, to join Fennith as a cum bloated slut pumping out litters again and again, hung dangerously close to the surface even as Lyla's face grew more distinct. If only whoever was talking would just be quiet and let her wallow in despair and need she might-

"Wake up!"

The harsh words right in her ear startled her from her lust drunk stupor, her head throbbing and her entire body burning with unmet desire. She wanted Marie. She wanted Marie NOW. No matter how much the tigress hated hir at this moment, at the forefront of her thoughts was the all-consuming desire to have that impossible cock stuffing this pussy's pussy and riding her to the screaming bliss of orgasm and impregnation.

Kit stared up at her little sister through the need. Was it betrayal she felt? She couldn't quite tell. She feared that opening her mouth would only result in begging the smaller tigress to get Marie. To bring that horrible, wonderful creature here so she could carry hir litters. Before she could make that decision, however, she felt a prick in her neck followed by a pressure. The moment she looked like she might shift, Lyla grabbed her head and held her steady, the weakened tigress unable to do much until the needle was removed and her head released. "Wh-what did you..."

Holding up the syringe, corking the needle, and disposing of it in a nearby biohazard box, Lyla looked down at her sister. "I'll explain in a moment. But for now you need to keep your voice down." The almost pleading tone and look had Kit confused, her still sluggish mind unable to churn past the way Lyla had let her fall right into an ambush that got her proverbial teeth kicked in. When the angry growl started to pass her lips, she found her sister's paw clamping her jaw shut and a stern look that might have shut their own mother up. "I know you are angry with me. I am angry with me. If you want to know why and want to find out how not to end up as another brain dead cumslut for a hyper bunny, you will Keep. Your. Voice. Down." The last words were said through clenched teeth right up in Kit's face, the situation just weird enough to get her to nod.

For a moment Lyla was quiet. Focusing more, Kit could hear something in the background. Barks. Fennith! Her ears swiveled to find the direction, but it was so muffled it was hard to tell exactly. "Where...where's Fennith? What is..." Words were still hard, her mind muddled by the exhaustion and the all-consuming lust.

Lyla chose her words carefully. "Speak too loudly and shi will hear you. If shi does and decides to check on you, there is nothing more I can do for you." Letting her sister soak these words in a bit, she continued. "Fennith is with Marie. Shi is rewarding her for being so good." The pained expression that crossed Kit's face was as much from her usurpation as Fennith's mate as it was from her shameful desire that she be rewarded as well. "Even with all that racket, Marie might still hear us. Do you understand?"

Satisfied with Kit's nod, Lyla pulled out a comb and began running it through Kit's fur. It was at this time the larger tigress finally realized she was still in the fur, exposed to her little sister, and handcuffed to the bed. Every stroke of the comb felt divine, setting her nerves alight as her coat smoothed out. "I will explain what I gave you in a moment. But let me start at a relevant point. To start at the beginning would take too long..." The happy kitten Kit was so used to, that had willfully supported Marie's every whim up until now was gone, and Kit listened well.

"Everyone knows things about hypers. Conventional wisdom says they're more or less just enhanced versions of the rest of us. Conventional wisdom is wrong. To say a hyper is merely stronger, faster, smarter, or bigger misses the point so much." To make her point she groped her sister's breasts a bit, drawing attention to how they were easily a cup bigger than even before she'd passed out. None of her bras or shirts would fit her now. "They are forces of nature in their own right. To say they're merely stronger suggests we might have a chance against them in the right conditions. How do you fight a tornado? You don't. You hide and hope to the goddess it doesn't turn your way."

Slowly, almost imperceptibly, the lust fog faded from Kit's mind as her sister spoke. She found herself following along better, the comb strokes not nearly as distracting as the smaller tigress continued. "Shi is a whirlwind of ruined lives, destroyed minds, and slavering servitude to a pure force of breeding, one that has gone unchecked for nearly two decades now. It consumed hir family, any friends shi might have had, and any colleague that dared approach hir. One day it will consume hir as well. But before that happened, before I could find a way to save hir from hirself, shi turned hir sights on you."

Fennith's belly ballooned outwards at an alarming rate, the bulge of her rapidly progressing pregnancy left far behind as the grey of her fur stretched over the deluge of bunny cum filling her womb. Not a thrust was lost as Marie kept going, gripping the stuffed wolf tightly as shi fucked her silly. Pulse after pulse of cum emptied from hir cock, the backed up bunny stuffing barrels into the grateful bitch. So great were the volumes, so forceful the eruptions, that the flow found no breaks. There was merely a slight weakening of the flow before a new pulse stretched out that hyper cock, a new spurt unloading cum thick enough to displace tar. The woofing newly minted hyper female drank up every drop, her tongue hanging out the side of her mouth as she took the brunt of Marie's need, every smack of the bunny's hips rippling across her increasingly gravid form.

Marie remained silent as shi stuffed hir pet bigger and bigger, hir nose knowing full well that the constant teasing and feeding had indeed rekindled the she-wolf's heat. It had been the final straw that had caused hir to leave Lyla the duty of finishing up preparations for Kit's induction into the harem. Hir mind focused, hir control working specific areas in order to preserve the greatest of hir own reserves and virility for what was to come. It brought a smile to hir lips to know that even just giving the dregs of hir seed to Fennith would result in a tremendously potent litter of pups. The bunnies hir mother had birthed as the beta bitch growing up were proof enough of that, and shi'd improved so much since then.

Fennith's breasts were not far behind her belly, the four pairs bloating rapidly in girth. Nipples spewed milk across the floor, the cream thickening to better feed the third massive litter now taking root inside her. Words long ago failed her even as her barks sought to communicate her joy, her pussy rippling hungrily along the cock that owned her body to drain all it possibly could. When Marie grabbed her, that cock swelling thicker still followed by an eruption several times the previous size, Fennith howled with pure ecstasy as she felt her ovaries let down yet again, her body little more than an attachment to a massive dome of cum and pregnancy. At this moment all thoughts of Kit were dashed, the utter contentment of being a cum stuffed puppy factory sweeping away all else as Marie made no effort to stop.

The photo before Kit's eyes was quite the sight. An older tigress, double the size of Marie's mother, lay next to the fucked out bunny. Both sported their own bulging belly and dopey grin, pure satisfaction on their faces and nary a thought in their heads. This new one was bigger still than Kit, possessing hir own set of male genitals but of more normal proportions to her size than Marie's. "The one who got Marie on this path was the first one shi broke." Kit's eyes migrated to Lyla's face. "Hir mother was no challenge once shi decided what shi would do. The one you see here had already been fucking her for years right in front of her husband. In fact, Marie may not be little Timmy's daughter, but hirs. Sinasa Lyre. The former head of the company Mr. Lepus runs. A powerful and successful herm that had hir mind and will shattered because shi underestimated hir protégé."

The horrified look on Kit's face said it all. "How...how can you stand to be near hir?" She wanted to yell. To scream at her sister's relationship with a megalomaniacal monster. But that would bring that monster right to her. She still wanted Marie. Oh, how she wanted hir! But it was less immediate. It was easier to force it aside with the revulsion she felt.

Lyla shook her head. "It wasn't on purpose. Marie underestimated hirself. Shi had no idea what shi was capable of. No inkling of hir effect on normal furs. Shi learned how far shi could push others over time, learned how to manipulate, to coerce, to tempt, and to dominate. Shi experimented on classmates that came to hir. Some shi broke, some shi merely turned into hir cumsluts. Some shi merely let go when they lost hir interest. When threatened by the parents shi took the mothers and herm fathers as well. Shi took hir teachers where it suited hir. Learned to work the system with who shi ensnared." The disbelief in Kit's eyes remained through it all, an almost accusing look passing over her features as she found herself unable to talk from what she was hearing. "You don't get it. Shi never had to play by the rules. We work in society, play well with others where we have to, follow the rules, and respect each other because if we didn't we couldn't do what we want or need to. Shi can. In hir eyes, the world is hirs to peruse because shi can get away with it and has for almost the entirety of what shi remembers of hir life. Shi knows no different."

Fennith lay atop the dome of her well-bred body, untold gallons swirling about inside her. Her body twitched intermittently as new fertilized eggs attached themselves to her womb, ready to join their sisters. She nursed hungrily from Marie's breasts, her tail wagging madly as she gulped down as much cream as she could. She had been a good bitch, and could feel her body responding to the demand for eggs. Oh, she was going to be huge before they were done growing!

Marie's paws rubbed her ears for a time before lifting her head away. Her Mistress nuzzled her nose for a moment before kissing it and then her lips. "That's enough for now, puppy. I need you mobile when it's time to breed your wife." Fennith's tail wagged harder still at this, eager to see her wife experience such mind bending pleasure and for the both of them to bear Marie's young side by side.

"Shi even learned to pretend to our way of thinking enough to use it against us, believing hirself superior. No one could prove otherwise. Nothing shi set hir sights on was ever denied hir when shi worked for it. Losing is not something shi understands." Her voice was much lower now, and she had crawled up next to Kit as the noise from the long mating session with Fennith died off. "I was the lucky one. The one shi fell head over heels for at first sight. Shi had no idea what to do with me for some time, and ended up learning to court a female instead of just taking them like shi normally would. For the first time shi didn't want to see a fertile womb stuffed at all costs, the owner begging for hir cum at every opportunity. Shi didn't want a mewling cumslut ready and eager to sate hir tremendous needs. Shi wanted me. And I admit I wanted hir, too. But when I saw what shi was doing, I had to find a way to do something. Not just for those around us, but for hir."

Almost afraid to ask, knowing her sister well enough that she could hazard a guess where this might be going, the words nonetheless left Kit's lips. "And you've found that something."

The voice that replied was determined, yet under it all was a current of abject terror. "I intend to teach her the meaning of loss. And...assuming we can stem the heartbroken rampage long enough, I will teach her forgiveness. I did not want you to be part of this, Kitterang. But now I need your strength. What I gave you is neutralizing a great deal of the effect shi causes, but it will not save you from all of it. Shi is truly vulnerable at one time, and one time only. To do this, to actually strike against this tornado bearing down on all of us, I will need you to do perhaps the hardest thing you have ever done..."

Not much later Lyla beamed as she entered the makeshift lab, Marie's handiwork on full display as Fennith rubbed her massive dome. The tigress quickly curled into Marie's lap, setting down several blood vials and the disposed of syringes on the table next to them. "I heard you two all the way across the house. I hope you saved up plenty for Kit. She's about ready to scream your name until you fuck her pregnant."

The normally collected and vivacious bunny actually looked worn out as shi kissed Lyla. Despite hir demeanor in front of Kit, shi was immensely tired. The tigress had returned just in time to interrupt what little sleep shi required, forcing hir to push harder than normal. It was not a situation shi would have preferred. But there would be plenty of time to sleep once the entire house was hirs. Shi'd waited far too long for this to let a little thing like exhaustion mess it up. "Oh, don't you worry. I saved the best for her just like I'll be giving to you."

Lyla purred loudly at this, nuzzling under her mate's chin. "Mmmm...I can't wait. Just thinking about it has me all hot and bothered~ Before I met you, the very idea of actually turning into a hyper myself was so absurd I never even considered it. Soon I'll be more than you can handle, hot stuff~" The rapid beating of Marie's heart made her smile as she nipped at her mate's throat, feeling that log rise to attention below her. In more ways than one, my love.