Winter's Way - A Pokemon Short Story

Story by TheSilverFox on SoFurry

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SO! First off, I'd like to get a few things out in the open. 1) I have never done any writing like this before, I've never made any sorta story and I have always been curious and wanted to do so. 2) I started this almost 3 years ago, I redid the beginning and erased it about 50 times because I didn't like it and eventually I just gave up on it but recently, in almost two days I completely retyped everything to what you see before you. 3) I hope you guys like it, but please....really tell me what you think, what's wrong with it and anything of the sorts, not descriptive enough, confusing or what, but I want feedback on this, don't worry, you won't hurt my feelings. NOW! Since I've rabbled for a paragraph to delay the uploading since I'm scared to post my first story, here it is Winter's Way

Winter's Way

Evening had descended upon me quicker than I had wished. The black clouded evening and the wind howling also did not help my current condition. It was a bad scenario as of now; I was in the middle of the mountains, I was still about five miles away from home, any sunlight that was left would be gone in mere minutes, a blizzard was stirring up before my very eyes, and I had nowhere to go. The only practically decent thing going for me was that I was packed in case I couldn't make it home but all I needed to do was find a place to sleep for the night.

I could feel the cold air snaking its way into my body as managed to slip through the fibers of my clothes and into my body constricting the blood flow and movement of my limbs. I knew if I couldn't find shelter soon hypothermia would set in and I probably wouldn't make it out of here alive. It made me think of my pretty boring life; no girlfriend, barely any family, the simplest of homes, and no pokemon to keep me company. Thinking about it brought out a sigh which mingled with the air and quickly wisped away on the cold air.

I continued to trudge through the snow looking for anywhere to go despite my body's efforts trying to prevent me from going further. With every action my muscles just kept screaming at me to just lie down and go to sleep and wait for everything to be over. As I was about to give up and just face the facts I noticed something on the side of the mountain farther ahead of me. Honestly, I don't know how I seen the cave entrance, I suppose Arceus was being generous this day. It was just a small black indention in the side of the mountain, and probably a minute later the sun would have disappeared enough to where I had not seen it.

My spirit brightened and with adrenaline and newly found confidence to my advantage I slowly made my way to the cave, the wind and snow blowing against my fragile skin and the deep snow beneath my feet definitely did not help. Upon arriving at the cave entrance I could barely stand. The only thing I managed to do was bundle some twigs under my arms that I found around the entrance of the cave and bring them far enough inside that the wind was off of me. I put the sticks down in a pile and I slid my backpack off and set it down against the cave wall. I did my best to unzip the pack with my almost completely frozen fingers and shivering body and search around for a lighter which seemed to take an eternity to find due to the fact of barely being able to see in the dark surroundings of the cave.

Finally, after dreadful minutes of fumbling around I found the familiar shape of the lighter. I grabbed it and quickly flicked the zippo to life to help me see a little better. I rummaged around in the pack to find anything to help me get a fire going. I found a few food wrappers and a small sliver of paper. Working frantically with shaky limbs I tried to get the fire to start with the twigs and paper. I could just feel my body start to move slower and slower as more of the cold continued to overrun my system. But the small fire quickly sprang to life and I could feel just the slightest amount of warmth for the first time today. I shifted as close to the fire as possible to try and gain as much heat from the little ember as possible.

Finally with a decent source of light I could see at least some of my surroundings. Looking around I could see that the cave was pretty small from side to side but seemed to go back far into the mountain. There was a few medium sized rocks lying around and for all I could see it looked uninhabited and I could hear water dripping somewhere from farther down the cave and that was about it. Outside the blizzard was even worse than before and it seemed like it would definitely not be dying down for a while.

I could finally feel the coldness start to leave my body and a very feint sense of warmth flood into me. I was still shivering and my teeth were chattering but I could actually start to move my fingers and toes easier and I realized that I may actually live through this ghastly nightmare.

Then sadly my hopes dwindled down as I noticed that the fire was already starting to shrink so I heaved a sigh and stood up wrapping my body up as best as I could. "Damn this weather" I muttered before I headed back outside of the cave to gather more wood to furnish the fire. It took me a good time to get a decent bundle of sticks but after some time of withstanding the harsh and unforgiving winds I scuffed back into the cave with my legs and arms full of numbness and tiredness. I dropped the 'smaller than I had hoped for' bundle of wood onto the ground banging as much of the snow off of it as possible. But for some reason as I entered the cave this time I had the slightest feeling tugging at the back of my mind that I was being watched. It felt like that sixth sense you would hear some people rabble on about having, something extrasensory. I had always believed it to be a crock of Tauros dung, but it seemed pretty real this time.

Paranoia engulfed me so I quickly scanned over the cave and for the life of me, I couldn't notice anything that was out of the ordinary. I just convinced myself that my mind was playing tricks on me. I walked back over by my fire and kicked the wood next to it as I poked at it stoking the almost lifeless embers trying to stir them back to life as much as possible to make it a little bit brighter because the feeling was still there telling me I wasn't alone. Now this cave seemed to have a more ominous feeling to it than before I left

"I'm just paranoid, there is nothing to be afraid of, it's just an empty cave." I kept repeating to myself as I took in a deep breath to try and calm my nerves. I started to get more anxious and worried, no matter what I told myself my mind wouldn't rest about the hidden feeling of being stalked. Then to my right, near the path that lead farther back into the cave, I heard something move, it wasn't much and all it sounded like was a pebble being kicked, but it was enough to get my attention and as soon as I heard the noise I quickly turned and the only thing I could see was a pair of teal-blue eyes before I felt something hit me which knocked me to the floor and I instantly blacked out.

I finally awoke with a blistering headache. The first thing I realized was that I was alive and the second was I was freezing. I glanced over and the fire I created was completely burnt out except for the small tendrils of smoke shooting up from the ashes which had almost no glow left to them. I sat up and leaned against the wall wincing from the pain in my head. I looked down and noticed that I must have struck my head against a rock. I then remembered how I passed out in the first place and a fear weltered inside of me as I quickly searched the cave hoping the intruder was no longer there.

Then I saw them, the same two blue eyes staring me down. My heart skipped a beat as I seen that whoever hit me earlier was still here. I slowly inched forwards to the fire, the eyes following me the whole way, and I grabbed one of the sticks as well as throwing a few more on the ashes. I grabbed the lighter out of my jacket pocket and fumbled around with it trying to get the small fire to take light again, all the while keeping an eye on the eyes who just warily stared back.

It took a while but the ember flickered and slowly regained a part of its life and I could see that the being backed up just staying out of the lit up zone. Hoping not to get attacked again I cautiously reached for my pack. I looked up and the figure was still eyeing me. I then agonizingly slowly rummaged around for my rations of food and upon finding them I pulled out a simple berry and held it out in my hand doing my best to not make any sudden movements.

"Come here, don't be shy. I'm not gonna hurt ya." I gently whispered, trying to make my voice as soft as possible. I watched and waited to see if the figure would move.

Once I assumed it wouldn't move I crouched down and slowly crept forwards. As soon as I started to move forwards I felt an extremely cold blast hit me square in the chest. It pushed me back with some hefty force towards the fire and when I looked down at myself I could tell that it was ice and it was starting to spread across my torso. I forgot about the creature and positioned myself by the fire so I could melt and flick off the ice before I became too cold again.

Once the ice melted and my jacket had been dampened I focused my attention on the creature again. I decided to roll the berry towards the figure hoping that would convince it to come out of the shadows. The berry rolled into the shadows and just for a second the eyes weren't staring me down, they were watching the berry. "See, I'm not here to hurt you. You can trust me." I mentioned sincerely, but was it so agonizingly painful trying to deal with what I assumed was some feral 'mon.

Then almost as soon as I said that the figure slowly but surely emerged into the light holding the berry in its mouth. I was a little surprised when a glaceon walked out of the shadows just enough for me to see it, it was pretty rare to encounter one around here, but I suppose anything was possible. Then the glaceon laid down on the border between shadow and light and casually ate the berry acting like nothing had even happened.

I gave a weak smile and watched the glaceon as it halfheartedly munched on the berry. "You know the proper thing to do is at least say thank you when someone does something kind for someone else." I said while pulling out a sliver of beef jerky, and a berry to help the headache for myself from the ration pack.

The glaceon looked up at me and huffed. "Well what would be the point, you pinkies can't even understand us anyways." It spat out at me in quite a harsher tone then I had expected.

I softly chuckled. "You must of haven't seen people in a while 'cuz nowadays we 'pinkies' have the possibility to talk with pokemon." Saying this made the glaceon stop eating and quickly look up at me astonishingly. The astonishment lasted only mere seconds though before it went back to eating. "We have created a little device that's put inside our ears and lets us hear what you are saying, not many of us have them though because they tend to be very expensive."

"Oh great." She said sarcastically. Well I assumed that it was a girl to how feminine her voice seemed. "Well in that case thank you for the berry." She said which also seemed to be layered with a little sarcasm in it.

"Now that's better, and you're welcome for that berry. So Glaceon tell me a little about yourself, like what's your name?" I mentioned stoking the fire a little hoping to just create a little chat to prevent her from basically killing me, but it seemed like talking to her was not what she really enjoyed.

I heard what sounded like a sigh mixed with a groan from the glaceon. "You know you should be the one thanking me because you barged into my home and I was nice enough to let you stay here and not kick you out in the cold and let you freeze. THEN you just start invading my privacy and start asking all these questions! AND TO TOP IT ALL OFF, you talk to me like I'm some sorta pup that's all just cute and cuddly! I think I should be the one asking the questions instead of you!" She said, raising her voice which started to echo off the walls and basically startled me into submission. "So what's your name?" She added afterwards in a calm and soothing voice.

Dumbfounded by the outburst I take a second to gather myself before speaking. "I'm truly sorry for invading your house, your privacy, and I guess your dignity, and thank you for letting me stay here. Oh and my name is Kevin. So since I answered one of your questions would you mind answering one of mine, whats your name?"

"No." she said cheerfully. "I will let you ask questions when I so choose, right now I'm in power. So another question, why are you out here anyways, I figured most humans would be smart enough to no be outside during a blizzard."

I smoothed down my brown hair trying to keep calm in the presence of this very 'polite' female. "Well I hike a lot and I was out hiking today and I thought I would make it home before the blizzard hit, but it came earlier than I expected, and I started to head home later then I had intended."

"Sounds like a silly mistake to me, so why don't you have any pokemon. I thought all of your kind carried around 'tames'." She said licking her paws clean from the berry she finished off.

I looked at her confused. "How do you know I don't have any pokemon?"

"Now what did I say about you asking questions right now. You don't listen very well do you?"

Sighing a little of my own I answer the question. "I denied my starter pokemon when I first got my trainer card because I thought I wouldn't be able to handle a pokemon earlier in my life, and I've never caught any pokemon since then but lately I've actually been thinking about becoming a pokemon trainer, or at least starting up a small team."

"Oh, that sounds like a pathetic excuse to not become a trainer, but oh well not all humans are good at everything, and I suppose some humans are not good at anything." She said sending me a sharp glance which sent cold shivers down my spine. "Well then, Kevin, thank you for answering my questions, and now I guess I will answer your questions since I said I would, and I am a lady who keeps her word! For one my name is Crystal, and two I knew you didn't have any 'tames' because when you so happened to be knocked out I rummaged around your little pack there and I didn't see any poke balls in there or anywhere on your body."

"Thank you Crystal for answering my questions now, but that brings up another one. Why did you knock me out earlier?" I said trying to ignore the first statement all the while rubbing my temple waiting for the berry I ate to make the headache go away, which seemed like it wouldn't work very well with this female nagging at me.

Crystal giggled at the question as she rolled onto her side. "That's an easy one, I thought you were an intruder or someone trying to catch me so I attacked you, but when I realized you weren't much of a threat I just left you there until you woke up. Also it was better when you were asleep because you didn't talk so much."

"Well thank you for not putting me out in the snow. So are you up here all alone, because if so doesn't it have to be lonely?"

Saying that must have been a bad thing because she rolled over and didn't face me. After a few moments of silence I thought I could hear something which almost sounded like a sob. Feeling bad I stood up and walked over and crouched down by her. Now I could definitely hear what sounded like soft crying. I couldn't see her face due to the shadows but I could tell she wasn't as happy as she was just a few moments. I frowned and laid my hand gently on her and started to stroke her back. "There, There I'm sorry I didn't mean to bring up something you didn't want to talk about." I tried to say soothingly. I sat down next to her and continued to pet her fur, which was surprisingly soft for having ice on it, and it wasn't freezing like I expected it to be, it was just cool to the touch but would warm up after I laid my hand on it.

"Males, they are all so insensitive." She said her voice quiet but still audible and added with a smidge of sadness.

I was caught off guard at the statement and I pulled back. "Crystal please forgive me, I didn't mean to make you upset."

She rolled onto her back and looked up at me her face full of sorrow. "I'm not saying it's your fault, even though it basically is. I guess I shouldn't say that about all males, even though it probably is true and all." She ended with a heavy sigh

I forced a smile started to pet her again trying to ignore the fact she was talking to me like that. "Well believe me, I'm truly sorry, and you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to." I thought to myself as she seemed to care only for herself.

"No, no it's fine; I think it will be good to get it off of my chest. I'll tell you if you want but only if you want to hear it." She said clearing her throat trying to hide that she was crying before.

"It wouldn't bother me the least bit." I whispered cheerfully. I then pulled back and walked back over to the fire and threw the last bits of wood on the fire. I then looked outside, I couldn't see anything due to the blackness of the night but I could still hear the storm raging on, so I assumed it could of have been worse than sitting here listening to Crystal's story.

Crystal stood up and walked over by the fire and then sat down by it looking into the fire deeply. I then sat down against the cave wall and listened to her as she started to talk.

"I'll try and keep it simple so it doesn't bore you more than it probably already will, but it was about five months ago and I had a boyfriend, is what I think you humans would call it. He was another glaceon, and he was so sweet, charming, and very handsome. I loved him deeply and I thought we would be mates forever." She paused taking a breath before continuing. "But I was wrong, one night I finally decided to give myself to him. I was excited; I was thinking that it would be the best time of my life for it being my first time but that quickly turned. He started out gentle enough and I was fine but very quickly he got rough and started to hurt me. Any time I objected or I tried to get away he would stop me usually with his teeth and there was nothing I could do about it, so I had to sit there and basically be raped by him. I dealt with it because if I objected to it he would just hurt me more and more the more I objected. Then once he was done with my body, he just left me, he left me as a discarded pile of his seed and my blood and tears on the floor and he just walked out and I never seen him again, which I am definitely thankful for" She stalled another second before continuing. "And after that I've never trusted any males, I've just lived out here alone, trying to stay away from others as best as possible."

Indeed she was truthful about keeping it short, but my jaw dropped almost instantly at the rate at how the story changed. But hearing it I did feel sorry for her, I felt sorry for this poor little creature living out here staying secluded from the rest of the world.

I then noticed that she had looked up at me once she was done talking and I could tell that she was about to cry again. I sighed and scooted over next to her and I picked her up and held her close to my chest. I could feel her body tense up but quickly I felt her loosen up and relax in my arms. "I'm sorry to hear about that, it's a shame, it truly is, but not all guys are horrible creatures. You should understand that. Some of them can be kind and considerate." I then felt her push her head against my chest, I couldn't tell if she was crying but the feeling was nice. I smiled then started to stroke her back and we both just sat there in silence for a while.

When she finally pulled back she was smiling, and it actually seemed like a sincere smile to me. "Thank you Kevin thank you so much for listening."

I smiled back at her and whispered, "Your welcome." She then hopped off of my lap and stared at me as I stood up. "Well I'm pretty tired it has been a rough day for me. So if you don't mind I'm going to get some sleep now." I walked over to my pack and grabbed the sleeping bag in it and rolled it out on the ground on the flattest spot I could find

"No, its fine I'm pretty sleepy myself." She said while yawning, but to me it sounded like a fake yawn. "But Kevin, would you mind if I, uh." She trailed off for a second before starting to speak again. "Would it be fine if I slept next to you tonight?" She said while looking at the ground and I could tell she was blushing which looked so cute against her soft blue fur.

I smiled warmly at her. "It wouldn't bother me one bit." I then laid down inside of the sleeping bag and watched her as she came closer to me and laid down against my side and I sighed pondering something over. "Here, Crystal, you can stay warm tonight." I said before I unzipped the sleeping bag enough to allow her to crawl into it. She stared at more for more than a few moments and gave a soft smile, but before she crawled in she turned and completely blew out the fire which kinda ticked me off. "What was that for!"

"I just don't want anything bothering us throughout the night, plus we can probably keep each other warm enough." But how she said this brought a question to my mind, it seemed, like the sentence was layered with something and in a way it scared me, but before I could say anything she crawled under the sleeping bag with and laid up against me. "Good night".

"Good night." I whispered back I then closed my eyes and before I could completely fall asleep I felt Crystal lean up and give me a kiss on the check. I fell asleep that night with a smile on my face and with a new friend lying next to me.

What I hadn't expected was waking up sometime later in the night. I figured it hadn't been much longer after I had fallen asleep as I was still extremely tired, and the coals gave off an eerie faint glow. But what had woke me up was Crystal rudely moving around in the sleeping bag and as soon as I actually awoke enough to figure out what was going on I could see the outline of her head pop out from under the sleeping bag.

"Jeez...It's about time you wake up I hadn't really expected you to fall asleep that fast." She said leaning into my neck and giving off a purring noise.

I groaned a little trying to shift a little on the hard floor. "What do you mean?" I said while yawning and lazily petting your head.

"Well, I expected you to stay awake for a little while, especially after you offered me into your little bed with you." She said with almost a seductive tone and now licking my neck and I felt the blood rush to my face as it clicked in my brain at what she was saying.

"Cr..Crystal, are you sure you j..just don't want to sleep." I said my mouth dry and my voice stuttering.

"Well, you said that not all men were like that, and I should probably try and get around a little more, meet a few new faces. You know, become a little more social." She said planting kisses on me now as I squirmed a little.

"Yeah, I did say that...But I sort of figured, with like other 'mon....You know..." I said still very negatively against this.

"Yeah, but you're the closest thing to anyone that I have right now, and I plan to utilize it, plus, you look cute in the twilight." She said blushing, which I couldn't see too well, and then giving me a kiss and I don't know what it was, but that kiss she gave me seemed like she meant it, it didn't seem like I was just a toy to her, or anything of the sorts, it seemed like she really meant it. After she pulled away from the kiss I stared into her eyes; those two deep teal blue eyes stared straight at me and even in almost pure blackness, I could see them shining. But shining with what I thought, it seemed to me like love...No, to cliché, maybe lust....maybe, just maybe lust. I then stared into those eyes, and finally realizing how beautiful they were I figured out what fueled the shine, I could tell that those eyes were filled with passion, and with one swift movement I closed the small gap between the two of us and I gave you a kiss that I actually approved of, and one I would never forget. And that was just the beginning of the night.

As soon as I broke away from the kiss she was panting heavily and I could feel my heart rate increase as the blood began to rush to a certain spot of my body. I cupped her head in my hands and began to run them over her soft head fur, then her ears, and then down her back. "I see you're becoming a little more open about this." She purred.

I just chuckled and gave her another kiss, this time though she was a little forceful and used her canine tongue to push past my lips and slide into my mouth. It actually surprised me and I was a little stunned, I thought she was just a beginner at this, but I did like it, especially the taste, it had that wintery fresh taste with just what seemed like the very slightest hint of mint. The kiss was held for what felt like the rest of the night, but like usual, all good things must come to an end and we broke off the kiss each taking our own breaths.

I knew this was a taboo among humans, but for some reason, it just felt right...I've never had someone close to me in my life, and right now Crystal was the closest thing I had and I was damn sure I wouldn't pass up this moment. So as soon as we broke apart I used one of my hands to just caress her soft belly fur and the softness of it tickled my hands and she nuzzled closer to me. "Kevin, please...If I let you do this...Be gentle."

Her voice actually caught me off guard, it seemed so delicate and I hesitated to go any further. "Of course Crystal, I will do my best." I said with a kiss to your forehead and then began to rub two of my fingers back and forth between one of your nipples. And this is when I heard her first moan. It was what some would say music to my ears, the soft murmur that escaped her muzzle made my bulge begin to twitch and before long I knew I wouldn't be able to hold myself back much longer even though I wanted to please her as much as possible.

I couldn't see, but I could definitely feel, and that was all I needed. I let my hands roam through her belly and at every nipple I came across I let my fingers dance across them. I could feel the soft vibrations of her body on my hand as she purred in pleasure. "I take it you enjoy that?" I say with a coy grin which was hidden from the darkness.

"Mmhmm." She purred as I felt her roll over on her back as best as possible for still being confined in the sleeping bag.

I continued my smile and moved my hand lower down her body, down to a lower region that was much warmer, but yet still cool, than her upper body and I merely just rubbed my hand over that warm and oh so moist slit, which impressed me at how worked up she really was. I let my hand just briefly play with her outside folds, letting them run up and down them and even wiggling a finger over that tight tailhole of hers.

Then, a moment of truth, I let you nuzzle my neck as I slowly pushed my middle finger passed your lips and into your actually warm pussy. Feeling your walls clench around my finger drove me wild and I could feel your cool breaths quicken on my chest as I slowly pushed in the finger to the hilt and began to finger fuck you keeping a slow pace.

I was now sweating, the heat radiating from both of us was confined in the sleeping bag and I actually could feel beads of sweat forming on my body and sticking to my heavy clothing. I then gave you a kiss on your forehead before I pulled my hand away which elicited some whimpers. "Don't worry, I'll continue shortly." I cooed with another kiss to prevent a protest from you to just keep going. But next I took my jacket off, which was a little hard in the sleeping bag and threw it against the wall, quickly followed by my t-shirt, and undershirt. As soon as my undermost shirt was off Crystal was making soft, cute noises as she nuzzled and licked my somewhat fit chest, letting her somewhat rough, but still soft canine tongue graze across my exposed flesh. But I didn't linger on the feeling as I was too focused on undoing my pants and getting them around my ankles, all that was left now was the cotton boxers that hid my throbbing manhood. Just at touching the fabric it sent shivers through my body as it grinded against the hidden sensitive flesh beneath, then it popped free, my hot rod, so to speak, was out in the cooler air of the sleeping bag and I couldn't help but to just give it a few delicate brushes.

I then realized, this time I didn't need to do that, I had someone next to me who was willing to help and thinking that, I moved my hand to enjoy the feeling of that beautiful blue fur against my hand. I ran it down your spine and toyed with your tail for the briefest moment before resting it near your slit again. I was almost too caught up in my own pleasure to hear Crystal's cute cries of pleasure as she pushed her body close against mine, her head resting right under the nape of my neck and her lower body oh so close to my manhood, it felt like she was just teasing me at how close her precious slit was to my manhood, but I resisted. I just let my index finger work into the deliciously warm hole and used my thumb to just grind against that puffed out clit of hers.

It brought a smile to my lips at how much pleasure this was bringing her, and now she was nipping my chest lightly doing her best to suppress the noises that seemed to constantly emit from her. But I was now growing a little bolder, and I was sad I couldn't focus on her glorious nub as much as I wanted, but I instead slid a wet finger up to her tailhole and just barely pushing it in. At first I heard what seemed like a squeak of shock, but I'm pretty sure she was fine with it when I heard a drawn out moan pass through her muzzle. So now I had one finger fit up her cute, tight ass with another one deep in her sopping, wet pussy and I began to go at a steady pace at fucking both the holes, and then I was pretty sure I had found it.

I've only really heard about it and I wasn't sure if it was true or not that females had some 'overly sensitive spot' but I was pretty sure I just hit because her claws dug into my exposed chest and she clamped down on my fingers with a little more force than I expected. So I did what anyone else would do, I focused on that little spot that drove her crazy and by now she was doing her best to thrust against my fingers even though she didn't have much leverage when laying on her side. And then I heard her let out what sounded like a lusty growl and she actually bit against my chest up near my shoulder, it stung and it was barely anything but I could tell she was lost in pleasure and hadn't meant to do it as she worked her muscles against my fingers. But her orgasm that ran through her body was enough to already make pre come from the tip of my penis. She was just so cute, and it was amazing knowing I was making her feel like this. Then when she finally relaxed her walls enough to where I could slide my fingers out and one of them was coated quite nicely in some juices I just couldn't resist tasting her delectable nectar. It was chilly...and in its own way, fresh, I guess is how one would describe it even though for the most part is was indescribable, it just tasted good!

By now she was licking the small wounds on my chest she had inflicted with her claws and teeth. "I'm so sorry!" I finally realized she was saying between soothing licks. "I..I didn't mean too...It just happened!" She sobbed to me, her voice full of sorrow.

I put my hand under her chin to pull her away and to look into my eyes, "Crystal, don't worry, it's nothing." I said trying to give the most warming smile I could muster up. "If anything I liked it and it actually added to the pleasure, and I don't blame you for doing it." I said softly before giving a kiss to her nerves. "But now, I have a predicament, you see, with me being so close to such a beautiful female, and having to witness her going through such a fun time, a certain male has a problem that needs to be taken care of. And he was wondering if he could get a little help from a female."

Crystal was still a little depressed about what she did, but with hearing my words after the kiss which brought her back a little she gave a toothy grin. "Of course, I'd definitely be willing to help him, but only if he makes it feel good." She said reaching up enough to lick my cheek.

I smiled, "I'll do my best." And with that I scooted an arm under you to help hold you in place and closer to me. It seemed to be a little awkward sitting on our sides like this, but I didn't want to leave the confines of the sleeping bag to deal with the cold air, my head was already cold enough from being exposed to the air. But I scooted a little closer to you and I did my best to line my dick up with your already wet pussy. I could hear a small gasp escape her lips as she hugged close to my body her fur tickling my stomach. I hesitated for just a moment as my tip rested a mere centimeter away from penetrating Crystal, but with one lustful whine coming from her I pushed in, slowly of course as I didn't want to bring any discomfort and I couldn't help but let a drawn out groan pass by my lips as I arched my head back from the intense tightness grasping around my sensitive shaft. "Oh Crystal..." I murmured softly as I let half of my length just sit in the folds as they clenched and unclenched around the unique intruder.

She was purring again, her eyes closed, and her head nuzzled against my arm and shoulder. I assumed she would tell me if there was something she didn't like so I continued. I pushed almost the rest of my flesh into her, but I finally bottomed out with just barely an inch left to go. I then pulled back, almost completely pulling out but only letting the head stay in her nether lips. I wasn't sure I'd be able to last long, let alone get her off again, my heart was already pounding and my ears where throbbing with being full of blood, but I did continue to thrust in pushing my member back to the hilt and coming up with a nice pace that she seemed to be enjoying immensely, as well as I. I used my free hand to idly play with her nipples and rub her belly as slowly but surely I picked up a pace. I was now not going all the way to the hilt, but was thrusting with more speed and the sounds of her purring mixed with the squishes that were created from our joining and it drove me crazy.

"More..." She whined, and I looked a little confused, but again she said it. "More Kevin, fill me." She said squirming a little trying to push me deeper into her glorious folds.

I was more than stunned, I was almost too shocked to continue, but I didn't have a problem with her wanting more, I could be happy to oblige. "Of course, whatever you want, I'll do my best to satisfy." I said in a lusty tone as I sped up my thrusts, my rod now slick with her juices and pushing deep into her pleasantly cool tunnel. I could tell she was getting antsy as my dick continued to graze against her gorged clit sending spikes of pleasure throughout her body and causing her to shiver and occasionally even buck back against me. But I could feel it coming, it was close, my peak right on the edge, by now I was doing my best to focus on Crystal, trying to treat her to the best experience she could have, but it was hard as I was right there, then it happened.

I had hit her little special spot again and she almost barked out in ecstasy as she clamped down on my dick letting an orgasm tear through her body and this is where I took the chance. I gave two final thrusts and I shivered feeling it all come crashing down, the nice tingling feeling that occurred as my strands of cum sprayed the inside of her walls, mixing with the juices that tried to push their way past my rod and into the sleeping bag. As the orgasm hit I continued to erratically thrust into her warm love tunnel even when it was almost impossible with the vice like grip that was applied to my shaft during her orgasm.

Even after my orgasm subsided I could still feel her squeezing and pushing against my abused rod trying to milk it of just a few more strands. I finally realized I had forgot to breathe and I absorbed a deep breath of air and I could smell it all; her beautiful, natural scent, the crisp air, sweat, and the amazing smell of sex. I then could hear her panting heavily and I noticed she was now looking up at my with a grin and I leaned down to pull her into the most passionate kiss I think I could of ever had. After moments, we broke away, both of us still breathing heavily and a bead of saliva connected between our two mouths before quickly breaking and falling into the sleeping bag.

After that kiss, we stared at each other before Crystal nuzzled deeply into my chest, we spoke no more words that night, as words could not explain the love we felt for each other and we both knew it. And before long she was fast asleep, I hugged her close to my body as my member still sat idly inside of her and I was fine with that, all that mattered was that we were happy, we cared of nothing else in the world, except for us being so close to each other. And with one final nuzzle to that crisp, yet soft, fur I closed my eyes and ended this night, a night I thought I would die on, with someone I loved, with someone I gave my heart too, and with someone I hoped to spend the rest of my years with.