The King and I

Story by dontaskandiwonttell on SoFurry

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Well this started off as a request by Brokar, a tripfag over on /vp/, and turned into the longest thing I've ever written. Adventure, battles, sex, humor, the works. Artwork by Drawfag159381 (on deviantart), with permission.

This is perhaps my most popular piece, so I hope you find it to your liking. Comment, like, etc., and as always, I'm over on Furaffinity as "Iguessineedanaccount".

The King and I

Artwork by Drawfag159381

**Look, if you're like me on a Friday night, this is really long, and you probably just wanna skip to the porn, yeah? It's on page 7. J

It had been a long day. Then again, I had expected as much: 20 miles doesn't cover itself. I wasn't sore from the trek; I was accustomed to long days spent training under the blazing sun. But I could tell Master was feeling fatigued. He was a strategist, not an athlete. His feet dragged every few steps. His gait was awkward, indicating his leg muscles were tense. His body was hunched forward, using gravity to propel him into each stride. He wasn't going to make it much further. Which was a problem, as we still had a good two miles to go.

He stumbled, barely managing to catch himself before falling back into his awkward step. I figured it was time I did something. I stepped behind Master and grabbed him under the arms. He stopped and turned his head.

"Oh, hey fella!...What are you up to?"

In response, I pulled up, lifting him off the ground. Startled, he began wriggling a bit. I raised him above my head. Careful of my horn and spines, I gently set him down on my shoulders, allowing his legs to rest on my chest.

"Hey, put me down! Whaddya think you're doing?"

I stuck out my tongue and mock-panted, smiling a bit as I did. He laughed, scratching my head behind the horn.

"All right, all right, I get it...Just tell before you do something like that next time, okay?"

I chuckled. Once upon a time, I may have thrown him clean off of my back for questioning my act of kindness. But we'd been together a long time, and I'd come to respect him. Since we'd ended our battling days and set out to explore the world, it'd really just been us and a couple other various Pokémon he brought along from time to time. I'd do just about anything he asked of me.

I started walking again. The dust kicked up around my feet with each step, catching the dying sunlight in its airborne crystals. Master clutched onto my horn to steady himself.

As I trudged on, I looked up to admire the scenery. The sun was almost completely below the silhouette of the mountains to the west, signaling our stop in the near future. The sky had become a spectrum of auburn and yellow, a fringe of deep violet surrounding the fading radiance of the sun's rays. In the distance, a few spearows circled above the trees, trying to fit in a last meal for the day.


The sky had turned a dark indigo by the time we reached our destination: a small cave we had discovered our last time through the area. Setting Master down, I made my way over to the entrance. The ground felt treaded at the opening; I chalked it up to other travellers taking refuge there. I heard a click, and a bright red flash illuminated the cave walls for a brief second. I turned around to find a soft orange glow coming from the ground below me, where Flicker, Master's charmander, stood next to his open pokeball. After a quick nod, I began walking into the cave with him and Master close in tow.

Something about the cave set me off. As we walked in the dim light, I kept my eyes peeled for signs of movement. There was an unfamiliar odor emanating from the back of the cave. I dropped into a lower stance, keeping my arms spread.

The cave wasn't very deep. As we reached the end, I noticed something against the back wall which the smell seemed to be coming from. I took another step towards it. It was dark in color, the odor rather repugnant...

I stopped, realization flooding over me. I spun on my foot, my tail nearly sweeping Master's feet out from under him.

"Easy boy! What's wrong?"

I looked down at the ground by Flicker's tail. About two feet to the right, next to my own footprint, was a slightly smaller one with paw pads.

"Flicker, we need to get out of here now."

Flicker, confused, looked down to see what I was starting at. Master, sensing my concern, asked me again what was wrong. However, Flicker, having figured it out, tugged on his pant leg, pointing to the exit. Master looked at me, and I nodded.

"Okay. Let's go."

With Flicker in the lead, we ran for the entrance. Our footsteps echoed off the walls, and I wondered why the cave seemed so much longer. Suddenly, Flicker skidded to a halt. As his tail stopped swaying from the sudden change in speed, I saw my fears had been confirmed.

In the doorway, teeth bared, stood an urasing, Flicker's shadow visible against its fur. The crescent on its chest encased the head of Flicker's outline. Its claws shimmered in his tail's light.

By the time I had pushed myself past Master, Flicker was already airborne. He hit the cave wall head first and bounced off, a trickle of blood running from his nose. Thinking back to my days of battling, I put my head down and charged, intent on stabbing the thing with my horn or at least driving it back. I felt a heavy paw drop on the back of my skull, jarring me to the ground, where the momentum caused me to slide another ten feet through the rocky dirt. My head was ringing. My eyes were having trouble focusing.

Get up.

I could distantly hear Master call my name.

Get up.

A roar echoed out of the cave behind me.


I dug my claws into the dirt and pushed myself to my feet. Turning, I focused my vision. The first thing I saw was Master. He was crouched over Flicker, holding a potion in one hand. His gaze, however, was fixed on the urasing, which was now staring at him with a burning hatred. It roared a second time, and his eyes went wide.

I was already at a full sprint by the time it took its first step towards him. As it advanced, I saw Master begin to tremble. He had always been courageous, but being taken off guard by something that ferocious...It charged him. I ran for all I was worth. Master fell onto his back, trying to scramble away from the beast, legs flailing. It leaned over him, raising a clawed arm to strike. I lowered my shoulder and rammed the Pokémon hard into the cave wall, its head cracking the rock. Angered, it threw a paw as it turned, slashing me across the cheek. I recoiled from the injury, stepping back towards master but keeping my eyes on my opponent. It pushed itself off the wall. We stood there, eyeing each other, growling.

We stepped at the same time, rapidly closing the ground between us. It swung its paw, aiming to leave another scar on my face. I caught its arm mid-swipe at the elbow and headbutted, digging my horn into the skin above its left eye. It screamed in pain, afraid to move for fear of further impaling itself. I could feel my potent poison seeping into the wound. I bucked my head up, tearing skin and muscle, blood spattering my face. I wiped it out of my eyes as the bear bawled, clutching its forehead, the poison and blood oozing between its fingers. I walked over to my injured opponent. I used one arm to remove its paw from its forehead as I curled the other into a fist and punched the wound, now smoking a light purple. It fell on the floor howling. As it writhed in agony, I bent over and grabbed it by the shoulders. Lifting it up with its back facing me, I buried my fist between its shoulder blades, sending it tumbling forward into the dirt by the cave opening.

I walked over and grabbed it by the neck. Crouching down, drawing its bloodied face level with mine, I looked it straight in the eye that would open.

"Leave now. Never come back."

I turned, dragging it through the dirt. Outside the cave, I threw it to the ground in front of me. Still holding its smoking eye, it got up and ran off into the darkness.

As I watched it flee, I realized Flicker was injured and probably needed help. I ran back into the cave. At least Master had probably sprayed him with that potion by now.

As I got closer to Flicker, I saw that he was on his feet. However, his nose was still bloody and he looked anxious, which made me wonder why Master...

"Arceus help me."

Master was on the ground, arms and legs curled up to his body. He was rocking back and forth, occasionally muttering a short indecipherable phrase. His eyes had rolled up into his skull.

I grabbed him by the shoulders and shook him. He stared back with the whites of his eyes. I didn't dare hit him: I might do more damage than I intended, and physical injury would complicate mental trauma. I hoisted him over my shoulder and ran for the entrance. I tried to think of something, anything, which might snap him out of the state of shock he was in.


I stumbled through the forest, branches and thorns scratching my face and arms. I snapped twigs and barreled through bushes, bracing Master against the whipping branches. Over my own heartbeat, I could feel his: very fast, far too fast.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the undergrowth parted at a clearing, and in the moonlight I saw the surface of the pond we usually refilled our water at.

The water was brisk, but I ignored the chill as I dove in, clutching Master tightly to my chest. As the water folded in around me, I opened my eyes, holding Master in front of me. In the murky haze, I could see his eyes were closed, his body limp in my arms. I shook him again. Realizing he needed air, I kicked toward the shallows.

I broke the surface of the water, making sure Master's head stayed above the ripples. I trudged through the water, holding his head to my shoulder with one arm. Reaching the shore, I bent down, laying him gently on the ground. His eyes were still closed, his mouth open. Through his wet jacket, I saw that his chest wasn't moving. I pressed on it with a spread palm, then eased off. His eyes remained closed.

"Get up."

I pressed harder. Still nothing.

"Get up!"

I pressed again, putting as much force as I dared for fear of cracking his ribs.


I closed my eyes and punched the ground next to his head.

"Get up, damn you..."

A feeling of regret flooded my being. I couldn't bear to look at him.

Why wasn't I more careful?!? Why didn't I realize the truth about that cave sooner? It didn't have to happen this way...

I felt a tear trickle down to my nose. The cooling trail of moisture burned my skin. As the droplet slid from the end of my nose to my Master below, I raised my head and howled at the night.

I doubled over again, sobbing uncontrollably. He was the greatest friend I'd ever had, and I'd been too goddamn slow. Why couldn't I have protected him? What good was I if I couldn't even do that? What would I tell-

" where you're pointing that..."

I froze, disbelieving. My eyes, still wet with tears, shot open, unsure of what to expect. Slowly, I glanced up to Master's face. Through my blurry eyes, I saw him staring back at me. He reached up, gently easing my horn away from your head.

"...Man, what happened to me? What happened to Flicker? Where's that urasing? Why am I wet?"

I paused, then I started tearing up again, pulling Master in a vice grip. After a moment, he patted me gently on the back, and I eased up a bit. He put a hand on my head.

"Hey, don't be sad, I'm right here! ...Wherever here is..."

As we walked back to the cave through the path I'd carved in the forest, I explained in my half-charade half-pokenese speech what had transpired. Master took it all in good humor, thanking me for being as great as I had been. I did skip over one part however: the part where I thought he had died. I passed off my crying as a result of seeing him in that state of shock. It wasn't that I was afraid to talk about it; it was more so that I really couldn't explain it. I really thought I had lost him...and yet, here he was, in perfect health.

Or at least near perfect, I thought as he shivered. Humans and their clothing...

However, as our walk neared its end, his teeth began to chatter, and I realized he was going to freeze if we didn't get him warm soon.

As we got back to the cave, the entrance began to get brighter. Flicker ran up to hug Master and paused, afraid to get his tail wet on Master's clothing.

"Hey l-little guy, good to s-s-see you. Hope you weren't too w-worried?"

"What happened? Where were you guys? I didn't know what to do, you ran off so fast..."

"Flicker, Master needs to warm up. I know it takes a lot of energy for you to produce a continuous stream of fire, so I need you to go get some firewood to burn."

"Wait, that's not fair, what are you going to do?"

"I'm going to stay here and get him out of his wet clothes. Now get going."

I probably could have left Master to do that himself and helped with the firewood, but I wasn't letting him out of my sight again tonight. Flicker paused, considering the pros and cons of pursuing the issue. Ultimately, he let it go.

As he ran off, I turned back to Master. His teeth were still chattering.

"All right, you need to get out of those clothes."

I motioned to his jacket.

"Y-y-yeah, I should probably get-t this off-f-f..."

His motions were stiff, but he managed to slide the jacket off without too much effort. However, he was still shivering, and with the autumn air being as cool as it was, I knew he was going to need to take it all off.

"I think you're going to have to lose the clothes altogether."

I motioned to his pants.

"...Well I m-mean, I d-d-dunno, I think I'll be ok-kay..."

I didn't have time for this bullshit. I leaned down into his face.

"I don't have time for this bullshit! You're going to freeze because you don't feel COMFORTABLE being NAKED? I did not just go through all of that shit tonight so that you could die from the cold!"

Infuriated, I grabbed his pants at the waist and, careful of my claws, pulled down, ripping them off. I saw, to his discomfort, I had also taken his briefs in the process.

He sat there, more shocked and embarrassed than combative, looking back and forth between me and his groin with his mouth agape. Sliding his pants all the way off (without much resistance, most likely due to his surprise), I returned my attention to his shirt. Looking him sternly in the eyes, I gently began to lift his shirt. Still dazed, he lifted his arms as an afterthought, letting it slide over his head. I threw it in a pile next to the rest of his clothes, where it landed with a wet slap.

Turning back, I saw his hands had instinctively moved to his groin in an attempt to cover up. He was still shivering. Stupid humans and their soft, absorbent skin...He still needed to get warm. Where was Flicker with that firewood...

Realizing I was going to have to take matters into my own hands, I grabbed master under the arms without explaining myself for the second time that day.

"W-w-what are you d-d-doing?"

Remaining seated, I lifted him up. Gently, I set him down on my lap and hugged him tightly to my body. Whether from my own body heat or from sheer mortification, I could tell my plan had worked: I felt his face grow hot against my chest.

"T-t-this is r-REEEEALLY un-n-n-necessary..."

I just sat there, feeling his cool wet skin against my tough hide. Slowly but surely, I felt his shivering begin to die off, finally ceasing. His skin began to feel warmer. We sat there in silence, both accepting the situation.

...But the situation I had come to understand changed rather drastically when I felt something begin to poke my stomach. At first, I figured Master was probably just readjusting his hands...and then I glanced down. Resting against my gut, despite its shrunken state minutes prior, was a sizeable erection.

It was my turn to blush.

I looked to the side sheepishly, unsure of what to do. I wasn't going to force him to get off of me or anything, but this was now well beyond being awkward. Slowly, unsure of what to expect, I brought my head up to meet Master's gaze. He was blushing a lot, which didn't help. But there was something other than embarrassment in his eyes. He smiled bashfully.

"...I'd like to reward you for saving my life today, big guy."

I imagine I looked rather silly, leaning back on my claws with a naked human in my lap, my face as red as my purple skin would permit. I had no idea what to say. Therefore, it was both a relief and a shock when Master made the decision for me.

I felt him step off of my lap, kneeling between my legs. Starting at my chest, he traced a line down my stomach to my...I didn't think it was possible for that much blood to rush to my face. I looked down, unsure what to expect. He looked up into my eyes and grinned, giving me a quick wink. Then he put a hand on my groin.

I couldn't help it, it had been years since anyone had done anything like that to me: I moaned. I felt a finger probing into the slit that served as my sheath, prodding at the sensitive inner flesh before poking the tip of my member. I hadn't felt anything like this since my battling days, when Master still cared about breeding pokemon. I felt myself hardening as his finger gently rubbed the end of my length, coaxing it out of me. I glanced down through a half-lidded eye. My member was emerging rapidly, and he curled his hand around it.

"That's interesting..."

My eyes shot open, wondering what exactly he was talking about. Looking down, I saw him holding my half-erect member on the underside, examining the soft spines appearing towards the head. He bent down and flicked his tongue on one, prompting a sharp intake of air on my part. They were, to say the least, very sensitive. Despite my semi-reluctance to have them focused on like that, he continued playing with my barbs until I stood fully erect, my eleven inches sporting a glob of pre at the tip.

"...Wow...that's pretty big...I wonder..."

He leaned over, angling my length towards his mouth. His warm breath nearly caused me to thrust forward, but I contained myself. He lightly licked the head, sending a chill down my spine; without taking his tongue away, he pulled the first 4 inches of my cock into his mouth. I had never experienced anything quite like it: the only time I'd ever had sex was when Master had me bred, and no pokemon I ever met had performed oral. Of all the beings I had expected to try this with, Master was certainly not high on the list.

He continued moving his head forward, rubbing his tongue along the underside of my member. One of my barbs brushed his tooth, eliciting another moan from me. I felt my tip brush the back of his throat. It was all I could do to not try and shove the rest of my cock into his mouth. It had been so long since I'd felt this good...I wasn't going to last long. I felt a few squirts of precum paint his gullet.

Slowly, Master pulled his head back, dragging his tongue along my shaft, forcing the pent-up pre to the tip. He reached the head, lightly curling his tongue around the barbs. I sprayed his tongue with more pre, adding to what he had already extracted. With my member standing in the cool air, I began to whimper a little, despite my best efforts. I wanted him to continue. I needed it, at this point.

He didn't leave me hanging, of course. Gripping the base of my shaft, he slid his head forward again, faster this time. As he pulled away, he began sliding his hand up and down, falling into a rhythm. He brought his tongue over the head of my cock again, lapping at the copious amounts of pre trickling from my slit down to my shaft. He started bobbing his head along my length, squeezing the base every few seconds.

I put my paw on the back of his head. He glanced up, curious as to what I was planning, but I just let it rest there, running my claws through his hair, so he ignored it for the most part. I was almost leaking pre at this point. He pulled his mouth off, keeping a firm grip on my shaft. Then, taking only my head back in, he began sucking on the tip, his tongue sliding between the barbs. I felt my groin clench.

Sensing I was close, Master started jacking me off rapidly, holding my tip just in front of his mouth. I grabbed his hair, roaring as I came, thick jets of my seed splattering his face. Some of it, he caught in his mouth; however, the way I was gripping his hair, he didn't have the freedom to move forward and better contain the stream. I think deep down I liked it better that way. I covered his face and chin with streaks of white, some of which he lapped up with his tongue. Lost in the moment, I angled my cock down, hitting his chest and stomach with spunk.

As I tapered off, I released my grip on his hair, letting him lean down and lick up whatever else spilled out. I placed my arms behind me and rested my weight on them, waiting for him to finish his work. Over my heavy panting, I heard him slurping up the excess runoff, slightly over stimulating my member as he licked up the sides.

"King, you're messy as all hell, you know that? I'm not gonna be able to get all of this off."

I assumed he was talking about his body. Reluctantly, I pulled myself out of my stupor and leaned forward again. My member was clean, but Master was dripping a lot.

"Help me out, would you?"

As much as I thought it was a good look for him, I decided that he might get cold again when the jizz started cooling off. Therefore, I slid up to my knees and pushed him down. I pressed my tongue to his stomach, licking upwards. It was interesting: I'd only tasted myself a few times when I was much younger, and never off of another being. My thick cream mixed with his sweat was quite delicious. I worked quickly, making my way up to his neck. As I reached his face, he tried to turn away and close his eyes, which made me grunt a little. He was really quite cute, considering I'd never been particularly attracted to a male before, let alone a human.

As I finished cleaning Master's face, I found myself lying on top of him, looking into his sky blue eyes. I wasn't sure what to say, even if I could say anything; I'd gone from his loving friend and companion to the lust-fueled equivalent of a mate in about ten minutes.

"Hm...Looks like I didn't thank you quite enough."

I saw he was looking down. Following his gaze, careful not to bend my head too far for fear of poking his eye out, I saw that behind his erection I was sporting one of my own. I leaned forward, playfully poking his sack with my tip.

"I don't suppose I may be able to amend that?"

I paused, unsure whether he would have trouble with someone as big as me. I gestured to my meat.

_ "...You sure that's gonna fit?"_

"I think it's worth a shot, don't you?"

I couldn't argue with that logic. I licked his face.

"Alright, hold on; let's make sure it's a smooth entry."

He spit into his hand, lowering it to his hole and rubbing it over his star. Taking his cue, I spit onto my paw, which I lowered to my already rather slick member. I made sure I was thorough, rubbing my saliva over the entire length.

"Okay, I think I'm ready. Go for it."

After looking him one last time in the eyes to make sure he was serious about this, I pushed myself up to my knees. Gently, I lifted master's hips so that they were lined up with mine. He let his legs rest on my thighs as I angled my member towards his opening. As my cock head pushed into his hole, I could tell the saliva was a good idea: I could already feel myself being drawn in to the warm confines of his passage. I looked at Master again. He grinned and nodded.

I pressed forward. All things considered, I was sliding in very easily. The previous attention to my cock probably helped the situation. I managed to get about five inches in before I started to feel any real resistance. My barbs brushed along his tight walls, causing me to slow down as the stimulation made my muscles weak. Master took it to mean I thought I was hurting him.

"That feels really good, boy...keep going..."

Never one to disappoint, I tightened my grip on his waist, pulling him into me as I pushed myself into him. I could feel his muscles contracting around my cock, but the copious amounts of saliva and my renewed supply of precum allowed me to continue rather easily. At about my ninth inch, I couldn't force myself to go any further without causing Master to wince. I paused, allowing us to adjust. I wasn't sure if he was doing this intentionally or not, but every few seconds his walls would spasm around my member, milking me without any thrusting involved. I could feel the tighter parts of his passage slickening as each spasm caused me to squirt a little more pre into him. I looked up at Master, waiting for his signal.

After a good minute of this, he nodded to me.

"You're almost there anyway."

Accepting his challenge, I once again gripped his hips, pushing forcefully but cautiously into him. The extra pre, along with the added pressure and Master's adjustments to my meat, made it rather easy to finish the job. I felt my hips connect with his buttocks.

"Ah...that wasn't so bad, was it? Don't know why we didn't try this sooner..."

The view was fantastic from where I was. Below me was Master's cock, fully erect and dripping pre. I could see below it the very base of my shaft sticking out of his entrance. Each time his heart beat, his walls contracted slightly, causing my member to jump from the treatment. In return, it bumped his prostate, causing his own member to jump. It was like watching something with a half-second delay. I couldn't help but laugh a little.

"I'm sure you're having fun, King, but I think we should move on..."

Who was I to disagree? I pulled my hips back slowly, dragging my barbs slowly across his walls, causing him to moan. I wouldn't call myself the best mater in the world, but hearing him moan like that made me feel like I'd earned my name. Feeling his passage widening more towards the end where my wider base had been, I pulled out a bit faster, until I was entirely out, my barbs pressed against his cheeks.

"Go crazy. It's your night tonight."

As kind as that was of him, I didn't want him being injured from something this pleasurable. I pushed myself back in, hilting myself again in the warm confines of his body. As I slid out, Master wriggled a bit, lost in the feeling of my cock spreading him open.

"Your barbs feel grEAT-AAahh..."

I started thrusting in and out at an increasing pace. I felt Master's muscles relax, allowing me to move faster. I watched his cock jump with each of my thrusts, enjoying the control I had over him for a change. Savoring the moment, I leaned down over him again, grabbing his arms at the wrists and pinning them to the ground. I resumed my thrusting. Rather than lashing out at me, Master simply looked back at me, blushing slightly, and wrapped his legs as far around me as he could.

I used shorter, shallower stabs to accommodate for the reduced maneuverability. I could tell I was close. However, Master started squirming, trying to free a hand, which made me realize that he was closer. Rather than let him finish on his own, I started hammering into him, making sure to angle my thrusts upward to pressure his prostate.

I came first. Rolling us onto my back, I quickly let go of Master's hands and grabbed his hips, slamming him down to my hips and holding him there. I felt torrents of seed spray from my tip, filling him completely. His walls suddenly clenched hard around my cock, indicating he had hit his climax. I felt his muscles clenched tightly to my meat, holding it firmly while it pulsed, covering his depths with my cum. I felt a line of spunk land on my face. Forcing my eyes open, I looked down to find Master with his hand on his member, jerking it furiously. His jizz streaked my chest and chin, but I was far too lost to try and lick it up at this point.

After what felt like minutes, his walls finally relaxed. I felt some of my seed slide down my member and to his opening, where it spilled out onto my groin. He fell forward, catching himself on my chest before lowering himself down to rest his head in a strand or two of his own cum.

"'re...the best..."

I raised my head and licked his cheek. Then he closed his eyes as if trying to fall asleep in my arms. For a few minutes, I simply held Master there under one of my arms, enjoying the silence and the feel of Master's heartbeat against my own.

As I lay there, Master on top of me, staring at the ceiling in the darkness and wondering how long exactly Master had been harboring feelings of that nature towards me, a thought occurred to me.

It was still dark in here.

"...You know, Flicker, I can smell you out there."


"What's up buddy?"

I raised a clawed digit, requesting a moment.

"...You just going to stand out there all night? I can see your tail light flickering from in here."

After a moment's silence, there was a rustling of leaves which echoed down the cave. We looked on expectantly as a light glow illuminated the entrance, where our small orange lizard friend stood. As he walked slowly towards us, I noticed that against his lighter stomach scales he was sporting a bright red erection smelling heavily of his musk.

"I came back to you two doing...well, that...and I didn't want to interrupt."

"Good call. Was our performance to your liking?"

"...You could say that. At any rate, I'm tired. I'm going in my ball for the night."

He walked over to us, seemingly unfazed by our predicament.

"I know you're probably tired Flick, but could you get a fire going before we call it a night?"

"Fucking ungrateful...Yeah, okay..."

He trudged back to the opening and grabbed the twigs he managed to round up. For good measure, I got up and found a smaller dead tree outside, quickly cutting it into logs. Flicker grumbled a few curses as I finished about 2 minutes later.

Our pit set, Flicker blew some flames on the wood, igniting the fire. Master thanked him and returned him to his ball. After a moment of thought, Master decided it would probably be best if he laid his clothes and backpack by the fire for the night and slept with me. I agreed.

That night, I dreamed of a boy turned to stone whose life was restored by the tears of his pokemon. And I thought: Isn't that some shit?