The Prologue of Rocky and Rodgers

Story by Angelo on SoFurry

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The Conversation that Started it All

People might say that it is best to keep the internet and dating out of each other's groups. But I have nothing against online dating. In fact, that's where I met him. Where I met Rocky, the guy I would decide to spend the rest of my life with. And to this day I am very happy. And it is all thanks, to one night when he came back online to see me.

Nanaki4688: Dear?

Rock_Hard_Coon: I slept for 2 hours...woke up thinking it was morning.....because it felt like I got hit by a truck.. ><

Nanaki4688: :-(

Nanaki4688: I am sorry...

Nanaki4688: Anything I can do?

Rock_Hard_Coon: -hugs- dunno...

Nanaki4688: I want to make you happy dear...

Rock_Hard_Coon: -curls up into your lap-

Nanaki4688: I thought you weren't going on taps anymore?

Rock_Hard_Coon: -raises an eyebrow- I'm not on atm...

Nanaki4688: LOL Never mind dear

Rock_Hard_Coon: -nods some and hugs-

Nanaki4688: *Lightly giggles and kisses your nose and yawns*

Rock_Hard_Coon: -licks- YEr tired...go get sleep.

Nanaki4688: I want to spend time with you...I miss you...

Rock_Hard_Coon: -nuzzles some- Ah...

Nanaki4688: What are you hoping to do at the meet tomorrow?

Rock_Hard_Coon: find Atari 2600 games. Which I KNOW I will.


Rock_Hard_Coon: I'll brb in a moment dear... connection is screw. uh.

Rock_Hard_Coon signed off at 10:12:45 PM.

Rock_Hard_Coon signed on at 10:15:01 PM.

Rock_Hard_Coon: Backies

Nanaki4688: :-)

Nanaki4688: *Licks your nose* Love you

Rock_Hard_Coon: -licks back- Love ya, too.

Nanaki4688: Hey lets get to know each other some more

Rock_Hard_Coon: mhmmm? Okies...

Nanaki4688: Ask me anything you want to know about me

Rock_Hard_Coon: uh....whats your favorite color?

Nanaki4688: Maroon

Rock_Hard_Coon: -giggles- How come?...

Nanaki4688: I don't know...I just think it is such a pretty color...

Rock_Hard_Coon: -nods- My Favorite color is Blue. cuz it's the color of the sky. ^^;;

Nanaki4688: What color are your eyes?

Rock_Hard_Coon: a Light Blue.

Nanaki4688: Mine are hazel after my grandfather

Rock_Hard_Coon: My Brother used to say I had beautiful eyes (in the Non Romantic way XD) and he wanted to take them out and put them a jar. XD

Nanaki4688: O_O

Rock_Hard_Coon: -giggles some- Wha?

Nanaki4688: Nothing just sort of creepy

Rock_Hard_Coon: -giggles-

Nanaki4688: Your turn

Rock_Hard_Coon: What's your favorite food?

Nanaki4688: Ummm...I don't have a favorite food...I don't like eating

Rock_Hard_Coon: -blinks- uh..okay.

Rock_Hard_Coon: Why don't cha like eating?

Nanaki4688: I don't know...I was always chubby...

Nanaki4688: And I hate it...

Nanaki4688: So during summer I stopped eating..

Rock_Hard_Coon: -nods some- Please don't stop eatin's bad for ya. favorite food is Spaghetti.. ^^;;

Nanaki4688: What is your favorite television show?

Rock_Hard_Coon: My Favorite show....that I can't watch anymore because it hasn't been aired in forever.. >< is.. Shirttails! because it started a cute raccoon that totally made it my favorite animal when I was a kit. :-)

Nanaki4688: I have never heard of it

Nanaki4688: I don't own a television....

Rock_Hard_Coon: Oh. -hugs-

Nanaki4688: Your turn....

Rock_Hard_Coon: this may be a bit personal..but since I'm willing to answer it.. ^^;; Are you Still a Virgin?

Nanaki4688: Yea I am

Rock_Hard_Coon: So Am I. :-)

Nanaki4688: In every possible way?

Rock_Hard_Coon: Yes.

Nanaki4688: So am I

Rock_Hard_Coon: -nods some and hmmmsss- Okay. yer turn. :-)

Nanaki4688: Ummm....I know you told me this before, but when was it you realized you liked guys?

Nanaki4688: You said it was one of your most happiest moments

Rock_Hard_Coon: Yes....

Rock_Hard_Coon: This is a long story, so pull up a chair.. XD

Nanaki4688: *Sits down in a Rocky lap chair*

Rock_Hard_Coon: was quite a few years back...I was running a MUCK called "FurWarsMUCK" . basically a Star Wars MUCK where any Human species were replaced with Furries....... There I met someone , a male, who really liked me. I had doubtsa bout my sexuality at the time...and it worried me, but I didn't think this male was actually INTRESTED in me like *THAT* until he outright asked me for yiff in private. I sort of...ran out on him and told him to never speak to me again.....

Rock_Hard_Coon: So that REALLY confused me and started me into a downward spiral of depression. I really didn't know what I wanted...

Rock_Hard_Coon: it got the point where any male that hugged me.... I told them to get the fuck away from me...

Rock_Hard_Coon: and when I tried to speak to "Friends" about it....all they did was "Try to show me what it was like to be gay" aka- Force me into a yiff scene, which also lost me many friends.

Nanaki4688: :-\

Rock_Hard_Coon: Eventually..the Male from FurWarsMUCK came back......

Nanaki4688: And what happened?

Rock_Hard_Coon: he apologized...I explained why I had acted such.. he said he understood. I didn't know it at the time, but he started to speak to me and ask me questions occasionally..... What he was doing was slowly helping me figure out more about myself in a non pushing manner......

Nanaki4688: And then you guys yiffed?

Rock_Hard_Coon: and..finally.... It dawned on me, that well..Being Gay is what I was... and what I wanted. and... well yeah. ^^;; a few weeks after he became my first Male Mate IRL sense, and it lasted almost exactly two years, before we decided a long distance relationship wasn't working out and taking us longer to get together IRL, so we mutually broke up.

Nanaki4688: Do you guys still talk?

Rock_Hard_Coon: Occasionally....he's very busy IRL now, with his RL mate... lol! But he E-mails me occasionally.

Nanaki4688: Ah

Nanaki4688: Well...lets see...

Rock_Hard_Coon: So...Now yer turn. :-)

Nanaki4688: My story might scare you..

Rock_Hard_Coon: Why?

Nanaki4688: Because I was very....odd...

Nanaki4688: Lets start from the beginning..

Rock_Hard_Coon: oh.

Rock_Hard_Coon: okay

Nanaki4688: When I was in middle school, I was always teased and named called...

Nanaki4688: The most popular was "faggot"

Nanaki4688: I didn't know what it meant...but it hurt..

Nanaki4688: Eventually I found out the meaning...

Nanaki4688: And constantly being called it every day made me begin to wonder if I was

Nanaki4688: Well....I don't know my real grandfather, but my step grandfather I knew always slept naked...

Nanaki4688: And I would try to see him when I could, though I never got to...

Nanaki4688: That's when I started to wonder..

Nanaki4688: I tried stopping...

Nanaki4688: I only hung out with females, thinking I was really cool to have all the chicks...

Nanaki4688: Turns out it just made me more feminine...

Nanaki4688: I had my first girlfriend last year...

Nanaki4688: Her name was Jordan...

Nanaki4688: And she is admitingly a "Fag Hag"

Nanaki4688: She LOVES gay people..

Nanaki4688: And when I was with her, I did nothing boyfriendish

Nanaki4688: I never held her hand or kissed her...

Nanaki4688: I rarely hugged her...

Nanaki4688: She saw the signs

Nanaki4688: She told me I would be better off later without her

Nanaki4688: And she dumped me

Nanaki4688: I thought it was because I was a bad boyfriend and I was heartbroken

Nanaki4688: I tried going out with another chick, named Heather....

Nanaki4688: I asked her out on Valentines day

Nanaki4688: And she said yes

Nanaki4688: But the next day she asked if I was joking and didn't want to be with me...

Rock_Hard_Coon: oh.

Nanaki4688: Then summer came...

Nanaki4688: And I went to see my cousin in California for a week

Nanaki4688: When I got back, I got internet

Nanaki4688: My very own internet...

Nanaki4688: This whole time I had a insane fascination with Red XIII

Nanaki4688: Hence my first story

Nanaki4688: But there was not very many straight Red XIII pictures...

Nanaki4688: When I was at Chris's house I would play it off and be grossed out

Nanaki4688: But when he wasn't looking I would stare at the image...and I was really turned on...

Nanaki4688: Soon I was engulfed with the internet, I was on 24 hours

Nanaki4688: Looking at digimon porn

Rock_Hard_Coon: -nods some softly and listens-

Nanaki4688: Mmm...Exveemon...*Drools* Anyways...

Nanaki4688: I came across the word MUCK and I knew it had to be adult...

Nanaki4688: I was really horny so I found a website that had a list of adult MUCKS

Nanaki4688: Tapestries was the one I picked

Nanaki4688: I waited the days and got my account and on the first day, I met Karl

Nanaki4688: Karl was the first fur I met and when I saw his character

Nanaki4688: It was in the TD room

Nanaki4688: I had to yiff with him...

Nanaki4688: It came naturally...

Nanaki4688: Like I knew exactly what to do...

Rock_Hard_Coon: -nods some and nuzzles- Ahhhh...

Nanaki4688: Soon after he gave me his AIM and I got to know him more

Nanaki4688: Eventually I asked him out

Nanaki4688: And he said yes

Nanaki4688: But Karl is a bit of a loony and tossed a coin to see if he would stay with me or not...

Nanaki4688: Obviously I lost the coin toss...

Nanaki4688: But that's what happened

Nanaki4688: And you thought your story would be long

Rock_Hard_Coon: Ah...-hugs and giggles-

Nanaki4688: Did I bore you enough? Tired now?

Rock_Hard_Coon: Nope. XD

Nanaki4688: Well it is your turn

Rock_Hard_Coon: What's your favorite Flash Movie online if ya got one?

Nanaki4688: Hmmm...I really don't know...

Nanaki4688: I guess this one...let me show you


Rock_Hard_Coon: Ahhhh! FF A+! Good choice. :-)


Rock_Hard_Coon: - My's..Random. XD

Nanaki4688: Are you learning any languages?

Rock_Hard_Coon: Trying Spanish.

Nanaki4688: I am taking Nihongo

Nanaki4688: I love Nihongo

Rock_Hard_Coon: Ah :-)

Rock_Hard_Coon: Whats your favorite Game series?

Nanaki4688: Castlevania...

Nanaki4688: More than anything...

Nanaki4688: Mmmmm....

Rock_Hard_Coon: Sonic The Hedgehog. <3.

Nanaki4688: I beaten all the new ones...

Nanaki4688: Knuckles is sexy

Rock_Hard_Coon: -giggles- I prefer Tails multiple Tails. I have a badddddd Tail fetish. XD -licks-

Nanaki4688: Teeehehehe...Ok let me see....

Rock_Hard_Coon: I don't mean Tails as the character. I mean TAILS in general! like yours! -pounces your coonie tail and hugs it!-

Nanaki4688: *Giggles and flicks my tail tip at your snout*

Nanaki4688: What is your favorite story to read?

Rock_Hard_Coon: Probably The Fan Sonic NOVEL a friend is working on.

Rock_Hard_Coon: it's at like 250 pages now. ><

Nanaki4688: Wow

Rock_Hard_Coon: and it has Sonic based Rocky in it. XD

Nanaki4688: That's cool

Nanaki4688: I guess my favorite story to read is The First, the one I made about you, I reread it today and I was so happy

Rock_Hard_Coon: -smiles and nuzzles- Now we need "The Second" -winks and licks-

Nanaki4688: That...was....odd...

Rock_Hard_Coon: wha?

Nanaki4688: That flash

Rock_Hard_Coon: Yes. XD

Nanaki4688: Ok so who's question was it?

Rock_Hard_Coon: Mine... mmmm....

Rock_Hard_Coon: Whats your favorite music type?

Nanaki4688: Techno

Nanaki4688: And I guess I lied earlier

Rock_Hard_Coon: Wha?

Nanaki4688: I have two favorite things to eat

Rock_Hard_Coon: Ah. XD

Nanaki4688: Fudge Graham Cookie

Nanaki4688: And Pumpkin Ice-cream

Rock_Hard_Coon: <3.

Nanaki4688: *Eats Graham cookies*

Rock_Hard_Coon: I like Techno and Rock and Metal.

Nanaki4688: What music you listen to/?

Nanaki4688: Ok

Nanaki4688: I also like j-pop

Nanaki4688: Ummmm....

Nanaki4688: This is WAY too personal but I will ask you

Nanaki4688: Are you circumcised?

Rock_Hard_Coon: Nope.

Nanaki4688: Me either

Rock_Hard_Coon: -giggles and licks- Ah.

Nanaki4688: Your turn

Rock_Hard_Coon: Whats your favorite movie?

Nanaki4688: Ummmm....Kung Pow

Rock_Hard_Coon: <3 !

Rock_Hard_Coon: My Favorite as well. :-)


Nanaki4688: It is great

Nanaki4688: Let see....What is your favorite fetish?

Rock_Hard_Coon: Collars and Leashes. ^^;;

Nanaki4688: It depends with me...I really REALLY think the ideal scene would be me, sucking on my mate in a fur suit with glasses ;-P

Rock_Hard_Coon: -giggles and blushes- Ah.

Nanaki4688: *Nudge nudge*

Rock_Hard_Coon: *giggles* wah?

Nanaki4688: It is your turn

Rock_Hard_Coon: mhmmm..... Whats your favorite Song?

Nanaki4688: Want me to send it?

Rock_Hard_Coon: Just tell me the name dear and artist. -giggles-

Nanaki4688: It isn't really a song that has an artist

Rock_Hard_Coon: Well whats the song?

Nanaki4688: Purity of your Smile

Rock_Hard_Coon: -noddles- Ah.

Rock_Hard_Coon: My Favorite Song is "It Doesn't Matter"

Nanaki4688: Who sings it

Rock_Hard_Coon: Crush 40.

Rock_Hard_Coon: It's Sonic's Theme from Sonic Adventure 1.

Nanaki4688: Never heard of them

Rock_Hard_Coon: Do you have Real player?

Nanaki4688: Yea I do


Rock_Hard_Coon: -giggles- I like this song.

Nanaki4688: Almost done

Nanaki4688: I cant send you my song? It is short

Rock_Hard_Coon: okies

Nanaki4688 wants to send file C:\Program Files\Gravity\RagnarokOnline\BGM\76.mp3.

Nanaki4688: *Saves song*

Nanaki4688: It is a nice song

Rock_Hard_Coon: I like it. <3.

Nanaki4688: Lets see...

Nanaki4688: What is your favorite treat to indulge in?

Nanaki4688: Doesn't have to be food

Nanaki4688: Just something you do to make yourself happy that you normally don't do

Rock_Hard_Coon: Hit the Arcade at the Burger King here. :-)

Rock_Hard_Coon: they have an original Tempest Machine. hehehhee.

Nanaki4688: Hehehe

Nanaki4688: I don't do much...I don't have any friends in real life...they are everywhere else...

Nanaki4688: But I try to visit Jordan sometimes

Rock_Hard_Coon: -noddles- Ahh.

Nanaki4688: When she isn't busy fucking her boyfriend

Rock_Hard_Coon: -hehs and nuzzles- oh.

Nanaki4688: When you went on mic, did you hear my voice?

Rock_Hard_Coon: -noddles- Uh-huh.

Nanaki4688: What did you think of it?

Rock_Hard_Coon received C:\Program Files\Gravity\RagnarokOnline\BGM\76.mp3.

Rock_Hard_Coon: I liked it. :-)

Nanaki4688: Good I remember that your voice is really soft, but it might have been because you were whispering

Nanaki4688: Because you said you have a deeper voice

Rock_Hard_Coon: -nods- People say I do. I dunno what it sounds to others. -slurps-

Nanaki4688: Your turn

Rock_Hard_Coon: Did My voice sound.,...uh.. Sexy to you? ^^;;

Nanaki4688: *Blushes and nods* And I would love to hear it again

Rock_Hard_Coon: -giggles some and nuzzles- you sounded sexy to me, too. -hugs-

Nanaki4688: *Giggles* Ummm.....where are you again?

Nanaki4688: Mass.

Rock_Hard_Coon: Yesh.

Nanaki4688: That's right

Nanaki4688: Let me think of something else

Nanaki4688: What is your favorite article of clothing?

Rock_Hard_Coon: My Windbreaker Jacket. I think I look cool in it. XD

Nanaki4688: I mean type

Rock_Hard_Coon: Oh...

Rock_Hard_Coon: Uh. Clothes. Honestly. XD

Rock_Hard_Coon: I'm not too big on anything fancy. :-)

Nanaki4688: My favorite piece is my socks...

Nanaki4688: Brand new socks...

Nanaki4688: Oh god....*Purr*

Rock_Hard_Coon: -giggles some and nuzzles- Ah.

Nanaki4688: Did you listen to the song?

Rock_Hard_Coon: yeah. a little bit dear. I honestly didn't like THAT much. sorry. ^^;;

Nanaki4688: Oh well....

Nanaki4688: It is from Ragnarok

Rock_Hard_Coon: is it my turn?

Nanaki4688: Yea

Rock_Hard_Coon: -scritches your ears- What do you Ideally look for in a potential mate dear?

Nanaki4688: I don't have a trait that I want really...I just want someone that will love me and that will stay with me for the rest of our lives no matter what was to happen

Rock_Hard_Coon: -nods some- I look for someone whose Loyal , that'll stick with me through thick and thin and just Love me to death, like I'll love them to Death.... and also understanding.

Nanaki4688: Yea that's like me

Nanaki4688: Let me see...Ummm...If you were going to die tomorrow and you knew it, what would one think you want to do or regret not doing?

Rock_Hard_Coon: Find the one I love and spend that one night with them.

Nanaki4688: Lets see...I don't know...there is so much I would miss out on...because the ones I love are too far to reach within that night...

Rock_Hard_Coon: -nods softly-

Nanaki4688: Your turn

Rock_Hard_Coon: -pets over your ears softly- Mmmhmm....

Rock_Hard_Coon: lemme think...

Nanaki4688: Ok dear

Rock_Hard_Coon: You have shown me extreme understanding... and love for me dear... I'm getting butterflies in my tummy as I type this question...both in anxious, but also in Joy... I don't know if I'm making a mistake going against my own principal of waiting a year, doesn't feel wrong that I'am.... and I can understand if the distance drags us apart. -sighs and takes a deep breath- Sweety... will you be my Mate?....for real this time?

Nanaki4688: You...cant imagine the size of the smile on my face dear...

Rock_Hard_Coon: -blushes some and hides his face a little- Well?...

Nanaki4688: My heart is going a million miles a minutes

Rock_Hard_Coon: -nods some and gives you a moment, flicking his tail a bit nervously-

Nanaki4688: I would like that a lot dear it would mean the world to me if I could get to know you more

Nanaki4688: *Takes your tail in my paw and gently licks the nervous tip*

Rock_Hard_Coon: -blushes some and nuzzles up to you as he kisses your lips softly- I just .... ask the following dear.... is that.. I promise not to meet new people for yiff.... but I do ask that I be allowed to do such a thing with my existing friends if they so desire. I CAN promise however....that those relationships do not extend past Tapestries, never ever do they....

Nanaki4688: Ok and I have a similar request

Rock_Hard_Coon: -nods some- Okay...

Nanaki4688: Mainly just with Mikey, on YIM

Nanaki4688: If that is ok?

Rock_Hard_Coon: -nods- Alright. that's fine.

Nanaki4688: I don't really play tapestries so

Nanaki4688: But can I ask a favor?

Rock_Hard_Coon: Tapestries is the only place I really yiff dear. There and on AIM with you... and sure?

Nanaki4688: Can we take it a little slow? I mean it would be the same as if you were my AIM mate still, but I still am having this thing in my head going on so I need to think about this as well, so lets take things slow, just like we have usually but now just more affection ok?

Nanaki4688: Sorry if that is confusing I am confused myself

Rock_Hard_Coon: -giggles- I understand.....

Nanaki4688: Wow I cant believe you asked me that...*Heart leaps again*

Nanaki4688: I didn't expect that one coming love

Rock_Hard_Coon: -blushes some as he huggles softly- Mmmhmm..

Nanaki4688: I am so happy I am crying

Rock_Hard_Coon: -licks away your tears softly as he mmmmsss and tail wraps around you-

Rock_Hard_Coon: -blushes softly- Now you're not just any soft little cute fluffy're MY soft little fluffy coonie.. -he giggles and sighs and leans against you-

Nanaki4688: And your mine dear! I wont let distance bother us I promise it wont affect us at all

Rock_Hard_Coon: -smiles sweetly as he sighs and hugs you close- Mmm...good dear.

Nanaki4688: I still am...wowed by this dear you made me so happy and we still have a lot to learn about each other but we can do that together

Rock_Hard_Coon: -blushes some and nods- MMm...

Nanaki4688: *Pounces onto you and snuggling deeply into your chest* Man I am so happy...You don't know what you mean to me...I love you...

Rock_Hard_Coon: -smiles- I have a general idea though...I love you, too dear....

Nanaki4688: Would you mind if I saved this conversation?

Nanaki4688: I cant stop rereading what you said over and over

Rock_Hard_Coon: -blushes- you may.

And so it began, the beginning of a chain that would continue for many years to come. Every time I read this my heart flutters, and now I get to share it with you. The experiences that I shall go through, the pains and sorrows, to the happiness and the joyous times that with live on in me forever, eternally written down for any one to read the story, about the day my life had changed.