Christmas Brothers

Story by Hot Sheath 92 on SoFurry

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THis is my first story, so please tell me what you think. Thanks for reading. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sam was 21, muscular, and well-built. Nick was 18, athletic, but not as well-built as Sam. They are brothers. It was Winter Break and their parents had decided to go on vacation and leave the boys home alone. It was 10pm on Christmas Eve when Nick walked downstairs and saw under the tree two neatly wrapped gifts. He walked over to the tree grabbed the gifts and walked back upstairs to the room that he shares with his brother. He walks into the room and says, "Hey bro, this is for you.", tossing the present. Sam caught the box and tore offthe wrapping. He opened the box and saw a black leather dog collar laying at the bottom. He picked it up and read the tag, it had his name on it. Nick meanwhile had open his gift and he too found a similar brown leather dog collar with his name engraved in the tag. They both looked up and Nick said, "What the hell is this?, Who are they from?". "I dont know, but take a look at this.", Sam said, pointing at the back of his dog tag. He read, "Activates only when worn." "What is that supposed to mean," said Nick. Sam said, "I dont know but i am going to find out", while putting on the collar. Once the collar clipped around his neck, Sam felt a shock rush throughout his body. Almost immediatly he felt a strange tug as his face stretched into a muzzle and his ears moved to the top of his head. His clothes then started to shred as his muscles grew. He felt fur start to form at the top of his head and move downhis body. When it reached his waist, he felt a new sensation like a bulge forming at the top of his ass. With one final push his new tail grew to its full length. The sensation continued down his legs and finally to his groin. This had to be the weirdest sensation yet as he felt his balls get heavier and felt his sac drop and become covered in dark fur. Then his cock began to grow ans it raised closer to his stomach. His cock the started to retreat into his new black furry sheath. After that his hands and feet shifted and changed into a paw-like form and with that his transformation ended. Nick was stunded to see his brother become a German Shepard.After looking at what Sam had become for a while Nick decided he liked what he was seeing and he put on his own collar. Sam saw his brother go thru the same change that he went thru, but instead of becoming a German Shepard he became a Husky. Seeing his brother change and become so masculine and buff, Sam started to fee a little horny. He looked down a saw a pink tip come out of his furry sheath. Nick saw this happen and he too became horny. Nick looked at his brother and relized just how attractive and hot Sam was. He got down on his knnes right in front of Sam's crotch. Sam looked at Nick and wondered what he was doing, but then relized that he was way to horny to care who he was going to fuck. Nick looked up at Sam and Sam nodded. Nick then began to slowly lick Sam's sheath from bottom to top, not trying to miss an inch. Nick's licking started to coax Sam's large pink member out of its hiding place. Sam's dick slowly began to grow larger and thicker. Sam gripped his brother's sholders and moved him over to the bed, where he was bent over the bed. Sam then placed the tip of his throbbing member at his little brother's tailhole and asked, "Are you ready?". "Yes...", moaned Nick in antisapation. Sam then brutally thrusted all 11inches of his massive canine cock, balls deep into his brother's virgin tailhole. Nick screamed out in pain and pleasure. They continued to buck back and forth, moaning and whining, until Sam's knot started popping in and out of Nick's ass. Finally, the grapefruit sized knot became way to large to get out of Nick's ass. They were tied. Now that they were connected Sam began to rut frantically leaking pre all over the insides of Nick's anus. Finally, the pressure grew to large and with one final deep thrust Sam shot stream after stream of hot and sticky cum deep into Nick's bowels. Sam then collapsed on top of Nick's back and fell asleep. Nick lay there underneath his massive canine brother with his engorged cock begging for release pressed against his stomach. He squirmed around until he was able to grab it and he pawed off until he too came all over the bed. He looked at the clock, it was 12:01 am, on Christmas Day. Before he too fell asleep Nick whisper to his brother, "Merry Christmas, bro." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- At 1:00 am Sam and Nick's parents quietly pulled into the driveway and went inside. They went up to their sons' room and looked inside. They saw an anthro-German Shepard still knotted with an anthro-Husky asleep in one of the beds. They creeped into their own bedroom, where the boys' mother turned to her husband and said, "It looks like they liked their gifts". They then put on their own collars and fucked until 5 am as an anthro-Dalmation and an anthro-Golden Retriever.