A little payback part 1
This is my part of a trade with a good friend.We are making things with each others pokemon characters, and I am making a story about his character Foamy, a buizel. He will be drawing my charizard character. Part two will be coming soon.
The lake was crystal clear, not a cloud was in the sky, and it was just an all around beautiful day. The surface of the water was soon breached by one of it's inhabitants, a small but well built buizel. Little Foamy, the buizel, had finished a morning swim, enjoying the fine day. He started to shake out his fur, drying himself off. He was a very enjoyable pokemon to be around, although a little cocky and overconfident, though that was going to change on this day.
Flying down from the near by mountain range into the valley was a chubby dragonite, a little bag strapped around his waist. Unfortunately, he was a small one for his species, a runt of the litter. Of course, the little dragonite, Setson had another problem...
Setson landed at the edge of the lake, getting a nice refreshing drink. Foamy, being ever so curious, approached. Although he was bigger, the dragonite was more pudge than muscle, making him seem like less of a predator to the buizel. Foamy smiled, taking a seat. "Hey there, haven't seen you around before, how are ya?" He said with a grin.
Setson gave a small smile. "Fine, just coming down and visiting." He chuckled, looking down at him. He sat down, making room for Foamy to join if he wanted.
The buizel smiled, deciding to take the seat, sitting right next to Setson. "Well welcome, it's nice to meet you." He said, shaking his paw. "I heard a lot about dragonites, I thought they were a lot bigger though." He said, looking him up and down.
Setson smiled nervously, looking down. He was very embarrassed about his size, though since the buizel didn't mean any harm at least, he tried to let it slide. As said before, he did have a problem, unlike the first one.
The dragonite groaned softly, his stomach starting to churn, he knew what he had to do but had to hold it in for now. "So... tell me what it's like hear, he said, kind of loud so Foamy wouldn't hear the groaning of his stomach.
Foamy smiled a bit, looking out in the lake. "It's very peaceful, no interference by humans, just a place where we can live in peace. Some pokemon have gotten soft, but not me, I make sure to keep my A-game, it's what I am best known for, my strength, my power, and my bravery." He rambled on, taking great pride in himself.
Setson was just smiling and nodding, trying to ignore his stomach, it was starting to grown more, but not out of hunger. Foamy finally started to take notice, looking up at him. "Hey dude, you alright?" He said, nudging his side.
Setson couldn't hold it anymore, a loud trumpeting sound was blasted from his rump, making him sigh in pleasure, as he finally got the stomach pressure to go away, it was merely gas, it always is, he is unusually gassy too.
Foamy looked at him, before the smell reached his nose. He tried to turn away, the smell was bad of course, and why would people want to smell it anyway? "Eww! Gross! What is wrong with you? That stinks!" He groaned, trying to fan the smell away.
The dragonite was not pleased with this, he stepped up, only one or two feet taller than the buizel. Of course, Foamy may have boasted a lot, but he did have some power to back it up as well, he wasn't scared, and Setson knew that, but the dragonite had other plans for Foamy. Foamy growled, ready to fight, when he saw the dragonite reach into the bag he he, and pulled out some strange sand, and then blew it onto Foamy, coating him in it.
"W-what was that supposed to do?" He said in his usual cocky voice when nothing happened at first. He took a step forward before falling to the ground, going limp. "H-huh? What's going on?" He shouted, his entire body tingling all over. He squirmed a bit, his arms starting to retract, the same with his legs. He felt a throbbing in his head, it hurt a little, but it would soon start to go back down over time. He felt his entire body start to shrink down, reducing him to a mere eight inches. He opened his eyes, looking up, to find himself gazing at a huge dragonite, towering over him, not looking pleased at all.
Setson smiled a little, picking him up. The buizel's squirming could not break his strong grip. "So, I'm smelly? I'm gross, rude? Just like everyone says, stay away from him, he stinks! He reeks! No one likes him! I just have a gas problem!" He shouts, tightening his grip on Foamy, glaring down at him.
Foamy was now pretty frightened, something told him that he wouldn't be getting out of this one easily. "L-look, I'm sorry, I was out of line! I was having a bad day!" He pleaded, hoping to get out of this before things got really bad, though deep down, knowing his efforts are in vain.
Setson smiled a bit more. "Oh no, you are going to have my company and you will enjoy it! You don't have much of a choice anyway!" He grinned, holding him tightly. He soon enough brought the little buizel up to his rather large rear, holding him right infront of his anus. It was relatively clean, but a strong musk and the stench of lingering gas clung to it. He grunted before his anus opened up, pushing out a long, wet burst of gas over the tiny buizel.
Foamy started to cough, the gas is bad enough as normal, but with his small lungs, it seemed harder to deal with. Foamy soon enough was blasted with another fart, this one a bit warmer than the other, smelling like rotten eggs. The tiny buizel soon got relief as he was brought back infront of the dragonite. "And that's just a sample~" He said, soon taking flight. Foamy knew it was going to be a long day