Crisis of Power, ch. 2

Story by FrostDragon on SoFurry

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#2 of Crisis of Power

if you're under 18 years of don't belong here, so get outta here.

that out of the way...this story may seem a little weird at times, but I'm getting ideas out of my head here.


A tear fell from her eye and I gently wiped it away with one of my fingers. She still didn't look very sure though. "Tony..."

"What is it? Something wrong?"

", real parents taught me the draconic-revelation process and....umm..."


She got up off me and I stood up before her, and she looked off to the side shyly, her hands behind her back and her left foot kicking at the ground behind her. Finally she sighed and set her face. "It starts with what dragons consider a sign of trust. Me being the teacher...I have to start first."

"Start what?" She didn't hear me though, and my question was answered halfway through asking as she reached down and started taking off her pink shirt and the denim jacket at the same time. "Amber?!" I asked, confused, and tried my damndest to curb the sudden rush inside myself at this new turn of events. Despite my efforts I felt my member straining at my jeans as she shook her hair after pulling her shirt over her head. She kept from looking at me, obviously as embarrassed as I, and she quickly slipped out of her pants. She stood there in her bra and underwear, and sideglanced at me. I could tell her skin under her facial fur was beet-red.

"Okay, this is as far as I go at the moment. You next."

She stood there watching me as I hesitantly took off my shirt and pants, standing before her in my boxers with an embarrassing tent in the front. I covered myself when she looked down but she shook her head.

"Don't bother, it doesn't matter with the next step." My head suddenly spun with unavoidable excitement as she reached behind herself and unclipped her bra. It was torture...I didn't want to embarrass her but here I was, an aroused late-teen male with a stripping girl right in front of him...I couldn't help staring at her perfect white-furred breasts as her bra fell to the ground. Most other guys might have laughed at her, but in my honest opinion her breasts were perfect...not too small but not too big. She hesitated and then quickly dropped her underwear. It was sheer torture...I didn't want to seem like a pervert in front of my girlfriend but what can a guy do when he's got the hottest vixen on earth stripping in front of him? Her next reaction took me by surprise; she glanced down at my tented boxers and gave a naughty grin.

"What's the look for?" I asked.

"Y'know, something in me has always wanted to see you...but we're not here for sex. Now c'mon, drop the shorts and let's get this over with."

Something in me was torn in half, one side with intense relief that she wasn't a sex freak and didn't seem to mind this now...but the other half, that no-sex bit...I shoved the latter to the side and with a sigh of resignation pulled my waistband out and over myself and stepped out of the white boxers. She giggled when she saw my face's color, and we just stood there eyeing each other. Something stirred in me...I suddenly had more control over myself and with some effort I willed my erection away. She looked surprised. "Huh...just like dad said..."


"My real dad...he said that a dragon male, when presented with what you see before you..." she ran her hands along her sides, "in order to put themselves and the female at ease they...well, un-arouse themselves. But off from that, first step's done. Now the next step: finding your inner how did dad do it..." She walked up to me and I needed all my willpower just to keep myself at bay as she pressed her front against mine, her hands on my shoulders, a searching look on her face. I gulped nervously as her soft breasts pressed against my bare skin and her crotch brushed against my cock. Damn, she felt like silk from heaven...

"Are you advancing on me or something?" I asked jokingly, but she hissed for silence and her hands suddenly stopped on my shoulders.

"Aha, found it...I know this seems like a come-on between us...kinda wish it were..." she looked at me with a shy grin, "but I can feel your draconic power inside you. Find the spots on my shoulders...damn this is gonna be hard..."

"What is?"

She giggled and I could feel the nervous heat from her hands. "Trying to control myself." We both laughed and I put my hands on her shoulders, mimicking the way hers were placed on mine. All at once something rushed into me and we both gasped in felt like something inside me had been called to and had woken up from slumber. "The call worked!" she said to herself, but her mouth didn't hit me: our inner dragons were now connected to each other like all dragons were in that book, and I could hear her and she could hear me without verbally speaking. Far off, very far away, I could feel others, but it felt like there was a shadow between me and them. "Now for the hardest part," she thought to me.

"What is it?" I thought back, and she grinned with the success.

"You're damn lucky my dragon powers are stronger than normal, this is going a lot faster than I'd anticipated. But..." She pulled away from me and sighed out loud. "All I can do, I have done. It's your job now to find how to access yourself." A sly grin stretched across my face and she read my thoughts, and her eyes widened and she laughed. "No! Hands off yourself you sicko! Access yourself as in the dragon part of you!"

I laughed, but gradually fell serious as I tried to find that energy she'd unlocked inside me. "Damnit, what am I looking for?!" I growled, feeling like I was standing there like an idiot.

She thought for a bit and a smile crept across her face, but she was shielding her mind from mine. "Well...seeing how you like my fur and all..." She stepped back towards me and turned around with a grin, rubbing her back against my chest, "if you succeed, I'll...let you give me a little rub-down."

I smirked at her. "So you're wanting to get intimate now?"

"Why not? We're the last known dragons in the world, the others are hidden by shadow...we love each other beyond all else..." On that last note she turned around and hugged me. "You have no idea how happy you make me..." I hugged her in return, feeling her heavenly soft fur against my skin. "Hey whoa, back off, that's your reward after you turn into a dragon," she said, pulling away from me as my hands started running through her fur.

"How do I do it, though? I have no idea what to do!"

She stood back from me and I watched in amazement as her body began changing. The transformation only took a second, maybe two, but I saw the whole thing. Her fur seemed to gather in patches and then fuse together into scaly hide, her limbs lengthened and thinned slightly but her muscles became more visible. Her face lengthened a bit into a more reptilian form, and her arms seemed to double in width and then split along the length, and the fingers on the back set lengthened and leathery translucent skin formed between them. Her breasts firmed with a bit of muscle from the anchors of her wings, and the fur of her tail fused together as her tail itself lengthened and tapered. Next thing I knew I was staring at an absolutely gorgeous dragoness with glittering silver scales and a white "underbelly" if she were on all fours. In the moonlight her eyes glowed with a beautiful golden sheen, almost like bronze but still gold. She smiled warmly at me, letting me study her body, obviously liking the attention. All along her front, the white scales were almost invisible, they were so tiny, and her abdomen and the area between her legs were almost completely smooth. The scales under her tail began at the crease of her thighs, looking like they were covering her private areas, but as she turned herself to give me a better look at her new form I could barely see that the scales down there were split in two like slits. As she turned herself around I noticed the top of her backside was fused into the muscles of her tail, and she had a slight V-shaped ridge of wing-anchor muscles along her back moving to where her tail joined her body. Her wing-arms were muscular yet still slim; apparently dragon-muscle was very strong but also compact...I was a bit scared now to think of an arm-wrestling match with her. She looked over her shoulder using her very flexible neck and grinned at me as I stepped forward and felt her wingskins. They were translucent, but somehow, even made of skin, they weren't very creased or wrinkly like books depicted; it was really very elastic. The skin was also VERY tough...feeling it between my fingers I doubted an arrow or maybe even a bullet could penetrate this flesh. My eyes wandered up and noticed she still had her beautiful gold-brown hair, but as I ran my hand through was still softer than anything I could imagine, but I had a feeling someone trying to take scissors to this would need laser scissors or something like in movies. The scales of her body were the smoothest things I had ever felt, but they were also strangely soft, kinda like her fur had been.

"You like?" she asked with lidded eyes, and all I could do was nod. She turned around again and felt my thoughts. "Go ahead," she thought to me, and my hand twitched.

"You sure?"

She nodded and I nervously touched her belly, feeling the warm, soft scales that seemed so delicate yet wielded scary stronger-than-steel durability. "I meant higher up," she thought, and my eyes widened.

", I can't."

"Hey, you and I both know you want to." She gently took my hand from her side and lay it on her right breast. "Just not too hard; remember, we're not here for sex." I couldn't say no now that she'd placed my hand on herself, and I started running my hand over her chest. She murred as I pressed my hand against her soft scales. I know I keep saying that, but her scales were like pieces of heaven's clouds; I just couldn't get enough of them. Eventually though I pulled away from her and she shivered and smiled at me. "Maybe that'll knowing what a dragon looks and feels like..."

"But don't dragons have a bigger four-legged form?"

"Yes, but..." She trailed off, looking at the ground. Neither of us were physically speaking anymore. "I haven't...I haven't yet learned that. Mom and Dad were gonna teach me when I turned eight but...they died when I was five..." A tear fell down her face and she closed her eyes, her face clenching in memory of her real parents, and she jumped a bit when she felt me right next to her.

"Oh Amber..." I pulled her into a comforting hug, feeling the anguish from her as her memories suddenly flooded her head. She held onto me and quietly cried against my chest.

"I miss them so much...even after fourteen years..." She rubbed her eyes and smiled at me as I gently wiped her face with my fingers, feeling her facial scales as she forced herself to calm down. It kind of surprised me; her face was reptilian in form but she didn't have many sharp features on her face; everything was beautifully rounded and curvacious. As our eyes met I noticed hers were a tad bit bigger than mine, and I say this in all honesty: she looked cute. Well, she always looked cute but this was in a different way. She slowly waved her wings at me with a grin. "Hey, c'mon, get learnin', we've wasted half the night here already and you're still not scaly."

"You still haven't given me a hint on what to do."

"I can't. It's different for everyone," she thought sadly. "Guess all I can say is think of finding yourself."

She stepped back, flexing her wings a bit, her tail swaying behind her, and I tore my eyes off her perfect body and closed them. Now that I wasn't distracted by her, I could feel the changes that had happened in me. There was something else in me felt almost like a fire. As I focused more and more on that fire, my vision went from the blackness behind my eyelids to a strange, dark world, seemingly between reality and the supernatural. All around me lines of every color of the rainbow drifted through the air in a fluid motion, and the more I opened my eyes as I delved deeper into this, the more I became aware that I was part of this...that these lines were all connected yet separate. Were these the "ley lines" of magic that had been referred to in the book?

I looked down one long line that stretched from me to something behind a veil of fog, and I moved towards it. I didn't walk---I couldn't walk, all I could do was move; it seemed as if I was immaterial. The veil looked like there was a fire behind it, reaching out for me, waiting for me to uncover it. As I looked at it, it took on a mirror form of my human body, and then transformed into a draconic form of me...though minus details because it was made of tongues of fire. We both reached out towards each other, but that barrier was in the way...what was it? Then I remembered the book. "Belief. It's the key to many locks."

Amber gasped sharply, but I didn't notice; my fire-self and I joined hands and he suddenly fused with me, and that weird world around me snapped back to reality and I opened my eyes to see Amber staring at me. I felt as though I'd been dipped in hot water and then yanked back out.

"Did I...did I do it?"

She just motioned at me and I looked at myself. A long, low gasp of astonishment escaped my lips...instead of human skin with calico peach-fuzz, I had bright white scales with gold edging and silver swirls on them. I looked at my hand and extended my golden palm, and took a look at my fingers. The fingertips were slitted, and I felt something inside them. Tensing the new muscles there, sharp bluish-silver claws sprang out of my fingertips and glistened in the moonlight. My arms were slimmer but my muscles were bigger and my hide accentuated them...damn I looked like a body-builder, only slimmer. I looked behind myself and felt more new muscles at work, and instead of just my shoulderblade flexing, I felt an entire arm move. My wingskins were silver towards the arm but gold towards the outer edges, and had a metallic sheen to them amid the glitter-like sparkle in the moonlight. Looking down at my feet I noticed now that both Amber and I were standing on the balls of our feet; our ankles were now up too high to really function as heels. I also noticed my groin was...bare. It was a bit of a shock but I quickly realized I had a slit like Amber did and my...dragonhood, I guess it now was, was concealed behind protective scales. Feeling even more muscles at work behind me I twisted my upper body around, impressed by my new reptilian flexibility, and studied my tail. Unlike Amber, I had rows of spikes running down my back and halfway down my tail, and if I flexed my back I could bring those spikes right up against my body and hide them almost perfectly. I looked back at Amber with a huge grin on my face, and she just continued staring at me in awe. Deciding to tease her I flexed my arms and chest, and chanced a glance down and noticed I was more buff than before. Quite a pleasant surprise after an entire summer of work and hardly anything to show for it.

"Not half-bad," Amber said approvingly, admiring my draconic form. "Wow..."

"Seems you're one lucky girl," I joked.

"Hell yeah," she said with a wide smile. She took a step forward. "Mind if I...?"

"Guess it's only fair." I smiled as her scaly hands explored my new hide. I could sense that she was enjoying this; the only other dragon she'd felt was herself in the shower. That and I was not only her boyfriend but looked damn sexy as far as dracanthropes go.

" have such pretty wings...I love the colors of your scales!" she said excitedly.

"You seem pretty happy," I said with a grin, and she came around in front of me and hugged me.

"You have no idea...for so long after my parents died I thought I might be the last unbound dragon in the world..."

Something came to mind and I picked her up. Either she was really light, or I was really strong now, or maybe both, but I wasn't expecting it and she flew up into the air and I caught her. She shrieked in surprise and brushed her hair out of her face. We both laughed as I held her, one arm under her knees, the other behind her back, and she wrapped her arms around my neck. "Well, you're not alone a dragon or a furry." I rubbed my nose against hers as I thought that to her and she nestled her head on my shoulder. "But I hafta ask...why is being naked a sign of trust?"

"It stems back from ages and ages ago. In combat or if in an argument, or just as a friendly gesture, standing naked before each other was like you humans putting your weapons down. Dragons see clothing as a means of defense, and if you mean to trust each other, why wear something that protects against attack? Makes you seem like you don't trust them to not attack." She giggled. "It was also a cautionary procedure, 'cuz the first time I turned into this form the energy outbreak from my body ignited my clothes."

I laughed and brought my wing behind her head. "'re so hot I'm not surprised..."

"Oh! I just remembered...your reward." She slipped off me and stood still. Her wings quickly folded against her arms, and her wings and arms fused together as her scales separated into fur. Her face shortened and her ears lengthened, and her tail grew thicker with fur until she was the beautiful naked vixen I'd first seen maybe half an hour ago. On an unspoken (and unthought) signal we both sat down by the stream, me sitting crosslegged behind her, and she scooted back until her backside was against my legs. She lay her tail on my lap and I slowly ran my hand through her fur. Even though I was covered in scales, it felt like my sense of touch had been slightly elevated. Trying to remember what Mom had taught me about massaging, I pressed my fingers against her skin and started rubbing in small, firm circles. Amber murred and through our new link I felt that she was very content. She suddenly hissed sharply and my fingers jerked back.

"Sorry..." Flexing my fingers a bit I finally got my claws to retract. "How do I turn human again?"

"Just think about being yourself again." She twisted around slightly to watch, and grinned as I suddenly lost my wings and scales, gaining skin and losing my tail and the spikes along my back. I opened my eyes to find her smiling at me, and she turned around again, presenting her back. We sat there for what seemed like hours, me massaging her body and feeling her angelic fur, both of us thoroughly enjoying this. Moonlight tends to be a bit monochromatic, depriving some colors, but her red fur still shone in the light and the brown-black fur of her extremities still carried its luster. The next thing I knew, she was lying back against me and I was caressing her front, rubbing her pelt just below those perfect breasts of hers. She craned her neck back a bit and smiled at me with tired, lidded eyes. "Y'know, Tony...I've always dreamed about this..."

"About what?"

"No clothes, being with being in love with me and vice-versa..."

I smirked and one of my hands softly stroked her furry breast. "Looks like your dream came true..." She closed her eyes with a content grin, giving herself to me, and all I can remember after that is softly petting her breasts and abdomen as she fell asleep on me and I started zoning out.

The next morning I woke up on my side on a bed of moss, and a rush of panic raced through me---why was I naked in the middle of the woods?! I heard someone moan softly in front of me and I felt soft, warm fur against me and under my arm. I convinced my eyes to open and relaxation washed over me as I saw the back of Amber's head right in front of my nose. Her ear twitched slightly and she murred softly, and her bare furry legs pressed against mine as she stretched, her padded feet brushing my shins. I couldn't help but smile, and buried my face against the back of her neck, loving the softness of her pelt and her foxy smell and the silky smoothness of her hair. Her tail twitched and I felt it move across my thigh.

"I love you, Amber," I whispered against her. But then, the inevitable happened...I was with a naked girl, she was pressed right against me, I was eyes flew open when I felt my penis throb and begin to erect. Oh shit... I tried to will it away like last night, but I was still mentally out of it and I felt Amber start slightly against me as my stiff cock brushed her right between her vagina and her tailhole. She groaned and stretched against heart was racing in panic and I was starting to sweat. Oh shit...she's gonna be so pissed off with me... To make it worse she groggily reached down between her legs to find out what had bothered her. I tried to pull myself away but on the ground it wasn't as easy as I'd hoped, and my penis suddenly pushed against her tailhole. She propped herself up on her elbow and stopped when she felt my arm across her side. She twisted herself around and looked down at me with a sleepy grin.

"Am I really so attractive you can't help but get a morning wood over me?" she asked, and my face went red.

"Amber, I'm really sorry..."

She turned around under my arm so she was facing me. "No need to be, Tony...hey, get outta there!" She giggled as my erection went between her thighs, and she reached down, grabbed hold of it, and pressed it against my stomach, then pressed herself against me so it was harmlessly sandwiched between us. I was in a bit of shock at her sudden nonchalant attitude towards my body's blatant display of attraction towards her and she giggled again when she saw my face. "What?"

"Nothing, always used to be shy about...well, this kind of stuff..." She gasped as my hand caressed her breast and she smirked at me.

"Well, to tell you the truth, that was mostly for public show...last night was strangely different. In all seriousness I really don't give a shit. I'm a dragon, y'know."

"Then if I'm a dragon why am I still embarrassed by it?"

"I've been in touch with my draconic side since I was 1, Tony. You only found yours last night so you've got 19 years of human-furry ideals lodged inside you."

"You don't mind that I'm touching you?"

"You can touch my pussy for all I care, Tony," she laughed. "I seriously don't mind...especially with you. BUT," that last bit she thought loudly to me, making me pause, "if you decide to touch me down there, I don't want you arousing me."

"I wouldn't dream of it, but why not?" I thought back jokingly, and she giggled.

"When our mateship is formalized, then you can."

The dragon half of me was very pleased with her choice here, but my human/furry side was shocked by her bluntness. "Mateship?"

"Of course, silly," she thought, putting her arm over me and pulling herself against me. "You and I both want it, I can see it in your head. Besides, last night you practically handed yourself over to me...and I'm very willing to return it."

I felt very warm-headed and grinned at her, wrapping my arms around her. "I did, didn't I?"

"Yep..." She smiled and pressed her forehead against my chest, and my hand found its place behind her head and we just lay there cuddling for a good portion of the morning. Right about now it occurred to me...last night, I'd become my own dream, but why wasn't I still going ga-ga over it? In fact, my reaction last night had seemed more like a "meh, it's cool" kind of thing. Was that my draconic side allowing me more control over myself than I'd realized? And here we were, completely naked and the only thing going on with me was an involuntary erection---no lusty thoughts or racing heart now that I was hugging my girlfriend. Was something wrong with me now that I'd found my dragon self? Amber seemed to sense my thoughts and she sighed against my skin. "Dragons have greater control over themselves than other species, Tony. You subconsciously not wanting to put me at unease is controlling your arousal."

"Dammit, you're awfully straightforward now."

"What, is it embarrassing?"

"A bit..."

"Well get used to it." She nestled tighter against me, nuzzling me affectionately. All at once my stomach growled and hers gurgled loudly and we both jumped, Amber's fur fluffing out a bit at the scare, but we both laughed and sat up.

"What do dragons eat?" I asked verbally, and she laughed.

"Dragons are no different than everyone else when it comes to diets...except if you count the fact we can consume poisonous plants without side-effect and there are certain rocks that are also edible for us."

"Rocks? Like salt?"

"No, stupid! Rock rocks, not chemical rocks! Here, I'll show you." She turned into her draconic form again, and my eyes almost popped from my head. I'd thought she was beautiful last the sunlight streaming through the trees above, holy about a goddess! Every scale shone like glitter, and some strips of scales on her, though the same color as the others around them, glittered with an iridescent sheen, giving her invisible rainbow stripes. She looked at me and smiled. "What?"

"I thought you looked good last night!"

She stood up, giving me a brief glimpse of her vaginal slit before she turned her back to me and tilted her head in the air. I stood up behind her and heard a long, low inhaling sound, and when I stepped to her side her nostrils were flared slightly. "Yep...there's some shale nearby." She sideglanced at me and grinned. "Well, your turn. You can't eat stone as a human."

I smirked and closed my eyes, trying to recall last night. I could feel that fire inside me, and I reached out for it, and the next thing I knew I felt my skin quickly shift and my arms split, and something long and muscular grow from my tailbone. I felt Amber's scaly hand on my shoulder and opened my eyes to find her looking me over again.

" look even more handsome in the sunlight."

I flexed my muscles teasingly and she giggled. "Is this how I'll look as a real dragon? Like, scale patterns and same basic designs?"

"I honestly don't know. My parents never turned into true dragons or one of them alone would've brought the whole house down with the sheer size of their body. Apparently true dragons are twice our height when standing on all fours, but I read somewhere that they can change their size. I don't know for certain..." She turned around and smelled the air again. "Smell that? Kinda leafy but old, has a bit of a spicy twinge to it?"

I took a deep breath through my nose, and suddenly reeled as thousands upon thousands of completely new smells flooded my nostrils. It seemed like every individual thing around us had its own smell, not just in the physical plane, but on another plane of reality as well. I can't desribe it any better than that, but that's what it felt like. It took me a few minutes but I sorted through the smells and finally narrowed on the one she was describing. " that shale?"

She led me a short way away, smelling her way around, and finally she bent down by the bank of the stream and dug into the ground. With our normal fingers she'd be scraping and scraping, but with her draconic strength and her sharp claws she tore deep into the ground with each pass. Standing behind her I kept catching glimpses of her undertail. "Like what you see?" she thought teasingly without pausing.

"You bet."

She laughed, then reached into the ground and pulled out some chunks of gray rock, smelling them. "Yep, here we are. Pretty damn good samples too." She gave me a few pieces then reached in and dug out some more. "Smell that and get a good feel for its scent; shale is one of the most nutritious stones for dragons."

It had the same smell I'd narrowed on earlier, only a lot stronger. " actually smells pretty good."

"Here, wash them off and try them," she said, washing off the ones she held in the stream. "We can eat dirt too without harm, but only some dirts taste good." I knelt by her and washed off the stones in my hands, and she watched with a grin as I hesitantly bit into one. As a human, doing this would have probably cost me a set of false teeth, but my teeth sliced right through the stone with a snapping sound as the layers of the rock separated. I knew there were some kinds of edible shale for humans...this stuff was rock-hard in comparison to those others; it was almost slate. But in my new form, the rock tasted...what did it taste like? It was almost like cinnamon the same time it tasted...old. Not like stale or bad kind of old, the flavor was like thousands upon thousands of years washing over my tongue. Well, whatever the hell it tasted like, it was really weird but also pretty damn appetizing. Next to me I heard Amber crunching into hers. ", this patch here is really good!"

"I guess every other sample I eat is gonna taste inferior?" I asked with a laugh, and she shrugged.

"Would seem so...damn, this is the best shale I've had in a while!"

We finished what she'd dug up, and she led me to other spots. By midday my stomach was full with not only shale, but granite, mica, some porphyritic andesite, and she had me wash it down with a patch of dirt by a beech tree. It all sounds really weird and maybe gross, and it probably would have been for a human or furry (also very painful on the mouth), but for me, this was like going to a foreign restaurant and finding totally new favorites. I didn't like the gritty feeling in my mouth though.

"It's good and all but...what do you do for the grit and stuff?" I asked, running my tongue around in my mouth. On a whim I stuck my tongue out and looked at it...and Amber broke out laughing at my shocked expression as my tongue just kept coming and coming until it was almost the length of my head! It was forked at the end and I found I could manipulate each prong, and even succeeded in tying them into a knot and then untying them without touching them.

"You done?"

"Yeah," I thought, sucking my tongue back into my mouth. "Holy's just one surprise after another!"

"Wait 'til I get you flying," she said, giving me a rather seductive sideglance as she started walking away. "Okay...ummm...wanna try some beech?"


She yanked off a beech branch and bit a small piece off. "Just chew on this liberally."

"Not Conservative? How about Democrat?" I asked jokingly, and she laughed.

"Politics are bullshit now for us, especially since no side sides with us." She handed me the branch. "Go ahead. The longer you chew on wood the smoother it gets."

I did as she said and after a while I had a branch-shake in my mouth. Kinda gross, but as you know by now, as a dragon it was really, really good. I can't describe the flavor of many of these new things, because dragons taste flavors humans and furries never will be able to. The wood also neatly cleaned my mouth of the dirt-grit and we finally had something normal---water. Even the water had a flavor! Oddly, though, it had no smell.

Finally, Amber stretched and yawned, stretching her wings as far as they could go and then tucking them behind her back again. She looked at me and I smiled, but then something flashed across my mind as I looked at her standing there. "Amber...when you said I had to leave everything behind...what the hell am I gonna do about school and my parents and all that?"

She sighed. "I don't know, Tony...those are loose ends I still can't figure out. But after those are cleared up our job begins."


"Hell yeah! I didn't show you your true self just to affirm our eventual mateship!" she laughed. "Our job after school will be to locate as many other dragons as possible and try to help them find themselves. But it won't be easy..."


"You can feel that there are others besides me, right?"


"But where are they?"

I searched but found I couldn't answer. "I don't know..."

"Because of the government's restriction over us, a shadow has fallen between dragons because of their unawareness of themselves. You and I, somehow, are unveiled, and we have been ever since we were born. That's how I found you. You were sitting open in a sea of shadow."

"So you hunted me down to be your mate because I was singled out?" I asked jokingly, and she rolled her eyes.

"No...though that is a perk."

"One I'm fully willing to accept," I replied, standing by her and putting my arm around her. She murred and leaned against me. "But...if we do find others...what if they turn rogue or something?"

"You mean finding themselves and then using that power otherwise?" I nodded. "There's that risk...and another one. Some higher-ups in Project Dragonsearch have the ability to feel the lines of magic, and thus far have used the technique to hunt down other dragons and kill them."

"Do you know anything about this 'Power Age'?"

She sighed, thinking. "Only that dragons, being so strongly connected to the world's power, help keep it in balance simply by existing, kind of like lightbulbs in a circuit, keeping the world lit. But with our demise, that power no longer has so many openings into the realm of life, and the planet is slowly charging up, for lack of a better phrasing. Once the last dragons are's said the world will open up with the sheer power housed within itself, and the 'Power Age' will begin. What the government seems to be willfully ignorant of, though, is that the world's tearing will eventually lead to mass destruction. I'm afraid it may even go so far as the world literally falling apart."

"'Open up'?"

"There are theories as to what that means, but all of them point to the world's surface shattering and ultimately destroying a good portion of inhabitable area. One theory is that huge cracks in the surface will appear, and that the power will create a barrier preventing flooding or other malevolent instances. Another is that the earth might suddenly radiate all that power like a force-field as it violently escapes its bonds."

We both fell silent, and I tried to think of a way to solve the school issue. Our parents weren't so much of an issue...we'd been known to camp out in the clubhouse, and they trusted us to...well, stay out of each others' pants. Now we had no pants to stay out of...or at least, not on us; they were still heaped by the stream from our little trust-ritual last night.

"I think we should get going...our parents might be worried with these wacko bastards running around killing dragons."

"Yeah...well, it was nice being naked."

I couldn't help but laugh. "Yeah...well, maybe we'll get more chances." We both reverted to our normal forms and held each others' hands as we headed back to get our clothes.



so, typical situation, it's up to them to save the world...