Earth to Earth

Story by Sovandar on SoFurry

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A story for which inspiration came upon me, held me down, and fucked me repeatedly until I satisfied it by producing this (Boy, my muse sure does know what it wants some days). It's ZsisronDarkwater's fault, he made a few suggestions in that deviously hypnotic way of his, and the next thing I know I've created one of the most porn-'heavy' stories I've ever written, so... enjoy!

As mentioned, it contains porn, of the Male-on-Male variety, involving humans, kobolds, and draconic quadrupeds of a reasonably feral variety, plus transformation. Not your thing? Thou art warned! Not of appropriate age to read? Bookmark for a birthday when you are, according to local law and custom - doing what I did at your age, namely reading it all anyway, will corrupt and taint you, rob you of your innocence, and make you go blind if the wind changes! Or something. Don't.

All characters are fictional, any resemblance unintended, yada, yada, nobody reads legalese anyway, and may the mighty Lord Copyrictus strike thee down if thou producest copied or derivative works without appropriate permissions!

Rick worked carefully at the lock on his small cell, twisting the mechanism carefully with his magic. He had no idea how long he'd been here, all he remembered was waking up after the kobold ambush. Nobody answered his shout for help, or at least for attention and explanation; no food, and only a jug of foul-tasting water for nourishment. There was no guard he could see; no sign of his captors.

More fool them; a sorcerer of his calibre would not have difficulty escaping from an unenchanted, unwatched cell, even if he had been stripped down to his loincloth; he was thus a little cold, being no more than a padded leather belt and an over-under strip of cloth that preserved his modesty but little more. Plus, for whatever reason, he'd been coated in some sticky, slightly pungent substance he couldn't identify. Strange.

Though it was losing his equipment that really *did* irritate him. Damn little lizards; he'd spent years putting those wands and tomes together, a lifetime's careful accumulation of magical work; he had others, he could replace it, but so much work wasted! He'd have to see if he could find it on the way out. Without some of those carefully-crafted foci for his spellcasting, he was a lot more limited in how he could use his powers.

The lock mechanism strained, and gave a faint crunch as his magic stressed it beyond its capacity. He cursed, and increased the force, shredding the internal mechanism; then using a little extra touch, pushing back the bolt. The door swung open.

Inelegant - but it worked.

He took several fast paces down out of his cell, thankful that the floor was soft and mossy rather than sharp against his bare feet; he paused, glancing back in the dim torchlight only long enough to see that there were no other cells nearby, just bare, rocky walls. Damn; where had they taken his friends? Why have only one cell here? Maybe, it was some way to keep a spellcaster isolated, he reasoned; but with so few precautions and no guards, how was this supposed to work..?

A nasty thought suddenly occurred to him; suppose the strange, scented compound he'd been coated with was supposed to allow some sort of hunting-dog or the like to find him? Might he be walking into a great deal of danger he wasn't truly prepared for? Kobolds he could deal with, he thought, but...

He hesitated a moment; and then he heard the growl.

It was a throaty growl; a low rumble, from quite high up; a large creature. A faint hint of sibilance entered the otherwise catlike noise; perhaps a dragon? Or maybe a drake?

The creature stepped forward into the light; indeed it was a drake, as large as a warhorse, if not larger; its muzzle was blunt; its eyes large, yellow-green and slitted; its horns curled and gnarled; its claws and teeth large and wickedly sharp - and bared. He shuddered; an earth drake, to judge by its dull grey scales and stocky, muscular appearance, not to mention the spikes that coated it or the bony plates across its skull and shoulders... a trained war-mount, to judge by the saddle it bore on its back...

Charm Animal. He had a spell that could make animals friendly. He had no idea if it'd work on a dragonblooded creature like this, but he instinctively flung the enchantment at the beast, felt the magic flow, connect, activate. If it worked, the drake would be like a dog deferring to its new master; if not, it wouldn't even be momentarily confused.

No time to think beyond the first momentary impression, no time to wait and see which. He turned, his heart suddenly racing, and sprinted for his cell, desperately hoping to reach its relative safety before the huge creature tore him limb from limb!

He heard heavy footfalls approaching behind him, hoarse breathing close by, and suddenly he felt a powerful blow strike him, sending him sprawling across the soft, moss-covered floor. He rolled onto his belly, pushing himself upright, hoping against hope that he might still manage to escape...

The drake landed atop him with a growl, its foreclaws landing on his outstretched wrists, pinning him, and he whimpered, suddenly relaxing; it was over. Why struggle? All he could hope was that the pain would be brief before oblivion came.

It took a moment for his fear-stricken mind to realise that he wasn't being disembowelled; in fact the drake seemed to be sitting or lying on top of him, its lethal jaws were a good three feet or so ahead of his exposed neck and head, and making no effort to bite down, or even to do more than pin him. Maybe it was a trained drake, whose job was to sound an alarm and trap an intruder until help arrived? He'd heard of guard-dogs that did that...

He barely had time to make sense of the weird, hot, wet sliding sensation along his back, before a sudden stabbing pain from his rear brought several things home to him: the drake was a male, it was erect, and his loincloth had been brushed sideways in his fall, bunching up over his left buttcheek and exposing his bare behind!

All of a sudden, relaxed resignation was the last thing on his mind. He yelled, he screamed, he tried to flail his trapped fists uselessly, kicking his legs but without purchase; he struck thick, scaly hide but to no effect besides a faint grunt from the creature that was raping him!

Gods above, that penetration hurt, it hurt like nothing he'd ever known! He had no idea how big a normal earth drake was, down there, but it felt like a lamppost was being rammed into him; his rational mind countered that despite its size, surely the creature couldn't even be hung like a normal horse, let alone a warhorse, or he'd surely have been disembowelled in a very unflattering way immediately; he sensed he was numbed by shock and fear, so he could only hope the creature was *very* slick so he wasn't being injured by the friction alone - and that it was intelligent enough not to try and force too much of its doubtlessly-considerable length into his body!

Not that it gave him any particular comfort to hope for any such thing; this was already so dire and humiliating that even the prospect of dying seemed lessened. He gritted his teeth and begged for mercy, aloud, to anyone or anything who would listen; it felt like he'd split in two at any moment, it was simply awful! This was surely far worse than dying, this was a supreme violation; he wished himself elsewhere, wholeheartedly, wishing he didn't have to experience the drake's thrusts speeding up rapidly, its breath growing short, its growls deepening...

The ordeal, thankfully, didn't last long; the shock felt like hours, but the Drake had barely given a dozen quick thrusts, taking only a few seconds, before the beast's body suddenly went rigid, it gave a soft, almost moaning purr, and Rick felt warm fluid shoot into his very-abused rear end. His face curled into a grimace of disgust; his sexual desires included neither men nor beasts, and even if they had, being raped like this by some pet of his captors, would not be the fulfilment of any fantasy he recognised. Damn that Charm spell; it had made the thing like him rather *too* much!

His hopes that with the beast's climax it would be sated and let him go, were dashed as the beast lowered itself to its haunches, evidently a little worn out, resting an uncomfortably great deal of its weight on his legs and lower back, his arms still pinned; now he couldn't even kick with his legs, he was truly trapped. Worst of all, the drake's shaft remained solidly buried in him, softening only slowly; his ass felt sore, and abused, but at least with the creature's rod held still the pain was slackening to a dull ache.

"I think that means he likes you", said a high-pitched reptilian voice, barely suppressing laughter, from somewhere nearby; Rick's heart sank and his cheeks burned with shame; of all the things, being seen like this?!

The kobold itself stepped into his line of sight, looking faintly amused; unarmed, unarmoured, it was no soldier. Maybe it was an animal trainer?

"Oh well. He seems to have taken a shine to you, human... but that's your own fault, really, I saw that spell you cast. You shouldn't let him get his way like that, it's very bad for his training."

Rick was mystified. "What are you talking about, let him? You think I volunteered for this?!" He said, gasping, his voice hoarse with strain.

"Oh, not really. Don't mind me, I'm just very amused at how your plan backfired!" The reptile chuckled, stepping close enough to pat the drake's muscular foreleg; the creature lapped at his hand happily. "But that's what you get when you Charm a stud-breeder, the ol' rogue knows a few tricks when he's in the mood. Did you know that earth drakes normally cum twice if they're properly stimulated? They climax once, real quick, to wash a female's womb of a rival male's seed; then if they're properly enticed, they do it all again, 'properly', to impregnate her?"

"Why the fuck are you telling me this?!" Rick yelled.

"Hey, a friendly warning that you might want to be careful not to, ah, inflame him any more than he is already." The kobold shrugged. "He's just showing he likes you; rather more than usual, I admit, but that's your own fault. He's clever enough to be careful, but instincts will out; we've had this trouble with him before. Just wait until he loses interest, that's the safest option."

Rick paled. "You... you mean he's going to rape me again?!" he cried, literally, tears suddenly streaming down his face.

"Oh, no, of course not; as long as you don't start acting like a drake in heat or anything, he'll lose interest." The kobold grinned, worryingly knowingly.

A thought occurred to Rick. "Hey... what do you mean, you've had this trouble with him before?! Has he... killed people? Fucked them to death?!" he exclaimed, suddenly terrified by the predicament. It had barely had time to sink in before, but now...

The kobold tut-tutted. "Of course not, don't you worry. The only people he's killed were in fights, and only the people he was supposed to kill; you know the sort, assassins, enemy soldiers on the battlefield... prisoners who keep trying to escape despite all advice to the contrary..." the reptile frowned and hunched his shoulders, attempting a menacing air, but failing.

Then it brightened, amused again. "Heh, though, seriously, trust his handler - that's me - on this one, it's not sensible to toy around with him, especially if you insist on throwing magic all over the place. He's a dragonblood, so it's tough to get magic to work unless it's *really* powerful; and he's the King's... war steed. He gets *plenty* of spells put on him pretty regularly, and the mages have to be real careful none of them interact badly. You're lucky he didn't start coughing up a plague of locusts, or breathing fire, or something. Very unpredictable, magic... oh, but you know that already."

Rick's efforts to wish the kobold away weren't working. The little reptile kept jabbering inanely on. "Why, why the fuck are you telling me this?!" Rick asked, shaking with anger, sure the kobold was taunting him. "That doesn't even make sense, magic doesn't work that way!"

The kobold shrugged, looking rather irritated at being contradicted. "Hmph. Well, it's what I was told; bloody know-it-all... But no, seriously, I think you've learned a little lesson about escape... there's another locked door at the entrance to *this* enclosure, by the way, and there's guards there to make sure you don't get out. Making a run for it? Not a good idea."

The kobold started to walk away.

"Wait!" Rick shouted. "You... you can't just leave me here! You sick fucks! Getting animals to fuck your prisoners?! What the hells is this?!" he said, struggling, desperate to throw the beast off him.

"Hey", said the kobold, turning, and apparently irritated. "You were perfectly well guarded in a cage over there when we left you! Besides, Jupiter's no animal; he may not be able to recite poetry or work out the square of the hypotenuse, but he's no simple guard dog. I suggest you keep that in mind!"

Rick hurled more insults, but the kobold turned and walked away, evidently a little angry, muttering something in a language Rick couldn't understand. His blood boiled with anger and fury, his whole body ached, and his head swam... he felt himself growing faint, and moments after the clock of a metal door proved the kobold hadn't been lying about a second door, Rick faded into unconsciousness; his last thought was that he should have asked where his friends were, and hoped they weren't being put through the same ordeal!

* * *

Rick awoke; feeling uncomfortably warm. He felt like he'd been having an erotic dream of some kind; but he couldn't recall it. Something strange; disturbing...

There was a pressure in his ass; huge, unrelenting; his sphincter clenched uncontrollably around it, and he groggily tried to remember, there was something important, something...

His bed felt strange; warm; solid; it moved, a slow, huffing breath. Warmth suddenly filled him, a weird, wet sensation, and he woke, quite suddenly. He was constrained; held down; there was no sunlight, only dim torchlight; where was he?

His heart sank.

He had no idea how long he'd been unconscious for; all he *did* know was that the drake... Jupiter..? was lying on his side, a forepaw draped heavily across Rick holding the human to the beast's belly, preventing any easy escape; its hindlegs pressed together over his ankles limiting his movement... and the drake's re-hardened maleness was again, or maybe still, buried in his backside.

From the sensation, he guessed the drake, having some sort of erotic dream of his own, had just cum again. It still seemed to be fast asleep; thankfully.

Rick shuddered, remembering how he'd been violated; at least this time wasn't as bad as the last time. Oddly, and thankfully, his body didn't feel sore; no more than a little exertion should, anyway. Evidently this time, the drake had cum without that painful thrusting of the large shaft into the far-too-tight confines of a human body. Things were pretty dismal; but he guessed they could be worse. So he told himself, anyway. Distraction, quick; something he could focus on that wasn't the... feeling from his guts.

Maybe he could slip free while the drake was asleep?

He gave a subtle push at the heavy foreleg; it didn't move at all. He felt reasonably sure he *could* push it aside, but any significant push would surely awaken the beast, and who knew whether it might be violent when it awoke?

He felt its hot shaft deflating, an odd sense of relief from his overstretched rectum, even as his stomach churned uncomfortably; he had no idea how much fluid a drake produced, but being filled from the wrong end made his gut ache.

He didn't need to wait long; the drake's shaft was deflating quickly, and shrank enough that some of the pressure was released. Fluid seeped from his abused anus; he felt it run down the beast's shaft, and a small trickle reached his leg. He gave a faint sigh of relief as the stuffed-full feeling abated; and he relaxed a little. It was oddly comfortable, actually; the drake's hard, scaly body was warm and just about supple enough. His anus, evidently acclimatised to the large invader, even felt oddly bereft without something to hold it open.

He shook his head, trying to clear the thought, and tensed as Jupiter stirred at the motion. He realised a moment too late that his sudden tensing had also flexed his backside around Jupiter's shaft; and the drake stirred more. Rick froze, trying to will the beast back to sleep; he felt its shaft start to re-harden. But, he also felt its foreleg and hindlegs move, their grip loosening... and for a moment he pondered just trying to struggle free before it came to its senses, and run for the cage he'd started the day in. But his first wish came true instead, as Jupiter relaxed, pinning Rick to his belly again. Rick was still for several long moments, feeling the drake's maleness soften back again, but remain obstinately stuck inside him.

Maybe he should just try and go back to sleep? It wasn't like he had any real escape plan at the moment besides hoping the drake let him go while it was asleep. He did feel oddly relaxed...

His mind drifted to his first - and thus far, only proper - sight of the drake. It was large; it had a regal bearing; a rugged and exciting energy to it. Its eyes were piercing and, he thought fancifully, had had a glint of intelligence in them. Strange creature; it was more aesthetically appealing than the horses he usually rode around the human lands. He supposed he could understand why the kobolds might keep these instead - if they could even get horses to live underground, come to think.

His mind kept trying to return to his violation... his major experience with the drake, after all. Each time the very thought entered his head, he shied away, shame and fear and pain running through him with faint shudders that made the great drake stir slightly in his slumber, as if relishing the thoughts Rick shied away from. He dozed off; and slept for a time, again he could not tell how long, before Jupiter's faint stirrings roused him back to a groggy doziness. He felt unaccountably at ease after his brief rest; no sharp surges of adrenaline brought an awakening, horrified realisation of his plight this time.

In the strange, dreamlike way that a tiredly dozing man thinks, he suddenly wondered if his ordeal was *really* that bad. But of course it was, he reasoned. He'd never wanted a man to take his ass, nor had he wanted to take any other male's. Nor did his heart hold any fancy for anything beyond his own species' female gender. No, the... incident yesterday, or earlier today, must have been disgusting, a violation, rape, a shameful and horrifying act that he *should* try not to think about.

Except, he realised, oddly... it didn't quite feel like that. Sure; it had hurt... and he'd been shocked, shamed, had his plans turned upside-down... but it wasn't like it had done any lasting harm. It wasn't even like he felt ashamed personally, really, it was more that the kobold had caught him at it.

Caught him at what? He'd been held down and *taken*. Logically, he shouldn't feel any responsibility for that... it was embarrassing, sure, like being seen naked by a parent, but not like it was anything he could have prevented. Not really.

And... the drake's seed flushing his bowels had felt kind of...

He shuddered again, this time waking up more fully and wondering what was getting into him. The knock on the head during the ambush must really have done some damage, he was hallucinating some really weird thoughts.

Though, he suddenly felt, it wasn't that Jupiter's soft cock, buried in him right now, really felt *bad*... strange, sure, but it wasn't simple shame that made his cheeks darken in a solid blush this time.

He tried to distract himself; maybe there was a way to escape? He couldn't lift the drake's forelimb, but he might be able to push his ankles free, get his legs some purchase, and extricate himself that way... no, he'd simply wriggle himself deeper on Jupiter's shaft again, and wake the drake up. It'd fill with the drake's blood and grow erect inside him...

He shied away from the odd thought. Better to wait until Jupiter rolled over in his sleep, then he'd be freed and could slip away before the drake awoke properly. How would the drake roll?

His eyes suddenly widened as a horrified thought struck him. What if the drake rolled onto his belly? Rick wouldn't be able to escape in time... and he felt pretty sure that his frail, human body couldn't withstand the drake's full weight. He could be crushed to death if he didn't get out.

That settled it; he needed a plan. But the only way he had to make the drake stir, a way that *might* not awaken it, was its cock. Perhaps... perhaps if he did move around, just a little, he'd make the beast groggily move its limbs, let him slip free and get to safety in the small cage.

He bit his lip as he flexed his well-stretched anal muscles; the beast stirred gently, a faint purr escaping its muzzle somewhere above him. He flexed again, gently; it didn't feel so bad. He blushed furiously, resolving never to tell anyone about this part of his getaway.

He felt Jupiter's shaft start to harden; the hindlegs shifted, and he quickly pulled one leg free before the drake's heavy thighs closed again, keeping one leg trapped. He bit his lip harder as he realised that with his legs spread more open, his backside was even more exposed; he felt the soft member growing into him as it slowly grew firmer. It still didn't feel too bad; it kind of tickled, not unpleasantly, and the feeling of increasing warmth was... weird, but kind of good.

He tensed his ass again, and held it for a moment, feeling Jupiter stir a little more. He felt the drake's member inflate a little further, a little faster, and slide into his taut rear... it felt kind of good, again; but the thought passed by as the rougher, dryer parts of the drake's member met his pucker. He didn't remember this rather unpleasant, sandpapery feeling yesterday; the drake's cock must have been slick then, easy to slip onto...

He took a deep breath, wriggling uncomfortably. Jupiter stirred, but if anything the forelimb's weight seemed to increase! He struggled harder, trying to get his leg free; the cock was hard inside him, throbbing... his hips twisted a little. The feeling of the drake's heartbeat through his shaft was... actually rather nice. If he were a woman, he could understand the appeal of staying like this, the large, muscular limb of his male making him feel safe, relaxed, arou...

He pushed the thought aside and tried to twist his leg free and squirm out of the drake's forelimb, gyrating his hips unintentionally, all while trying to distract himself from just how agreeable it actually felt; the pain of yesterday was reduced to mere discomfort at being so tightly filled again, but the act of being so filled was, in its own way... strangely invigorating.

He stopped suddenly as Jupiter yawned, growled a little, and tensed; he felt the familiar warm rush deep inside him, a sense of sudden pressure in his gut. He felt the drake's warm fluids seep from his anus again, and felt a sense of relief as the fluid slickened the dry shaft again. He relaxed instinctively, forgetting his original purpose of escape as the discomfort of the dry cock was literally washed away.

He cursed his foolishness. He'd not only woken the drake up, he'd made the thing cum again. The kobold had joked about not letting Jupiter have his way; not like Rick really had a choice, though, it wasn't that he *wanted* it to.

Then he wondered why he was rushing to deny any desire on his own part.

Then he wondered why he'd thought it was such a bad idea anyway. It felt... rather nice. Not a violation, not even unpleasant, really. He felt a strange stirring of faint arousal, and it confused him.

Jupiter yawned again, and gave a purring sound, evidently awake.

"Er... sorry, about that, big guy..." Rick said, resting a hand on the drake's forelimb, wondering why he bothered talking at all. But, maybe, he might be able to get the creature to understand him a little, it was evidently well-trained - or cleverer than it appeared, if the kobold was telling the truth.

"I just wanted some space to... er, get away", he continued, softly. Jupiter's large head craned down to look at him; he could just about make eye contact. Rick giggled, flushing with extreme embarrassment "Er... guess I gave you a bit too pleasant a wake-up-call, sorry", he said, before wondering why he should apologise for that. It... hadn't felt bad to him, and he guessed Jupiter must have liked it...

The drake gave a faint purr - and to Rick's shock, moved his hips slightly, digging his freshly-lubricated drakehood into Rick a little deeper with the motion, before he relaxed and the extra centimetre withdrew again

"Ack!" Rick said, louder than he intended. "You... want to go again? Er... no, no... don't... do that... I'm human, not like you... and a male... you shouldn't feel that way for me!" he said, suddenly wondering why he was trying to explain it to the drake - or why he assumed the drake would care. He realised, suddenly and strangely, that *he* cared what the drake thought, and... it didn't feel bad, in fact, it felt...

Was he trying to persuade the drake, or himself, that this wasn't right?

Jupiter moved slightly again, repeating the motion, giving another faint growl. Rick shivered; the sound, for some reason, striking him as an erotic gesture, a come-on... he felt oddly light-headed.

"No, don't do that", Rick pleaded, "Just let me up... I need to get to..." he paused. What, go to the cage? What good would that do? He'd been scared the drake would disembowel him, but it sure didn't seem violent. Maybe his Charm spell really had worked, or maybe had even been turbo-charged, or something; it would explain the... er... amorous advances it was making.

Was that what he should be doing? Getting to the cage, to get away from its sexual advances..? He should, he reasoned, they were unwanted.

But kind of fun to have someone, anyone, want you like this... a dark little voice whispered in the back of his mind. No, his rational mind countered; it was unthinkable.

Jupiter moved his hips again, perhaps a centimetre of cock withdrawing and sliding wetly back into Rick. Rick grimaced; though it was as much with a surprised ambivalence than anything else. Jupiter didn't seem to understand what Rick was saying, and Rick couldn't escape voluntarily... so actually, it wasn't like there was anything Rick could do anyway. Maybe, if he... let the drake... do that, it would lose interest and leave him alone?

His mind struggled for a moment, then settled, slowly, into that rationalisation, overriding the small but oddly stimulated part of his brain that felt happy to have an *excuse*...

"Er... if... if you do..." Rick began, clearing his throat, "er... me... will you let me up afterwards? Let me go?"

Jupiter stared blankly, tilting his head quizzically to the side. Rick wondered what the expression was... wondering why Rick wasn't joining in?

Rick experimentally flexed his ass again, and Jupiter blinked, giving a faint, approving, purring growl, punctuated with another motion of the hips. Rick sighed; ambivalence taking hold. It did feel good this time, and it was kind of erotic to hear Jupiter was pleased...

Rick felt both his legs fall to the floor as Jupiter rolled, the great drake's hindclaws finding purchase in the mossy ground, holding his weight above Rick's prone form.

He gave a gasp as he fell to his hands and knees, the drakehood slipping entirely out of him; and he barely had a moment to realise he was halfway free before Jupiter stretched, his forelegs reaching far out in front of him, his upper body pushing Rick's head and shoulders to the ground. Jupiter's hindlegs took small steps backward, lowering his mass until the drake's weight was resting loosely on Rick's back, forcing him spread-eagled into the moss.

Rick felt peculiarly happy; though the dangerous weight of Jupiter was above him, he felt reassured; the drake was taking care, keeping him safe. The warm scales pressed on his bare back, and he could hear Jupiter's breathing, feel his heartbeat... it would be simply platonically pleasing, but any such notion was banished by the throbbing drakehood resting slickly against...


Rick realised that he was still wearing his loincloth, and the motion had slid the bunched-up cloth back into place. Jupiter tried sliding forward but just got caught in the cloth, and grunted frustratedly.

"Whoa, whoa!" Rick said, trying to reach a hand up to stroke Jupiter's belly reassuringly. "It's just a loincloth... sorry there boy... you're really eager, aren't you?" he said, surprised. "How are you so... ready? I'm never *that* eager for a second round so quick!"

Jupiter gave a low, frustrated growl again, letting his cock rest on the back on Rick's loincloth, evidently with no intention of simply giving up.

Rick suddenly remembered that earth-drakes came twice; once to lubricate and flush the female, once to inseminate. Jupiter had had a hair-trigger before; and he'd cum not long ago; he must be eager to work towards his second, 'proper' orgasm.

"Oh... poor guy, I bet your 'first' round's just like being teased, right? And you've had three of those and not followed up on 'em... you must be really pent up... you just want a good climax, yeah?"

Jupiter growled, as if agreeing.

"I've got hands", Rick said, surprising himself that he was even considering it. "I could... help... if you let me up..."

Jupiter prodded his drakehood at Rick's cloth-covered entrance again, growling frustratedly.

"You'd prefer my ass? No offence... I don't think I'd like to have you cum up my... er..." Rick flushed as he remembered the feeling of warm fluid rushing into him... and how pleasant it had felt. How much better would *real* seed feel? "I... you... really want to... take me this way..? You're not letting me up until you've... finished?"

Rick felt an odd sent of excitement as he asked, suddenly curious, even eager.... Jupiter wanted Rick, beneath him, warm flesh around his drakehood... perhaps Jupiter really wasn't a dumb animal after all, Rick thought, strangely hopefully. He pushed himself up against those delightfully warm bellyscutes as he reached back and absent-mindedly adjusted the loincloth to one side, exposing his ass again. "Okay, boy..." he said, suddenly realising as he spoke, just what he was doing. Was he mad?!

Jupiter's maleness pushed forward, poking insistently, and Rick bit his lip again, wondering why he was allowing this. But then, he felt the tip meet his stretched pucker, and prod for a moment, parting the slick ring, and he remembered just how surprisingly good this felt. Was it really so mad to just... let Jupiter take pleasure in his body? It was... pleasing... to help the friendly reptilian giant out this way...

Jupiter moved forward slowly, pushing in as much of his length as Rick could handle... as if teasing him with it. Rick felt strangely pleased; no mere beast for sure, and he knew why Jupiter insisted on this way. Jupiter didn't just want to cum and be done; Jupiter wanted him to be happy, to enjoy it too. To *share* the intimacy and closeness, share the pleasure.

Complex emotional states, no mere animal this.

His mind's eye suddenly played back to his momentary sight of Jupiter in his entirety, yesterday, when he stepped out of the dark and their eyes met... the way the flickering torchlight played off the bestial male's scales, his oddly prominent head-spines that showed his high virility, the way his powerful muscles tensed, the way his confident motions went in the familiar mating-dance... brushing aside how he knew that, Rick realised Jupiter had been *trying* to attract him the way he might a female earth-drake... it'd be erotic to them... it hadn't been to Rick, but remembering it now... it was kind of...

He reached under himself and absent-mindedly groped his cloth-covered cock and balls, feeling his shaft stir, a sudden light fluttering in his belly. On some deep level he felt that he should be deeply, horribly ashamed at this. Being taken like an animal by an inhuman creature... a male... and he was enjoying it. He was willing, had volunteered. But so strong, so considerate, so handsome a lover as he'd never dreamed... it was enticing, erotic... Maybe this was what the enigmatic King really kept Jupiter around for?

He felt his cock growing slowly hard, start to stir visibly against its cloth covering as he rested head and shoulders on the ground, rubbing his belly and giving quick, confused, guilty gropes to his engorging member; embarrassed that he was getting erect, and perplexed why he was enjoying it so much.

He felt Jupiter start to slowly shift his hips back, withdrawing the length he'd eased into Rick, taking his time, quite unlike the short, savage mating yesterday. Rick suddenly felt fluid trickle rapidly down his asscrack as Jupiter's motions allowed some of the watery seed already in him to trickle free; it tickled his balls and ran down his cock, wetting the front of Rick's loincloth, soaking it with drakeseed. The loincloth stirred, even when Rick's hand wasn't in contact with it, as Rick's cock swelled with desire.

He remembered the hard, quick mating yesterday; the soft, happy growl, the rumbling almost-purr as Jupiter came into him... and his cock leapt, adding a droplet of his own preseed to the copious lubrication already soaking through his loincloth, his ass clenching. Gods; Jupiter was pretty damn sexy when he was attracting a mate, the come-hither growls, the careful looks, the gentle pressure of his cock promising yet more... a sudden desire to be seeded forced a moan from his lips, he *wanted* to be bred, and felt less and less shame about admitting it to himself...

His increasingly sexual reverie was abruptly interrupted as Jupiter's position shifted slightly, and the cock seemed to slide deeper than before, more slickly; suddenly a ridge popped into Rick's anus, taking him by surprise and reminding him that he had no real idea what the drake's maleness looked like.

It felt great to be taken by the magnificent creature; and as the ridge gently slid a little further, it touched something, something swollen, something that felt *amazing*. Rick gasped, suddenly, unable to resist clenching his ass, and Jupiter growled with evident pleasure. The bass rumble of approval stirred something else in Rick, and suddenly he didn't feel he could wait. His hands flew to his groin, and he grasped his erect, throbbing member, giving the head a quick rub through the damp cloth, before he let go of it, and let his wandering digits roam higher, reaching for the buckle of the narrow leather belt that held the loincloth in place.

He fumbled with the belt buckle, finding it a rather difficult task , between having almost no room to manoeuvre, and the literally incapacitating pleasure that was running through him as the ridge on Jupiter's shaft kept rubbing that same pleasure-spot inside him over again!

The air was filled with soft, lewd squelching sounds, and the growls of the pleased drake; and suddenly Rick added his own moan to the ensemble. It sounded almost embarrassingly eager to his own ears, and he was shocked at his utterance; but as the ridge prodded him insistently he couldn't help but utter another; then another as Jupiter's thick drakehood pushed into him again.

He felt a familiar, building tingle in his scrotum; it seemed like barely a dozen thrusts since Jupiter had started in earnest, and already Rick was close to orgasm! His toes curled and his fists clenched and unclenched uselessly, and his hands dropped from his belt buckle, unable in this state to work the fiddly buckle; there was no way he'd avoid making a worse mess of his loincloth.

Rick suddenly wondered how much of the drake's member was left outside him, with a pang of disappointment. He was a human, tiny compared to the large drake, and it suddenly stung him with regret that he'd not be able to feel all Jupiter's maleness inside him. Rick suddenly, jealously wished he knew a shapechanging spell that would let him adjust himself, to fit it all...

The feeling of impending climax built rapidly; and strangely it seemed to run all through his body, rather than staying focused in his maleness the way he was familiar with. It didn't matter; nothing mattered, pleasure was all that he could focus on...

"J...Jupiter...!" he moaned, not caring how slutty and eager he sounded, "F...fuck me... harder...!" he begged; and Jupiter rumbled with approval, an erotic growl that made Rick shiver with alien desire, just for an instant before the pleasure peaked, and he felt his manhood spasm. Hot cum shot from his cock and dripped through his loincloth onto his groping hands and the mossy ground below him; his ass clenched uncontrollably around Jupiter's length, making the large drake give a rumbling growl like a purr. It felt like Jupiter was pushing more weight down on him; the gap between Rick, the drake's belly, and the ground suddenly seemed uncomfortably narrow.

Rick gasped for breath; the orgasm abated almost as suddenly as it had arrived, and seemed... shorter than usual, even though he had the feeling his volume was greater than his usual. The afterglow, too, was not one he recognised; far from feeling sated, he felt more aroused than ever... but more in control, too, less frantic... he'd never felt anything quite like it...

His trembling hands started to come back under his control, and he quickly unclasped his belt, wincing as he felt the leather dig into him, the belt seemingly caught on something and riding up, tightening uncomfortably. Strangely sharp nails scratched his stomach as he fumbled, his fingers struggling with the mechanism; but he managed, just, and the sodden loincloth sagged free of his still-erect cock; a quick tug on the cum-sodden fabric and the loincloth slid away from him, leaving him bare, and oddly pleased.

Jupiter was wasting no time, and was already resuming his thrusts with barely a break. "Holy... damn... you're a pro, stud... I barely even... touched myself..." he said, awed, panting for breath, his whole body still burning with barely-tempered need for the drake above him, feeling that light fluttering excitement in the pit of his stomach again at the thought that it wasn't over yet, Jupiter's thrusts having paused for barely a moment before slowly resuming...

"Oh my. Wow. I guess I thought you were just a good actor, pretending not to like it yesterday...", a tinny voice said from somewhere close by. "It sure seems more like you're seducing *him* this time!"

Rick gasped with shame, but there was nothing he could do; he was pressed into the moss with only a few inches of room to move, no chance to conceal himself; his erect member might be fairly well hidden, but there wasn't much hope of taking back his orgasmic groans, nor what must be the obvious sight of drake-cock spearing his backside open...

He flushed with horrified embarrassment as Jupiter, apparently oblivious to his partner's consternation, slowly resumed his shallow thrusts, that sinfully delightful ridge teasing Rick's rear, the cockhead sliding deeper again...

"The King does like us to try and keep his guests happy, but this isn't how it usually... er, usually goes...", the kobold said, grinning, stepping into his line of sight and giving Jupiter an affectionate stroke on the chin, earning a pleased growl from the drake.

"Sick... fucks!" Rick spat, the pleasure diminishing somewhat as Jupiter, now distracted, ceased his slow thrusting. "The fuck is this?! This how you get your fun?! I..." he began, breaking off in confusion as his tongue scraped painfully over an unusually jagged edge in his mouth. Had he broken a tooth?

The kobold grinned. "Not usually; but it looks like it's how you get yours. Couldn't resist ol' Jupiter, eh?" he said, taking a step back away from the massive drake that dwarfed the little reptile. "Heck, maybe we needn't have captured you at all, just made a decent offer to start... er, start with..." the kobold broke off, looking at Rick in sudden puzzlement. "Oh my. Is that supposed to happen?"

"Is what?!" Rick spat, flushing with anger as well as humiliation; his nostrils flared as he snorted, a strange sound to his ears. He felt carefully around inside his mouth; no broken teeth, but his teeth were... sharper, somehow?

Damn it, was there some magic afoot? He was so distracted by... well, by Jupiter, he'd not even bothered to check, he'd not really taken the kobold's half-taunting warning seriously! He cursed as Jupiter gave a distracted growl that sounded like a grumble; and he felt the drake's cock softly pull back out of him, making him wince, not with pain but with sheer stimulation.

"That! Er, isn't it something you're doing? Your face, it looks..." the kobold began, breaking off suddenly, eyes widening with dawning comprehension. "Oohhhhhhh... I see... I take it you aren't intending to, er, transform into an earth drake, yourself?"

"The fuck?! Of course not!" Rick instinctively shot back, before the implication hit him. "Wait, what the hell are you..?!"

"Well, well, well... er, this is fortuitous and kind of embarrassing. But you're definitely looking... rather drakeish. Hmm, more so than when I walked in! That explains why you're, ah, responding to his mating-calls and all... I guess... and why you came so quick!"

Rick grimaced and tried to think of a witty retort, but as the drakehood pushed back into him languidly it was both hard to concentrate on conversation, and futile to deny; he could only grunt a feeble denial as the kobold continued an absent-minded monologue!

"Gnngh... No, no, that's not... not what happened..."

The kobold rolled his eyes and snorted with derision. "Oh, come off it. We all heard you yelling and begging; and the door's got a pretty good line of sight in here, so we all saw you cumming your pants there, too." Rick saw, to his shock, that the kobold's pants were starting to tent, and the reptile wore a broad and very amused grin. "Real quick, too... kinda like a drake's first round, anyway. Bet it didn't scratch the ol' itch, did it? More like... an appetizer?" he laughed. "Damn, but this is funny!"

"You sick little... are you enjoying this?!" Rick spat, gasping for breath between Jupiter's staccato rhythm; the large drake growled with what sounded like irritation, his mate and his handler distracting him from his play.

The kobold gave his growing tent a lewd grope. "Why not, you are!" he chuckled. "I'm guessing you can't reverse or stop this, or you'd have done it by now. Funny thing, magic, Mr Know-It-All!" the kobold laughed again. "C'mon, you might as well enjoy this. I guess someone'll want to keep you around as a war-mount too, assuming you cooperate... or you're trainable, I guess, depends how far it all goes."

"The fuuuuck?" Rick exclaimed, the taunt suddenly making him realise just how huge the contrast between his mental state now, and yesterday, was. He'd been ensorcelled; this couldn't just be his own magic reflected back at him, this was something else, something surely more specific, not some random accident! There was purpose, but it didn't seem like...

But there really was *something* happening to him! His arms felt strangely heavy, his nose felt swollen, and his eyes itched... Jupiter's weight seemed to be resting on him more and more, though he could see the drake wasn't shifting position... and that wonderfully delightful cock was probing deeper and deeper into his depths without any apparent effort, as if Rick were growing larger...

...Jupiter was a dragon-blooded creature; regularly enchanted and exposed to magic... might the drake have some innate magical power of his own that had been awoken? Maybe this King had even nurtured exactly that, for whatever reason...

"No! S...stop... I'll do anything, tell you anything, just stop..." Rick begged suddenly, and Jupiter seemed to respond by starting to speed his pace a little. "Stop him!" Rick gasped, sounding pretty ambivalent, even to his own ears.

"Hey, I'm not doing this!" the kobold protested, half-heartedly. "I'm just enjoying the show! Besides, I'm not sure I *could* stop him; I doubt Jupiter will just voluntarily give up your tight, eager little ass, especially after you offered it to him and begged for it!" the diminutive reptile said, licking his muzzle with a long tongue, as if in anticipation. "Though you must have grown a foot or more since I walked in... maybe not so tight now!"

Rick ignored the kobold's taunts, focusing instead on trying to push with his legs hard enough to free himself from Jupiter's throbbing drakehood; he felt four sharp toenails dig into the mossy ground and scrape with a strength he'd never known against the rocks below that; but all he seemed to manage was spreading his legs wider, letting that delicious ridge slide deeper into him, stimulating him more; his bared cock, half-softened by embarrassment, started to harden again, about the same moment he bumped his nose against the floor unexpectedly as he flailed; it seemed unusually long, stretched out in the beginnings of a blunt muzzle...

"Oh, c'mon, play nice, you enjoyed it up to now!" the kobold continued. "Besides, what's not to like about being a drake? You'll enjoy it, being big, respected and cared for... powerful... sexy..." the kobold huffed, reaching a hand into his shorts, evidently very excited. "Jupiter'll enjoy the company, too... in the meantime, just relax, hush, just let it happen, enjoy his attention... doesn't it feel good?" the kobold said, his motions making it clear that he was starting to stroke himself languidly under cover of his clothing!

Oddly Rick realised that the kobold's obvious excitement at Rick's predicament wasn't disgusting and shocking him the way it had when he'd first seen it... despite how overtly the kobold was indulging it now! If anything it was kind of... nice...

Why would he think that?!

Rick started to panic as his struggling was forced to stop, with more and more of Jupiter's huge weight bearing down on him, pushing him solidly against the floor; but again Jupiter's position hadn't changed, it was Rick, his body swelling as more and more of whatever enchantment they'd laid on him took hold! He couldn't focus, not in this situation, couldn't channel any of his magical skill to unweave it...

He felt his back sliding along Jupiter's belly; his spine lengthening, forcing his head and shoulders forward further, the top of his head almost level with Jupiter's forelegs already; and a sensitive nub was forming at the base of his spine, rubbing nicely against the drake's delicate bellyscales, making him shiver.

With no real ability to struggle and no immediate options for escape, he held still; Jupiter seemed to take that as a sign to speed up again, and Rick's eyes bulged as a second ridge ground solidly against his anus, before Jupiter, with a low, knowing growl, pressed it gently forward and inside; the cock slid in easier and easier as his backside and haunches swelled, and Rick realised his own shaft was fully hard again, jumping and leaking precum as the delicious, shapely maleness pushed every little pleasure-spot inside him...

Maybe he could escape in a minute. Just wait for now. Yeah.

Rick realised that an unusually long tongue was lolling over his unusually-sharp teeth, and crossed his eyes a moment as he realised that a short, blunt muzzle was protruding into his vision, growing longer and narrower with each moment that passed, each thrust that Jupiter gave...

His thighs felt sore, and his hips were starting to feel quite uncomfortable; a length of what he could only guess was his tail was getting uncomfortably cramped, pressed as he was against the floor. He writhed, grunting as the discomfort built, suddenly torn - despite his desire for escape - between a need to keep still and let the drakehood seed him properly, and the need to move, stretch, abolish the aches and pains...

He shifted his legs, and pushed upwards at Jupiter, trying to make room... and to his surprise, he managed it, the strength in his shifting legs startling him! Jupiter gave a surprised grunt as he was forced to rise, and Rick felt himself slide forward as the pressure was released... and his head became trapped between Jupiter's forelegs as the drake stood upright, his shoulders now nearly as wide as the drake's himself. Without thinking he wrapped his arms around the thick forelimbs, hugging them close for support, and giving a sigh as he stood upright - or as upright as he could, his legs and hips now feeling very comfortable in a quadrupedal stance, keeping his spine roughly parallel to the ground! That, combined with the sudden, odd feeling of a tail swishing with newfound freedom above him, reminded him that he was supposed to be making a getaway, needed to get out of here, find a counterspell...

His sigh turned into a sudden groan as Jupiter pushed his hips forward, pushing even more of his drakehood into Rick's expanded, and expanding, form, a third ridge making the sorcerer's eyes bulge and his cock leap in sudden pleasure. He felt an unfamiliar, scaly hand wrap itself around his aching shaft, the points of three sharp claws digging in while it gripped awkwardly... and he realised that it was his own, almost instinctively reaching under his belly to stroke himself, a haze of pleasure clouding his thoughts and actions! He glanced at his other arm; it was... mostly scaly, covered in the familiar thick, smooth, diamondlike scales of an earth drake, muscled like a bodybuilder and far beyond his own original - and meagre - proportions; his wrist seemed swollen and stiff, and his thumb seemed to be losing its mobility, sticking close to two thick, clawed fingers while two other fingers stayed incongruously human, seeming to be melting back into the flesh of his hand as it became more and more like a three-toed paw... Jupiter's magnificent claws...

He shuddered, groping himself as best he could, feeling increasingly aroused and eager to stroke himself to climax, eager to feel Jupiter cum inside him, under his tail... even while he felt shocked, and horrified at what was happening to him! He grunted with frustration, sounding unusually gruff and... a bit drakelike...

He wanted more, he wanted Jupiter to fuck him harder, multiply that delightful pleasure under his tail, deep in his gut, wanted to feel Jupiter's hot seed filling his backside, pleasuring him enough to cum...

"J...Jupiter! Fff...fuck mmmeeee.... Harrrrrrderrrrrr..." he said, at a growl, the words seeming to catch in his throat, feeling hoarse, strained...

He'd half-forgotten the watching kobold, but as the creature suddenly withdrew its hand from its pants and started to unbutton its tunic, chuckling at him, he remembered he was not alone. But he didn't care; he didn't care he was being fucked, begging for more, that this kobold, his captor, was watching and pleasuring himself at the sight. It didn't matter; and even realising that startled some overwhelmed bastion of rationality in his skull.

"Having trouble? Can't jack one off like you used to, eh? But you're over that silliness earlier, you *want* to?" the kobold chuckled, baring his slim, scaly chest, and hooking his thumbs into his waistband.

Rick nodded. "Yyyyerrrsssssshhh..." he hissed, coughing suddenly, letting go of his cock in frustration as his grip slackened, his paw-hands unable to do more than bat at his shaft futilely; he gripped Jupiter's forelegs again, suddenly and instinctively giving a growl that sounded almost feral, needy, submissive... and he knew Jupiter would understand it.

Understand it, Jupiter did; Rick's tongue lolled again as he felt a fourth ridge press against his tailhole as his legs went rigid, thick and powerful enough that Jupiter was having to arch his back over the growing mound of Rick's body; Rick was surely large enough to pass for simply a small drake by now! Jupiter sped his pace, keeping that fourth ridge outside Rick, teasing him, grinding his cock into deeper and deeper pleasure-spots in Rick's tailhole, the sorcerer's sharp, draconic teeth gritting with eager desire as the gentle mating turned fast into a rutting...

The kobold chuckled and gave a low moan at the sight, pulling his pants off and stepping out of them, stretching as if to show off his lithe, narrow frame, and his smooth, tapering, leaking maleness for a moment before his hand returned to it, stroking languidly, his other hand feeling and teasing under his tail. Rick felt perversely pleased... *he* could have Jupiter, and all the kobold got was lonely voyeurism. Was that the revenge he was thinking of? Why need revenge for introducing him and Jupiter? Why did he even feel a need to dislike the kobold, the happy, kind of sexy little critter..?

The kobold had hands like he used to, Rick grimaced, his cock throbbing frustratedly, pleasure edging out any other thought or consideration. He was being rutted, but he was male too; he needed to rut, but all he could hope for was a turn at Jupiter; but, an odd thought in his head said, the alpha male doesn't let his betas dominate him, that's not how it works...

"Poor thing, you need a hand", chuckled the kobold, knowingly. "Don't you worry, you'll be well-looked-after here... we'll take goooood care of you..." he continued, stepping forward gingerly towards the rutting pair.

Rick's shoulders ached and cracked suddenly, forcing him to loose his grip on Jupiter's forelegs. He grunted as his shoulders shifted again, the muscle and sinew and bone snapping and reshaping, forcing him to rise to all fours...

Jupiter's forelegs lifted from the ground and Rick gave a startled hiss as what had been a crushing weight only minutes before, shifted easily, huge strength in his changing body easily shifting the drake. The weight bore down on his back and tail, and it felt so good, so *right*...

He gave a grunt as he felt a touch on his inner thigh; but not his own touch. He craned his elongated neck downward, and found himself looking under his own belly, with ease; and what he saw shocked him.

He was aware he'd changed, of course; but now he could really *see* it. Four thickly-muscled legs, two three-toed forepaws and two four-toed hindpaws, all tipped with wicked claws; familiar dirty-silvery scales all across his body, interspersed with the speckled brown scales of an earth-drake; a tail hanging low behind him, pushed off to one side by Jupiter's bulk. The kobold was standing beneath him now - standing, upright! Rick had grown so huge, the three-foot-tall kobold could be half as tall again and still have room to walk beneath Rick's belly! He caught sight, beyond that, of Jupiter's limbs surrounding him as they mated. He. Human. Sorcerer. Not a drake, not this, not a huge four-legged creature, not being mated by an inhuman male, this wasn't, shouldn't be right...

His appraisal suddenly shifted as the kobold reached out to the towering spire of flesh jutting from a slit in Rick's otherwise-bare groin, the huge drakehood that Rick's puny member had blossomed into. That warm touch on his hypersensitive shaft banished the surprise and shock from Rick's head, and he was suddenly stuck instead with how... *attractive* he was. Details from his first, only, momentary full-body glimpse of Jupiter flooded back, and he drank in the sight of his new form, his better form, the form Jupiter had really wanted to mate and seed...

No, yelled some vestigial thought that the pleasure hadn't quite clouded; the kobold wants you to cum. You're enchanted. You mustn't find this arousing, mustn't cum, must find a way out. The kobold could barely reach his maleness, maybe he could resist.

But the rest of his mind had other plans as it regarded his altered shaft. His maleness must be just like Jupiter's, he realised foggily as the kobold's touches lingered and roamed around the head of the shaft, where the diminutive reptile could reach. It was nearly a foot and a half long; but it tapered along its length to a narrow point, probably narrower than a human member, which leaked copiously with musk-laden drake-precum. About four inches back from the tip there was a raised ring of flesh all around the shaft, that thick and oh-so-good ridge he felt working deep in his tailhole; and it was incredibly sensitive as the kobold's small fingers played over it, causing Rick to grunt with desire. Four inches behind that was another ridge; then another; and then...

He gasped as he realised what the new 'ridge' he could feel Jupiter straining to fit into his newer, larger, more eager tailhole - his shaft ended in a bulbous knot, far larger than the rest of the shaft, swollen and huge... His tailhole clenched and ached suddenly to feel it, and he groaned as the kobold's grip tightened, causing his toeclaws to curl as the delicious stimulation intensified around his shaft.

"Ah, damn, I forgot to ask your name... too late now, we'll just have to call you 'Saturn'...." The boss-kobold huffed. "Sounds good... a name to be feared and respected..." he said, grasping his outstretched hands around the tip of a shaft that was half as big as the kobold himself, rubbing his smooth scales over the lowest ridge on Rick's cock.

Rick growled in uncertain lust, desperate to cum but fearful of the consequences. Jupiter answered; a commanding, deep, rumbling growl, an alpha commanding his beta to obey, to be ready, to be desired and loved and accepted to his proper place... instinct triggered, and Rick shuddered with a resurgence of need for the virile male above him, gratitude for the helpful kobold below him.

"Aaaah, fuuuuck..." The kobold murmured, collecting a handful of Rick's preseed and grabbing hold of his koboldhood, stroking it rapidly. "You're one sexy little drake, Saturn..." he said, without irony, to the towering reptile above him. "I just need a minute, then I'll take care of you..." he groaned, grabbing his koboldhood in both hands to stroke it.

Rick growled at the kobold angrily, frustratedly. The irritating little creature, putting its own pleasure first? Did it not know the hierarchy? He was Beta!

A second kobold suddenly appeared from somewhere out of Rick's line of sight; this one was evidently a guard, spear-armed, leather-clad... and with a codpiece hanging uselessly to one side, an erect member jutting from his groin. The newcomer tossed his spear casually aside and approached the first kobold, startling him as the newcomer pulled his tail upright. "Teamwork, Melkos, teamwork..."

"Lotar? B...but, it's not your shift yet!" asked the handler, in confused but happy, excited recognition.

"Thought I'd get to work early, see if you needed a 'hand'..." the newcomer replied. "Now... you focus on 'handling' your new stable-member..." Lotar hissed, pressing his cock under the surprised, but gleeful handler's tail! "...and relax, *I've* got your back ..."

Rick's nostrils flared at the intensified scent of kobold-musk, overpowering the drake-musk and residual human-scent from the discarded loincloth, all that remained to show what Rick used to be. The two little creatures' play... enticed and appealed to him. They were... nice... friendly... he growled encouragingly as the handler reached up and touched his drakehood again, the guard hilting inside the smaller kobold quickly, a hand reaching around to stroke the handler's jutting erection...

Rick's growl turned to one of surprise, his slitted eyes bulging as Jupiter pressed forward, thrusting harder, and Rick felt his tailhole start to part around the huge knot at the base of Jupiter's member. Instinctively he relaxed; and he knew that his alpha, his lover, was close. His cock leaked as he spread his hindlegs wider, giving Jupiter better access, letting him press deeper, lowering Rick's cock towards the frolicking kobolds and letting the small claws reach higher, Rick himself eager to feel the alpha's seed....

There was an excruciating moment as it felt like Rick was being torn in two; and then, suddenly, his anus closed around the true base of Jupiter's shaft as if welcoming the knot inside. Jupiter's thrusts, by necessity, became shorter, sharper, the cockhead pressing deep and the knot pushing down hard on that deep pleasure-spot inside Rick...

Under his belly, he heard the handler give a groan, and suddenly the scent of kobold-musk was overwhelming, the little creature's seed spewing in an arc over the mossy ground as the guard's claw flew over the handler's straining maleness, a cock buried deep in its own backside. Good; appropriate. The whole pack was having fun.

Jupiter gave an ominous growl, making Rick shiver, the knot taunting him hard as it rubbed at his innards, precum leaking from the cocktip like a broken gutter. Rick flexed his tailhole, squeezing down on Jupiter's magnificent shaft as hard as he could, willing his mate to cum, willing the shaft to seed him...

Jupiter's growl rose to a roar as Rick suddenly felt hot, thick liquid spewing hard into him, the pressure forcing it deep. Jupiter, eager, needy, and pent-up so much thanks to Rick, kept his thrusting going, forcing the seed in, the knot pulsing with each spurt and driving Rick wild with needy desire.

Small, sticky hands were grasping higher at the ridges on his cock, coating his member with kobold-seed and drake-preseed, the sensation building in his hidden, internalised balls; and he felt the taunting tickle of the knot in his ass turning rapidly into the impending glow of climax, the kobold's meagre touches enough to push him to the peak.

He gave a throaty growl of need as his tailhole felt fuller and fuller, then another, louder, his toes curling and his tailhole quivering as the pleasure peaked... and then a roar to match Jupiter's as his maleness suddenly erupted, firing a burst of thick, creamy drakeseed like a cannon. His second orgasm after the watery first; and it was so amazing, better than anything Saturn had felt as a human!

This was his place... he felt powerful, desired, eager, happy... needy... his cock spurted again and again, the kobold coated in copious drakeseed as he caressed Saturn's cockhead and Jupiter's cock still spewed yet more fluid into Saturn's eager body. Human, sorcerer, adventurer, it didn't matter, this was right, this was good, if he had to obey the kobolds and serve some King he'd never heard of to keep doing this, feeling this pleasure, this power, so be it, Saturn decided. Nothing mattered. Nothing else mattered.

His toeclaw caught on a piece of discarded leather and cloth; it stank of human. Ugh. He kicked it away. He didn't want to remember being the idiot who tried to run away from Jupiter, sexy, alpha Jupiter.

Melkos stroked the huge drake-shaft as long as it continued spewing its seed, showering him and Lotar in it even as he hissed, and Melkos felt his tailhole flood with the warmth of his mate's seed.

There was a long moment of near-silence, gentle breathing and dripping as they all recovered. Melkos chuckled and licked a strand of seed off Lotar's snout, his cock hardening quickly as Lotar licked his snout back, their tongues suddenly grappling eagerly.

They broke the kiss to see they weren't the only pair feeling an intimate moment; the drakes were happily growling and roaring at each other, playfully starting to lick at each other's snouts. Awww; he thought. That was kind of cute.

"Settled in, eh, Saturn?" he asked, wiping his eyes clear, but the drakes took no notice; they were too interested in each other, though he fancied he heard them both growl as if chuckling. Might be his imagination; it was hard to tell for creatures with no speech. He turned to Lotar instead, pulling his mate's shaft from his tailhole as he did. "I think we'd better go somewhere else... I think they'd prefer the space. At least there's no problem keeping them caged up together, I guess..."

Lotar looked disappointed. "Alright, Melkos... and then you can explain what the hells is going on!" he finished, raising his voice.

The pair of drakes looked at him, as if irritated he was spoiling their moment. "Okay, okay, we're going", Melkos said, licking strands of drakeseed from his muzzle and skittering quickly to his discarded clothes.

Lotar was trying to replace his codpiece again as they shut and locked the door to the subterranean chamber where Jupiter... and Saturn as well, now... were kept. The guardsman's efforts to keep a military bearing were wasted; he was half-covered in drakeseed. Melkos chuckled.

Lotar grinned, sheepishly. "Hey, you don't look much more professional yourself!"

Melkos' chuckle rose to a laugh. "No... I suppose I don't!" he said. "C'mon, let's get a bath... the Captain owes you a favour, he can cover the shift."

"You sure?" Lotar said, eager but still concerned. "I mean... I don't even know what happened in there..."

"Ah... well... let's just say that if we keep any more prisoners in the ultra-secure cell there, we should make sure Jupiter's not been pent up too long... and I think the ransom plan is off now... but I think the King will be pleased", Melkos grinned. "Two war-drakes, though one probably needs a bit more training than the norm... and we know something we didn't know before! I have a few ideas now... there were a few more humans captured at the same time, right? We should try some experiments, see if it's repeatable..."

Lotar chuckled and licked the smaller kobold's cheek. "Oh, you and your schemes, Melkos... another day. Another day."