Chapter 1: Feild Trip

Story by Ranokii on SoFurry

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Hey, Yiffstar readers. Ranokii is here with a fresh new story featuring my Fursona, Hoshi the Tasune. There's some drugs, sex and rock and roll, but mostly sex and not so much of the first and last fact....there's none at all. There's also a story, some character development and such, so keep your pants on if you're looking for just a sex story!! But if you are good little readers and give good comments, a sequel might be in the works.

Oh yeah....if you aren't old enough to read this or aren't into the whole furry thing (why are you here!?) then click back and leave... Last thing I want to do is get the site in trouble ^_^;

BTW characters (c) Me (A.K.A. Nuo, Udon or Ranokii)

Oh yeah! A (...) indicates some time passing. Think of it like the end of a scene in a movie.

Now enjoy!

Chapter 1: Field Trip

Just north of Illinois was the city of Thornewood. In Thornewood things moved at their own pace, with people awakening with the coming of dawn and retiring to their homes as night sets in. The houses and streets carried all of the Victorian charm of a city that the settlers had first established in the infancy of the country. All over the place there were trees that were just now beginning to bud with the new spring growth. On the wind came the scent of freshly cut grass and combined with the scents of a nearby bakery. In the distance, the clock tower of Brackenwood High School sounded with the warning bell that told students that class was starting soon. And its ringing warning was not one to be lightly ignored in the disciplinarian building. But even with its strict school system, Thornewood was a truly beautiful city. And for the moment, none of that beauty mattered; Hoshi knew he was going to be teased again.

Hoshi was different than most of the other Beast folk in his school, being a cross between a kitsune, a mystical fox with multiple tails and access to powerful magicks, and a tanuki, a raccoon creature with mystic qualities of it's own. As a result, he practically pulsed with magical energy, and his outward appearance was anywhere from comical to unnerving to see for the first time. He stood just over five feet, and had ash grey fur with the usual marking of both his fox half and his raccoon half stacked on top of each other. The combination looked as if someone had taken a paintbrush to his fur with an artistic motif in mind. Like his kitsune father, his muzzle was more towards the long and pointed side, but his tanuki side made him resemble more of a wolf in that aspect. Aside from that, his eyes were different colors! His left eye was yellow with a thin slit of a pupil, while his right eye was a normal grey with normal pupil. Some people liked to joke that he was possessed, while he wasn't even allowed to enter the local shrines for that very same reason. It made his childhood an awkward one, to be sure. But the one thing that made him stand out more than his odd fur pattern, more than his not-quite-foxy muzzle or his strange left eye was his tails.

Like anyone who had a kitsune father, Hoshi had three tails, having grown the second and third within the first few years of puberty. But unlike most children of kitsune, he didn't have three fox tails behind him. Instead three long raccoon tails fanned out behind him, reminding everyone, beyond a shadow of a doubt that he was to be looked down upon. It was mainly this reason that he was unpopular with his peers, and why he was teased almost daily.

Hoshi raced through the streets, feet slipping on the morning dew as he cut through a yard. His long black hair flew wildly in the wind and his empty backpack trailed out behind him as it caught the air. In his mouth was a doughnut that he had bought as a substitute for the breakfast he had slept through. His coal grey cargo shorts were loaded with various electronics; his MP3 player, a digital camera, a PDA, his PSP and a few games, all the usual things, and he took care not to slip and let them be drenched in the morning dew. The weather was nice, for a change, and so he hadn't even bothered to pull on a jacket. He was clad only in a black Kemono Island t-shirt, his shorts, and a pair of comfortable sandals that he could walk in. He stumbled, landing head-first into a patch of taller grass and rolling for several feet. Getting to his feet, he found the world to be a blur; it was several seconds later that he discovered his glasses had fallen off during the crash. He sighed as the last bell rung, signaling that class was about to begin.


Hoshi crept through the hallways on silent paws, using his illusion magic to remain unseen. Several teachers came from various magical heritages, but one of the few bonuses of having a double dose of mystic blood meant his magic was much stronger. He was sure no one would see him until he wanted them to.

He slowly made his way up the stairs, slipping once on a discarded sheet of paper but otherwise moving with all the grace of a legendary thief. He peered around the corner, and his heart leapt into his throat as he spotted Mr. Kurogane, a Kirin, which was a kind of Japanese unicorn, that taught the science classes and lead the after school Magic User's Club. If anyone was going to spot me, Hoshi thought, it's gonna be that guy...

He racked his brain for a way around the teacher and into the classroom just ahead of him when he began to notice an irritating itch behind his left ear. He went to scratch and his paw came back with a ginkgo leaf stuck to it. He was so happy to see it he almost dropped the illusion by mistake. Both tanuki and kitsune are able to use transformation magic by sticking a leaf to their head. He vaguely remembered that for best results the caster was supposed to use either a ginkgo leaf or a maple leaf. For the first time in his life he was glad of his bloodline, and stuck the leaf to his forehead with joy.

It fell to the floor.

He cursed under his breath and picked it up, licking the underside and sticking it to his forehead. He muttered a quick rhyme, and formed his hands into the proper signs. A puff of smoke surrounded him, and for a moment he was afraid he was going to be caught, until he realized he had gotten shorter. Blowing away the dust by fanning his tails around revealed an almost perfect transformation (in appearance only) to his teacher, Ms. Shiro, an older vixen who taught his class. While it obviously wouldn't work once he was in the class, it would do well to fool anyone he passed who managed to see through his invisibility. He stood and looked at himself in the reflection of a nearby window, and everything was fine, with the exception of his eyes, which remained the same color and shape. Oh well, he thought while playing with his new and ample breasts childishly, it's not like anyone is going to be looking at my eyes anyways. Not with these melons, at least!

With his new disguise he walked quietly through the hallway, still taking care to be quiet, but not worrying if he was seen as much. As he approached Mr. Kurogane, he gave a quick smile and a nod, as Ms. Shiro would do, and to his terror and amazement, the Kirin gave him a nod back. He wisely decided to get the hell out of sight, and turned the corner into class. Lucky for him the teacher liked to leave the door open on nice days like this. He dropped the transformation spell, which didn't leave another telltale smoke cloud, and quietly took his seat. Suddenly the real Ms. Shiro, who was writing on the board about the three day field trip to a magic ritual ground in Chicago, turned on her heels and faced him directly and pointed. Her thicker-than-normal tail puffed up in agitation, and she walked right up to where he sat, still hidden by his invisibility charm.

"Hoshi, sweetie," she said in a sugary sweet voice, "How kind of you to join us today."

Without warning, his invisibility collapsed, revealing to the class that their teacher had, indeed, caught the tardy student in the act of sneaking into class. Several students behind him began to snicker and the badger next to him fell out of her seat in surprise. His face flushed in embarrassment, and his ears and tail drooped. The teacher peeled the leaf from his forehead and examined it with some interest, holding it high enough for the class to see. "What is a gingko leaf doing on your head, Hoshi?" Something seemed to connect, and she smiled bending over to look at him eye to eye, "You definitely are your father's son..." This brought another round of laughter from the class, and his face flushed even more. She straightened and resumed the class as if nothing had happened, "Anyways, class, as we have an odd number of students in this class, the last name on the roster, Hoshi Zell, will be partnered with me during the time of the trip. Since everything is in order, I give you the rest of the class to make any final preparations. Mr. Zell, please come speak with me."

As the class separated into their assigned groups, Hoshi nervously made his way to the front of the class. The teacher was reclined in her chair, fanning herself with a small uchiwa fan she liked to gesture with during lessons. As he stood there, she continued to fan herself for several more moments, and Hoshi caught a glimpse of cleavage he hadn't noticed before. I swear they're getting bigger! He thought to himself, remembering his recent transformation and how the breasts were big even when he was the one who made them. "Uh... You wanted to talk to me?" he said, tearing his gaze from the jiggling masses.

She seemed to notice him for the first time, and turned to face him. A sly smile on her face told him that she had indeed seen him while he was invisible. "You must think you were pretty clever, huh?"

He jumped a little, and decided to play dumb. "What?"

She leaned forward, resting her head in her hands and her elbows on the desk, "That whole bit with the magic. Surely you couldn't be expecting to fool any of the teachers with simple invisibility, right?"

He dropped the act, realizing without a doubt that he had been caught in the act, "Well...yeah, actually."

She laughed a little before continuing, "Then let me give you a little advice: When you become invisible, make sure ALL of you is concealed. Your shadow can still be seen if you don't do it right. You actually had cast a concealment spell, not invisibility. The difference is that you leave a shadow when concealed, but not when invisible. Understand?"

He was stunned to receive such in depth advice from a mundane person. Ms. Shiro wasn't even a part of the Magic User's Club! Mr. Kurogane, he could understand, but...

"How do you know that?" he asked without thinking. He cringed at the impulsive question, but relaxed a little when she smiled again.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" She said cryptically and dismissed him. He went back to his locker more confused than ever.


The train station was huge! All around him people rushed to make it to their destinations. Every other second someone came onto the PA system and announced that such-and-such train was leaving from so-and-so station and a crowd of people would turn on a dime and rush to that station. The poor people who where caught in that rushing group would ironically become late for their own trains, creating another "stampede" that would create more late people. If he had more time, Hoshi would have added to the chaos by creating illusionary crowds to avoid. But sadly, he himself was pressed for time. He took his luggage, which contained clothes for three days, all his electronic gear including laptop, digital cameral with zoom scope, and a GPS device for finding his way around. His cash and stuff was safe, but out of mind as he finally found the correct station. He had bought a ticket ahead of time, and presented it as he approached the train.

"-ster Zell! Mr. Zell! Hoshi Zell, turn around!" called a voice from behind. He turned to find the voice attached to a very different Ms. Shiro. Her silver hair, which was usually tied up in a bun, hung freely around her shoulders in small ringlets. Her crescent moon reading glasses were replaced with a pair of small shades that hung on her muzzle in a very casual way. She was even dressed in a more relaxed manner, sporting a forest green shirt that showed off her midsection and a pair of khakis to match. Her feet were adorned with a pair of tennis shoes and a camera hung around her neck, adding to the overall tourist look. But the strange thing was that she seemed younger...somehow...

"Ms. Shiro?" he asked, not quite sure if it was indeed his teacher. Judging by her smile, he thought, this bit of hotness in front of me is the same stuffy teacher from yesterday. Hey wait... Is that a thong!?

His teacher gestured over her shoulder to the train behind her, "You were about to board the wrong one. This is the train we're taking. We've got an entire cabin to ourselves, too!"

His stomach seemed filled with lead, realizing that for several hours he would be in a room alone with his suddenly attractive teacher. He boarded the train, with her following closely behind, and she guided him to their cabin. On the way he took peeks into the other cabin windows, and saw some of his classmates. Relieved that he at least was on the right train, he stepped into the cabin.

Inside he found a dessert cart waiting, along with a six pack of soda and several books. It seemed as if his teacher had made herself at home while she waited. "You bought an entire cart?" he asked incredulously as she sat in the middle of mess, picking up a half eaten doughnut and finishing it in one bite. A bit of cream had splattered on her cheek, and it went unnoticed for several second. Suddenly as if realizing for the first time, she licked the cream off.

Another several seconds passed before either of them said anything, and then he picked up one of the book and read the cover. It turned out to be a book on advanced magical techniques, mainly illusion and divination. He was surprised, as both of these were specialties of his. "We aren't going to be tested on this are we?" he asked without much want for an answer; he already had a good idea what the books were for.

"No...Not really a test..." she said absent mindedly as she eyed a bear claw on the top shelf, "That spell you cast was a little rough around the edges, so Genki, Mr. Kurogane to you, agreed to lend me some books to help you with if you agreed to join the Magic User's Club."

He was taken aback by the fact that his teacher was willing to help him become better at the very spell that he had tried to use to sneak past her. And although he sensed something out of place, he was too eager to join the club to refuse. "Sure! But I have one question: How did you know which books to get?"

The question seemed to surprise her for a second, but she regained composure and smiled a knowing smile. "Because kirin are able to see through even your illusions."

His shoulders slumped as he put the pieces together: Mr. Kurogane had seen him walking through the hall with both illusions stacked on top of each other. He must have thought it was funny to see a fake Ms. Shiro walking into the real Ms. Shiro's class. He accepted the failure for what it was and started thumbing through the book. "Ok. Where should we begin?"

So the decided to begin with the basics. Using a wax-covered gingko leaf that came with one of the books, Ms. Shiro led Hoshi through the exercises and motions for casting concealment and transformation spells. The motions were easy enough to memorize, and the magical energy needed to cast them wasn't nearly as much as Hoshi expected it to be. In fact, becoming invisible took less effort that concealing him. In time, he was able to easily walk around the train without being noticed or even seen. And Hoshi took some satisfaction in this.

After that, they decided to work on transformation. First, Ms. Shiro used herself as an example, turning this way and that so that Hoshi could make notes on minor details. At once point, after a few failed tries, she took off her shirt so that Hoshi, who had little experience with girls (mostly due to his strange appearance), could better understand the subtle curves of a woman. It took all the willpower he had not to botch the next transformation, since all he could think about were her breasts after that. By either luck or sheer will he managed to pull it off without a problem. This time, she tested him by handing him the attendance sheet and having him visit each group to see how they were doing. Everything went off without a problem, and he returned to the cabin triumphant.

While he was glad to have mastered the spells, doing so had drained him. After dropping the spell, he reclined in his chair to rest, and slowly drifted off into sleep.


"Mmm...Ah....oh my..."

Hoshi awoke to a strange scene in front of him. On the opposite side of the cabin, sprawled across the seat in a less-than-modest position, was Ms. Shiro. Sometime while she slept she had stripped down to just her lacy bra and panties, and apparently found his laptop in his luggage. It must have been a matter of moments that she had found his collection of pictures, since he did nothing to hide them. She was currently browsing through his porn collection, by the look of it, as her free hand rubbed up and down her cotton covered crotch. One of her eyes was closed as soft whimpers escaped from her pursed lips. After a minute or two, a wet spot began to appear, and her stroking fingers focused on that area more; soon she was soaking wet, and it dripped onto the seat freely. He watched for a moment as she continued to masturbate, not daring to move or even breathe, as she pushed her panties to one side and diddled her swelling clit. His face flushed, and his pants became a bit tighter as the scent of arousal became unbearably strong in the small and closed up cabin. With her index and middle fingers, she began to trace small circles around her clit, slowly spreading outwards until she was making laps around her increasingly moist. Occasionally her fingers would opt to explore further down, and a finger would tease at her asshole for a moment before returning to the real fun. Her chest heaved with lust and her ample breasts jiggled with every sharp breath she took. He couldn't believe it, but neither could he take his eyes away. He just prayed that there was something covering his crotch as he tried not to get noticed.

Suddenly she stopped, and looked over in his direction. His heart was racing, and he thought she had caught him staring, but apparently she was only checking if he was still asleep, for she quickly reached in her own bag and pulled out a "travel sized" vibrator with a remote control. It was shaped and colored like a small monster egg, roughly the size of a tennis ball, even going so far as to have a little crack with yellow eyes peering out on one side. It was cute, but he could hardly wait to see what she was going to do with it. She clicked a button on the remote that was connected to it by a yard or so of wire, and the "egg" came to life with a low, strong buzz. Licking her lips, she pressed it to her drenched pussy lips, and gasped at the pleasure the toy was apparently inflicting. Her hips bucked a couple of times before removing the toy and pressing another button. The buzz seemed to soften, and she reapplied it, moaning at the quieter pleasure. Apparently the setting it was on before was a bit too strong for the moment. He was glad she decided to lower it: he wanted to watch this as long as possible. The seat below her was starting to get so wet with her love juices that a puddle was beginning to form in the carpeting below her. She moved the egg in slow, deliberately teasing arches.

She suddenly threw her head back and moaned deeply, and for a moment he was afraid that she was going to get caught or worse, cum on his laptop and ruin it. Lucky for him she must have been thinking the same thing, as her clicking hand went over mouth and successfully muffled her moans. After a moment, she went back to clicking, while her other hand started to press the toy in, little by little. Poor Hoshi was rock hard, watching and wondering if it would go in. After a tense moment where it was halfway in and out, she pressed it in with a lewd squishing sound. She gasped and her hips bucked as the toy was swallowed by her hole, and she clicked the controller again. The dull buzz of the vibrator could be heard a little louder, now. The hand that was holding the toy started to play with her clit again.

She clicked through his collection faster now, and her eyes went wide as he guessed what pictures she had found.

A while back, a group of pictures had come out over the internet of Ms. Shiro's head photoshopped onto various porn pictures. They were very well done, and anyone not knowing they were fakes would have a much altered view of Ms. Shiro's private life. Naturally Hoshi had kept the pictures when he found them, and they were some of his favorites. As a joke, he had one of his friends place him into the picture, so that it looked as he was having sex with his teacher. It quickly became his favorite of favorites. She looked over again, this time looking at his crotch. Oh shit! He thought, as her intent became clear. She grinned in a predatory way, and walked over. On the floor she left a trail of wetness as she knelt before him, undoing his fly slowly while looking into his eyes.

"You can stop pretending now. You don't get this hard just sleeping." She said in a low husky voice, patting his hard-on like she would a puppy through his boxers. "My, are you big..."

He opened one eye, looking down at her with a mix of concern and embarrassed lust, "A...about that picture..." he began before she shushed him. She pulled down his pants and boxers, and his manhood stood ready. Being half fox, he also had his father's package. A thick 8 inches with a thicker knot near the base, all of which stood erect before his teacher's licking lips.

"Hoshi... shut up." She said simply before gently suckling on the tip. The pleasure he felt was so intense from anticipation that he had to shut his eyes to keep the tears back. He melted back into his chair, unable to move even an inch. She continued to suck for a second before she withdrew. Her tongue, much longer than his, slithered out to curl around the tip like a devilish snake. He groaned as a bead of precum leaked out of the top. She licked it up and in one motion, swallowed the whole of him in one gulp. His hips bucked and his voice betrayed him, as he let out a bestial sound he didn't know he was able to make. Her head bobbed up and down, sucking him off like a pro while her hands worked his balls and anus alternately. The air was filled with the scents of arousal and the slurping sounds of an expert blowjob. His tails were twitching so badly that he thought that the people in the cabin behind him might feel the vibrations. Her lips grazed his know over and over, while her tongue remained coiled around the head and squeezed like a constricting python. Never in his life had he felt such pleasure, and he doubted he would ever again.

Suddenly he felt a pressure on his anus as her finger entered. He cried out in pain and rejection of her probing finger, but again he was shushed by an upraised finger as she explored deeper. Suddenly the pain turned into a weird kind of pleasure as she rubbed against his once-virgin ring. He groaned louder at the obscene stimulation and felt a familiar tingle just behind his know that told him he was close.

"Oh god..." he groaned, "Oh my god!" she withdrew off his cock, sucking so hard he thought that it was going to detach, then plunging all the way to the knot and back again and again. He was almost positive that at any moment his manhood was going to just pop off from strain, but the disturbing thought was blocked by the intense orgasm that rocked him. His claws tore into the seat and he unleashed what felt like a year's worth of sperm all at once. Ms. Shiro's eyes widened at the unexpected volume of his seed, and a sudden wetness coated his feet as his teacher came off the lewd feeling of swallowing his seed. They both collapsed Hoshi into the seat and Ms. Shiro's head into his lap.

"I...I think that this was better than any picture, right?" his teacher asked as Hoshi's brain began to regain control of his body. He felt her nuzzling his crotch affectionately, and smiled.

He lifted himself up, "Trust me when I say that this is the best field trip ever! And anyone who says otherwise is a liar." He laughed, looked down, and found his teacher to be quite different. Her eyes burned with white light, and her fur had turned a pure bloody red that seemed to glow with moonlight. Behind her, five tails swirled menacingly behind her, and she had a firm grip on his still firm cock. His heart jumped when he realized what his teacher had changed into. His teacher was now a five-tailed nogitsune, a kind of malevolent kitsune.

Her tongue slithered out, but much longer even than before, and it wrapped around his knot, giving it a squeeze. "Indeed, Hoshi, I'm glad you enjoyed it. But now that it's over, I have gotten hungry, and pastries aren't quite enough..." she smiled, revealing a pair of long pointed fangs. Understanding came quickly as he remembered that nogitsune fed from the blood or essence of living creatures.

"Wait..." he pleaded, but his pleas fell on deaf ears as her fangs bit into his tender flesh. He screamed, and the world went black in a burst of perverse pleasure...


Hoshi awoke with a scream that had everyone in the surrounding cabins, including most of his classmates, at his door in seconds. There were several seconds where Ms. Shiro was alternately trying to calm Hoshi and assure the passengers that there wasn't anything wrong. After the confusion died down, Hoshi sheepishly explained that he was simply having a nightmare, though he wasn't entirely sure until he saw Ms. Shiro and noted the orange, and not red, fur; although it took a few seconds to realize this subtle change in color. He excused himself and went to the bathroom.

"What t he hell was that!?" he said aloud, as if asking the air would yield the answers. "That was the most realistic dream I ever had, and..." the blood drained from his face as he practically tore his shorts off and examined his manhood. He didn't see any bite marks, and, sadly, no traces of Ms. Shiro's plum-colored lipstick. He took care of business, washed up, and returned to the cabin both relieved and disappointed.

Ms. Shiro was waiting for him, a concerned look on her face as he sat down. Flashes of his dream both good and bad came to mind, and he avoided eye contact. She leaned in closer, and he could smell her perfume. "What's wrong, Hoshi? You seemed like you were in pain for a moment? I didn't know what to do, so I just waited for you to awaken."

This surprised him, "You were watching me sleep?"

She grinned embarrassed, "I ate too many sweets, so I couldn't sleep. Then you started making such strange noises and..." she gestured to his jeans "Until you left the cabin, you had an erection..."

Hoshi felt about five inches tall as he realized why everyone kept asking if he was alright. His ears flattened, and he covered his face in his hands. He just wanted to go back to the dream and out of this nightmare.

He felt a hand on his shoulder, and looked to find Ms. Shiro sitting next to him, a comforting look on her face that he couldn't quite resist. "It's ok. It's perfectly natural, you know." she said as the train came to a stop. For the first time he noticed that both his and her things had been packed away neatly. For some reason that fact disturbed him a little. "But..." she said with a knowing smile, "Whomever you were dreaming of... She can't have been that bad."

With that, she gave a small giggle and left Hoshi feeling even smaller.

"This can't end well..." he thought out loud.

(This ends chapter 1. I hope you all decide to comment the fuck out of this story so that I have a reason to write another. Bai bai!)