Furry Diares Ch1 prt2

Story by Tyler Uragi on SoFurry

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#2 of furry diaries

This is the sequel, and yes i know it's about time. Well You know the drill don't read if you are underage or are offended by this story of young love.

I woke up to the late afternoon sun threading through the window. After blinking out the sleep from my eyes i shot my head up frantically. I stared wided-eyed around the room. Finally I realized where I was. I looked down and saw Chad's nude, sleeping form. My eyes softened when I saw him lying there with the sheets hanging from his legs. He shifted, exposing his limp member. Staring at him made me smile warmly.

I was about to lean over and kiss him when I saw his clock. It read four-thirty. I had only two hours in his arms. I rolled myself on top of him and nuzzled his chest. He grunted and lightly brushed my hair. I looked at him and said, "Good morning."

He grunted, "Good afternoon you mean."

We both laughed and I propped myself onto my elbows.

"When does your Dad come home?"

He glanced at his clock.

"Actually he should be home by now."

My eyes widened but he just smiled at me.

"Don't worry worry he doesn't mind, in fact he is bisexual."

I couldn't hold back my surprise, "Really?!"

He noded. I thought it over, "Do you think he sw anything?"

He smirked, "No, but he probably heard us."

My ears fell back against my head, "Was I really that loud?"

He hugged me tight, "It meant that you enjoyed it."

Well I was true, I did enjoy it and I couldn't wait for the next time. He got up.

"Come on, lets shower, we need to get you cleaned out." I yellped when he picked me up. He started to walk, naked, in the hall with me, also naked, into the bathroom. He set me down in the small shower and closed the glass doors behind him. It wsa rather small and we had barely enough room to move, but I didn't mind. He reached around me and turned on the hot water.

"Turn around." He commanded. I did so and he grabbed the soap. I wasn't sure what he was about to do, but it excited me. I stood there waiting for him when I suddenly felt it. He had inserted his fingers into me from behind. I moaned loudly, hey I couldn't help it it felt nice. Soon my cock again grew hard for him. He breathed on my neck.

"You like that don't you?"

I just nodded my head and whined for more. He pushed in deeper with his claws and I gave myself. I rocked my hips back and forth as he worked my lower area. Another paw came from behind and he moved it up and down my stiff shaft. Soon he had a rhythm with me pumping into his paw from the front and one working the rear. I cried out and felt my knot expose its self. His paw went lower and he gripped it roughly. That itself produced another loud moan, and the explation of a river of pre. He increased his speed and I soon felt my leg muscle spasm as my cum spewed forth from my quivering shaft. Most of it covered his paw, and the rest splashed the cold tile. He grabbed me tight and pressed me against the wall.

"Cleaned out now?"

I turned, pulling his claws out of me.

"Yeah, but you're still full."

He smiled at me,

"What are you going to do about it?"

I kneeled,

"Nothing yet."

He raised an eyebrow and hissed as I engulfed his thick rod into my maw. I ran my tounge over the barbed tip, til it tickled. He threw his head back and purred. Hearing that made my heart melt. I pumped my head up and down all the way to the base this time. He placed a paw on my head and roughly pulled my short hair. It hurt, but the pain excited me. I moaned as I sucked harder on his thick, long flesh pole. I wanted to get creative, so I streached my tounge and licked his sack. I continued my tounge play until he shot pre down my throat. I shot my head back suprised at what had happened.

"Sorry baby. I meant to tell you. You're so good. I just couldn't do anything but moan."

I smiled up at him.

"Don't worry Chad, I like the taste, and I want more."

He looked suprised.


I nodded my head eagerly. His eyes narrowed, but they were full of love. I went back down and put more effort into my four play. He moaned loudly as his cock expanded into my maw. He started to pant heavily signaling his approching climax.

"Oh, God, baby I'm so close...nghnn..."

That was all he was able to say before his thick cum filled my muzzle to the brim. So much that a small amount trickled down my chin.

"Well Chad, you really know how to pick them, eh?"

I looked sharply for the voice and found Chad's dad standing in the bathroom leaning on the sink wearing only a pair of loose jeans. I was completely speachless. I looked up at Chad but he was leaning on the tile with a dull smile. His father just looked at me hotly.

"You could clean yourself up abit."

What could I do? I just stood up and let him see me naked. He stared at me the same way Chad had done. Then it started. The tears. They just started to fall. Chad's dad grinned evily.

"Aww. Now the little slut's crying."

A hot rush flowed through my face as horror struck me. I felt Chad try to grab me, but I bolted from his touch like a scared rabbit. I ran into his room and slammed the door. I hurridly put on my clothes and fell to the floor shaking violently. I had to give Chad credit, being a gentleman, he stood outside the door yelling through it.

"Ty, please don't be like this. He didn't mean it. Really. Ty, he didn't."

I could hear him thump his head on the door. I only guessed he was crying too. But I didn't care. I was hurt.


His resolve must have broke, because he came into the room and held me tightly. My body reacted to his touch automatically and I fell into his embrace.

"Don't think about what he said Ty."

I shook my head.

"Everything he said was true. I mean, is that what I've become Chad?"

He breaths deeply and exhales onto my neck cavity.

"I said that so you wouldn't become that kid."

I turned in Chad's arms to see his father with his arms crossed leaning on the door.

"Listen to me Ty. When I saw you like that, with his seed dripping from your chin like that, I had to step in and stop you."

I looked away trying to hide myself.

"I won't EVER become something like that! Not if I can help it."

Chad held me tighter.

"I won't let you. I'll protect you, even if my life was threatened. I'll never let any fur come between us."

I wish I could believe him. Hell, I wasn't even sure if I was truly in love with him yet.

"Chad, take me home."

He recoiled.


I shook my head.

"Just take me home. Right now, I just wanna go home."

He sighed.

"Alright...Let me get dressed."

I closed my eyes and held myself. When I opened my eyes, he stood beside me. He didn't touch me and that breathe of space felt like a never ending chasm. I stepped away from him and to the outside door. I didn't really care if he followed or not. Frankly, I didn't care anymore. I was assulted by the late afternoon sun. I squinted attempting to get used to the harsh light. Then a shadow appeared that covered my eyes. I looked over my shoulder to see Chad protecting me from the light.

"I don't need you to protect me Chad. Just to get me home."

He eyes flashed with emotions I could not read. But it really didn't matter. His emotions meant nothing to me. He seemed to recover and opened the truck door for me. I gathered my belongings from the tailgate and entered the truck and placed it on my lap. The drive home was longer than it seemed. Maybe it was the long silence or the distance between us. He dropped me off without a word and left the same way. I walked into my house, ignoring my mom and went straight up to my room.

I dropped my stuff and fell onto the bed. I wanted to cry...but strangely...I couldn't...I just felt numb. I just stared up at the ceiling. I felt tears fall, but I wasn't sad. If anything I was angry. I couldn't figure out why though? Maybe I was angered by what Chad's father said, or maybe at the fact that Nate had denied our friendship. But in the end, only I was to blame. I was the one who started all this. If I had kept everything to myself, none of this would have happened. I layed there in distress. Wondering if things could be diffrent. If my thoughts could change. Only the next day will tell....

Well this is the second chapter of my story. PLEASE comment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'd also like to thank my bestest friend Jackie for the editing.